HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-11-22, Page 3"is good tea" It has that "Rich Fruity Flavor" which belongs to Rea Rose Tea alone. Prices —s e, 30, es, 4o, So and 6o cts. per Ib, in lead packets T. H. ESTASROOKS, 8T, JOHN, N. B. WINNIP110. TORONTO. e. W(LLINarON 6T., C• THE ONE MAN OUT OF TEN (Washington Star) Nine men toil while cue men playa, Nine men serve one all their days; ,'Mine men beg what one may give, Nine men die that o1.e may live. One man laugbs while nine men sigh; One eneceede wbere nine men try; One man wins the love he craves, Nine men to preteuse are slaves.. One man hopes cbile nine despair; One limps what vine thonld'share; "Some time," kine men weakly say, Boldly one man says "To,day I" I Cucumber Pioklea.—One gallon of vin-' l egar, three quarters of a oup of ealt, one cup of sugar, one oup of grated horse- radish, two tableepoonfula of ground mustard, a piece of alum the size of hickory nut. Pour boiling water over the encumbers, and let them stand for twenty-four hours, theu drain and add the vinegar, then the other ingredients, Put in jars to ripen. CI ah. SE1 rilCSTR. Z.A.r Bean the n Us Did You Have Always Boaagrit eigntare of ar ••••••••••••N,•••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' 1l COAL COAL COAL. We are sole agents for the ..celebrated SCRANTON COAL, rwhich has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and , Domeatin Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. :i •: •• • • i fWnli:rang f LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH •• • • 2 (Dressed or Undressed) Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. = Or Highest Price paid for all kinds of Lugs. " • J. A. McLean.) 2 Residenoe Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44. •••••••••N••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••N••••t .1 ......ha..i4,11..11 11 1 •.. .D lis ill • 1 .I I r Cooks and Bakes Y� - _,-- perfectly at, 1.,z.,,,,, --Is. L J the same time ' ✓ There is not an. other range built in which the heat may be regulated so that you can bake in the oven and cook on the top at the same time without spoiling one or the other. But you can do both equally well at the same time on the Pandora, because its heat is not wasted and is at all times" -under the simplest, most positive control. If you do the cooking of your household you can appreciate exactly what this means. WCIary Pandora 1 Range Warehouses and rectories* London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver. St. john. N.B.. Hamilton YOUNG & MCBURNEY SOLE AGENTS. ►j al=. From Desk To Desk r 11 0 Ir L is only another way of saying "t Ambition. " We all are ambitious—we all want to reach the top, but if the first few rungs in the ladder of success are missing, it's pretty hard to get a foothold* isn't it P Eegin right and attend the FoftasT CITY BUSINESS & SHOWMAN') COLLEGE. Nothing is taught that is not needed in business life. The rungs are all in OUR ladder, and when you graduate you stand alone on a firm foundation. nusitiess and Shorthand work our specialty. Write for our catalogue ; it's free. School term : September till June, inclusive. forest City Business College J.V'.1'1'ES'tEltVELT,Prhtaipel. Y. 114. 0.A. wadi., 4oniain. MY OW TIIE WINCHAM TIMES, RAWER ABSOLUTE 1"I eFOUR WALLS the The storm night ight i s on b waste, Wild through tate wind the herdsmen calls Aa last on will•ng nag I baste Heine to my own four walls. Black glimtossingmer clouds, with scarce a Envelop earth like aevenfold peals; But wifekiawatches, coffee-pot doth thinner, Nome in nay own four Walls. A home and wife I too have got. A hearth to blaze whate'er befalls; What needs a man that I have not Within nal own four walls? King George has palaces of pride, And armed grooms must ward those hls; With anealstout bort I safe may abide Within my own four walla. Not all his men may sever this; It yields to friends, nor monarchs' ll.; My wcahinatone house my castle is, I have my own four walls. The moorland house, though rude it be, May stand the brant when prouder falls, 'Twill sore= my wife, my books, and tee, All in my owndour walls. --Thomas Carlyle. -r P111 Sense.