HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-10-09, Page 21'41 THE HU RON ,gxPos 1T90,*QQTQBER 19O Seaforth firemen Catty on a never ' ending battle to ensure that the area, for which they are responsible dOS, net add to the. staggering losses Which Canada laces each year, as result of fires according to Harry Halt, Chief of the brigade. The; Seaforth brigade serves Seaforth and adjoin- ing townships of Tucker - smith, McKillop, Hullett and •`Hibbert. In the months ahead increasing emphasis will be placed on various aspects of fire prevention Cheif Hak said and added that a good — fitelitefielitittiv -record—de= - pends on the co-operation of every citizen. There are many common sense • procedures that families should follow and vvbick el:irefully watched, Conici help cut down the tragic loss. in life and property damage which fire creates. Children, the principal liiP- thns ef fires, should never be left alone. Smoke and gas can snuff their lives in a very short time. If a bahy.sitte.t:is left with the children, he or she should be aware of all exits in case of an emergency., Hold a family meeting. Prepare an escape plan in the event of a fire. If possible have your baby-sitter present The plan that you formulate may make the difference between life_.and death. If you -have a fire exting- uisher, which everyone should have, it is imperative that every adult member of the house should know how to operateit,' and its location, Make sure that Is in working condition and that it is easily accessible. Fire .• exting- uishers must be ready to use °reign In recent year the Huron County Federation of Agri- culture has • spearheaded efforts to increase awareness of the problems associated with the absentee ownership of Ontario farm land. A 1979 KDOP Study for the -Federation- -found- --highest- - foreign ownership in Ashfield Township, 2,123 acres, and Howick Township, 1637 acres. wistraim ,rProfect Your Family from FIRE • Think about fire -- wherever you are-- AlVlays check to see if you have proper fire insurance; If there's doubt, Come and see us today! Seaforth Insurance Agency Limited 527-1610 Seaforth, Ontario Kenneth 1. Cardno asou aim moi Donald G. Eaton when needed. ' in an emergency. On many Occasions, people Wing in rural Areas call the', Wrong fire department when, fire is discovered. This causes unnecessary \ delay, sotnetimeS« esulting in die loss of building Each individual householder should Make sure what fire 'department they are to call, this should not be left till an entergency„Remember your area fire department and the rship a concern F of A annual Oct. 23 • . Recent purchases in Colborne and other townShips may add more to the list.. Purchases tend to be large holdings of high quality farm land. The. Federation is concerned about the impact these .untenanted .holdings will -- have on rural community,. The Federation wants to do more than study the problem. In the past year foreign purchasing appears to have accelerated. At their September Regional Meeting the Huron County Federation of Agriculture called for the resignation of Ontario's minister of Agriculture, Lorne Henderson, unless he took action to deal with the problem. The Federation is learning how other provinces have dealt with this problem. The Huron County Federation has invited Gordon. MacMurchy, Minister of Agriculture for Saskatchewan, to be the guest speaker at their Annual Meeting en OcG 23. Mr. MacMurchy will speak on Saaskatchewan's SMOKE ALARM Early Warning Fire Smoke Detector SAVES LIVES Here's how it works When smoke particles enter the detector chamber, the detector voltage 'balance is upset. This voltage charge is amplified by a specially deigned amplifier which triggers the built-in alarm horn. The alarm horn will continue to sound as long As smoke is 'present. Should a fire break out in your home, the detector Wiliserite the smoke in the early stages of the fore and give an alarm before the smoke reaches dangerous concent rat ions. Established 1876 McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE: 10 MAIN ST, SEAFORTH, ONT Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Sec. Treas., Ph. 527-0400 DIRECTORS & Ken Carnochan Lavern Gocn Ross Leon hardt John McEwing Stanley Mcliwain Dorrald McKercher John A. Taylor J .N . Trewartha Stuart Wilson ADJUSTERS 482-3354 527-1877 345-2234 523-9390 524-7051 527-1837 482-7527 482-7593 527-0687 