HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-10-09, Page 1010 THE HURON EXPOSITOR! ocrQr3En BY DAVE BROOM • • • It has itrrty00,,,Ye$, liockev '..gearing , up Ifor allopler 101* wintOt. and .SPitfaith's: . ()Wu - Industrial flocicuY• 4ague set off toa, very good Start;last Snndav Earlicr'' 'in' ;.the'.weck ' 'thetigh the. ncw league e?tee,ittiye„Atit..„ together and six teams werc draftcd. Six.brand,lrieW sets of sweaters ' ..proirt'pted nanie changes for the teams a1$0.. So front 'itinv on, the -StarS.- ,... will be known as the. Pen-, ;Pins, the Wings become; the Canadians; the Blues Will be known as the Rangers and. the . Kings have been changed to the Bruins. The Hawks and Flyers remain the CANADIANS 6 PENQUINS 5 These two clubs had the honour of starting things off this .season and both outfits turned on the jets early but as the match wore on those same jets had cooled some- what, The Canadians twice blew two goal leads, bat managed to slim win when they tallied twice with about two Minutes . le lathe game. ,The Pens had the large part of the:play in a contest that was dom- • inated IV I goaltending. - Goalies Cooper -and Webster , kept the score lover then it should have been. ! Murray Henderson count- ed four goals for the winners with singles going to Dave Broome and Brian Nigh. Ken Swan led the Pens attack by notching a pair of goals. Rounding out the losersscoring were Dave Longstaff, Jerry Altin and Steve Smith. GERS-8-BRUINS-3 -- The Rangers served notice early that they will be a force to be reckoned with this year. They crunched the Bruins 8-3 during 'last Sundays middle match. The Rangers skated 'moo around, tbreugh ad()vet a porous Bruin defense to easily take the one - sided match. In all fairness thoagh the Bears were miSsing three key performers in Bill O'Shea, John Janmaat and. Rick Fortune. This team will - be a contender before it's over too! TWO GOALS Bruce Rathwell paced. the Rangers by netting two goals: Ralph Wood, Kevin Hen- derson, Bob Montgomery, Kevin Bennett, Ken Dever- eaux and George Reeves also all scored single markers. Marc Robinette, Paul andTom Nigh'. count- ed forgithe Bruins. FLYERS3HAWK The Flyers clipped •the Hawks 5-3 during last Sun- days late game. This match was, technically, the best of the night and these two teams should be 'successful this 'year. So far, no clear favourite • „al*, -OilprgO!-,1but 000 couple of 'weeks should -separate the best ; (team from the. rest, Ens I) el vecela tallied twice for the , Flyers with Jim -Colernart, Bob' Schenck and Jae Digit -rounding out the winners, scoring. • Sid ,'WocIts had a pair: for the „Hawks with Casey KlaVer addin&alone goal, GAMES NEXT WEEK OCT.,12 7100 8:30 10:00 -Bruins Flyers 'Rangers • 'Hawks Canadians Penguins .---.---''',,-. r":". . :.--___./...____....... :.•:.f..-,,,._.,...„....„., ..,.....,„ ..• .„...:„.; . .0/- _.-_-'-:---%-- --''-----._---- 0 ,_,-,....--7--- --; „. ...,„% ...,,,i--„,--____----______ 4•, •-'-----<"---'-;--->----_---__--.... ,„---•--_____,___..->-- 0. >2- .3:,...„___-_,-,, ...„..--- ....,..,.,„ .5,-..--„.-----__ ---- ---!...,--r- ....,------------ .--/- --- ..-----, , -!.../..-- - ---i-_--- --------- 0 F.,----- e.---,-0- (55 20 „..‹...0 _-5-„,-.5,-.- .---- ' • ---"-------",-;,:--------<. --,-",-' % .,' ..... --------------....==. 