HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-11-08, Page 66
Sunlight Soap is better than
other soaps, but is best when
used in the Sunlight way (follow
Hard rubbing and boiling are
things of the past in hones
where Sunlight Soap is used as
Sunlight Soap will not injure
even the daintiest fabric or the
hands, and the clothes will be
perfectly white, woolens soft
and fluffy.
The reason for this is because
Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure,
contains no injurious chemicals
--indeed, nothing but the active,
cleansing, dirt -removing proper-
ties of soap that is nothing but
Buy it and follow
directions C.a.,
by the dealer from whom you
buy Sunlight Soap if you find
a)Y Gauss for complaint. =e5
nVi` 1� tir�iA;it
1 xbe Northern Exhibition Association
Of Welltertnn have been able to equate
atrtsy crit accounts aid pay the prize
money. They heti, however, to rcbort
tQ the taking up of a subscription to en-
n•n;le them to de this xt will be rewire
bored that owing to raiu tho gate receipts
were very moil tole year.
Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Mrs. Catharine Miller, wife of the late
James Miller, for many years a rrsident
et Clinton, died at the home of Mr. W.
Smith, Godertch township, on Wednes-
day, Oct 21st, at the age of years.
Rations Sit, et: (lankly Cnrcti.
A few weeks ago Ibad a bilious rttack
that wag eo severe 1 wee act able to go
to the rffioe for two daps. Failing to
get relief from my family physician's
treatment, I took three of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets and the next
day I reit like a new ntan.-H. C. Bailey,
Editor ofthe News, Chapin, S. 0. These
tablets are for sale by all druggists.
The Great Northern Railway took
possession o" tba Canadian Northern
tracks at the entrance to Brandon, tore
up the rails and laid their own down on
the land.
Dr. Chase's Dint
ment is a certain
and guarantee
cure foreach and
everyf or m of
itchig, bleeding
and protruding
'piles: See testimonials in the press and aa
your neighbors about it. You can use it and
dof your money back if notsatisfied. 60c, at all
ealers or limo nxsorr. Barns & Co., Toronto.
George Perkins were fatally injured
and James H. Collins seriously burned
by an explosion of natural gas in the T.,
$. & B. shops at Hamilton. The da-
mage by fire amounts to $10,000
Preventics, a; the name implies, pre-
vent all Colds and Grippe when "taken
at the sneeze stage." Preventics are
toothsome can y, tablets. Preventics
dissipate all colds quickly, and taken
early. When yon first feel that a cold
is coming, they check and prevent them.
Preventics are thoroughly safe for child-
ren, and are ar effectual for adults. Sold
and recommended in 5 cent and 25 cer.t
boxes by Walley's drug store.
On Tuesday evening, Ootober 23rd, Mr
and Mrs Robert Nevins, of Kippen, cele•
brated,their golden wedding. The guests
were daughters and son-in-law a with
their families and other near relatives.
Those coming the greatest distance be-
ing Rev. A. and Mrs. McKibben, B. A.,
of Wyoming. Those unable to be pre•
tient were Mr. Balfour, of Balfour Broad.
foot Land Company of Regina, Sask.,
and the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Ganid, of
Formosa, Japan.
Your Doctor
Can cure your Cough or Cold,
no question abo t that, but --
'why go to all the trouble and
inconvenience of looking him up,
and then of having hisprescription
Med, when you cat step into any
drug store in Canada and obtain
a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE
for a quarter.
Why pay two to five dollars
when a twenty-five dent
bottle of SIHTLOH will cure you
asuickly 7
Why not do as hundreds of
thousands of Canadians have
done for the past thirty-four
ttor,whin whenever CCoughyorrCold
-SHILOH will cure you, and all
druggists back up this statement
wrath a positive guarantee.
The next time youhave a
Cough or Cold cure it with
A reliable medicine and one that
should always be kept in the home for
immediate use is Chamberlain's Cough
RFineey. It will prevent the attack it
given as sown as the child become hoarse,
or even after the croupy et ugh appears.
Far sale by all druggists.
!Death came very suddenly to the wife
of lair. John Gocd, of tho Maitland
Block, Hutlett. On Wednesday, Oct.
