HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-08-28, Page 1818 -THE HURON EXPOSIT° .r7701I;77,?•7 :100 'T. ,r-fr lor- 1 Cotning Vents A Yard Sale on August 30 10:30 - 4:30 at 38 West William Street, Seaforth. 1-68-1 aDERFEST WEEKEND Atthe Van Egmond House - Sunday, Sept. 28, 12-5 P.m. with Special Events, Satur- day 27th. Groups and in- dividuals wishing flea market space, call P. Carroll 527- 1860 or D.. Williams 482-3326 1-68-2 s? - THE fantlly of Jim and Eunice Aikenhead would like to invite all friends, relatives and neighbours to celebrate their parents 25th Wedding Anniversary at a reception on September 6th, Hensel]. Best Wishes only. 1-68-1 SEAFORTH Happy Citizens will meet for a P,ot Luck dinner Thiirsday Sept. 4th at 12 noon in the Legion Hall. Please bring your own dishes and cutlery. New members welcome. 1 -69x 1 THE Seaforth 'Happy Citi- zens' will meet in the Legion Hall on Thursday Sept. 4, at 1:45. Everyone welcome. Please bring sandwiches. 1-68x1 LAWN sale- Saturday Sept. 6 from 9-4. Featuring crafts. childrens clothing, books. something for everyone, • bake table on Hwy. 8. 21/2 miles west' of Seaforth. 1-68-2 BLYTH SUMMER FEST IVAL-The Life That Jack Built, Aug. 27, 28 (at 2) . 30: Si. Sam -of -the Nuke Pile by Ted Johns, Aug. 28, 29. Final Performances. Adults 5'5, Seniors 54, Children 53. 30 tickets available at 6:30 p.m. Phone 523-9300 1•68-1 FRIENDS and relatives of Lois Horst and John Bennewies arc cordially invited to a .trousseau tea at the bride's home on Tuesday, Sept 2. 1980 from 2-4' p.m. and ''.9:30 p.m. 1.68x1 BRUCEFIELD FIRE Hall. Pancake Breakfast. Time. 7:30 a.m. - ? August 30. 52.00 adults • 51.50 children. Plus: Garage and Bake Sale, Proceeds for: Resuscitator sponsored by Brucefield Firernere 1-67x2 REGISTRATION NIGHT Dublin and area for Brownies and Girl Guides Gtrls 6-12 years. September 4. St Patrick's School. p ro Parents only. for. further information call 145-2190 or 145-2676 1 -68 - 2 FESTIVAL Singles Dance. August 29th. 1980. Victorian Inn, Stratford Dancing 9-1. welcome all singles over 25. no blue jeans 1.68.1 BAKE SALE Sponsored hy the Fgmrndville United Church Women Friday. September 5th 11 10 a m in loaner Plurnsteel Store 1 68 1 Coming Events 0111•••••.ormamissal.••• 1 Coming Events - 1 Coming Events gettei Tours & Trovol Ltd. ALOHA HAWAII 3 ISLANDS Includes: Bus to Airport and Return from regular Rick up „minis All airport transfers Lei Greeting Garment Factory Tour Oahu Circle Island Tour Polynesian Cultural Centre Waimea Falls Park Kodak Hula Show Many more features included iii our 16 Day experience. COMPARE OUR PRICES AND BOOK NOW - DEPARTS: Nov. 16/80 4 IleiP:Wantetr- 4 Help Wanted 21 Day, California On of our most popular trips - visit Disneyland, Las Vegas, Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon, just to name a few attractions. DEPARTS: Oct. 19 COLOUR TOURS 6 DAY CIRCLE LAKES, Experience the Great Lakes travelling through Michigan and up around Lake Superior. to Thunder Bay. A boat cruise and city tour included. DEPARTS: Sept. 23 3 DAY LAKE PLACID Cross the St. La•Wrenee. iii,-/ei•-tO.1,4-e'W'Y'Oik.51:-Laice Placid for two nights, visit Ausable Chasm and Lake Champlain. Boat cruise included. DEPARTS: Sept. 26 4 DAY OTTAWA/ALGONQUIN Head through ski areas and apple country to Collingwood. Muskoka Lake cruise. Guided tour of our Nations Capitol. DEPARTS: Sept. 29 Free brochures available. Call collect for reservations. Let the Fettes Family take the worry out of your travel. MOUNT FOREST: 323-1545 SHELBURNE: 925-3080 DURHAM: 369-5440 MITCHELL: 348-5492 1-68-1 Tuckersmith Municipal Council invites everyone to attend the OFFICIAL OPENING 'the addition to the Vapastra Recreation