HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-11-22, Page 44 teeTel'ailel3Ele 1sT•;, IIlA1OTI•MES . $, I1.. 81I4.tOTT. ?unease en atm Peoeuiteete THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1906. NOTES AND COMMENTS. With the arrival r,f bat two more pas- senserebips, iiuuiigratieu, it is stated, +hill nines for the Newson. During the season 110.000limitgraute, or 28,000 more than last year, were 1a tied at Q a. bee. There are five_: swami •s in the Cana- dian Senate The coatrry would be saved a gree; deal of expense if all the Beata were vacant. There is not much need. for a Senate tend the i111E8 would like to Nee it abolished or reformed iu some way in which the members would be responsible to the pcopte. C:.nuda'e eFgregate fo lige trade for the fear months t nding O'tobo. r 31 shows a gain of over $13,250,000, com- pared with the same period of 1905, the figures t•eing,respectively, $100,814,777 and $87,523,357. The exports of domes- tic products amounted to $88,818,114, a gain of $6,099,826 The imports for the four months were of the value of $111,- 871,358, an increase of $18 974 67. Every newspaper knows full well how many people shirk responsibility in pnblio affairs. People come to a news- paper time after time and want the newspaper to fire some hot shot which they dare not. The editor asks them to sign their names to certain ehargee or statements, which they wish made in the press and it is astonishiug how quickly they Drawl back into their shells Plenty of ardent men want the news- paper to criticize this, that and the other person or thing, but they will not them- selves lest they might "lose business." Has a newspaper no bniness to lose? A CRIPPLE CURED. • Helpless and Bent with Rheumatism Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills "I watta helpless cr.pple. I was bent in form and could not straighten up. Crutch a were my oalp means of mov- ing about. I tried many medicines, but they all failed until I aegan usiug Dr. Williams" Pink Pills -they cured me." George Sehi,w,of Short Beath, N.S maie the above almost startling stat- meet to a reporter a few days ago. Mr. Schaw is now a well .bunt man, strong and broad shouldered. Like thousauds of other Nova Scotians, he is a fisherman, and is consequently exposed to all kinds of weather, just the conditions to set the rheumatic poison in the blood at work. Mr. Schaw adds:"It ie impassible to over rate the severity of the attack. The trouble was located in my back and right hip I had to quit work and was mostly indoors. There was a time when I uevar expected to stand erect again, but Dr. Williams' Pink Pills straightened me up again,: not only that, but t ey made me the strong, hearty man you see me today. I can never describe the awful pain I suffered before I used these pills. I tried many medicines and had treat- ment from several doctors, but to no avail, My lege became so stiff that in order to move at alt I had 10 use arntc es. Finally the doctors decided that was incurable, and told me they Doul ender no further assistance I coytfnueet to suffer day and night, and t • .n Wine the turning point of my life A.Mend from a distance came to see' me and it was from him I learn 4 1 .: t Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were t -:tepee for rheum- atism. At once t a sapply and began to use them The tiret indication that they were helpiug me was when the pain grew less severe. In a few weeks more the swelling in my legs and hips began to leave, then my joints seemed to loosen up, and then it was not long until my crutches were thrown aside and I could straighten up. Then I began to go out doors and was soon able to resume my work as well as ever. Since that time I have never been troubled with rheum- atism or lame back. I tell you the neigh- bors were all astonished at my cure; they had all thought I would always be a cripple." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills core rheum- atism by going straight to the root of the troubl • in the blood. They make neve rioh blood that sweeps out the pole- onons acid and soothes the jangled ner- ves. That is how they cure all troubles rooted in the blood, such as anaemia, in- digesiien, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, general weakness and the special ail- ments that only girls and women folk know Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co , Brockville, Ont. The more the matter is examined the clearer does it become that compar- ativeimmunity from punishment is the chief cense of electorial leorruption. Make it really certain that swift and cer- tain punishment will overtake the wrong doer and there will be few party zealots who will Dare to take risk, The political party in this