The Wingham Times, 1906-11-08, Page 1THS
VOL XXXY,-NO. 1813.
41141eM/r 44 44 444*
Maxwell & Hill
Fiie $
Hats, Caps and
Men's Furnishings
in all lines
and all new goods.
To learn Tailoring.
44ti4e--- rr
Young ladies and gentlemen who
are desirous of making a record,
are wanted at the
Wingham Business College
(Affiliated with
11 Clinton Business
to prepare for Bookkeepers, Sten-
ographers and Telegraphers. Dur.
ing July and Augnet we could only
fill ONE - TENTH of the positions
offered our graduates.
Catalogue free.
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal.
(lead quarters
Gentlemen, -Wo are headquarters
in Wingham for Stock Foods and
Condition Powders.
International Stock Food
Dr. Hess' Stock Food
Our Own Condition Powders
-none better,
Bring your own recipes along, and
they will be aoenrately filled, at right
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Local OptiosoContests.
The conatituencem i _ Huron Ceuuty in
which Local Option contests will take
place next January i'e, Uaborne, Tuok-
ersmith, Stanley, Gii_y and Hensel'. In
all these the Munioi •al Councils have
agreed to submit a ley -law. The hotels
that will be affected -honld the aot pass
in each are 1 in Ua orne, 2 in Tucker -
smith, 4 in Grey, 2�n Stanley and 2 in
Walton McKibbon.
Fhr. B.
Macdonald Btook `GPi1tCtlltJli
Call at R. Johneton's for up to -date
shoes. He has them.
Died at
Mr. Frederick Sai
Saint, of this town c
Wednesday of last
Deceased young ma
short time with pi
Wingham some few
Ontario. The remei
and the funeral took'
ham cemetery on T
bereaved mother,
will have the Syrup
in their affliction.
enora. '
t, son of Mrs. H.
ed at Senora, on
ek, aged 25 years.
had been ill for a
umonia. He left
ears ago for New
a were brought here
Place to the Wing-
eday morning. The
rothers and sisters
thy of many friends
Highest price paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fella' butcher shop.
Changing Conductors.
Mr. J. McKenzie, rho has been con-
ductor on the L., H. So B. train for some
months, taking the place of Mr. John
Quirk, has been tri inferred to Toronto,
out of that city'
Iho has been running
cn up from Palmer -
run on the L , H. &
his new duties on
11's family continue
securing a good r
Mr. Dan Connell,
on the morning tri
ston has secured th
B. and commence
Friday. Mr. Conn
to reside in London
Clearing A
Mr. Thos. M. Hex
vale road, whose b
Tuesday last will h
his stook,implemen
Nov. 16th. Ever.
without reserve as
has no feed or stn
ction Sale.
ereon, of the Blue-
rn was burned on
Id an auction sale of
a, etc„ on Thursday,
thing will be sold
Mr. Henderson now
ing room, John Fur.
vis will be the auci_oneer.
WANTED -A married man to work on a
farm by the year. Apply at TIMES of-
"David and
Oar readers shoo!
Mr. Newton Beers,
matin impersonator
monologue his por alar fraternal play,
"David and Jonah -eau" in the opera
house on Friday evening, November
16th. This is high y entertaining and
the people who at :end are assured a
splendid entertainr..ent. The admission
is 25 cents and Mr Beers comes under
the auspices of Malaud Lodge, I.0.0 F.
keep in mind that
the eminent dra-
will characterize in
Apprentices wan ed at once to learn
dressmaking. App y to Miss A. Mon.
dell, Beaver block,
best at W. J. Greer's; men's 75c, ladies
60 cents.
Proper nes Sold.
Mr. -Robs. Bowie d of Belmore pur-
chased from Aug et T. Homuth the
farm situated on he B line, Turn -
berry, getting po seesiou the first of
March next. Mr.3omuth intends oo-
onping his propety in town. Mrs.
