HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-09-18, Page 17tikIFIQK,E*POSIT R, SEPT NI ER 18, 9 '77 77,1'77,7,Pi m11-1.7, , 1 Coming Evoots 'TRE ANNUM; 'Meeting • of the liurOn Unit of the ' Canadian Omer Society will be held Monday, Sept. 29th at VoargITTririted rhurch, Gotlerich at 6:30 p.m. Tickets for the dinner may be obtained by contacting a member of the Cancer Society executive in your community or calling the office in Clinton at 482-7832. Guest speaker is Dr. R.J. Anderson of Victoria Hospital, London. 1-71-2 ONTARIO Street United Church, Clinton Pork Barbecue, Wendesday, October 1st, 1980. Serving 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Adellts S5.00; Children 12 and Wider - 52.50, Pre-schoolers free. Advance tickets only. 1-71-1 SEAFORTH District High School Commencement Exercises Friday, October 3rd; 8:00 p.m. Dance to follow at Arena. 1-71-1 Blyth Lions Bingo every Saturday night 8 p.m. BLY1'H MEMORIAL HALL Jackpot 5150.00 In 60 calls 1-774 YARD Sale Sept. 20, Seaforth, Ont. at 96 Coleman St. and 52 Crombie St. 10 to 5 chidlren's table. Household articles. farm tools. shovels chains. wrenches, etc. rolls of new page woven wire 30" bight. 300 ft. long - In case of rain cancelled. 1-71x1 ANNIVERSARY Service, Eg- mondville United Church. September 28. 1980. Rever- end Vardy guest speaker. 1-71-1 1 Coming Events 111E6th VaiEgmond Cider - fest is scheduledfor Sunday, September 28 at the Van Egmand House in Egmond- ville. New events, for Satur- day, September 27 only, include house tours and a Bavarian Tent from 1:30 - 5:30 p.m. and a Sippin' Cider Concert at SDHS featuring Ed Gyurkr and a host of - others -at 8 . -Watch-- fer our display add elsewhere in this paper. 1-21-2 VARNA United Church tur- key sinorgasbord ' supper, Wednesday, Sept. 24 from 4:30 until 7:30. Adults $4.50, children, $2.50, preschoolers free. 1-71-1 ST. THOMAS - A . C. W . Church Women, Euchre - Tuesday, September 23rd, 1980, Parish Hall - 8:00 p.m. . 1-71-1 ATTENTION all Registered Nurses and Registered Nursing assistants. The The Huron Chapter of the R.N.A.O. is sponsoring a dinner meeting on Oct. 8th, -6:30 p.m Vanastra Recreation Centre. A panel discussion on the. topic "What -Will the certificate of competence Mean to Me" by representatives from R.N.A.O. College of Nurses and Education, All Reg. N. and R.N.A's welcome. Cost: 7.50 per person contact • Ann Beane 482-9250 by Sept. 29th for tickets 1-71-1 Have your message read by 3,600 people Free On Cable cast 12 345-2341 Courtesy MI tell ell-Seaforth Cable T.V. 1 -69-tf 'CIDERFEST SIPPIN' CIDER CONCERT Tickets are available at Mary's Sewing Centre, Clinton; the Expositor. seaforth. or call 482-3326 or 527-1860. Adults 5.3 - 51.50 children. Entertainment includes 7 -time fiddling champion Ed Gyruki and a hest of area talent. Refreshments too!! September 27, 8 p.m. SEAFORTH HIGHSCHOOL 1-71-2 SUPER GARAGE SALE CHALK Si KELT. SOUTH SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 27th 10:00 s.ra. to sell out 10 CONCESSIONS OR MORE CRAFTS, ARTS, REFRESHMENTS & JUNKE1200 COME, ENJOY YOURSELF AND HAGGLE A LITTLE. I "I I Classified Rates Charges are based on the number of words Set of numerals as for serial numbers street numbers. phone numbers or prrces count as one .c.i7rird -Per set 'Words joined hv hvphens cont as separate words FIRST NSERTION - 15 a. Ords 52 50 Inc per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -No cop v changes. 8c per word. minimum 5200. SEMI-DISPLAY FTRST DISER-TION - S2.17 per column inch SUBSEQUENT MSER'TIONS 51 89 per column irnh (Minimum size in this category 1oches Accepted in multiples of half inch BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 50c per insertion BIRTHS - 15 words. 