HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-08-28, Page 23HEY MOM, WHAT'S THIS MEAN?—April Dalton,
bit confused by the sights and sounds at the outdoor
at Victoria Park Saturday. The seven hour event
according to recreation director Bryan Peter.
14 months old, was a
farmers market held
was a big success,
(Photo by Ellis)
FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES—Fourteen booths were set up in
Victoria Park Saturday for the farmers' market, including this one from
Roth's Food Market. Manning the booth is Paul Bode, while Robbie Glew
invests in some grapes. (Photo by Ellis)
A GOOD CROWD—Everything from bananas
and grapes.to hot dogs and soft drinks were on
sale at the farmers' market in Victoria Park
Saturday, as 400 to 500 patrons took advantage
Co -Operatives of
Ontario Livestock
Ship your livestock with
(formerly Mike Doyle.
For prompt service. call
by Monday evening
of the more than a dozen booths. Organizers
hope that several similar outdoor markets can
be held next summer. (Photo by Ellis)
• •
Seaforth seemed to be enjoying himself as he
tore into a chicken leg at the first annual chicken
barbecue and dance sponsored by the Seaforth
Junior Centenaires Booster Club Saturday.
(Photo by Ellis)
First you need a benchmark
How do you know if your
business is well? First, you
need a benchmark. You can't
go anyplace if you don't
know where you arc. to start
with. Secondly, you need to
know "what's good" -what
arc other people in the same
business doing? Then you
need a modest goal-onesou
eery meet in 12 months' time.
How can you go anyplace if
you don't know where you're
How does this work in
practical terms? A dairyman
looks over Dairy Herd
Improvement summaries and
finds a range from below
11,000 pounds per cow to
11,000 pounds. He deter-
mines where he is in the
range either by checking his
t -- and Mortgage Insurance Plans
Income Tax Perlin:table Registered
Retirement Savings Plans and Annuities.
Income Averaging Annuities
Ask for our ne‘s Flexible
Premium RRSP
Sun Life Assurance
Company of Canada
far 21 yesra.
Expert Cleaning
And Prvssing!
Bring in your clothes now and start
the school year with clean clothes
Flannery Cleaners
527-0250 Seaforth
D.H.1.A. records or by add-
ing up the weights on his
milk statement and dividing
by the average number of
cows. Suppose you find your-
self at 12.000 pounds. You
want a challenge and so you
set a goal to reach 13,000
pounds in one year.
It has been easy so far. It
gets tougher from now on.
Milk production is an overall
indicator of the success of
your dairy business. You now
have to identify the many
factors that affect milk
production. You atso have to
criticize, constructively. the
system or management
program that you are using
with each factor.
Take a blank page. Put
Milk Production at the top of
the page. Put down the dollar
value that is represented by
an extra 1.000 lbs. of milk
per cow. If you haven't a
quota. jot down the savings
that result if you produce
your quota with fewer cows.
Canfarm summaries indicate
direct costs of S800 to $900 to
keep a cow for one year.
List Feeding under Milk
Production and under it list
the various points that could
affect feeding -overfeeding
protein. uuderfeeding
protein or energy. wrong
ratio of calcium and
phosphorus. poor dry cow
program, inadequate heifer
nutrition and so on.
You can go on to a breed-
ing heading and jot down
your calving interval.
services per conception and
non return rate. The
artificial unit will supply this
ifyour breeding statistics
are poor -look for reasons.
Nutrition could be an
important factor. You'll
certainly want to pay special
attention to your heat de-
tcction system.
You can carry on listing
headings such as Calf
Mortality, Sire Selection.
Milking Equipment.
Mastitis. Forage Program.
and so on. Jotting down
points will bring ideas to
mind. It will also map otu all
the factors that can influence
your production. This makes
it easier to remember what
you want to ask when you
sisit your veterinarian. your
unit veterinarian. the dairy
extension worker.. (he Milk
industry Branch rep. and
your forag* extension
worker. It will also help you
to pick up pertinent fact -
sheets at the local Ag. Office
and elsewhere.
This system likely seems
like a lot of fuss. However.
such a flow chart will help
you to see at a glance all the
factors that are affecting milk
production. When all k said
and done. milk production ss
your grade as a manager. Its
the end result of all your
activities. it's like your score
cm an exam.
Listing the different
factors separately is a start
on prong to yourself that
low production doesn't just
happen -there are reasons
for it it can be changed. if
sou w ant to v.-cirk at it It
won't happen overnight. but
dramatic changes do happen.
One Bruce County herd
average went up nearly 3.000
ibs ;ust from ration changes
alone wouldn't you like to
put up --'0.000 lbs. of milk
with 48 cows producing
16.000 ihs rather that
produc ng 11.000 lbs?
A Logan ToWnship native
and an area 'farmer for most
of his life, Thomas Costell, Of
61 Ord, $ti Seaforth diOd
August 20 at Stratford' Oen.:
evil Hospital. ffe was 80.
Costello, who totirod
frerri farming In 1963, is
kinvived by his we Alice
(O'Reilly), whom he married
in4Detroit in 1936. Also
Rev. Yielding
conducts service
Church service was con).
ducted on Wednesday after.
noon at Seaforth Manor
Nursing Home by Rev. A.
Yielding of Bethel Bible
Church. During the service
duets were-reindered by Mr.
and Mrs. Mervyn Lobb of
Clinton, also by Mrs. F.
Siemon and Mrs. Rapson.
Mrs. Lola McGonigle read a
lovely poem and at the_ clo_se„
of the service a social half-
hour was enjoyed.
