HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-09-25, Page 1616 • THE. HURON ,11,T,-"fr7rxtrItt7IFP' POSITCOR SEPTEMBER 25 1980: sT'terkm'it'reT.Th,17477c,- 100 te.rryre7t;r475,7t. 779.P-5.• ''''7,777"1771.97-4f Let 'Em int For You Call 527-0240 1. Coming Events ROAST beef supper, Bruce - field United Church, October 8th, 1980, 5 to 7 p.m. Adults $5. to 12 years $2.50 under 8 years, free. Advanced tiekets only- 1-72-2 WALTON Women's Institute is presenting a bake sale and -tea-on Saturday; Nove--29tin 1980 in the Walton Community Hall at 1:30 - 4:00 p,m. 1-72x1 GARAGE Sale Sept. 27, 15 Louisa St. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Games, books, clothipg, tires, snowblower, many other items. 1-72-1 HIBBERT United Church Annual' Waltz Party. Fri., Oct. 3rd at Kirkton Community Centre. Dancing from 8:30 to 12:30. Ladies please bring lunch., Music for everyone. Everyone Welcome. 55.00 a couple or $6.00 per family. 1-72-2 STRATHROY Antique Show and Sale, September 26, 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.; September 27, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Special Guest Friday Evening, John Hearn. 1-72x1 Reception for Clayton & Joanne (Robinson) McClure, Friday, Oct. 3. Dancing 9-1. North East of Seaforth. Everyone Welcome. 1-72x2 THE Seaforth Happy Citizens will hold their regular meedng on Oct. 2nd at 1:45 IN Legion Hall. Ladies please bring sandwiches. Remember the bus trip on Sept. 26 meeting at Victoria park at 7 a.m. 1-72x1 FESTIVAL Singles Dance, September 26th. 1980, Victorian Inn, Stratford. Dancing 9-1. Welcome all singles over 25, no blue jeans. 1-72-1 1 Coming Events LADIES Orange Lodge will be holding their euchres on the following dates: Oct. 20th 8:00 p.m.; Nov. 17th 8:00 p.m.; Dec. 15th 8:00 p.m.; Jan. 19th/81 2:00 p.m. Feb. 16th 2:00 p.m. March 16th 2:00 p.m. April 20th 2:00 p.m. Desert euchre May 6th pon Alfelithres herd at Orange Lodge. Lunch provided. 1-72-1 COME to Dublin Brownies and Girl Guides Bake Sale Produce and plant sale, Saturday, October 4th 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Country Corners in Dublin (formerly Kramps). 1-72-1 AUTUMN Fair in Northside United Church, Saturday, October 18, 2 p.m. Featuring Home baking, delicatessen, sewing, crfats, garden 'centre. A small admission includes a cup of tea. 1-72-3 THE ANNUAL Meeting of the Huron Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society will be held Monday, Sept. 29th at North Si. United Church, Goderich at 6:30 p.m. Tickets for the dinner may be obtained by contacting a member of the Cancer Society executive in your community or calling the office in Clinton at 482-7832. Guest speaker is Dr. R.J. Anderson of Victoria Hospital, London. l -71 - Blyth Lions Bingo every Saturday night 8 p.m. BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL Jackpot $1S0.00 In 60 calls 1- 77-tf SUPER GARAGE SALE CHALK Stall:, SOUTH SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 27th 10:00 a.m. to sell out 10 CONCESSIONS OR MORE CRAFTS, ARTS, REFRESHMENTS & JUNKEROO COME, ENJOY YOURSELF AND HAGGLE A LITTLE. In case of rain will be held at McLaughlin's Garage 1-72x1 'CIDERFEST SIPPIN' CIDER CONCERT Tickets are available at Marv's Sewing Centre. Clinton. the Expositor. seaforth. or call 482-3326 or 527-1860 Adults 53 - 51 50 children Entertainment includes 7- ttme fiddling champion Ed Gyruki and a host of area talent Refreshments too" September 27, 8 p.m. SEAFORTH HIGHSCROOL 't 2 Classified Rates Charges are based iin the number fwords Set of numerals as for serial numbers street numbers Phc.ri-e numbers r pr.. es <our t as one v.nrd per set words nn.c1 bs bsphens Lount as separate words FIRST INSERTION - 15 word, 52 sO 10c per word thereafter SLTISEQUENT INSERTIONS - No opt k hange. per IArdminimum 52 00 SEMI- DISPI, A Y FIRST INSERTION "57 1- per oilumn in<11 SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS SI 89 per < olumn in< h iM.nimum SIM In this categors riches A<<epted in multiples of half inch BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE -- .50.