AGENTS EF. "Bill" Durst James Keys Wm. Leiper FULL COVERAGE Farm & Urban Properties F Ire Wondsthrm LtabrIt(y Theft Varrous Floater Coverages Homeowner s Tenant s Package Composete Dwelling THINK FIRE SAFETY !tic 527-1455- 527-0467 523-4257 1egisIatin on foreign ownership and- on its Farm Start program. Mr. MacMurchy ' s' comments will follow a roast beef supper at the Brussels area arena. Tickets are available from County Directors and Township Presidents for 56.00 a person. The Federation is also planning a seminar with Mr. MacMurchy the following day. Details of it will be available at th - Annual Meeting. tiuinber. After a call is placed, it is a good idea to wait for the fire department at the front of the property at the road, because semetinaes depart- ments 'find it difficnIt to find the place. Alsor, note . that you sh'ouldn't hesitate to call the fire department except in the case of the smallest fires which can be put out by the people ib the building. When you call the fire department give your name and address first in case the call is cut' short by flames. Remember, in spite of all Don't play with Fire CHUBB ON GUARD crinnoinn TIRE Fire extinguishers are rated and classified for 3 types of fires. A fot wood, paper, clothes. II for flammable liquids, gases. C for electrical fires. a) to (I) Chubb on Guard extinguishers meet strict ULC standards — your best assurance of dependability, performance. Non-conductive, non-toxic chemical powder. All have long -wearing metal parts. Baked enamel finish. - (4) 1N55C•rated multi-purpose. 21/2119b: 61-0806—WIth bracket 15 (5) 2A/10111C-ritted muld-purpasa5 lb. C1-0824—Willi bracket 31.55 (6) 4N4010-rsted.mutti-purpina10 Ib. 61-0828—With bracket 51.95 �jVehicle bracket -for secure mounting kl-f of fire extinguisher in boats, cars. campers, vans. For use with Item M. GD 81-0601—Metal constnictIon 4.411 M Dird4ndicstor dry extinguisher ahowa um pressure and recharge time at a glance, Non -clog plastic valve. With wall mount bracket for convenience. UL tested and approved for assurance of high stan- dards and performance. 61-0818—WC rating 12.25 61-0616—With metal valve 14.11 • Low- priced unit 1295 ASSOCIATE STORE F.W. Tilley Ltd. Seoforth Save with Cash Bonus COUPONS precautions, you may have a fire, so it pays to know what 'to d�, wnenlife-neea arises. Is yourliome, office, bust, ' nesS, or other buildings that you may have an lotcrest safe from fire? Have you checked the following: Is your house clean and tidy or has tras4 accumulated? If it has, get rid pf it today. How about your electric wiring? Is Is safe? Are You tisini.the 'etioper fuses? Get rid of fiayed electric cords. littve ;them replaced, Don't smoke in bed. Smok- ing is one of the major causes of fire. What about the heating system, Are the pipes safe? Is the imney in good conditon? Have you had your furnace cleane IN ONE CAN AFFORD A FIRE \ PROTECT your Home your Family • your Business Lishec,11 your Farm PIM • your*Car 4:- 4 your Health If struck now, the replacement 60sts could be staggering Your insurance coverage should be reviewed • and updated—soon! INSURANCE CANNOT STOP FIRE — BUT IT CAN PAY LOSSES - See us for full protection JIM*ETUE INSURANCE AGENT' 32 Main Street 527-0720 Seaforth Emergency Number 527-1100 WHAT ABOUT KITCHEN 1313YE PAN FIRES ON TOP OF STOVES: 1. TURN OFF HEAT. BUT IF FIRE IGNITES NEAR COMBUSTIBLES 2. Try smothering flame by covering fire with a pan cover. It should completely cover pan. Watch out for yourself and your clothing. 3. If pan cover doesn't work, use your fire extinguisher [dry chemical or carbon dioxide type]. FOR OVEN FIRES: 1. TURN OFF HEAT. 2. Try smothering flame by closing ovendoor for a few moments. , 3. If this doesn't work, open oven door a crack and 'use your fire extinguisher [dry chemical or carbon dioxide type). Open oven door as little as possible. (or threatens to) 1. Get everyone out of the house. 2. Close kitchen door to prevent the fire from spreading . . . . then get out — 3. AND CALL YOUR FIRE DEPARTMENT! NEVER: X never risk carrying out a burning pan. X never put water on grease fires . . .It will spatter and spread flames. . . . .AND NEVER TRY TO FIGHT ANYTHING BUT A SMALL FIRE! Seaforth and Area Fire Department Chief: Hatry Hale Dep. Chief: Tom Philips 527-1276 527-0921 Captain: Jim Sills - 527-1248 : Captain: Ron Broome 527-1822 4 4, 4: .•4•--4. 4ae .4" 41'1 -.4 •%,,, '