HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-11-22, Page 54
TING HATS (NEW) $2.60.
I1 Stowscia.
, Not unexpecdly cans t the message to
Mr, James Barr, who wag summoned to
the Land Beyopd on Sabbath, Nov. 11th
at his home on the 9th on,, In his 08th
year. He was bora in Nevant township,
Lanark county, and moved to 1Iowick
township with his parents when a boy,
Iand resided here till he departed this
life. Mr. Barr had not snlaysd robNst
health for some years, and about three
weeks ago was laid up with an attack of
dropsy, His life partner was Diss Mary
IMorrison of Fullerton. He is survived
by his widow and one son, who is living
on the home fares.
Unusual Overcoat
Styles aL:nd Values
Oicr,m6irro 6YTl1e,'v'"WI,ImC3CA.1906
The "Unusualness" of
Crowder's overcoat styles
speaks for itself, it's promin-
ent. It shows the minute
you put a garment on.
There's a smartness, a per-
fectness of fit, is made -
specially -for -you look to it
that needs no pointing out
by smooth salesmen. . It
makes overcoat sales here
easier than they're made in
any other store in town;
we've made the values extra,
Men's Overcoats
All sizes.again in stock in
all these new and popular
models. The French Back
The Chamberlain, T h e
Varsity, completing by long
odds the best range of over-
coat styles in Wingham.
In the biggest and smartest
range of plain black and
fancy fabrics to be found in
any store. Every garment
with splendid broad, athletic
shoulders, new lapels „and
absolutely perfect fitting
collar. The French back
models make some so-called
French backs sold elsewhere
look like jokes. Prices can-
not be beat $6.5o, $S, 5o,.
$io.5o and $12.5o.
Boys' Overcoats.
In a nice range of tweed effect patterns also
black, short or Iong lengths, sizes. 22 to
33 chest, Prices - - $3.50 to $7.50
Men's Furs.
Coon Coats Fur Lined Coats, Wombat Coats,
Black Calf Coats, Cub Bear Coats, Dog Coats, Persian
Lamb Caps, etc,, at reasonable prices.
Heating or Cooking Stones
We on save you from $2 00 to $5 00 on a stove. We need your money
and will give you good value. Bargains In Steend-Hand Stoves.
Bishop Sc. Bail.
Invictus Sboes
dor Men
In the newest shapes, made from the best
materials, perfect fitting, and guaranteed to give
the best of satisfaction in every particular.
Also very fidelities of Ladles', Misses' and
Children's Shoes.
Rubbers, Overshoes, Rubber Boote, eto.,
a great variety to ohocse from, at very moderate
R. Johnston
This Tonic Builds Up,
Many medicines stimulete,break down,
leave you worse than ever. I''errozeae
ie different—it's a blood -former, a nerve-
atrengthaner, a body-builder, Pale
anaemic gide are given color and vigor.
The tired and sleepless are strengthened
and restored. "Better than all tonins I
found Ferrozone" writes Mrs. 'E. F.
Castleton of Woodstook. "I was com-
pletely run down, cheeks were blanched,
lips white and had every sign of anaemia.
Ferrozone added to my weight, gave me
strength, ambition and good health."
Nothing better, try'Ferrozone yourself,
50c per box at ail dealers.
Miss Annie Dansmore is v:s'ting with
friends in Toronto.
Girlhood and Scott'," Emulsion are
linked together.
The girl who takes Scott'.' ,mines
..niton has plenty of rich, red blood; she is
plump, active and energetic.
The reason is that ata period when"a girl's
digestion is weak, Scott's Emulsion
provides her with powerful nourishment in
easily digested form.
It is a food that builds and keeps up a
Special services were conducted in t
the Methodist church at Donnybrook
last -week.
Mrs. R, Brown, of Morris, and Mrs. as
J. Blaokbrongh, of Montana, were visitIt
ing their sister, Mrs, W. H. Farrow.
Mrs. Blachbrotgh returned to her home la
in the far West on Wednesday of last .
The annual meeting of the Westfield
beef ring was held recently, when the
business of the present year was con-
cluded and the ring organized for 1907.
