HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-10-09, Page 2022 Legal Notices
22 Legal Notices
Prelitiiinary List
of Electors
Township of Morris
Notice is hereby given, that 1 have complied
with Section 24 of the Municipal Elections
Act, 1977 and that •I will be posting in the
Municipal office, on the
14th day of October, 1980.
the het of all persons entitled to be electors
for -t he- Menielpat-Elect Ion _-
1 hereby call upon,all electors to examine the
list for the purpose of making InclUsions,
additions, -corrections or deletions from the
The last day for, filing applications for
Inclusions, additions, Correetions or
delectione: •
22nd day of October, 1980
at the hour of 5:00 p.m.
Revision of the list begins ',October 14th,
1980 at 9:00 p.m. In the municipal office.
Returning Officer
Municipal Elections
Town of Seaforth
Offices to be filled
• Reeve
Deputy -Reeve
Councillors .
PUC Commissioners
Nominations for Office
Nomination Day Is on
Monday, October 20, 1980
1. Nominations may be filed in the office of
the Clerk during the period commencing
at 9:00 in the morning Thursday,
October 16th, ;980 and ending at 5:00 in
the afternoon Monday, October 20, 1980.
2. A nominee may withdraw from a
nomination at any time before 5:00 in the
afternoon of Tuesday, October 21st,
3. Nominations must be signed by at least
ten electors and the nominee must make
a declaration el consent and qualifications
4. Nomination papers may be obtained at
the Clerks office.
NAdvance Polls
1. Will be held in the Clerk's office at the
Town Hall from 9:00 in the morning until
8:00 in ' the evening on Saturday,
November 1. 1980.
2. Any elector who expects to be unable to
vote on polling day in the' polling
subdivisions for which their names
appear on the polling lists or who
are entitled to vote either under a
certificate issued by the clerk under
section 33 or who become entitled to vote
under Section 56.
Clerk, Town of Seaforth
Index of School Support
Township of Morris
Take notice that the Assessment Com-
missioners Index of School Support for the
Collector's Roll of the Township of Morris
will be posted in the office of the Clerk on
14th Day of October, 1980
The list may be inspected in the office of the
Clerk and applications made for revision of
the list for the purpose of correcting the
-School Support indicated. The last day for
making such application for correction of
School Support Tax purposes will be the
22nd day of October, 1980
Clerk -Treasurer
..---# 4•_'
22 Legal. Notices 22 Legal Notices
'Preliminary List .
of Electors
The 1:ownship of Grey
This preliminary lists:4 all electors prepared
as required by the Municipal Elections Act,
1977 was publicly posted in the office of the
Municipal Clerk on the 7th day of October,
Electors should examine the list to ensure
that their names and relevant information
are correctly shown.
- -Applications-for—inclusions,--additionsor---
corrections to or deletions from the list may
be made by an elector completing and filing
a form obtained at the office of the clerk,
during normal office hours.
Revision of the preliminary list of electors
will commence Tuesday,
October 14th, 1980
at 9:00 a.m. and the last day for filing
applications concerning inclusions,
additions, correctionsor deletions is
Wednesday, October 22nd, 1980
at 5:00 p.m.
Returning Officer
Township cif Grey
Township of Hullett
Nominations for the following may be filed
at the Clerk's Office in Londesboro from
/Thursday Oct. 16 to
• Monday Oct. 26
at 5 p.m. •
One Reeve, One Deputy -Reeve, and Three
Councillors for the Township of Hullett to be
nominated by qualified Electors In me
.ToWnshlp of Hullett;
One Member for the Huron County School
Board to represent the Town of Seaforth,
the Township of McKillop and the Township
of Hullett to be nominated by qualified
Public School Electors In any of the three
above mentioned Municipalities.
Nomination Forms to be used are available
at the Office of the Clerk.
Notice of Highway Closing
NOTICE IS HEREI3Y GIVEN that the Corporation
ofthe Township of McKillop proposes to consider and.
if deemed, advisable, pass a By-law providing for the
stopping up and closing of a certain road allowance
assumed by By-law Number 28'1980 of the said
COMOntiart of the Township of McKillop 35 a public
Which may be more particularly described as follows
ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel 017
trad of land and premises situate. lying and
being in the Township of MeKillop. in the
County of Huron and Province of On,tario and
being composed of a 66 foot road allowance as
shown on Registered Plan No. 4 for the said
Township of McKillop and more particularla
described as follows:
COMMENCING at the Southwest angle of Lot
10, Registered Plan No. 4;
THENCE northerly along the Westerly limit of
said Lot 10. a distance of 132 feet to a point
which said point is also the Northwest angle of
said Lot 10;
THENCE Westerly and at right angles. a
distance of 66 feet to a point which said point is
also th eNortheast angle of Lot 11. Registered
Plan No. 4;
THENCE Southerly at right aw ngles and
parallel to the Westerly limit of Lot 1 1. a
distance of 132 feet to a point;
THENCE Easterly at right angles to the point of
AND FURTHER PROVIDING for the sate of the said
stopped tip and closed road allowance to the owners cif
the farad that Mints on it, namely. Lots 10 and 11.
