HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-11-01, Page 8• I,
Dress Ooods
Beautiful, Melt and Stylish
1 Furs .
and all lines of Ladies' and Gentlemen's fine and seasonable 'Underwear,
come direct to D. M GORDON'S. No house—no matter how much noise
they make—can give you better value than you will find here. And thea yon
0 are sure of every article being the very newest and up to -date in every par-
er tienler.
Our stock of Clothing trust be sold.
We need the room, and .therefore Clothing mutt go. Come and get
the greatest bargains ever offered.
D. f1. GORDON.
1 i
Lese than eight weeks till Christmas.
—November let and we feel the wint-
ery blasts,
—At other taste of winter during the
past week.
—Read the TIMES clubbing rates in
another column of this issue.
—Goderioh will not likely have a seni-
or hockey team for this season.
—TI MEs and Weekly Globe to new
subscribers to January 1st, 1907 for
—Mr. Thos Walker, of Turnberry has
sold his farm to Mr. Peter McEwen at
—Thu regular monthly meeting of the
Town Council will be held next Monday
—Mr. Fred. A Lewis, piano tuner
expeots to be in Wingham about the
middle of November.
Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps,
but is best when used in the Sunlight way.
Aay Sunlight Soap and follow directions.
—If the present broken weather con-
tinues farmers will have difficulty in
lifting the turnip crop.
—Mr. T. Corbett, of Teeswater has
purchased a livery business at Seaforth,
and moved to that town Iast week.
—Mrs. D. McInnes has rented her
bowie on John street to Mr. F. J. Hill
and will spend the winter with her sister
in Southoxnpton.
—Mr. A. E, Millish, manager of the
Metrcpolition Bank at Brussels has been
promoted to t e manager of the branch
at Guelph,
—The regular monthly meeting of
L. 0. L. No. 794 will be held in the
Orange hall to -morrow (Friday) evening.
All members are requested tobe present.
—Mr, Wm Gemmill, formerly of
Turnberry, who went to Manitoba a few
. years ago is retiring from farming. He
has purchased a dwelling in Pilot Mound
and is moving into the town this fall.
—Guy Brothers Minstrels appeared in
the opera house on Monday evening to
a very good house. The show this year
was better than that of last year. They
are always sure of a good house in
—Mr. G. McIntyre, formerly of Wing -
ham tell off a building at his home in
Oak River, Man. recently and broke his
right arm. Mr, Mclntyre's old friends
here will be sorry to hear of his unfor-
tunate accident.
Oak Fibre
to cover old furniture, bath - room
floors, bordering for room floors to
look like solid oak. Try it and yon
will be delighted with the result,
20c per square yard.
Own be laid on as easily as wall
paper, with flour paste,
'We have still a few pieces of the
Baltic Chinaware, in garnet, white
aria black, with gilt.
Berry Sets, Salad Bowls, Cups and
SaaCers, Sabo hi dark blue, white and
yellow, with gilt ; strong and msetul
for kitchen tree. They make dish.
washing a pleasure.
Post Cards, comic and sentimental,
- in leather, Ge end Ioc each. Colored
Picture Post Cards in great variety,
including animals, birds, etc,
1 See our rumple window at the Big
= Book Store.
Miss Ko M fisher
Statooeseo�ir to O open & Oo.
Rev. E, R. Hatt, of Ingersoll, one of
the best known Presbyterian ministers
in the Preyince died suddenly on Tues-
Rev. T. S. Boyle preached Harvest
Tbankegiviug sermons in the Church of
the Messiah at Kincardine. last Sunday.
Rev 0. Adilee, B.A., of Kincardine took
Mr. Boyle's work in St. Pant's church.
All the churches in Lucknow are now
free from, debt. Two fide edifices, the
Methodist Church, ereoted 20 years ago,
and the Preebyterian, about 18 years
ago, having raised their final subaorip.
tions for this purpose. The effeots of
the pastora, Rev. J. W. Millyard and
Rev. D. MoKsrrail, seconded by a will-
ing people and prosperity, a000mplished
what was formerly considered imposs-
Anniversary services will be oondnot-
ed in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
next Sunday. Rev. R. G. MoBeth, of
Paris, one of the foremost preachers in
the church will be the speaker. Liberal
collections are asked for from the mem-
bers of the congregation. Oa Bfonday
evening a Sootob social will be held
under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid
Society. A good evening's entertain-
ment will be provided to which all will
be made welcome.