Centre on FRIDAY), SEPTEMBER 5, 1980 at 7 o'clock p.m. Donuts and coffee served afterwards 1-68-2 THE Family of Norma and .Glen Rose extend a coridal invitation to all of their friends. ricighbours. and relatives to a dance in honour of their parents25th Wedding Anniversani, Saturday, September 13 at 8 10 p ni at Brodhageo Community Centre. Best Wishes only 1-680 Garage and' Lawn Sale Saturday. August 30 arid Sunday, August 31 1:30 p.m. 2- Janos St Seaforth 6.8 1 Classified Rates Charges are based on the number of words Set ef numerals as for serial nurnberc street nurnhers phone numbers nT prices ,-ivant as neor %coed per set Words joined iny hyphens 'Eausit as separate wercis FIRST INSEirflON - wctrii, 52 50 10c per ord thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS --No cop' ,.- ha rage s per ward. inonirnarn 52 00 ' SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST LNSERTION - 52.1' per column iren• SUBSEQUENT INSERITONS 51 89 per column int t: Minimum size in this category 1' nches Accepted ' in multiples c.f half inelt BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE -- 50( per insertion . BIRTHS - 15 words. $2 50,10r per ward thereafter MARRIAGES. Engagements. Death Ncitice.. 15 wards 52.50. ea -eh additional wnrd 10E IN MEMORIAM'S 52.50 plus 10c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -- 15 words 52 50. each additional word 10c. Three insertions for the price of 2 CARD OF THANKS 30 words 52.50,each addit onal word 3r . 50e DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON IN WEER OF INSERTION No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon. Tuesday Deadline for classified ads is 12 Noon Tuesdays Phone -527-0240 The Huron County Health thin invites you to attend the EXPECTANT PARENT EDUCATION Classes being held in the Sea:forth Community Hospital Board Room commencing Thursday. Sept. 11. 1980 from 7 30 9 30 p m These classes will run for weeks Would anyone ts/10 IS in- terested please register by calling 1-800-265.4252 toll fr-et or the Health llnat office at 521-1243 Both husbands and %ayes are invited to attend and participate the discussions The winter StfleS ;S to begin the week of January' 5. 1981 -#1S- 1 Ha' VOUT message read hy 3 600 people Free On Cable cast 12 345-2341 Courtesy Mitchell-Seaforth Cable T.V. I -65-tf BLNGO every Tuesday evening at VANASTRA CENTRE R.R.5. Clinton 1st regular card 51.00, 16 regular games of 515.00: 3 share the wealth. jackpot 200.00 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years or iwer. 1-654 SEWING machine demonstrator sale. Choose from white, elna, husqvarna, lanorrie. Save! Savel Savel Sew "n' Save Centre, 149 Downie Street (2 doors south of HudSons) Stratford, Phone 211-9660. Closed Mondays. 1-65-ff w,A CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. 1st Regular card 51.00 Restricted to 16 years or over 15 regular games of 515.00; 55. least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200.00 must go each week. 1-65-tf 2 Lerst, Strayed A orange and white cat. Answers to Tiger. If anyone has let him go has seen him. Phone 527-1211. Children's 2-68-1 PAIR of mens glasses. August 19th. between Coleman St and Veterinary Ointe 5r-1114 2-68-1 Help Wanted FULL time office clerk reqinred Please send hand wntteri resume. &lading education and experience to Box 1451 The Huron Expositor. Seaforth. Ontario 4-68-2 BANFF. Alberta. Cleaning staff required by Charlton's Cedar Court and Charlton's ergreen Court Excellent accommodation available Pleasant surroundings Only' industrious persons need apply • Contact Linda Charlton. Box 1478. Banff Alberta. TOL OCO. Phone 401 "62 -.165O 4-68t 1 FORD dealership in prospenrei s growing farm community needs agiessiye lirefised tune-up mechanic caninpany benefits. wage negoriable on experience Send resume to Box .360. Procost. Alberta (403) -53. 