HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-11-15, Page 1VOL XXXY.-NO. 1814.
Gentlemen, -We are headquarters
in Wingbam for Stook Foods and
Condition Powders.
international Stock Fobd
Dr, Hess' Stock Food
Our Own Condition Powders
-none better.
Bring your own recipes along, and
they will be accurately filled, at right
Walton McKibbon
Yhm. B.
Maodonald Block + - WINGEIAM
� v
Wingham Business College
Individual instruction
No vacation
Gold medallists as teachers
$ighest standard
Ask for catalogue
Modern business practice
Bookkeeping a specialty
'Ugly towards sluggards
Shorthand and typewriting
interested in graduates.
Newest office systems
Enter any time
Students' literary society.
Sympathetic teachers
Commercial correspondence
Ornamental penmanship
Learn telegraphy
Lucrative positions
Excellent text -books
Graduates successful
Enter -t' NOW."
GEO. SPOTTON, - Principal.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Woman's Institutes.
Returns of the V'oman's Institutes of
Ontario which are oeing compiled show
that there has ee a steady and• help.
ful growth during he year ending May
31st 1906.e om arisen with Iast
year as is follow
No. of meeting
No. of• address
Dist Institutes
Branch Institutes ..... , 208
1905 1906
....•. 7,018
etc.... -2,380
Grand Patriot► Po
Enoampment, will
to Minerva Encamp
Mopday, Deo. 10th.
WANTED -A marri
farm by the year.
Mr. W. S. Chisho.
been elected as one
the Advisory Educet
present the Pablio
the Province. The
the members to ie
school teachers will
Thursday of this we
Highest pricee paid dfo hides andd pont.
try at T. Fells' butcher -shop.
ley, of the I.O 0 F.
ake an omoial visit
fent, Winghhm, on
d man to work on a
Apply at Tiros of -
at, Kincardine, has
of the membera of
jonal Council to re-
hoolInspeotora of
snit oR the vote on
resent the pnblio
ot be known until
HIDES WANTED. -We will pay the
highest cash price for hides.
Toes. T. FIELD.
Fifty Girls Wanted.
The Clinton Knitting Co. Ltd. are
advertising in another column for 50girls
to learn to run knitting machines. This
est year
Company built a new buildi
and equipped it with the m t up-to-date
machinery they could bn , and claim to
•have the finest fact ry f the kind, in
Canada. They b ie in paying the
highest wages to g e best work and
1 proved this policy has appa ently p ved suo-
cessfnl, as several thousand dollars worth
of new machinery bas been installed re-
cently, to meet the increased demand
for their goods. This should be an ex-
cellent opportunity for girls to earn good
wages, at pleasant employment, near
We are in reot'ipt
Elmer Moore, who
couple of weeks in t1
tario in quest of dee
f a card from Mr.
has spent the past
wilds of New On-
. The party were
then at the Soo, ha 'ing returned from
the bush. Elmer's unerring aim was
responsible for the ownfall of two fine
specimens of deer, And - he will tell
ns all about it when ae gets home,
Call at R. Johnston's an see his line
of Felts, Rubbers and h s and be eon-
From further pal
ing of the barn of 1
near Riversdale,
Trine, we learn th
by the explosion of
was a good one an
a few years ago. 1
ments and a numb
•some 1600 bushels
quantity of bay as
only partially oov
of $800 in the Onlross Mutual.
Loss .Heavy.
Routers of the burn -
r. Thos E. Walker,
oted in last week's
t the fire was caned
a lantern., The barn
had been built only
[e lout all the imple-
r of hogs, as well as
of grain and a large
atraw. The loss is
red by an insurance
best at W. J. Greer's; men's 75o, ladies
• 60 Dents,
Fon SALE BY Bitivaas SALE -Two
cows, milking, onel dtie to calf early;
• three calves; one Lincoln ewe and lamb;
two brood sows, s =pposed to be with
pig; one piattorm a ring light wagon, in
good condition. .ply at the TnttES of-
Special prices to those . wanting meat
in large pieces or by the quarter.