Next Sunday is communion Sunday
in the Methodist church. The pastor
will preach at the both services. No
classes will be held in the morning, but
the general service will commence at 11
o'clock. Morning subject, "A very
peculiar expression." 7 p. m. "Lest we
forget" The Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper will be administered both morn-
ing and evening. New members will be
received at the evening communion.
Come and enjoy these bright and help-
ful. servicee.
—Mr. Henry Clark, of •St. Louis, Mo.,
a former well-known resident of Wing -
ba m bas been seriously ill for some time
with typhoid fever, but we were pleased
to learn that he is now improving with
good prospects for complete recovery.
FOR SALE—Good Dwelling House and
one acre of land, now occupied by me;
For terms and particulars apply to GEO.
—Mr. Thos. Hanlon for the past seven
years bagaageman at the G. T. R. depot
at London, died last Thursday after a
three weeks illness from, typhoid fever.
Deceased was a brother of Rev. Father
Hanlon, formerly of"Wingham and St.
Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London,
3 rd door East of St. Andrew's Church,
—We last week omitted to mention
that at the re -organization meeting of
the curling club, our old and respected
friend, Mr. Jas. Cochrane was elected
as honorary president. Mr. Cochrane is
a veteran curler and a great admirer of
this Scottish game.
Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mo•
Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday, Nov. 6 h.
Hours 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Glasses prop-
erly fitted.
—Mr. Philip Dawson, of lot 31, con-
cession 12, Turnberry will hold an auc-
tion sale of general farm stook
on Friday, November 9th. Everything
to be sold as Mr. Dawson has given up
the farm he has bad rented for some
time. John Purvis wilt be the auction-
RAN$IN —In W ingham, on October 20th, the
wife of Mr. Geo. Rankin; a daughter.
571ALL.—In Wingham, on October 29th, the
wife of Mr. Robt. Small; a daughter.
DENECAN.—In Winnipeg, on October 10th, the
wife of Mr. J. J. Denman, formerly of Blue -
vale; a daughter.
MARAE—McK4Y.—At the manse, Teeswater,
on Oct. 17th, by Rev. Donald Tait, Mr. John
McRae to Miss Jennie S. McKay, both of Cul-
DOUGLAS—SAMPLE.—At Melville Manse,
Brussels, on Oot. 24th by Rev. A. 0. Wishart,
B.A., Mr. Andrew Douglas, of Turnberry
township, to Miss Fannie. youngest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Sample, of Brussels.
BREw&R.—In Brussels, on Oct. 22nd, Naomi
May beloved wife of H. R. Br ewer, artist, aged
31 years, 6 months and 20 days.
Rr rarer —At Quebec, on August 10th, James
W. Knight formerly of Oranbrouk, aged 85
years and 11 months.
Highest price paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butcher shop.
—The Sun as a farm jonr is writ-
ten for the practical, ev day farmer.
It is not filled wi 10 essays or doubt -
fill theories, but i s in plain, everyday
language a host . helpful suggestions to
the tillers of the soil. In this portion:
lar The Sun is without any equal. Yon
aught to read it regularly.
A simple and effective remedy for
They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene
with the soothing properties of slippery elm and Rao.
rice. Your druggist or from us, 10c in stamps.
Lsainzo, Mises Co„ Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4ot
—Miss Wellwood, who intendsleaving
shortly for China as a missionary is now
buying her supplies. This week Messrs
Bishop & Ball are packing lamps, lamp
glasses, etc., for shipment to China.
Wingham merchants do not often send
their goods this far from the town.