It will continue for thirty-two weeks,
oommenoing the third week in April.
Like A. Thiel In The Night
That's how pain comes. We sit near
an open 'window, get stiff neck or sore
back. Perhaps pool off too quickly after
exertion—rheumatism develops. Spend
what you may, but money can't bay
anything better than Poison's Nerviline.
Its penetrating power enables it to reach
deep tissues,—that's why it cares aches
that all else can't touch, For outward'
apnlioation we guarantee five times more
strength than in any other Liniment: In-
wardly it's harmless and as sure as the
hereafter to ease at ono. Don't accept
a substitute for PoIson's Nerviline which
is the one greathousehold panacea of
One of the earliest settlers of the
vicinity of Sb, Helens passed away on
Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 14th, in the
person of James Rsmage, at the age of
72 years, Deceased had been ill only a
few days, He came to this country
fifty years ago froth Glasgow, Scotland,
and was a well known and highly
esteemed gentleman. For many years
he had been a consistent member of the
Bethel Methodist Ohnroh Before leav-
ing his native /and he married a Miss
McKinley, who, with the foll'hvving
children, survive .him: —Mrs. J. Mc-
Nally, Mrs. J. Gaskin, Mrs. R. Falconer,
Mrs. Leatherdale, of Morden, Mau ; Mrs.
MoArthur, of Lindsay; Mrs. 3, Carr, of
Sarnia; Mr, James Ramage, of Saska-
toon, Sask.; and Miss Minnie Ramage at
home. The funeral took place on Satur-
day last, the remains being laid in the
Bethel cemetery, and were followed to
their last resting place by a large con-
course of sympathizing friends and
Great Distress In ser Throat.
Not an uncommon experienpe was that
of Mrs. H. S. Wilmot of Shuler, N. S.
Doctors failed, still a quitk cure was
found in "Oatarrhozone." Notice this
statement: "I have been a most dread -
fel sufferer from bronchial trouble and
catarrh. On damp days I world hawk
and suffer great distress in my throat. I
used all kinds of medicines but didn't
get permanent relief till I nsed00atarrho•
zone. It has strengthened my throat,
oared my cough and made me entirely
well." Refuse substitutes for the t ne
reliable bronchial and throat cure. All
dealers sell"Oatarrhozone" in 25c and
$1.00 sizes.
Look up the Tnnss clubbing rates,
Tints and Weekly Globe to Jannary 1st,
1908.for $1,$5.
Township Council will meet on Mon-
day, 26th mate, at the Foresters' Hall
Mics Florence Atmsteng, daughter of
Wm. Armstrong, 9th con., has been re-
engaged at S. S. No. 6 for the ensuing
year at a eatery of $450.
Wm. Chapman, of Capao, Michigan,
was renewing Old acquaintances in the
township. fie was a former resident
of the Gth con, and moved to Miohi•
gen 20 years ago, This is his first
Mrs. W.J. Sharp, ilth eon , has ar-
rived home from a visit to ,ratneetowii,
N. Y., where she spent nearly a month
waiting on her sister, Mrs. Tracey, who
has been ill for the past Co or three
months. While away she tnet twoother
sisters, Mtss, Shingle, of Weetttaoore,
Penn., and Mrs. Schell, of Jamestown.
Mrs. traoey 1s stili very poorly.
Now is the time to select your presents, while '<
the assortment is large. Select them now and i
have us lay them away for ou. We have a 4
Large assortment of r
lliecklaees, )Brooches, Fancy Bracelets, Etc.
Fine Watch Repairing a specialty. Jewelry made to order. 's
Christmas Preseuts 1 1
KAISER, the Jeweler
50 Girls Wanted
To learn to operate o ery knitting machines. Beginners paid $3 00
per we* and put on piece work as soon as they can earn more. Should
be earning from $1.00 to $1 25 per day in from 6 to 8 weeks. Expert
operators earning as high as $Z 50. Highest wages paid to experienced
operators. We will procure good board at .)2 25 to $2 50 per week for
applioauts, if desired.
