HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-11-15, Page 5i The Home of Good Clothing presents its compliments and invites you here to -mor- row and Saturday. This store offers • the ad vant ages of selection from the finest lines of Overcoats this age has produced, ani begs to say in connection therewith that quality rules supreme, no matter what price. Styles:..... . above criticism Values , ...... Unapproached. We planned to have the best Overcoats in town ; we think we've got them. We've an Overcoat for every man's form, for every man's notion and for every man's purse. We've got the Overcoat for you. Costs you nothing t t look at it, and only a moderate price to wear it. . • ColtYRIffl cQ &Mit IoWNEICtiCia Q$' Men's Overcoat s. Men's Black Melton Overcoats $10.00 to $18 50 eri, Men's Black Beaver Overcoats 7 50 to, 12.0. ::, Men's Import'd Fancy Tweed Overcoats - 7 50 to 14 00 •"'"1"aa Men's New Stripe Overcoats 7 50 to 10 00 _ Men's New Black Frieze Overcoats6.90 to 10.00li ad esasease :rag ti Remember, we are the only clothing storein-Wingham which hae absolutely new goods -no old chestnuts frompast years to offer ydu. Bays' Overcoats. We are having a great run on our Boys' Lang Overcoats, sizes 22 to 30. Price $4 50 :Youths' Overcoats. We have a.large range of Youth's Overcoats in all the new patterns, overoheoka, stripes and plain blank, sizes 31 to 35. Prices. $6.00 to $10 00 Or Big baggaine in Men's and Boys' Suits. Mr Boots, Shoes, Robbers, Trunks and Valises. ' Men's Fur and Far -Lined Coats. The R. 1-1. CRO • • DER CO. 1 I 1 CUT PRICES - _ Healing or Cooking Sioves WOOD on COAL. We oan save you from $2 00 to $5.00 on a stove. We need your money and will give you Yea value. Bargains in Second -Hand Stoves. Bishop & Bali. THE CENTRAL HARDWARE, WINGHAM. lovielus Shoes For Men In the newest shapes, made from the bolt materials, portent fitting, and guaranteed to give the best of satisfaction in every particular. . ,. Also very title lines of aadles , II2isses and Children's Shoes. Rubbers, Overshoes, Rubber Emits, oto., a great variety to ohoode from, at very moderato prices. R. Johnston SHOE DEALER T.IE IVINGJWt T ES, NON -EMBER 15 1906 oitICx. Traok laying is done on the C. P. R. nearly to the new station near Monoriefi and ballasting ie in progress further East now. We were somewhat sarprissd to hear that. Silo. N. Smith, 16th .Clan, intends, going West to Elineaton locality, John Menary has sold his 100 acre farm, Let 15, Oen. 9, to his brother, John Menary, of the same line, for the sum of $1500, Miss Sadie MoTaggart, formerly of the 16th con,, who hats been living at Lumsden, Sask., will leave shortly for Prince Albert, where he will make her home, Ever Bove Cramps. Kind of fierce to be tied up is a knot at midnight with cramps. Keep Nervi. Jibe handy, Ton drops quiets cramps in. stantly. Used ocoaatoually Nerviline prevents this trouble entirely, From Stratford, Oat., Wm. Dee wxitet3: "Neth. ing I know of will give snoh quick re- lief to cramps, oollo or pahein the atom- aoh as Nerviline. if you feel sgneantish or siok, just ten drops of Nerviline in water and you're well neat minute." Th`nk of the protection and comfort contained in a 25o bottle of Nerviline, and get it today. BLYTB The of ficial news of the G & G. now states that the rails will be in Blyth on the 15th. 0 A Balaton has purchased the house belonging to •Ohatles Hamilton, on Queen street, and intends removing it to another lot and building a good, house on the property. Word was received here of the sudden death of Mrs. A. B. Eddington, Eilis- bora', Asea., who was formerly Miss Ruth Page was well known to the peo- ple of Blyth and surrounding country. Deceased died on Thursday, Ootober 25th. She was married to her now bereft partner last December, who form- erly came from Kincardine vicinity. A baby was born about a week before her death. Prominent manufacturer Speaks. In Vanleek Hi 1, Ont, no one is better known than Geo. S. Watson. When he says "Oatarrbozone is a real cure," de- pend on it being so. "My wife" he writes " was subjeot to bad attacks of throat irritation and bronchitis. Many remedies were tried but few proved at all useful. Catarrhozone was different. It