HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-08-28, Page 19.. • T THE 'HURON EXPOSITOR AUGUST 28,1 Property For Sale Property Fur Sale Property For Sale *MARKET STREET - Seaforth, Brick Bungalow, 4 yrs. old, 3 bedrooms. *FARMS* *HOBBY FARM - 11 acres, 3 miles south of Seaforth, new sew barn and renovated house. S-25. *95 ACRES - Tucker - smith Twp. All work- able, No Buildings. S-44 *100 ACRES - in Grey Twp. 10 acres in hardwood bush, 90 acres workable, all tiled systematically, 1 storey brick house and bank barn, set up for 30 sows. 8-48 Property For Sale *TWO STOREY Brick House, High Street A must to see. Lovely Home. S-53 FOR SALE • DON • AMILT REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE LTD. (BROKER) SEAFORTH , 527.0460 STEVE MURRAY 345-2172 BILL HENDERSON 527-0435 FRANK VERBERNE 345-2262 *FARMS*, 7137 ACRES - 80 Acres workable, 24 acres bush - hard maple and walnut, 4 bedroom house, 2 storey frame. S-59 *160 WORKABLE ACRES - 189 Acres total, 1½ storey frame house, 60 sows /arrow to finish. Liq- iliclepalture system, *100 ACRES in Hul- lett Twp., 90 acres workable, No Build- ings. S-46 "We sell -the earth and insure everything on it" *HOMES * *SPLIT LEVEL HOUSE - on 5 acres, south of Seaforth, 5 bedrooms, barns set up for 90 sows. S-57 *1 STOREY FRAME EIOUE - 14 Chalk Street, 5 bdrms."Second kitchen, family room. S-49 *REDUCED - Lovely home in Egmondville, 3 bedrooms. sundeck attached. S-33 *HOMES* *82 EAST WILLIAM ST, - 11/2 storey frame, completely finished on the outside. Extra lot included 8-60. *TVVO STOREY BRICK HOME -005 acres. Elam for beef and pigs. Good mortgage. S-65 *RENOVATED FRAME HOUSE - Walton, 3 bedrooms, completely insulated throughout. S-38 INTERESTED IN A LOT OR BUSINESS????? PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE. 14-68-1 *New Location* 8 Main Street, Stiforth OFFICE HOURS 9*.m. to p.m. Monday to Friday Satiuday 9-12 COLEMAN STREET • Privacy Supreme on this 1 acre. Small hobby sized barn, 2 storey, 4 bedroom house, insulated. country style. throughout. Must be seen to be appreciated. NORTH. STREET • Excellent home for a family. Carpeted throughout, family room, fenced in patio. Located on good sized lot in quiet area. MAIN STREET • Must be seen to be appreciated. 3 or 4 bedroom house, 11/4 storey, modern kitchen. separate dining. gas heated. May be purchased separate ways. EGMONDVELLE - Modernized 2 storey, 4 bedroom house, family room leading onto patio. Insulated small. barn. „ CHALK STREET - Excellent Retirement Home! 3 bedrooms, 4 pr. bath, country size kitchen, large living room with picturesque window. Good sized lot. MARKET STREET • Compact 2 bedroom bungalow, large living and dining area with windows viewing large landscaped lot. Close to uptown. Attached garage 5.30's. TUCKERSMITH TOwNSIHT - 4 acre SOLD 3 bedroom brick house, wood stove, family room, attached carport S50's. GEORGE STREET - Very exclusive 4 bedroom house, well insulated. separate dining AMA, large living room. Possible duplex. full basement. S30's. MeKILLOP TOWNSHIP • 10 acre parcel with a 4 bedroom house. aluminumPsided, combination furnace. Steel Shed 32' x 80'. Large Barn. Open for Offers! MeKILLOP TOWNSHIP • Custom built. 8 year old ranch style home, sunken family room, dining area. Very Exclusive. Located on 3 acres. Priced to sell! MAUREEN WILDFONG 4824224 TOM SCHOONDERWOERD 345-2459 WILLY BUN 565-50S5 20-684 19 Notices Complete Custom Framing Needlepoint, crewel, photo, oil paintings, etc. Regular or non -glare glass. Ready to hang, 48 I. service. HAROLUTYNDALL GInton 482-7409 . 