You will find our furniture store the
beet place to deal for high-class goods at
most reasonable prices. WALRER Biles
&BUTTON' furniture dealers and under-
—Hundreds of shareholders of the
York Loan and Savings Company are
still withholding their stook certificates
and books, and thereby hampering the
efforts of the liquidators in endeavoring
to get the affairs of the company straigh-
tened out. The staff of clerks Who were
taken over from the York Loan offices
are still employed in the work.
t'3ABY'S rril5ND.
Happiness is a sign of health in babies.
Nearly all their troubles 'vanish when
they digest food well and are free.,,rom
teething pains. Baby's Own✓1`ablets
bring happiness to babies ,by curing
stomach troubles, conati • n, feverish -
news, diarrhoea and t ing troubles.
There's a era' e in , cry dose and the
mother has n . • le .. • guarantee that this
medicine con : i - ; no opiate or harmful
drug. Mrs. ; ,• es J'ewere, Bea'Ver Il'ar-
bor, N, S., : ; ye: "X hare given my
baby Baby's Own Tablets as occasion re-
quired /Mice she wait a day old. They
have always helped her, and now at a
year and a half old she is a fine healthy
child. X think every mother should al.
grays keen these Tablets on hand." Ton
can get Baby's Own Tablets from any
medioive dealer or by mail at 26 cents a
boa:by Writing The Dr. Williams' Medi.
cine thl., l3r'ockville, Ont.
C ipital paid up, $3,000,000 0
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $3,839,000
Total Assets, over 42,000,000
Earcosre Notes discounted.
Drafts Bold on all points in
the United States and Europe.
all 'wed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 80th June and Old
December °soli year.
D. T. HEPBURN, b1anager.
R 'Panton., Solicitor.
apital paid up, $2,500,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $2,500,000.00. •
Total, Meets, $30,000,000.00.
President Res. Wu. Chases.
V terPreeldent and
General Manager --.J. TORNRIILL.
As.istant Gen, Manager—M. M. WaTaoxa
John Proctor, h
Qas �. aalton,Hon J.B.Hendrte
t7yrns A.. Birge.
In,p.ctor--B. Willson.
B.&VINGO B4201.
Interest allowed on deposits of .81.00 and up-
wards, and added to principal on 81st May and
30th November eaoh year.
Sp octal Dopoeite also received at current
rates 0! inter.et.
C. 1', BMITB, Agent,
D]0 KI -8CN & ROLMdB,3, Solicitors,
Executors' Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby ; ven, pursuant to
seotion 38 of chapter 29, R. S. O. 1897,
that all creditors - •d others having
claims against the es ate of John James
Elliott, late of the T • en of Wingham in I
the Comity of Hur n, veterinary sur-
geon, deceased, wh, died on or about
the twenty-sixth da of August, A. D.
1906, are required • send by post pre-
paid to the undersi ned solioitor for the
executors of the sd deceased. on or be-
fore the first day of November, 1906,
their Ohristian na •• es and surnames, ad-
dresses and desert . tions, with fall par-
ticulars of their of ims and statements
of their accounts + nd the nature of the
securities (if any) Id by them.
And take notice that after the said
first day of Nove ,ber, 1906, the said
executors will proo ed to distribute the
assets of the deoeasd among the parties
entitled thereto, ha - ing regard only to
the claims of which hey shall then have
notice; and the sai• executors will not
be liable for said • mete or any part
thereof, so distribnt d, to any person or
persona of whose o aims they had not
notice at the time o snob distribution.
Wingham P.O.,
Solicit • r for the Executors.
Dated this 911i d: of October, A. D.
Executors' Nothe to Creditors.
Notice is hereby giv ,n pursuant to sec 88 of
chap. 129, R. S. O., 189 , that all creditors and
others having claims a: ainst the estate of Alex-
ander Mitchell, late of he Town of Wingham
in the County of Hur • ., gentleman, deceased,
who died on or about he ninth day of hely,
1892, are required to end by post prepaid to
the undersigned Soli ., tor for the executors of
the said deceased, on . r before the first day of
November, 1006,their .hristian names and sur-
names, addressee a, • descriptions with full
GREGG.—Til London. on October 28th, Tames particulars of their aims and statements of
Grigg, father of Mrs, Wm. Hooper of Morrie, their accounts and t.. nature of the securities
aged 79 years. (if any) held by the .
