HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-11-22, Page 66 TUE WINGRRAM TIMES NOVEMJ3El, 22,1 Laos.
K of
Mies Chriati,aa Schmidt, sister of Car-erne's from the sanctum Mill A DISCOVERY
rink townshipIt,a.F, ve, died on Mondaymorning, Nov. 12th. at the residents: Of
Walter Jasper, at Mildmay, after a lope
and painful illness Over a year ago she '°
beoeme ill with a cancer of the stomach, Because a Cure was Found For
which caused be death. She wrs 40 Inflammatory RheumatUSm.
years old, and was welland feYOrably There are many types of rheumatism,
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
john Orilla of E1Ez•ibethtown w:ls The prnr e srnwere of (''alifornie ~vitt
attack by a traiu nett fatally injured. receive e2,5'0,000 more for their crop of
A ass minted MeGregor is reportd 1000 thea was obtained by them for
murdered t: ear Davidson, Sask . and their crop of 1905 The total estimnt-
friends fear it is John W. McGregor, , ed amount due to the prone growers for
formerly of Goderich district. this year's crop is ;�4 050,000, repreeent-
i ing 160 000.000 pounds of fruit.
An old and Weil -Tried -Remedy -Mrs I CASTOR
TO 1 A
Winslow's Soctleing Syrup has been used
for over sixty years by mil:it ne of moth- For Infants and Children.
Era for their children while teething, The Kind You Have Always Boughs
with perfect saccm. It soothes the
child, softens the ,2nui6, alleys all pain,
cures wind celic, and is the best remedy
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty five c(nts a bottle. Its
valve is inealculatee Be sure yon ask
for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and.
take no tither kintl
Fort/vex Sixty Yea, s.
George Sutherland, 67 years of age, a
wealthy farmer near Ripley, was on
Thursday crushed against a wall by is
horse and almost instantly killed.
eisene Mt X anis
Bears the Re Kinit Yce Hate Always Benbtt
The total taxes of Winnipeg for this
year amount to $1,9e9,4zt.4S, Of this
taxes total$1,247,-
amount the general $ , ,
619 88. The business taxes for the year
amount to $194 293 70.
As a spring medieiuce Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tcnes up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Bears the
Signature of
It is told the son of a horse dealer, had
a sharp lad, when once unexpectedly
called upon ey his father to menet a
horse and exhibit its paces the little fel
low whispered the question, in order to
regulate how he should ride: -"Are you
buying or selling."
For three months ending October elst,
Mr. John Torranee, license inspector for
South Huron. secured nine convictions
for infringement of the liquor act.
Every case ent:red by Inspe: for Tor-
rance has resulted in a conviction.
Piles quickly and positively cured
with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. It's
made for P les alone -and it does the
work surely and wi h satisfaction. Itch-
ing, painful, pretrudirg or blind piles
disappear like magic by its use. Large
Eckel Capped jars. 50 cents, Sold and
recommended by Walley'a drug store.
The wedding of Miss Katharine Nle-
bergall, eldest daughter of George It7ie-
bergall, formerly of Goderich, to Charles
L. McLurg, of Sault Ste. Marie, took
place on Monday, November 5th, at the
home of the bride's sister, Mrs. George
McArthur, Windsor_
Many people say they are "all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
Dr: Harry Health Rodman, a promin-
ent physician of Buffalo, committed ani-
cide in his home on Monday by firing
two bullets into his temple.' Dr. Rod.
man was a suffer from chronic head-
aches, and et was while affected with
one more miens than usual that he took
his life.
known in this via•iuity. but none worse than ]wflantmatory.
It wee this kind that almost killed
Mrs Edw. Warman, of Kent Jot, N,B
Every known remedg she tried, differ-
ent doctors gave their advise, but the.
disease inoreased.