George B. Green heo sold the cottage on
Francis St. to Mi a Jemima McKenzte,
of Lower Wingha These sales were
made through the enoy of J. H. Chis-
holm, Real Estate d Insurance Agent.
furnberry coneer Dead.
One of the early pioneer settlers of
Tnrnberry towns p passed away on
Saturday last in t e person of Agnes
Mitchell, relict of a late Thomas Eadie,
aged 70 year and 1 month. Mrs. Eadie
was a native of 5 ,otland and came to
this country males years ago, settling
on lot 16, con:.eesime 10, Turnberry
with her late iueband. She was a
woman held in i►:gh esteem by many
friends and her death mhkes another
break inthe oha n of early pioneers of
this eeotion. Tke funeral took place on
Monday aftern.=on to the Wingham
WANTED -Will pay the highest pride
for chickens and hens, delivered at Wm
Armour & Son's, any day but Saturday.
25 pairs of woman's Dong Bluchers,
regular $9 00, for $1 40 -Saturday only.
See window. R. JOHNSTON.
Novemb r Wedding.
At high noon o Wednesday, Novem-
ber 7th, the ho a of Mr. and Mrs.
Archibald McGilli ay was the scene of
a very pretty wed 'ng when their second
daughter, Christin , was married to Mr.
David Robertson, ev. D. Perrie officia-
ting. While Miss orothy Lees of Luck -
now played the edding march the
bride was led in a d given away by her
father. She w daintly gowned in
Paris enlbroidere eolienne, with shoes
and musketeer glover to match and
carried a bouqu of bridal roses. After
the oeremony t e mine' congratulations
were in order a d the guests adjot ned
to the dining to m where a very vasty
luncheon was s ed, the fable deoora-
tions were fern and chrysanthemums.
Mr. and Mrs. R rteon left on the 3 80
train f r Londer„, Detroit and Chios o
the bride traveling in a tailored costume
of navy broads oth and Dresden etik
blouse with hat to matoh. -On their res
turd they will take up residence on
Minnie street toad will be at hone to
their friends after Deoember the 1st.
Increase You
A new advertiser!
tured the remark th
duration, his ad, in
the means of jetting
amount of business
This is authentic an
great value derived
a good looal paper,
certainly money we
not on our advertis
advise you to join t
see and feel the
juoidious- advertisi
paper, such as the
unsolicited, ven-
, although of short
e TIMES has been
him five times the
e had previously.
l goes to show the
rem advertising in
say the least, it is
l spent. It you are
g list, we would
e merry crowd and
°n -leant benefit of
g in a real, live local
Pingham TIMES
Council to Look into
the Matter.
ASKS FOR $6,000
AII.NightEectric Light Service Not
Gra ted --Vote A Tie.
FOR RENT. -Double store, oentrally
located; also living rooms upstairs.
Possession given November 1st. Apply
cows, milking, one due to calf early;
three calves; one Lincoln ewe and lamb;
two brood sows, supposed to be with
pig; one platform spring light wagon, in
good condition. Apply at the TIMES of -
Barn E
Mr. Thom M. Hen
vale road met wij
Tuesday morning
Many Imiirtant Mailers Come
Before T own Fathers at Monday
Night's Meeting.
At the reg
Council on
here were in
oillor D. B
while Mr, J
occupied bis
water pipe
work's Comn
for water and
John to Viet'
south from t
The report
to enquire in
night eleotrio light service was read. It
Stated that 'wing to the necessary ex-
penditure of about $4000, in permanent
improvemen a and repairs to the plant,
it will retina e all the revenue during the
present year to meet the inoreaaed ex-
,penditure. Moreover, the installation
of an all ni, ;ht service would mean an
additiontion ,1 expenditure of $1,000 a
year, and,tla;i committee could not see
Jerson, of the Blne•
h a heavy loss on
Shen his barn was
filar meeting of the Town
:opday night, all the mem-
their places except Conn.