Antitake notice th after the said 1st day of
November,1900, the s -eeutors will proceed to
distribute the assets 0 the deceased among the
parties entitled theret , having regard only to
the claims of'wbich th r shall then have notice,
and the said executorwill not be Rabid for
said assets or any par thereof, so distributed,
to any person or pers ns of whose claims they
had not notice at the ime of such distribution.
Wingham P. O ,
licitor for the Executors.
Dated this 9th day f October A. D., 1006.
HExrux nsox.—In Teeswater, on October 18th,
George Henderson, formerly of near White-
church, in his 79th year
For 8. S. No. 9, East Wawanosh, Professional
referred; male or female. Minimum salary
450.00. Dutiea commence January 3rd. App-
plcations (personal preferred) stating Wain -
cations, etc., received up to November 10th.
Sec'y-Treas, Box 182, Wiugham, Ont.
The undersigned offers for sale his property
at Gienannan in Turnberry Township, con-
taining five and a half acres. On the property
is a good brick house, good frame barn, stable
and blacksmith shop. This would make a
good home for a retired farmer. Get full par-
ticulars on the premises VID address
Glonannan, Ont.
Executors' Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0.,
1897, Chap. 129 Sec. 38, that all persons having
claims against the estate of James William
Linton, late of the Township of Tnrnby_fry in
the County- of Huron, farmer, dece
died on or about the Eleventh day Septem-
ber A. D., 1006, are required to t nd by post
prepaid or to deliver to . Vass one, Solicitor
for the Executors, on or efo the 28th day of
November A. D.. 1906, th it amen, addressee
and descriptions and a ft tatement of parti-
al ars of their cIms an the nature of the
security (if any) held by them duly certified
and that after the said day the Executors will
proceed to distribute the resets of the deceased
among the parties entitled thereto, having re-
tard only to the claims of which they shall
hen have notion.
Dated this 81st day of October A. D., 1906;
Wingham P. O.
Solicitor for the Executors
Lots 4 end 6, Concession 17, Howick Town-
ship, containing 200 acres, more or less, belong.
ing to the estate of the late John Ritchie. There
are about 166 acres cleared and balance in
swamp and wood land. The farm is under -
drained and fenced throughout. There are Oh
the premises a two story brick house with
atone foundation, brick kitchen and atone
woodshed, cement cistern, furnace, eta. There
is also a good frame barn with stone founds•
tion and stabling underneath; largo driving
shed, pig and hen houses. A dulled well with
plenty of water forded to house And stable by
a 16 ft. windmill on barn. Windmill also ueed
for chopping. This farm is located five miles
north of Gorki and three and a half milcs east
of the village of Belmote. Close to school, ate.
Any ono desiring a firbt•elass farm in aood
locality'at a reasonable price would do Well to
iavestiigate. Apply on the premises for full
particulars. THOMAS 12I9 G18IE,
Delmore P. 0,
TO MN. 1sT, 1003
POR $1,00.
After a most searching examination by the
Royal Commission of .
Assurance Co. of Canada
it was found that, during the past 15 years
creased $18,710,800 of insurance
197 954; force in-
from 3''rhe set $9 allfirst-chess—have grown
(3) The Cash Income increased from 5489.-
489:858 to $1,956,519;
(4)And the administrative expenses were
very low; the death losses very favorable;
there were no syndicate participations by of-
ficers; no bank or trust stocks on the books;
Hence best results to Policy -holders, who
alone participate in the profits.
It's not merely a question of
profit, but how to obtain the best
that theconntry produces and give
it to you At the least possible cost.
Just compare
r Ghristie's Specials
with the values obtained else-
9 The Beet Rolled°Oats .... .25
Pare Coffee, fresh ground .25
8 lbs WheatIets or Farina. ,25
Large Bar Laundry Soap. .10
These are only a few of the values.
Come and see the others
for yourselves,
— —
. Henry Christie
Grocer and China Merchant
Central Business College,
Enter any time. Twenty teachers,
One hundred and twenty Typewriting
Machines. Unexcelled facilities for
assisting graduates to positions.