Registered Plan Number 4 for the said. 'township of
it is proposed that the By-law be considered by the
Council of the Corporation of the Township of
McKillop at its regaar meeting tribe held at McKillop
Township Municipal Office on the third day of
November, 1980 at 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon.
AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that before passing
the said By-law at its meeting to he held at the said
thne and place, the Council of the corporation of the
township of McKillop shall then and there hear any
person who claims that his land will be prejudicially
affected by the said By-law and who applies to be
DATED at the Township of McKillop this 30th day of
September, 1980.
R.13 HI._
Seaforth, Ontario
_4 4 44. 4- 4 4 4-4-2 4• 4-44-44-4-4k 4 4. 4- 4 4 .4 4 4
, •
4444444444rlf 444,1444444 44,44.
..22 Legal Natiees 22 Legal Notices
•'Notice of Nomination
Notice is hereby given that nominations
for 1 representative to the Huron -Perth
Separate School Board for the electoral
districts of Hui lett, Grey, Brussels,
Wingham, Morris, Turnberry, Kinioss,
Cuiross, and Howick. will be received by the
undersigned at the Grey Township
Municipal Office from
October 16th, 1980
at 9:00 a.m.
and close on
October 20th, 1980
at 5:00 p.m.
• during normal office hours
Required nomination forms may be
obtained from the Municipal Offices.
Returning Officer
Township of Grey
Township of McKillop
Nominations for the offices of
Deputy Reeve
3 Councillors ,
1 Member for the Huron -Perth -
County Roman Catholic. Separate
School Board
for the Township of McKillop for the years
1981 and 1982 will be received by the
uhderaigned commencing on Thorsday,
October 16, 1980
and concluding at 5:00 p.m.
Monday, October 20, 1980
Nomination forms are available at the
Municipal office, Winthrop, Ont.
Township of Hibbert
Notice of Nomination
Separate School
Notice is hereby given that nominations for
one representative to the Huron -Perth
Separate School Board for the Elector at
Districts of Hibbert and Logan will be
received by the iindersigned at the Hibbert
Township Municipal Office, Mill Street,
Dublin, from:
October 16th 1980
at 9 a.m.
-and dose on
October 20th, 1980
at 5 p.m
during normal office hours
Required nomination forms may be
obtained from the Municipal Office.
Returning Officer
Township Hibbert.
The death 'occurred at
Seaforth Comniunity
Hospital on Monday October
6th of Leone flotham of 38
WilSOT1 Street Seaforth. She
was in her 62nd year.
Born in Seaforth she was a
daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. John Hotham.
She is survived by a
daughter Mrs. Donald
(Sharon) ?Willard, Brantford.
She also is survived by two
4-4 4
4 4 4 4--% 4,4-
sisters, Mrs. Clayton
(M line) Laithwaite,
,tqWch and Mrs. Duncan
(Ccilin.ne) Cooper. Kippen,
and a brother, John,
Windsor. Funeral arrange-
ments were in charge of
the Whitney-Ribey Funeral
Horne, Seaforth assisted by
Bernard Witham of Windsor.
The funeral service was held
at St. Thomas Anglican
Church, Seaforth,
Wednesday at 2 p.m. with
22 Legal Notices 22 Legal Notes
List of Electors '
Townshipp-of Hibbert
T•his preliminary list of all electors prepared
as required by The Muniaipal Elections Act,
1977 was publicily posted In thepffIce of the
Municipal clerk en the
7th day of October, 1980
Etetfors OVUM exartifrie--the-list to eure
that their names and -relevant information
are correctly shown.
Application for inclusions additions or
corrections to or deletions from the list may
be made by an elector by completing and
filing a form obtainable at the office of the
The last day for filing applications con-
cerning inclusions, additions, corrections or
22nd October, 1980
Clerk, Township Hibbert
4: card ii Of Thitoks.
OUR family wild like to
wish our sincere appreciation
to each and every person who
helped out in any way since
the passing of our little boy,
Darrell. Michael. Thanks
too, to oor relatives, friends
.and neighbours for flip many
cards, charitable donations,
floral arrangments and
baked goods that •were
brought into our home.
Special thanks to Father T.G.
Dill, and Father P.A.