2266 4-6811 CAREER m heavy trucking Now's the time to train for your Class A license For interview contact ATA Systems Ontario Londoe 519 438-41329, Hamilton' 416-523- 0881; St Catherines 416-685. 6595, Toronto 416-251-2275 4.681(1 START NOW - Local Amway distributor. offers opportunity for good earnings. You pick the hours, we train. For interview call 527-0898. 4-65-ff MATURE woman to answer business phone and babysit two children from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Two to three days a week commencing September 3rd. References re.quired. Apply in writing to Box 3450, The Huron Expositor. Seaforth, Ont. 4-68-1 HURON COUNTY MUNICIPAL • POLICE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM requires FULL TIME DISPATCHER At the Goderich Dispatch Office Duties io include radio communication, police dispatching, switchboard operation and computer terminal operation. 'Applicant must be willing to work shifts and also possess touch typing skill. For further details please contact the un- dersigned. Applications will be accepted until Septem- ber 10th, 1980 at 12:00 noon by the under- signed. Larry J. McCabe Clerk -Treasurer Town of Goderich 57 West Street GODERICH, Ontario. WOULD like a student to babysit Friday nights and some nights during week. Phone 527-0202, 4-68-2 TRACTOR driver for fall harvest. Begin mid September to December 1st Will involve long hours. Bev H111,482-3218. 4-68-2 NEEDED babysitter in Dublin for two pre-school children in my home or yours. Phone 345-2143. 4.68-1 PERSON to clean house. tit day per week. Please call 527-0692 after 5 p.m. 4-68-2 MATURE person and do light chores Monday between 4-6 p m to babysit household to Friday 527-1269 4-68-1 SINGLE men for sow opera- tion plus general farm work. Full time • must have some experience 345-2918 4-68-2 SALES 1.CLERK Required Immediately Plea se inquire at TASTY NU BAKERY AND CHEESE HOUSE 14 Main Street, Seaforth Call 52--1803 • or 1 216-4912 4-68-1 5 Bog Opportunity LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS OT Straight trucks call The Canadian lostitute of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd. 418 64-9,381 Established 1971 5-52-1 7 Situations Wanted ARE you oil need of sewing? New or alterations, no job too small Contact Ngoc Land, 48 Victoria Street, Seaforth after 4 o'clock. 527-0420. 7.6712 NEED someone to care for your child? Tuckersmith Day Nursery tVariastral will do it for ..you Educatiopl . toys.. music. craft's': Ildive and quiet playtimes. Indoor and outdoor play areas. Hot meal children fully supervised. Staff have early childhood education diplomas. Open 6:30 a.m. Two to six years old. 56 50 per day, 53150 per half day. 54.25 half day with lunch. 7-66-4 Farm Stock For Sale THREE Landrace-Duroc crass -bred boarS, ready fot service. John Janmaat. R.R. 2: Seaforth 527-0655. 8-68x1 Farm Stock For Sale 2 PONIES -10 year old Roan Shetland, good with child- ren; 5 year old black part Shetland and Hackney either ride Or drive. To a good home. Phone 527-1507 8-68-2 FALL cattle sale of Grey - Bruce Simmental Gbh on Saturday. October 25, at 12:30 p.m. Walton's Sales Arena, Durham, Ontario. Mrs. Elsie Jackson. R.R. 1, Durham, secretary. 8-68x1 Three Landrace-Duroc cross- bred boars, ready for service. John Janmaat. R.R.2 Sea - forth 527-0655. 8-68x1 SERVICE age Hampshire, Yorkshire, Duroc and cross- bred boars. Back fat as low as 10.1 rn.m., age to 200 lbs. as low as 134 days. Good selection priced to match anyone's budget. Bred york X Harnp gilts farrow 2 to 5 weeks. Bob Robinson. R.R. #4, Walton, Ontario. 