Slat, she went out to the barn, and ap-
parently must bane dropped dead with-
out a struggle, as she was afterwards
found by remember of the family, lyiug
near the barn. She leaves a husband
and family of three or four, She was a
faithful member of the Base Lint Bap-
tist ehuroh.
The Trustees of Fordwich public
school held a meeting and re•engaged
Mr. George A. McQuibban as principal
for the ensuing year at a salary of $500
and Miss Rcadhouse as aseistant for
�a sttir=1..X .
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature C� /..gr/
The marriage of Miss Lizzie Brown,
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jas.
Brown, to Mr. Geo. Elliott of Battle
Creek, Mick., took place at the manse,
Fordwich, on Wednesday, Slat inst.
Rev. A. B, Dobson officiating. The'
young couple were unattended.
Children are often attacked soddenly
by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infautnm, eto. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sure cure which should always be
kept in the house.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Campbell, who
have been residente of Goderich for
about 23yeara, the past two years on the
Huron Road, just outside the town
limits, last week said good bye to the
old town and moved to Windsor, where
they have purchased a residence and will
reside in the future.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
On Saturday Octoeber 27th, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Joyner celebrated their
golden wediing at their home in Clin-
ton, All their sons and daughters and
grandohildren were present, indeed all
that are nearly conneoted with them
with the exception of Mr. W. Webb,
who is at present in Manitoba.
In Time of Felice.
In the first month of the Russia•Japan
war we had a striking example of the
necessary for preparation and the early
advantage of those who, so to speak,
"have ehiegled their roofs in dry
weather." Thevirtne of preparation
has made Meter), and given us our great.
est men. The individual as well es the
nation should be prepared for any emer-
gency. Are you prepared to auceese-
faily combat the first cold you take? A
cold can be cured much more quickly
treated as soon as it has been contracted
and before it has become settled in the
system. Chamberlain's Cough remedy
is famous for its cures of colds and it
should be kept at hand ready for instant
UN. For sale by all druggists.
For Over Sixty Years.
An old and Well -Tried -Remedy --Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup bas been used
for over sixty years by millions of moth-
ers for their children while teething,
with perfect success. It soothes the
child, softens the gums, allays all pain,
cures wind colic, and isthe best remedy
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every Dart of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
value is incalculable. Be sure you ask
for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
The great Canadian hen is again to the
front. Mr. O. C. James, Deputy Minist•
er of Agricnitnre for Ontario, states that
the regaeata for information on the sab
jeet tit farm poultry have been so num.
erous that a new bulletin of advice and
informatio bad been issued. Ho de -
elated it waa becoming one of the grow-
ing industries of the province.
and motthe that f dog°igetr not esis ic'k cold
fevoriab dry nose means sickness with a
dog. And so with the human lige. Dry
cracked and colorless lips mean feverish.
REAM, and are as well ill appearing. To
have beautiful, pink, velyet•like lips, ap-
ply at be.:time a Coating of Dr. Shoop'e
Green . Itany akinalveaiimb t. eatenwill Gat a free,and triaihbeox
at our atom, and be convinced. Large
nickel Capped glees jars, 2u" Dents,
TIMES NON M MER 8, 1906.
Casa of Neglecting a Weak Heart
and Tired. Nerves
If your heart flutters, be careful
An attack is liable to mune on at any
time. Exoittnent, ofer•exertiou lir crap•
tion may pause at.
If bitted rushee to the heart, if palpita•
tio'nre'andaoauabortaefurbraieath+atm. are noticeable,
It you want a goon remedy try Ferro-
zoae. We recommend Ferrtzoue be-
•oanse we know it's fast tight for heart
trouble. It cured A. F. Beattie, who
lives at Allen Hotel, Bay .Otty, Mich.
See if your syuiptoma resembles these:
STKPronts or Waaz<t BEAar.
Nervousuess, Palpitawun,
Trembling, Dizziness,
Sicking Feeling, Heart Pains,
Shott Breath, Weakness.
Mr, Beattie ea) s:
"I was weak and miserable,
"I wsul'jOG to heart palpitation and
"As I grew worse I began to have
trembling and stoking sensatioue.
