The Wingham Times, 1906-11-22, Page 11
VOL XXXV. --NO. 1815.
Gentlemen,—We are headquarters
in Wingbam for Stock Foods and
Condition Powders.
International Stock Food
Dr. Hess' stock Food
Our Own Condition Powders
—none better.
Bring your own recipes along, and
th ey will be accurately filled, at right
Walton McKibboo
Phan. B.
Macdonald Block - WINoetese
Wingham Business College
Individual instruction
No vaoation
Gold medallists as teacher§
Highest standard
Ask for oatalogne
Modern business practice
Bookkeeping a specialty
',Ugly towards sluggards
Shorthand and typewriting
Interested in graduates.
Newest office systems
Enter any time
Students' literary society
Sympathetic teachers
Commercial correspondence
Ornamental penmanship
Learn telegraphy °
Lucrative positions
Excellent text -books
Graduates successful
Enter " NOW."
L.GEO: SPOTTON, - Principal.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
When buying a
rule should apply a
Yon want the best
There is one "best'
should be in ever
have your own scat
doubt, but should 1st) h
Herald and Week' Star of Montreal.
' It can be had at t price of the cheapest
—one dollar a yea —and is certainly the
greatest family a farm papse on the
continent. Their reminm picture given
free to all snbeeri re, entitled "A tug
of War," is pictn that will adorn any
. home. The ramil Herald is certainly
very superior vale this season.
- .
Band Koncert.
The Citizens' Bad will hold the next
QQAGert of lite ser' s on_ Friday evening
of thiel week, good program Vag
been arranged is d the boys look for a
crowded house. The baud, deserves the
hearty support o the townspeople. The
admisaion is onl 10 cents,
WANTED—A good dining room girl.
Apply at King Edward hotel,
R. T. of T. ally Night
The members of Ingham Council,
No. 114 will hold t air annual meeting
on Tuesday eveni of next week in
0. 0. F. hall. Re . Pm. Kettlewoll, of
St. Thomas, it is pected, will be pre.
sent and deliver a address. All mem-
bers of the Order re,requested to attend
this meeting.
Higheat price paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butcher shop.
WANTED -A married man to work on a
farm by the year. Apply at Trams of-
The Style
Is an important
younger and a well
Lady or Gentleman
who will be at Brnl
day, Deo. 6th can
anyone calling o
Rooms. He has
Toupees, Bangs,
Switches in every
he will gladly a
head free of char
fail to see him.
ewspaper the same
when buying needs,
for your ney—
in Caned and it .
home. on should
er without
the Family
Dr. Ovens, Oculist, , London, Surgeon
Eye, Ear, Nose and, Throat will be at Mo-
Kibbon's drug store„Tuesday, Deo. 4 h.
Hours 2 p. m. to 8 p.m. Glasses prop-
erly fitted.
The Late rthur Murphy.
Mr. Arthur Mu phy, a fesident of the
Township of Mor is for some forty years
passed away at t e home of hie sister,
Mrs. Wm Hende on at Wingham Juno•
tion on Friday la k, in his 80th year. He
was a fine old ge:tleman and held in
high esteem by a large ctrole of friends.
Of late years he h ,a been in poor health.
He was a native 'f Scotland and .came
to this country wh n a young man, settl-
ing first in Oxfor county. Ho was a
life-long friend of r Robert Maxwell,
of the Blnevale ro and was grooms-
men at his weddi g nearly fifty-one
years ago. Far ei hteen years the de.
eeaaed and Mr. Max ell were in partner-
ehip in the building ine and they erect-
ed many of the ho ses and barns in
Morris and Tnrnb ry. Mr. Murphy
'was a member of th Blnevale Presby-
terian Church and Po many years had
been an Elder. Ile n ver married, mak-
ing his home for ma y veers past with
his sister. A truly h orable and stardy
pioneer of Iinron oo my haat been call-
ed to the Great Bey rad in the palming
away of Arthur bin hy. The funeral
to the Wingham Ce etery on Monday
:afternoon was *ery I rgely attended.
Watch for the new line of fano. goods
—everything for the Christmas trade.
A. greet variety of oolored and white
linen centre pieoee--the very latest, M
the "BSC} BOoit” STOenr.
f Hair Worn
actor to produce' a
shaped head to' any
Prof. Do dnwond,
swick H1, Thurs-
3e ... net ate tide to
a at his Show
Ladies' and Gents'
ivy end, Plain Fronts
ngth and elands, that
est on any Lady's
to prove this, Don't
Special prices to those wanting; -meat
in large pieces or by the quarter;
Tnos, T. FIELD.
