HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-11-22, Page 8e Our stork of Glothing must be sold. We need the room, and therefore Clothing most go. Come and get the greatest bargains ever offered. 8 THE WING110 TIMES NW/EMBER 22, 1906. '+rev,s/► s vvr .4%, a 'sir +s �w w$ EXECUTTO ►' SA,T�, fi M !�K FOR Clothing Dress Goods Beautiful, Rich and Stylish Furs and alt lines of Ladies' and Gentlemen's fine and seaeonable Underwear, come direct to D. M GORDON'S. No house --no matter how much noise they make --can give you better value than you will find, here. And then you are sure of every attiole being the very newest and up to -date iu every par- ticular. D. 1s.. GORDON. BRUSSELS. Thursday morning, Nov. 16th., Finlay Stewart, second son of F. S. and Mrs. Scott, William street, Brussles, died very suddenly. He has been in failing health for the past eleven months but was not confined to bed, in fact he bad just dressed himself before the vital spark fled. ,He had complai ed of shortness of breath and was sitting on the edge of his bed preparatory to going to the door when the call Dame. Tuberonlosis of the bowels was the cause of his demise. Last Summer the deceased went West with hie brother D. M. and spent three months but the trip was of little benefit. Finlay was born in Brussels and grew to manhood's stature by great strides and appeared to be the picture of health. He was 19 years and 3 months old and was a general favorite. One of those rare and interesting events which time brings to few—their golden wedding --was happily celebrated'by Wm and Mrs. Howlet at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Bella Yemen, Belden, on the evening of the 12th when relatives and friends to the- number of 36 met to congratulate and wish them " Bon voyage" through their remaining years of life. The finger of time had touched lightly on the bride and groom of 60 years ago and excepting that Mrs. How- lett le still a little weak from ber recant serious illness their health is good and holds promise for many years to come. Mr. Howlett, who is a native of Suffolk, England. and came to this country in 1834 when but a child two years of age, so that he is in all respects a Canadian, Mrs. Howlett, whose maiden name was Honghan, was born in 1888, at Annan, Scotland, her parents moving to La- chine wheu she was a girl of eight. They were married at Pentland, near Elora, in 1836 by Bev. Mr. Bee, and commenced their married fife in Water- loo Co:, near Bridgeport. BABY'S HEALTH. Every motner who uses Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones has a solemn gnarautee that this medicine does not centain any of the poisoteemr opiates found in so-called "soot 'ifs" medicines and liquid preparation . These Tablets always do good--th - oannot possibly colic indigestion, s'on 6i � r Theyi do harm. ¢ , constipation, di rrhoea and simple fevers, break up colds, prevent croup, expel worms and make teething easy. Baby's Own Tablets have done more to bring health, happiness and content- ment to little ones than any other medi- cine known. You can get Baby's Own Tablets from any deaiear in medicine, or by mail at 25 cents by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. T1 nteniennel. Valuable Town Property The undersigned Executors of the will of Richard. Armstrong, decese d, will offer for sale by Public Auction at the Brunswick Hotel, In the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, ou Saturday, the 6th day comb- er, 1200, at 2 o'clock p. m , by ex. llel.y, Auctioneer, the following .val to property namely :—Lots one and vo o the east side of • Josephine Street and nae d ten on the west no Sealer's third the Clerk's Office, Bluevale, Nov. 19th, 1906. Members of Council all present. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read end adopted on motion of Messrs. Rutherford and Mo - Michael. The report of the Tp. Engineer on 12th con. Municipal drain was laid 'be fore the council which shows that the contractors had done their work well, up to a point on lot 19 which was not completed and on account of heavy flow of water might be laid over for some time. Moved by Mr. McMichael, se- conded by Mr. Rutherford, that the Engineer's report be adopted and filed.