HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-10-16, Page 7HERE AT floe market.: of elm- food, dir zehrs ete.t °le joilialteutt a ad SPECIAL! DELMONTE, DOLE OR CHIQUITA 'BANANAS, - . SOO lb. II r PRODUCE OF. U.S.A. NO. 1 10 oz. FRESH SPINACH79' PRODUCE OF U.S.A. NO. I . CELLO. RADISHES 8 oz. : 49' ONTARIO FANCY GRADE - 0 0 MACINTOSH APPLES 3 lb. 90' Lola Noill BUNCHESIODN990 U.S. NO. 1 LAB EG 46# CUCUMBERS EACH ' & 7 -ONTARIO- GROWN-NO._1__FRESH GREEN CABBAGE - 24 EXPOSURE COLOUR FILM F $"- . R , -BUD OF CALIFORNIA NOS I - .. :----- - -- HEAD LETTUCE. EACH 681 ONT. NO. 1 SNOWY WHITE FRESH MUSHROOMS a lb. 127 ASSORTED VARIETIES TROPICAL PLANTS 89.95 FREE PUMPKIN To ANY SCHOOL TEACHER FOR TOUR CLASS 1 e 100% VEGETABLE CRISCO SALAD, OIL ONE LITRE 'BOTTLE $119 ies SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! CREAM OF MUSHROOM, CHICKEN RICE CHICKEN VEGETABLE. TOMATO RICE ,AirumER SOUPS FULL OF NUTRITION • $ 10 OZ. TINS FOR WESTONS WHITE SANDWICH. BREAD • REGULAR OR THifeSLICED SPECIAL! 24 OZ. LOAVES FOR SPECIAL! e SPECIAL! MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE ZEHRS 4 VARIETIES • POTATO CHIPS 200 gr 69 PKG 0 COLOURS - 4 ROLL PKG. SOFT STYLE IMPERIAL MARGARINE 81 9, 1 lb SPECIAL! . SPECIAL! REGULAR OR MINT KELLOGGS 675gr. BOX CREST CORN TOFI!PT9ETE FLAKES 1.9 99 BATHROOM TISSUE A a Ak LADY SCOWL Y Kit 6 89° SCHNEIDERS FROZEN MINCEMEAT TARTS 16 oz PKG. 9tt39 GARLIC OR NO GARLIC A BICKS DILL 11 • ,PICKLESigE .69 SCOTTIES 4 COLOURS FACIAL TISSUE OOs 20R4111`9' 4 COLOURS ' FINE QUALITY ,t4 iffi SCOTTOWELSRLI /0 e 11iCAINS 11 az SIZE PEPPERONI OR DELUXE sir 69 PIZZA SUBS 45 CM SIZE ALCAN FOILWRAP ,c1.9 NINE VARIETIES 9 LIVES CAT FOOD 8., .C$1 COOKIES ZEHRS FINE QUALITY ORANGE JUICE • FROZEN 12.5 OZ. TIN commusamommummommomitammormommemm. COMITY OVen eltACItED WHEAT % FRESH BREAD 2.- 519v 641CA IH% WW1MEAT FRESH COUR-111Y GM Pic n. 59° ,IKAISER ROLLS • ICE RESERVE THE TrtaliT ttM?T JA1flrEs TO REAStsztadatt WEEKLY FAMILY RECISIFUCUTS NORTHERN GOLD ' tilt RITE REFILLS 4 VARIETIES 275 gr. GRANOU BARS if"WIDE AXED PAPER 'F'.7.15 PFIEFFER 250 oat 5 VARIETIES ' HUNTS FINE QUALITY TOMATO SAUCE. 14 OZ TINS * 2T1oNs CHRIST1ES CRACKERS PREMIUM PLUS 99 NELSON 2% LIGHT soca. run COTTAGE CHEESE 99° SALAD DRESSINGS SCOTT FAMILY PACK WHITE. F A ASSt1:1 OR DECORATED of NAPKINS 60's R SALAMI ORANGE PEKOE TEABAGS PKG. OF GO FRICO BABY EDAM CHEESE 30ez 489 COOKING WEIGHT WATCHERS si SPRAY 13 oz• I. 99 SHIRR1FFS SEVILLE ORANGE $1 MARMALADE ?,41. 9 STUART ANNE MARIE LUNCH SNACKS 8.. 89' COLBY OR FARMERS BADE! CHEESE 12 oz 1.79 C SPECIAL! KELLOGGS RAISIN BRAN LARGE 800 gr BOX $. 4,11 9, • PHOTOFINISHING , 1/2 PRICE SPECIAL OCTOBER 15 TO 28 TWO SETS OF PRINTS HALF FOR ONE LOW PRICE PRICE ' C1 10 C126 12 EXPOSURE CGLOUR FILM . $2,39 CI TO C126 20 EXPOSURE COLOUR FILM 1 $41 AA 11811"11'W - C110 . - 24 EXPOSURE COLOUR FILM 4A nA M °AP! C135 . 24 EXPOSURE COLOUR FILM , $A ga "Tzw'kv C135 ........ , 4. 36 EXPOSUR-E COLOUR FILM sg ga, VslYikilf HIGHLINER COOKED 16 oz PARTY SNACKS ‚.39 SEALTEST 8 FLAVOURS PREMIUM QUALITY tett, YOGURT 175 gr. dyrWE WILIL itPtEASED TO SERVE ',WIN: Ad GODERICH HURO - 1St -Y. 4 -at -it- HIctrni, • AGGREGATE piToDucuts (P000.0-uurrychNnerstomirators): . • • r d. T.heWingharn District Office of,thf Ministry of Natural Resources is holding: INFORMATION WORKSHOPS at Wingham District Office 4:00 P.M. (on Hwy. No. 4 2 KM. south of Hwy. No. 86) Maintenance Building -1:00 P.M. Mullett Wildlife Management . Area -7:00P.M. (Lot II Conc. 3 Mullett Township.' _ October 16, 1980, October 21, 1980 and October 23, 1980 These workshops will provide owners or operators of pits and quarries within Wingham District an opportunity to ask questiOns concerning the requirements of the Pits and Quarries Control Act which will affect them as of January 1, 1981. For further information please contact the Wingham District Office, Ministry of Natural Resources - Telephone 337-3131 or Zenith 92000. livi"thet's of the Seaf"th "laivasgTft4s.YFluivse' (110011ratrs`Cwhililistit MI6r4s11. SS.1,1Wa.ol\dickisi.arCerapilgeaa"snedd pagl.rttis°11pileateVIO "r:tsheL;"40111ye sent tB the Diocesan Mission 'Rh the, rijse to the baby Sacrifice . of the Mass andlfl PertFifty dollars. Was sitting service at 11 , a.m. recitation of the Rosary pre- gAven.;to, the Natural Family Mass 'op Sunday. Many Planning Clinic. Instructions volunteers have offered to cedinglhe October meeting.. uy qualified teachers are