country which will have the courage to create a tribunal which it cannot control, and which may have to deal summarily with some of its own members, will have done much to bring about a better state of affairs and deserve the thanks of all Canadians who desire clean elections. -Brantford Expositor. The report of the Superintendent of Insurance has just been ia,ued. It 'allows that the total amount of life poli. cies taken in Canada daring 1905 was $105,907,336, an increase over 1904 of $7,- 601,234. The Canadian companies show an increase of $8,488,028, as against an increase iu 1904 over 1903 of $3.882,0C9, and the British an increase of $772,202; while the American companies show a decrease of $1,658,996, The respective amounts effected are: Canadian com- panies, $67,539,141; British companies, $3.881,980 American companies, $34,486, 215. Thus the amount taken by dative oompauies exceeds that taken by British and American together by nearly $29,- 000,000. This total amount of life in- our>noern farce is $630,334,240, an in. crease of $42,45.3,450, over the previous year. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. J. A. Rankin, of Toronto has been appointed assistant secretary in the home Missionary Department of the Methodist Church in Canada. The Rev. W. G. Howson, preaching in the Methodist Church next Sunday, will THE WIMGI &M TIMES, NOVEMBER 22, 1906 Sheep and lambs are steady, with a tendency lower. The hog market iv firmer, at an ad- vance of 250 over last week. The;ollowing are the quotations; Exporters' cattle-- Per 100 lbs. Choice.... .... . $4 50 Medium 4 25 Bulls 3 75 Light....,...... 300 Cows 3 50 Feeders- beat 1000 pounds and up- wards 3 75 Stockers choice 0 25 " bulls....., 2 00 Butohers'- Pinked, , Choice Medium Cows Bulls Hogs -- Best Lights Sheep - Export ewes •.... 4 50 Bucks.... 3 00 Culls,., .. 3 00 Spring Lambe per lb„ 5 25 Calves. each ... . 200 •avo Stock Markets. Toronto, Nov. 20 -The run at the City Cattle Market today was 85 loads, with 1,500 head of cattle, 1,339 sheep and lambs, 750 hogs, and 100 calves. There were no material changes in the market to -day from last week's closing market, except for hogs, which are firm- er, and went up a quarter. Trade gen- erally was fair, with a tendency to drag a little on the commoner Battle. The run, however, was not r articularly heavy, and prettv well everything was cleaned out before the close of the mar- ket. Good to choice, botcher cattle were as firm as ever, with not enough of this class offering, though there were one or two 'very nice loads, one straight load of butcher heifers, weighing 1,050 to 1,075 lbs. fetching $4 50 There is a steady demand for the same class of cattle. There were a few fair loads of feeders in the market, and the market is about steady for the best quality, but in• °lined to go off a little on the poorer quality. Sheep and Iambs are steady. There is still a good active market for feeders and stockers, especially for feed. era of a better quality than most of that now offering. Prices for good feeders are firm at around $3 75 to $3 80, and anything of extra quality will fetch clos- er to the four dollar mark. WOOD WANTED. At Wingham Salt orks. take as his subjects. At 11 a.m. "The- We are prepare. . pay the highest possibilities of Christian character;" 7 market price for all kinds of good Wood p m , "There is someone knocking at the delivered at the Wingham Salt Works. door." Services bright and helpful. Call at office for particulars. The public cordially invited. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used is the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and fellow directions, Senator Vidal died at the family reef• t Gray, Young & Sparling. dence iu Sarnia on Sunday. f WINGHAM McGill University is asking contri- butions of $1,000,000 to her endowment fend, and Mr. Robert Reford has prom- ised $50,000 if the million be raised with- in a year. !Flour Mills My Tr • • i } Extra Lona.' Peed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. _ Then it will stop falling, and will grow longand heavy, l Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only genuine hair -food you can buy. It gives new life t6 the hair -bulbs. You save what hair you have, and get more, too. And it keeps the scalp - clean and healthy. The best kind of a testtinontale- "Sold far ever sixty years." ! - sd.sliooerrnwsri , maw. tiorAlttux. e s PI" i ArMtlre CMItit#Y MllC10l1Ar., MIN We are often asked by farmers, which ie it better for them, to get wheat gristed, or buy flour, grist- ing is the cheapest, you will save from 25c to 800 on each bag of floor, and then you get one floor, which is the beat. We have our chopper running again and can chop from 4,000 to 6,000 lbs. an hour, so their will be no waiting to get your chop done, PRICE LIST Five Lilies flour, a b1, $2.10 to $2.30 Prairie Rose " " 2 00 to 2.20 Star , " " 200 to 2.15 Cream Pastry Flour 1.80 to 2,05 Low grade Flour,ton 26 00 to 27 00 Bran, per ton - 17.00 to 18.00 Shorts, " 18.00 to 20.00 Screenings 18.00 to 20.00 Chop - » 20.00 to 25.00 Winter Wheat, bus. .68 to .70 Goose '• " ,60 to .62 Manitoba " " .75 to .85 Goods delivered promptly to all parts of the town. HOWSOA, HARVEY & BROCKLEBANKa $4 00 4 00 300 S 75 400 8 50 2 25 440 45-0 75 123 3 50 4 3 75 • .. •.