Taos. T. FIELD.
Telephone Lane Completed.
The new telephoto line between Wing -
ham and Belgrav is now completed and
Wingham sibs ' ere are able to speak
tt, eubecribere at ,elgrave free of oharge:
The subscribers ,,t Belgrave are Thos.
11i11, R. E. MoLenzie, J. B. Nicol, 0.
McClelland, 3. Amnetrong, J. L. Geddes,
with the oentti office at Sproat &
Whaley's store. With this addition and
the new Belmort line, completed some
time ago, makes 140 subscribers at the
Wingham office if the Boll Telephone
0o. Mr. P. N, aneley, the local agent
ie to be congratti ted on the attooeee he
bee bad in 10 imp ring the loos.' service,
The workmen
the copper on th
floe building and
done work on the
tioally completed.
Inspector Nicholsi
tractors who have
fittings that the b
for them to proc
It will take some
ing is ready for n
re this week putting
tower of the post of-
wben this has been
building will be prate
We understand that
n has notified the con-
oharge of the interior
'tiding was now ready
ed withtheir het iwork.
wift work if the build -
e by the 1st Deo.
Meeting of rt1ockeyists,
A meeting will be held in Ike oouooil
chamber this (Thnraday) evening at 8
o'clock, to reorgani -e the Maple Leaf
Hockey Club, of Wartghan), for the com-
ing season. It is urg intly requested that
everyone interested this popular wint-
er game be preeent t this meeting. The
animal meeting of a Northern League
will be hell in Pal erston on Saturday
of this week. C
I am prepared to do p1a
my home near
Prioes reasonable.
The Timms is this
letter from our to
T. H. Rose, who i
Deer, Alta, Mr,
home very much
r' sewing at
n Foundry,
in the West.
week in receipt of a
mer townsman, Mr.
now living at Red
toss likes his new
nd is doing a good
bnsiness, which bi; old friends here will
be glad to hear. Led Deer is a flourish-
ing town and has = waterworks system
for both fire prof -Action and domestic
purpose and also 1 as all night electric.
service. Mr: Rus asks, "Where is
Wingham on thee* matters."
Don't be like the :3indoo,
Who for clothing `, ; de • s skin do,
And don't be belie d o make up your
When you take al ook in •our window.
The Dur o Company.
The first of the ries of hospital fund
concerts held on onday evening was
well attended, an those present were
much pleased wi the entertainment.
Durno is oertainl a olever magician.
His illusions are u .to.date, and he per-
forms them eo arts ioally as to complete-
ty baffle the closes obsever. The jokes
on local people w re good and brought
forth much apple se. Carl Hermann is
a clever violinist nd his selections were
wellrendered. T e imitations of the
darky oamp meet ng, the wooden pomp,
eto. were fine, an met with rounds of
WANTED -A gooli_Awing room girl.
Apply at King Edt6 ffrd hotel.
WANTED -A good boy to learn the -
printing business. Good chance for a
bright boy. Apply at TIMES Office.
Bonnie Friar Bush.
The Bonnie Bris Bush will be pre-
sented in Wingham Opera house, on
Tuesday evening, Arovember 27th. The
Ottawa Citizen ape iking of the oompany
says :-"Seldom h a there been a more
appreciative andi toe in the Russell
theatre than that last night when the
Bonnie Briar Bus , an old favorite with
Ottawa theatre p rens, was presented.
The house was ell filled from pit to
dome to greet th dear old Scottish piece
whose scenes a laid in the Glen of
Drumtoohty. I was in the hands of a
strong oompan and was exceptionally
well staged."