"l?errozone etrengthened toy heart,
gave vigor to my nerves, soon made me
well. It's a good rebuilder."
By Strengthening the ,,insoles of the
heart. giving proper cit onlation and cans•
ing a general relax !ding of the whole
system, Ferrezone is bound to do grand
work in heart trouble; try it, 50o. per
box, or six for $2 50 at all dealers.
ttany of our readers will regret to
learn of the sudden death at Brandon,
Manitoba, on October 24th, of Mr. John
Kyle, who was for many years a well
known resident of this vicinity. Ile
was engaged in f .rming in Taokersmith
and removed from there to Seaforth,
where he carried on a grooery store in
the premises now owned and occupied
by Mr. R. L. Clark. He removed from
there to Manitoba about 12 years ago.
The essential lung -healing principal of
she pine tree has fivalIy been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
A prominent Montanaanewepaper man
was making the round of the insane asy-
lum of that State in an cfficial capacity
as an iaspeotor. One of the inmates mis-
took him for a recent arrival. "What
made you go crazy?" "I was trying to
make money out of the newspaper busi-
ness," replied the editor, to humor the
demented one. "Rats, yau'ro not crazy,
yoa're jest a plain darn fool," was the
lunatic's comment
The new Pare Food and Drag L iw
will mark it on the label of every Gough
-core containing Opium, Oaloroform, or
any other stapifying or poieouous drug.
But it passes Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure as
made for 20 years, entirely fres. Dr.
Shoop all along hes bitterly opposed the
use of all opiates or narcotics. Dr.
Shoop's Cough Care is absolutely safe
even for the youngest babe -and it °urea,
it does not simply suppress, Get a safe
and reliable Cough Care, by simply in.
elating on having Dr. Matinee's. Let the
Law be your pretection. We cheerfully
recommend and sell it. Walley's drug
One of the first residents of Eginond
villa passed away at her home at the
brick yard, east of Egmoadvilie, on
Tuesday, Oct. 30th, in the person of
Christina Sophia Stein, *wife of Mr.
Clause Kruse. The decease I, w'.ao was
77 years of age, was a native of Ger-
many. Sbe was married to her now
bereft husband at Hanover, Ontaria, and
over fifty years ago they eame to Eg-
mondville, beink among the fleet settlers
in that village, and teller.) Mr. Mute
erected one of tho first houses.
C/ ea. IS ale CP TEs
teats the Zhu Kind You Have,,AAl�lways high?
Heart and Nerve Pills.
Are a spbeifte for all Alamos' and dis-
orders striking from a rundown condi-
tion of the heart or nerve ayetrm, tech
lie Palpitation of the Baart, Nervous
Prostention, Nervouent et, Sleepless,
nese, Faint and AlszySpellq, Drain Fait*
eta. They are especially beneficial so
'women troubled with irregular mere
Price 50 eente par box, er 8 for $U5,
All deallra, er
Mrrttrratr ., ,tma
Toreiit4,OoOnt. tim
The home of Messrs William and Juhn
Martin, 2nd concession, H R. S , Tuok-
ersmith, was the scene of a very pretty
and interesting event on Wednesday
evening, Oat 31at.. when their sister,
Agnes, became the wife of Mr. John
Aikenhead of the London road. The
house was filled with a large and merry
company when the oontraoting parties
entered the parlor. The bride looked
handsome in a gown of white voile with
ohiffon trimmings. Rev. F. H, Larkin,
of Seaforfh, assisted by Rev. E H, Saw -
ere, of Brncefield, performed the cere-
State of Ohio, City of Toledo e
Lncan County, S as.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath tbat•he
Is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore.
said, and that said firm will pay the sum
o• One Hundred Dollars for eaoh and
every oase of Catarrh that caunot be
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure,
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
ray presence , this 6th day of December,
A. D., 1886.
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal.
ly, and acts dire.tly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for te.etimoniala free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists, 75o.