52.50,10c per word thereafter MARRIAGES, Engagements. Death Notices. 15 words 52.50, each additional word 10c. IN IVIEMORIAMS - 52.50 plus 10c per line of verse COMLNG EVENTS - 15 words 52.50. each additional word 10c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS - 30 words 52.50 -,each additional word 3c. 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASFI AYMENT ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK OF INSERTION. No cancellation of multiple itisertion advertisements after Noon, Tuesday Deadline for classified ads is 12 Noon Tuesdays Phone -527-0240 1 Coming Events OPEN House for Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walker on the oxxa occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary, September 21, 1980, Brucefield United Church, 2-5 p.m. 1-71-1 IF YOU have any breathing problems contact your doctor for consent to attend. _Special_hreathing_exercises have proven beneficial for many persons. It will be to your advantage to be present. Classes for Adults will also begin on Thursday evenings September 18/80 at 7:30 p.m at Vanastra, Mrs. Carol Bowker will conduct the classes in this area. The Huron Perth Lung Association is the sponsor of these programmes. 1-70-2 ORGAN RECITAL by Dr. John McIntosh of St. James Westminister, London, Ont. Prof. Music U.W.O. (Organ) at St. Thomas Anglican Church. Sunday, October 5, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by St. Thomas Choir. Proceeds to Restoration Fund. 1-70-3 THE family of Hazel and Gordon Scott, Cromarty extend an invitation to all their friends, relatives and neighbours to a reception in honour of their parents 40th Wedding Anniversary, Friday, September 19 at 8:30 at Mitchell Community Centre. No gifts please. 1-70x2 GIGANTIC Garage Sale includes truck, wheel Balancer toys, antiques, dishes new and used liquid embroidery products, books, car parts etc. 225 Main St. N., Seaforth. On September 20th and 21st. 1-70-2 FASHION 220 - presents a SELF IMPROVWENT for women exciting and educational. You will love your new self. No cost. To Register Call: JUDY HARRISON 527-1741 1-70-2 CROMARTY Beavers, age 5-7: Cubs, age 8-11: Scouts. age 11-14 will be holding. registration night in Cromarty Church on Wednesday. September 24. 8 p.m.. for parents only. For further information phone 345-2390. 1-70-2 BINGO every Tuesday evening at VANASTRA CENTRE R R. 5. Clinton Ist • regular card 51.00: 15 regular games of 515.00: 3 share the wealth. jackpot 200.00 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years Or over. tf CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday. 8:00 p.m. 1st Regular card 51.00 Restricted to 16 years or over 15 regular gatAes of 515.00: 55. least on split. Many other specials Jaapot 520000 _must go each week I-654 1 k11 HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the Expectant Parent EdUcation Claases being held in the Seaforth Cora mtmity Hospital Board Room commencing Thursday, Sept. 11, 1980 frorn7:30 • 9:30 p.m. These classes will run for 8 weeks. ' Would anyone who is in- terested please register by calling 1-800-265-4252 toll free or the Health Unit office at 527-1243. Both husbands and wives are invited to attend and participate in the discus- sions. The winter series is to begin the week of January 5, 1981. 1-70x2 2 Lost, Strayed STRAYED from Kippen - Brucefield area, small black pup, docked tail, Bob McNaughton. 262-5006. 