HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-10-23, Page 5• ,, .
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• Correspondent
On, Wednesday evening,
October 15, ist •Cromarty
Cubs, Scouts and Beavers
and their parents met •in
Cromarty Presbyterian
Church for graduation exer-
cises. .
With the Beaver leaders in
charge, Michael Dow, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dow,
swam up from the Beaver
Colony to the Cub Pack. He
was escorted by Keeo Mark
Cronin and received by Okela
Bill ...Cameron. Last- year's
Keeo, David Smale, present-
ed the 'new Keeo, Mark
F Cronin, with a silver scarf to
f meetings as a representative
of the Cub Pack.
In a second ceremony,
Cubs, Roger Fell, Thomas
Laing and David Smale,
erettes are W.O.A.A. Bantam Girls' Softball Tournament
champs, beating teams from 'Shakespeare, ,Bright and
Chepstow to win the honour. The girls were also champs at a
recent tournament in Ayre. The team members are (back row,
left to right) Pat Flanagan (manager), Lori Scherbarth, Glenda
'Beuermann, Eileen Duffy, Cathy izzard, Joan Maloney and
dotieen Maloney (coach) and front row, Eileen Izzard, Bev
Beuermann, t.,(pa VVilson, Diane Van den Berk, Marilyn Ahrens
and Roberta Osborne. (Photo by Gibb)
Flag stolen from Dublin man's home
Correspondent -
Dublin & District Athletic
Association bingo winners
Oct. 17 were Mrs. Erni
Fleming, #2 R. Richt, OE
Eckert, K. Sorsdale, 03 R.
Govenlock, f14 Mrs. Gowing,
Special -A. Chessel 524.50,
'#5 Mrs. Gowing. #6 N.
Eckert, #7 R. McGrath, #8 G.
Alloway, Special K. Sors-
dale, S. Watson 527.00, N9
` K. Sorsdale. #111S. Watson,
#11 R. Porter. #12 Mrs. E.
Neeb, Mrs. S. Watson,
Special -D. Taylor S24.50_, #13
A. Beuerman, #14 D. Taylor,
#15 Mrs. Lockney, Door prize
Beuermann, Jackpot F.
Dill 575.00
Visitors with Mrs. Marg-
aret Carpenter are Mr. and
Mrs. Mel Sell from Detroit.
Mrs. Sell is Mr. Joe Kraus-
kopf s' sister. -
Sister Mary Eckert of
Windsor and Sister Margaret
of Essex spent thanksgiving
with their brother Michael
gr..itcyt, Mill St, Dublin and
also visited with brothers and
sister in the area.
Would the person or per-
sons who _removed the flag Mr. and Mrs. Eric Camp -
from Don MacRae's resi-, bell of Exeter visited Mr. and
dence, please return Mrs. Frank Williams
100 at Brodhagen ball banquet
• The Brodhagen Squirt
Girls Ball Team, and the
Bantam -Girls Ball Team we
honoured guests, along with
the parents at a banquet
where about 100gathered at
the Brodhagen Community
Centre on Friday evening.
The banquet was organized
by Keith Siemon and his
committee. The team is
pictured with the W.O.A.A.
Squirt Home Brew Trophy
won over Teeswater.
Donna Van Bakel was the
winner of the Louise Murray
Trophy; for the player most
exemplifying sportsmanship.
The Bantam Girls Team
won the W.O.A.A. trophy
and the consolation trophy of
the Ayr Bantam tourna-
merit. Conwatulations, girls
and coaches, for bringing
home the, trophies.
THE fornoN gposmon, ocipsER 23198O.-6
graduated trout the Cub Pack
to the Boy Scouts Troop
where they were received by
Scout Leader, Joost Drost.
Cub Robert Dearing was
presented with a blue star in
precrojoegcntis.tion of, his completed
The Beaver leaders, Joan
Daynard and Carol Ann
Scott, led in a sing -song of
Beaver action songs and thd„
evening concluded with
coffee, juice and•cookies.
' The lst. Cromarty. Boys
Scouts ,organizatOn would
like, to say a sineere thank
you to all who bought apples,
making their" apple day on
Saturday a big success.