seemed to get right at the sore spots and brought relief quickly. We have' found.Oatarrhozone an absolute ours for bronchitis and catarrh." Nothing cures morequiokly so get it to day, two size, 25c`snd $1.00 at all dealers; TURNBERRY. Report of S. S. No. 6; Turnberry. Names in order of merit. Asterisk after the names of those absent. Sr. xv G. McCormick, S. King, V. Chandler, S. Goy, H. Mitchell* Jr. iv V. Showers, S. Dickson, R. Porter. Sr in B. Little, W. Jamas, N. Me- Kagne, R. McKagne; M. Chandler: Jr in V. King, G. Snell, A. McKinn- on W. McKagae, R, Fallis. Sr u B. Holmes, E. Failte, P. Faille, A. Foxton, E, Dickson. Jr Ir (a) B. Chandler, J. Holmes, J. McKaguo, L. Snell, M. Goy* (b) M, Porter, G. Dalgleisoh. Pt it H. Paxton, P. King, E. Linklat- er, C. Showers. Sr r E. Chandler, L James, G. Fallis. Jr z R. McKagne, H. Holmes, H. Showers, H. Fallis. A. A. LAltfoNSY, Teacher. Resign From The Worry Club, Life 1.e a rush, but we can't all get there together. Iu consequence, we worry -Can't help it because nerves are weak, vitality is burnt up and there's no staying power left. Cut out the worry part, and Build up. Let Ferrozone help you, It's a most strengthening nutri- tive tonin. Fills the blood with iron, supplies building material for worn out organs, generates the sort of vitality that makes yon want to do things. No medi- cine more helpful for men, women and children who need strength and staying power. Try Forrozone, 50o per box at all dealers. • BRUSSELS. Last week a new metalie shingle roof was put on the stable belonging to the Methodist church property. The build- ing will be overhauled next Spring. From Brussels and the railway sta- tions hear by the W. G. & B., it is ex- pected that over 3000 barrels of apples will be shipped this fall. They will go to Winnipeg and the Old Country chiefly. The second fiat of Walter Lowry's stone stable, Mi11 etreet, has been teased by Jne. Cardiff and Sao. Long who have entered into partnership as agents of the Massey -Harris machinery. Frank Douglas, to Colorado, 15 here on a visit with his mother and sisters. He is in the mining business and has been through Nevada and California as well as the fleet mentioned State. It is 9 years since he went West. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. John Kay, daughter of the tate Jatnee Dron, formerly of Enamels, died in Detroit on Monday of last week, leaving a daughter eight days old. GGfnIGHAIyC Med Mo0allum, an omployeo of the Stratford postofflos, died suddenly. 000040 Rapid changes of temperature are hard on the toughest constitution. The conductor passing from the heated inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature of the platform -the canvasser canvasser spending an hour or so in a heated building and then walking against a biting wind --know the difficulty of avoiding cold. Scott's mui.s orz strengthens the body, sothat it can better' withstand the danger of cold from changes of 'temperature. It will help you to avoidtaking cold. ALL DRUGGISTS; 80c. AND $1.00. a 0 • 6-0�P���4d4�4���rP-00�49�4�P0�0 Vvi!VVVYYVVPVVVVVVVVTYTITYVV eses a i • tAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA vvvvvvvvvvvrvvvvvvvvvvvvv, , 4 4 Christmas Presents Now is the time to select your presents, while the assortment is Iarge. Select them now and have us lay them away for ou. We have a large assortment of .Necklaces, Brooches, Fancy Bracelets, Etc. Fine Watch Repairing a specialty. Jewelry made to order. KAISER, the Jeweler 50 Girls 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 AA A AAAAAA,AAAAAAAAtAAAAA AI A.j 5 Wanted A To learn to operate hosiery knitting maobines. 