HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-10-09, Page 22The 'Mean County Board Of Education has rescuedstwai Hensall Public Sehool students whose par- ents were concerned they'd lose their bus rides to school if Hensall annexes part of Hay Township. Four township residents had threatened to take the annexation „I:ask to the Ontario" Municipal Board (Olym) if the busing question wasn't , solved, • Parente4sOfaialte—stade were •concerned the 'two ahildren`would have to 'Walk - to school along highway 4, a • busy thoroughfare, if annex.' ' ation was approved since the school, beard has a policy • against busing students in an • urban area. Roman Dzus, Hilton ' County, :planner, appeared before the school hoard to ask :them to make an excep- tion to the policy until, an ""alternative safe access" is provided i The access would nta• e-a-siclevvallcs_Mr-De_tis told the school board the tempor- OY solution of busing the ' pupils might have to on on for a year Or two after annexation is comPletede Mr. Dzus told school board members Hay Township and Hensall representatives will meet With the four objectors in hopes of having , the _objections withdrawn. If the objectors decide to take the matter to the OMB, Mr. Dzus said the hearing would likely be held in four to six months. Henson boy inducted Correspondent MRS. BERTHA MaeGREGOR 262-2005 Bill Hoy of Kitchener died on Sunday, September 28th. He was the brother of Harry Hoy, Hensall, leaving Harry the only surviving - member of a family of eight boys and one girl. On Sun -day evening Rev. Rod Ferguson was inducted at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Kitchener. Rod spent his formative years in Hensall when his father Rev. Percy Ferguson was minister of Carmel : Presbyterian Church. A reception in Iona Hall followed the induction. Rev. Percy Ferguson was commended for a lifetime of ministry. Mrs. Ferguson re- ceiverlawarrn tribute for her years as a teacher. Mr. John A. Young, first chairman of Waterloo Regional Govtewas present at the service. Mr. lefacnonald pointed out that this illustrious gentleman had been taught by Joyce Ferguson 50 years ago on the Prairies. While in Hensel' Joyce taught at S.S. #10 Hay. "Birthday Greetings" to Mrs. Edna Youn and Mrs. Muriel Triebner who celebrated their birthdays last week at the Queensway Nursing Home, Hensel!. Rev. Hargraves of -Thames Road conducted the church service accompanied by Mrs. Hargraves at the piano. The Treibner family cele- brated their mother's birthday. Mrs. Muriel Triebner with her on October Sth. Mrs. Alma Witmer, Henry and Marie Wilds, The Hogan Family, Jack and Kay Cockwell visited Mrs. Irma Wilds. Visiting with Louise Mitchell were Mrs. Frank Taylor, Mrs. Dobbs, Gladys Erase? and Mildred, Thompson. Mrs. Beatrice Taylor and Mrs. Vera Volland visited with their mother Mrs. E Volland, Cynthia Penny visited her mother Mrs. Scrimgeour: Stisan Purdy visited with her husband Len Purdy. Walter and Florence Whilhelm, Steve and Kathy Davidson visited with Edna Youn. Jean and Gerry Wright visited with Vera Laramie. RutH, Nancy, ,and Susan Durand and Leslie Swartzman visited the former's mother Mrs.- Nell Kendrick. Bill and Helen Taylor and Frank McClinchey visited Russell Erratt. Mary Roobal visited with Len Purdy, Herb Jones, and Russell Erratt. The men's high bowling score was Neil Regan 149 and Ladies' high was Edna Youn with 63. The Hensall Young Teens enjoyed an evening of bowling on Sunday night. For the first game John O'Brien was the high person and the second game Dana Bazatto was high person, -with Dana Bazatto was high for the evening. Starr aJesney's team was the high team for the evenine. T 7•7!