19-65-tf ,Huron Trim General Carpentry Renovations Rec. Rooms, Trimming, -etc. No job too small Call 262-5255 • 19-67-11 19 Notices Custom Sioughtering and Processing kill Das SN ednectiav mrenun's DASHWOOD 237-3677 19-6.5-tf MOBILE Sandblasting -Paint and rust removal, brick cleaning, pointing and water- proofing. Quality work, free estimates. White's Sand- blasting Services, Wingham ' 357-3637. 19-68-2 19 Notices SCHOLL'S FIBATTOIR Hensall 262-2017 262-2041 Custom Slaughtering and Processing Mondays -Beef esdays•Pork • R.S. Box Funeral Home 47 High Street Seaforth Phone: 527:0885 19-654 1.9 Notices VANASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS 2 miles south of Clinton on Highway we. 4 •NEW OR USED HOME FURNISHINGS *APPLIANCES •LAWN ORNAMENTS Open: 6 days a v./tisk 482-7922 19-65-tf 140 Farmers •*-V orra,*r, FRESH DEAD at DISABIED COWS, HORSES and Stocker Cattle, etc. Wanted - dead or disabled cows & horses, calves and pigs --four-wheel drive radio dispatched trucks. 24 HRS. SERVICE 7 diys a week Please use our Toll FREE In watts Number 1-800-265-4267 Local customers 887-9334 or 887-6064 Lk. no.1722-C-80 BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES 19-65-tf FUEL 011 FURNACE repair and Cleaning 24 Hour Service PARATCHEK'S MAINTENANCE Dublin 345-2235 19:66:d 19 Notices Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT WO P.M. All classes of livestock - WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Greg Hargreaves • 262-2619, Hernial Doug Caruthers, 237-3734, DashwoOd' Victor Hinreaves, 482-75,11, Clinton Barry Miller, 236-2717, Exeter and " 229-6205, Kirkt97 165.ff Ministry of Housing Ontario Housing Corporation THE HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY. has Vacant SeniorCitizen rent geared to income Apartments in Wingham, Brussels, Exeter. If you are 60 years and over and would like more infor- mation or an application please call: 524-2637 or Zen- ith 21520 or in person: HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY Utile Square Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M5 19-67-2 Ccnet AND Vinyl Installation repairs and restretches ROBERT WATCHER 228-6546 19-67-tf A Ministry of /1.‘ Housing Ontario Housing Corporation THE HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY • has Vacant rent geared to income three bedroom Townhouses i n Wingh am . ff you would like more infor- mation or an application regarding these Houses call; 524-2637 or Zenith 21520 Or in person: HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 48 Tbe Square Goderich, Ontario N7A 19-67-2 ANYONE interested in tak- ing Highland Dancing les- sons. starting in Sept. please phone Carol Wheeler 887-6789, Brussels. 19-67-2 LIGHT bulk:treeing. land- scaping. backfilling. , Larry ,Bailey. 523-4438. 19-654 DISC JOCKEY STEVENS COUNTRY GO LD Et ROCK 'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, enniverterieS. parties, etc. Phone Brussels evenings * • 0 7-6159 I9-65-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED - Fast efficient service. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth Phone Clinton 482-3320 or Seaforth 527-0284. 