345- 2317 8-67-3 9 Poultry For Sale 300 laying pullets Call after 4 p m 5271891. 9•68x1 11 Articles For Sale ONE CA Allis Chalmers tractor with loader. In good running condition. A case pull type combine for parts and Allis Chalmers power take off side rake on rubber In good condition. Phone 262-6105 11-68-1 STOVE Clean 24" apartment Sire electric stove good work ing condition 550. Phone 527-1507. Seaforth 11-68-2 PONY harness and bridle hand sewn No rivets In "Al" shape. Also 4 wheel buggy cut down on 24" made for polite PIIIITte 52'-1507 11-68-2 HEATER 4 't t B.T U. oil space heater, pipes included 550. Phone 527:1507. Sea - forth 11-68-2 INTERNATIONAL 414 diesel tractor. new paint. good rubber, excellent mech- anical condition. 52300 or best offer. Bill Southgate 527-0812 11-683c1 ELECTRIC stove. dryer and apartment size -w ostler Phone 527-1015 11-68-1 ONE Innes 520 Bean wind - rower with cross conveyor and four rows bean puller. Phone 527-1167. 11-68-1 21" Black and white console admiral T.V. ,walnut finish. New picture tube. 550. Phone 527-1991 11-68x1 1980 Yamaha 440 Exciter. Low mileage S1800. 523-9406 11-68x1 VIOLINS for sale. Phone 527-1519 after 6 p.m. • 11-68-1 Usedars For Sale 'Used Cars For Sale Property For Sale tiffgk.cig4140iii vans automotive specialists sinFe 174 NO UNE -UP! - Call now for tmniodlato service!, PHONE 348-8169 --NIITCHELL----- anytime (ovonings too) 1915 Olds 98. two door hard top. air conditioning, power windows, power seat, very good condition. 57000 miles. 482-3218. 10-68.2 1972 Pontiac, station wagon. new battery and front tires. 5500.00 or best offer. 527- 1267. 10-68-2 TWO brand new 1980 Datsun Sunnys, now in stock, for Immediate delivery. Visit your full line Datsun Dealer Goderich Fina Sales And Service, Bayfield .Road, Goderich, 524-7975. 10-67-2 11 Articles For Sale Maple and Beech cut you own on Saturdays Please call Bob Taylor 482-9144 510.00 per cord, 535.00 cut and delivered. 11-68-1 NEW Electrohome air condi- tioner. to fit sliding window. 10.000 B.T.U. Special price 5495.95. Geo. A. Sills and sons 527-1620 . 11-68x1 FRESH CAULIFLOWER 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83 50c earl bead BERT VISSCHER Open daily 9 a.m. • 6 p.m. Closed Sundays Phone in large orders 237-3442 11-654 VAN. maw', AND, x 4 imintiOws (economy to 4000) • AUTOMOTIW SOUND SYSTEMS (oxport InstollatIon) OPEN: 9-6 DAILY Wednesday till noon Saturday T111 -3-11-.M. I0 -68x3 11 Articles For Sale Clay Target Birds NOW IN STOCK CAMPBELL'S CROWN HARDWARE 527-1420 11-68-1 TEEN age girl's coat, Ap- prox.` size 14, brown, look like leather long coat, excel lent condition, 527-1137 Bernice McPherson. 11-68-1 CHASIDELIttt"TO-r-iale.'Ap- .ply Box 3449. The Huron - Expositor. 11-641 ORGANS - PIA.NOS s Wurlitzer: The best in Key- boards. One years free lessons included with ergan purthase. Pulsifer Music, Seaforth Closed Wednesday. 11-674f PUPPIES to give away to good home. Mother Irish Setter. 527.0393. 11-6/.2 CASCADE 40 electric water heater. Price 535: Phone 527-0265. 11 -67x2 VISIT Coyle's Factory Outlet on No. 19 Highway. 5 minutes north of Tillsonburg. Fresh Roasted Nuts. Confec- tionary, baking supplies and Canada's most interesting display of Cake Decorations. Open Monday to Thursday 9-30 to 5. Friday and Satur- day to 9. 11-68x1 CUCUMBERS for sale. Ap- ply to Ronald Ryan Phone 345-2579. 11-68-1 11 acres standingsecond cut hay. Mac Stewart. 