We have the largest, best equipped and most comfortable hosiery
factory in Caned i, running all the year,
This advertisement will he withdrawn as son as these positrons are
tilled. Apply early, to
Clin .tor Knitting Cobs Lia,
The people were surprised to learn of
the sadden passing away of Mrs. David
McGill, who died on Thursday, Nov.
8th, after as illness of one week with
' congestion of the lungs. Deceased was
in her 48th year and was born in the
Township of Hallett, her maiden name
being Isabella A. Riddell, and she was
married to her now bereft husband 16
years ago. During their married Iife
they spent 5 years in Blyth and 11 years
in East Wawanosb, By their anion two •
children were born—Walter and Olive
—to whom she was over a true and kind
mother. She also leaves to mourn her
loss, 4 sisters and 6 brothers.
Olt, For A. Clear Complexion!
A clear complexion is the outward
evidence of inward cleanliness. In bad
health the face becomes a sign -board,
telling of disease within. If yellow,
bile is not properly secreted; if pallid,
the kidneys: are faulty; if skin is murky
and dark circles beneath the eyes, look,
for constipation. Whatever the cavae,
no remedy compares with Dr. Hamii•
ton's Pills which see mild, safe, purify-
ing and vitalizing iu their action. They
give a marvellous rosy tint to the cheeks,
brighten the eyes and establish health
that defi-s age and disease. Sold every-
where in 25c boxes,
Rev. J. L Small, B. A , of Auburn
has been appointed Moderate r of Session
in the vacancy in St. Andr H's church
and preached in that church on Sunday
Met, morning and evening.
Mr. T. Be Wright, contrac`or of Lon-
don, was in Blyth having the remains of
his sister, Mrs. Somers, interred with
those of her husband, the tate Robert
Somers, in the Union Cemetery.
The annual meeting of the Blyth
Esttrblislied 1879
Whooping tough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cresolene Is a boort to Asthinatics
Does h not seem more effective to breathe in a
remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs
than to take the remedy into the stomach t
It cures because the sir rendered Strongly' ants.
septic h tarried meet the diseased surface with
eVety breath, giving prolonged and constant treat.
ment. it is Invaluable to mothers with small
The:tofaconsumptive r� to
tendency find immediate CJti� 7-
relief from coughs or in• �+.�
!lamed conditions or the
Sold by druggists,
Seed postal rorbosltlet,
Lstt'tts0, Mots Ca,
Limited, Agents, Mont+
real, Canada. 307
branch of the Bible Society was held
last week, when officers and directors
far the eusaiog year were elected as fol-
lows: —President, John Hartley; Secie-
tary, A Elder; Treasurer, H. McQuar-
rie, Depositor, F. Metcalf; Directors,
John Brigham, A. W. Sloan, R. Slater,
Rich. Somers, R. G. McGowan, 0
Johnston, Jas, Smith, T. W. Soott, Jas.
Somers, John Wilford, Henry Young,
James Tierney, Wm. Sims.
Mrs. John McDonald, of Goderich
was visiting with her mother, Mrs. John
TIMES till January 1st, 1908 for $1
Read our clubbing rates in another
Mr. and Mrs Chas. Herbert, old and
respected residents of Binevale have
gone to Winnipeg where they will
reside in future.
John Heist, lately moved to B:ovale
from,Brustels has gone to Hallett,
where he will engage in farming.
Mre. H. Diment was visiting with
Goderich frieuds last week.
Miss Mabel Thomas, of Beisaevain,
Man. and Miss Ina Thomas, of Lams
den, Sask. are visiting at their home
Towneh-p Council met on Monday.
Minutes in our Lest issue.
The TIuts and Weekly Globe till
January let, 1908 for only $1 35.
Mies Annie Henderson has arrived
home from the West where she has
spent the past two months.
Robert Armstrong has arrived home
from Willow City, North Dakota, where
he has spent the past summer.
Wm. earney, 4th line, has been laid
up with inflammation of the ankle, but
is getting better we are pleased to state.
Albert Howlett, 7th line, was away
last week to Proton nttendiug the Golden
Wedding of his uncle.