19-65-tf 19 Notices The Tree Trunk &Main St., Seaforth A complete line of New and Used Antiques and Collectables •Buy *Sell *Trade *Swap Tom and Dawn Papple 527-0514, Store 527-0940, Home 19-65-tf VEAL'S Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83 - 31/2 miles East of Exeter 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING *Kill days - Tuesday* Our speciality - Home cured and smoked Meats Processed exactly the way you like it. 19-65-tf Dogs Groomed By appointment only. S27-1931 19-6541 DRY Hardwood, Maple, Hic- kory, delivered. Campfire wood hard and soft. 482-9250 19-654 ilsimmumeumgmll GENERAL CARPENTRY WORK Houses, Additions, Renovations, Sheds PEI ER FLANAGAN Seaforth, Ontario 527-1399 19•65-tf 11111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111 20 Auction Sales • • R.G. • • Gethke • • GENERAL • AUCTIONEER Serving Perth and • Huron Counties with many years of experi- • ence. For reliable service at • reasonable rates • WCaednri347-21,Augu 65 collect esdsst • 27th, evening auction • • sale. Abbattoir • equipment.- meat • • processing equip- • ment etc. for Dublin Abbattoir. 20-68-1 • Richard Lobb Auctioneer s' AUCTION C A LENDA R Clinton 482-7898 Sat. August 30 10 a.m. at R. Lobb's barn, Clinton, . large sale of carpenter's tools.antiques, ap- pliances, etc. for the estate of Audrey Berscht plus addi- tions. September 6th at 10 a.m. antiques, furn- iture etc. for the estate of Mrs. Earl Lawson at Richard Lobb's Barn Sat: Sept. 13 1 p.m. Corn dryer, tractor. machinery etc. for Harm Thelan 11/4 miles north -of Rlyth and 3/4 mile east. Itt.,•4_ /.I) 20 Auction 'Sales 20 Auction Sales * ****************** AUCTION SALE ig. ,WED., SEPT. 3 1:30 P.M. Vanastra Country Store. 3 miles east of Clinton, No.4 Highway. Follow the signs.. * Full line of supermarket equipment * 'plus property. * 6 x 8 metal walk -In cooler, 60 gal. Industrial hot * water tank, 21 ft. cubic chest freezer, sump pump, * Jr moat hooks and racks. 6 ft. maple meat cutting * table, three roll Hessco meat sealer, door closers. * large amount of grocery markers, Monarch dial -a. * .„ pricer, 600 lb. platform scale, 2 Wright motorized * chtck-out counters, 68 feet Tyler metal shelving, 68 * feet Hussman metal shelving, 3 large maple tables, numerous amount of wood shelving, large glass * 7., display case. Large fan, 8 ft. metal cupboard with * At' arborlte top, large wooden bread shelf, two swivel ** maple chairs„plus six maple chairs, 5 H.P. air cooled "r * compressor, oak knee desk, swivel chair, 4 dbor * .„ filing cabinet, 8 grocery cart's, 25 hundred dollars of * Jr' grocery stock plus large quantity of ,supermarket * items, 20 ft. self -serve Hussman meat cooler, 24 * Hussman frozen food counter with shelf, 16 ft. * Hussman 3 -shelf meat and dairy cooler, large quan- * tity grocery racks, 2 pricing carts, 21 steak branding „A. * Irons, one three ton and one 12 ton John Deere "1 -- hydraulic lacks, Copeland 71/2 H.P. newly robuilt, * two universal 1.5 M.P. compressor, 1 climate outside * Jr air cooling unit for compressors, nearly new, G.E. * * electric stove, Frigidaire clothes dryer, 4 burner *. PrOitanostave„Eleatty_viringer washer .. , * _ * * Property consists of 8600 sq. ft. -building truss frame, * 14 ft. callings, cement 'floor, town water * sewers. Steam heated, large paved lot, 550 volt, 208 * 'entice. Ideal for light Industry or for commercial * Ar property. • Property sublect to reasonqble reserve bid. Good * "‘ mortgage available. :UWIB'S AUCTION SERVICE *' Phone 524-9657 Goderich, Ontario. ESTATE AUCTION SALE Carpentry tools. Antiques, furniture_ appliances. piano, horse cutter, etc. to be held at Richard Lebb's Barn Clinton. Ont. for the Estate of Audrie Rerscht of Seaforth plus additions. • • Sat. Aug 30 at 10 (Ern. Selling tools first at 10 a.m. Rigid pipe dies, pipe cutter, electric drills, pipe vise. 4 screw clamps 4 ft. long, adze, C clamps, hammers. snatch blocks. Bench vise. Saber zip saw. 4- belt sander, electric chain saw, orbetal sander„ levels, commercial floor polisher, band saw, skill saw. large hand metal shears. bench grinder, battery charger. tap and dip set, electric lawn mower, drill sharpener. plus small hand tools. 