— Carried. A petition was laid before the council asking for the Township Engineer to be brought on to survey, make profiles and assessments of a proposed drain through lots 7, 8 and 9 in the 8th concession and lots 7 and 8 in the 9 concession, signed by five of the owers of the said Iota. Moved by Mr. McMichael,seconded by Mr. Moffatt, that the prayer of the peti- tion be granted and that the clerk be instructed to notify the Tp. Engineer to Dome here and make surveys, plans and award of the proposed drain.—Carried. Thomas P. James, Esq_ applied to council to have the outlet from his drain on lot 19, Oon, 12 cleared out to Another of the old and respected pioneers of this township has visaed away in the person of Jane Risdon, wife of Mr. Wm. Yeo, who died on Monday last in her 79th year, after a abort illness with pneumonia. Deceased, with her bereaved husband had lived foe many fyeats on a farm o uneral took place ge on Wednesday afterar Wroxeter and - noon to the Wroxeter cemetery. Minutes of Council meeting held in Just Arrived SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW IN Window Decoration - Cannot be told from stained ghee. Suitable fox Bali Doors, Bathroom or Office WindOwa. SoId by the yard ; is easily Mid on the glass ; will not rub or scrape off. Wonderful Labor-saving invention. No more washing of 'windows and window curtain. For sale only M the " Big Book " - Store. Call and see eamplee and get inatrnotiops. Miss K. M. Fisher Suometeee to mover & 0o. aide of Martha Str. e Survey in the Town of ng am. There are an the property a good frame cottage 23x 80 with kitenen attaebed 14 x30, and a new brick house 1.1j,toreys high with frame kitchen attnohed ret dy for veneer, and the land is in excellent shape for market gard- e1TDguiis of SALs--The property will be offer- ed in two or more parents to Butt buyers. Ten per cent of the purchase money of each parcel on the day of sale and the balance wtihtu 20days thereafter. There will be a reserve price. Further particulars and conditions will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on applicarion to the unders fined. R. VANSTONF, 1 Executors. JJvo. A. McLEAN Wingham, Nov. 'Ni,1900. HOLSTEIN COW TEO. A choice milking Holstein w wanted, be- tween the age of 8 and yea gust be heavy milker. A registered o preferred, and ane about to freshen, or y in spring. A good price will be paid for a guaranteed cow. Persons having a cow of this description please write the undersigned, giving age and price. W. RUTHERFORD, Hardware Merchant, Wroxeter. FARM FOR SALE. The north half of Lot 38 Con 7, Township of Morrie, is offered for safe. About 75 acres cleared, ten acres good bush balance slash and pasture land. Good veneer brick house22 x 26, with kitchen 22 x 17 ; good frame barn 40 x 60. with stabling underneath; frame straw shed 28 x 66. Plenty of good water and the fences are in very good repair. Convenient to church and school. About 25 acres fall plowing done. Will be sold on reasonable term$. Apply on the premises to THOMAS RUSSELL. Sunshine 1'. O. Executors' Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0.1 1897, Chap. 129, See. 88, that all persons having ejaime against the estate of Richard Arm- strong, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Market Gardner, deceased who died on or about the twentieth day of October, A.D. 1906, are required to send. by post prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the 12th day of December, A. D. 1906, their names, addresses and descriptionsand a full state- ment of particulars of their claims and the nature of the secnrity (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Executors will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 18th day of November A. D. 1906. R. VANSTONE, Wingham, P.O. Solicitor for the Executors, Executors' Noti to Creditors. Notice is hereby giv 1897, Chap. 