The Wingham Times, 1906-11-08, Page 5NEW HARD HATS. alaRairdteEnCASYNOMCD.SQ6 NEW SHIRTS AND TIES, HERE'S MORE PROOF THAT Ile Crower's Overcoats ARE BEST. On Saturday last five of our many overcoat sales were made to men who said they had been looking around in different stores. Some had been in one or two places, others in three or four. Many more of our sales were probably made to men who had been compar- ing, but these five mentioned it to us. Each day men tell us the same story. In each case we made the sale, and it was an easy sale ; the coats themselves did all the sell- ing. 20th Century- Overcoats. Tho Frpncle Beck. tr a newest of this season's overcoat models, not wi'h Perm feting back and deep .centre Vent, and with ,zee creel ti re to rkirt, We show the most perfect fitting .chars in toe rt. Prices - - $16.50 and $18.50 The OvamherlFein, a smart coat style that never fails to appeal to the men who wants dressiness and doesn't want anything xrrNma Its out 42 to 46 inches long, with splendid square eannl.inrp nerfeet fitting collar and full hanging box back. We sh iw it in neat patterns. and in plain blanks and black and white cheek Affects. Prices $7.50 $10.00 $12.00 Boys' Overcoats. Cut in mant,ith styles, these garments for boys more than deserve a )(ilk from yon Black or fancy. Prioes $2.75 to $7.50 Men's Suit Bargain for Saturday. To keep t.hA suit s -fling up to the pane set by the overcoat sales, we offer on Saturday 29 Snits that are now in stock at $12.50. T rpry gnrmAnt is new this season and up to the latest of fashion's deorre, single or double breasted styles, sizes 33 to 44 chest. On sale Saturday, new price - $10.00 Rell's Fur. and Fur -Lined Coats at a Bargain. Friday and Saturday Bargains. Boys' Fleece -Lined Underwear, all sizes, regular prices 35c to 50:, Friday and Saturday bargain - - - - .29 Men's Heather Wool Worsted Socks, regular 35c, Friday and Saturday bargain .20 The R. H. CROWDER CO. L hti ;iniatliatdaJ4.'a...t,a.tlaiF, TILE WiNTGIIAM AUBul;N. A very interesting event took place on` Oct. 24th, at the home of Mr, Arthur McNeil, Colborne township, when Mies Nellie Wetheral and Mr, Sanford Law- lor, two of Auburn', respected young people, were joined in marriage by Rev. 5, L. Small. The bride was supported by Miss Dorinda Lawlor, while Mr. A Brigham, Hallett, acted as groomsman. Miss Mae Glenn played the wedding march. The wedding party and a few invited guests were sumptuously enter- tained by Mr. and Mrs, McNeil. tirowlog Old Before 'Your Time. Broken in spirit, weak in body, nervi one and discouraged. Something is wrong, and eaoh day sees yon failing away. Just one thing to do -Build up. To do this, use Forrozone, What a tonin it is! Appetite, why it makes you eat tremendously. Digest, indeed you will, Rich red blood will carry nourishment to every corner of the body, tired organs take on new life, color, spirit and ambi- tion are restored, Perfect manhood and abonuding health is the unfailing pro- duct of Ferrozone-try it, 50o per box everywhere. WEST WAWANOSH. Council met according to adjournment on October 20th. Members all present. Reeve Bailie in the chair. Minutes of laet meeting confirmed. Thompson and Medd were ordered to attend to drain at H. Smith's, oon. 5. On motion of Thompson and Medd, the Council Board agreed to pay $4 for TIMES, NOVEMBER 8 1906 410411000440.004411411414104-4444 Most people know that if they have been sick they need Scott's Emu'• SiOti to bring back health and strength. But the strongest point about Scote.s. Emulsion is that you don't have to be sick to get results from it. It keeps up the athlete's strength, puts fat on thin people, makes a fretful baby happy, brings color to a pale girl's cheeks, and pre. vents coughs, colds and consumption. Food in concentrated form for sick And well, young and old, rich and poor. And it contains no drugs and no alcohol. ALL DRUGGISTS; 50o. AND $1.00. • 8 �?�b400080 44�0404-0���P4 00�?40 vvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvvivvvvv'vv vavvavvvavvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvr e. .1 O. Chrisimas Is- res n s !