*—It stands to reason that Dr, Agnew's Little Liver Pi le will crowd out of the market many of the nen. semis old-timers. A better medicine at less than half the price is all the argu- ment needed to keep the demand what it has been—rhenomenal-40 doses 10 cents. They ours Sick headache, onsness, and allay all stomach irritations. —5. Sold by A. L, Hamilton. SAYS PRINCE RUPERT iS SPLENDID HARBOR Inspector of Agencies Bredt Returns From Northern Trip P.M. Bredt, of Regina, Dominion government inspector of agencies and fora ign colonies, accompanied by Mrs. Bredte arrived in Victoria recently after attending the New Westminister fair. In the fall of last year Mr, Bredt visit. ed the coabt for the benefit of his health by twoPP impaired lose n lieation to the Po arduous duties of his office and made his headquarters in Victoria. The balmy climate of this Island had its customary effect and in a few weeks Mr. Bredt was atifficientiy recovered to make many ex- oursions about the Island taking notes of its conditions and advautages; and among other functions, he attended the Oowichan Agricultural exhibition at Duncans, wbere he acted as one of the judges, afterwards taking a sea trip up the west coast as far as Port Simpson. "My opinion of Victoria and its sur roundings," said Mr. Bradt, "is eufiiot- enly expressed by the fact that I have taken the earliest opportunity of coming back again to spent my summer holiday with you and that I have brought Mrs. Bradt this time to share my enjoyment. I have this year repeated my west coast trip, this time extending it as far as Skagway. It is certainly the most plot. uresque country one could imagine. We were delighted and surprised at its grandeur, it is like several Nor ways in one wonderful panorama. Among many other changes for the better that 1 node. ed was that of the improved conditions of t avel. The boat in which we made the trip was commodious and comfort- able, luxuriously fitted with the latest improvements with ;the additional re- commendation of good cuisine and at- tendance, a good seaboat, a genial cool mender and pleasant and capable of- ficers. We ENJOYED THE TRIP IDIMENSELY and were fortunate enough to have as fellow passengers, President Hayee of the Grated Trunk Pacific railroad. We had thus the chance to visit Prince Ru- pert. In my opinion it is an ideal loca- tion for the terminus and the harbor is unsurpassed on the coast. At present the hydrographio survey is still incom- plete and the mariners enter for the first time with natural caution but once hav- ing made the entrance they say that they wonld have no fear about entering at any time. While we were there the weather was very stormy with a nasty sea running outside. Inside, however, it was perfectly calm, the position being well proteoted from the prevailing winds. "Certainly," continued Mr. Bredt, there is room there for a great city and Digly island would slake an ideal an - barb or summer resort. Comm:niea- tian would have to i e by ferry' think, though the dividing passage is narrow and the distance short; not greater than between North Vancouver and Vancou- ver city, if to far; it would be practieal- ly a part of the oity. "There is plenty of activity in evidence at Prince Rupert; houses tor the engine - ore arta being rapidly constructed and gangs of men are buoy clearing land for the township. Already there is a very serviceable wharf which they intend to extent) immediately and everything seems to point to gniolr development. SECURITY. lanampaMarab Genuine Carter's Little Liver 1'ilis, Bust. Bear Signature of 7fr' 0Gr� Sr' FaceSinine Wrapper Bctow. Very email as 1 as oup to take as MASAI • FOR E31IZa,KSa. mu FOR RILI3ltaRESS,. Ft Font ; f1i1p 111 LIVER, pi Lt FOR CONSTIPATION' rod SALLOW Sad. FOR THE CO141'LF.XIOp }."r471AN`1 YV.TIMY. YANRC, gr alis I lPlft ;17 agetab]o. CURE SICK HEADACHE. liaising iiia Wager. Y, :You know I told you a few days after he employed me that he said he'd raise my wages in a month or so? Z,—Yes. And didn't he? "No. I misunderstood him. He said he'd try to raise my first week's wages by that time. I haven't had a shilling yet."—London Tit -Bits. raulty Kidneys: Have you back- ache? Do you feel drowsy? DO your limbs feel heavy? Havo yon frequent heartaches? Havo you failing vision? Have you dizzy feeling? Are you de- pressed? Is your Skin drys? Have you a tired feeling? Any of these signs prove kidney� eliseeet a Experience has preyed ' ' that tgouth American kidne Om never l - a chw`ss for a Half Century OR over half a century—ever sine 1854 -the reputation of this store has guaranteed the reliabil- ity of any Watch purchased from h. Increased manufacturing and buy- ing facilities now enable us to give you the best Watch values in Canada. 