A complete line of F
Shoes now on ha
Boot and Shoe Sto
Big Newt
The TIMliS had •
extraordinary g••
the Toronto Glob:
to announce a big
The new arrange
send the news an
one year at $1,85 a
the balance of the
free, Tho Weekl
improved form
supplement; ie 0
weekly paper* pn
contains all the n
le a good farmers
rate -two papers
one -We hope to
subscription list.
is only $1.35 for th
Globe for one year
bare both papers
101, 11106 at this to
orders early.
s, Rubbers and
R. Johnston's
aper Bargain.
een able to make an
d arrangement with
and we are now able
newspaper bargain.
nt now enables us to
Weekly Globe for
• d 14 new subscribers
ear will be given
Globe in its much
th its illustrated
of the very best
iehed in Canaan, It
Ws of importanoe and
aper. 'With thio low
t almost the price of
largely' inoteaao our
:member the rate
Mug and Weekly
• d to new-subsoi-
1 be sent to Januaty
prioe. Send in your
W.AETED--Will pay the highest price
for chickens and hens, delivered at Wm
Armour & Son's, any day but Saturday.
Public Sc of Board.
The regular wont ly meeting of the
Public Board was h 1d on Tuesday, with
all the members 3 their places. The
Prinoipal's report for the month ot
October was read d adopted and the
teachers and ofRc _s salaries and rent
ordered to be maid Mr. J. A. Taylor,
Principal of the Ugh School was ap-
pointed a membe of the Pnbli° Library
Board in place of: Mr. H. H Wightman.
p o Wg
There was cons-9erable discussion on
the matter of pia ing an insurance on
the boiler, but it vas finally deoided to
keep Mr: Hint , of Kincardine, as
boiler inspector a d in future the boiler
will be inspected wine a year, at the
Chtistmas and dsummer holidays
Store Premises emodelied•
Messrs Maxwell & ill, merobaut tail-
ors and men's furnis re, have had their
store remodelled, tli the addition of
new stook more roc was needed and a
partition was remove - which gives con-
siderable more room. The workroom is
now up -stairs and th : full floor space is
used as a showroom or their large stook
of tweeds, worsteds, • hats, cape, under-
wear, and in fact e °erything'i'n men's
wear. A new silent talesman show ease
has been placed in petition, adding very
=inch so the appeanoe of the store,
The members of thi: firm are practical
workmen and Can go -rantee satisfaction
to their customers. Read their new
advt, to be found og page four of this
issue. 1
Watch for -everythingthe 'pew line of fanny goods
for the Christmas trade.
A great variety colored and white
linen centre piec•a-the very latest, at
tile."BIG Boox" STORE.
WANTED -+Choice Roll Butter, 25o.
Dry Picked Poultry, Dried Apples,
Feathers, Flesh Eggs, eto. G. E. KING.
American dub lee Singers.
The second of th series of concerts
in aid of the hospital and will be given
iu the opera house o Tuesday evening
next, when that hi h.olass com°any,
the American Jubilee Singers ; ^ill be
the attraction. Thies c rape is no.
doabtedly one of the in ' t , ganizations
touriag the Canadian prWoes this sea.
eon. Their plantaann melodies and
popular airs will app .al to all classes.
They do not attemp much of the so-
called classical mnsi -. The members of
the oompany are a I Conservatory of
Musio and Univ asity graduates:
The hall will no docent be crowded to
the doors next Tut lay evening. The
plan of hall is at Valley's drug store
and will be open for subscribers today
and from Friday ti date of concert for
the general public. Reserved seats 50o,
general admission 435o.
Under ^commission,
The ratepayers of Goderich will 'also,
at the next man oipal election vote on
the question of lacing the water and
light affairs of t e municipality in the
hands of a com lesion. The Goderiob
Oommission wil in all likelihood be two
in number, wit the Mayor of the town
an additional ember, ex•offioio. The
people of Wing.
important matt
questions to be
payere at the ,'ranuary election. The
people should tis rongbly understand
what' they are vo ing on and we think
as before stated, ,hat two or more publio
meetings shonld .,e held before voting
Fon SALE.--igh•olass barbering busi-
ness in a flourishing town in Western
Ontario. A money ,iteker. A good
surplus over and above all wages and
other expenses. Apply to J. 11, Or
norm, Real Estate Agent.
