HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-08-14, Page 5,
irf*1"1.YRO.k:E.X.OP.P..ITPR AUGUST 14, .100.;
, . • . •
On a recominentiation
from Du,lin 'Trustees, klib-
bert council accepted an
application for a. zoning
change in .Duhlin from res-
idential to ,cornmercial, at
their regular meeting August
5. -
The zone change proposal,
made by Michael and Fat
MacRae, Was for eventual
construction of a store effect-
ing lots 3132 and 33 on
Union Street in Dublin. A
bylaw will be prepared for
eouncil's next meeting.
"If the zone change goes
;through. and we iletermine if
it is •feasibile, we hope to
construct a larger store than
what we have at present,"
'q said Mr. MacRae, owner of
MeRae's Market in Dublin.
In other business; \
Delegations were received'
for repair and improveruent
on "The Shillinglaw" Drain
Council indicated that on the
receipt of a petition, , the
necessary work, either with
or without an Engineer's
report would be carried out.
On, "The Linton" drain it
was decided to consult with
KEEP ON WINNING—The Dublin Girls softball team won the
South Perth Bantam Girls league championship this seasim, as
well as tournaments In New Hamburg and Wellesley. The team
includes (back row) Manager Ed Rowland Marijo Kale,. Marg
Hicknell, MuKray, Debby Vandenderk, Lucille
Delaney, Sarah Brill, Theresa Kramers, Coach Fred Brill,
(front) Michelle Rowland, Colleen Melady, Anne Marie Kelly,
Kim Swart and Cathy Kelly. (Photo by Ellis)
area -news
I'd like to ask a favour
(Editor's note: Bea Maloney -Fadden is a •
McKillop native and daughter of Wilfred
Maloney, former longtime Expositor Dub-
lin correspondent.) -
I had a real compliment on July 19. Mike
said "Chips don't fall far from the old
block. You are like dad."
—fife been trying to tell people that for
years. While it has always en a real
complimeot to be teld I am 1)k' my mother.
I always wanted to be like my dad too. I'
needed the qualities, both strong and rio
so strong, of both parents, to play out my
God-given part. .
Dad wasn't a perfect human being any
more than you or 1. He hated to be crossed.
And wouldn't it be nice, if we could sail
through life and never _have anyone
cross-check us? (Dad said a high price for
that shortcoming.) Fortunately we're all
sevenallowed 21 major flaws and seven minor
ones. (Love is an understanding 'of human
weakness with the trite man' shining
through.) For every shortcoming he had,
he had two good points that cancelled them
I don't think anything spe.alcs fonder for
my smother thin who she picked for a father
for her children. She was a wise woman.
Maybe she.knew that her children and
children4n-law would be tested plenty
before they kiss this old world goodbye.
She knew that she could count on dad to
prepare them for life, and Well he dhl--it
eerrts we need a blend of grarrire" and
gentleness. It takes a very. strong 'man to be
I'll never forget when Bill Kelly died.
Dad felt s00000 terrible. He was cryirfg hi
Marion's kitchen. (Only real men cry, or
wish they could.)
Marion said, "Don't worry dad, I'll be
all right. You didn't spoil me" and so she
yeas. Need I say more?
Fortunately, Mary was there that day.
She didn't say too much but oh my God her
strength was felt. When it looked like we
were going to collapse from the shock and
grief of it all quietly Mary said "Maybe one
drink would help calm our nerves." (A
drink like that has done a lot of good at
cru al moments hasn't it?) Mary took a
flask o hiskey from her purse.
1 didn t end to say so much, but this
is important. On 'New Years Eve of 1971
dad and 1 went down to Kelly's and dad
said all the way down what a great woman
Mary was. We played cards, drank a lot of
whiskey and all the way from Kinkora to
Dublin, dad said what agoad woman Mary
I would like to ask all of the good people
up home. to say- a prayer that he gets an
early retirement from this cancer. It's
bigger than he is.
,1„......,.-Becaase his kids love that old man so
much, they can hardly stand to visit him
any more. -
But if it's God's will - well then, I've
learned to trust Him. But 1 hate things I
don't understand. Be sure a wiser hand
than/ours or mine pours out the potion for
cur lips to drink. If only that wasn't so hard
to put to -practice when you are being put to
the test.
Last Sunday I went to visit him. He was
asleep when I got there', but he knew me
rlght off. 't always know me, or so
he, sayrt.
Js voice had its old v brance. He sat on
thct the bed eating his strawberry
sundae. I sat beside him and Lynne, my
little girl, was there. To me he's one of the
heroes of this country --so why's he all
-dressed up like that old man?
I was reading him his euchre poem
(when I could find my voice that it). He
eajoyed it. Whoever did win that old
rooster I asked him? Frank Flannery won it
was his answer. He always liked Frank -
who wouldn't?
That reminds me, I was at Frank's last
summer. He had a sign on one of His barn
doors "Keep this damn door closed." Dad
onuld have gotten a kick out of that.
I have a terrible tendency to wander -
it's the Holland corning through.
He finished every drop of the sundae and
said, "Oh Bea. •I didn't leave you any."
I wanted to say "You left me s00000
much," but I couldn't find my yoice (that's
all right. that's allowed. He still picked up
my 'warmth - once a man, twice a child).
Still I wanted to say I'd have never made
it, if I hadn't had you for a dad, as well as
mom and Mary for a mother, of course.