13egi perwe •k and put on piece work as soon as they can be earning from $1.00 to $t 25 per day in from 6 operators earning as high as $2 50, Hig , est w operators. We will procure good boar• at applicants, if desired, We lave the largest, best equipped and most f tctory in Oanid t; running all the year. This advertisement will he withdrawn as soon filled. Apply early, to rs paid $3 00 n more. Should 8 weeks. Expert es paid to experienced 25 to $2 50 per week for comfortable hosiery as these positrons are Clipktark Knitting,Co,' Ltd. CLINTON - ONTARIO. TEES`,PATO. ed 4 times this year by the messenger of death, calling away a sou of Alex. Fcrrest, Miss Smillie, W. J. Jobneton, and Alex. Forrest. Thos, Julian, who woraed for Robert Currie, 3rd line, for some time, had the misfortune to lose his left band this Fall. He was out shooting and the gun exploded shattering his hand eo badly it had to be amputated. Mr Ju.ian is here on a visit and is making favorable pro- gress. rogress. A wedding was oelebrated in Sr. Michael's church, Monday morning, Nov. 5th, when Mies Maggie Nolan be- came tho bride of James Ryan, all of Mdrris Township. Tho bride was dress- ed iu a travelling suit of red and a hat to match. The happy couple were sap• ported by Miss Nellie Ryan and J. Ryan They were united by Rev. Father Han - lou in the presence of n large assembly. During the special aervioes held litre by the Evangelists Crossley and Hunt er 333 persons expressed a desire to live a better and a more Christian life by sign- ing a declaration to that effect. These were divided among the various cle- nominttlone as fellows: Presbyterians 210, Methodist 114, Anglicans 7, Catho- lics 2. The cash opntributions at the various meetings .amounted to $556, and the expenses to $113, leaving the evauge- lists about $440. The first meeting was held on October the 7th and the last on • October 25th. A. Question Often Asked. Why so many people feel worse afer taking pills than before? Trouble is that drastic pills are need. No remedi- al action is obtained, the bowels are irri- tated and dreadful constipation follows. In using Dr. Hamilton's Pills you are scar - cely conscious of having taken medicine. Although very mild. Dr. Hamilton's Pills do regulate the bowels, etimulate normal actions of the glands, and create neither nausea, gripiug or violent action Positively. guaranteed for biliousness, in- digestion, stomach, liver and kidney ails. For a safe family pili rely on Dr. Hemil. ton's, 25e per box at all dealers: MOB MS. Mise Lizzie Atwood, of Moncrieff has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. J D. McEwen, 1st line. At a meeting of the yonr.tz eeople of S. S. No. 6, Morris, last Tuesde v evening it et as decided not to hold tee annual Christmas Entertainment this year. The anniversary services of .1 ickson's ehureb, Morris, will be leeld on Sunday, Deo. 2nd, when a former pastor, Rev. Wm. Penhall, will occupy the pulpit. The first line of Morris has been visit- Eslablisited iSvp Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria cresol'ene Is a boon to Asthmatics Does it not RCM more effective to breathe in n remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach' i re y. 1 it cures because the air rendered strongly anti• septic is catried over the diseased surface with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat. anent. it is invaluable to mothers with small children, Those ofa consumptive tendency find immediate relief from coughs or in, famed conditions of the throat. Sold by,ltuggists. Send pattal forbesktet, Litairtrid, MILES CO„ 1 iirtited, Agents, Mont. real, Canada. soy CARE OF THE BABY. , A mother's work and worry in caring for her little ones is greatly lightened if she has on hand a safe remedy far the cure of indigestion, colic, sour stomach, constipation, diarrhoea, simple fevers and the other little ailments the area apt to Some to children suddenly or these tronbles Baby's Own Tabl s are batter than any other me reuse. They are midly laxative, pro g&rin their action, and a few doses usury leaves the child in perteot health. They do not awful') an atom of opitate or poisonous soothing stuff. They always do.good-they can- not possibly do harni, and may be given " with equal safety to the n••w born in- fant or well grown child. Mrs, Regi- nald James, Fenaghvale, Out , says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets and find them unexcelled as a medicine for children. They promote sleep and gen. eral good health." "You - can get the Tablets from your druggist or by mail at 25 cents a box by writing The Dr. Wiliiauis' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont LOWEn WI.Te.IFI AAr, S. S. No 11, Turnbcrry. Report for October. Jr xv Roy Netterfleld, Mary Carrie. Sr Ili Edna Finley, Eva