'An instance is our 815.00 special. k co»lists of a guaranteed 15 -Jewel Ryrie Bros. Movement, in 141*. gold- filled case warranted to wear twenty- five years. Arod ss a Mtn, card and ser will send :STtr ire of ehne;;'e our large illus- trated euta.ognc. vr- Rip OS.C� 0406 COMPARISQNS. Aa. Soon no IVa negie to Make Then We Rema to 81s1!<er. We would not have. to strive so for courage if what we vaguely call 'Ulmer were mere evenly distributed among us, for no one's lot would thea seem to him an evil one. If we were all humpbacked or lame or lellpd; if every husband were unfaithful and every child a cross; if we were all poor and no man had any more than anoth- er; if nobody's son died la bis early strength and nobody was Ioved while we sat neglected, them who of us Would know what sorrows and.amle-- tions were? We would take each of them for granted, as a Chinaman takes his yellow skis} and an Indian bis red one. It is because we see our estate differ- ing from that of our fellows that we are tempted to comparisons, and It is in the making of these comparisons that a sense of our sorrows, like the knowledge of our afflictions, Is first born. IIow would we have known Mil we were poor unless we had seen some one else who was richer or that our son was unsuccessful unless the son of somebody else were making a great mark in the world? Would our little .children be unhappy with only one dress bad they not seen other chil- dren with two? It eomes to this, then: When we be. gin to make comparisons, we begin to suffer. This may seem to be a hard saying, but it Is a true one.—Lillie Hamilton Preneh In Harper's Bazar. r. i J4 TE. DRINKERS . You really must try STAG LEGENDS. Ancient Stories of the Animal's An- tipathy to Snakes, There is no beast in the world to which more legendary virtues are at- tributed than the stag, partly owing to the tale of St. Hubert, partly to a supposed antipathy of stags toward serpents, partly to a peculiar mass of gristle in the shape of a cross which Is found in the animal's heart. Is whole book might be written on the miraculous power of the heart and the efficacy of different parts of him against the troubles of this evil world. Pouiiloux, in the sixteenth century, gives a long list, and Master Robert Tepee] nils page upon page with them, but our author in his solid English fashion is chary of accepting such stories. Men say, he admits, that when a stag is right old be beateth a serpent with his foot till she be wroth, and then eateth her, and then goeth to drink, and then runueth hither and thither till the water and venom be meddled together, and maketh him cast all his evil humors that he bad In bis body, and maketh his flesh come all anew. But, he adds, with the solemnity of Herodotus himself, "Thereof make I none affirmation." And this phrase occurs again and again, for the Comte de Poix is too great and noble a hunter that any assertion of his should be Laughed at. The only way to make sure of a clean heart is to watch against the little smuts Itiehing , Burning , Creeping , Crawling skin Diseases relieved in a few minutes by Agnew's Ointment. Dr Agnew's Ointment relieves instantly, and cures Tetter, Salt Rbenm, Scald Head, Eczema, Ulcer -I, Blotches, and all Eruptions of the Skin. it is soothing and quieting and acts like magic i • all Baby Humors, Irritatian of the Scalp or Rashes during teething tam+`. 85 cents a box. -7 Sold be A L Hamilton. They seldom transgress any law who follow where love leads. A Surprise in Biscuits Every box ofMooney's Perfection Cream Sodas you open—you will find a new delight in these dainty' biscuits. _ When you want to surprise yourself. ' give your appetite a treat with Nooney's 91 I erfectioa+Cream Sodas Ihmigiummuiftwoolioliosiiiiiamie fails.. -6. Sold by A. L. Ham lton, - • Gambling a Religions Dirty. "Speaking of gambling," a mission- ary said, "I know of a sect that re- gards it as a religious duty, like fast- ing or prayer. This sect is the Hindoos. They one, day in each year gamble like mad from sunrise till sunset. The day is the festival of the lamps, a day sacred to Lakshuu, the goddess of wealth. A tremendous lot of money changes hands in Lakshun's honor. All this gambling Is done to test the finan- cial success that will attend on each person throughout the year. If a gam- bler loses he knows a year of hard luck is ahead of him. If he wins he knows he may expect a twelvemonth of prosperity. Strange to say, a good deal of cheatiug accompanies this re- ligious gambling." 