•• .... 250 3 00 2 25 2 50 5 90 5 65 4 80 3 50 3 50 5 95 6 00 ININGRAM MARKET REPORTS Wingham, Nov. 21st 1906 Flour per 100 lbs.._ 2 00 to 2 60 Fall Wheat .... 0 69 to 0 72 Oats, 0 32 to 0 34 Barley .... ..... .... 0 42 to 0 45 Peas 0 68 to 0 70 Buckwheat • 0 55 to 0 55 Butter...... 0 20 to 0 20 Eggs per dos 0.22 to 0 24 Wood per cord 2 50 to 300 Hay, per ten........ 8 00 to 10 00 Potatoes, per bushel new0 45 to 0 50 Tallow per lb 0 05 to 0 06 Lard .., , 0 15 to 0 15 Dried Apples per lb 0 05 to 0 06 Live Hogs, per owt. 6 10 to 6 10 Turkeys, drawn .. 0 12 to 0 13 Geese, " 0 09 to 0 09 Ducks, per lb- .. 0 08 to 0 10 Chickens, per lb 0 0 8 to 0 10 4.44411.441.+44.4.4,46441.4.44.4, CHRISTMAS At KNOX'S A Jewelry Store is the plane where yon can get the best selection. Oar Watches Clocks and Silver- ware Goods are the finest and best. GIFT BOOKS -A bright, new selection. FANCY GOODS -A large and varied stook, Work Boxes, Dressing Snits,abo. CHINAWARE -In new designs. R. KNOX, Watchmaker, Jeweler and Stationer. NOW OPEN!' FALL TERM IN THE Central Business College, TORONTO, ONT. Enter any time. Twee ty teachers. One hundred and twenty Typewriting Machines. Unexcelled facilities for assisting graduates to positions. Write for new Calendar. W. H. SHAW, Principal. Yonge & Gerrard Ste., Toronto. The Leading Commercial School t�//CENTRAL lff'G�fid, STRATFORD. ONT. Tbis school is recognized to be one of the best Commercial Schools in America. Yon can safely judge a school by the applications it receives. This term we received applications from firms in six large American cit• tee and from far more towns and cities of Canada, including Saskatoon, Seek., on the west, and Charlotte- town, P E I , on the east. Oar reputation means mn.•h for our graenates. Write for our Catalogue. ELLIOTT & McIACHLAN PRINCIPALS. Ghristmas Ciewelry There is nothing more appro- priate as a Christmas gift than Jewelry. We carry the largest stock in Western On- tario to choose from, and are showing exceptional values in -Dainty Bracelets --Brooches -Buckles -Stick Pins -Opera Glasses -Leather Purses -Pendants -Watches, and -Diamonds. C. N. Ward & Co. LONDON', ONT. Specialists In Diamonds and Cut Glass. -- FOR -- GlothinA and Men's Furnishings Our Custom Tailoring Department offers excellent service to the man who requires good fitting and good appearing clothes. We have an un- usually large and handsome range of Woollens from which to select your Overcoat, Suit or Tro users. You will find us up-to-date in everything - in fabrics, in ideas, in workmanship. Moderate prices. Our Men's Furnishings Department is full of all the newest that can be had in that line- -Hate -Coops -Sweaters -Gloves -Mufflers -Scarfs -Underwear -Shirts -Collars -Neckwear -Mitts -Hose -Handkerchiefs -Suspenders, Umbrellas in fact, all the requirements of men and boys in that line. Call and see what we have ; it won't cost any- thing to look. Boy Wanted, to learn Tailoring. Turkeys Wanted ! We want to buy you; Turkeys, and will pay the highest market prioe. Write for particulars, and state how many you have. Mention this paper. THE Canada Poultry & Produce Co. Limited STRATFORD, ONT. - THE - Berlin Business. College Write for catalog of the school' that -places more students in posi- tions than any similar school in Western Ontario. All graduates get positions. Eater at any time. W. D. EOLEIi, Principal THE BEST PLACE IN WINGHAM TO SECURE- A Piano Organ OR Violin IS AT DAVID .BELL'S Terms to snit purchaser. WINGHAM aohillc Works Having secured a first-class machinist, I am prepared to do all kinds of repair- ing on the shortest notice. Also CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER I am also building a few Portable Sawing Machines --something new. Orli and inspect before placing your order elsewhere. W. G. PATON. or) Farmers' Poultry We want all your Poultry, alive or dressed. and will pay the HIGHEST PRICES for it. Your Poultry may to delivered at WINGHAl.x, buyer wanted. LUCKNOw, " " BRUSSELS, " .SI BELGRAV1 •• BLYTH, Nov. 8. McMillan & Co. FLAVELLES, LIMITED LONDON, ONT. ' '1.1'IIa111'IntM3:t1 Near By Health Resorts A few days at the Mineral Springs of .St. Catharines, Mt. Clemens and Preston, has benefited the health of hundreds. Nothing -'is equal to the treatment. Best of hotel accommo- dation at moderate rates. TR/ IT. All situated on the G. T. R For tickets and full information call on L. Harold, Depot Agent. J. D. MODoNALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED At once for Wingham and surround- ing districts. High -Claes Specialties in Fruit and Ornamental Stock grown and for sale by Canada's Greatest Nurseries A permanent situation for the right party Liberal inducements, Pay weekly. Handsome free outfit. Write for terms and catalogue, and send 25o in stamps for our Pocket Magnifying Glass, or 30o for our Hand Metal Haok Saw. STONE St WELLINGTON TON ronthul Nurseries (Oyer 800 eeres) To*oht'%, ONTARIO. I of 11111111 111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111.11 THE "BIG STORE," - WINGHAM, ONT. JNO. KERB. Here's an Interesting Item of Store News For You. Last week we received 72 Suits •of Ready -to -Wear Clothing for Men, Youth and B )ys. These goods should have been here not later than Sept. 1st, but owing to the difficulty the manufacturers are experiencing in getting material, these Suits are just two and a -half months late in getting here. For this reason, and nother, we are going to offer for two weeks all our stock of Men's, Youth's and Boys' Ready -to -Wear Clothing at Re- duced Prices. Progress Brand Clothing Gives Perfect Satisfaction . Big Sale for Two Weeks Only of Progress Brand Clothing. Very Newest Styles. Fit, Finish, Workmanship, Guaranteed. Men's single or double breast Suite, reg. $15 00 for $11.25 " '• 1206 9.00 9.00 6.75 8 00 6.00 „ ,[ „ ,l Youths' and Boys' Snits, same reduction in prices as Men's. Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Men's Raincoats.. at big reductions in prices. New goods 2.5 per cent less than regular prices. Men's Ulsters at half price. Women's Raincoats. We offer all our stock of Women's Showerproof Coats and Raincoats at one-third less than regu- lar prices. . WANTED -Large quantities of Choice Roll Batter, Fresh Ergs, Dried Apples, Chickens, Decks, Geese, Turkeys, White Beaus, Potatoes. Good Fat Young Chickens and Danks, dry picked, will bring big prices. We will not take scalded poultry at any price. s TVVVnrvvvvvvvvvvvvVVVVV, VVVVTVYV V•VVVVVVVVyVV'VIM ► ► 4 4 Special Announcement for; Fall and Wintr.. : 4 ► 44 ► 4 C T. A. MILLS IS OFFERING HIS STOCK ► AT SPECIAL PRICES. 4' 4• DRESS GOODS. 4 4 ► I have determined to clear out my Dress Goods stock at greatly reduced i C prices this Fall. As the season goes on, many lines are going at less than < 0,..750 on the dollar. Black Dress Goods a specialty."' PRINTS. ► Fall and Dark Winter Prints at Cost. FLANNELLETTES. 4 4 4 4 ► 4 I purchased very largely by the case in all kinds from 5c per yard up. 4 Can give yon heady, 36 in. wide, all colorings, at 10o.ett Grey Flannels and Flannel Shirtings-. And a nice variety of Shirts made to order. 4 HOME-MADE BLANKETS. 't, From the Wroxeter, Teeswater and Kingsmill factories. Pare stook, 4 C well cleansed and very cheap, at the price wool has been this a nmmer. Call i ► and see them if in need of a pair. Sheeting, white and grey, 86 and 72 inches. 4 Pe IP 4 UNDERWEAR • C I keep the celebrated STANFIELD Shirts and Drawers, made from Nova 4 • s' Scotia wools, soft and flexible, and guaranteed not to shrink, sizes 36 to 46 . <; Ladies' Wear in the Puritan make. The beat brands in Canada. Also Misses' 4 . and Children's in all sizes, from 15o eaoh up to the finest. 11041 HOSIERY.- 4 From the Wellaley Knitting Mills direct. The beet wearing goods in .4k Canada, made from pure North-west wools, and at prices that cannot be set equalled, quality considered. READY-MADE CLOTHING. 4, 4, 4r I have deoided to clear out my large stook of Clothing this fall and win , I ter, and can give you great bargains. A nice Overcoat for $4.00, usually $9. ' ' A. good, serviceable Suit $4.00, and large stook to select from: Boys' School Suits. splendid variety. A good. Work Pant for 81.00, worth 81.40. t it Carpet, Oilcloth, Linoleum. ► A large number of ends in All -wool, Union, Tapestry and Bras eels, at 44 about half price. Call and see them and get prioes. Some cheap- Hemp 4t � - Carpets and Mata to offer. �� t Linoleum in 1, 2 and 4 yards wide. Oilcloth in 1 and 2 yards wide. Men's and Women's Fur Goods. Coon, Wombat, Rti5sian Oalf, Dag and Bishop Coats for Men. - For the Ladies, A9traohaa Coate that 0 tn't be beaten for valves and quality,. Work- manship guaranteed. Call and see them. •. Hate, Caps, Gloves, Eoots, Bhoes, Rubbers, Groceries . rattier and tee, Timothy and MILLS. Clover Seed, Bdnektahrx6 and Tersat Xing bats Wanted, ♦ i atarsA+i " LAX Mat l A