help. Convenors for the MrsEwart Wilsongiven first Thursday of each annual Bazaar, November 29 spiritual convenor, asked . iart , rn• onth at Huron County will be appointed at the Health cliPtoil fT.9_41 7-9 November 'meeting. , menibers to encourage their Phone 482-3416 A social half-hour followed thein each Tuesdadur &tales to be Present!'4* m se'venteen visits were business and., lunch was October for the Rosay . made to sick and shut-ins by served by Mrs. John Jansen ry. ing isaFs7, Maurice Etue and Mrs. and Mrs. J. Van Dooren. . , Cotresponding , Secretary, Mrs. Sid Wocks, reported Londesbaro five cards sent out and twd tIlank you letters received. (C,ontitnied from Page 4) 1-Weeasmirt curator Gene. vieve Allan gave an interest - Invitations to attend a bazaar It Was moved to give a ing report naming persons at St. Bridid's Church, Ken- donation if needed for ball and telling where they lived when Tom, Genevieve, Glenn, Keith and Karen p.m. wre_reach.l..he4neeting_brosoc.L_aret_ _attend,_A Frnzliatr,,e1:.:h19,4:_be err; for Stratford Deanery will be donation of $100.00 to Terry hcimes demolished, 35 new held at St. Peter's Parish Fox cancer fund was ap- homes built, new .gchool, ball Hall, Goderich on Wednes- proved. park, township shed and Cardparty is October 24th other improvements. The and Jessie Tebbutt, Annie population then was 142, and Vincent and Doreen Carter is now 244. are in charge and moved to ...Lunch was served by Beryl purchase a large colander to Reid, Joan Middegaar and drain vegetables. Hattie Snell. nicott on October 15 at 8:30 pa'rk washroom; and to give p.m. and First Presbyterian gift of $10to St. Helens Ann. Church on Oct. 16 at 2:30 Hatti Wood and Dora Shob- day, October 15. Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. and sessions at 10 a.m., lunch at 12 and ending at 3 p.m. ...... Save the Family Fund will recieve $125 as a yearly HWY. 140. 8 OPEN WED, OUR MANAGER IS: RAY HURD THURS•FRI. EVENINGS if •-•o*-mr- • , ,Iro. 3. itg A r .1711,0400i4..f.',EXPOSITOR. OPT913011. . . . . - by Elaine Town:A:0:6d. Alt-obatit h'.0,tsos. What I know about horses could be written on a pumpkin seed. Therefore, when I was invited to attend a performance bf the WorldFatneuS Royal Lippizan Stallions, it was logical for me to ask; "Do I want to go and see what?" The Lippizan was a rare breed created in the 16th century for Austria's royal house of Hapsburg. Centuries of crossbreeding of Spanish and Arabic -Oriental bloodlines resulted in a breed of exceptional conform- ation, beauty and intelligence. Four hundred years of history are not without drama. The Lippizan stallions were forced to flee ' three times during the Napoleonic Wars and were evacuated again in 1915. 1942,-4he-stallions-were-shipped-to - Czechoslovaria For safekeeping, but with- out the mares, the breed faced extinction. In 1945, under orders of General Patton, an American squadron carried out a daring raid to rescue 150 stallions, mares and colts. A Walt Disney film "The Miracle of the White Stallions" recounted the rescue and brought the noble breed or the -Lippizan to the attention of North Americans. A Florida -based operation stages annual tours in the United States, Canada and other parts of the world. It is not affiliated with the Austrian government nor the famous Spanish Riding School. Some of the horses are imported from Austria; others are bred from imported Austrian stock and raised in the United States. All are descendants of the famous bloodlines. The riders and instructors are trained in the European style of classical dressage, which is training of the horse in obedience and deportment. The Lippizan was tearleSs in historic battles. With flaring nostrils and flashing eyes, he would rear onto his hind legs and pirouette protecting his rider With his head and chest.. When foot soldiers' advanced from behind, he would leap intO the air and kick out with his hind legs. ,fle could balance in a haunching position, protecting his rider with his body and giving his warrior time to take aim. Set to classical music, the original battle manouevers are now part of the routine. of "The Dancing White Stallions" -a display of strength and grace that delights audiences. Average life span of the Lippitaner is 30 to 35 years. At birth they are usually -black - :or -UMW Tn—cbTdtir—ar—id:-ehaiige- to their characteristic pure white over a period of 6 to 10 years. The shay that came to Southwestern Ontario made me appreciate