Wiite for new Calendar.
W. H. SHAW, Principal.
Yonge & Gerrard Ste„ Toronto.
4he Leading Commercial
This school is recognized to be one
of the best Commercial Schools in -
America. You can safely judge a
school by the applications it receives.
This term we received applications
from firms in six large American cit-
ies and from far more towns and
cities of Canada, including Saskatoon,
Sask., on the west, and Charlotte-
town, P,E.I., on the east.
Our reputation means much for our
graduates. Write for our Catalogue.
Flour Mills
Bread made from our floor took
1st prize at Wingham Fall Fair.
This proves that our Flour is the
best that can be bought, You can
not all take lst prize, but -you can
all have good bread by using our
Flour, . Bring your wheat for
grieting, it is cheaper than buying
Flour. Take your choice of Five
Lilies, Prairie Rose, or Star,
Five Lilies flour, bl, $2.10 to $2.40
Prairie Rose " " 2.00 to 2.25
Star - " " 1.90 to 2.15
Cream Pastry FIour 1.80 to 2.05
Low grade Flour,ton 26.00 to 27.00
Bran, per ton - 16.00 to 18.00
Shorts, " - - 20.00 to 22.00
Screenings - 18.00 to 20.00
Chop - • 20.00 to 28.00
Winter Wheat, bus. .67 to .70
Goose " " .60 to .62
Manitoba " " .75 to .85
Goods delivered promptly to all
parts of the town.
Going Oct. 9th to Nov. Sth
To all points in Temagami, points
Mattawa to Port Arthur, to Sault Ste
Marie and Port Arthur via N. N. Co.,
to Georgian Bay and Lake Superior
pointe via N. N. Co. (to points on N.
N. Co, extra charge will be nxade for
meals and berths returning), to car.
tain Quebec points.
Going Oct. 25th to Nov. Sth.
To Penetang, Midland, Lakefield, all
points Severn to North Bay, Argyle
to Coboconk, Lindsay to Haliburton.
All points Madawaska to Depot Har-
bor. All points on Muskoka takes,
Lake of Bays, Magenetewan River.
Return Limit, Doe. 8, 1908
Por tickets and falx lri ormatioa
canon L. Harold, Depot Agent. J.
D. MODor8ArD, Diatrlot passenger
Agent, Toronto.
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000, Reserve Fund, $4,500,000'
13. E. WALKER, General Manag,.:r ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gent Manages,
A were! Banking business. transacted. Accounts may be opened and conducted by
mail with all branches of this Sank.
Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at
current rates. The depositor % subject to no delay what•
ever in. the withdrawal of the whole or any
portion of the deposit
Bargains Growing
Bigger Every Day
iiimmmominamoim A.T THE iswelmainisiNglineeisn
Gigantic Mosey -Saving Sale
(in the Carey Store)
We've Set the Pace
And this Sale will eclipse anything of the kind ever
held in Wingham.
Tremendous Rush.
We've had a tremendous rush of business every day
since the opening of our sale, and this week's prices will
bring larger crowds than ever. We are prepared for
heavy selling, and you can't afford to miss your share
of the bargains.
Just Now, When
Everyone needs many lines or warm wearing apparel for
fall and winter comfort, this Gigantic Money -Saving Sale
presents a glad opportunity to buyers, and appeals to your
'good judgment to act quickly and make y Jur purchases
from this store's abundance of high-class merchandise.
An Explosion in the Flannellette Depart-
• ment -- Prices Shattered.
We put on sale for quick buyers several hundred
yards of Mill End Flannellette, worth in the regular way
ioc per yard, Gigantic Sale price, per yard, 6 cents.
Bargains on every line of goods in the store.
Dress and Mantle Making— Tailor '- Made System,"
over the store.
'Wanted, And Taken Sante as Cash.
We `alit large quantities of Butter, Eggs, Poultry,
.Dried Apples, Onions and Potatoes. It will pay you to
bring them to us now and make from 15 to 5o per cent.
on your purchases.
T le Bee Hive Co.
Opposite Brunswick Hotel, i Winghatn, Ont,