Daniel W. Brown clearly v, • . uished
his opponents in the euor con •at. His
sustaining of tone i tits h g • • passage
of Dudley Buck's d ifloui masterpiece,
"Sbadowe Deeli'on he Castle Wall,"
won a storm of ap arise and took the
first prize. -New rk Herald. Opera
house, Wingham, uesday, November
A Pair
At the concert t
the magician ,Darns
ing one of our well
George Washington
two persons who w,
A patron of the entArtainment, knowing
that the citizen re erred to was in the
hall, turned to his f fend beside him and
asked, "Is Gaorgt; Washinton here,
too?" "Why, Gres -t Casser," retorted
the friend, "Don't y n know who George
f Them.
n Monday evening
got offa ekit,asso: i it
mown citizens with
ad being the only
uld get to heaven.
Washington was?
poet." This has bee
'atree. since the ente
occasioned many a
meantime the innoe
responsible for it a e
up their knowledge
ie was the great
freely told on the
tainment, and has
sod laugh. In the
nt pair who are
no doubt brushing
A large Music 11
heard a grand star co
Brown came in for t
the evening applans
tI andience
cert. D
e li'n'e
for t
Miss Mary Ague was visiting with
Clinton friends last eek..
Mrs. E Baer has eturned home from
a visit to Woodstooknd London.
Mrs Dr. Taylor, o' Goderich, was 'a
weekend visitor at Kr. J. A. Taylor's.
Mr, 0, P. Carlisle, of Hensall, was
visiting old Wingh m friends for a
few days.
Mr. and Mrs G. It avid, of Hensall
were visiting with M . and Mrs, Fender
over Sunday.
Mr. Chester Davis, of Toronto was
visiting with his pare"ts, Mr. and Mrs.
H. Davis for over San lay.
Miss Mabel Spell, o Bluevale left on
Tuesday morning for Calgary, where
she will reside for sof time.
Mr, and Mrs, Jos. S alker and daught-
er, of Lnoknow w ire visiting with
Wingham friends for i few dam
Mr L. E, Tomiins , of Woodstock
spent a few days of his week at the
home of Mr. Baer, E ward street.
The Rev, T. S. B= yle attended the
convention in Galt this week of the
Anglican Young Pao'Ile's Association.
Mrs. Rennie left o i Tuesday for her
new home in L' ondot . Mr. Rennie was
fireman on the Lome: freight train and
has been promoted Se be an engineer.
Mr and Mrs. Geo. Ireland and son and
daughter, Charlie wad Miss Maude, were
el W.
share of
e masterly
rendering of the famous d et, the prison
seems from "It Traeatore."-Montreal
Witness. Opera hon :e, Wingbam, Tries.
day, November 20th
The Non -d 'y Sittings.
The non -jury siiings of the High
Court for this coon y opened on Tues-
day afternoon of las week at Goderioh,
before Honorable r. Justice Anglin.
hr a oases enteredand
reonlyt� e
am should discuss this - There w
r, as well as the other the cont concluded its sittings the next
oted on by the rate- day. The oases are .s fellows:
McMnrchie et al. `•. Thompson, Wm.
Prondfoot, K. O., ear plaintiff. E. L.
Dickinson and W. J. Sinclair for de-
fendant. Jndgmon reserved. This was
an interpleader ism as to which assign-
ment of money Ief by the will of the
late James Thomps n, of BIyth, shonld
take priority.
Pigott v. Iiiiperia Cement Co., Ltd.
Aotion for the price of a number of al-
leged defective sank of cement. Cam-
eron & Killoran fr plaintiff, Wm.
Proudfoot, K. C., far defendant. Hie
Lordship directed Lan order to issue re-
ferring this action t , the master of this
Court at Goderioh.