I didn't always feel that way. You don't
get your act together overnight, a , lot of
blood, sweat and tears goes into, a good
performance„ as well as a .lot Of real joy.
(Pleasure comes from the body, but, joy
comes from the soul.)
Is it any wonder I married someone so
similar in so many ways to him? It took me
a long time to se& that too. I'm a slow
learner (NB). We get too soon old and too
late smart. (Mike's been feeding me wise
sayings for years.)
When I handed him a cigarette he said
"I want all I can get for nothing", and he
willed and lay back down on the bed. "I'm
sleeping all the time now," he sighed. And
I couldn't keep from rememberin' (never
could spell except when it counted.)
Uncle Dennie told me this story many
times. (People listen without hearing.) -
Aunt Nora and Uncle Joe are my
Godparents. (I'm trying to work on
becoming humble these days, forgive me
wh‘'n brag.) The luck that I have had
along the way.
' When Uncle Joe was told he couldn't
work any more, Dennie Was there. He said
Nora was so kind and encouraging. She
took him by the arm and said, "Come pn
home Joe, you've worked hard ,enough"
and so I thought yes, go back to sleep dad,
"You've worked hard enough, too."
"Just have a good sleep now." I'll be
glad now and ready when the call.comes
that says - dad is at peace, because dad
was crying on Sunday those old unshed
tears again.
Logan plans new storage shed
Logan Township Council
awarded the contract for the
construction of a new stor-
age shed to Mervyn Quipp
Construction Ltd. of Monk -
ton at a pride of S31.444.00.
This was the' lowest of pight
tenders received. Tender
prices ra'nged up to S46.461.
for a wood frame building
and S48.131.00 on all steel
building. This new shed will
be constructed at Bornholm
behind the present township
garage and will house the
graders, plows and road
maintenance equipment. The
construction will include a
poured concrete foundation,
stud frame walls and steel
siding on walls and roof.
The road superintendent
reported that surface treat.
ing is in progress on parts4f
Corices,sion 2 and 4. Road
accounts for the month Of
July were approved in the
amount of $9.190.35. Major
. expenses included weed
spray. gravel and fuel. Gen-
eral accounts of S45,828.16
were approved. Included in
this month's accounts were
523,500.00 in tile drainage
loans and the final expenses
for the construction of he
Eisler Municipal Drain. The
Esler Municipal .Drain has
now been completed and
tandowners will be receiving
their notices of final assess-
ment. The engineer's esti-
mate of the cost of the drain
was 517.400.00 and when
aim,pleted the cost amounted
to St5,526.70 which was
reduced to S10.767.60 after
provincial grants and allow-
ances were deducted.
Tile drainage loan applic-
ations in the amount of
,523,500.00 were approved. A
Ratings By-law for 527.800.
was given three readings.
The building permits for
the month of July totalling an
estimated cost of construc-
tion of S262,500.00 was re-
viewed. Reeve' Carl ,Vock
reminded the residents of
Logan Township that the
Perth County Plowing Match
will be held in Logan Town-
ship this year at the farm of
Tim Nicholson. lot 18, conces-
sion 15. It will be held on
Look -yourself up
Are you listed.correctly iftthe phone
book? If not, please tell us now! We are
getting ready to print the new book.
Look up your present listing in the
white pages. Then. if you want a change,
call us at 1-800-265-8515 tToll Free) or
the Bell Canada business office number
listed in the directory A chanle may apply
depending on the type of change you
request. Ask about charge when you call.
and be sure to call before August 29th.*
* Changes to bol tQe listirgS
must be made before August 25th
August 22nd and 23rd.
E.H. Uderstadt the Town-
ship's Engineer, concerning
award of damages for spoil
incorrectlyplaced on owners
Council accepted the re-
commendation of the Perth –
County Clerk's Association
•to standardize the fee for the
issuing of Tax Certificates.
The amount to be 55.00 per
6ertificate, and the Clerk was
instructed to prepare a by-
law for the next council
-By-laws for amending
"The Cook" and "The Lin- •
ton" Drainage Works Provi-
sional By-laws. changing the
building permit fees and a
zoning change for the police
village of Dublin, were given
three readings and passed.
Road accounts for
522,875.67 and General Ac-
count for 532,021.94 were
passed. W., Road super-
intendent &ported that the
Champion D600 Grader was.
receiving a major overhaul,
including new pistons.
-'sleeves and crankshaft.The
Wabco 770 was havi ng nevi
steering mechitnis' m instal-
led. At the moment ,one
grader was serviceable. -
Tenders were received for
loading and hauling should-
ering material, pit run gravel
and crushed gravel. The bid
of George Radford Construc-
tion for 84c per yd., for
shouldering and 78c per yard
for Pit and Crushed Gravel,
subject to M.T.C. aprroval,
was, accepted. Construction
to be Concession 12/13 lots
6/10 commencing early Sep-
The meeting date for
Labour Day.was changed to
Tuesday September 2nd,
21980. The clerk was instruct-
ed to place the by-law for
Zoning Changes to Liquid
_Manure Tank, side yard and
rear yard distances and dis-
tances between houses and
barns, with the Final Tax
Notice to be mailed October
15th. They felt that the
By-law would receive "closer
scrutiny" if received with tax
The meeting closed at 1:30
- a.m., with a reminder of the
Ontario Drainage Tribunat,
meeting on "The Gardiner"'
Drain on Friday, August
15th, at 10:30 a.m. at the
Township' Hall, .taffa.
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