Take Hall's family Pills for Consti-
Clinton lost one of its very oldest re-
sidents in the person of Mr. John Smith,
of Rattenbury St., who passed away on
Saturday, October 27th at the age of 78
years. Deceased was born in England,
and came here somewhere about 1866 or
7, and secured employment with Mr.
Thos Jackson, as a tailor. In later years
he ca ried on business for himself,
though he bas not been in business for
some yeats. When the sewing machine
was first invented he was one of those
who marched in procession as a protest
against its adoption, fearing that it
would rain the tailoring business. His
wife, who was a daughter of the late
Wm. Jenkins, predeceased him a few
As a spring medicine° Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
The death of Finlay McLennan, which
(marred early Tuesday morning, Oct.
80th, was not unexpected, as his illness
some weeks ago bad reached a point at
which the doctors could hold but no
hope of recovery. The deceased was
born seventy-seven fears ago in Ross -
shire, Scotland, and came to America at
the age of eighteen years. For twelve
yearn he sailed on the lakes having his
headquarters at Buffalo, and later ban•
ing purchased a farm on the second con.
cession bf Huron tp., he settled on it and
engaged in farming, In 11866 be marri•
ed Misa Mary McKenzie of Kintail, who
survives him. • Five years ago Mr. Mc-
Lennan retired from active work and
went with his wife and several members
of his family to reticle in Goderioh.
Chapped Minds,
A Woman is Never Old
Who allows herself to think only et
pleasant things
Who trains her tongue to utter only
pleasant words.
Who remembers that frowns aro un-
becoming and that smiles are better.
Who keeps her nerves well under con
trot and remembers that they are net an
interesting subject to any one.
Who enters into the plans and, as far
as possible, into the doings of the young
people about her,
Who never allows herself to become
slouchy and oarelesa in appearance.
Who treats others as she likes to be
cared for herself and never demands
too much from her friends.
Wash your hands with warm water,
dry +with a towel and apply Chamber-
lain's Salvo just before going to bed, and
a speedy cure is certain. This salve is
also unequaled for skin diseases. For
sale by all druggists.'
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billiouauesa, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
C,3 aeLJE1111311Cee
Beare the The Kind You Have Always Bought
` of
To the great surprise of our oitizene,
Mr. David Cantelon, for so many years,
the West Street baker, left Goderich
last week for Vancouver, B. 0. He Ness
born in Ooderioh 57 years ago, and ha
ever been an honored and public spirited
citizen, and Ms removal, which is likely
to be permanent, will be deeply regrett-
ed by every citizen who knows him, He
was accompanied by his son, William
and they will likely settle permanently
in the West.
Oa Sunday, October 28t1i, the death of
Ztitra. Metellaud took plaoe at the red -
dance of her son•in•law in Ashfield
township. Deceaaed was 78 years of
age and was before her second marriage
the wife of the late Jchn dogeland,
Kincardine township: She was title of
the early settlers and was highly esteem-
ed by all who knew her. Her son Alex-
ander iiogelland resides on the Old hotiie-
et8ad Kth,Kinotadine, .
Piles quickly and positively cured
with Dr. Shoop's Magio Ointment. It's
made for P les alone -and it does the
work surely and with satisfaction. Itch-
ing, painful, protruding or blind piles
disappear like magio by its use. Large
Nickel Capped jars, 50 cents. Sold and
recommended by Walley's drug store.
[S. E. Kiser.]
He was a highly moral man.
His eyes possessed an upward roll;
He seemed to think of nothing but
The future glory of his soul,'
He bad no time to stop to pat
A little child upon the head;
His hopes were all of splendor that
Should be his after he was dead.
The beauty of a maiden's face,
-The splendor of a tree in bloom,
He noticed not because bis thought +
Was of rewards beyond the tomb.
• •
FOR -1906 - 07.