Weak and diapairing, the was at her
wits' end when the remarkable care of
Theta Cullen was pnbliehed, This gentle-
man was oared of rheumatism by "Farr -
ozone." Constantly Mrs Warntan
need the same remedy. Here as her
eta t.meat :
"For years I have been rheumatic. I
tried various forms of relief without
success. The disease increased, settled
in my joints and musoles; these swelled,
caused excruciating pain and kept neo
from sleeping. My limbs and arms stif-
fened, my shoulders were lame and pre-
vented me from working. Week by
week I was losing strength and despair.
ing of finding a cure, It was a happy day
I heard of Ferrozone. Every day I took
Ferrozone) felt better; it eased the pain-
ful joint, gave me energy and a feeling
of new life. Fermium cured my rheu-
matism, cured it so that not au aohe has
ever returned. Even damp weather no
longer affects me."
Ferrozone has power to destroy Urio
Acid, nentrali't) and enrich the blood,
and therefore does cure the worst cases.
Mrs. Warman's statement troves this.
By removing the cause of the disease
and building up a reserve of energy
Ferrozone is certain to cure. Sufferer,
isn't it about time to stop experiment-
ing? Ferrozone is a cure. We guar-
antee this. Sold by all dealers, 60o. per
box or eta boxes for $2 60. Remember
the name-"Ferrozone."
Preventics, a. the name implies, pre-
vent all Colds and Grippe wben "triton
at the snerze stage " Pieveutics are
toothsome can y tablets. Preventics
dissipate all colds quickly, and taken
:early. When you first fie 1 that a cold
i+ coming, they cheek and prevei.t them.
Preventics are thoroughly safe for ohilti-
ren, and are se effectual for adults. So d
and recemmPuded in 5 cent and 25 cent
boxes by Welley's drug store.
A very serious accident occurred on
Tuesday of last week, at Samuel Pent -
land's, second concession of Ashfield,
where Hugh Stewart was threshing. Fred
McGlynn was oiliug the geariug of the
machine, when his hand was caught and
drawn into the m :chine. He attempt-
ed to get it out with the other band but
in doing so got it also caught, and both
hands were injured. At first it was
thought he would lose his right hand
and as it is he has lost three fingers of
each hand.
Dr. Chase's Oint
mentis a certain
an d guaranteed
cure for each and
every form of
itching. bleeding
and protruding
plies. See testimonials in the press and asrc
your neighbors about it. Yon can use it and
ret your money back if not satisfied. 60e, at au
Beales cr EnasAvsox, BATES & Co., Toronto.
The Toronto Star has started a marked
one dollar bill rambling about and is
publishing a record of its travels. We
have a lot of those bits of paper flitting
about or reposing in other people's poc-
kets but have no means of tracing them.
They may come home all tattered and
torn some day.
Cgs3sit Cie Pa. = A..
Bears the ; The Kind Yca Hate Always Bought
We learn that Amos Willie has sold
his farm on the 9th con. of Howick to
Fred Taylor for the sum of 84000. We
In Time of peace. I understand that Fred intends to build a
In the first month of the Rnssiia-Japan ? new house on the farm in the spring.
war we had a striking example of the We also learn that Mr. Amos. Willis has
necessary for preparation and the early
advantage of those who, so to speak,
"have shingled .their roofs in dry
weather." The virtue of preparation
purchased Mr. Taylor's new house on
Martin street, at Gorrie for the sum of
bas made history and given us our great -t $1700'
est men. The individual as well as the
nation sbonld be prepared for any amen' State of Ohio, City of Toledo i
geney. Are yon prepared to eneee_s-
fully combat the first cold ycu take? A' Lncan County, f ss.
cold can be cured mach more quickly
iFrank J. Cheney makes oath that he
treated as soon as it has been contracted s senior partner of the firm of F. J.
and before it has become settled in the a Cheney & Co., doing business in the
system. Chamberlain's Cough remedy City of Toledo, County and State afore -
is famous for its Cures of colds and it said and that said firm will pay the sum
should be kept at hand ready for instant of. One Hundred Dollars for each and
case of Catarrh that cannot b
use. For sale by all druggists. cureeved by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cu ere
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
A movement is on foot for the purpose my presence , this 6th day of December,
of organizing a joint etc,* company in A. D., 1866.
Bilious Attack Quickly Cured..