Linklater, Maggie Reid, Eddie Lockridge, Jr In Willie Styles, Aggie Finnen, Grape Sheriff, Ruby Forsyth, Oasburn Austin. Sr it Alfred Leckridgo, Frank Leek. ridge, Willie Srigley, Wilbert Mowbray. Jr ix Staten Welsh, Minnie Stimulate, ,Alvin Groves, Susan Sherrill`, Vernon Allenby, Beattioe Johnston. Sr Pt if Jessie Carrie, Rosa l*orsy+th, Sammy Styles. Jr Pt u Myrtle Lockridge, Alvin Reid. Sr Pt t Milton Groves, Francis Lock. ridge, Aggie Gray, Daisy Ashby, Std :ley Baker, Leonard Adams, Willie Aus in, Alfred Liekrtdge obtained higbeat standi.g for tho month, IV, D,1 isilts;n, Teacher. Q THE LEADING STORE ISARD'S GREAT C:ut ra Price Sale Twenty Thousand, Dollars Worth of New Goods to Choose From. Move Quick -We Can Save You Money. - Come in the morning if possible. Cottons A lot of 'Mill Ends to clear. Regular value 10e and 120, Your choice per yard - ,07 Prints Your choice of the best Crams Prints only - - .10 Coats A line of Children's Coats to clear at - - - $1.05 - Hose 10 dozen Seamless Ribbed. Cashmere Erose, worth 35c. nn sale at .25 Underwear Men's Heav' Wool Shirts and Draw- ers, worth 65e, sale price .50 Collars Ladies' New Silk Callt>re, just hi. regular 35u, your choice .25 Dress Goods Pretty Plaids, double wil h, regu-ar 35c goods on sale for - .25 • Hose • 5 doz. Children's Black Ribbed Cash- mere Hose, all woo , good value at 20e, our cut price - .15 Carpets 36 inch Union Carpet, worth 35c, for - - - .25 Overalls Men's Heavy Mole Overalls, while they last, only - .75 Table Linen Extra Heavy Wide Table Linen, 50e quality for - - .40 Lase Curtains 12 pairs Fine .Lace Curtains, 3 yds Zoog, good value at $1.00, sale price - . - .75 Matting Heavy Japan Matting, 1 yard wide, regular 20e, for - - .15 A lot of Men's Silk Ties; new pat- terns, worth 25a, on sale at .19 1 Plaids 10 pieces new Plaids, all fast colors, nice quilt linings, sale pride ,O5 Blankets Gray or White Flannellette Blankets, your choice - .75 Golf Jackets Laaies' Golf Jackets, pore wool, in white, black, navy and cardinal; cheap at $2 25, they go at $1.63 Flannellettes 20 pieces Wide Flannellette, new pat- terns, fast colors, worth 7o and ea, for - - .05 Overcoats . Men's Heavy Black Orereoats, new style, wen made, regular van e $8 00, on sale at - $6,50 Suits Boys' Suits, signs 33, 34 35,regular five dollar value, on sale $3.75 Dress Goods A line of Fancy Flake Dress Goods to clear. reettiar $1 00, for .50 Baking Powder 1 -pound tins of Art Baking Powder, v, u h gruntteware premium worth 50s to GOc; your choles for .41 . Tea No. 1 Uncolored Japan Tea, gond baring at 25c, our pride - .20 Jackets Ladies' Black Cloth Jackets, lined, regular six and seven dollar yarn for - - 85.00 Towelling Extra heavy Linen Towelling, worth 10e, for - - - .08 Socks Men's heavy Wool Socks, regular 25o value for - - .20 Ties Ribbons a All. colors in Wide Silk Neok Ribbon. Napkins 25o quality .for - - .20 Regular Dollar Table Napkins, nice si 20c quali y for - - .15 size, for - - .75 Numerous other lines at cut prices we haven't room to quote here, Come and see ; it will pay you. No tickets punched or coupons given during Sale. E. Isard 'Co1 Aeeet.eeiee4 ee♦esAeeeseseew •4..1sees.,,+,,,,,,,,,,,,, e FURNITURE! FURN1TURE • • i • i S. Gracey has a very fine assortment of riew and up -to - +e date Furniture, in • Sideboards, Buffets, Bedroom Suits, Parlor and Extension Tables, Couches, i • • Mattresses•, Spring Beds, etc., etc. • i It you want anything in the Furniture line this fall, before you bnv come le and see what we have. We wilt be pleased to show our moods. Wo i think we have sotnt'thing that will be to your liking, i and at very reasonable prices. 4► For the Fall Trade. If on want one of "HERCULES" y n the best Spr%ng Beds that is mads, try the HirRCUi,ES ♦ SPRING. We have them, they are the best for the money. You can try thorn for a month, and if, nd&'tsatisfaotory return them. �. . 5 , t Wo havew ay a few lel t19 0 f, p- � 1t Y and it few t'.'1'i (Art Squares) to clear out at a prise, y i tgive our Dr -As is the ergo we S. yr x A • attentiion where er oiur personal Y ere required. Any hour --night " t r t3ay. 'furniture healer and Practical Undertaker 4a *ft1••tNN•s*•....•,.,,.,.4 ****44+444+440+t++.0++.4.4