< per insertion BIRTHS 15 ords..S2.50 10c per word thereafter MARRIAGES, Engagements Death Not', c< 15 words 52 50. each additional word 10c IN MEMORIAMS 52.50 plus la( per lime of serse COMING EVENTS - 15 words 52 50, e7ch additional word 10c. Three insertions for the price of 2 CARD OF THANKS - 30 aeirds 52.50,each additional word 3c 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH AYMENT ON OR BEFORE FRiDAY NOON EN WEEK -OF INSERTION No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon. Tuesday Deadline for classified ads is 12 Noon Tuesdays Phone1527-0240 1 Coming Events CHISELHURST UNITED Church Anniversary will be held on Sunday September 28th at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. Robert McMullen guest speaker. Robed Heywood -'s Male Quartette will be guests. 1-72-1 Have your message read by 3,600 people Free On Cable cast 12 345-2341 Courtesy Mitcheli-Seaforth Cable T.V. 1-69-tf BINGO every Tuesday evening at V ANASTRA CENTRE • . R. R. 5, Clinton 1st regular card, $1.00; 15 regular games of 515.00; 3 share the wealth, jackpotl 200.00 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years or over. 1-69-tf f HE 6th Van Eemond Cider - fest is 'scheduled for Sunday, September 28 at the Van Egmo,nd House in Egmond- ville. New events, for Satur- day, September 27 only, include house tours and a Bavarian Tent from 1:30 - 5:30 p.m. and a Sippin' Cider Concert at SDHS featuring Ed Gyurki and a host of others at 8 p.m. Watch for our display add elsewhere in this paper. 1-71-2 -ORGAN RECITAL by Dr. John Mdntosh of St. James Westminister, London, Ont. Prof. Music U.W.O. (Organ) at St. Thomas Anglican Church, Sunday. October 5. 1980 at 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by St. Thomas Choir. Proceeds to Restoration Fund. 1-70-3 CLINTON Legion Bingo .every Thursday. 8:00 p.m. 1st RE4ar card 51.00 Restricted t 16 yearkor over 15 regular g es of 515.00: S5. least on s1Tht. Many other specials. Jackpot 5200.00 must go each week. • 1-65-tf 4 Help Wanted ( 6907 illy qr a a 6/ Cat:6N 641 REQUIRES for Custodian South Huron District High School Exeter. Written applications stating age. experience and telephone number should be addressed to Mr. R. Mc- Vean. Plant Superintendent, Huron CountyBoard of Ed- ucation. 103 Albert Si ('lin• ton. Ont NOM 110 Appli- cants. will be notified. if required for a'n interview. Deadline for application. October 2. D.J. COCHRANE Director D. McDONALD Chairman 4-52-1 Required. half-time Teacher's Aide for Walton Public School If interested apply in writing_ to Marie Toll, Principal R. R.#3, Blyth Ont. Deadline for applications. SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 641-1 4 Help Wanted 4 Help Wanted HELP WANTED For Bridge ConsOnction Form Builders and Labourers Apply • LOOBY -BUILD-ERS Box 100, Dublin, Ontario 345-2800. 4-72-1 ONE Third Class Stationery Engineer, One Sawmill Filer experience with carbide and fan band saws, One Licensed Mechanic (heavy equipment) or Mechanics helper with 2 to 3 years experience. Int- terested parties call: Mr. J. Desbois, Sawmill Superin- tendent, Chapeau Lumber Co. Ltd., Box 280, Chapleau, Ontario. 705-864-1320. 4-72x1 HELP WANTED for Hessen Haus Restaurant - Waitress and short order cook. Resume required and come in person for interview. 4-72-1 KEY PEOPLE wanted for VanCouver Island printing plant. Litho Pre person capable of taking work from copy to camera; and Pressman with process experience to work on 2 -colour GTO. Send resume and salary expectations to Quadra Graphics Ltd., 273w Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. 