2-71-1 3 Found FOUND:' Small white female house dog. 345-2489. 3-71-1 4 Ifelp_Xan_ted WOULD You Like, to work your own hours, earn 510 per hour and up, be successful. For interview call Judy Harrison Beauty Consultant, Fashion 220. 527-1741. 4-54-3 START NOW - Local Amway distributor, offers opportunity for good earnings. You pick the hours, we train. For interview call 527-0898. 4-69-tf BABYSITTER your home or mine, 4 days a week,'7 mos. old baby, after 6 p.m. 527- 1894. 4-71-1 Farm Stuck For Sale FOUR,second fitter sows due in 3 weeks. 345-2525. 8-70-2 9 Paultry Tor Sale HUBBARD 'Golden Comets, top quality brOwn egg layers. 20 weeks old. Available this fall. To order call McKinley Hatchery. 1-800-265-8536. 9-69-7 11 Articles For $ le ArtiCles For Sale • LAYING hens for sale. 51.00 ea. 527-1269. 9-71-2 Se Yon re mil/ goal,' 1 6ackeation requires SCHOOL SECRETARV for Holmeaville Public School 54.95 ,per hour 35 hour week. Apply to MR. RON McKAY, PRINCIPAL Holm -ovine Public School R.R. 3 Clinton, Ontario NOM ILO 4-71-1 Used Cars For Sale 1978 Datsun , 510 25,000 kilometers; excellent condition, 5 speed Hatch back, has had oil under coating and gravel guard. Phone 527-1334. 10-71-1 11 Articles For Sale ONE mens 10 speed bicycle, 3 years old, excellent aindition, $65.00. 527-0482. 11-71-2 FARMERS, crafts, flea, market every Saturday 8-3 at the Theatre Building, Vanastra. Something for everyone. Dealers. invited. Charles.. 482-3762. 11-71x1 HEAVY roosters, dressed weight 8-10 lbs. 527-1776. 11-71-1 , GUARANTEED Amway pro- ducts for every need are just a phone call away. We deliver, Phone 527-0898. 11-69-tf ORGANS - PIANOS Wurlitzer: The best in Key- boards. One years free less2ns included with organ purchase. Pulsifer Music, Seaforth Closed Wedfiesday. 11-674 FRESH CAULIFLOWER 3 miles west& emote: on Hwy. 83 50e each bead BERT VISSCHER Open daily 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Closed Sundasys Phone in large orders 237-3442 11-69-tf Exhaust Technician Pipe bending experience would be an asset but training will be provided if necessary For personal interview call. STEVE ELLENS 348-8651 or 348.9682 CENTRAL GARAGE MT11.11t,'LL LTD. 613TCHELL, ONTARIO . 4-70-2 LICENSED CLASS A MECHANIC Car and light truck experience. Top wages and benefits. For personal interview call. STEVE ELLENS, 348-8651 or 348-9682 Central Garkige Mitchell Mitchell Ontario 4-76-2 HELP wArli FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME Apply to TED MACDONALD - SUPERIOR STORE Seaforth [former IGA1 SATURDAY SEPT. 20 FROM 1 TO 4 P.M. 4-71-1 7 Situations Wanted AVAILABLE for CliStOM pulling and combining white beans. Phone 345-2685. 7-7x2 CUSTOM corn and soy bean combining and trucking. Second combine available for large acreage. Brian Wilson 527-1123. 7-71-5 Farm Stock For Sale ONE black white faced calf; also, large quantity of used cleaned yellow bricks. Phone 345-2969. 8-71-1 11 Articles For Sale FALL SALE ON NURSERY STOCK 20% off Trees and shrubs while supplies last. HURON RIDGE ACRES David Steckle and family R.R. 2, Zurich 565-2122 11-71-2 VI All models'of Pioneer Partner and Poulan Chainsaws on display at Seaforth Fair Visit our booth and ask about the Special Price Reductions See you there, Robert Glen Saws CLINTON Phone 482-9292 11-71-1 T.V. - Towers, Antennas, Boosters Rotators, ETC. WE STOCK ALL YOUR T.V. NEEDS INSTALLATION SEgVICE AVAILABLE CAMPBELL'S - -CROWN HARDWARE" - SEAFORTH 527-1420 Anti -Freeze 4 UTRE 7.99 discount by the case SEAFORTH AUTOMOTIVE 58 Main St. 527-0880 11-71-1 HEAVY hens dressed weight average 5-6 lbs. 53.00 each Order a head 482-7224. 