HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-09-18, Page 24........ Guelph firm to build-n-ew- • health office Huron ' County Council aece,Pteil 11 tender for con- ' SrTuctigil of the new Huron county Health Building when, they met SepteMber 4. The, tentlet Of William Parker Construction Limited Guelph of $346,984, which •Included an air conditioning provision, was accepted on a recommendation from the • t;ouncil's property coMmit- lee. •The building will be fi- nanced through the county's capital works reserSe fund. _ , Eleven "tenders were re- ceived ranging from a mini- mum of $346,984 to a high of , $424,000. Ministry of Com- munity and Social Services approval has been recieved and construction will com- mence within the next two _weeks Accincling to archi- tect D.R. Snidea of Snider, Reichard and March, they hope to have the building closed in _before the bad weather with _completion scheduled for some time in January. It! moomi-pimmaa•onma.=* ANIrTHIS IS MY DESK—Traay Bosman of WiLittilgp_plityjitigrinsghtiu* _ Ann Boman, and sister Tina, her new desk in the grade 4 classroom at Seaforth Public School. Parents and student's had a chance to tour the school and meet with teachers at an open house held on Tuesday, Sept. 9. (Photo by Gibb) mIsmenommini /ABBY s40 40 40 40 40 40 ' LIBBYS FANCY . • JUICE 48 FL 01 TINS 1 LIBBYS FANCY PEAS CREAM CORN KERNEL CORN MIXED VEG , .12 -14 FL OZ TINS LIBBYS SPAGHETTI & CHEESE ALPHAGETTI OR ZOODLES1 TIN 59' •L2 VARIETIES 4 VARIETIES LIBBYS x st JUICE T6sis. 7 LIBBYS BEANS 19 oz TIN 59# LIBBYS - IN SAUCE iatST KIDNEY 14I AZ.2 F° R TRY OUR OWN BRAND NIAGARA FROZEN 8 DELICIOUS VARIETIES CONCENTRATED zEHRs. COOKIES ORANGE JUICE • NI'M1111411111114111111MINIIIN enc •un y ThBeTreS"Bis sOoNmpe iraconcern about the safe evacuation of residents froin the second floor of, Ifuronview during a •fire in light of the recent • disaster in a Mississauga' nursing hope, • The committee of manage- ment of ITutonview recom- mended to •Huron county council at their SeptemberA meeting that the administrat- or proceed with plans an4et 'approval for a fire exit from Women's BedCare onto the roof over the infirmary, and from Wpmen's ligd _Care onto theroof over the Special Care unit. The sicommitteeents suggestedre could then be arranged in such a way that the most handicapped could be evacu- ated as quickly as possible if • )(pc)417olli*OT:E44.4 •-14 1000 f1A. necessary. , Huronview administrator Wayne Lester told county council, the ministry of health consultant -wants a study of exits to the roof before they proceed with this measure, because it creates an additional hazard to eva- cuate resident i to a roof. Lester told, council he is confident that With proper training the Huronview staff would be able to evacuate the Women's Bed Care by taking the residents down the stairs. Lester outlined the train- --ing-program-whickhas-been- set up by the Huronview administration in co-oper- ation with the Clinton Fire Department. Lester said the staff at Huronview have concentfaT. n fire skills training during 1 e month of NEsT E. A .. - 40 40 40 40 40 40 _ ,,.....,r,. •-•-=4,.. is-rA--skNe-7-- /4 NE.STLE . vtotkos , MINI ..„...„„., - PUDDINGS ' 8 DELICIOUS 0 FLAVOURS FOUR . 5 oz. TINS PKG. OF 4 SERVINGS NESTLE SOUPTIME 590 COFFEE - 2 VARIETIES TASTERSte CHorcE8oza.99 INSIANT CHOC. DRINK MIX NESTLE,,, . QUIK 750 gr.• NESCAFE - 10 oz. -JAB• INSTANT $4, 49 -. COFFEE - • NESTLE - PKG. OF 10 SERVINGS HOT PKG. CHOCOLATE •29 NESCAFE DECAFFEINATED INSTANT mi in \COFFEE Ei,Aon: gRIP 7 7 2 VARIETIES NESTLE $41 ICED TEA LI II .89 SCHNEIDERS FROZEN 250g SIZE GOOD "MEATY PIES ° McCAIN FRESH FROZEN FRENCH FRIES August and he is confittenr they can evacuate in three mintites. The Clinton fire Department takes between two and three minutes to arrive on the scene. The fire department has mught Huronview staff to use the fire extinguishers tw the building, how to use the hoses and to turn the nozzles to spray a fog. Lester said a fire manual has been prepar- ed teaching the staff the proper manner to carry resi- dents during eyacttation. Staff has been trained to go _tarcectain areas_shauld a fire break out and staff Is respon- sible for cerain jobs during evacuation. Lester pointed out the highest risk is from 6 p.m. until 7 a.m. wh'en thpre is a mininiuin of staff pi duty, but it would be too costly to keep maximum staff on through the night shift just in case of fire. Lik-er said the staff will continue monthly fire drills and he is certian the training program will assist the staff to remain dam during and evacuation. Lester _ -explained—the Charge will be laid Ikronylew staff vvotts at tire prevention, The home. adhe, resto smoking residents are Under