11. Mayor Bell presided,
B. Ferguson, town clerk,
�ooustomed place,
immrjiifcations regarding
ere referred to the Water-
ittee, as were also petitions
no on Minnie street, from
ria, and on Frances street
eaorner of Victoria street.
t t
f the committee appointed
.b the advisability of an all
completely destroy d by fire. Iu doing
the work around he barn early in the
morning the lent n in some way was
overturned Betting fire to the straw. The
fire was thought have been put out
and the men went to work in the turnip
field when the firs. started again and it
was not long until sae building was com-
pletely destroyed. This will be a heavy
1oei to Mr. Hender',on as at this season
the barn was fillt3 with the season's
orop of grain and f% ed. Mr. Henderson
carried $1150 insur nee on the building
ayd $1200 on the co tents in the Howick
Mutual, but this ill not nearly cover
the loss. Owing t his feed being burn-
ed, Mr. Henderson will hold a clearing
auction sale of al his stock and imple-
ments on Thureda; November 15th.
WANTED -A good boy to learn the
printing business. Good chance for a
bright boy. Apply at TIMES Office.
Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mc-
Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday, Deo. 4 h.
Hours 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Glasses prop-
erly fitted.
Ladies' Auxiliary Organized
In response to th
the church pulpits
the meeting, over
announcement from
n Sunday, calling
hirty of the Wing -
its way ole[
After so.
by Oonns.
all-night e
Moved i.
of the coi
eleotrio serve
Tho amen
oarried on th
Mayor Bell,
ham ladies met in tie Council chamber
to organize a Ladie-' Auxiliary in con-
nection with the -Vingham Hospital.
The Ladiee Aid oomn itteeof the Board of
Directors, Mayor Bbll and Dr, Kennedy
wore also present. dayor Bell was vot-
ed to the ohair. Re` T. S. Boyle, chair-
man of the commit[' e, and Dr. Kennedy
addressed the meati:gig at the request of
the president, ontlirsng the proposed or.
ganization, and it w e decided to form a
Ladies' Auxiliary a once. The follow-
ing officers were o sen: Hon, Pres.,
Mrs. P. Macdonald Pres., Mrs. C. M.
Wacker; Vice Preei ante, Mrs. Sperling,
Mrs. Alex. Ross, M s. Ferguson; Cor.
Sec., Mies Macdona ; Rec. Sec., Mies
Brook; Trees., Mrs. . Vanstone. The
officers being electe , the gentlemen
withdrew, and Mrs, parling took the
chair, in the absence the newly elect-
ed President. Some nor business ryas
transacted, and them ting adjourned
until next Monday ternoon at four
O'clock, when the save al working com-
mittees will be strnok and the business
of organizing oomplet d. The ladies re-
quest a large attendance.
to adopt it at present.
e discussion it was moved
orbes and Hanna, that an
otrio light service be in -
the payment of the following accounts:.
Bishop & Ball, rop . $ 1.26
Isard & Co., replac g fence 1.50
Canadian Rubber
., hose reel77:50
W. G. Gray, freig and cratwg02.75
, account .. 116.72
bridge piers 7.00
Y 42,00
Young & McBarne
W. H, Green, iron
V. Vanaorman, salt
J. B. Ferguson,salaa- and postage
Wm. Guest, eatery
F. Paterson, overoh
D. C. McDonald, la
A. Sanderson, team
Watering, eto
Hanna 8r Co., enppl
Geo. Hanna, error i
Theo Hall, advtg
Alex. Young, acoo
ammendment, by Comas.
nd Bennett that the report
rittee regarding all-night
e be adopted.
lment was then put and
following division :-Yeas-
Conns. Bennett and Mc -
.rges in taxes
or streets...
work, street
taxes 4.18
W. F. VanStone, 14'loadsof stone
Goldie, McCulloch a Co $243.00
Young & MoBurne 6.18
A. R Williams Ma hine Co 3.00
Crown Oil Ret. Co ..... .. ,14.85
Jno. Forman 25.10
J. B. Ferguson ... . 14.50
J. E. Bradwin 45 50
J. Styles 36.88
Jno Brooks ....... .. 40.50
W. H. Green 41.00
Bishop & Ball .93
Alex. Young .... , . 3 33
Donald, NaXo - Ooune. Forbes and
Nioholson. T motion was then put.
with the sam result; and thea the
matter stands.