Found head in Bed.
Mr. James Ait]
King Edward ho
bed about two ei
:on, a boarder at the
el was found dead in
Thursday afternoon
Iast. The decead bad been working
at the Western +oundry but for some
days had been off duty. The people of
the hotel though it .nothing strange
when he did not come down for his
breakfast as he very often missed bis
meals when not rorkina. When the
hotel porter wenn up to the room, after
the dinner hour b found the door look-
ed, and after the r om had been entered
the young man wa found to be dead in
bed. It was dee ed necessary to hold
an irquest and of er a jury had been
selected they revs wed the remains and
the inquest was a 'ourned until Friday
evening. Coroner ennedy presided and
M. Dudley Hol es represented the
Crown. ,Several w tnesses were examin-
ed, including Dr. mlyn, who perform-
ed the post mortu and found that de-
ceased had taken carbolic acid. The
jury brou ht in a verdict accordingly,
The deceosed yo g ntau had been liv-
ing here for some brae years and leaves
a widow. The r mains were taken to
London by the ether of deceased on
Saturday mornin
FOR SALE.—High•olass barbering busi-
ness in a flonrishing town in Western
Ontario. A money maker. A good
surplus over and above all wages and
other expenses. Apply to J. H. Olns-
Rome Real Estate Agent.
cows, milking, o due to calf early;
three calves; one incoln ewe and lamb;
two brood sows, supposed to be with
pig; one plattorm pring light wagon, in
good condition. pply at the TIMES of-
Woman's In
The Winghambr
Institute will held {
ip meeting in the C'
block, on Thursda
Subject for disc
how to Prepare
ladies are oordiall
titute Meeting.
melt of the. Women's
air regular month -
0. F. hail, dregorys
. Nov, 29th, at 8 p.m.
esion:--"Meats and
Cook them," All
invited to attend. ,
The Jubilee ngers
The opera house was well filled on
Tuesday evening to be the Awericela
Jubilee Singers being t second oonoert
of the eerier in aid of t hospital fund.
While a number of th people enjoyed
the entertainment Cher were many who
did not care for it, T e choruses were
very good. Tke ne t concert Sethe
unary 2y3
Call at R. Johniton's and Bee his line aeries will be held on
of Felts, Rubbers and Shoes awl be con-
vivaed. Two young cows f
the Bee Hive Store.
Bible So iety Meeting
Tho annual me ing of the Wingham
branch of the Bib a Society will be held
in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church on
Friday evening o this week, Ray. Mr.
Hanna, of Mt, =forest, agent for the
Society will be present and deliver an
address. The p blio invited to attend
and a large atte ante is looked for.
This week a n
been sent to The
in arrears and the
ed to have an earl;
dividnal amounts
$2 each, but in the
eral hundred dol
man needs mone
year and hopes to
subscribers who a
The Adoisory Council.
The counting of the votes for the
e andidates who were running for a
place on the On -alio Educational Ad-
visory Council tr represent the public
school teachers of tae Province was
concluded on Saie day. The four
teaohere electe are Miss H. Johnston,
Toronto; A. A. ordan, Port Hope; J.
W, Pleevis, Cha ham; T. A, Reid, Owea
Sound. Mins J hnstan was away in the
lead of all the ther candidates; Mr.
Reid is well- own to many of our
readers, being a on of Mr. Adam Reid,
of Lower Win ham. Mr. A. 13 Mus-
grove desires t thank all those who 80
kindly assisted im in the recent election
and although n isuccesafnl, yet the ex-
preesions of in erect and kindness to-
wards him amp y repay for all the trou-
ble. Mr, Muiswove was handicapped
in the rennin , having entered the
contest toe la e, ae a large number
of teaohere had already promised their
votes. Althou offered combinations,
by which he fight Baldly have been
elected, he for ed none, and reeeieed
every vote on h s own merite. Then,
there were abs t 1400 votes nnpelled,
prinoipally in t e rulal districts, where
Mr. Musgrove ould have undoubtedly
obtained support. Considering
these things, at . MnegroVo Made a very
orodi table run, is be was first in the list
of oandidatee fter those of the large
rein Arrears.
ober of accounts have
subscribers who are
editor would be pleas -
remittance. The in -
ire very small, $1 and
aggregate form sen
are, The newepaper
at this season of the
hear favorably from
to in arrears.
HIDES WANTED.—We will pay the
highest cash price for bides.
