HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-09-11, Page 8TkiA 1-1(JR.,014 ,.)(F.119 1
Miter able Years of W4rld
chill tilet9ra and pouring.
•'Tainp tbi'weather committee
finally got it all together; For
first time the Seaforth
zoir- and ' Country Club's,
Men'sInvitation had a per-
- foct Oa)? of , antiahine and
1 1 080
warm •temperaturesThe
comae was in excellent shape
yet only 2 golfers in the field
of 120 managed to break par.
Jim Marcaccio of St.
Mary's fired a,4 under,68 and
was leader In the clubhouse
early in the afternobn. 'De -
fending champ Cam Doig
and the veteran Ken Doig
were still on the 'course.
When Ken came in with a 2
under 70 and Cain finished
vvith an even par 72,
Marcaccio had won the
Commercial Hotel Trophy for
his fine 68, low gross over
the field.
The Shorty Munro Trophy
for low net was won by Rene
Vandernieer of Indian Hills
with a net 64. A highlight of
the day was when John
KOwalchuck from London
SWING . . . .CHOMP — Dave Longstaff of
Seaforth tees -off oh the fifth hole, and sends a
blt of turf flying at the same time. When the
dust cleared, his ball was just off the green, as
he competed in the 9th Annual Men's.
InvItational at the Seaforth Golf and Country
Dub Saturday, (Photos by*Ellls)
by Paul Ellis
Hey, Roths wins again
I deserved it. I should have seen it
corning. It was my own fault.
Sunday afternoon. The volunteer fire
department's Smoke Eaters took' on the,
Roth's Food Market team in what etarted'
out to be a softball gamer -Rut that quickly
became an all-out water fight.
And 1 got caught right in the middle.
The fun filled match was the result of a
challenge issued back In July by the Smoke
Eaters to take on the winners of last
month's Expositor-Roth's game. Roth's
won that game by a wore of 17-81/2. We,
the Bad News Beavert, have found it
difficult to accept the loss.
In an attempt to get back at the Roth•s
squad for defeating (oh, I hate that word)
us. I manage o to find mysen a bucket of
water belonging to the grocery store
people. The temptation was just too great
You_ would be surprised how many
people can get wet when a pail of water ts
dumped along a bench of players. You
might also be surprised at how fast all. those
players can run after a fleeing photo-
With what must have been at least a
hundred of them holding me down. 1 was
given a quick but thorough soaking with a
conveniently nearby hose. Thanks guys
But this is not to give the impression that
I was the only one there to get wet. As it
turned out. it was nearly impossible to find
a dry person on the field. And several other
spectators managed to attract a bit of
moisture as well.
The true blame lies on the Smoke Eaters
They just cant seem to stop playing with
water. If they can't spray it on a fire, it
seems they think they have td spray it on
anybody who gets in their way
The first sign of trouble aptaeared when
the firefighters arrived on a vintage fire
truck, long since removed from active
service. But it still was fully equipped with
hoses and pumps, which were soon put into
action. The truck was stationed just outside
the third base fence. ind an operator was
instructed ro use the hoses to prevent
Roth's baserunners from reaching third.
He took the imperative seriously. like 3
true pit bile servant. So much for a dry
Publicity -hog .Brian Ruston, the man
behind the meat counter; had littler trouble
keeping the crowd interested in the game.
even if' it meant sacrificing his team
uniform to the almighty H20. Not to be
outdone. tea'mmate Joanne Rimmer be.
came the victim of several practical jokes.
before leaving the field. only to reappear
dressed M seme unrecognizable costume.
A young fen. when walkitig past Miss
Rimmer. enthusiastically remarked .
"Look Mornmy. a clown.•'
Deputy Fire Chief Torn Phillips manned
the short stop position seated in a lawn
char while holding a fishing net and an
umbrella. He also took his shift using a
small. hand -operating water pump. con•
tributing to the wetness of at tract one
boxboy, Mike Bedard
And of course 1 can not forget fireman
Bill Eisler, who played the game in his hest
Sunday dress. Need I say more?
After a flaming bunt by a Smoke Eaters'
batter. the firemen quicklY acted. putting
out the blaze with a bubbly foam
However, this presented a slight problem
for the third baseman He couldn't find the
ball When he got a hit heated about that.
he Kit foamed too
Andrea Pinder and Linda Flits were
adoPted by the Expositor team as the Bad
Newsi3eaverettes at out game in July But
they wanted to stay in the action. even
though the BNB wouldn't he playing
Good-bye Beaverettes. hello Mini-Smeke
Eaters. ,
The game turned out to be rather
strange. and nobody really knows }tow
many innings were played Likewise. n was
difficult to nail doun an official score But
Roth's claimed the victory. and set the final
tally at 15-5.
'Hey. Smoke Eaters. we did better than
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mare people discover what
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plished by tow cost Huron
Expositor Want Ads. Diall
by Carolanne' Doig
holed -his tee shot on the 116
jrard fifth hole. That was the
first hole -in -one in tourna-
ment play at the club.
Included in .the field,
which was the biggest ever,
was a contingent of golfers
from Bermuda. Each year
the group_of. _ Bermudians
becomes larger and the
")3ermudian Connection"
lends an international flavour
to the tournament. A special
overseas trophy is presented
to the low overseas entry,
with Dolly Smatt taking the
1980 trophy with an 82.
A group from Welland,
also join us every year and
defending, low net winner'
MikeLococo was back, along
with comedian Donny
Murray and gang. Steve
"Wiener" Bennett, assistant
pro at Canterbury Country
Club in Sarnia announced
prize winners and Jim
"Sicle" Watson presented
trophies to the champions.
Tournament Winner -Low
gross, Jiin "Maracaccio, St.
