HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-10-16, Page 5BREAKING GROUND—The first steps for
construction of anew home for John Moore
insurance Copany were taken Tuesday. The
excavating Is being done by Canadian Pools of
Seaforth. (Photo by Shoveller)
New huilding. for ,Moore
The ground was broken
Tuesday on the site which
will be the new home of John
Mootelnsurance in Dublin.
The pew building, at an
estimated cost of $45,000,
according to, Bill Feeney,
president of W.J. Feeney
Construction Ltd. of Dublin,
has a projected completion
date_of Jan. IThe_ office will
measure nine by 12 metres
added Mr. Feeney.
Mr. Moore said the deci-
sion to move ahead with the
project followed the recent
closing of the deal for the
land, which is opposite -the
post office in the village.
"I had been thinking of the
move for some time," said
Mr. Moore. "We need better
space and better facilities."
Canadian Pools of Seaforth is
doing the excavation on the
Mrs. M. Evans spent last
weekend in Niagara Falls
and attended a wedding of
her grand son Jim Evans to
Christine ' Popovick. Mary
Evans and Madeline Peiche
of Windsor spent thanks-
giving weekend with Mrs.
M. Evans.
Weekend visitors with
Mrs. Leo Murray were Mrs.
Tom Dawe, Caroline and
affichael of Windsor. All had
thanksgiving dinner Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Murray of Stratford.
Dublin and District Lions,
In co-operation with the
Mitehell Lions Club are
about to start their T.V.
Home Bingo on Channel 12
Cable. Cards are available
Perth Grade 13's above
Ontario average
*Grade 13 students in
Perth County had an overall
final mark 5 per cent higher
than the provincial average
In 1979, said a report from
the Ministry of Edutration.
Perth students topped the
provincial average in all
areas except French.
''Once the expanded
french program works its
way up through the grades, I
think we will see some
.improvement in that," said
K.P. Thompson. Superinten-
dent of Program for the Perth
County board.
—The hoard can take con -
sides -able price in the fact
that we are above the provin-
cial average. I remember
there have in the past been
some derogatory remarks
made about students gradua-
ting from our secondary
schools. I think with this kind
of information we have proof
that there is no basis for
those derogatory remarks,"
said Mr. 'Thompson.
There have been no stan-
dardized provincial exami-
nations since 1967.
While grade 13 marks are
now available through the
Ministry of Education,
hoards have experienced
difficulty in following stu-
dents progress in post-
secondary institutions in the
We are now receiving the 1980
the advertisement in this
Winners for the Du lin
Atheltic Association biigo
Mrs. Lockney, ".11,
MaiGnigal, Mrs. E. Neeb,
H. Chessel, J. Van Horn, M.
McDonald, Mrs. Wolfecamp
($25. special prize), Mrs.
WolfeCamp. F. Shean, D.
Tayler, Mrs-. Dick,M. Swan,
(26.25 Special, prize), Mrs,
Wolfecamp, F. Dill, C.
McNeil, N. Storey, M. Stien
Bach (27.25 special prize), C.
McNeil, D. Dalton, L.
Brown, J. Beachler, E.Elliott
and Mrs. E. Neeb. J. Van
Horn won the door prize and
Mrs. W. Krauskopf won the
$75. Jackpot.
strong possibilitY of an
election in 'Logan was seen
*Thursday following the Oct-
ober council "meeting when
Edwin Iiinlan Said that there
" is a 90% chance that he will
becontesting the position of
' Reeve;
Previously, Reeve Carl
Vock had stated he intended
to , stand for re-election. °
Laverne Gordner said that he
had decided to Seek re-
election , as 'DeputY-Reeve
and Councillors Joe Vanden-
beiltand, Joe Waite indicated
that they 'would seek re-
election as councillors.
Report -4 of two drains were
considered when Loan
Township CounCil met
Thursday.' The reports were
fires-ented,:•by VVrii. Kelley
and Wm. Dietrich of W.E.
Kelley and Associates Ltd..
Kitchener to the Council and
a number, of landowners
whose lands are affected.
The reportr of—fh-e--Bode
Municipal Drain 1980 was
adopted witinthe deletion of
Branch C of the,drain which
involves a short run of tile in
land owned by Bruce Beau-
mont and Stendert Terpstra
who wish to repair the
present tile drainage system
themselves. The Council also
adopted the report of the
Nicholson-Koert Municipal
Drain 1980 as presented by
the engineers. The date of
Court of Revision for these
two drains was set for
November 17.
