HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-10-16, Page 19micussiNG THE'iskiE$.: OF WATERSHED MANAGEMENT—John Smell(on left),: watershed planner with the Ausabie-Bayfieid Conservation Auti'Ority, taiiia to John" Penner of Harpurhey, operator of the Seaforth sewage lagoons; Pauf Steckle, of Stanley Tow4thip and Cecil Desjardines of.Stephen Township during the watershed )nanagement board's four of thearea on Thursday morning. (Photo by Gibb) Lioness club h kis sponsors youth Youth Activity Night is a brand new program sponsored by the Vanastra and District Lioness to be run every 3rd Friday of every month' except November when it will be the Second Friday because of the Christmas Bazaar on November 22nd, The program is for kids from 8 years and up and will take place from 7:00 to 10:00 at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. There will be dancing to records, games, cards, monoply and refresh- ments will be available for purchase. This will replace the Teen Dances, The first Youth Activity Night is next Friday. . Wendy Hill and, daughter Brenda will be arriving at the Ken Carpender household for the Thanksgiving Weekend from Toronto. Clair and Joe Haskett have liTF,Riffifilit, just returned from a trip to , the East coast,for 2 weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Hummel and on Peter travelled to Buffalo and Pennsylvania over the holiday weekend. Congratulations to Bill and Jilia Embling on the lotirth of their new son Timothy William born on :Thursday, Octobtir 9111 at St: Ines, London. He weighed in at 6 Ib. 81/2 oz. A brother forKim. Dixie and Shannon. • Mt. and Mrs. Joe Pickett and family from Hanover were guests of the Wayne Ferguson Family for the weekend. Welcome home to Colin Riley after his stay in Stratford General Hospital for the week. Sincere sympathies are ex. tended to Mr. Rosst Principal of Vanatra Public School on the recent loss of his mother. Keith Ryan. Scott Dixon. and Jamie Low became new Beavers on Thursday at the Clinton High School in the Investment Ceremony w hen Jim Ryan was invested as a new Beaver Leader. The Vanastra Walk -A -Thin MASONRY PETE JANSEN 25 Years Experienee Residential & Commercial Specializing in Fireplaces CALL 527-0208 FOR FREE ESTIMATES has been started again with daily outings at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. This three mile walk has been done in a record breaking 31 viinutes. The press:ire is otilor pounds off so lets get going on winning the lo sing battle. Ken and Carol McIlveen and farnily went to Manatoulin Island to visit her • Correspon don't MRS + MN FERGUSON 482-3772 : , CUBS.. The following cubs re- ceived their Athletes Badge -Darryl Dixon. Tony , Goulding, 'Paul Handy, Colin Thomas,. John McLachlan, and Kenny Mcilveen. The CHUMS were taught the Law and Promise, as well as some ofthe life history of Baden Powell. There was a dis- cussion. on Apple Day, October 25th and the boys art requested to bring baskets for the occasion and on Thursday, Oct. 23rd they will meet at Kaala's'house to polish apples. The boys will cover Brucefield, Kippen, Egmondville, Seaforth and Vanastra. There are tentative plans for an outing,weather permitting, on Sunday, Oct. 19th. Registration money must bejn by Friday, Oct. 17th. GUIDES Commissioner Joyce Irwin from Clinton visited the Guides t� discuss the re- sponsibility of, Guides. The kids went into patrol. council and discussed their .Hal- loween Party. There will be a District Bake sale on October 25th at the Clinton Town Hall and all Guides, Brownies and Pathfinders are asked to donate two items of ,baking. Proceeds from the sale go towards Camping Equipment. Registration money must be in by friday, Oct. 17th. he c anastra ()ice• family for Thank skiving weekend. Sincere sympathies are extended to Sally Rathwell on the recent passing of her father in Springfield Missouri on October 4th: Steve and Sally also jitst celebrated their 6 th wedding , anniversary on October Sth. Mr. and Ms. John Everett and family visited the Steve Rathwell family for the weekend from Toronto. Ronda Bjerg's mother. Mrs. Helen Rathwell from Clinton joined the Bjerg household for the Holiday Dinner. Get well wishes to Seda Unsall a patient at Clinton Hospital. Get well wishes are extentled to Murray and Ken Hohrner as they both are patients at the Clinton Hopital. Get well wishes are extended to Grace Ternan who is presently a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. erN eeric more and wore peopit dimmer e hal neghts ;ohs are am plish d b hos rose Macon Expositor Want Ads Dial 52- o240 VAN*STRA PUBLIC SCHOOL &Way October 10th was liaraburger Day at the school and It couldn't have been 'a bett‘t,day for it. This was the School's way of celebrating Thanksgiving. All proceeds went to 'the Student Activity Fund. An Open House will be held at the school on 'Thurs., October 23rd. Parent -teacher interviews will not be held,at this time but private inter- views will be scheduled -on ISOvember 26th. LETS GET OFF OUR.