the,years of training required. An electrical storm plunged the arena into darkness temporar- ily and knocked out half the lights for the whole performance. But the show went on. The horses didn't seem any more spooked than the audience. According to a lady sitting beside me, there were flaws in the performance, but to me and to the majority of the audience, it was a marvel of beauty and agility. Tony the Wonder Horse stole the show, though. With amazing perception of hand signals and verbal commands, the palo- mino entertained spectators with a comic routine that ranged from re-enacting a bullfight to lying down on the job. Kilbarchan news Personal contact a plus by: MABEL TURNBULL October is upon us, a most exciting reason, when Nature has its fling. As I mentioned in late September the trees outside my window were showing bright red on branches which seemed to caress the Home. The colours are cl2771ing even without the sunshine. The green leaves as a back- ground seem to enhance the brilliance of the red leaves. I have an anniversary in October. I came to Kilbar- chan October 18th. 1964, so this year is my 16th year here. I have been told how lucky I am to be in n small Nursing Home where you are more than a number. The personal contact with the staff is most affable. I count most of them as friends. 1 have been asked so many times "How do you put in the time?" I write these "K. Notes" long -hand. I am scarcely ever without a pen in my hand ready for action. 1 also write an eyer increasing number of letters to friends to keep in touch and 1 feel I have a visit with them as I write. They usually bear fruit with an answer. I do have fleeting moments of frustration by not being able to help myself In so many ways. However. the staff are dedicated and un- deritanding. Visitors are many and we look forward toggbe exchange We are now receiving the 1980 CORN Crop We buy. sell, store and custom dry Trucking available A complete line of Stewart seed corn available. RYAN DRYING is Brussels Walton Seaforth 887-9261 527-0527 miii.t.te.O, of current news. The mini- sters of local churches and church groups provide our spiritual needs. Garnes of cards fill a portion of time for those who favour euchre or bridge. during which we are favoured by enthusiasts from town. I depend on my wheri- ted family to take me places on special occasions if I let them know in plenty of time. They are busy people and have to plan ahead. To sum up. I keep in mind an article by W.G. Strong of Ottawa. on Doors in the Expositor. For me, some doors have been closed but others have opened to take their place. 1 have said before I have not been unhappy here. Thanks to those who have made the difference. Visitors; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ilrightrall. with tI mother. Gladys Brightrall and Margaret Srnak visited with several !residents. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Edmis- ton of Pt. Clarke spent time with his mother. Mrs. Lillian -Edmiston of Kincardine. Derek McClure three and half years old infant son of Kathy McClure R.N. of the staff and George MeClure is a real treasure. Mildred Campbell. Eg- mondville niece of the late Sadie Clarke visited friends at Kilharchan. Birthday greeting to Bes- sie Smale who had members of her family with her. Jean Hildebrand drove her to God- erich'crihere they. had dinner with Mr and Mrs Mark Cuiburt. (nee Susan Hilde- brand). Mary Layton went to Mr. and Mrs. Glew Layton's who had a'surprise celebration for Mr and Mrs. Gardon Hide - brand (nee Verna Lay -ton) to celebrate -their 40th wedding anniversary. The party at the "Carnation in Holmes- ville. Karen Laverty has recently joined the staff. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Glanville of Hensall visited with Oliver and Charlie McKay. This week our dining tables in both rooms boasted of beautiful bouquets of pink asters Thanks again. Jean. The flowers will soon be gone for this year. Jack Frost has been busy tipping the foli- age of the maple trees and. as an artist, he is the greatest with colour. Church service Wednes- day was taken by Rev. Alan Thomas of Hayfield United Church. He filled in for Rev. J. Broadfoot of St. Thomas Anglican Church who was detained by the funeral ser- vice of one of his parish- oners. Rev, Thomas sent to Visit Mary Layton, who was a member of his church in Bayfield. Gertrude Cbricb of Toron- to, a former classmate, visi- ted Mabel Turnbull. rA"Z, •