Oostveen, for their
comforting message and
prayers, also Lockhart
funeral home who handled
__the funeral arrA.ORgoents.L A__
special thanks to the Dublin
C.W.L. who served a lovely
- lunch. Your kindness and
thoughtfulness will always"
be remembered. — Danny,
Bonnie, Mark and Jennifer
Cronin. 24-74-1
Township of Hullett
Clerk's Notice of First Posting of
List of Electors
Notice is hereby given that lhave com_plied
with Section 23 of the Municipal Elections
Act, 1972, and that I have posted up at the
Township Office in Londesboro on the 14th
day of Qctober, 1980 the list of all persona
entitled to vote In the Municipality at the
Municipal Elections, and that such List
remains there for inspection.
And I hereby call upon all Electors to take
Immediate proceedings to have any errors
or omissions corrected according to law.
The last Day for filing complaints la the
22th Day of OCTOBER 1980
Revision of the List will commence on
October 14, 1980
at the Township Office in the Hamlet of
Londesboro ,
Dated this 8th day of
Box 293, Londeeboro
School Support List
The Township of Grey
Notice is hereby given that I have posted up
at my office at R.R. #3, Brussels, Ontario on
the 7th day of October, 1989 a list prepared
by the Assessment Commissioner which
shows the school sullport of every inhabitant
who is entitled to direct taxes for school
support purposes.
The said listing may be inspected any day
Monday to Friday, between 9:00 a.m. and
5:00 p.m.
Revisions will commence
Tuesday, October 14th, 1980 .
at 9:00 a.m. and the last day for filing
applications for alterations is Wednesday,
Octobr 22, 1980
5:00 p.m.
An application to alter school support list
shall be made to the undersigned, on forms
available at the Township Office during
normal office hours on the day listed.
Returning Officer
Tcw.nship of Grey
Rev. James Broadfoot
officiating. Interment
followed in Maitiandbank
Cemetery, Seaforth.
Pall bearers were Doug
Cooper, Arnold Laithwaite.
Charles Hotharn,--. Kevin
Hothatn, Edward Laithwaite
and George Laithwaite.
Flower bearers were
StePhen Cooper, Margen
Hotham and Stephen
4 -4 -4 4-•4 8.. % -44.
I wish to thank all who sent
cards, flowers, treats, and
visits while I was .a patient
in Victoria Hospital. Special
thanks to nurses, and doctors
on 8th floor and also to the
St. Columban Soccer.Club —
Tony Gibbings. 24-74-1
I'd like to thank my family,
neighbours, and friends for
their kindness showm me
while a patient in Exeter
Hospital and since returnign
home. It was all greatly
appreciated. — Ethel Consitt
- 24-74-1
I wish to thank my friends for
all the kirtdess shown to me
during my stay in University
Hospital, for cards, flowers,
gifts and visits. I ap-
preciated all of them very
much. — Lloyd McCluskie.
25 In Memoriam
PRESSEY: In loving memory
of our dear son, brother and
uncle Calvin W. Pressey who
passed away suddenly fiye
years ago October 5, 1975.
Dear. Calvin:
There is a road called re-
membrance .
Where thoughts and wishes
We take that road in
thought today
For someone we cannot greet
We do not forget you. nor do
we intend
We think of you everyday
and will to the end.
Gone and forgotten. by some
you may be.
But dear to our hearts you
Will always be.
We are thinking of you
Just thinking of tbe past
PiCturing you in memory
Just as we saw you last
You left behind our aching
That loved you most sincere
We never could or never will
Forget you Calvin dear
Just a cluster of cherished
Sprayed by a million tears
Wishing God would have
spared you.
For many more years
Dearly loved and never to be
forgotten by Mom. Brian:
Barry. Karen, PaultWarsha.
Wayne. Lynda and Bob,
nieces Michelle and Sherry.
24. "4- 1
27 Birdie
CROWLEY: Mr and Mrs.
Frank Crowley. R.R 5,
Seaforth are pleased to an-
nounce the birth of their
daughter Julianoe Marie on
Tuesday. Oct at Stratford
General Hospital A sister for
Jimmy and Jane
28 Deaths
At Seaforth Community
Hospital on Monday,
October 6, 1980. Leone
Hotham of 38 Wilson Street,
Seaforth in her 62nd year.
Dear mother of Mrs. Donald
(Sharon) Millard. Brantford.
Also surviving are two sisters
Mrs. Clayton (Madeline)
Laithwaite, Goderich, and
Mrs. Duncan ' (Corinne)
Cooper, Kippen and a
brother John, Windsor.
Friends called at the
Whitney Ribey Funeral
Home, 87 Goderich Street
West, Seaforth. Funeral
service was held OctOber 8 at
St. • Thomas Anglican
Church, Seaforth with Rev.
James Broadfoot officiating.
Interment Maitlandbank
Cemetery, Seaforth.