129,Seo. 08, claims againsthe e Linton, late of the To the County of Huro died on or about the ber A. D., 1906, are r the connection of Bryce dram. Action - prepaid or to deliver deferred until next meeting of Council. NovemiEe A Drai° A communication from the inspector and descriptions an milers of their dal of prisons and public charities, was laid before council, re patients in the differ- ent asylums from this municipality that do not contribute the num $1.40 per week and stating that ten cents per day for each patient will be charged to the municipality from the let day of Jana. ary, 1906. Moved by Mr. Moffatt, se- conded by Mr. Kelly that inquiries be made into this matter both as to resid• ` enoe and payments and report at next meeting of connciI.—Carried. A communication from the western . municipalities power union re applica- ; tions for electric power. was read. • The followed accounts were passed and cheques issued --John Mosgrove, Board of Health, $4.00; Wm. H. Cruick- shank, Board of Health, 84.00; John Burgess, Secretary Board of Health, $6.00; Angus McKinnon, gravelling, $91.92; James Kirton, repairing culvert., $1.00; Joseph Walker, repairing culvert, $1.00; David Holmes, inspecting gravel- ling, $1.60; Jas. J. Scott, repairing cul- vert, $3 60; Jas Porter, repairing culvert gravel road, $10.00; Duff & Stewart, lumber, $13,95; Duff & Stewart, 12 con, dram, $560.00; Pel Powell, salary $50; John Teryitt, inspecting gravelling, $2 25; James Elliot, fees Board of Health, $4.00; Chris Jobb, fees Board of Health, $4.00; Wm. F. Smith, sanitary inspector, $2 00; Robt. Yeo, inspecting gravelling, $6.00; Peter McLaren, ex- penses to Goderich, $5 00; Semi Van - atone, gravel, $2 61; Wm. Riley gravel- ling $60.00; Robt. Popher, gravelling, $10.00; A. Messer, fill approach Mortis boundary, $9 00; James Porter, repair- ing road machine: 51.00; A. Currie, ac- count, gravel Township share, $6.19, • Moved by Mr. Moffatt, seconded by Mr, Kelly, that this meeting do now ad- journ to meet in the Clerk's office Blue - vale Saturday, Dec. 151h next at 15 o'clock a. m. Joule Boneless, Clerk. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS -They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and limo. :tire, Your druggist or from us, 100 in stamps. t,asiiuto, Mites Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 401 'DIED 3666 security (if anyl hel and that after the sat proceed to distribute among the parties ent tand only to the dal hen have notice. Dated this 81st day o pursuant to R. S. 0.. hat alt persons having ate of James William nship of Turnberry in farmer, deceased, who leventh day of Septem- quired to send by post o R. Vanstone, Solicitor, or before the 28th day of their names, addresses a full statement of partt- and the nature of the by them duly certified day the Executors will e assets of the deceased led thereto, having re• s of which they shall October A. D., 1906. VANSTONE, Wingham P. O. itor for the Executors Soli HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO, Capital paid up, $3,000,800 Reserve Fund and Unliyided profits $3,839,000 Total Assets, pier 42,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States cud Europe. 5 tVINGS DEPAR'#.'MENT—Interest all .wed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added toprinolpril80th Jude and 810 December .soh year, D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. R Vinton., Solicitor. FARM FOR SALE. Lots 4 and 5, Concession 17, Howick Town- ship, containing 200 acres, more or less, belong- ing to the estate of the late John Ritchie. There are about 165 acres cleared and. balance in swamp and wood hind. The farm is ander- drained and fenced throughout. There are on the premises a two story brick house with stone foundation, brick kitchen and stone woodshed, cement cistern, furnace, etc. There is also a good frame barn with stone founda- tion and stabling underneath; large driving shed, pig and hen houses. A drilled well with plenty of water forced to house and stable by a 16 ft. windmill on barn. Windmill also used at for chopping. This farm is located five miles north of Corrie and three and a half miles east of the village of Belmore. Close to school, ete. Any one desiring a first-class farm in s good locality at a reasonable price would do Well to investigate. Apply on the pre wises for full particulars. THOMAS RITCHIE, Belmore P. O. RxTenia.