HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-08-28, Page 22HURON EXPOSITOR* MMUS 28 1880 s.so.ossam AS IT USED -TO BE—It was sometime between 1872 and 1881 that M.Y. McLean and the staff of The Huron Expositor stopped work for a few Minutes and posed in front of the Expositor's John Street office for this picture. Mr. McLean is the second from the left. There is n� indication as to whether the two young lads on the right are apprentices or just spectators attracted by the, cameraman. The building owned by Bob Beuttenmilierhas been used for a number of years and was removed last week. See photo below. 4_ r.p13 GETTING A FACELIFT --Replacing part of the ground level floor and installing new windows on the second storey are part of the renovations which are being done to Larone's Stationery and Gifts. The new windows are reproductions of the originals Installed when the building was first constructed. (Photo by Ellis) One time Expositor shop torn down for parking Another link with Seaforth' s early history disappeared last week when a frame building on John Street west of Bob & Betty's was removed. Unoccupied for a number of year the building had deteriorated to n point where h feared it would become a hazard. Bob Beutenmiller of Bob & Betty's who owned the building said the area would now be available far customer parking. Erected in the early 1860's. the building xas occupied by the shoemaker shop of McIntyre and Willis. In 1872 it was ccCupied by The Huron Expositor who moved from the third floor of the building now occupied by Becker's Milk. The Expositor continued to occupy the John Street location until 1881 when it moved to the Main Street location it continues to cccupy. In more recent years and until the early Sixties, Gordon A. Wright Woodworking used the building. APPLIANCE REPAIR Large or small, we'll fix them all... Our repair experts will hove your appliance in tip top shop. fast. Coll us to. efoy. PECK APPLIANCES / . IN THE HEART OF VARNA DOWNTOWN VARNA" 4112-7103 DRYWALL KNOWN FOR HIGH QUALITY Peter Bakos Drywall COMPLETE DRYWALL SERVICE 527-1398 or 527-0606 Registration for Seaforth and District Pre -School (Co-op Nursery) LEARNING CENTRE marsr.,4.,e 4 _ - REGISTRATION BEING ACCEPTED FOR 1980-81 SEASON. First day of School -Mon. Sept. 8, 1980 Financial assistance available on application FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Mornings -Sept. 8 or after 627-0682 or Barb Watt 627-1086 1 •-•L• •Ak• .•/E. L. • _ ANOTHER NEW BUILDING—A small office building being erected by Wayne and Harold Smith Construction Ltd. Is going up beside the new Roth's Food Market store. The building, owned by McKillop Mutural Fire insurance Co. should be ready for occupancy sometime this fall. (Photo by Ellis) Legion activities on the upswing BY JACK EISLER With summer almost over and holidays gone for another year. activities at the Legion are once again on the upswing. During my holidays 1. along with two other members, and our wives. visited many Legions in the northern part of Ontario. We went as far as Moosonee. on James Bay. and were im - pressed with the amount of expansion some of the branches are carrying out. many with no larger memberships than ours. At our last meeting it was moved that we look into the cost of expanding our hail 30 to 40 feet to the west. It is only in the talking stage, hot 1 am sure if we can get all members behind this. especially the associate members, the public as well as the Legion will benefit. Look for more on this in the near future. INTERNATIONAL NIGHT Plans for our International Night have been finished and it is set for September 20th with dancing from 9 till 1:00 a.m. and lunch afterwards. The Canadian Dutch Club in Seaforth has agreed to put on a short programme and the lunch will be something in the Dutch tradition. This night will help ,th celebrat Legion with the 35th an 'vresi of the 1 Liberation o etherlands and on Sunday there is an unveiling of a plaque in Victoria Park. There are only a few tickets available so it is first come. first served. You may purchase tickets from Jack Muir, Gary Osborne. Jack Eisler, Gord DeJong. Arnold stinnissen, Joe DeGroot .anil from the Legion. LAWN BOWLING On Sept 5, there will be a mixed la W n bowling fun night at the Seaforth greens. with a wiener and corn roast after. Please sign your name up at the Legion. The first 30 names will be eligible to howl. Many more dates coming up in September such as. First World War Vets Re. Golf Tournament and Zone Meeting. There will be more on these in weeks to come. Special thanks goes otit this week to Henry Ziler and his capable helpers for a job well done in entertaining the Vets from london. IN REPLY7Councillor-Fienry Moro addresses the crowd at a special council meeting Monday to consider plans to establish a Business improvement Area (BIA). (Photo by Shoveller) Constance Correspondent MRS. MARY MERNER 482-7143 The Foresters family picnic and barbeque was held on Sunday, August 24th at the hall. The sports were held around 3, with races and • games and a treasure hunt for the children. Prizes were given to the winners. The, men barbecued pork chops & potatoes and a pot luck supper was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Marris Bos, Steven, Sharon, Kenny, Michael, Andy & Kathy, Mr. and Mrs. John Wammes, Teresa & Brian, Mrs. John JohnSr. attended the Van Rtuty. furnliy_p:renic held_pn --Sunday near Aylmer. -.- Sunday vititors with Mr. 'and Mrs. Paul Stevenson, David, Darren & Luanne were Mr. and Mrs. Brian MacDonald of Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Merner Jason and Jeffrey visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Merner, Sandy, Julie, Michael & Shelley enroute home to Owen • Sound from their holidays. - We would like to wish Mrs. Don Buchanan a speedy recovery. She's a patient in University Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wallace,. & Bobbi moved ,r the weekend to Clintou. Their mobile home has been sold and moved from the village. We wish them well in their home in Clinton. II. JOHN MERO EAVESTROUGHING ...by the foot. SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 527-1533 Enjoy Weekly League Night Leagues MEN: A - . , ....,. --#.,..-e,),-11._ ... 1, ii; 111; ..4 . Don't WEEKEND own team on Tuesday .. • \'.1 miss tinder ilt ilio starting riiiif. OPEN THIS Put In your Handicap system out! the 7-9 LADIES Interested In bowling on Thursday morning at 10 a.m. please call before Sept. 5th. 1 or 2 bowiers wanted for intortown bowling SATURDAY NIGHT 8-11 Family bowling with children -special price BOWLING OPEN Friday nights after 8 rno721,5 y afternoon 8 1 Ssaottuurrddaoynight Sunday afternoon 1 - 5 prialla • Goo . 1._ for New Bowlers and we will help you . Phone 527-0840 NOBEL LANES WEU DO IT EVERYTIME JACK B. 41M3LE HAO A TrCK JACK COLLECTED' FRASS CANIXESMCKS. BUY CLASSIFIED HE PREFERRE2 THEM WITH HA' -IPI -ES NEW •-cl THEM 5TARTET) SAVING -THE CANDLES, TOO. MEN ThERE WAS NO MORE ROOM FOR STOW, LTILI, SAID THE WHOLE WORKS HAD TO GO, ...And to sell your "whatnots" Cali our Classified Department Z{he littron (fxvositor 527-0240 a a a La, -4- -