* * * *Did You know that for every chid in Scouting and Guiding today,. there's another child who would like to be but can't and that he can't because there are _no adults in the neighbourhood who are'prepared to give some of their time? ° *Did you' know that Scouting ihas a conservation program all its own • called Trees for Canada?,We 've-planted over 15 *lion seedlings during the past six years! *Did you know that the Guiding has a program to save pennies to help build wells for villages in Africa that have no water supply? *Did you know that today aloyost one out of every ten Canadian children of Scouting and Guiding age are in these organizations. We would like to make it one in every five! We would like to inciude your kids. *We would like to include you. *There is just one reason Scouting and Guiding has grown to become the largest - youth movement in the free world. That reason - people! People just like you. I Water Well 1. DRILLING W.D. Hopper and Sons • 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Nen 527-1737 • Dud 527-0828 Jim 527-0775 ARNOLD J. STINNISSEN - I IFF and Mortgage insurance Plans . Income fax Dedut table Registered Retirement Sax ings Plans arid Annuities Interne Averaging Annuities %sic for our nee Flexible l'rerniunKti.ft S PRIN4f Tel.527-04h)--" nSun Life Assurance GODERICH ST. EAST Company of.Canada SEAFORTII for 21 years., Get your winter supply' now: Red Delicious. •Golden Delicious and Ida Red A. GRANT FOX ORCHARDS SHAKESPEARE ' • 625-8751 . Open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m daily. 527-0550 4...-.11r4r111.10,110,1141/1611/1441.111,11,111,111.1119111,1444 1414,114.1.41r11,11•4,111,1, Fix•UP [v11:1111111 al6Z Moore__St. with Including a complete line of tefinishing products "Always first", with the best • in materials for your home deorating Wallpaper sample books and Moor -o -Matic paint color cards loaned. Graves Wallpaper, &Paint Shirley Snell _ .. arairemwwramownio airavowranerarpwararwain11,101.VINIFIIFIWWWWWWWWWIIIIFIFVW- • Main St. Seaforth More, than a million and a half of them. More than eighty thousand in ACanada. Men and women w -ho have discovered that Scouting and Guiding IS not only fun and worthwhile for kids - but fun, yes, fun and worthwhile for adults. *If Scouting and Guiding is to serve your children, and most kids would like to join . we need more adults. Dont worry about not knowing how to handle it; we don't send you in cold to meet a gang of energetic kids, , Ttaining sessions, handbooks • aid special neriodicals heln vou THE KIR N'EXPOSITOR* tb Be Preparell No experience neeessary provide the know-how r and ' *The most' important jobs in ,Sedu ting are those of Beaver LSeoacltegss ic Guiding candt ' troopirus Guiders. They work direetly with young 1 c ,ple. - counsel- ling, advising, e teaching, sharing, setting an example. .There are jobs for men and women who are young at heart. *As a resource person you can also enrich boys' and girls' lives by passing. along your snecial voc annual skills 8o or hobbies to Beavers, Cubs, couts,'Browies, Guides and PlIthfinders. The Resource person is the guide to learn. in the fundamentals of a special skill. . . and can be. / an important influence on the characters of the children. Countless examples prove that children have found their life,long work from a beginning in the badge pro- grams. *Perhaps you'd rather not work directly with children. Okay, you can help Scouting and Guiding serving in other ways. For example, as a section,or aroue committee nigUPPer, yeti. WOtlid work mainly with othei cOntrnittee mentbers to • proYitie the section or group with equip, ment and materials for special activities and handle some of the paper work. .*We ARE a unige • COM,. munity - with all our facilities we are better off than most planned comnittnities. Are we going to let theso yolith organizations crunble due to the apathy, of our ADULT attitudes? NOW is the time to be involved . vsrup the youth of this community, WHEN was • the last time YOU were ever involved? IT'S REALLY 1981! Great new Chrysler & Plymouth cars and Dodge Trucks have arrived _ Featuring - the newest, most advanced Front -Wheel drive cars anywhere 198.1 PLYMOUTH RELIANT -K Front wheel \ ' drive 1981 REL1ANT-K WAGON ALSO IN 2 DOOR FUEL ECONOMY WITH REGULAR GAS Combined fuol consumption rating 38 mpg, or 2.3 L/100 km. That's the Highest fuel rating for a front.whoel drive, 6 passenger car using lower priced regular gas. ROOM FOR 6 K -Cor sedans glvo you 6-ptusongor comfort...G.tks Citation only hos room for 5. K -Cor 2 and 4 door sedans also give you 15 cubic foot of trunft space. IC -Cor staiton wagons...North America's onty 6-passongor front. wheel drive wagons...glvo you TS cubic foot more cargo spaco than Citation. ' • 1981 PLYMOUTH TC -3 This sporty. fuel efficient. front.whool drive 2 plus 2 fastback could bo your kind of car. Test drive S -door front.whool drive Plymouth Horizon too. RELIANT K-HOR1ZON-TC 3 CHRYSLER IS CANADA'S FRONT WHEEL DRIVE COMPANY! 1981 PLYMOUTH HbRIZON North American built with provprt front pettcuol drive. this .3 -door hoz room for four grown ups to travel In comfort. 1941 , CHRYSLO NEWPORT 1981 PLYMOUTH CARAVELLE 1981 PLYMOUTH, GRAN/URI' 1981 CHRYSLER LEBARON 1981 CHRYSLER NEW.YORXtR 4 1981 CHRYSLER CORDOBA - 1981 RAM -TOUGH. DODGE TRUCKS AND VANS. •TEST-DRIVE 1981 TODAY. -AT CLINTON CHRYSLEli-PLYMOUTH (•\ Alk Dean Reid Plymouth CHRYSLER Bodge -truths 1SALES/SERME • OPTN• S41.15 DEFAITTMINT: Monday thn> Seadnosay 0.0, S710 pm. Thuriday 0.m.47.00p m t 1a:04pm. Frtday $ 0 - 5.23 p Saturday Oa en..4 pi STINTCE AND PAXES ISTPAITMATtftt Monday Om, reirrerv 5 riv es5 pre" Opals Thursday ntaht 6 p.m. to 70 p.m. CLINTON CIIRYSLIR,;PLYMOUTH 269 Victoria Si., Clinton 4824522 • 4s 4• 11-ditsdiAlL thAS -4•4. 41! .MMO 4 4 .4 -o tom. 4*.s. So 4 -4 4 '4 4^ 11, 4 4- 4 4 .4 4 -4 4' ".