Mary's 68, tournament
Winner -low net Rene -4,
Vandermeer, Indian Hills 64,
1st Flight, 1st low gross, Ken
Doig, Seaforth 70, 1st fight
1st low net Ron Bannerman
64, 2nd Flight 1st low gross
John Kowalcheck, London
78; 2nd flight 1st low net
Bill Weber, Seaforth 67; 3rd
flight 1st low gross Brian
Keating 81; 3rd flight 1st low
net Ted Homer 65; 1st flight
2nd low gross Cam Doig,
Scaforth 72; 1st flight 2nd
low net Ian Traynor. Maple
Ridge 65; 2nd flight 2nd low
gross Butch Graham, Dur-
ham 80; 2nd,flight 2nd low
Hully Gully bikers win
at the CMA race
Sean Van Dongen and
Randy Marriage of Clinton,
and Randy Ford of Grand
Bend and Chuck Collints of
Varna carricd their Hully
Gully blue and white colors
high at this weekend's
Canadian Motorcycle Race
(CMA) race at Putnam.
Van Dongen (2nd, Ford
(3rd) and Marriage (4th)
. dominated the school boy
age class. Collins. riding in
the. 250 senior class, 'took
fourth place overall in a field
of Ontario and Michigan
411 houseleaguers will be
on hand this Saturday for the
final houselcague of the 198.0
season. Practice is at 1 with
race at 2. Admission free. A
pot luck picnic and awards
presentation will follow itie
25 lap endurance race.
Workshop on
family trees
A meeting of the Huron
County Branch of the Ontario
Genealogical Society was
held September 3rd at the
Ronald Reagan Memorial
Grandstand board room in
iusiness included discus-
sion of the need for a
nominations chairman and
fund raising chairman. An
(Thrarro Genealogical &iciety
Lapel Pin has been purchas-
ed by the Chairman and will
be on display at the next
niecting for anyone interest -
in purchasing one.
The members were in,
formed concerning a work-
shop being held on Saturday,
September 27, at 9:00 a.rri. at
the Royal Canadian Legion
Hall in Goderich. The work-
shop "Beginning in Geneal-
ogy" will hear Dr. W. H.
bfinshall of 'London. Ontario,
who has more than 30 years
experience in genealogy and
is a past president of the
Ontario Branch.
The Program Chairman,
Mrs. R.A. Chapman. discus-
sed the Longpoint Genealog-
ical Fair, set for Ocrtober
18th, for which -several mem-
bers expressed an interest in
Guest speaker, W. Fran- •
ridge. County Librarian, told
of the services offered by the
Huron County Library
Branthes. Mr Partridge
discussed the historical
aspects of genealogy and
answered several questions.
The society alit meet again
Wednesday, Oatober 1st at
7:30 p m. at the Ronald
Feagan Memorial Grandstand Board Room. For more
information phone 524-9972
or 524-2870
Gun Club
Kippen (,un Club,
Tuesday. Sere 2, the fol-
lowing 16 sheeters with their
scores. were Jack Mills.
Bert Mahaff‘. Jack Bell all
had 25; Cahen Christie, John
Anderson. Bill Stewart, Roy
tampon. Murray Christie all
had 24; John Hessels 23;
Mery Batkin. Bill Simmons
each had 22. Al Kyle, Bryan
Beer each 21; John
Griedanus 1 7. Dan Crerar 15,
Completing the shooting
Terry Mann
St. Columban Soccer Club
London Portugese
2 p.m,.
Mitchell High School
net Marc Robinet, Seaforth
67; 3rd flight 2nd low gross
Jim Nixon 84; 3rd flight 2nd
low net Ev Richardsoon 68;
1st flight 3rd low gross Peter
Hutchison, Canterbury; 1st
Flight 3rd low net Howard
McIntryre; 2nd flight 3rd low
gross Don Armstrong,...__
Seaforth 81; 2nd flight 3rd
low net Bill Hoist 71;, 3rd
flight 3rd low gross Harold
Turnbull, Seaforth 85; 3rd
flight 3rd low net Bob Riley,
London 68;
• 1st flight 4th low
gross Steve Davies, Ingersoll
72; 1st flight 4th low net
Kevin Bennett, Seaforth ;
2nd flight 4thdow gross Duke
DeChambeau, Welland; 2nd
flight 4th low net Chris
Coombs; 3rd flight 4th low
gross Dpn Murray, Welland;
3rd flight 4th low net John
McCarthy; longest drivel
John Alexander, Nearest to
pin, John Kowalehuck, low
overseas -Dolly Smatt.
The Canadian Ladies Golf
Association were at the
course on Monday to give a
rating for the ladies's handi-
capping system.Ruth Spence
from Chesley and Della
Bedard from Goderich came
up with a course rating of 69
for ladies, 2 shots more than
the 67 men's rating.
Cam Doig (33) and Dave
Cornish (42) took Thursday's
Men's Night with a total of
75. On Friday the Bayfield
Boit Yard's small tourney is
on in the afternoon and on
Saturday • afternoon the
13,nissels Lions will be out.
The Seaforth Legion's mixed
two ball and corn roast is set
for Sunday afternoon.
A CLIFF HANGER — Ken Doig of Saafokh watches as his ball rims the
cup while putting on the fourth green In the Meri's invitational Golf
Tournament at the golf course Saturday. 9othpetlng against golfers from
across Ontario, and from Bermuda, Ke won the first low gross trophy
for the first flight with a score of 70. (Photb by Ellis)
Fri. Sept. 12
To the Music of the
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7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Admission - J1.50
Rentals- 5 .75
St Thomas Anglican Church
October ist
6:30 p.m.
Perish Hall
Adults - $5.00
Children - $2.50
Don't buy a snowmobile anywhere
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