►4 lo.4 o.4 is the time to select your presents, while 4 1/0 the assortment is large. Select them now and a have us lay them away for ou. We have a 4 large 'assortment of Necklaces, Brooches, Fancy Bracelets, Etc. Fine Watch Repairing a specialty. Jewelry made to order. lie tile across road on oon. 6, lot 19. ► Moved by Thompson and Murray, that John Medd pay all costs of law suit and take the case out of court and bring on the Township Engineer. This Board is willing to abide by the result -Carried. On motion of Anderson and Murray, a cheque was drawn for $25,being salary due the late Treasurer. $15 charity was granted Mrs. Robin- son, ou motion of Thompson and An- derson. Cheques were issued to the amount of about $280 which will appear shortly in the financial statement. Council adjonnned to meet on Satur- day, Nov. 17th, at 10 o'clock. W. S. MCOROSTIE, Clerk. i 1 1 1 1 CUT PRICES - ON - Heating or Cooking Stores WOOD OR COAL We can save you from $2.00 to $5.00 on a stove. We need your money and will give yon good value. Bargains in Second -Hand Stoves. Bishop & Ball. THE CENTRAL HARDWARE, WINGHAM. Imictus Shoes For Men In the newest shapes, made from the best materials, perfect fitting, and guaranteed to give the best of satisfaction in every particular. Also very fine lines of Ladies', Misses' and Children's 'Shoes. Rubbers, Overshoes, Rubber Boots, eto a great variety to choose from, at very moderate prices. R. Johnston SHUR DEALER WINGHAM Overtaken by Nausea. You don't know whether it's going to stay down or come up. Yon feel like thirty cents and look even worse. If one thing is quicker than another, it's "Nerviline." Ten drops in sweetened water gives relief instantly. Almost like magic is the change you experience. The cause of the nausea is removed, every symptom of vomiting and indi- gestion is cared within ten minutes. When Poison's Nerviline is so trusty and economical, a bolt a at home would, not be amiss. Largo ones for a quarter at all dealers. BLYTB Mrs. Wm. McNally and children, of Dungannon, were visiting at the home of Mr. Andrew MoNaily. The steam shovel of the G. & G. that has been working in Hallett Township is being moved to Blyth to be shipped away. The work has been delayed ow- ing to the recent NOW storm. Last Suuday evening Rev. Dr. Me - Lean preached his farewell sermon as pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Dr. McLean has now oomplet• ed forty years as pastor of this church and was held in high esteem by his members and the townspeople. A fare- well social was held on Monday evening and was highly successful. D and Mrs, McLean left on Tuesday morning for Goderich where they will reside in the future. Blyth has lost an excellent citizen in the person of A, H. Plummer, who, with his wife and family, moved West to Swan River District, where he has se- cured a section of land. He was Prin- cipal of the Public School here for sever- al years and as such was one of the most successful Principals the school has ever had. Stnce resigning six years ago, he has been a valued member and secretary treasurer of the School Board, A Suggestion of Rare value. A diseased condition of the surfaces of the air passages causes bad breath, but more commonly emanates from indiges- tion or an impure condition of the blood. Thousands of oases proye that Dr Ham- ilton's Pills through their specific action on the secretory and eliminative organs, not only cure bad breath, but so thoroughly purify the system that any- thing suggestive of blood or digestive troubles is impossible. Through Dr. Hamilton's Pills the skin grows rosy and clear, activity of the body and mind in- creases, and bounding health 18 estab- lished, sold everywhere in 25c boxes. ti UEY. George Zimmer. formerly of this loc- ality, is visiting at Stratton, Hitchcock, Co , Nebraska, with his brother-in-law. It is over 10 years lines they met. The visitor surprised them and represented himself as a cattle buyer. At the meeting of the Council on Monday, a petition eigned by 288 elec- tors was presented, asking that a Local Option by-law be submitted. As this id more than 25 per cent of the quali$eld eloetors, the Council had no alternative but to grant the prayer of the petition. A former well known resident of the 9th oon. of tree' in the person of Wm nab - KAISER, the Jeweler 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 r 4 4 teAAAAAAAAAAA44,4.AA,AAsAAA..SASA 1.AAA, AAS. LAAAAAAALAAAALAAAS. kirk,paid Nature's debt ou Sunday, Oot year, his stomach and lungs being affect - 28th, at the home of his daughter, Mra. Tindall, of Neepawa. Cancer of the stomaoh was the ailment with which he he had been bothered for somo months. Mrs. I-Iabkirk predeceased him by 6 or 8 years. Hs was 73 years of age The surviving members of the family are Robert,of Neepawa, n, M n, , Will , of Teeswater; Mrs. Tindall, of Neepawa; and Mrs. Iiaokbnrn, Toronto. Mrs. Hopkins, another sister died in Winni- peg. Mr. Habkirk was highly esteemed by a wide circle of friends. Deceased was a brother -in law to Mrs. Habkirk, of Brussels, and au uncle to Reeve Hender- son of the same place. Ile moved