Died Pen England.
Mr, R, H, Oro oder received a cable-
gram on Friday, announcing the death
of his father, M -. Anderson Crowder, at
Charlton Oumhdy, near Manchester,
England: Mr. 0 owder was over seventy
vents of age ano• had for many years
been connected with a wholesale dry
geode house in isanchester, but of late
years had bees living retired, Our
townsman had not seen his father in
eighteen years : rad intend going home
during the past rammer but was pre-
vented. Ile win have the sympathy of
many friends in iia bereavement.
WbNTSD—Choion toll Butter, 25o.
Dry Pinked Poultry, Dried Apples,
Feathers, Fresh Eggs, etc. G. E, KING.
Hockey Ciu
Re -Organized.
At a meeting he in the young men's
club room on T - ursday evening last,
the Wingham hoc, .ey club was re -organ-
ized with the foil =wing officers:—Hon.
President, Dr. ::ennedy; Hon. Vice
Presidents, Robt Johnston and Albert
Fleming; President, J. D. Burns; Vice
Presidents, 3, E. ewarts and F. J. Tay-
lor; Treasurer,
Elmer Moore;Ma
Managing Commit
Heppenstall, J. Mo
Luau ; Delegates
meeting, D D. Wi
Since this meeting
committee has no
satisfactory arrang
the rink and it no
the bs,ya will not bt
G. Reid; Secretary,
ager, Lack Kennedy ;
ee, D. Dinsley, F, 0.
illivray and H. Mc.
o Northern League
on and H. MoLean.
we understand the
been able to make
ants for the use of
seems likely that
able to defend the
Fon RENT.—Double store, centrally
located; also living rooms upstairs.
Possession given November let. Apply
Apply at
A complete line of Felts, Rubbers and
Shoes now on hand at R. Johnston's
Boot and Shoe Store.
Passed 'Exan ination,
Dr, A. F. McKenzie, of Monkton, son
of Mr. Geo. McKenzie a now on a visit
to British Columbia and California,
While in British Colrmbia he attended
college and passed the neceasary exami-
nation to enable liim t practice in that
province should he de re to do so. Qat
of twelve who wrote on this examin •
tions only three passe
Visited So th America.
Mr, W. 3. F. Mal agh, of Brantford, a
nephew of Mrs. R. a erdsman, of Wing -
ham, and a former r;.ident of this town,
bas recently retnrnehome from a seven
months' trip to Son '. America. Mr.
Mallogh had a very p : asant trip and re-
turns home in ezoe tent health. In
speaking to a Brantfo d Expositor re-
presentative, Mr. Mall: • h had some very
interesting things to s= r , The colony of
British Guiana is an of l one, and is still
governed from Downi., street. At Ieast
80 per cent of the pop nation are of for-
eign extraction made p of Portuguese
and East Indians,and a predominating
colored population. The trade of the
colony is still in Eng eh hands, and is
carried on after Engli • fashion. Most
of the importe tire f om Britain, and
. English geode are bo • ht in large quanti-
ties. There are pr , otically no manna
facturing Industrie: established in the
colony. Mr. Melia h stated there me
• some trade in Canaan goods, although
the conditions migh be greatly improv-
ed. that
i of e colbniSt viae t
The feeling
the liritieh governm:nt Was neglecting
the colonies, and if Guiana was to be
brought under the •vernment of Can-
ada or the Misted fates, the building
up of the country w •nld be rapidly oom-
plated. The count y abounded in min+
Oral resouroee, bra there were no rail-
way facilities wh toter. The govern-
ment wee not sue • as to encourage the
investment of oapi . at the present time,
Keep your feet in atycle,i5'y ing
your shoes at this store. LW. J. Rana.
WANTED —A boy want Iearn the
photography business, A y to M. E.
WANTED—Will pay the highest price
for chickens and hens, delivered at Wm
Armour & Son's, any day lent Saturday.
P. 0. Pittings Coming.
Some one said early Monday morn-
ing, "The scaffolding has been taken
down from the tower f the post office
building." True, this as been done and
the latest word is that\ the fittings for
the interior will arri e in Wingham
this week. This will ot give much
time to place things in readiness to
have the building ready for use by the
let of December. The eople of Wing -
ham and district will, however, likely
receive mail matter fro the new build-
ing before the close of 06, though at
one time it looked very oubtful.
Dr. R. C. Redmond wisps to an-
nounce that eight callsisfler 9.30 o'clock
will ,be answered at hisfpelsidende, corner
Patrick and Shater streets.