4-72x1 CAREER in heavy trucking. Now's the time to train for your Class A License. For interview contact ATA Systems Ontario, London 519-438-4029, Hamilton -416- 523-0883, St. Catharines 416- 685-6595, Toronto 416-251- 2275. 4-72x1 CARPENTER with some con- crete experience required. Apply at Cobrell Construc- tion Trailer beside TD Bank Seaforth. 4-72x1 WOULD You Like to work your own hours, earn 510 per hour and up. be successful. For interview call Judy Harrison Beauty Consultant. Fashion 220. 527-1741. 4-54-3 START NOW • Local Amway distributor, offers opPortunity for good earnings. You pick the hours. we train. For interview call 527-0898 4 -69 -if 5 BUR. Opportunity LEARN TO DREVE TRACTOR TRAELERS Or Straight trucks call The Canadian Institute of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd. 416-864-9.381 Established 1971 5-72-1 MAKE money in your spare time. Learn Inco -me Tax s Preparation. For Free Brochure. no' obligation. Write U & R Tax Schools. 118 Roxborough Drive Toronto, Ontario M4W 1X4 5- 72x 1 7 Situations Wanted AVAILABLE for custom pulling and combining IA hire beans Phone 345-2685 --"x2 CUSTOM corn and so. bean <ornbining and trucking Second combine available for large acreage. Brian Wilson 527-1123. 1.71_5 BABYSITTER WANTED for two preschool children Phone 527-0166. 7-72-1 CUSTON corn combining wtih straight truck available Also internakonal super 6 tractor for sale. 235-2822 after 6 p.m. or 527-1809 anytime. 7-72-2 A ride needed to Stratford. week -days for office hours Phone 527-0777. Will share expenses. ,-72-1 GARDEN ploughing. Call Keith McLean 527-0225. 7-72-4 Farm Stock For Sale CALVES - Holstein Bulls and black white heads Phone 345-2209. 8-72-1 HEREFORD Sale, Thanks- giving Banner Sale Elzevir Hereford Farms, R.R. 111 Flinton, Ontario, October 13, 1980 at 1:00 p.m. Selling approximately 75 head from free listed herds, Elzevir Hereford, Golden Oak, Rox- wood, Lymdale & Elm Lodge Farms. 8-72x1 9 Poultry For Sale HUBBARD Golden comets, top quality brown egg layers, 20 weeks old. Available this fall: To order call McKinley Hatchery. 1-800-265-8536. 9-69-7 LAYING hens for sale. 51,00_ ea. 527-1269. 9-71-2 Used Cars For Sale 1978 Datsun 510, 25,000 kilometers, excellent condi- tion, 5 speed Hatch back, has ahd oil under coating and gravel guard. A•sking $3800 or best offer. Phone 527-1334 after 6:00 p.m. 10-72-1 1972 Ford HD 1/2 ton. 3 speed good condition. Asking 5900. Phone 527-0798. 10-72-1 1976 Datsun Sport Truck. 35.000 miles. Custom top Automatic Good condition. Asking 53200. Phone 527- 0798. 10-72-1 JEEP parts. accessorieS. tops. All Jeeps 1942 to 1980, Tremendous Stock, low prices. Instant service. Gemini Sales 4736 East Hastings. Burnaby, B.C. VSC 210. Phone: 604-294- 2623. 10-72x1 11 Articles For Sale FREE spayed female farm dog. Very quiet phone 527- 0298. 11-72-1 2 deep fryer table units 1 gas and 1 electric Phone 527-, 1820. 11-72-1 BATH TUB. sink, and toilet. Phone 345-262. 1I -72x1 12 x 15 moss green rug with under padding in good condition suitable for a bedroom. family room or rec-room Also a piece for a &ay -window 482-7477. 11-72-1 NATURAL Muskrat coat with lynx <ollar trim. Like new Size 12-14 5275.00 ?hone 52- 1992, 11-72-1 VIKING Raspberry plants. Jean Drager 527-0437. I1 -72x1 WHITE Westinghouse gree'n refrigerator and siove 11/2 years old 5600.00 for pair. 482-9186 11-72-1 ORGANS - PIANOS Wurittiev The best in Key - boa rd s . One years free lessons included_with organ purchase. Pulsifer Music, Seaforth Closed Wednesday. 11-67-tf ONF rnens 10 speed bicycle. 3 years old. excellent condition 565.00. 527-0482. 11-71-2 FREE 1 roll tape Reg. /1.10 w/ every hockey 'Stick Reg/7.95 purchased CAMPBELL'S CROWN HARDWARE SEAFORTH 527-1420 11-72-1 1.1 Artieles,For Sale FRESH CAIULITIOWER 3 miles west of exeter on Hwy. 83 50e eat!' head BERT VISSCHER Open daily 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Closed Sundasys Phone in large orders 237-3442 ' M69:if- 11 Articles For Sale 11 Articles For Sale Property For,Sale '74 Honda motorcycle. 