HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-11-15, Page 8v5 %'SSSvS sggsiga Ciristmas! Clristmas c:thstrnas! 1 What Will I Get For My Friends atChristmas? vS Cr� Ci. to A f�ff�l •C! to in C 8 FOR 61othinp, Dress Goods Beautiful, Rich and Stylish Furs and all lines of Ladies' and Gentlemen's fine and seasonable Underwear, come direct to 1). 14 t, GORDON'S. No house—no matter how much noise they make—can give you better value than you will find here. And then yon are sure of every article beiug the very newest and up to -date in every par- ticular, Our stook of Grothing must be sold. We need the room, and therefore Clothing must go. Come and get the greatest bargains ever offered. 1.�q,fl,,q,�.Z,�.•�•��'i•� �!•"�0.�b�.'�14"1��d'@ti1ti�l.�'1�i'ri� D. a GORDON. t'TYa+' ,wit,swo"ipii`Aa.",wV,Ava.'O,46.4,+t'wwwive,V4 MINOR LOCALS. —Band concert on Friday evening, November 23rd. —The TIMES to new subscribers till January let, 1908 for $1. —Mr. Alex. Carson and Mise Carson have moved to town from Gorrie. —Tinsel; and Weekly Globe till Janu- ary 1st, 1908 for $1 35, This is a bar- gain. —Kincardine will hold a reunion of old Wye and girls of that place next July. —Mrs Geo A Phippen continues in very poor health and is stilI confined to her bed. —The Carey Shoe Co., late cf Wing - ham have purchased a general stock at Thornbury. —"David and Jonathan" by Newton Beers, in the opera house on Friday evening of this week. —The Goderich-Guelph branch of the C P.R is now open for traffic between Guelph and Milverton. —Mr W. H. Campbell, of the Town Plot is able to be around again after his serious attack of pneumonia. --The date of the annual Scottish con- uert is Tuesday, January 8th. Watch future issues for full particulars. —Last Friday was the darkest day we have bad this fall. The electric lights were brought into use at 2.20 p. m. —The friends of Mise K. Kennedy, of Lower Wingham will be pleased to learn that sho ia now improving in health. - -Mr. J. E. Swarts now has the roof on his livery barn and it will not be long before the building will be finisned. —Mr. J. S. Gadd, late of the Kincar- dine Reporter has purchased the Tiver- ton Watchman from Mr. C. Cameron. — Remember T. M. Henderson's sale of farm stock, etc., on his premises, Binevale road this (Thursday) afternoon. —The duties paid on the estate of the late Hon, James Sutherland to the On- tario Government amounted to $32,500. —The Luebnow Railway Company which proposed building a railway from Proton to Walkerton has leased to the O. P. R. —There are nearly a dozen cases of typhoid fever in Clinton, but all those suffering therefrom are on the road to recovery. —The stock of general goods of N. G. Robinson at Wroxeter has been sold to Mann & Ewing, of T.eswater at 68 cents on the dollar. dust Arrived SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW IN Window Decoration Cannot be told from stained glass. Suitable for Hall Doors, Bathroom or Office Windows. Sold by the yard ; is easily laid on the glass will not rub or scrape off. Wonderful labor-saving invention. No more washing of windows and window curtains. For sale only at the " nig Book " = Store.. Call and see samples and get instructions. Iiss K1 M Fisher Stioo or to 000par dt Co. —Regular meeting of Camp Caledonia, Sons of Scotland will be held next Mon- day evening. All members are request- ed to be present. —See folders for the individual men- tion of the members of the American Jubilee Singers who appear in the opera house next Tuesday evening. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is beet when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. —Municipal Auditor Laing of Toron- to is in Goderich this week examining the books of the Treasurers of the dif- ferent municipalities of this county. —If you want a bargain in newspapers secure the T1nxEs and Weekly Globe. Both paper will be sent to any address till January 1st, 1008 for $1 35. —Mr, D. Ross MoKay, foreman of the Clinton News -Record staff is quite sick at his home near Teeswater. Mr, Mo - Kay learned the printing trade in the TIMES office, — Mr. W. G. Patterson, the jeweler hue a new advt in this issue. He has a large stock of articles suitable for Christ- mas gifts. Be sure yon read his advt. in another column. — Mr. H. B. Cowan, Provincial Sup- erintendent of Fall Fairs, has tendered his resignation. He will now devote all his time to editing the Canadian Dairy- man and the Horticulturist, —Reese Wiggles, said to be the smal- lest man in the world, died at Wilkes - borne, Pa., last week, aged 53 years. He was but 37 inches tall, four inohes short- er than General Tom Thumb. Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mo- Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday, Deo. 4,h. Hours 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Glasses prop- erly fitted. TRE WINGILAM TIMES NO1/ EMBER 15, 1900, PROPERTY FOR SALE, ' The undersigned offers for sale bis at Glenannen in Turnberry Township, con- Iaining five and a half acres. Ou the property is a good brick house, good frame barn, stable and blacksmith shop. This would make a good home for a retired farmer. Get full par- ticulars on the premises or address DAVID DUNKIN, (*lenaunun, Ont. roperty FARM FOR SALE. The north half of Lot 18, Con 7, Township of Morris, is offered for sale. About 75 acres cleared, ten acres good bush; balance slash and pasture land. Good veneer brick house2'2 x26, with kitchen 22 x 17; good frame barn 40 x 60, with stabling underneath; triune straw shed 28 x 66. Plenty of good water and the fences are in very good repair. Convenient to church and school. About 25 acres fall plowing done. Wilt be sold on reasons plc terms. Apply on the premises to THOMAS RUSSELL, eunthine P. 0. Executors' Notice. to Creditors. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0.9 1897, Chap. 129. Sec. 38, that all person , aving claims against the estate of laic. • Arm- strong, late of the Town of Wi - , ani in the County of Huron, Market Gar -r, deceased, who died on or about the t ntieth da of October, A. D. 1900, ar r • • . ired to send by post prepaid or to de v to R. Vanatone, Solicitor for the Exec .. • rs, on or before the 12th day of December, A. D. 1906, their names, addresses and descriptions and a full state- ment of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified and that after the said day the Executors will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 13th day of November A. D. 1900. R, VANSTONE, Wingham, P. 0. Solicitor for the Executors. Executors' Notice to Creditors. r� Notice is hereby giveu pursuant to R. S. 0., 1897, Chap. 129 Seo. 38, that all persons having claims against the estate of James William Linton, late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. who died on or about the Eleventh day of Septem- ber A. D., 1908 are required to send bypost prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the 28th day of November A. D., 1906, their names, addresses and descriptions and a full statement of parti- culars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by thein duly certified and that after the said day the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- tard only to the claims of which they shall hen have notice. Dated this 31st day of October A. D., 1906. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. 0. Solicitor for the Executors FARM FOR SALE. Lots 4 and 5, Concession 17, Rowiek Town- ship, containing 200 acres, more or less, belong- ing to the estate of the late John Ritchie. There are about 165 acres cleared and balance in swamp and wood land. The farm is under - drained and fenced throughout. There are on the premises a two story brick house with stone foundation, brick kitchen and stone woodshed, cement cistern, furnace, etc. There is also a good frame barn with stone founda- tion and stabling underneath; large driving shed, pig and hen houses A drilled well with plenty of water forced to house and stable by a 16 ft. windmill on barn. Windmill also used for chopping. This farm is located five miles north of Gerrie and three and a half miles east of the village of Belmore. Close to school, etc. Any one desiring a first-class farm in a good locality at a reasonable price would do well to investigate, Apply on the