‘" SEE MOM—Heather Jackson of Grade Two is showing her work to her mother and sister at Huron Centennial's recent open house. I CAN READ—Amanda Butt of Grade 1 showing her mother what she has learned since starting school at Huron Centennial. Is 477117-47444,7,',"" 77rnr. Oaa,aor eas"" "aara ' 444 THE FiLION.EXPOITOkp OCTOBER 0 1080, Notice of NOMINATIONS Township f Morns Notice is hereb given to the rnun-icipal electors of the ownship of Morris Ine the miCou .ty\of .,-f ron, that nomination papers encing mmbe fired in the office of the .undersigned ' OCTOBER 16th UNTIL 5 P.M. ON Monday, October 20, 1980 for the purpose -of -nominating persons for the following offices: for a two year term, • Reeve _Deput_y__Ree_ve___ 3 Councillors _ • for the Township of Morris Required nomination forms may be obtained from the municipal office. NANCY MICHIE Clerk -Treasurer Township of Morris 22-73-2 Children exhibit work at school's open house Open house was held October 1 at Huron Centen- nial School with a lot of participation. A highlight of the evening wa,s a video tape of classroom activities. Camp Sylvan, the outdoor Educa- tion Centre, was alive with students and teachers when Grade 8 students of Huron Centennial spent two days and one night the last week of September. Forestry. sur- vival games, orienteering. cemetery study, fossil hunt- ing and the study of an abandoned village % were all included in the curriculum. Student council elections were held in late September. Final results were President - Darryl Finnigan, Vice Presi- dent - Nancy Taylor, and Secretary - Jay Brandon. Also elected were represent- atives for each class. Officers installed at Amber a Acting District Deputy President Mrs. Mary Lowe and her installing staff of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge Brussels were guests of Amber Rebekah Lodge on Wednesday evening. Noble Grand Mrs. Hazel Corbett presided for the business assisted by Vice -Grand Mrs. Elizabeth Riley. who re- ported for the visiting committee. The Treasurer Mrs. Dorothy Corbett gave the Annual report. Mrs. Henson Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoy were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. John A. Young, Sunday before attending the inductation service for Rev. Rod Ferguson. Mr: and Mrs. Clarke Kennedy, Grand Bend. and Mrs. Jean Snell. Exeter, attended the induction ser- vice for Rev. Rod Ferguson at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Kitchener. Sunday September .28th. siofAGDGGGD0 44n_ For Christmas '61 Lay Away "We furnish quality, style & conttrarrrent 0095004 C") 4s4) Our pricing policy makes it worth the drivel FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Open Tues. to Thurs. 930 a.m. -6 p.m. Fridays 9:30 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sat. 9:30 - 6 p.m. Closed Mondays Mill Street, Dublin Telephone 345-2250 GO METTLER _‘of (>1.1[441 Fine,J/, Furniture aat 411adiaaliaala- Bertha MacGregar reported for the Finance committee. Bertha MacGregor, Edith Bell and Hazel Corbett volunteered to convass for the C.N.I.B. Mrs. Maggie Campbell introduced the acting District Deputy President Mrs. Mary Lowe to the Lodge. The commission was read by Barb McCutcheon after which Mrs. Lowe and her staff Soloist Sarah Stepehenson who sang and pianist Leona Connelly played. Deputy Marshall wea Mary Davidson; Deputy Re- cording Secretary: Margeurite • Crawford: Deputy Treasurer: Jean Bridge; Deputy Financial Sectetary: Janet McCutheheon: Chaplain Sarah Stephenson; Deputy Warden Barb trfeCutcheore Inside Guardian Deputy Marie McTaggart; Outside Guardian; Marg. McCutcheon. The guard of honor was Ethel Long; Jean Fraser, Jane Hall. Joan Stephenson, -Alice McCatter and Lois Metaitcheoie , Following the installation of officers Mrs. Lowe addressed the Lodge on "Working Together in Harmony** Jr. P.N.G. Hazel Corbett presented Mrs. Lowe with a gift and Noble Gtand Bertha MacGregor presented the Jr. P.N.G. Hazel Corbett with a gift. Mrs. Alice Ferg has taken up residence in the Elizabeth Courts apartments. at 176 Oxford Street. Miss Bev Parsons has taken up residence in **The Maples** Apartments on Oxford St. The October meeting of, the "Three Links". Hensell will be held in the 'local Hall on Tuesday. October 14th at 8 p.m. The entertainment committee in charge will be Mr. and Mrs. Dick Taylor and Mrs. Anita Bengough The social