The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below
+ for any or all of the following publications :
+ Times to January 1st, 1907 \ $ .25
Times and Daily Globe 4.50
Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50
Times and Daily World 3.10
Times and Toronto Daily News . 2.30
Times and Toronto Daily Star 2,30
Times and Daily Advertiser 2.35 •
,. Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2.60
Times and Weekly Globe . 1.65
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1.70
+ • Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.75
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and
book " Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide 1.90
,k • Times and Weekly Witness 1.65
+ Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1.35
+ Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1.80
Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1.60
Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1,80
Tithes and World Wide 1.85
Times and Northern Messenger. 1.30
+ Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35
.,+1. We specially recommend our readers to subscribe
•P to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine
+ • Times and Farming World 1.35
+ Times and Presbyterian 2.25
+ Times and Westminster 2.25
j • Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25
+ Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... 1.90
+ Times and Youths' Companion 2.75
Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) • .. 2.90
Times and Sabbath Reading, New York 1.45
Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)... 1.85
Times and Michigan Farmer 1.65
Times and Woman's Home Companion . 1.75
Times and Canadian Woman (monthly) London 1,15
Times and American Sheep Breeder 1.90
Times and Country Gentleman ..... .. 2.10
Times and Delineator 1,95
Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine 1.75
Times and Green's Fruit Grower 1.35
Times and Good Housekeeping 1.80
Times and Modern Women 1.45
Times and McCall's Magazine 1.45
Times and Pearson's Magazine 1,70
Times and American Illustrated Magazine 1.90
Times and American Boy Magazine 1,65
Times and What to Eat 1.60
Times and Bookkeeper 1.65
Times and Recreation 1.75
Times and Cosmopolitan 1.65
Times and Ladies' Home Journal 2.15
Times and Saturday Evening Post. . . ....... . 2.45
Times and Success ... 1.80
Times atd Housekeeper 1,50
Times and Milgrim ......... 1.60
Tines and Poultry Keeper 1.40
Times and Hoard's Dairyman ... 1.90
Times and McClure's Magazine 1.90
Time and Munsey's Magazine - 2,00
Times and .Rural New Yorker 2.00
Times and Vick's Magazine 1.40
Times and American Gardening .............. 2.25
Times and Health Culture 1.85
Times and ]°tam's torn .... ..a. ... 2.45
Times and Four Track News 1.90
Times and Breeders' G azetto 2.25
Times and Braetieal farmer 1.85
The spreading ocean's majesty,
The glory of the sunset sky,
Were thinge he had no eyes to see,
His dreams were of the byand-bye.
The warbling of the birds in spring
Were noise to him, and nothing more;
He closed bis ear till he might bean
The harps upon the golden shore.
His lips were never shaped to mirth,
Gloom settled everywhere he wont;
He merely lingered ou the earth
As one who served imprisonment.
He never broke a woman's heart,
He never robbed, and never slew;
He kept the law, but never saw,
The rainbow in a a drop of dew.
The world has naught that came from
Beside his tomb no mourners sit;
I wonder if they had to trim
His heavenly garments down to fit?
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure baokaohes, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inlamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
Thousands of women suffer untold miser-
ies every day with aching backs that really
have no business to ache. A woman's back
wasn't made to ache. Under ordinary
conditions it ought to be strong and ready
to help her bear the burdens of life.
It is hard to do housework with an aeh-
ing back. Hours of misery at leisure or
at work. If women only knew the cause.
Backache comes from sick kidneys, and
what a lot of trouble sick kidneys cause in
the world.
But they can't help it. If more work is
put on them than they can stand it's of
to be wondered that they get out of order.
Backache is simply their cry for help.
will help yea, They're helping siek, oyer.
worked kidneys -all over the world--.
making them atrong, healthy and vigorous
Mrs. P. Ryan, Douglas, Ont., written "For
over rave months 1 was troubled with lame
back and was unable to move without
help. I tried all kinds of plasters and
liniments but they were no tile. At Bast 1
hoard tell of Doan's Kidney Pills and
After 1 had used thrceenearters of the box
my beck was as strong and well As • ver.,,
Price 50 bents par box or three Ntsti for
*1.25, all dealers or The Doan Ktirtey Pill
Co., Toronto, Ont.
When premiums are given with any' 61 above papers, attbseribere will
secttre such preminnie when ordering through tis, same as if ordered direct
from pub}isherg.
These low rates mean a Considerable saving to subscribers, and are
Cl GASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, past
office or express money order, addressing
• •••••••••••60* M+r IIiii1iH+r m0m+ma. ►f.l i.f