I am prepared to do plain sewing at
my home near Western Foundry,
Prices reasonable. Mos. R, Annan,
—'East Wawanos1 Council minutea
Etre crowded out oft is issue.
—Huron County
Goderich on Tnesda
—Do you want a
papers? Tants and
January let, 1908 1
unch will meet in
, Deeember 4th,
bargain in news,
Weekly Globe till
$1 Be.
—The highest mdrket price will be.
paid for all kinds o good wood deliver-
ed at the Wingham Salt works.
—The Canadian Northern railway
between Toronto ene Parry Sound was
open for traffic on Itonday last,
—At the municipal elections next
January there wilbe 109 lee option
contests in the Pre;ince of ario.
RIIBEERS.—Ladies an Gents' Rub-
bers, high and low c--. all styles, best
made. W. J. GREER.
—Mr. Jos. Stalke of Lucknow, well-
known to many of lir readers has been
eugaged as teaohe,for the Aubnrn
—Tell your neigh
our bargain in news;
Weekly Globe till
for $1,35. I
—Sarnia can boas of having the first
ice for curling this season. The curlers
of that plane had a :ams on the 14th of
—Mr. Geo. Jones` foreman at the ohair
factory had one of pis fingers taken off
while working on ataohine at the
tory on Monday.
CHRISTaMAS B'OOTwEAR.-0 y a short
time to Christmas.' w s the time
to select your Ohri. as Footwear.
Come, see our display. W, J. GREER.
—Mr, W. Rutherf d, hardware mer-
chant, of Wroxeter wishes to purchase
a good Holstein co See his advt. in
another column.
—Mr. Geo. To , well•kuown in
Wingham, has bold t e Albion hotel at
Gerrie to Mr, Geo. H wee, of Mt. Forest.
Mr, Town intends I eating at Borden,
Hunters Ho a from Algoma
On Friday eve ing last the party of
hunters from 1'V gham returned home
from Algoma, w ere they had spent the
deer -hunting sea on. Those who went
from here were essrs. Eli Elliott, Sr.,
Wm. Elliott, elmore, Chas. Elliott,
n 7d r Moore,of Wing -
and eW
ham, They wet joined at Sault Ste,
Marie by Maser . D. Kemp, London,
and John, Jan George, Frank, and
Fred Elliott, of Steelton., The party
was very successful, having landed eight
rod deer and thre moose in the wilds of
Algoma. They re art a very pleasant
trip, The conntr when nearing North
Bey is one solid ase of rock, in many
plaoes tunnels ha:iing been cut to build
the road. After p: issing North Bay, the
shores of Georgian Bay are almost con -
stoutly in sight, an 1 at this time of year
the island dotted lases with boats flitting
across the glassy eters make a very
pretty sight. The rip to the woods was
without mishap an for the first ten
miles it was uphill
of land, where from
Mary's river and lal
Been in the dis:anoe,
north the Gouley
backed by the mou
prettiest sights of tl
the house where F
his son, visited the i
found after he had
and saw the homes
ravel to the height
2000 feet the St,
e Superior could be
and turning to the
ver could be seen,
itains—one of the
trip. They passed
ank Hale murdered
pot where Hale wag
taken his own life,
end, with the sign,
ors and friends of
opera. Traces and
January let, 191,8,
"Farm for Sale, Cheep," placed on the
door. The first nig t at camp brought
heavy sleep, and o Nov. lot at 6 o'clock
a start was made f r the hnnt. At 10,30
two fine deer had b en lauded, and from
the sounds of firin and wasted lead it
should have been b If a dozen. Some-
one accused Several Of the party of hav-
aving bock fever, bra the hunt went on
merrily,and not until the following Sant -
day was doer eighteen when another one
was bagged, Sundry way indeed a day of
rest, the nearest chapel being ten miles
mvay. Monday in ging they started in
witn a vengeanoe, d by the end of the
week had captured all eight deer, tip
to this time they d teen many moose
tracks, and at tim were close to the
herd, but the dry leaves were against
the hunters, and eve the big fellows
Warning, but snow at last made its ap-
peranoe and by Tuesday evening three
moose weighing in all over 2000 tbl, fell
tie the lot of the warty. Everyone re-
ports a good time, •end all are looking
fovrard to *return trip to Algona* in
DAVID .130, 8. A.,
Insvector of Sob •ols, East Huron.
Mr. Robb was let in Ireland in 1847.