The trustees of S. S. No 1, known as
Gentian's, have engaged the services of
Mies Mary- McArthur, who is teaching
near Exeter, for next year. She is a
daughter of James McArthur, of 13rue-
Harry D Alnlay bas been re-engaged
es teacher of S. S. No. 5, on the 5th line
for 1907 at a salary of $500. He Is doing
good work :u the school and section and
will, we hope, meet with better success
next year.
After a few weeks illness, the last two
days of which watt only coneiderod scr-
ions, Miss Agnes Swindlellurat passed
away in her 36th y+t ar on Saturdays last.
Deceased had for many years been living
at the home of Mr. W. tl. Nicholson, Olt
the 4th line,
- B 1 G
Cut = Price Sale
Stili Going On .
We've satisfied hundreds of customers with big value
giving since this sale .began ; and there's no
reason why every visitor will not go away well
pleased with value received. We sell what
we advertise, and Jive up to every
promise we make.
Tables of Bargains.
TABLE NO. 1—Fancy Plaid Dress Goods - 5e
TABLE NO. 2—Boys' Heavy Fleece Lined Underwear - 35e
TABLE NO. 3—Ribbons, all colors, plain and fancy - 15e
TABLE NO. 4—Wide Neck Ribbons, worth :rho, for - 20e
TABLE NO. 5 -Flannellette Blankets, nine size, • 75e
TABLE NO, 6—Heavy Ribbed Seamless Hose, 85o, for 250
TABLE NO, 7—Mill Ends Factory Cotton, reg 10 to 121c, 70
TABLE NO. 8—Ladies' Vests, worth 25o, to clear at • 20e
TABLE NO, 9—Wide Flannellette, fast colors, sale • 5e
TABLE NO. 10—Ladies' Fancy Silk Ties, worth 35o, for 25e
Big stock of the best makes of Clothing on second -
floor. We save you money on every dollar's worth
of clothing bought here ; the right style and fit
guaranteed.' See our Suits and Overcoats
at $6 00 — big value. Overalls i5c.
Smocks 75c Pants $1.25.
Boys' Reefers, only $2.00
WANTED — Large
A MERSWANTED—Large (umlitities Butter, i:ggG, Dried Apple-,
Potatoes, Poultry. We pay lb.: highest pike
for Dry Picked twill.
Agents for New Idea Patterns. Price on'r loc
H. E., Isar
A tl t.t'I'. , A y'\... b etwea fr'iwx,
The famous
Brunswick Hotel, Wingham,
He will be at the
Thursday, December 6th
with every kind and style of tidies' and Gentlemen's Wigs,
Toupees, Bangs—wavy and plaia trouts, Switches of all long hair
in every length and shade. Pomptdoure, etc.
His Art Styles are known and worn by all classes everywhere.
Be sure to visit his Show R)ems at hotel and see his new designs.
He will, free of oharge, demonitrtte by fitting you what is most
suitable and becoming to you. Their use adds Health, Comfort
and Younger Appearance.
Gentlemen Who Are Bald e:i-nld investigate and see his
Patent Feather Weight Tanpand Wigs, worn on over 75,000
•41••ere ••re••♦•••OOt•lee •Q•44i•♦
of new and up -to- w
For the Fall Trade.
S. Graney has a very fine assortment
date Furniture, in
Sideboards, Buffets, Bedroom Suits,
Parlor and Extension Tables, Couches,
Mattresses, Spring Beds, etc., etc,
If you want anything in the Furniture line this fall, before pen buy come
and see what we have. We ai11 be pleased to ehow our golds. We
think we have eomethin,,x that will be to your liking,
and at very reasonable prices.
If you want one of the best Spring Beds that is made, fry the "HERCULES"
SPRING We have them, they are the best for the money. You
can try them for a month, and if not satisfactory return them.
We have a few pieces of CARPETS and a few FLOOR RIMS
(Art Squares) to clear out at a price.
5IC'0r'TTVe... '' A1v.L'i •G .A. w�, ,C�rA.TT.I•i`'3Z" :
l'nordayderta. king—As la the past, we y-� y-� S
giro our prompt nue personal qt�4 / Y RAC, N*
attention whenever our services J, ,7 7 �,
are required. Any hour—night
Furniture Dealer a:Id FraGtical Undertaker
*04 ••••••••••••••••••••••