Constant Supervision, Lester cited two instances where •smoking residents were under Stipervision when their clothes caught Ore and staff were able to extinguish the fire befOre anyone Was Seriously hurt. Lester said he is confident that Huronview's staff is capably trained in fire pre- vention, the use of fire fighting equipment and the safe evacuation of residents 'which reduces the risk of a County discusses McKillop tree clearing BY SHARON DIETZ Reeve Allan Campbell of McKillop Township quest- , ioned-the count's procedure of informing township coun- cils when applications to clear land have been receiv- ed at Huron County Council meeting, September 4. gampbell said he was travelling along the north boundary of IvIcKillop Town- ship last weekend and notic- ed more than 25 acres of bush on a McKillop farm had been cleared and he knew nothing about it. Clerk -treasurer Bill Hanly -informed Campbell that Mc- Killop Township Council had not been told the land was being cleared because the county knew nothing about it either. He said the owner had not applied to the county to have the land cleared and the county would by laying a charge. The county's tree by-law stipulates that no living tree under the size designated in the by-law shall be cut down unless approved by a county council hearing. One-half -acre or less is exempt from the by-law. Tom Cunningham, deputy - reeve of Hullett township told council the county tree commissioner had issued a • permit to clear the land 2V2 years ago. He said there was never any authority to issue the permit and the validity of . the permit would have to`be , -tested in court. • He added ,the present owner lives in Perth County and had received the permit to clear the land from the previous owner when he purchased the (arm. j'I'm opposed to clearing gdod bush" said Cunning- ham, "but this is a poplar bush and isn't profitable for , the farmer." It's difficult to tell a farmer with the price of land today, that such a bush which isn't good hard or soft wood and won't make him some money in the future should not be cut down reasoned Cun- ningham. Hay's deputy -reeve Lloyd Mousseau said he is opposed to allting down any kind of tree. "If we_take _out all the trees except the good maple, (and) if we keep on, well have a desert:" said Mous- seau. "It puts me in mind of the west which cleared all their land. Now they'll plant any- thing, cedar, poplar, because trees create environment." "We should preserve all our trees." added Mous- eau. Every week more and .mnre peoplc discover what mighty jobs are accom- plished by low cost Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. MASONR17 PETE JANSEN 25 Years Experience Residential & Commercial Specializing in Fireplaces CALL 527-0205 FOR FREE ESTIMATES CHICKEN TURKEY OR BEEFSTEAK 3.5 LB. ALLENS CHOICE APPLE JUICE 48 FI 02 TIN FABRIC SOFTENER BOUNCE SHEETS p.201401 EACH CAPRI FOAMY MILKBATH 3 SCENTS 700 ml PENTO-NErr COOKWARE SET 8 PSI .99 750 ml RE-MN/VMS GLAO THE STRONG ONES ilimmert ON MOZZARELLA 1NESTONS RASPBERRY PEPSI COLA=T 33° GARBAGE $4 201. 79 12 02 gm SWiSS 7 ROLLS PKG OF 479' mTN nEw, DIET PEPSI OR. ra Cr" $nPARXAY -KITCHEN $4 Da $4 gra iiiiiiyoRusT ?no SWEETENER 16" 7 CATCHERSn.i 7 MARGARINEzis r 7 PiillE LARD! r 7 WESTON HAMBURG OR HOT DOG ROLLS PKG OF 12 VVESTON REGULAR SLICED SANDWICH BREAD 0600010 SVI•CAN 0 - 20" x 24" POSTER SIZE ENLARGEMENT FROM ANY COLOUR NEGATIVE 110.126 OR 135 OFFER EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TUES.-SEPT. 30 ALLOW 11P TO 3 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY 95 EA. HIGH LINER - FROZEN SOLE IN BATTER 1 71 1:K BABY FOOD 2.2P. T1 33'1 KITCHEN BUTTER_ _ 1 VEGETABLES OR JUICES BABY COUNTRY HEINZ STRAINED FRUIT. HIGH LINER FAMILY SIZE FISH IIIBATTER 2 FROZEN 32 os • Attention Bean Growers— BAKE SHOP AVAICABLE ONLY in STORES HAVING AN IN STORE RAKE SHOP HOVIS OR BRAN 59' LOAF BREAD 16 FRESH DINNER :ROLLS HZEN. 79' 250_g_$1, 19 ANOTHER WAY TO SAVE AT ZEHRS When yOu shop at Zehrs youll raceme a free couPon whreh entatZes you to S2 GO off any treirets you puTchase for the Mos Oktoberfest Pageant to be fled Tburscla. October 9 at K,tchener's 10,A, Centre m the Square esesemmeemmiemmiurn IIIINIMNISMINIMMMION111011 fine markets of The foods zehrs WE RESERVE THE WIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REOU1REMENTS. VII, WILL BE PttAstn TO SERVE YOU IN OUR MANAGER IS Horvtly Heirtrmilfsr 'Az 4 DIVISION OF GERBRO CORP. in association with Lou Maloney Dublin Feed Mill are pleased to announce Receiving facilities for the 1980 WHITE BEAN and SOYBEAN CROP at DUBLIN FEED MILL Dublin (519) 345-2330 Quality Service — on your doarstepl COOK'S DIV. OF GERBRO CORP., HEAD OFFICE: HENSALL ▪ e. • re,,e1444441;P'