125 CR excellent condition $350.00 or trade on snowmobile. Phone after 6 p.m. 527-0769.' 11-72x1 FALL SALE ON NURSERY STOCK 20% off Trees and trubs while supplies tst. HURON RIDGE ACRES David Steckle and family R.R. 2, Zurich 565-2122 11-71-2 RUGGED wroght-iron mail box. Post placed 6 ft. from road shoulder, allows snow removal -due to -hanging- box. Have one installed. hundreds through Huron and Perth. Free installation, orders ta- ken now. Keep Ontario tidy. The Mail Box Man, 527-1856 11-71-3 TO give 'away Irish Setters 3 females ages 6, 8, 11 years House dogs never slept put - side. Also 3 month old kitten. Death in family causes this action. 523-9487. 11-71-2 ROXOBORO GARDEN open after 4 p.m. Potatoes, car- rots. onions, squash, pump- kins, broccoli and cabbage. 11-71x2 APPLES pick your own Snows, Sweets, Kings, Greening, Delicious. Starting Friday October 3rd. Spies and Russets fter October -10th. Picking days Wednesday. Friday, Saturday. Other days by appointment. Ready picked also available including Macs. Cortland, Cider apples and Sebago potatoes. Please bring containers. Fresh cider each Saturday starting October 4th. McClymont Orchards. 1 mile south of Varna. Phone 482-3214. 11-72-1 QUANTITY of straw for sale Phone 482-9204. 11-72-2 BAR bells and Dumbbells. Approx. 135 lbs, and a heavy duty bench in excellent condition. Phone 527-1793. 11-72-2 FRESH beets for sale -best offer. Phone 527-1356 Laurie Bell. 11-72-1 1974 Honda CR250 5450 Or best offer. Call 527-9633. 11-72x1 PAIR of mens broomball shoes size 9 and broom. Also shin guards and knee pads. 8 string guitar on legs plus amplifier includes instruct- ional sheet music. 527-0758 11-72-1 18 cu. ft. freezer, I child's hi -rise bike with 16" wheels, 1 baby crib. GM infant love seat. 2 Doret child car seats and other baby needs. Phone 527-0895. 11-72x1 CUCUMBERS for pickling, 3 miles west of Seaforth on highway #8. Mrs. John Segeren, R.R. 02. Seaforth. 482-9217. 11-72-1 OVER head.garage door 7' x 8' also slider window 4' x 5' 345-2383. 11-72-1 CABBAGE. cauliflower. .squash. pumpkins, spanish dnions and beets. Apply 150 Market Street. Seaforth. 11-72-1 McIntosh and Cortland apples. Also wind fall Macintosh. Reduced prices prune and grand duke plums fresh apple cider. red and white potatoes and honey at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Closed Monday and Thursday. Phone 524-8037. 11 - 72-tf Ontnno For details on Winter Wheat plans call: Joe O'Reilly, R.R. 2, Dublin, Ont. Phone: 345-2465 11-72-3 FOR SALE: Six foot wooden step -ladder, Treadle Sewing machine, electric, Washing machine, Floor, Polisher, Storm windows. 61/2 feet by 34 inches. Window frames screens, different sizes --all articles in good condition. Phone 527-1204. 11-72-1 FRESH CAULIFLOWER: 2 trifles east of Seaforth on Highway 8. Peter Willems, R.R. 4, Seaforth. 527-1255. 11-72-3 APPROX. 800 ft. roof heating cable. Cost 5200.00 sell for 5100.00. Phone 527- 1365 11-72x1 Anti -Freeze 4 -LITRE 7.99 discount by the case SEAFORTH AUTOMOTIVE 58 Main St. 527-0880 11-72-1 HIGH oil prices. cold winter. We have feathers to coser you and keep you warm. Down filled comforters. pillows,We also do re- upholstering on furniture. For information. please contact T. Kess. R.R.1. Belgrave. 357-2718. 11-'2•tf GOURMET Teas & Coffee by mail. Over sixty teas and eight coffee beans. Send for your free Order Form. Tea Tiques. Box 353. First Canadian Place. Toronto. Ontario. MSX 1E1 11 -72x 1 Sewing machine demon- strator sale Choose from White. Elna. tittsqvarna. Janorne Save' Save! Save! Sew 'n' Save Centre. 