15 ton jack. set of barrel lifters. chain tightners. golf clubs. ,antique leather workers seat bench. horse drawn cutter. western saddle. garden tools, Ornamental railing 2 awnings. Antiques and Furniture Large pine corner cupboard, flat to wall cupboard, bonnet chest. single door bowed glass cabinet. pianocand stool. jewell wood heat. Heintzman upright piano. Duncan phyfe drop leaf dining table w/2 leaves, sie matching chairs, square model fridge, electric stove. Westinghouse automatic washer like new. Artists supplies, vacuum deaner, bookshelves w/ drawers, Bing Crosby and Tom Dorsey 78 records from 1930 & 40's, cedar patio chairs & talbe, dresser w/ large mirror, antique dresser, coffee & end Tablet, ford player, 2 - continental beds, lawn fountain, magazine tables, upholstered chairs. chesterfields and chairs, beer fridge, plus much. much more glassware and misc. items. Plan to attend this interesting sale. Note also two door Side by Side fridge freezer in good condition. Auctioneer RICHARD LOBB 482-7898 Not responsible for accidents day of sale. 20-68-1 20 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of house and property In the villagelof brussels - FOR THE ESTATE'OF THOMAS MOORE Plan 6 Lot 379' north side of Flora Street Brussels (1 block west of lihissels , Legion) - ThUrsday, , Sept.. 11 Qt 7:30 p.m. Brick bungalow with oil heating, kitchen, 3 piece bath, living room and» 2 bedrooms , Terms: 10% down night of Sale balance cash in 30 days. House is being sold to settle an estate. Selling subject to a very reasonable reserve bid. For further information or to view property call: CARSON'S AUCTION SERVICE Auctioneer: David Carson R.R.3 Listowel 291-2049 Josepth Moore 335-3383 Executers: Josepth Moore Thomas Moore Jr. 20-52-2 21 Tenders Wanted Township of Tuckersmith Tender for Winter Snowplowing Ten ers will be received by the undersigned until 12, o'clock noon on Monday, Sept. 15, 1980 to supply a 1976 or newer 190 hp. grader for winter snow- plowing operations 1980- 1981. Lowest or any tender not necesarily accepted. Ten- der documents may be ob- tained from the undersigned Allan Nicholson Road Superintendent EgmondvIlle, Ontario Phone 527-1838 21-68-2 22 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH STANUTIUS O'REILLY All persons having claims against the Estate of Joseph Stanulius O'Reilly, late of the Town of Seaforth. in the County of Huron, • Construc- tion Worker. deceased. who died on the 22nd day of June 1980, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 18th day of September. 1980. after. which datethe assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth. this 25th day of August. 1980. McCONNEL STEWART & DEVEREAUX Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the executors. 22-68-3 BRUCE H. RATIewELL AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST , SEAFORTH ONTAFNO NOK *WO Sus (1510) 1274411 Rts (5151 492.3120 20-65-tf 21 Tenders Wanted 21 Tenders Wanted Tender BOILER INSTALLATION Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received at the office's of the Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario until 12:00 noon. MONDA' SEPTEMBER 8, 1980 for the installation of new boilers and equipment at J.A.D McCURDY PUBLIC SCHOOL HURON PARK, ONTARIO Drawings and specifications may be obtained at the offices of the Board and the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R.A. EGAN & ASSOCIATES LIMITED . Consulting Engineer 45 King Street London, Ontario .N6A 1B8 21-68-2 • • s Additional Classified on next page