On reviewing the minutes
of the Mitchell Ind district
Protectiie` Inspection Com-
mittee held on October 1, the
council noted that the Protec-
tion Inspection Committee is
asking the councils of the
• participating municipalities
•to give consideration to in-
creasing the fee for building
permits in cases when an
owner fails to apply for a
building permit before a
building is erected or reno-
vations to a building or
and area new
Staffa scouts 'plan busy season
The groups committee for
1st Cromarty Scouts, Cubs
and Beavers held their se-
cond meeting on Wednesday
night with Bill Mahon ,pre-
siding. Officers for 1980-81
are Chairman- Bill Mahon;
Secretary- Ruth Laing;
Treaurer- Lorne Fell; Tele-
phone Mothers- Joyce Viv-
ian, Bonnie Cronin and
Marie Ryan. Rep.from Crom-
arty Session- Larry Gardiner
and John Scott. Leaders are.
Scouts- Joost Drost and Pete
Vandervleet. Cubs- Bill Cam -
don and Rhea Cameron
Beavers- Joan Daynard,
Carol Ann Scott and Jill
Norris. Plans were made for
a joint moving up ceremon y
teethe beavers swimming up
to cubs and the cubs going
up toScouts., it will be held in
Cromarty Church on Oct. 15
with the parents as guests.
Boy Scout apple day will be
celebrated on Oct. 18 with
the boys covering all of
Hibbert Township. The Dis-
trict Registration will be held
in Kirkton on October 16.
Parents should have their
boys registered with one of
the local groups before that
___4ate\,19_81 Boy Scout calen-
dars were distributed to the
leaders for gale by the boys.
Mrs. E. Dolsen, Calgary
Alberta visited recently with
Mrs. Ruby Reed.
. At time of writ ing Camer-
on Vivian is a patient in
Victoria Hospital, London.
Mrs. John Miller. Karen
and Shirley and Mrs. Glen
Elliott hosted a community
shower for Nancy Temple-
man in Cromarty Presbyter-
ian Church basement on
Thursday evening Oct. 9.
Karen Miller and Mrs. Elliott
conducted several contests.
Karen read an address of
good wishes and Nancy was
assisted in opening her many
love& and useful gifts by her
sister Ruth and Nancy
Bertens. Nancy expressed
her appreciation to all ond,
invited everyone to open
house on Sunday Oct. 26.
Mary Jane Tempiernan
and Mike Parsons, Edmon-
ton, Alberta are visiting with
their families for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Joh Tern-
pleman had their family with
,them Thanksgiving Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldie McNicol,.
London, visited in the even:
Thanksgiving Day visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Rob
Templeman and family were
Carol Stewart, Guelph, Mr
and Mrs. Chuck Ebel, Strat-
ford and Mr. and Mrs. Hap
Swatridge and Jill, Wingham
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris
and family and Mrs. Sam
Norris were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Burleigh and family, Goder-
Jim Norris, Brampton
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Sam Norris and Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Norris and family
spending 5unday dinner with
Misses Ethel and Laura
Balkwell and Ray.
Miss Susan Norris began
teaching at the Anne Hath -
way Day Care Center at
Stratford on Tuesdays.
Retarded adults can't use school buses
Ment !led ,adults to transport people over 21
may ne;1.friiaortcd to Under current regulations
sheltered, wprialars on the Board is prohibited from
school buses bc..ituse of entering any arrangement
regulations in the Highway - for the transport of people
Traffic Act. from sheltered workshops.
J.L. Anderson, Superin-
tendent of Business and
Finance for the Perth County
Board of Education suggest-
ed local Associations for the
Mentally Retarded approach
bus operators and suggest
the idea of obtaining a
special license enabling them
Shurfain beef production. Itt the solution.
SHUR-OAIN has the right produde and programs to
opfirnize performance and prat.' wit) every nate
feeding Alston thease from str different starter
ramsbgetteedes ort to fuel ran quiddy. widNout
set Casio SUIVerilegis derreived at the
SHUR-GAIN Beef Research Cente properly tra:ance
grains,siege and range wass.