President R. i.. Crowder, of the Re-
tail Merchants ' ssooiation, presented a
petition from t . - t body asking for au
amendment to he Transient Traders'
License By -La On motion the Execn-
tive Committee as appointed to act in
conjunction wit a committee of the As•
ve a by-law prepared
the Council at its next
sooiation and h
and submitted t
Mr. W. J. Gre
Council, on behal `
and the Retail M
with a largely ai
that a market be
ham. The advent
alto dwelt upon by
r, appeared before the
of the Board of Trade
rchants Association,
.ed petition, asking
established iu Wing -
gas of a market were
Messrs. R Clegg and
H. E. Ieard.
Messrs Nicholso
, Bennett and Mc-
Donald were appointed a committee
enquire into the m$$ter.
A proposition frock Mr. Wm Dore was
introduced by Presiient R. Clegg, of the
the Board of Trade. Mr Dore wishes to
enlarge his preseut carriage manufac-
turing premises anel increase the output
of his factory, and, asks f or a loan of
$5,000 for ten years in return for which
cildine about 60 x 90
ry and employ from
would spend pro -
It was decided to
eared and submitted
On motion of Coons. Bennet and
Hanna it was dei ded that a by-law
providing for thJ election of three
waterworks and erectrio light commis-
sioners for the To en of Wingham, be
drafted and preseeised to the Council at
next meeting, to lie submitted to the
electors at the nes
Conn. McDonal
this move, if thee
to draw large gala
form their duties
tion as the com
municipal elections.
asked, in regard to
commissioners were
ies, or were to per -
r the same remunera-
ruittee under whose
direotion these m ters are now man-
aged. Mayor Bell xplained that ie some
planes one of thea was a practical man
and devoted cone erable time to the
work. Iu that ca he would be in re-
seipt of a salary.
A motion anth izing the payment of
the accounts in t a Finance Committee's
report was passe ,, and the Connoil ad-
A full line of !filen, Women and Chil-
dren's new and up•to•date shoes for fall
and winter wear. Call and see them at
Killed CNew York.
Word was received in town last week
that Victor Watso>,, son of Mr. and Mrs
James Watson of t tie town had been ao-
oidentally killed o the railway at some
point in New York tate. Dr. H. E. W.
Tamlyn left at on to bring the body
home for interme t and at the time of
going to press we ad received no parti-
Special prices to th se Tinting meat
in large pieces or by h49arter.
thios T. FIELD.
Barn and Sck Burned.
Word was recei ,ed here on Tuesday
that the barn belon>king to Mr. Thos. E.
Walker, near Rivs `rsdale was destroyed
by fire on Monday
enight. All the Ion-
to tents were deetroy�d, including horses,
cattle, implement=, etc. We have not
learned the cane, of the fire. Mr.
Walker's old frier ads here will be sorry
to hear of his mis'ortune.
he would erect a bi
install new machin
26 to 30 hands. H
bably $8,000 in all.
have a by-law pre'
to the electors nexj
Mr. Peter Canpbell complained of
not having a cro sing put in opposite
one of hie lots on Darling Terrace, when
the new walk was put down. Referred
to the Street Com nittee.
It was moved b/ Oouns. Hanna and
Nicholson, and carried, that this omen.
oil welcome Cloik1Ferguson back to his
post again; we a
stored to health,i
the amount paid
his absence. Be
put, Mr. Fergnec
mover and seoon
modesty wished
out. The motion
.By.Law, No. 5i
e glad to see him re-
d that we refund him
or substitute daring
ore this motion was
, while thanking the
er, with charaoterstic
he latter clause struck
was carried however.
7, 1906, rescinding the
High Schoot delaenture ByLaw was
passed and ordered, to be published.