Wilkinson et al, v, Grey Branch
Agricultural Society Action for dam -
kava been caused Ages alleged to plain-
tiffs by a defective frier in the bnildicg
of defendants at Br Melte W. ?rend -
foot, K;O., and W. . Sinclair for plain•
tiffs. Biohard Fans one for Grey Agri-
cultural Society. . B. McDonald for
East Huron SooIet Judgment was
entered against bot defendants for Wm
Wilkinson for $1110 d for the plaintiff
1C1ixa Wilkinson is wile) for $500,
With costs.
visiting in town fo
on their way home
several weeks trip t
with their automobil'
!Muni° nal Elections.
It is now only rtix weeks till munici-
pal nomination dily and we have not yet
hoard any rumori as to.who will be can•
didates for next rear's Council. Next
year Wingham w 11 be represented in the
County Council tp a Reeve and the man
position should have
unioipal experience.
good Council for next
tEs woald like to see
best business men on
NN'm. Holmes' name
ed in connection with
selected for this
coneiderable n
Wingham needs
year and the Ti
some of our ver
the Board. Mr.
has been mentis
the Mayoralty. NIr, Holmes has spent
many yeara in tie eouneil and has a
good idea of th.- work required of a
Councillor and has served the town
well. In the op pion of many of the
ratepayers he w .11 deserves the hent t
Of being Mayor o the town.
days, few whil e
to Detroit after a
trough this section
Dr. Agnew is awe for n few holidays
and Dr. Tait, late', of Ingersoll has
oharge of his practice. Dr. Tait has
just returned from tba Old Land, where
be spent several maths in furthering
his studies, He has numerous friends
in this section as he aermerly practiced
at Blyth. Mrs. Tait is also 'visiting for
a few days with frie
Mr. John McKay,
ber of yenta been
Wingham flour mi
position in Wart
week for that town
gay's many friend
hear of their leavin
wish them every en
s in town.
who has for a nnm-
ead miller in the
s has secured a good
, and leaves this
Mr. and Mrs. Mo
here will be sorry to
Wingham, but will
cess in their new
FOR RENT. -Double store, centrally
Iocated; also Iiving rooms upstairs.
Possession given November let. Apply
Results of the W
ekly Examinations.
May Williamsou 90
Ross Maxwell 86, T7
Paterson 80, Toni
Orr 74, Tennys in
Brock 70, Edna
Barrett 68, Maggie
Dore 64, Edgar P.
mous 64, Charles J
Donald 64, Minnie `,shirk 64, Gertie Bush
62, EIam Armour 6 i, Harry Dora 58,
hazel Jackson 58, David Guest 54, Lnln
McLaughlin 52, Gee.: Moffatt 50, Chrissie
Riutoui 50, Arnett • rook 4S, Olerence
Blackball 44.
Gertrude White 100,
Carter McKee, 99, M
Freda Vanstone 96,
, Gretta Kennedy 90,
zzie Green 80, Tillie
itcheson 76, Simpson
lenville 72, Clara
annett 68, Homer
Vaunorman 66, Herb
tterson 64, W. Sim-
mes 64, Mabel Mo -
A Former Restd t of Wingham.
Mr. Robt. Elliott, the subject of our
sketch this week is a ormer well-known
resident of Wingha , having been for a
number of years ed or of this paper,
and father of the pr sent editor, Mr.
Elliott was born in the Township of
Beverley, County of entworth, and in
early life worked on farm. When a
boy his ;parents move to Listowed and
in 1867 Robert was pprentioed to the
printing trade in th Banner office as
Listowel, under the ate Jos. H. Hack.
ing. Completing his trade he worked as
foreman on the then Guelph Advertiser
and later on the Har •iston Tribune. In
the spring of 1875 he formed a partner.
ship with Mr. Rob at Ferguson, and
they purchased the Listowel Banner.