Liquid explorer's and a complete Ere of high quar.tf,
ECCelOtTiCai ea:lean-net-4s round out your feeeng
Brood cows, young stock and feed/ot steers or heifers
achieved* most edickant„ proe,alge gatns we
SHUR-0.M's proven choice of high ene.-y cat%
feeds. Get the full facts ori the poan best sttled to
}oil' exact requirements, at your HUR-GAN °ewe
Your SHUR-GAN repiesentstve wZI take the tme and
careful pento assM you to choose the ideal
feeding and management inputs for your callte Put a
Synavex 1-50 implants
500 and up.
1.30 ea.
1.25 ea.
There is a Shur -Gain Solution.
1473fa ori*nted SJR -GAIN compete,: ed beef pAram
to work yotrr stlanon Taryour get specific
garta.feed oomerstons and aveahle feedslufts to
0Plittne the return on your irrcortam invesbment The
SHUR-GAN program regy workst
Convenient deNery.ct=m-rricr• :rig. compei*Ne prioes
and leans a norittee to reasons you shoed feed
Animal health
SHUR-GAN pro‘Ades &mast al the anithal
produats you are fkey to requ:re Electre yes and
tantr3 are proven means to he overcome stess of
newly antred feeders Growth promotarts Synevett.
Ralgro, MGA ardRt,,,,rieren should be utigzed, along
vitth1'ramta01to00rotwonnS. Eramtnatil grub damage
and floe ven Grubex Eft%treve antbeNcs such as
SHUR-GAN Oxyletracydine 100. Tytan 200 and
Per.foi-Step dear up esease as indicated einfogEcal
vacdnes, when reqtr:, ed. are ready avaNable. All these
.•rportar.1 products pfus santallon andpesderns
can be ottahed pr 'I,/ arid economically at your
nearest SHUR-GAN Centre
1Ralgro 24 Implants
1 ease 240 Implants
Trandsol 500 ml.
Umbel 640 oz.
Spotton 133 oz.
Louse Kill
Orytetracycline 250 m
Tylan - 200 250 ml
Injectable ADE
Varna, Ont.
1.28 ea.
1.25 ea.
• 482-9219
.. Or
THE HURON exivslipp. acyapER 18, 1080:
straapre are startelt-AS a
penalty for not applying for a
building permit before start
ing construction, the commit-
tee suggests that the permit
fee sbeuld be doubled.
Road accounts were ap-
proved in the amount of
$80,067.18. This amount in-
cludes a progress payment
fOr the conifrifetion 'of the
new machinery storage shed,
the surface treating of six
and a quarter miles of
township roads. gravel and
Mad ;eonstruction Of the
Ellice-Leaan boundary. The
clerk was instructed to apply
to the Ministry of Transpor-;
teflon and Comniunicatiens
for an interim subsidy pay
plena for the roads,
hses frign Tanuary1. to
September 30, 1980 in the
amount of $242,904.33.
' Geneial accounts of
$92,391.24 were approved.
Expenses this month in-
cluded money paid out to
applicants of tile drainage
Lots of Brodhagen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Horst and Mrs. and Mrs.
John Bennewies spent the
weekend in Englehart and
attended • the wedding of
their cousin Lynda Watrers,
Englehart, on Saturday.
Pastor and Mrs. Arthur
Horst and Stephen spent the
holiday weekend in Engle-
hart. Pastor Horst conducted
the wedding ceremony of his
niece Lynda Watters on Sat-
urday. Richard Horst was
soloist, and Lois presided at
the organ.
St. Peter's Lutheran
Church, Brodhagen, - was
beautifully decorated on Sun-
day morning, by the Sunday
School teachers, in the form
of Harvest Home. Pastor
John Arbuckle delivered a
very inspiring Thanksgiving
message. Mrs. John Bender,
Kitchener, was the organist.