3 CEYLON' OIRE 11T Same flavor as Japan, only perfectly free from adulterations of any kind. It is to the Japan tea drinker what "S LAD ." Black is to the )aback tea drinker, LEAD PAOKBTS ONLY 2.5o, 30o, 40o, 60o, and 60o per Ib. AAAAAMAAAWAAAAAAANNAAAA vvvrrvvvWVvvVWW/VVWVVVVV, Champion Divers. "Larry Donovan," said a profession- al swimmer, "made the highest dive on record. It was 210 feet—a dive from the Brooklyn bridge. Donovan also took a dive from Niagara bridge, a good 200 feet. There are no other div- ers in the same class with Larry. Jack Burns made a dive of 150 feet from the topmost yardarm of the Three Brothers, the largest sailing ship of its time, and Jim O'Rourke and Julius Gautier have done some good diving, too -100 feet, 125 feet, and so on—but it is doubtful If Donovau's record will ever be broken." 1 Lehigh Valley Coal 1 1 Come with the crowd and leave your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and clinkers It has no equal. The Crasvflsh's Tail. The tail of a crawfish serves that an- tmaI as an oar. By a peculiar jerk of the tail the animal can retire from a dangerous object with aimost incredi- ble swiftness. The tall is much more effective in moving the animal back- ward than forward, a singular instance of adaptation to its situation, for•by means of its tail it can withdraw into its hole with such swiftness as in an instant to place It out of danger. Excited No Comment. Tess—Of course, I knew that May and Bess were bitter enemies, but do you mean to tell me they actually en- gaged in a fist fight? Jess—Yes. gess —Why, what a scandal! I declare I— Jess—Ob, nobody noticed It. They went to a bargain store to do It. The Opinion She sought. "Well, what do you think of my new hat?" she asked. "Do you want a candid opinion?" he 'questioned, "Heavens, not" she replied. "Say something nice." -eeestei00V1AAAAAAAAIVerteveAieressiees Wear WVWvvwvNVVVVVWWVW, And Insight. • "`hat happens when people fall in love at first sight?" ""Usually marriage and second sight." There is nothing either good or bad but tbinking makes it Lice .:. K K K K •K&K K&K Kms: K -K&'K K;&ke;K.3;K BLOOD POISON • On account of its terrible elfecte, blood disease is called the king of all diseases, It may be either hereditary or contracted; so while It may not be 4 oriole to have the disease, it is a crime to permit it to remain in the system. It may manifest itself in the form of Scrofula, Oczeste, rheumatic pains, stiff or swollen joints, itchiness of the skin, eruptions or blotches, ulcers in the mouth or on the tongue sore throat, failing oitt of hair, 4tsordered stomach, and a general depression of the system. If you have arty of these symptoms don't neglect yourself, You have no time to lose. Beware of "old fogy" treatment—beware of mineral poisons— beware of Quacks and rehire. 000 rinw 51D4$OD TR•ATMEPIT is guaranteed to cure this disease, never to return, Bank Bonds will pro`ect you. , our treatment le not injurious in any way, but reaches the very root of the disease and eliminates all poison from the system. The symptoms of disease gradually disappear. The blood becomes pure and enriched the whole system is cleansed and purified, and the patient feels prepared anew for the duties and the pleasures of life. CORES GIIA*Al't�r111lD 012 RO PAY. all Yearn tea I Detroit. 250,000 Cured, Cousultatloa Free. Question Blank for Home Treatment and Rooks Free. DRS.KENNEDY& KERGAN Oor. =tableau Ave. and Shelby et.. Detroit, Mich. Ke—K Ko(K. K K&K K 3tl-C Kt; K b••••••••••••••••0.0e a testi • • • • • • • • An Advertisement in • a • • THE TIMES • a • •• • • • Edits Good Results • • 3 • e a e 8 • a 0 • •lige•e••tt•••0•08,0•••••••••S •r A • • • • r • M r • • 2 • 0 • • • • • • • • O O 0 • S 0 • • 0 a s 3 • a • • • • • 0 N • 2 • • t N • • • The \Virgham Times reaches the homes of most of the people of Wingham and surrounding cow _try. It keeps its shbscrihers 1 csud cn all the nell s of the day—local, l.olitical and foreign. If you have anything to sell, or want anything, advertise in The Times. Rates on application. We Thinks Printing That's our business, We are constantly on the lookout for new ideas, and these are here awaiting your accept- ance, It's no trouble for us to give you information—to write or call—it will place you under no obligation. and perhaps we may suggest something you can profit by. Prices right. Quality ever the talisman. TheRingham Times WINGItA:1i, ONTARIO. • • • • • • • • i •