Visitors this past week
were Lee Haskins of Cam-
bridge with Ed Litt.
Mrs. Ruth Carter of W
stock visited with her father
Wilber Keyes.
Visiting with Miss Bessie
Davidson was Miss Amye
Love, Toronto; also Mrs.
Edith Dunlop and Ruth Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nichol-
son of Cambridge' with the
former's father Arthur Nic-
Visiting with John Kerr
were Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Fenton and Fred Fenton of
Stratford, Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Becker of Exeter, and
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Restey-
meyer of DashObod along
with Mrs. Kerr.
............... Manor.__Nursing
Home residents ebuncil pre-
sented a gift to James
Shortreed last week before
his departure to Huronview.
The gift was presented by
Erle Daw and Charles Ross
m behalf of the residents.
Mr. Shortreed had been a
member of the Residents'
Council and also the Seaforth
Manor Marvels New Hor-
izons group, All good wishes
go with him in his new home.
Residents were saddened
to learn of the death of Miss
Frances Wicklinn who pas-
sed away in Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital on Friday in
her eighty-second year. Miss
WIcklum had endeared her-
self to many during her stay
at Seaforth Manor Nursing
Home. She will be greatly
missed by her relatives. also
her roommate Miss Doris
Mr. Charles Ross is spend.
big a week's vacation at
Guelph with his brother Mr.
Harry Ross.
Mrs. Shirley ,Luther of the
Salvatilin Army will be in
charge of the Church service
on Friday afternoon at 2 p.m.
and on Wednesday evening
Steven Hildebrand will do a
demonstration on flower ar-
Renovations Additions,
Shed, Sun decks.
Any home Improve --
Mrs. Ida Wolfe received
'Communion en Thursday
from pastor Rev. Beutal of
Mrs. Peg Larone visited
her brother Mr. Frank Case
Friday afternoon.
- Mr . Charles Wilson spent
the day with his wife Eunice
and family, Saturday.
Kss Kate Laverty was out
1Vfiss Rita Duncann
Ksses Ina and 'Ellen Scott
of London visited with their
brother, Mr, 'William Scott.
Miss Mary Neville attend-
ed se tees at Northside
Church on Sunday
with Mrs. Frank Smale.
Mr. Earl McSpadden visit-
ed with this aunt, Mrs.
Tvlinnie Hawley, Sunday.
Mr. Jack Kerr enjoyed an
outing on Sunday with Mrs.
Kerr and her sister and
husband.thavvtemase. hBapetptyy
staff member, has returned
to her home from Seaforth
Community Hospital and is
now enjoying her vacation.
Everyone is looking forward
ha seeing Betty back at work
again. , •
* S.D.H.S. Rings
• S.D.H.S. Charms
• &MKS. Stick PIM
Be prepared -
don't let
time slip away -
Get a watch to -day
Sea forth
.14,(4411L-,4,4o4,4114416011&alkoili,iii., 411.,61.40 •
YlaiitJa Eta,'
• COO:40 of 1Citchatter, and.
0,4* Oster, tirabOth (&.firaf, .Y0 •
:il; �f Michigan,
rie, Was ,predOssosorl by
Coe sOnv Timms R4 la,1,91,5r,
a" Oster; Mott Mackie/0e
Kaboe, t'ost 'Whets,
Jamas, 4414. jereMlah'
Joseph. Be is Op 'sgrvIV0021
by four Eitandcbildteti.
tMr, Costello was thesoo.
Mr. awl Mrs.• John Costello
,t4( Logan Township.
Ile body rested at the •.,:14Ox
nmerid Home in $eafortb
before funeral services at ,St
James Roman Catholic
Church in Seaforth on Saar*
day. Father J.C. Caruunit -
officiated at the , service.
Burial was in the St. James
Pallbearers at the funeral
were Leon Costello
ErT—Jack O'Reilly,
Michael Coyne, Harold Med-
rodt and John Rowland.
The flower bearers were
the deceased's four grand-
children, Denim Marie Cost-
ello, . Timothy Costello,
Daniel Costello and Michael
14 1 \ I ‘`, I I
I I I 1 -.1 1,
I , I
1 I " I I. •
Phony 52 7.-0270
. °
We carry supplies for many other crafts
and knitting yarns, beads, rug hooking,
We are now agents for Grand Bend
Dry Cleaners
18 Maki St.,
(Formerly Diariene's Crafts)
0 Afneitt 144
_ _.
in Area Churches
59 Goderkh St. W.. Seaforth
Minister: Re T A A Duke Organist: Mrs D Carte
11:15 Joint Serilee of Worship is Nor1h:4de United
Church .
Subject *Thristian Labour"
ST. THOMAS Anglian Church,
The Rev. James R. Broadfoot 8.A., Til.DIv.
• SUNDAY, AUGUST 31 '-*Trinity 13"
9:00 *an, St. Thetrolue, Seafood) ,
Morning Prayer and Sermon
.The Rector
"Celebrating our 125 years tri Seaforth"
' NORTHSIDE United Church
54 Goderich St. West. Seaforth
11:15 Joint Martell Service *fib Ph* Presbyterian
hs Nod/Was CIiards
Rev. T. Did* sea preach
Nursety Provided
Organist -Choir Director Jr. Choir Leader
Margaret Whitmore Audrey McMillan
Area congregations are invited to take advantage of
the church directory to announce their thurch serviCes
each week. Church directory announcements are
available for a minimum ot 26 consecutive weeks in
units of two column inches at 52 per unit. Changes hi
copy may be made each week but muit be received
before noon on Toesda.