A few weeks ago I had a bilious attack
that was so severe 1 was not able to go
to the cftioe for two days. Failing to
get relief from my family physician's
treatment, I took three of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets and the next
day I felt like a new man. -H. 0, Bailey,
Editor of the News, Chapin, S. 0, These
tablets are for sale by all druggists.
The other morning, about three
o'clock, one of our townsmen was
awakened by hearing a noise, which ap-
parently came from some one in distress
or mirroring. He got out of bed, dressed
himself, and taking his galling gun,
started out to investigate the cause.
After searching every quarter, in the
neighborhood and finding nothing, was
on the point of returning home when he
heard the sound again, and then discov-
ered that it came from a young rooster
who was taking its first lesson in crow-
ing. -Ex.
Try This For Your Cough.
To relieve a cough or break up a cold
in twenty-four hours, the following
simple formula, the ingredients of which
can be obtained of any good prescription
druggist at small cost, is all that will be
required: Virgin Oil o1 Pine (Pore),
one-half ounce; Glycerine, two ounces;
good 'Whiskey, a half pint. Shake well
and take in teaspoonful doses every four
hours. The desired results can not be
obtained unless the ingredients are pure.
It is therefore better to purchase the in-
gredients separately and prepare the
mixture yourself. Virgin Oil of Pine
(Pare) should be purchased in the origin-
' al halt -ounce vials, which druggists buy
for dispensing. Each vial is securely
sealed in a round wooden case which
protects the Oil from exposure to light.
Around the wooden case is an engraved
wrapper with the name -"Virgin Oil of
Pine (Pure)" -plainly written tnereon.
There are many imitations and cheap
productions of Pine, but these only
create nausea, and never effect the de-
sired results.
Seaforth to operate one of the salt wells A. W. GLEASON,
(Sthere. The persons at present inters sted Heal) NotaryenintePublrnal-
Cure is taken wternal•
are James Dick, Colin Kennedy, John ly, and acts directly on the blood and
Beane, John Cardno, Alex. Winter and mucous surfaces of the system. Send
H. Bon, together with a couple of gentle- for testimonials free.
men from London. The lana have not F. J. ugg ts,E & Co., Toledo, O.
p Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
yet sufficiently matured to give definite Take Hall's family Pills for Consti-
details, but the present intentions point pation.
toward the operation of the well on the
old Gray, Young and Sperling property, An event in which many people of
on the south side of the railway track. Lucknow vicinity had pleasant interest
It is said this well is still intact. was the wedding of A. Robert Morton of
Spokane, Washington, and Miss Evelyn
E. Reid. of Lucknow, which took place
at St. Panl's,,Presbyterian church, Nel-
son, B. C., ou Wednesday, October 24th,
Rev. J. T. Ferguson, pastor of the con-
Tour Doctor
3regatton officiating.
Cali etlre your Cough or Cold,
no question about that, but-- The new Pare rood and Deng L tw
why go to all the trouble and will mark it on the label of every Cough
inconvenience of Iooking him up, enre containing Opium, Chloroform, or
andthenofhavinghisprescription any other stupifying or poisonous drug.
I d whenyou can ate into
filled, p any But it passes Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure are
drug store in Canada and obtain made for 20 years, entirely free. Dr.
a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE Shoop all along has bitterly opposed the
for a quarter. use of all opiates or narcotics. Dr.
Why pay two to five dollars Shoop's Cough Cure is absolutely safe
when a twent five cent even for the youngeatbabe--anditcures,
'bottle of SHILOT will cure you it does not simply suppress, Get a safe
as quickly ? and reliable Cough Cure, by- simply in -
Why not do as hundreds of aiding oes having Dr. Shoops's, Let the
thousands of Canadians have Law be your pretection, We cheerfully
done for the past thirty-four recommend and sell it. Walley's drug
torrwhe everriaOC ugh or doe -
d store.
appears. Talk of an electric road from Seafortk
SHILOH will cure you, and all to Rruesele. and connecting with the
druggists back up this statement Guelph to Goderich branch of the C. P.