Hie family came to Oanada in 1854 and
settled in Kingston, where his brother
and sister reside.
He began teachisea in Public (then
Common) School Se tion No. 5, Amherst
Island, iu 1864, and emnined there for
three years. Durin the Fenian excite-
ment in 1866 he joi ed the volunteers,
and at the close of year attended the
Military School at ingaton, taking a
second and afterwar s a $ret class certi-
ficate in Military D Ill and Economy.
In 1857 he took obar e of the Birming-
ham Public School, ere he taught for
thirteen years.
After attending th Toronto Normal
School for one year e some to Clinton
as Matheme. teal M eter of the High
School at that place, where he remained
nine years and until a was appointed
to his present positi in Jun.1, 1890.
Mr. Robb is now a r ident of Brussels.
He is a member of the A. F & A. M.
Mr. A. E. Lloyd, al C. Lloyd & Son is and also of the.Chap r.
in the northern cool try this week, visit-
ing Huntsville, Bre iebridge and other
places, baying lura er for use at the
door factory.
—Mr. Johu Fowls , er„ of the Blnevale
road has been serio sly 111 for the past
week. Mra. Fowler is in her 85th year,
and up to this i11nes had enjoyed ex-
cellent health.
—Mr. Geo. B Roel has been confined
to his bed for some
a large circle of Erie
pleased to hear of h:
to be around again.
Dr, Brown, eye, e
will be at Queen'i
Nov. 29. Hours 8 r
tested and glasses at
aye. 'Mr. Roe has
de who would be
n Boon being moble
r, nose, aSd throat,
h te) Wingham,
o 2 p. m.; eyea
p ied.
Our First Year
It Is just a year ago that we
purchased our drug business
in Wingham.
We hope we have pleased you
in the past in anpplying you
with best drugs and medieines
at lowest prices.
Our Aim
in the future is to serve you
better than ever. Try ns if
you are not a regular custom-
er. We carry everything that
should be found in a first-class
drug store, and would be
pleased to serve yon.
You are always welcome at
.Drums Store
—The 'nuns has een very credibly
informed that Mr. Alfred Abbott, a
young Englishman ho resided in Wing -
ham for some wi eks, had commited
suicide at Gorrie keit week by cutting
his throat it
—With the wet`: weather the people
wlio use the sidewal a on Victoria street
are again annoyed etith the water runn-
ing from the top of the hill down the
walk. Several atter pre have been made
to remedy this matt r, but they seem to
fail. It is now tim the course of the
water was changed.
—There was qui e a gathering of
members of Parham
station en Thursday
—It is expected that Rev. W. S. Tolmie, of Kincardii
Crockett, of Scotia d, who is now tour- for North Bruce, w
ing Canada will eliver his lecture, to Ottawa and Messi
"Scott and the Sao country" in Wing- P., for South Brno', and Hugh Clara,
ham early in Janus y. M. P. P., of Kincat ine.
er residents of Cult. es Township passed PERSpNAL-
away on Sunday 1st in his 79th year. Mr. R. D. Jordenh of Listowel is now
Deceased was fathergbof Mr. Alex. Ritchie, a member of the Trakes staff,
formerly of this tan. Miss Johns, of Ch cage ie visiting with
—Mr. Robt. Currie, of this town, who Wingbam relatives arta friends,
is now visiting wit his sons in British Mies Countess Ca ,r, of Toronto was
Colombia was in railway wreck last visiting with Wingh sm relatives.
week in which thr persons were killed, Mrs. Wm. Mason,'. f Blyth ve as visit.
Luckily our reepectld townsman escaped ing with Wingham fonds last week.
Dr. Butler. Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat Miss Graney of to u is attending the
stenographic depart ant of the Wing -
Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London,
3rd door East of St. Andrew's Church, ham BueitteBa Colleg
—The A. Y. PiA. and the Girls Mrs. John Henryand children, of
Auxiliary of St. Pa 's Church will hold Toronto are visitingwith her parents,
a Bazaar on Tnesd evening, Decemb- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. endorsors. 4th, when a goo evening's entertain- Mrs. J. A. McLea has returned home
went will be given. More particulars in after a visit with fr ends in Ingersoll.
our next Nene. Mr. McLean also ape t Sauday at Inger-
--In the Presbytlien Church on Fri. Boll,
day evening, Novlber 30th, under the Mr. Bort Elliott MGlenannan came
auspices of the Mis;on Band, Dr. Mac- to town this week .o take a commercial
donald will deliverla lecture, "In and course iu the Win :ham Business Col-
about London," ill Btrated with lantern lege.
views. Admission 5 cents. Mra. John Salterand her son, Mr, W,
—Mount Forest own council at a G. Salter are awe r on a few dans visit
recent meeting rece ed a check tor $600 with friends in Brooklin, Ontario
Mr. Alexander
arrived in town
commercial dep
ham Business C
Dr. T. Ohish
Huron left this vs
tend to this I'arl
Hoare opening 1
Dr. Agnew h
Philadet hie, W
two weeks visitin
eo 'visiting with
nurses there.