0 —GRABBING THE PUCK—The- goalies- for the77 -Seaforth Center,' aireeteied but were unable to keep very many shots Out of the net as the team lost 6-1 against the Clinton Mustangs, Tuesday. —Early In -Vie -third pertoct-the gamb-tUrriadiiitti''a contest of "cheap shots" and fighting. (Photo by Ellis) • Warriors defy odds and win • • !MIST BOARD OF DIRECTORS—The new executive of the Seaforth Optimist Club was Inducted last Thursday evening,.and the new board of directors was also named. Included are, rear row, Second Year Directors Gord Phillip, Keith Eaton and Peter Morris, and in the front, First Year Directors Arnold Stinn- issen, Wayne Scott and Dave Reid. (Photo by Ellis) WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 527-0240 SEAFORTH BUY NOAyAs SAVE! GENERAL ELECTRIC REBATE OFFER' OFFER ENDS ON OCTOBER ,1980 Model 0850V HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO OWN A TOP OF THE UNE LAUNDRY PAIR AND AT A REAL SAVING WITH THE $50.00 REB "Alt DIRECT FROM GENERAL ELECTRIC Appliances. on this AUTOMATIONASHER and Matching AUTOMATIC DRYER Loaded with features that make washday a breeze, the washer has 6 wash cycles, a mini basket, Filter Flo wash action and large capacity porcelain tub. Dryer has four cycles, three heat selections including fluff, drum lamp.and drying rack. A great laundry pair to eliminate' washday blues. Buy now and _get the G -E DIRECT REBATE. • WHEN PURCHASED SEPARATELY YOU GET $30•110 REBATE ON THE WASHER ANO Rao° ON DRYER COME IN NOW AND SEE HOW YOU TOO CAN SAVE ON THIS AND OTHER G -E QUALITY' APPLIANCES. QUANTITIES LIMITED! FRANK KUNG LTD. General Electric Dealer for over 40 years 5274320 'Seaforth Card winners at Happy Citizens meeting The Happy Citizens met on Oct. 4 in the Legion Hall with a big crowd. Hazel McNaughton pre- sided and a poem on Thanks- giving was read. --Mae--Smith-was in charge of the cards with the winners Ladies High -Mrs. Carrie McGavin, Ladies Lone Hands -Mrs. Rachel Reihl, Ladies Low -Mrs. Haist, Men's High -Mike Malanuik, Men's Lone Hands -Jim McQuaid,men's Low -Jim Kelly. Remember,, it take but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. It seldom happens in sports -the Toronto Maple Leaf s did it in '41-'42, and the New York Islanders did it in recent years -but on Sunday ' the Winthrop Warriors joined that select group. Two weeks ago the Warriors trailed the Atwood Athletics three games to none in the best of seven Western Ontario Athletic Association "A" champion- ships in mens' Slo-pitch. On Sunday, however, with a resounding 16-11 win the Winthrop team completed a four game comeback to fake the series. Amid whoops, cheers, and backslapping the winners' trophy was presented to co -captains Gord Pryce and Jahn Patterson. A special trophy was awarded Ed Salverda, ,the team dugout general, for effective work It's everything you're looking for SS440 Performance. . comfort . reliability . styling.. : the Yamaha S440 has it all. 437cc fan -cooled engine for smooth, quiet operation. Special rear suspension for extra comfort. Look it over soon! BIG OCTCIBER DISCOUNTS NOW IN EFFECT ON ALL MODELS SPECIAL PRESENTATION Leona and Wayne Scott of Seaforth, were presented with a plaque by Optimist President Lloyd Eisler last Thursday night as a testimonial of appreciation for -their services to the club over the past eight years. (Photo by Ellis) AftB*40 eio ierse4 L SALES & SERVICE DIAL 262-6142 HENSAU. - ONT. 1 mile west sula 1 MiTh South of Beirut! Your A utliorizod Y Full Service Dealer YAMAHA in Area Churches First PRESBYTERIAN Church • 59 Goderieh Si. W., Seaforth Nth:Met: Fr' T A A Duke Orrianist: Mrs. D -Carter SUNDAY. OCTOBER 