—In Culross, on November 18th, David Ritchie, aged 79 years and 10 months. McGILL.—In East Wawanosh, on Nov. 13th lsabelta A. Riddell, beloved wife of David Mee Gill, aged 47 years, 7 months and 11 days. 6coST.—In Brussels, on Nov. 15th, Finlay Stewart Scott, second son Of y. S. and Ates. Scott, aged 19 years and 3 months. YEo —In Turnberry, on November 10th, Jane Illation, wife of Mr. Wm. Yeo, aged 77 years, 8 months and 7 days. AIyrewi In Wingham, oh Novembet 15th, Jetties Aitken aged 24 years and 4 months. BAitn.—In Lowick, on November llth, James Barr, in his 68 year. RAMAAE.-1n West Wawanosh, on Notiam- ber 14th, James Ramage, in his 72nd year. Mnitrin-r--In Morris, on November 1618, Arthur Murphy, aged 79 years end 6 months. SWIN7JLennnsk.—In orris, oh November 17th, Agnes Swindlehurst, aged 85 years and 9 months. JI301i14. LOvoltrr n—In Wingham. on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr. D. Lougheed • a danghtor. Roaixsoi—In East Wswenesh, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr. Tliomas Robinson; a 808. Meeting of the Huron County Council, —eau uotnmil of ilio 60 ty Of Aaron ' w111 meet in the co nc' bomber in the Town of Goderich, o'clock p. the first Tuesday n December next. All accounts to come before the eonzioil must be plaoed with the Clerk before the day of the meeting. �r. LANE, Clerk. Dated Not, Wth,1800t%. ANYONE DESIRING A . . PARTIOULA.RLY DESIR- ABLE 5 per cent. Investment KINDLY CALL ON ABNER COSENS Lean and Insurance Agent. LAKESIDE STOCK FARM. Shorthorn Cattle -- Leicester and Oxford Sheep. - Our preeent offering is 4 Young Bulls and some choice Females. 30 choice Shearling and Ram Lambs. 20 good Ewes, Prices right. PURVES BROS , Lucknow, Ont. _ . HVVWrN (PERFECTION is a pretty high mark, but that is exactly what is being aimed at here. Not in one thing Only, but in everything pertaining to the bnsineee, namely: CHINAWARE, GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. Coffee Excellence, The coffee I handle is of en ex. coptionally high grade, and having spent many years studying this line alone, I have every confidence f in saying that it is the best on . the market. Ask those who drink it. The pzicea are, per 1b., Mend 40o Dates, Pigs, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Grapes (Malaga), Ciscoea, Iladdie, efd., aIPm'aye on hand. Don't miss seeing my CHINA- WARE stook. It's a good one. Dried Apples,. Batter, Eggs, Potatoes, etc., taken in trade. 1. Henry Chris% Oroeer and C61nt Merchant WINQHd , ONT. and China Merchant WINOBA ti, ONT. ._. BANK OF HAMILTON THE CANADJAN BANK WINCHAM. OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B, E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX, LAMA, Asst. Gen'l Manager Capital paid up, $2,600,000,40. Reserve fid, $2,500,044.04, Total Aesgta, tl8O,000,000,00, Preeiitent-- Elm. Wu. Onion, V,o.-ereeid.nt and. General Manager —3.TnRrtav7d.. Assistant Gen. Manager—H. M. Waraos DZR111GTORS John r oterr,,tJh 0.Dalton,Bon ..B. Qendrie e. In quieter—B. Willson. BA VIR GO BANS, Interest allowed on deposits of $2.00 and., up- wards, and added to principal on Blot May and 80th November each year, Sp.otal Dopoaits also reoelved et onrrent rates of interest. Cl. I'. SlidITS, Agent, DIO a:INaON & HOL 19J18, Sofottora. PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his property at Glenannan in Turnberry Township, con- taining five and a half Beres. On the property is a good brick house, good frame barn, stable and blacksmith shop. This would make a good home for a retired farmer. Get full par- ticulars on the premises or addreas DAVID DUNKIN, Glenannan, Ont. vsvSuSvv$"v5wsv 6,+11 ,�: �� ClIri_stinas Ciristmas Ciristmas What Will. I Get For My Friends at Christmas? Don't worry ! For W. G. PATTERSON has something swell that will suit everybody. Never before has there been in Wingham or in any town of its size such a large stock of the latest and best Jewelry and Christmas /); Goods of all kinds We want the people of Wingham and sur- - rounding country to call and be convinced that there is no need to send to the cities for goods. We feel sure you will be convinced after seeing .our stock. We will sell our high-class goods for less money than you can buy them for in the cities'. Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches, of all the best makes and newest designs — the largest stook north of Toronto to choose from RINGS— All prices and all designs ; nothing �,, makes a better Ohristmas gift. DIAMOND RINGS front ..., . $10.00 to $250.00 • - NECK CHAINS— :� Solid Gold Neck Chains from $5.00 to 50.00 :F Our line of Gold Filled Neck Chains can't be beat ; from 1.25 to 12.00 BROOCHES-- le Solid Gold Brooches—you should see them. From 3.00 to 50.00 $ A large line of Gold Filled Brooches to Z choose from. From 50e to 10.00 Z CUFF BUTTONS—Solid gold, from 3.00 to 6.00 GENTS' TIE PINS—Solid gold, from 2.00 to 15.00 '� A large line of Silverware and Novelties � ) of all kinds. i� A line of Fine Leather Goods which will 1 /1 make swell Christmas gifts. In fact we have everything that you would wish for, to make a Z nice gift, Come early and make your choice, for ' 1 ') /l our goods are selling. y 1 W. G. Patterson 1 ,. • 1 WINGHAM, ONTARIO. ,w Cid C/) C O BANK MONEY ORDERS I$SUED AT THE FOLLOWING RATES: $S and under 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents 41.$10 /'" $30 10 cents " $30 " 'd $50 15 cents These Orders are Payable at Par at any office in Canada of a Cha. terecl. Bank (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States. NEGOTIABLE AT A !IMOD RATE AT THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, LONDON, ENG. 1 They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety and at small cost. WINGHAM (ONT.) BRANCH - A. E. SMITH' MANAGER. i Here's No Cessation to Busy Days at T pis Store. THIS SALE IS EVERYTHING THAT THE NAME SIGNIFIES FOR THE PEOPLE. Gigantic Money = Saving Sale We Emphasize Bargains This Week. Piles of goods being sold at less than cost of manu- facture. Stock must be reduced another Four Thousand Dollars, and the price marks we're now putting on will melt down the stock like a snowbank in a summer sun. Never such a buying chance as NOW. Take advantage of the opportunity; it's yours. Christmas Things. Its time you started buying Christ - alas things. Fanny Handkerchiefs, Silk Neckwear, Gloves, Hosiery, Wool Scarfs, Fancy Wool Shawls, Fascinators, Cushion Tops, Table Napkins, Towels, Table Linens and scores of other acceptable gifts fes your friends, and all at' wonderful saving prices. Carpets, Rugs, Lace Curtains It will pay you to buy carpets now, even should you not require to use them until next spring. The goods could not be replaced at anything like the prices for which we are clearing them. They tire extra qual- ity, beautiful designs, and the values Can only be understood by seeing what we are offering, Splendid range of Floor Rugs and Lace Onr- taine, all at Gigantic Money Saving Sale Prices. Items of Special Interest. Dress >-Gaods, Check Coating, Silks, Velvets, Flannels, Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, Prints, Art Sateens, Art Muslins, Blankets, Ladies and Children's Jackets, Raincoats, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Underwear, Tweeds and Worsteds, Hats, Caps and Men's Furnishings of all kinds. FURS ! 1 FURS ! i Unmatched value in Furs. Don't miss them, ROOFS TO LIT. SHOP` EA.HLI. Rooms over store suitable for Dress Please shop early as possible, but comet when yon can. We will die Making or Living Apartments. our utmost to Wait On yon promptly. All kinds of Produce taken same as cash. At Bargain Prices—a lot of Syrup Barrels, and 4 Heating Stoves, The Bee 'Hive Co. x 1 TUE CA T: STOF.Z Opposite Brunswick Hotel, - Wingham, Ont.