11-71-1 TOMATOES:.)Pick your own or we will pick for orders Huron Ridge Acres. R.R. 2, Zurich, Phone: 565-2122. 11-71-3 CUT your own firewood. _Must be removed immedi- ately. 527-1296. 11-71-1 POTTING soil (worm castings) for all your planting needs 345-2654. 11-71-2 ONE Sportsman Aluminum Pool 16' x 24' x 7' with filter, heater and pool accessory. Brand .new, never installed still packaged. Priced to sell , 54,500.00. Phone 527-1791. 11-71x1 W1NGHAM cook stove, ex- cellent condition. 523-4275. 11-71x1 MUST give away 5 year old pure bred hound. House trained and great with kids. Phone 527-1719. 11-71-1 TWELVE Mason quarts two pair brown oxford size 10; 527-0422 at noon. 11-71-1 DRESSES - formal dresses, skirts, teen age size 9-12. excellent condition. 527-0351 11-71-1 McINTOSH apples, prude and grand duke plums, fresh apple cider. red and white potatoes and honey Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Closed Mond4s and Thursdays. 524-8037 11-71 - tf ALUMINUM windows 4- 24" x 481/2. 1-271/2 x 541/2". Phone 527-0212. 11-71-1 CUCUMBERS for pickling. 3 miles west of Seaforth on highway #8. Mrs. John Segeren. R.R. #2, Seaforth: 482-9217. 11-71-1 ONE noir boys moulded Lang Elite skates. tuc blade, size 7, 527-1792 after 4:30. 11-71-1 RUGGED wroght-iron mail box. Post placed 6 ft. from road shoulder, allows snow removal due to hanging box. Have one installed, hundreds through Huron and Perth. Free installation. orders ta- ken now. Keep Ontario tidy. The Mail Box Man. 527-1856 11-71-3 MAYTAG automatic washer, two cycle with sudsaver. excellent condition. 887-6029 11-71x1 TO give away Irish Setters 3 females ages 6, 8. 11 years House dogs never slept out- side. Also 3 month old kitten. Death in family causes this action. 523-9487. ti1-71•2 APPROX. 800 ft. roof heat- ing cable. Cost 200.00. sell 5100.00. 11-71k1 ROXOBORO GARDEN open after 4 p_m. Potatoes, car- rots. onions, squash, pump- kins. broccoli and cabbage. 11-71x2 Sewing machine demon- strator sale. Choose from White, Elna, Husqvarna. Janome. Save! Save! Save! Sew 'n' Save Centre, 149 • Downie Street (2 doors south of Hudsons) Stratford. Phone 271-9660. Closed Mondays. 11-69-tf t- 1- -1- 1st --41.1.111k-A1* *Ire Al*.40.,0,4e BUZZ saw. 345-2588. 11-71x2 NEW IDEA 7 ft. P.T.O. pull type mower 5250.00; 32 ft. Mayrath Grain and Bale. Elevator 5250.00 with 3/4 H.P. Motor 5325.00 3 P.H. One Way Disc. 5450.00 Stock Rack for 151/2 ft. platform, good condition. Phone 482- 7134. 11-71x1 Shbll WHEAT 'Foundation Frederick JEFFERY FARMS LIMIT -ED MS -2529 11-70-3 ORGANS- PIANOS Wurlitzer: The best in .Key- boards. One years free lessons included with organ purchase. Pulsifet Music,, Seaforth Closed Wednesday. 11 -69-tf HONEY for sale 1. 2 & 4 lb. pails, 1/2, 1 & 2 lb. jars. Wilmer F. Kelly & Son Apiaries. 101 James St., Seaforth Phone 527-1023. 11-624 FRESH HONEY Elgin Young 527-1519 11-70-2 13 Wanted WANTED: Someone to share an apartment in Seaforth area with female who already has an apartment. After 6 phone 527-1490; if no answer call 527-0677. 13-71-3 GOOD used' furniture 482.- 7922 13-69-tf Property For Sale SPLIT level home with far- row or farrow to finish barn and liquid manure tank also driving shed, on five acres. 527-1269 14-71-2 MOBILE home 12 x 60 and. workshop 24 x 36 on Lot 85 x, 132, septic tank and drilled well, approx. 9 miles north- west of Seaforth. 523-9487. 14-71-2 R-emembir7 It takes but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. PropeklY k Sale BAILEY 'Property For Rent LOVELY 3 bedroOM half duplex in Clinton. Frig and stove- supplied. 