with a positive guarantee, Rat Walton, has
The next time you have a again been revived,
Cough or Cold eure it with and rumor now has it that the 0. P. R.
are b k h r
aC of t e o cot. The line onld
p 7 w
be about twenty tulles in length, and
J. on
would connect several small villages and
a wealthy farming district With the rail.
ways M Seaforth, Brut.* and Walton,'
Chocolate Frosting for Cake. -Into the
white of ono egg beat a cup of powdered
angar, and then very thick and smooth
add fcur tablespoonfuls of grated choco-
late disssolved in a little cream. Beat
bard, adding more powdered sugar to
make as stiff as desired. Spread on the
When the tip of a dog's nose is cold
and moist, that dog is not sick. A
feverish dry nose Means sickness with a
dog. And so with the human lips. Dry
cracked and colorless lips mean feverish-
ness, and are as well ill appearing. To
have beautiful, pink, velvet-like lips, ap-
ply at be, time a ;dating of Dr. Shoop's
Green Salve. It will soften and heal
any skin ailment. Get a free, trial box
at our atore, and be convince,:. Large
nickel capped glass jars, 25 cents.
A soft linea cloth, whichis employed
for no other purpose, is better to use
when bathing the eyes than a sponge,
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headaohe, I3illionaness, and Dyspepsia
withoutgriping, purging or siokening,
,Formula for a lavender lotion is four
canoes of alcohol, one-half ounce of am-
monia, one dram of oil of lavender, Use
to soften the bathing water, It is ds-
ligbtfully refreshing.
Two Years Abed -"For eight years
I suffered as no oue ever did with rheu-
matism; for two years I lay in bed;
could not so muoh as feed myself. A
friend recommended South American
Rheumatic Cure. After three doses I
could :At up, To -day I am as strong as
ever I was," -Mrs John (look, 287 Clin-
ton street, ,Toru_to.-2, Sold by A. L,
Celery and Obsess Sandwiohes.-Out
some thin slides of brown bread and
butter, and spread them with cream
cheese. Sprinkle a little chopped celery
on the top, and season with salt and a
dash of cayenne
A reliable medicine and one that
should always be kept in the home for
immediate use is Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy.. It will prevent the attack if
given as soon as the child become hoarse,
or even after the croupy cough appears.
For sale by all druggists.
Former President Paton, of Princeton
University,recently delivered asermon at
Fifth Avenue Collegiate church, his sub-
• d"Faith."
oke o the
jest bean„He spoke
blind faith of the client who puts him-
self at the mercy of a lawyer in prepar-
ing an action for trial, and of the con-
fidence of the sink in trusting themselves
to the physician. 'A case of blind faith,'
said the clergyman; "A doctor writes
out a prescription. Oftener than not,
you cannot read it; you don't know
what it is. He tells you to take it,
'Yours is not to reason why, yours but
to do and die.' " Whether or not Dr,
Paton meant 't, there was a distinct
ripple throughout the congregation. white clothes.
Wet tea leaves, hot or cold, are re-
commended as a cheap and convenient
remedy for burns. They should be cov-
ered with a strip of cotton or linen and
kept on for one or two hours,
Catarrh for twenty years and cur-
ed in a. few days. -lion. George Janes
of Soranton, Pa, says: "I have been a
martyr to Qatari h for twenty years, con-
stant hawking, dropping in the throat
and pain in the head, very offensive
breath. I tried Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal
Powder. The first application gave in-
stant relief, After using a few bottles I
was cared. 50 cents. -1. Sold by A. L
When Needling black stockings take
care that fresh water be used, both for
washing and rinsing, and thus avoid
having the stockings covered with lint,
which is sometimes the case when they
are washed in the same water used for
Children are often attacked suddenly
by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantnm, eta. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sure cure which should always be
kept in the house.
The tension of a child's garters is a
subject that every mother should pay at-
tention to. Tight gartere pulling on the
little fellow's underbody wilt enrely
bring discomfort. See that there is just
sufficient pull to hold the stockings up
-more than this will cause the should-
ers to come forward.
How many women
there are that get no re-
freshment from sleep.