premises for full particulars. —The Winter Fair at Guelph will, be held from December 10 to 14 inclusive. The official premium is now out. A. P. Westervelt, Parliament Buildings, To- ronto, will be/glad to supply you with a copy, —Dr. J. S. Chisholm, late of this town has located in Prince Albert, Sash, Dr. Chisholm has a large number of friends in Wingham and district who will wish him every success in his new home in the West. —One of the treats of the season will be given in the opera hoose on Friday evening when Newton Beers will characterize in monologue the historic play, "David and Jonathan." The ad- mission is only 25 cents. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico. •ice. Your druggist or from zis, 10c in stamps, Lsnizuto, MMES Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4or —The Amerian Jubilee S' gars, con- taining male quartette, med quartette, Ootette chorus, and re er with a superb pianist and organi o accompany the singers in opera house next Tuesday evening in aid of the hospital fund. --In the Presbyterian Church on Fri- day evening, November 30th, under the auspices of the Mission Band, 1)r. Macdonald will deliver a lecture, "In and about London," illustrated with lantern views. Admission 15 cents, ---Elizabeth Hyslop, wife of Mr, Robb, McVittie died at her home in Tpronto on Friday evening last. Mrs. MoVittie was an aunt of Mins Belle Elliott of this town and had visited her several times. Miss Elliott went to Toronto to attend the funeral. BORN. 1)rgsrt;v--in Wingham oh November 13th, the wife of Mr. David Dinsley; a daughter. Sgrefr—In Eget Wawanosh, on November 9th, the wife Of Air (40Orge Shinn; a sen. Iletitlrrfi —In Itewielt, Oft NOtetat;er nth, the wife of Mr. Chas. Harris; a son. MAItitIED livAs-z.Nora,N.- lit St. lfiebael'e charr•b, Blyth, nit Nev. Sth, by Rev. Pr. Rales, Mr. James Ryan to Mils Maggie Nolan, alt of Morrie. THOMAS RITCHIE, Belmore P. 0. LAKESIDE STOCK FARM. Shorthorn Cattle — Leicester and Oxford Sheep. Our present offering is 4 Young Bulls and some choice Females. 30 choice Shearling and Ram Lambs. 20 good Ewes. Prices right. PURVES BROS., Luoknow, Ont. RECAPITULATION ! ! ! After a most searching examination by the Royal Commission of THE MUTUAL LIFE DOMINION BARK BANKorIIAMILTON 1:1EAD OFFICE : TORONTO. Capital paid up. $310001000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $3,839,000 Total Assets, over 42,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. 5 nVING8 DEPARTMENT—Interest slimed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to prinoipal 80th June and alit December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. R Vanden', Solioitor. Mr Joseph Bowdon, barrister of King. ston, was drowned. The Manufacturers' Bank of Canada will apply at Ottawa for an Aot of—in- corporation. The seven-year-old son of Mr. David Rutherford of Newcastle was killed by a -spear falling from an apple tree and piercing his brain. Assurance Co. of Canada it was found that, during the past 15 years (1890.1905) (1) The amount of insurance in force in- creased from $13,710,800 to $44,197,954; (2) The Assets—all first-class—have grown from $1.711,686 to 89,296,032; (8) The Cash income increased from 5488,- 858 489;858 to $1,956,510; (4)And the administrative expenses were very low; the death losses very favorable; there were no syndicate participations by of- ficers; no bank or trust stocks on the books; Hence beat results to Policyholders, who alone participate in the profits. ABNER COSENS AGENT -• WINGHAM. VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV i 1 CHRISTIE'S 1 SPECIALS IDATES—Having bought anioe little shipment, and choice qual- ity, too, I offer them at a price that (class of goods considered) c can't be beat. Only, per lb Go 1 FRUITS are going to be high this year, but as the Christmas season only comes once in 12 months, of course you'll want the best. You may depend on getting first quality here. MINCE MIiIA►T — It's here both in bulk and packets. Bey a small quantity and you will pronounce it excellent, In bulk at . 