from Grey to the West 13 years ago. Almost Dead of Bronchitis. Few people have suffered more than Jno. P. Taylor, of Dyment, P. 0 , Out. Today he is well and v, rites, -"I must tell yon how much Oatarrhozane has been to me. I was so bad with bron- chitis somet"mes I thought it would soon bo over with, A spell of choking would come on that left toe prostrated and weak-. Since using Catarhozone I have had no trouble at all. It strengthened my turoat, stopped the cough, gave me free breathing and entirely cured." Just the usual experience. Catarhozor•:e in- variably oures whether Bronhchitis, Asthma or Catarrh. Two sizes 250 awl $1.00 at all dealers. MORRIS. Tho 100 acre farm of James Turnbull, n34 1 t 19, con 6, has been bought by George Brown, of Brussels. Mr. Turn- bull will be leaving toward the close of the month for Edmonton district. A happy event took place at the home of Peter and Mrs. Oantelon, 6th con., Morris, on Wednesday evening, Oct 24th at 5 o'clock, when their daughter, Miss Annie Marie, was united in marri- age with Thomas Pierre, also of Morris township. Promptly at the appointed hour to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Rose Clark, of Belgrave, the groom, supported by his brother Al- fred, took ills place under a beautiful arch in the parlor, where he was joined by the bride, who was given away by her father. Miss Sarah Re •--11 acted as bridesmaid. The ceremor y was per- formed by Rev. G. W. Ri s era, B. A , B i)., of Belgrave. ' Quietly arid peacefully came the close of life to Alex. Forrest, a well known and highly esteemed resident of the 1st line, on Wednesday of last week, at the age of 68 years, 5 months and 3 days. He had been in poor health for over a Established re79 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolene Is a boon to Asthmatics Docs it not ,seem more effective t,, breathe in a remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach 7 - 11 cures because the air rendered strongly anti. septic is carried over the diseased tutfnce with everybreath, giving prolonged and constant treat- ment. It is Invaluable to mothers with small children. Thoseofn consumptive 3 tendency find immediate �t;iu. i, relief from coughs or In- g;,,, flamed conditions of the throat. Sold by druggists. Send postal forboeklet. Lamm:, Mims Co., Limited, Agents, 'Mont- real, Canada. 107 014614. loaf f' THE LEADING STORE 1 ISARD'S GnAT Cut = Price Sale ed and his demise was not an unexpect- ed event. Mr. Forrest was born in Lan- aekshire, parish of Blantyre, Scotland and came to Canada in 1853. A year later he moved into Morris and took up land where by industry and economy he made for himself and family a comfort- able hemfl Oa Feb. 14'•h, 1871 he was united in marriage to Miss Annie Bill, daughter of Robert Bell, of Grey, who with 5 children survive him. There are 3 daughters, Mrs Geo. Wheeler, of Turnberry ; Mrs Sties Johnston and Mise Mary, of Morris; anri 2 sons, Robert, at- tending the Model School at Clinton ; and Charles at home The funeral took place last Friday afternoon to the Brun sels cem tory. flit CiSSELS. Ed ward Speiran and family removed to Goderich last week where they pur- pose making their home. R L. Taylor and family, who have re- sided in Brusselle for a number of years, -purpose removing to. London is the near future. With sad Balinese came the announce- ment of the death of Robert Sample, cf Frederick street, Brussel+, which took pl1c0 Wednesday afternoon, 011. 31st, quite n expeataiily to the family. fie had been in failing health but able to be up. Mr. Sample was in Hs 75th year, Not unexpectedly came the message to Mrs. Samuel Walker sr., who was summoned to the land beyond on Oct. 28th, at the home of her son David Walker, Turnberry `street, Brussels, in her 87th year. Her maideLl name was Rachael McCutchoon and she was born in the Co. of Fermanagh, Ireland, com• ing to this country with her parents when she was a young girl. They re- sided in Gwilimbury, Simcoe Co. for a number of years before moving int r Morris township iu 1852. On October 25th, 1851, deceased joied hand and heart with Samuel Walker of the same township, Rev. Thomas 0. Acikiu of the New Connexion church, performing the ceremony. After meeting with no small success on the farm, 0th line, on Which they spent 36 years, Mr. and Mrs. Walker moved to Brussels where they purchased a comfortable home and where her life partner departed this life very suddenly on December 21st, 1904. Four children survive, Mrs. Wm. Randa of Grey; Mrs. Jno. Walker, of Tees - water; Samuel, of Morris; and David, of Brussels. Andrew Consley, a former