This partnership con-.inned until the fall
iott retired. Leay.
to Wingbam in
d purchased the
as its editor until
he purchased the
soli. There, in
e Daily Chronicle
ditor until early
the resignation of
Viola Ieard 100,
R J. Gallagher 99,
e Mason 98, Lizzie
McKee 98, Mae Moo 95, Rsta David•
son 95, Jelin Holmes 93, Clayton Procter
92, Aunie Barber 88, ?earl VonStone 87,
Dell Burwash 86, L. 3arold 85, Wm. J,
McLean 84, Maude Fry 82, Jennet'a
Brock 79, Ruby Kerr'77, Mildred Jewitt
77, Merle Lamonby
73, Ben Cronin 72, J
Eva Campbell 68,
A. Hart 61, Nino Cu
60, Maggie McLean 5
Clara Beckett 50. Ir
W. Galbraith 43,
Earl Porter 42, Alli
Diamond 40, Fioren
Elliott 28, Frank Ca
100, It. Wellwood
97, E, Gloat 95, B.
McBurney 93, M. Sc
A. Ornioksbank 80,
S. Nethery 79, 3. Tj
of 1887, .when Mr. E •
ing Listowel he eau
January, 1888 a
TIMES, continuing
January, 1896, whet
Chronicle at Inge
1897, he established t'i
and continued as its
last year, when, upon
Mr. John Neelands, a' so a former Wing-
hamite, he was appoi>ted to the position
of High Treasurer of the Canadian
Order of Foresters and has since resided
in the City of Brantfc -d.
Mr. Elliott had net in his younger
days the advantages tf even a common
school training, but being possessed of
considerable natural Ability and a desire
for knowledge, he prat in much time at
hard study, and whits other bo) s of bis
age were thinking o 7 the play ground or
the fishing rod, he night be found at his
books. Thus. he aceuired a very fair
practical ednoation:
Mr. Elliott has al ays taken an active
interest in fraterna societies, being a
member of the I. . 0. F., C. 0. F., 0.
O. O. F and R. T. f T. The Canadian
Order of Forester has taken up the
most of his attentio in th a line, as he
was one of the mo re in the orgemzing
of the Order. . He ad from 1884 to 1859
and from 1898 0 1 02, the High Chief
Ranger, and for m ray years a member
of tate Executive 0 mmittee of the High
Court. Sinoe the rder was estaelishe_i
' 1' t has attended every
Mr. Ll to
in 1879
High Court meetiu, save one, when he
was prevented by ianess.
In his younger diys, Mr Elliott was
oonsideied one of ties beat athletes in the
Listowel t istriet sad won many prizes
in this line. He w s also a great ad-
mirer of baseball and was active in
While taking an
matters that were t
of the place in whi
Mr. Elliott never r
honors, though he a
Board at Listowel t
and a member of t
tion at Ingersoll.
76, Bell Robertson
lnnio Bowman 69,
aDavin ,
rtedie 61, LilliandsoHogg63
E, Annie Garniss 51,
ne Vannorman 44,
Gillian Moffatt 48,
Little 42, Edna
e Imlay 80, Stanley
honn 12.
m. -E. Anderson
7, G. Crnickahank
°Laughlin 95, R.
tt 92, G. Elliott 85,
A.IstoBurney 80,
Mien 79, E. Mar -
sales 78, G. Tees 7 , A. Posliff 73, B.
Level]. 73, A. Isbistee 72, C. Wilson 71,
M. Dobson 71,1`'. Sc indrett 77, 11. Dob-
son 71, S. Scott 7 , , Musgrove 70,
i 67,Bone
th 69,E...eb starJ.
F. Homo
67, F. Vannorman 3, M. Anderson 61,
6 . Co and 60,R. Sheriff
Argo $
g , P
65, L. Deyell 58, ,Leishman 63, A.
MoEwen 40, T. Ito inson 45, G. Dobson
44, M, Sheriff 41, . Breen 40, J. Jack-
son 38, J. Padfield 34, E. Peddle 30, P.
Corley 15, R. Ike 15.