Mrs. H. B. Elle tt was galled to Strat-
ford on Wednesd y at attend the funeral
ll theonly Of tittle Jane Mon dangly.
o .y K
ter of Mx. and Mre. W . 3.14130111V, who
died Inddenly on Tuesday evening. The
nt at the G. T. R.
et, being Mr. John
, the new member
o was on his way
s. P. McKenzie, M.
—Mr. David Ritchie, one of the pione-
from the water and ight'cammiseioners,
being surplus funds from their depart-
ments to apply to to vn funns. Theis is
a good showing and ; again shows that
municipal ovenerehia pays.
---Mr, Newton Be s, of Boston, ap-
nea en Friday even-
cital of hie frater-
Tonathan," There
Mr. Beers is no
r, but the people
the entertainment.
pearedinthe opera h
ing last and gave a r
nal play,"David and
was a good attendan
doubt a good persons
were diaeappointed
--Mr, and Mre. Joe
to their nevi home
from their farm ne
he farm
was held' and Mr. ai
the recipients of l
The TIMES welodmos
of Wingham.
. Hall are moving
in Victoria street
r Beimore. Prior
farewell atherin
r Hall r
d MN Ia1 Were
andeome pts ents.
,them as residents
Property Owners
Will find it distinctly to their advantage
to make me their agent; based on
quick returns and satisfac-
tory dealing.
Ildclntyre of Luoknow,
!onday to attend the
went of the Wing-
>Ire, M. P. for East
eek for Ottawa to at-
iamentary duties, the
r business on Thnrs-
The following List are a few of the
many properties for sale:
$1350-13 story house, 10 rooms, fnr-
nace, excellent cel_ar, good stable, 2
one-fifth acre lots; Victoria St.
$1500-13. story frame house, 8 rooms,
fine cellar, stable, convenient; Leo-
pold Si.
$7i5O—Frame cottage, good repair,
rents for $78 per year, excellent
location, Patrick St.
$800—Brink block, Victoria St.
$1000-13% story frame home, conven-
ient, Patrick St,
$1100-1 ; story frame house, fine
cellar, 4 bed rooms, stable, property
in first-class repair, Frances St.
$1250-13, story frame house. furnace,
nice location, rents $8'50 per month.
$1300-2 story frame house, splendid
cellar, stable worth $300, fruit trees,
rents for $102 per year.
$1350--2 story frame cottage, 9rooma,
Minnie St.
$1800—Blacksmith shop and business,
inoludiug 2 story brick residence,
acre of land, 5 miles from Wing -
$2000-13n story frame house, 10
rooms, furnace, bath; two 1 5 acre
lots, Minnie St.
Farm to rant 120 acres, one mile from
Wingham on Belga e road.
If you want anything at any time in
Real Estate, come direct to head-
Money to loan on farm security.
Real Estate, Insurance and Loau Agent.
Vanntono block, Wingham,
i returned home from
ere has vent the past
the hospitals, and al -
1 hie sisters who are
bereaved parents will have the sympathy
of many Wanda in the loss of their bright
IittIe girt.
Fon SALE—Good Dwelling House and
one acre ot land, now occupied by me;
For terms and particulars apply to Geo.
Flowers for all occasions, Chrysan-
themums prime, Carnations, in full
bloom, Ferns,Aaparagns and Begonias in
splendid condition. Come and see. Gra-
ham, the Florist, Frances street.
delliterell11111111111EFIEMIIIIIDES ilk
Foot Comfort for
EItIerIy People
Elderly peopie find ocoane of
comfort in our soft, warm Foot-
Soft stock in the uppers and soft
stock in the soles — no seams to
hnrt, and made on wide, easy
in the making that will add to
comfort has been well looked
Men's styles - $2.50 or $3 50
Women's atyles #2.00 or $3.50
We offer great relief to tender
yell stock of Trlthks 1act Vetite5.
W. J. Greer
7[' it Sf'[OEB.