5180 pies utilities. Phone 529-7949. -- 15-714 Real Estate Ltd. 19 Notices Clinton Phan*: 4824371 FI_ITILETT Twp,_ 100 acres, 87 workable with new home and two barns equipped fro 1100 hogs. **** 50 acres general farm in Hullett Twp. ******** 100 acre general farm in Hullett Twp. ***mots 50 acres in Colbourne Twp. 61/2 acres planted to new orchard, started to bear fruit. 100 acre farrowing farm near Ethel. ******* 2 acresneo.,A tyien, good buildint 51%./1" 7**• 41** FOOD FOR THROUGHT Nature does great things for nothing. I. 11. iller Itr..‘1.TY *Farms* NEW LISTING 11/2 stor- ey vinyl siding 2 bed- rocim home. Large living room, 4 piece bath, well insulated, renova- ted throughout. 2 car garage, drilled well, 2 acres on nice treed lot 6 miles from Seaforth. 52,500.00 50 Acres of welt drained land in Logan twp. all workable, drilled well, good barn and 3 bed- room frame house. 100 Acres in Huron County with hog opera- tion, buildings in excel- lent condition, silo and unloader. Easy terms. 125 Acres hog operation In Hibbert Twp. sow barn, weaner barn. dry "---staik barn,, implement shed with a lovely home. attractive landscaping. Owner will hold a mort- gage. 100 Agree of well drained land all work- able good barn and im- plement shed. attractive 3 bdrrn.' brick house, north of Mitchell 2 miles west of 23 highway. Seaforth 11/2 storey 3 bedrhoth home recently renovated and decorated in and out. Nicely treed lot, F.A. oil furnace recently installed, at- tached garage, ready to move in. Village Home 3 bedroom cottage new roof and siding. Insulated, elec- tric heated, double gar- age on a double lot. JOE O'RELLLY 345-2645 Mitchell 348.8823 14-71 -1 Property For Rent TWO bedroom apartment in Dublin. Phone 345-2405. 15-71x2 UPPER duplex 2 or 3 bed- room separate entrance, own furnace, available immedi- ately. References required 527-1833. 15-71-1 ONE one -bedroom apart- ment, 1 -two bedroom apart- ment. North Main Street. Seaforth. Phone 527-1715. 15-71x2 TWO bedroom, self con- tained, heated apartment on Main Street. Phone 527-0278 15-71x1 ELIZABETH COURT HENSALL, ONTARIO One bedroom available now, October 1 or November I. 5225.00'. Featuring shag car- peting throughout, appli- ances, laundry fadfities, all utilities paid. For inquiries. FIENSALL 262-1448 LONDON 453-2280 1S-70-tf MUSIC FOR ALL OCCA- SIONS -- Live Music is Best. list_of.over_50_ bandsavaita_- ble from: Stratford Musi- cians' Association, Box 329, St. Marys, Ont. NOM 2V0 or phone 284-1288 or 271-1362 (Stratford). 19-70-2 Notice to Bean Growers The fast increasing number of bean knives we received make it. ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to get them to us in fall or winter. Why not bring them in right after this year's pulling. Knives brought in before January 1st. 1981 irilrbe-ire-aTpresent prices. WINTHROP IRON 527-1970 evening 19-71x2 ROYAL MAINTENANg Small engine clinic • Clinton 482-9600 19-714 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Fut efficcien service. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth Phone Clinton 482-3320 or Seaforth 527-0284.. 19-69-tf Custom Slaughtering and Processing kill 11.o. SI. +Alio liZeRNZP:Z DASHWOOD 237-3677 19-69-tf SCHOLL'S ABATTOIR Hensall 262-2017 262-2041 CL,tstotn Slaughtering and Processing itriondays •Beei Toseulays•Pork Complete Custom Framing Needlepoint, crewel, photo, oil paintings, etc. Regular or non -glare glass. Ready to hang. 48 IT. service. HAROLD TYNDALL Clinton 482-7409 19-65-tf GENERAL CARPENTRY WORK Houses, Additions, Renovations, Sheds' FLIER FLANAGAN Seaforth, Ontario 527-1399 ---------- More Classifieds on next page