HISTORY -FORM #17. -.-Viola Davidson
93, ]Marjorie Got on 93, Tom Wilson
90, Pearl MoPhere it 01, W. F. Iliseox
84, Robert E. Brya 80, Earnest Wiley
50, Gertrude Troy 4
When your eyes trouble you,
consult us. We overcome all
eye tronbles and our oharees
are very low. Oar guarantee
means something, for we are
always here.
Drug Store
Property Owners
Will find it distinctly to their advantage
to make me their agent; based on
quick returns and satiate°.
tory dealing.
The following list ate a few of the
many properties for sale:
$1350-13 story house, 30 rooms, fur-
nace. excellent cel ar, good stable, 2
one-fifth acre lots; Victoria St,
$1500 -11.; story frame house, 8 rooms,
fine cellar, stable, convenient; Leo-
pold St.
$750 -Frame cottage, good repair,
rents for $78 per year, excellent
location, Patrick St
5800 -Brick block, Viotnrin St
$1000-1?2 story frame house, conven-
ient, Patrick St.
$1100 -le story frame house, fine
cellar, 4 bed rooms, stable, property
in first.olass repair, Frances St.
$1250-1? story frame house. furnace,
nice location, rents $8 50 per month.
$1300-2 story frame house, splendid
cellar, st.•ble worth $300, fruit trees,
rents for $102 per year.
81350-2 story frame cottage, grooms,
Minnie St.
$1800 -Blacksmith shop and business,
including 2 story brick residence,
acre of land, 5 miles from Wing -
$2000-11, story frame house, 10
rooms, furnace, bath; two 1 5 acre
lots, Minnie St.
Farm to r nt 120 acres, one mile from
Wingham on Belgal e road.
If you want anything at any time in
Real Estate, come direct to head-
Money to loan on farm security.
J. 11 CHI I'1
°Live interest in all
the best interests
;h he was residing,
spired for municipal
rved on the Sohool
pd as a Councillor
e Board of Educe -
Real Estate, Insnr•
nc,• ,tri 1 Loan Agent.
Vanstone blonk, Wingham.
FELT Boors -The very best Felt
Boots are here in every good style both
in ladies and gents'. W. J. GREER.
Dr. Butler, Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialist, 370 Qoeen's Acenne, London,
3rd door East of St. Andrew's Church,
FOR SALE -Gard Dwelling House and
nue acre of land, now oecnpied by me;
For terms and particulars apply to GEO.
'Flowers for all occasions, Chrysan-
themums prime, Carnations, in full
bloom, Forns,Asparagns and Begonias in
splendid condition. Come and see. Gra-
ham, the Florist. Frances street.
Jubilee 'Services.
The sermons on Srnday at St. Paul's
Church were in stylquite unlike those
heatd on Sundays f lom St. Paul's pul-
pit, but were not 1 as excellent. The
special 'services oinmemorated the
fiftieth anniversary of Huron Diocese,
and the preacher fo the occasion was
Rev. N. I. Perry, M A., of St. Cathar-
ines. Mr. Perry assesses a round,
sympathetic voice, a d his sermon. on
Sunday were except nally spiritual in
r h the fund-
et fo t
tone. Bot
amental purposes f the church of
Christ, the reconci talon of man to
God, and the rev
slat n of G ds troth
to man. Mt. Petty' manner is con-
versational rather th n rhet.»ioal, but
he is direct and imp essive. 'The con-
gtegations were larg in spite of the
threatening weather and all listened
with very evident p1 ire and interest
to the two excellent discourses, which
stamped the preache as one of the:best.
The special mime as rendered most
acteptablq And ever hing combined to
render the day a 1511 g inauguration of
the Jubilee Year.
We have a line of Waterproof
Shoes for the Children that are
just the thing for the mud and
slush of the Fall season. Made
from selected calf skin and made
Keep Out All Dampness
They inetire dry feet and are a
profitable investment for this time
of the year. May save a doctor's
bill of many times the price of
the shoes.
$1.00 81.25 to $1.30
according to size.
Hehdquhrtora for Rubbers.
u1l stock of Trunks and Valises.
W. J. Greer