Mrs. Bert DaYnard,
Mrs. Ross McPhail atd Mrs,
John Miller represented the
Staffa Women's Institute at
,the Perth Cou4tY Rally in
lOrkton on TnurOny.
-A large number from tbiS '
community attended thO'
wedding , and reception of
Mr. and Mrs. flank Bertens
ox Frida yeping.
Mr, and rs, Jim Greer
and Michael Gamb1,e, Orms-
town, Qttebec, were weekend
ests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Templeman and family.
Mr. and- Mrs. Bob Norris
and family and Mrs. Orpha
Norris were Sunday dinner
iguests of Mr. and Mrs.Jim
Miss Violet Miller, Winni-
peg, Manitoba has been
',visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Miller and farnily.
patient in --Seaforth
newsCoirv71,:u. itayr,1:23:tke is a
• patient in University
tlospital, London. ,
Four children ba tized
Four -children were bap-
tized at the Sunday morning
worship -service in St. Peter -s
Lutheran Church, Brod-
hagen. Pastor Arthur Horst
officiated. The children were
Toy Maclean Chessel,Non of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chess&
Stratford. His sponsors were
Sharon Smith of London, and
14. and Mrs. Steve Kreuter,
Stratford along with the
Joanne Marie Hinz,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Hinz' of RR2, West
Monkton was also baptized
and her sponsors were Mr..
and Mrs. Bruce' Elg, RR2,
laverton, and the parents.
Christine Angela Rock,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Rock, RR4, Walton, was
baptized and her sponsors
were Lynda Miller, Kitchen-
er, and, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Bennewies of Poplar Hill,
along with the parents.
Erin Lucille 'Siemon,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Siemon,
RR4 Walton was baptized.
Her sponsors were Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Siemon, of RR4,
Walton and the parents.
Guests at the Siemon home
on Sunday were the
sponsors, Mrs. Lucy Siemon,
and Mrs. Isobe); Airdrie of
Guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Hinz on Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Elg, Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Moffatt and
family, Blyth, Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Sykes and family
RR3, Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs.
George Schutt and Jehnifer,
RR3, Mitchell, Mrs. -'Reta
Ffinz; Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs.
George Chowen, Grand Bend
Guests with Mr, and Mrs.
Earl Rock on Sunday were
Linda Miller, Mr., and Mrs.
Ray Bennewies, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Drager and
lorry. RRS, Scaforth. Mrs.
Elaine Bossence and David,
Stratford; and Mrs. -Adeline
Bennewies, Ritz Lutheran
Villa, Mitchell.
Numerous local people
attended the 50th wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Bode on Sunday,
October 19-, 'held at St. Paul's
ditheran Church, Wallace
, St. N. Listowel. Congratu-
lations to Mr. and Mrs.
Bode, who were former
residents of RR4, MitchelL
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ahrens
and latfoys of West Hill, spent
the weekend with their fam-
Mrs. Toleda Beuermann,
Cambridge„ and Linda
Miler, Kitchener, spent the
weekend with Gordon Miller,
Carl Rose spent the week-
end with his family.
- Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Bode, Howard and Eric. Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Bode, l4rs.
Nita Leonhardt, Mrs. Alice
Beuermann, Mitchell,
formerly of Brodhagen. Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Ahrens of West
Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Anderson. Fullarton, all
attended the 50th wedding
anniversary of Mr. an Ws.
Henry Bode, Listo el) on
Sympathy of the commun-
ity is extended to the family
of Manny. Bennewies of
Huron Park. The funeral was
held at the Heath -Leslie
Funeral Home, Mitchell on
Tuesday, with burial in St.
Peter's Lutheran Cemetery.
Congratulations from
the community are extended
to Mr. and .Mrs. August
Scherbarth on their 48th
wedding' • anniversary„
October 20th and -Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Elligson on ,
their 41st wedding anniver-
sary, also on October 20th.
The ladies are sisters and
celebrated on Sunday at the
Seherbarth home. Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Leonhardt ,
observed their 30th
wedding anniversary on
October 20th. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Leonhardt and Lisa
spent Saturday -with Mrs.
Herman Leonhardt and Earl.
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