12 11:15 Worship, Sunday School and Nursery "Come, Ye Thankful Peopte, Come" ST. THOMAS Anglican Church The tev. James R. Broadfoot B.A., M,D4v. • Ses.forth SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12TH 19th Sunday After T finity 10 a.m. Hob, Casamstalen Sermon: Be Kind To One Another Somday School and Ncusery avatialsfe dadea like "Celebrating it= 125 years in Seaforth" NORTHSIDE ,United Church 54 Goderich St. West. Seaforth Rev. J.G. Vanslyke OCTOBER 12, 1996 Thanksgiving Sunday • Church Service 11 a.m. Mandate For Gratitude Sunday School and Nursery at the same thee Organist -Choir Director Jr Choir Leader Margaret Whitmore Audrey McIlwaln Area rongregations are invited to take advantage of the church diretortoannounccjj ir church services each week. Church directory ann,,iincements are available for a minimum of 26 conse( ut,ve weeks in units of to column inches at 52 per unit Changes in copy, ma Y he made each week hut mast he received before noon on Tuesday. Custom' &ling We are now receiving the 1980 CORN CROP Buy - Sell Storage available KEN RI CAMPBELL FARMS LTD. R.R. 1 Dublin 527-0249 411a.44.40,4'.4.14•4 from the bench. The Warrior victory wasn't easy. Their first two wins took ten and 11 innings and were by single runs. In the sixth and seventh games, with their backs still against the wall. the Winthrop bats began to ring and they came up with convincing wins. The Sunday game in Winthrop, under cold: damp conditions, was played before a sparse crovvd of about 75. • • St. James bowlers set standings - TEAM STANDINGS Grasshoppers • 6 Crickets 22 Mosquitos 14 Beetles 19 June Bugs 9 Dragonflies 14 Mens High Single George Love, 380; Mens High Triple George Love 806. Ladles -High Single Ruth Campbell, 213; High Triple Dolores O'Dwyer. 570. ST, JAMES BOWLING STANDING Canadians 21 Cry 19 Blues IS 0.V.:s 18 Diamond 18 Red Caps 11 Weekly Ladies High Single Patti, Griduk, 219; High Triple Cheryl Kruse 576: Weekly Men's High Single and Triple. Brian Barry. 278, 685. TOWN & COUNTRY LEAGUE TEAM STANDINGS • North Stars 9 Cougars- Flipflops 8 Hip Waders 5 Ankle Biters Hush nipples . 5 Ladies High Average, Leanne McKay, 208; High Triple and Single, Marg Ungarian, 599, 233. Men's High Average, Triple and Single, Ron Harris 248. 802, 306. 8 , THURSDAY NIGHTERS STANDING Die Hards Alley Olaps Superstars Whipper Snappers Pin Ups 11 Blues 11 Weekly Ladies High Single and Triple and Average. Linda Gridzak, 243, 659, 200. Weekly Men's High Single and Triple, Kevin Young 316, 701. Men's High Average. Murray Bennewies. 214. 17 16 16. 13 Seaforth bow ers hold annual The Seaforth Ladies lawn bowling club held its annual meeting at the home of Esther Brady A good repre- sentation was present and the new executive is: Past President -Eileen ,,Adamson. President-Heleri Connell. 1st Vice -Bea Storey. r'id Vice -Edith Dunlop. Secty. Treas.-Ella Munro, assistant -Donna Patterson; Social Convenor Thelma Dale assisted by Katie Phillips, Graze Pepper, Esther Bdy. Touynament COM ratttee. Rsenda Finlayson. Eileen Adamson. Sick & Shut Li -Jessie Hillen. The bowling club members are looking forward to the annual Turkey dinner Oct. 9th at the club house whicb will close the bowling for the yar.Card parties will be held once a tr,onth during the winter. OTOCROS RACING SEASON - FINAL SUNDAY OCT. 12 Heats ot i i 30 Funalc of 2 30 DON'T MISS IT Family Fun For Everyone 14AnI 4 Rlf .P •-• e4;. k ,.,e7.•• cog, *mf 262.3318 or 262.5809 ••‘.. -4— _ _