On motion of Otenns. Nicholson and
Manna, Conn. McDonald was appointed
oornmissioner on the Alfred and Joseph-
ine street drain ata salary o1 $2 00 per
A refund of rent df hall, to the amount
of $15.00 was made to the Baptist
$1000 on account ° of permanent im-
provemente' and $050 on account of
maintenanee, was 'toted to the Heigh
Sohool Board. The balance tef the levy
for ptiblto school Wei ordered to be paid
to the rablio School! Board.
The Patentee Committee reoommended
REV. E. R. FI 'CH, B A.,
Pastor of Wingham a aptist Church.
We this week prese t to our readers a
photogravure of the p•pnlar and ener-
getic pastor of the "ingham Baptist
Church. Mr. Fitch gr: dilated in Arts at
McMaster University n 1905, theology
in 1906. He was orda; ned to the work
of the ministry on Ma; 25th of the pre-
sent year, the ceremo • y taking plane in
the Baptist Church b ire. As a student,
Mr. Fitch gained conderable distinction
in his last two year taking first-class
honors in all his enb' ota, besides taking
the work o! pastor o a large country
congregation. Befo a coming to Wing -
ham, he was station d at Chesley, and
previous to that at herbrook, Ont.
During his nni ersity career, Mr.
Fitch was promine tly connected with
the Rugby and ssooiation football
teamttfand attains the Presidency of
the Athletic Aesodiation. He was also
a successful debater.
He began his duties as pastor of the
Wingham Baptiet Ohnrch in December
of 1905, and is popular not only among
his own people, but with those of other
denominations as well.
His exoeedinglrne manner, pleasing
voice and splens id delivery together
with an intense !earnestness and zeal,
A Hand Home Book
One of the met useful books ever
issued is that en itled "A Handy Home
Book," publish by the Family Herald
and Weekly St r, of Monal. It is
the beet eduoat we hav 'seen -brim.
ful of those the ge ev y one should
know yet few pop do know. It is
a family doctor and cook book. To
see it is to want i and never part with
it. It ie a ored t to Oanada'e great
weekly paper. T e Family Herald and
Weekly Star is bikger valve than ever
this year. Their remium picture, "A
Tug -of -War," is leo greatly admired.
The combinatio is certainly a big
dollar's worth.
WANTED -Choice Roll Batter, 25c.
Dry Pinked Poultry, pried Apples,
Feathers. Fresh Eggs,etG. E KING
Mr, James err Honored.
A representati gathering of the
members of th Brotherhood of St.
Andrew and the Sunday School of St.
Paul's Church a enabled at the rectory
on Friday eve ng last, and presented
Mr. James H. err with a handsome
anit case, acco panied by an address.
Daring the past few years Mr. Kerr has
been prominen y connected with the
work of St Paul a church, and has lately
very acceptably filled the office of church
warden. He iatenda spending some
Hine with fries ids in London before
leaving for the West, where he will in
all p5obability It ate, Ilia many Wing•
ham friends wi 1 wish him abundant
success in wham go. he may undertake,
and the possessiof
general informati
eminently snccesi
is no doubt a brig
of a good fond of
n, go to make him an
'ill preacher and there
t future before im.
highest cash price fol
Large savings in
needs. Great bafga
Men's Furnishin
Hive Dry Goods f✓' o.
2Pe will Fay the
ey on Men's
on all lines of
is week. The Bee
Pure Drugs
are t h e
need o f
the hour,
When you need anything in the Drug
line it will pay you to come to us. We
have proven this to a large number of
people. If you arenot a steady customer
it will pay you to become one ; our prices
are right andwo solicit your trade, at
Druo Store
Property Owers
Will find it distinctly to their advantage
to make me their agent; based on
quick returns and Batistao.
tory dealing.
The following list are a few of the
many properties for sale:
$1350-1;4 story house, 10 rooms, fur-
nace, excellent cel_ar, good stable, 2
one-fifth acre lots; Victoria St.
$1500-13 story frame house. 8 rooms,
fine cellar, stable, convenient; Leo-
pold St.