2 lbs for 25c Don't put off your Christ- man buying in Chinaware till the last. Things are moving now, and as prices are away down, you Want to coma early. r r J. Henry Christie OtAMMAAMAAMMAAAAMAMIt Grocer and China MerchantWINGIIAI, ONT. WINCHAM. Capital paid np, $2,500,000.00. Reserve Fund, $2,500,000.00. Total Assets, $30,000,000.00, President— SM. WM. G1BBor1.. Yam -President and General Manager —J. TURNBUrL. Assistant Gen. Manager—S, N. WATeo1 DIRECTOBB John c'r'ootor, Ohas.C.Dalton,Ron J.S.Hendria Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A. Berge. In tpeotor—B. Willson. RAVIN Ge PANIC, Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00 and, up. wards, and added to principal on 81st May and 80th November eaoh year. Sp+otal Deposits also received at current rates of interest. O. P. SMITE, Ageat, DIC S IN ON & HOL M ES, Solicitors. A petition to set aside the election of Mr. Davin Marshall, the victor in the East Elgin bye.election, was filed at Os. goode Hall, A train conveying a number of the orew of H. M, S. Shearwater from Van- couver to Quebec was run into by an. other train near Kamloops, B. 0. One man was killed and several injured. CA Don't worry 1, For W. G. PATTERSON has something swell that will suit eve body. Never before has there been in W. gham or in any town of its size such a 1 ge stock of the latest and best , Jewelry and Christmas Goods of all kinds We want the people of Wingham and sur- rounding country to call and be convinced that there is no need to send to the cities for goods. We feel sure you will be convinced after seeing our stock. We will sell our high-class goods for less money than you can buy them for in the cities. Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches, of all the best makes and newest designs — the largest stock north of. Toronto to choose from RINGS— All prices and all designs ; nothing makes a better Christmas gift. DIAMOND Rivas from . $10.00 to $250.00 NECK CHAINS— Solid Gold Neck Chains from $5.00 to 50.00 Our line of Gold Filled Neck Chains can't be beat ; from 1.25 to 12.00 BROOCHES— Solid Gold Br000hee—you should see them. From ... , 3.00 to 50.00 A largo line of Gold Filled Brooches to choose from. From 50c to 10.00 CUFF BUTTONS—Solid gold, from 3.00 to 6.00 GENTS' TIE PINS—Solid gold, from 2.00 to 15.00 A large line of Silverware and Novelties of all kinds. A line of Fine Leather Goods which will make swell Christmas gifts. In fact we have everything that you would wish for, to make a nice gift. Come early and make your choice, for our goods are selling. tyi Cl W. G. Patterson t THE GREAT WATCH fOCTOR WINGHAM, - ONTARIO. [r�i.,!'�[1Ji;I',F 1u S']f`! 3/ f'rt✓qt .)d'l C. '1t,✓7 [� [�.J L. ,. 'Gl [� V L, �� fJ.' THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. " Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E, WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst, Gen'l Manager BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND IN THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED FARMERS' BANKING Every facility afforded Farmers for their banking business. Sales Notes cashed or taken for collection. BANKING BY MAIL.—Deposits may be made or withdrawp br mail. Out-of-town accounts receive every attention. WINGHAM (ONT.) BRANCH - A. E. SMITH, MAITAGER. i Continues ! Gigantic Money = Saving Sale THE BEE HIVE CO. (In the Carey Store) Dry Goons, Groceries Men's Furnis pings Wonderful Selling. Last week was a wonderful week for " big selling " at This Store, but we've been clipping price edges closer than ever on many lines, and a " Record Breaker " is the mark we're determined to hit this week. The Ammunition is Ready. The ammunition is ready. It consists of two mag- netic ingredients, namely : Best Quality Goods, and Never -before -heard -of Prices ; and will be handed out by obliging salespeople, with perfect safety to the pur- chasers. Come with the hundreds and get Loaded with the Bargains. They are here for you ; might as well share in them and save some dollars. Tremendous Bargains • In Ladies' and Children's Jackets, Furs and Raincoats. For Sale Cheap—Pour good Box Stoves, at bargain prices, The Bee Hive _ Co. T GA.REY STORE Opposite Brunswick Hotel, - Wingham, Ont.