527-0897 11-68-1 EQUIPMENT for sale: Howe Richardson platform scale 49000 lb. capacity. '24 ft. concrete deck. excellent con- dition Bev Hill 482-3218 11-68-2 CUCUMBERS for pickling 3 miles west of Seaforth on highway 68. Mrs. John Segeren. R.R. #2 Seaforth 482-921 7 1 1 -68-3 RED Haven peaches. pota- toes. eating and cooking apples, tomatoes, honey. sweet corn and plums. Phone Art Bell's Fruit Farm. 524- 8037. I 1 -68-tf HONEY for sale 1, 2 & 4 lb. pails. W, 1 & 2 lb. jars. Wilmer F. Kelly & Son Apiaries, 101 James St., Seaferth Phone 527-1023. I I -62-tf TRAILER with livestock rack cap. 10 ton. Equipped with 10 ply tires. electric brakes and lights. Can be pulled by tractor or s truck. 51200.00 Call 523-4431. 11-67x2 INTERNATIONAL W4 tractor. Good 'rubber and new paint. Asking 51000. Small wagon with grain box. Asking 5300. Phone 523-4431 11-68-2 SIXTEEN cu. ft. box freezer. 527-0726 11-68x1 END of Season Discount Prices on Air Conditioners fans and dehumidifiers. Campbell's Crown Hdwe SEAFORTH \527-1420 \s, 11-67-1 FRESH HONEY Elgin Young 527-1519 11-68-2 12 Wanted To Buy OLD brick buildings for wrecking and salvage pur- poses. Contact Ross Lumley 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia, Ont. or telephone 1-542-4088 12-68-1 WANTED to buy. Apples for q,p1e butter and alga pump- ki s. Phone 527-0422 at noon 12-68-1 STURDY folding high chair in good condition. 527-1269 12-68-1 13 Wanted GOOD used furniture 482- 7922. l3-65-tf Property For Sale Real Estate Ltd. nttntnet 482-0371 HULETT TWP. - 100 acres, 87 workable with new home and two barns equipped for 1100 hogs. ***** LONDESBORO - 1 floor brick bungalow with finished basement. Two fireplaces, carport and swimming pool. Double sized lot. • it ** • • WROX1 n SOLD - 4 acres, -40 14-68-1 1°,11, Hiller REALTY LimrrEn. 100 Acres in Grey twp-hog operation buildings in ex- cellent condition owner will - hk[ mortgage on most of purchase price at 101/4% 100 Acres of well drained land in Perth„ County all workable, drilled 'well, good buildings, attractive farm honte,‘„.,, 50 Acres 'of *ell drained land in Logan twp all workable, drilled well, good buildings 125 Acre hog operation in Hibbert, sow barn, finish barn, yveaner barn, imple- ment shed, lovely home with swimming 'pool. Grain dryer and holding bins, concrete silo. 100 100 Acres of ,good corn and bean land, no build- ings in Hibbert twp. 02,000.00 11/2 storey, 3 bedroom home, recently tetiosiated: New roof," windows, siding, furnace 5 yrs- old.attached gar- age. If you're looking for a lovely home you can't go • wrong on this one. Dublin 3 bedroom cottage an a double lot, new roof and siding, insulated, electric heated, double garage, heated with over head doors. JOE O'REILLY 345-2465 MITCHELL 348-8823 14-68-1 Property For Rent 2 BEDROOM apartment in Dublin, 345-2314. 15-654 HOUSE to rent. New home with 4 bedrooms and fmished basement. Pone 527-0610 15-684 3 bedroom brick house. sep- arate dining. large living room.' Detached single car garage. 527-1577 days, 482-3224 evenings. 15-68-1 ONE bedroom apartment in Dublin available September 1st. Phone: 345-2405 15 -68 -ifs TWO bedroom apartment available immediately. Phone 527-0920 Monday - Thursday. 15-6841 HOME to rent. quiet Area - featuring large entrance way spacious bright living. room and kitchen on same level, 2 bedrooms and bath- room. Large rec-room on lower level with 2nd bath- room bedroom and utility room. Baby barn and sun - deck included. Public school across street. Ideal for family with school age children. 5250.00 per month. Phone 527-1280. 15-67-3 ONE bedroom and a two bedroom apartment for rent on North Main for September 1st_ Phone 527-1715. 15-67x2 ELTZA.Bist 1st COURT HENSALL ONTARIO One bedrooms available now September and October I, 5225.00. Shag carpeting throughout. Kelvinater ap- pliances. laundry ficilities, all utilities paid. For in- quiries. HENSALL 262-3448 LONDON 453-2280 15-65-tf seseeseSses .sesetleSSie More Classifieds on next page • to; •