They wake in the morn-
ing and feel tireder than
when they went to bee,
They have' a dizzy sensation in the head,
the heart palpitates; they are irritable
and nervous 'weak and 1 worn out, and
the lightest Household duties during the
day seem to be a drag and a burden. j Wash your hands with wattle water,
dry with a towel and apply Chamber.
Two money by-laws were voted on
and carried in Goderich on Saturday,
Nov. 10th. A loan • of $50,000 to the
Lloyd Manufacturing Company, of -
Minneapolis to establish the Goderioh
Wheel Rig Company with a building
and plant of $150,000 and to employ one
hundred hands, was carried by 617 to 23,
and a by-law to furnish power to the
Jackson Clothing Co who w:ll start a
branch of their Clinton establishment
here with 25 hands; was oatried by 520
to 22. ° Both these bylaws are the result
of the efforts of the board of trade, who
have been united in their efforts to se-
cure new industries and otherwise pro-
mote the town's interests. The Wheel
Rig Company will start at once to con-
struct a two story factory, 80 x 600.
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
• Bilious Colic
A lady while engaged iu the pursuit of
her domestic duties encountered a mouse
in the flour barrel. Now, most ladies in
that case would have shrieked, and then
Fought safety elsewhere; but this one
possessed more than the ordinary degree
of courage. She summoned the man-
servant, and told him to get the gun,
call the dog, and be ready to shoot.
Then she went half -way upstairs and
commenced to punch the flour barrel
with a pole. Presently the mouse start-
ed across the floor. The dog at once
went in pursuit, The man fired and the
dog dropped dead; the lady fainted and
fell downstairs, and the man, thinking
that she was killed and fearing that he
would be arrested for murder, disap.
peered.. The moose escaped.
Chapped Hand..
Quick relief Is afforded by
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
. w.
esesse•tureses•es•seeseesee ••••••••••••••••01:110••••••00 •
1CLU ING,,•Bt'
• •
• . •.
S it
• FOR 1906 07.
• s,
iThe TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below t
• for any or all of the following publications :
and Diarrhoea Remedy. '
It never fails and is pleasant and safe
to take.
Tho attack may be warded off by taking
a double dose of this remedy as soon as
the first indication of the disease appears.
t: or sale by druggists everywhere.
Mint Sandwiches -Pink and wash
some fresh mint leaves, and mince them
finely. Rub the mint into a little fresh
butter, and spread on this slices of milk
bread. Have ready a hard-boiled egg,
remove the yoke, and cab it smoothly
in a mortar. Pat a layer of egg on the
mint butter, and cover with another
thin slice of bread.
A modern weapon in the battle for
health. -If disease has taken your cita-
del of health, the stomaob, and is tortur-
ing you with indigestion, dyspepsia and
nervoqg prostration, South Ameri-
can N'grviline is the weapon to drive the
enemy from his stronghold "at the point
of the bayonet" trench by trench, but
swift and sure, it always wins. -4. Sold
by A. L. Hamilton.
ILBURN'S HEART tam's Salve just before going to bed, and
a speedy enre I9 Certain. This salve is
Ifs unequaled for skin diseases. For
AND NERVE PILLS sale by all druggists.
are the very remedy that break, nervous,
tired out, sickly women need to restore
them the blessings of good health. To preserve the round. shape of the
They give sound, restful sleep, tong up eyeballs occasionally rub them gently
the nerves, strengthen the heart, and and always toward the nose. Ad one
make rich blood. Mrs. C McDonald,' grows older the eyeballs have a tendency
Portage la Prairie Man writes: was,
Jumping a rope is a good flesh reducer
and to wrap a rubber bandage about the
parte to be reduced before exercising 3'
induce greater perspiration there and
hasten loss of weight. It must not be for- 4,
gotten, however, that some exeroises _ tit
cannot be done unless the muscles are +
free. _
troubled with shortness of breath, alpi. • to become flat, Gentle rubbing or mss•
talon of the heart and weak I sage helps to preserve their shape.
got four boxes' of Milburn's Heart and'
Nerve Pills, and after taking them 1 'WM
completely 1 el cured.