$75O -Frame cottage, good repair,
rents for $78 per year, exoellent
location, Patrick St
$800 -=Brick block, Victoria St.
$1000-1?4story frame house, conven-
ient, Patrick St.
$1100-1a story frame house, fine
cellar, 4 bed rooms, stable, property
in first-class repair, Frances St.
$1250-1; story frame house, furnace,
nice location, rents $8 50 per mouth.
$1300-2 story frame house, splendid
cellar, stable worth $300, fruit trees,
rents for $102 per year.
$1350-2 story frame cottage, grooms,
Minnie St.
$1800 -Blacksmith shop and bnsinees,
including 2 story brick residence,
?1 acre of land, 5 miles from Wing -
$2000 -lea story frame hoop, 10
rooms, furnace, bath; two 1-5 acre
lots, Minnie St.
Farm to r nt 120 acres, one mile from
Wingham on Belga% a road.
Hospital Concert Course.
The first of the concerts of the hospital
convert course will be given in the opera
house next Monday evening when Darno
& Co will be the attraction. This will
be a high-class entertainm nt of
mystery and fun. Durno is endorsed by
both press and public to be the greatest
magioian in America. The sensation
of Canada and thirty-one States. Tho
man who makes you laugh. He has
crossed the continent six time, in the
last four year&. Durno was in Goderich
last fall and gave his entertainment to a
crowded hones and goes there on a re-
turn engagement this month. The plan
of hall opens at Walley's drug store
to -day for subscribers and to the general
public on Friday. The general ad-
mission to the pnblio is 85c with re-
served seats at 50 cents,
certs of this course are good ones. The
next concert will be the American
Jubilee Singers on Tueeday evening,
November 20th. The International
Concert Co. (a very high-class company)
on January 22nd, and Minnie M. Wil-
liams, entertainer, on February 5th.
The price of a book of tickets for the
four concerts ie $1.25 and the books may
be secured at the R. H. Crowder Oo'e
store. The surplus from these concerts
will be given to the hospital board and
the entertainments should be largely at.
tended by our townspeople.
The four
con -
I am prepared to do in sewing at
nay home near aV tern Foundry.
Prices reasonable MRS. R. AUSTIN,
Single Fare y Canadian/cific
Account of t e Ontario lifortionitural
Exhibition, h d in Tq�gAto, November
6th to 10th, t QK�
turn tickets t
good going
Nov. 6 and 7
nt of th
e 0. P. , ie selling re -
Toronto at one-way fare,
edneeday and Thursday,
available for return until
. 10th. Tickets and full
say be obtained of the leoal
Watch for the new line ahoy geode
-everything for t ietmas trade.
A great variety u mad white
linn centre plane -the very latest, at
the "Btu BOOB" STORs.
If you want anything at any time in
Real Estate, come direct to head-
Money to loan on farm seourity.
J. H. C!-iiSHOLri,
Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent.
Vanetone block, Wingham.
FELT Boors. -The very beet Felt
Boots are here in every good style both
in ladies and gents'. W. J. GREER.
Dr. Butter. Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, Loudon,
3rd door East of St. Andrew's Church,
Fog SALE -Good Dwelling House and
one acre of land, now occupied by me;
For terms and particulars apply to GEO.
Flowers for all occasions, Chrysan-
themums prime, Carnations, in full
bloom, Ferns,Aeparagus and Begonias in
splendid condition. Come and see. Gra-
ham, the Florist, Frances street.
or Dry?
If you prefer them wet -why
just go without Rubbers these
days. It you prefer them dry,
bring your feet here and our Rub.
bers will sive them protection.
Low Cut and Storm Rubbers,
Self Acting Rubbers, 75e, 95e.
Low Cut and Storm Rubbers,
Croquet Robbers and Footholds,
60e and 70c.
School Robbers in high and low
out, 40c and 45es
We handle no trash in Rubbers.
'e uarant a
g 0 ourkind of Rubber
Full stock of Trunks and Valises,
W. J. Greer
THE 8n0En.