will be Mrs. T. Slerritt. Mrs. L !stickle and Mrs. Berth MacGregeroall members and Seniors are invited to attend this meeting. President Mrs. Ruby Bell will preside CARMEL CHUR CH COMeifelNIO COMMUNION Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted the Communion Service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday and delivered message from the New testament Lesson John Ha 11-18 "I am The Geed Shepherd Who Is Willing to Die For His Sheep" The choir sang under the direction of Mrs. Robert Taylor. Thanksgiving senices will be held next Sunda % and ail are invited to wnrship si the regular hour of service The Service on October 191h wili be cancelled in order to worship with Cav en Presbyterian Church, Exeter when the Rev. James Fergus on of St. Andrews Church Stratford will be the guest speaker at anniversary services. , A Ladies Day is being planned for October 26th when the time will be changed to Standard time and the service will be held at 1:30 p.m. A noon lunch will be served by the ladies. Everyone is requested to assist in supplying the lunch. There will be a special lady guest speaiter and special music. PAST DISI DEPUTIES OF DISTRICT 118 MEE1 AT HENSALL The Past District Deputies of District 48 met in the Hemel! 1.0.0.F. Lodge Hall Friday evening. Past District Deputy Doug Cantelon of Clinton retired and District Deputy Wilfred aflick of *Wingham replaced him for Disteict #8. The meeting of Hensel! Wornen•s Institute will be held at Hensel! United Church on Wednesday evening on Edneational and Cultural Activities and Mrs. Pat Brown will demonstrate making Flower Ar- rangements. Mr and Mrs. Eric Luther returned last week from a month's vacation to Western Canada and visited with their neice and nephew Jeff and Cindy Ratburn at Coronation Alberta. Mrs. Don Gooding and Dale of Parkhill were recent visitors with the former's mother Mrs Edgar Munn. The grads of 1970 Continued from page 17 Sharon's sister Karen, now ,Mrs. Brian MacDonald is also living in Seaford -3. Before her children were born. she worked at Genesco. Niko Peters lived for eight years in the United States following graduation. He took a BA and then MA in religious studies, and was ordained as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church. Mr. Peters moved back to Ontario to preach in Collingwood and recently moved to Egmondville, where he is farming. He and wife have two children. HELICOPTER CALLS Bill Brown, married to the former Lois Muegge, is now working with Thames Valley Ambulance Service in London. He is currently taking a special course which means he can participate thhelicopter calls on patients. The couple have one daughter. Melanie Matzold. who studied chemistry 'at the University of Waterloo, is now working for Dow Chemical in Torontp as a chemist. aloth Melanie and her husband, 4/ho -,ao- -a-- a- = -a --a alk Who tOlint Pi\ worked for Dow Chemical Sarnia are chemists. Jim Dalrymple. another graduate of the class. lives in Seaforth and is working at Ken Smith Pools as a carpenter. He attended University of Guelph. where he took a bachelor of science folfowing high school graduation. Carol Bell married Raymond Cerniuk, a member of the armed forces. and lives in Saskatchewan following graduation. She has returned to Ontario. and now works for Associates Finance in Kitchener whet she lives with her nine year old son Andrew. While Carol attended SDHS. she edited for the school paper for three years. Is there anything that stan-ds out in particular about the 1970 class? Maybe the fact, as Gwen Devereaux pointed out, that the whole head table at the reunion dinner were bachelors. She can only conclude, as some of her other classmates did, "thdt we turned the guys off ever getting married." Weddings aside. class members found it wasn't difficult to bridge the ten' years since they'd left the halls of SDHS. . Mrs. Hazel Luther returned this week from Newfoundland where she spent the summer months with relatives and friends. HENSAU UNITED CHURCH World Wide Communiot? was observed at Hensall United Church by Rev. Stan McDonald administering the Sacrament of Communion. The triessge dwelt on the "Unity of the Spirit" which gives frag. ranee and refresh- ment to the Christian Church He said alone our efferts are feeble and die, united we form the Community of Christ, world wide, one Church in God. The children's message was simpler. illustrating by showing how easily a single tooth pick breaks but many held together are hard to break. Eric Mansfield welcomed at the door and ushers were David and John Roescliffe. Unit I will meet at 2 p.m. onThutsday. ()etcher 9 and Confirmation class will be on Friday at 4:30 p.m. instead of Thursday as printed on the calendar. a a 4 a UNIT #4 MEETS Unit #4 of the Hensel] U.C.W. met on Thursday October 2 in the Fellowship Hall of the United Church with a good attendance. The Leader. Mrs. Britton °petted the meeting Mrs. Shaddick had the devotions. Several coming events concerning the U.C.W. were read -- namely the Regional meeting at Grcenway on Wednesday. October 15 at 12 noon when dessert and beverage will he served. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cann of Exeter will be guest speakers using "Temple. Tea and Technology" as their topic. Bible study in the Fellow- ship Hall every Tuesday A.M.. Fellowship Service October 16 at 7:30 p.m. with Mrs. Irene Castle as guest speaker. Mrs. Britton read a poem "A Thankful Heart", Mrs. Mickle t'Renawing Cherished Reflections" for the study. The hind! committee Mrs. Leona Parke. Mrs. Vera Lemmon and Mrs. Elizabeth Riley served tea and muffles. t otice of Nominations for PUBLIC SCHOOL fr Notice Is.heUrebP,PgiOvenhatRtirEng,... , representative to the HUron County aoard. of Education for the electoral district of the Township of Grey and the VIflai of Brussels will be _received, by- the under- signed at the Grey 'Township Office. Oct. 16th, 1980 • at 0:00 amt. and close on • Oct. 20th, 1980 at 5:00 p.m. • —dritTng normal offldiffiiiiifa— Required nomination forms may obtained from the Municipal Office. JANE BADLEY Returning Officer - • Township of Grey 2: 2-73-2 Notice of Nominations Nominations of Public School Supporters forrepreseritation on the HURON COUNTY BOARD OF - EDUCATION ONE REPRESENTATIVE TO BE ELECTED • FOR A TWO YEAR TERM. for the electoral districts of: Township of East Wawanosh, Township of Morris and the Village of Biyth. will be received by the undersigned commencing on Thursday, October 16 until 5 p.m. on Monday, October 20, 1980 One representative to be elected. . Required nomination forms may be obtain- ed from the municipal offices. • • NANCY MICHIE Clerk -Treasurer Township of Morris 72-73-2 Kippen Corresponant MRS. Rena CALDWELL 262-5935 Sympathy is expressed to the family of Eric (Ed) Mckay who passed away and was buried on Sat. Oct. 4. Mts. Grace McBride is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital London. Mrs. Emerson Kyle spent last week in Toronto attending an Eastern Star Convention. Mrs. Edna Crotch. Rogers. Arkaneas. visited with Mr. and Mts. W.I.. Maas lase week Remember It takes but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240 , Henson Confirmation classes have begun at the United Church with all young people in grade nine or fifteen years of age and over invited to attend. The classes are held every Friday at 4:30 p.m. news Kippen East W.I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Campbell Eyre on Oct. IS. Mrs. Jack Bell wilr be the guest speaker and Mrs. Charles Eyre will give the motto. k HENSALL MJNOR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION DANCE Acosta and Distrkt Community Centre Saturday, Oct. 18 8-1 MUSIC BY: The Country Companions 56.00 per couple • Proceeds for ke time and equipment. Held under authority of a special occasion permit. OPENING IN SEAFORTH THURSDAY, OCT. 16 Store Hours Thurs. - Fri. 9 to 9 Saturday 9.- 6 MA410111 SEAFORTH SUPERIOR MARKET "Servinu You Better Saving YOU More $ttliteed ribd ikenuted by13211Ott Mar Coi, Ltd. • aoao- 4 a -•'a- 4 aa 4.4• a a -