149 Downie Street (2 doors south of Hudsons) Stratford Phone 271•9660. Closed Mondays 11 -69 -If URINE -ERASE saves car- pets! Guarantees removal dog, cat, human urine stains, odours from carpets! Free brochure. Dept A Reidell Chemicals Ltd.. Box 7500 London, Ontario. 11-72x1 TOMATOES: Pick your own -or-we -will -pick for -orders-- Huron Ridge Acres. R.R. 2. Zurich. Phone: 565-2122: 11-71-3 POTTING soil (worm castings) for all your planting needs 345-2654. 11-71;2 BUZZ saw. 345-2588. 11-71x2 SEED WHEAT ' Foundation Frederick JEFFERY FARMS LIMITED 345-2529 • 11-70-3 ORGANS- PIANOS Wurlitzer: The best in Key- boards. - One years free lessons included with organ purchase. Pulsifer Music. Seaforth Closed Wednesday. ,11-69-tf 12 Wanted To Buy OLD baick buildings for wrecking and salvage ,purposes. Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia Ontario, Phone 1-542-4088. 12-72x1 13 Wanted WANTED: Someone to share an apartment in Seaforth arca with female who already has an apartment. After 6 phone 527-1490; if no answer call 527-0677. 13-71-3 GOOD used furniture 482- 7922 13-694 WANTED • Farm Grain scales wheels on front. ',handles on rear, good eondition. Also old wall clock.Call Collect 519-665- 7847. 13-72x1 Property For Sale KIPPEN 3 bedroom house with family room and Frank- lin. plus sliding patio door to deck. Completely renovated. Plus' 36%36 drive shed suit- able for business. Phone 453-0369 after 4 p.m. 14-72x4 HOME for Sate or Rent. Immediate possescon at St. Columban Highway 8 2 stor- ey house.. House has 3 bed- rooms large living room. Kitchen all hardwood floors, 3 piece bath full bAsement oil furnace. Hot and cold water. garage for 1 car. Large tot 72 x 250 ft. School and church across the road. Will sell with small down payment. House in good _condition. Apply to Joseph Ryan. Kit- chener. Ontario. Phone 893- 3696 or Mrs. James Cronin phone 345-2553 Dtiblin, Oat- ario 14-72=2 SPLIT level home with. far- row or farrow to finish barn and liquid manure tank also driving shed, on five acres. 527-1269 14-71-2 MOBILE home 12 x 60 and. workshop 24-x 36 on Lot 85 x 132 sp_tic tank and drillej,. well; approx. 9 mules north- west of Seaforth. 523-9487. 14-71-2 BAILEY Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Photo.: 11112-9371 HULLETT TWP.: 100 acres, 87 workable with ,new home and two barns equipped for 1100 hogs. •••••• LONDESBORO: 1 floor brick bungalow with _finished base- ment. Two fireplaces. car- port- and swimming pool. Double sized lot. 50 ACRES: general farm in Hullett Township. • to • s • • 100 ACRES: general in Hui - let Township. • • • • • • CLINTON: Central location. Red brick, 2 floor duplex low down payment could handle. s.se, 150 Ar"" is Twp., 100 act SON:apolc.. HARDWARE STORE: Vil- lage of Blyth. very well equipped. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Remember when you didn't have to go to a restaurant to get a home cooked Meal? 14-72-1 PRICE REDUCED School house and V: acre of land near Walton. Partially renovated. All facilities. Ask- ing 512.500 cash. Phone 357-1234 anytime 14-72-2 More Classifieds on next page sts -ss s ••• • Is-- Gun Clearance Safe. $ MAKE MODEL CALIBRE CHOKE REG pfficE DISCOUNT SALE pRicE 3 Mossberg, SWAM 30-06 $274.95 25% 520610 1 Marlin 336 -Cc 30-30 5273.50 20% 5218.80 1 Remington 742 308 5457.10 20% S365.68 1 Remington 742 30-06 5457.10 20% S36548 1 Remington 742 243 5457.10 20% S363.68 1 Martin 336-A 30-30 • 5286.95 2055 5229.55 1 Mossberg 472 30-30 5218.00 2055 5174.40 . 1 Remington Mohawk 600 243 5265.95 2055 S212.80 1 Mossberg 500AB 12 Full 5189.95 1055 5170.95 t 1 Remington XL 900 12. Mod 5440.00 2555 5330.00 i Remington MB Nylon 66 22 5146.50 2055 5117.20 1 Marlin 989 22 5153.50 2055 Si 2180 1 Marlhi 39A 22 S264.54 2055 5212.00 2 Mossberg 337 22 With Scope 5129.95 3055 S100.00 Mossberg Combo 12 Furl with 5319.95 25% $240.00 Slug Barrel . * FAC Required ' flitinallin ASSOCIATE STORE TIRE 11-72-1 F. W. TILLEY LTD. Seaforth sts -ss s ••• • Is--