Mr. Bill Arbuckle spent
last week with his grand-
mother, Mrs. Katie Queren-
Mrs. Calvin Gilck and
daughter Carol and Miss
Terry McLean, Cromarty,
left Thursday to spend the
long weekend with Dr. Cal-
vin Gilck and daughter Susan
in Warrington P.A. •
• Mr. and Mrs. Ron Smith,
Jacqui and Jennifer, Rich-
mond Hill, spent the holiday -
weekend with Mrs. Smith's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Eickmcier and other relatives
Congratulations are ex-
tended to Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Simon on the arrival
of their daughter, Erin Lu-
Mr. and Mrs. John Bender
Karen and Marc, Kitchener,
spent- the holiday weekend
with Mrs. Dorothy Elligsen
and John:
Mrs. Reuben Buuck is a
patient in University Hos-
pital, London, where she
underwent heart surgery last
Tuesday. We wish her a
speedy recovery.
Dale and Lisa Leonhardt,
Thamesford, spent Saturday
with Mrs. H. Leonhardt and
Earl, and Sunday with Hugh
and Doris Dietz and family.
Two baskets of flowers
were placed in the chancel of
St. Peter's Lutheran Church,
Brodhagen, at the Sunday
morning service, from the
funeral of Robert Innes,
which was held on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rock of
Waterloo, visited with Mrs.
Katie Querengesser on Wed-
nesday, and attended the
funeral. of- Robert Innes on -
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kirkby'
Waterloo an&Mark Higenell
spent the weedend with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Higenell and family,
R.R. 5, Mitchell.
Christine and Bill Scher-
bartt, spent the holiday
weekend with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scher-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert- Ar-
buckle and Amy. Waterloo,
visited with Robert's grand-
mother, Mrs. Katie Queren-
gesser on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bode
spent Thanksgiving day with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Anderson Fullerton.
. Pastor and Mrs. John Ar -
"buckle. Guelph. spent the
holiday weekend with Mrs.
Arbucide's mother, Mrs.
Katie Querengesser.
• loans and repayment of
principal and interest to the
'Provincelof Ontario for, exist*
• ing loans, progress payments
to contractors for construc-
tion on seven drains and
• paYrnents to the engineering
';oinpany forpreparingthe
reports on two drains. The
Monkton Community Centre
Board requested payment of
the balance of the 1980
requisition for operating ex-
penses. A number of tax
refunds were also approved.
Congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs, Bill Shortreed,--
Walton, who are the proud'
parents of a new son. The
proud grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Rose, R.R. 5,
Mrs. Betty Alce of London
visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Tim Alce, Jeff and Heather,
over the holiday weekend. -
Mr. and Mrs. Don Diegel
and family, R.R. 4 Walton,
Jim Diegel, Stratford, Mr.
and Mrs. Robin Phillips and
Lori, Kitchener, visited with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs:
Henry Diegel and Car, on it
Mr. and Mrs. Layerne
Gordner and family, R. 3
viSited with
and Mrs. Edward Bennewies
aid family on Sunday. Sons
Gary of Guelph and Lyle of
Waterloo spent theweekend
at their parent? home.
Bill Vock has returned
home from the Ontario Crip-
pled Children Centre, Tor-
onto after 5 weeks of walking
therapy and has made pro-
gress which is good news.
Douglas, Cathy, Matthew
and Michael Vock R.R. 115
Ivfitchell, Dennis and Joyce
Westman) Cambridge, June,
Ken and Elliott Foster, Mit-
chell, Wanda Vock, Cam-
bridge, Mark Swanson,
Owen Sound, Gordon and
Jean Kemp. Stratford, all
spent Thanksgiving with Mr
and Mrs. Carl Vock and Bill.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Elligsen. Mitchell Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Elligsen, Brod-
hagen 'spent the Thanks-
giving weekend with Mr. and
• Mrs. Carl Elligsen, Windsor.
An Expositor Classified
will pay you dividends. Have
you tried one? Dial 527-0240.
Your profits
may be eaten
before your cattle
get to market
from the inside!
Beef cattle hat e worms. Ibu can't
see them hut there can k up to nine
types of worms eating away at your
cattle from the inside. preventing your
cattle from gaining valuable pounds.
And. at today's prices, you'll pay dearly
for those lost pounds later.
Tramisol is Canada's most popular
beef dewortner. If is effective gainst all
flint typss of worms. Nnd free of that
worm burden. cattle are Reit to Qain
more It eit!ht faster and you'll gain nlore
at the market.
Vtivt lose tt ci,4ht to uorMs L1, hen
tau can profit at the markct stith
Tramisol? 1st, tour dealer abott
Tramisol. tell I an it pat s off
because it works.