Price 50 cents pet box or three boozes
for $1.25, all dealers or theThe T'. Mil.
bursl.Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
The eesentlai lnnghealing principal of
the pine treehas finally been sufwesefats y
separated anti refined into a perfeot
oosigh mediolne-Dr. Woods Nosvray
Pine Syrtip. Bold by all dealers on a
tguarantee of iiattisfaotiert. Frfoe RS
Thousands have said this when then
caught cold. Thousands have neglected
to euro the cold. Thousands have filled a
Consumptives grave through neglect.
Never neglect a cough or cold. It can have
but one result. It leaves the throat or
eengs, or both, affected.
Dr. Wood'S
Pine Syrup
is the medicine you need. It strikes at
the very foundation of all throat or lung
complaints, relieving or curing Coughs,
Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, bore
Throat, and preventing Pneumonia and
It has stood the test for many years, and
is now more generally used than ever. It
contains alt the lung healing virtues of the
pine tree combined with wild Cherry Bark
and other pectoral remedies. It stimulates
the weakened bronchial organs, allays
irritation and subdues inflammation,
soothes and Reale the irritated parte,
loosens the phlegm and mucous, and aide
nature to easily dislodge the morbid are•
cumulations. Don't be humbugged into
accepting an imitation of Dr. Wood's Nor-
way Pine Syrup. Itis put up in a yellow
wrapper, three pine trees the trade mark,
and price 25 ate.
IVIr. Julian 3. LeBlanc -03410 Cote, N.S.
writes s " 1 was troubled with a bad oolcI
and severe eough, which assumed inch an
attitude as to keep nee confined to my
house, 1 tried several remedies advertised
bat they were of no &Yell. As a last resort
I tried Dr. Wool's NorWVay Dine Syrup
and ono bottle cured fair ooenpletely,
II I mm11111111 1111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 158
Times to January lot, 1907..
Times and Daily Globe
Times and Daily Mail and Empire
Times and Daily World
Times and Toronto Daily News
Times and Toronto Daily Star
Times and Daily Advertiser
Times and Toronto Saturday Night
Times and Weekly Globe .
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and
book " Handy Home Book "
Times and Weekly Witness
Times and Montreal Weekly Herald
Times and London Free Press (weekly)
Times and London Advertiser (weekly)
Times and Toronto Weekly Sun
Times and World Wide
Times and Northern Messenger.
Times and Farmers' Advocate
We epeoially recommend our readers to subscribe
to the Farmers Advocate and Home Magazine.
Times and Farming World
Times and Presbyterian
Times and Westminster
Times and Presbyterian and Westminster
Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto)' ...
Times and Youths' Companion
Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) ...
Times and Sabbath Reading, New York
Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)
Times and Michigan Farmer
Times and Woman's Home Companion
Times and Canadian Woman (monthly) London
Times and American Sheep Breeder
Times and Country Gentleman
Times and Delineator
Times and Boston Cooking 'School Magazine
Times and Green's Fruit Grower
Times and Good Housekeeping
Times and Modern Women
Times and McCall's Magazine ..
Times and Pearson's Magazine
Times and American Illustrated Magazine
Times and -American Boy Magazine
Times and What to Eat
Times and Bookkeeper
Times and Recreation
Times and Cosmopolitan
Times and Ladies' Home Journal
Times and Saturday Evening Post
Times and Success
Times and Honsekeeper
Tunes and Pilgrim ... ,
Times and Poultry TTeeper
Times and Hoard's Dairyman
Times and McClure's Magazine
Times and Munsey's, Magazine
Times and Rural New Yorker
Times and Vick's Magazine
Times and American Gardening
Times and Health Culture
Times and Ram's Horn
Times and Four Track News
Times and Breeders' Gazette
Times and }.Tactical Farmer
$ .25
When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers will
secure such premiums when ordering through ne, same as if ordered direct
from publishers.
These low. rates mean a considerable saving to subscribers, and are
STRICTLY CASH 1N ADVANCE, Send remittances by postal note, poet
oftioe or express money order, addressing
M0itl11 NIIII