well-known resident of this place died at Gladstone, Manitoba, on Saturday, October 27th. Deceased was in his 40th year and went West for the benefit of his health. Andy as he was familiarly called by almost everybody, was born at Magherdfelt, Oo Derry, Ireland, and came to Canada with his parents in 1880 and locate.' at Brns- stile. Deceased was industrious and economical and made many a dollar by his willingness and the competent man- • ner lie executed work intrusted to him. Ile took a position in the private bank of Messrs Meintosh cG McTaggart after acquiring the telegraph and express business with the late T. Pletcher. Lat- er Mr. Consley went into the bioyole business and insurance to which was added the 4th Division Court Clerkship, telegraph and express agencies. ror many years he eat on the School Board and wits a useful and valved oftleial member of the Methodist church. lie was married to Mies Urge Maniple in 180: and she and two children eurtiv'O, Twenty Thousand Dollars Worth of New Goods to Choose From. Move Quick -- We Can Save You Money. --- Come in the morning if possible. Cottons A lot of 111i11 Ends to clear. Regular -value 10c and 12ic. Your choice per yard •- .07 Prints Your choice of the best Crams Prints only • .10 Coats A line of Children's Coats to clear at - $1,95 Hose 10 dozen Seamless Ribbed Cashmere Hose, worth 35e, on Rale at .25 Underwear Men's Heavy Wool Shirts and Draw- , - erg,wcrib 65c, saleprice .50 Collars Ladies' New Silk Collars, jest in. ▪ regular 35a, your choice .25 Dress Goods • Pretty Plaids, double wi•l li, regu'nr 35c goods nn sale for .25 1 Hose 5 doz. Children's Black Rib'iPrl Cash- mere Hone, all woo , good valve at 20c, our cut price - .15 Carpets 36 inch Uuiva Carpet, worth 350, for - - .25 Overalls Men's Heavy Mole Overalls, while they last, only - .75 Table Linen Extra Heavy Wide Table Linen, 500 quality for - - .40 Lace Curtains 12 pairs Fine Lace Curtains, 3a, yds long, good yalne at $1 00, p; ie price •ae ,75 Matting Heavy Japan Matting, 1 yard wide, regular 20c, for - - .15 Ribbons All colors in Wide Silk Neck Ribbon. 25c quality for - .20 206 quali y for - - .15 Plaids 10 pieces new Plaids, all fast colors, nice quilt linings, sale price .05 Blankets Gray or White Flannellette Blankets, your choice - - - .75 1 Golf Jackets Ladies' Golf Jackets, pure wool, in white, black, navy and cardinal; cheap at $2 25, they go at $1.69 Flannellettes 20 pieces Wide Flannellette, new pat- terns, fast colors, worth 70 and 83, for - - - .05 Overcoats Wu's Heavy Black Overcoats, new style, well made, regular vake 0' on sale at - $0.50 Suits 4 1 Boys' Suits, sizes 33, 34. 35, regular five dollar value, on sale $3.75 Dress' Goods A line of Faccy Flake Drs ss Goods to clear, regular $l 00, for .50 Baking Powder 1 -pound flog of Art Bnhi,ng Powder, niibgranitewere prrin um worth 50,; to 60;'; your choice for .41 Tea No. 1 Uncolored Japan Tea, good buying at 25o, our price - .20 Jackets Ladies' Black Cloth Jackets, lined, regular six and seven dollar value for - - $5.00 Towelling Extra heavy Linen Towelling, worth 10c, for - - - .08 Men's heavy Wool Stroke, regular 2dat value for - .20 111. 1 1 4 1 Ties A lot of Men's Mille Ties, new pat- terns, worth 2513, on &a10 tat ,19 Napkins Regular Dollar Table Napkins, nice size, for - - .75 Numerous other lines at cut prices we haven't room to quote here. Come and see ; it will pay you. No tickets punched or coupons given during Sale. H. E. Isard & Co. esoo•••••••••••••••44•••G• •••••••®•.•....••••.•91.1.. • • 0 •• 0 • i ••• • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • 2 • • • • FURNITURE! FURNITURE:! For the Fall Trade. S. Grace), has a very fine assortment of new and up to - date Furniture, in Sideboards, Buffets, Bedroom Suits, Parlor and Extension Tables, Couches, Mattresses, Spring Beds, etc., etc. It yen want anything in the Furniture line this fall, before yon buy come and see what we have. We will be pleased to show our geode. We think we have something that will be to your liking, and at very reasonable prices. If you want one of the best Spring Beds that is made tr the "HERCULES" SPRING. We have them, they are the best for the money. ou can try them for a month, and if not satisfactory return them. • Wo have a few pieces of CARPETS and a few FLOOR. JtIIG$ (Art Squares) to clear out at a price. 1. A. • iUndertaking-An in the past, we :give our prompt and personal mention whenever our services • are required. Any Hour -night I r clay. hrirniture 1111111.11 1.... f1 11**s 414.1 S. G RAC E V. Dealer a id praGtikal Undertaker 41111/111114/1111111414+41. • • • • • • e: