HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-11-01, Page 6(S
-‘1401 �'',t,n4
. 1 At cwt. 4.e"
be paid to any
person who proves that
Sunlight Soap contains any
injurious chemicals or any
form of adulteration,
is better than other soaps,
but is best when used in
the Sunlight way.
Sunlight Soap contains
no injurious chemicals.
Sunlight Soap is pure
soap, scientifically made.
Every step in its manu-
facture is watched by an
expert chemist.
Sunlight Soap saves
labor, and the wear of
rubbing which common
soaps require in washing
Buy it and
5C• follow directions 5C.
Lever Brothers Molted, Toronto
For its whit: popelation, South Africa
is perhaps the greatest market in the
world for musical instruments. It
spends for them $1,030,000 a year, half
of which is for pianos.
Chapped Hands.
Wash your heads with warm water,
dry with a towel std apply Chamber-
lain's Salve just before going to bed, and
a speedy core Is certain. This salve is
also unequaled for skin diseases. For
sale by all druggists.
In Russia an extene ve domestic in-
dustry consists of the manufacture of
wooden spoons, of which as many as
30,000,000 are made annually. They are
nearly all of birch wood.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Auetria is the only empire in the
world which hos never had colonies,
or even trans -marine possessions, in any
quarter of the earth. Her ambition has
hitherto been continental.
Is tent direct to the diseased
•�j ` -�� paetss byhtuliemrpocvd sBhaerr
passages, sops droppings
in the
throat and petmanantly cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, or 1)r. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo.
Mrs. R. R. Brewer died very suddenly
at her home in Brussels Tuesday. even-
ing, Oct. 23rd. She had tea with the
wily at the usual hour and went up
to her room about 9 o'clock, and was
taken ill shortly after and died in less
to fifteen minutes. Death was due
is► a clot of blood affecting tho heart.
r Mother
Your Yale ones are r constant care in
1'sll end Whiter weather. They will
r aech cold. Do you know about Shiloh's
Commotion Curr, the Lung Tonic, stud
whet it has dere for so many ? it is said
re !ss the only reliable remedy for all
diseases of the tit passages in children.
It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to
lube, hiaguaranteed to cure or your money
is totomed. The price is 2Se. per bottle,
mid all clatters in taedieirte cell 3:4
TRE WING1tAl T1. N:S NOVEMBER, 1., 11406,
Kernels from the Sanctum Mill s`°g WEN
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
A. Montero editor, nothing that crops
of oats about Edmonton, Canada. were
yielding as high as 95 bnsbels to the acre,
took a firm grip of his pr n end etated
that a farmer in a fertile valley in Mon-
tana had this season threshed as high as
91l?•j bushels of oats per acre, and it
wasn't a good year for oats either.
Bilious Attack Quickly Cured.
A few weeks ago I had a bilious attack
that was so severe 1 was not able to go
to the office for two clays. Failing to
get relief from my family physician'.
treatment, I took three of Chamberlaia'a
Stomach and Liver Tablets and the next
day I telt like a new man -H. C. Bailey.
Editor of the News, Chapin, S. 0. These
tablets are for sale by all druggists.
That the prople of Wentworth are en-
jnyiug good times, as well as the rest of
Canada, is apparent, says the Dundas
Star, from the fact that not a single par-
cel of land will this year be advertised
by the county treasurer for sale on ac-
count of the nonpayment of the taxes,
every charge having been met.
When the tip of a dog's nose is cold
and moist, that dog is not sick. A
feverish dry nose means sickness with a
clog. And so with the human line. Dry
cracked and colorless lips mean feverish -
nese, and are as well i11 appearine. To
have beautiful, pink, velvet-like lips, ap-
rly at be.:time a loath - at of Dr. Shoop's
Green Salve, It will soften and heal
any skin ailment. Get a free, trial box
at our store, and be convinced. Large
nickel capped glass jars, 25 cents.
On information laid by Inspector As-
quith, at Clinton, A Smith was fined
$50 and costs for allowing liquor to be
sold on Sunday; P. Lewis was fined $10
and costs for acting ad bar -tender with-
out a license, and A. Scott was also fin-
ed $10 and costs for allowing him to do
so; the cases were heard by Police Mag-
istrate Andrews.
In Time of Fence.
In the first month of the Russia -Japan
war we had a striking example of the
necessary for preparation and the early
advantage of those who, so to speak,
"have shingled their roofs in dry
weather." The virtue of preparation
has made history and given ne our great-
est men. The individual as well as the
nation should be prepared for any emer-
gency. Are you prepared to success-
fully combat the first cold you take? A
cold can he cured much more quickly
treated as soon as it has been contracted
and before it has become settled in the
system. Chamberlain's Cough remedy
is famous for its cures of colds and it
should be kept at hand ready for instant
use. For sale by all druggists.
In felling a large tree some days ago in
Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England, a
bird's nest containing four eggs was die.
covered inclosed in a hollow near the
heart of the trunk. The sap rings sho-
ed that nearly a century has elapsed
since tho eggs were laid, and It was ob-
vions that the hollow had closed auto-
matically. The eggs were intact, but
slightly faded.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
eeparated and refined into a perfect
Dough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
A well known comedian one day while
fulfilling an engagement in Dublin, was
walking with his wife, a remarkably
stout lady, when an Irishwoman with a
basket brushed rudely against her. "Yon
had better walk over me," said the come-
dian's wife, irritably. The Irishwoman
turned round, coolly surveyed her from
head to foot, and then replied, "Faith,
mum, it would be easier to walk over ye
than around ye, anyway !"
Cl .A- EA T ISt- S XS...
ears the lllo Kind You Have Always Bole
There died in Ashfield, on October
10th, 1900, James McConnell, at the ripe
old age of 74 years. Deceased was born
in the Township of Lowden in 1832.
In the year 1857 he married Sarah Jane
Martin, who predeceased him eleven
yearn, moving to Ashfield in 1872. 1Io
had lived in this township till the time
of his death. Mr. McConnell was a tnati
of quiet and unassnming manner, a
Methodist in religion and a staunch
Conservative in politics.
For Over Alrtty Teat..
An old and Well-Tried•Itemedy--Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been need
for over sixty years by millions of moth-
ers for their children while teething, Bilious
with perfect suceees. It eoothea the ColicC
The death of Mr. 'Henry Eirktneir, oo-
currt d rather t-uodeel;; Wednesday
mornit:g, O, t 24th. Mr. Eickmeir bas
not been ex jeein,,r robust health for
some time. and on Tuesday morning he
took a partial stroke of paralyets, and
gradually sank until the end came De-
ceased was about seventy years old, and
has been a retii'ie:_t of Carrick for over
forty years, moving to Mildmay last
Children are often attaoked suddenly
by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea Dysoutery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantam, oto. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sure care which should always be
kept in the house.
Accordiog to United States Govern.
tenet returns 38,000,000 bunches of ban-
anas were imported into tho United
States for the fisc 1 year euding 1905.
The declared value of those bhnanae as
given on their entry into America, taken
from the invoices at port of shipment,
averaged 25 cents a bench. The selling
price of the same bananas is about $1.60,
thus showing that the banana trust has
about $60,000,000 annually for trans-
portation and profit.
A reliable medicine and one that
should always be kelt in the home for
immediate use is Chamberlain's Cough
Remeoy. It will prevent the attack if
given as soon as the child become hoarse,
or even after the croupy cough appears.
For sale by all druggists.
. Mr. W. C. Kidd lost three valuable
horses in a fire at Listowel Tuesday
night, Oct. 23rd, one a Belgian, and two
Olydes. The stallions were in au iso-
lated frame stable not far from his large
barns. The stable was in a blaze when
discovered, and there was no chance of
releasing the animals. The horses for-
med part of Mr. Kidd's stook, and he
was on the point of having them shipped
out of sale. His loss is partly covered
by insurance with Lloyd's.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo t
Luoau bounty, ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doiug business in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore-
said, and that said firm will pay the sum
o' One Hundred Dollars for eaoh and
every ease of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and eubecribed in
my presence , this 6th day of December,
A. D., 1886.
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken internal-
ly, and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system, Send
for teetimoniala free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists, 75o.
Take Hall's Family Pills for Consti-
The last act of the unfortunate char-
ivari case was the trial at Goderich of
Matthew Mc0reight for the shooting of
Joseph Hussey. There were two,counts,
one for shooting with intent to do griev-
ous bodily harm, and the second for un-
lawfully wounding. Judge Doyle re-
turned a conviction against McCreight
for unlawfully wounding and sentenced
him to three months in jail. Crown
Attorney Seager prosecuted, and the
prisoner was defended by Wm Proud -
foot, K. C., and G. F. Blair.
Preventics, as the name implies, pre-
vent all Colds and Grippe when "taken
at the sneeze stage," Preventics are
toothsome can- y tablets. Preventics
dissipate all colds quickly, and taken
early. When yon first feel that a cold
is Doming, they check and prevent them.
Preventics are thoroughly safe for child-
ren, and are as effectual for adults. Sold
and recommended in 5 cent and 25 cent
boxes by Walley's drug store.
The world's production of raw silk
amounts to more than 61,000,000 pounds
annually with a greater aggregate value
than the American cotton crop, Of
this amount China produces over one-
half, followed by Japan with a produc-
tion of somewhat less than one fourth
the total, while the remainder is secured
from India, Stam, Persia, Turkey,
Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal,
the Balkan States and other countries.
I- China, also, is the greatest consumer,
while the United States, with a produc-
tion as yet too email to figure in trade
report's and statistics, ranks second.
child, softens the gurus, allays all pain,
for diarrhoea. It le pleasant to the taste,
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five conte a bottle. Ifs
value ie incalcu1able, Be sure you ask
for Mrs 'Window's Soothing Syrup, and! t i0 Srst indfcattoa et themdlsgenwn arpeai ,
take xto Other kind. , >a'or sale by druggists everywhere,
euree wind Colic, and is the host remedy Quick relief is afforded by
Clhamberiain s Collo, Cholera
and fiarrhoesti Iternedy�.
It never fatly and Is pleasant and sate
to take.
'I'h0 attack may be warded off by taking
donbl0 dose of tuts re e
Thousands Find the Way Bask to
Bealtti Through Ferrozone.
No need for so many sick girls and
Their ills are curable if they give them
proper treatment
Nutrition must be supplied, blood
moat be enriched, nerves strengthened,
stud addttional power given to dtgestiou.
Ferrozone does this and more; it cures
such oases as Mrs N. E. Peabody, of
Trenton. She was a wreck, -never
thought medicine was made that could
restore her,yet Ferrozone was successful.
Arnong her troubles were:
Headaches, Weariness,
Nervouenees, Weakness,
Palnitariou, Loss of ft, eh,
Dizzy spells, Pour appetite,
"I w s stricken with r ervcns d'eepse
of the heart and stomach. Violent head-
aches made life a torture. I was so ner-
vous and weak I oonld scarcely walk.
Work was impossible. 1. couldn't eat or
digest anything. When oompletelyt
wrecked Fere ozone restored me. Tee day
I am vigorous and strong and web."
It you lack power of either mind dr
body it's an evidence you need Ferro-
If you have nervous spells, feeling of
weakness in the limbs, tiredness in the
morning, Ion are epete of cure with For-
Think of it, Ferrozone gives back the
energy of youth, restores vital stamina
and creates a surplus of vigor simply
b -cause it supplies the concentrated
nourishment your system needs. 50o
per box or six for $2 50 at dealers.
Vast ea is the production of the forests
of the Parti to northwest, the annual out
amounts in broad measure to only twice
as much as the anneal consumption of
timber for railroad ties alone in the
United States. About 200 railroad ties
is the average yield of forest per acre
and to replace worn out ties and lay new
track for one year means the stri ping
of 500,000 acres of American forest.
Bridge timbers, telegraph poles, eto ,
swell this demand to 1,000,000 acres of
forest, cut down each year to maintain
American railroad=• -Outing.
The new Pure Food and Drag Law
will mark it on the label of every Cough
cure containing Opium, Chloroform, or
any other-stupifying or poisonous drug,
But it passes Dr, Shoop's Cough Cure as
made for 20 years, entirely fres. Dr.
Shoop all along hos bitterly opposed the
use of all opiates or narcotics. Dr.
Shoop's Cough Cure is absolutely safe
even for the youngest babe -and it aures,
it does not simply suppress. Gat a safe
and reliable Cough Cure, by simply in-
sisting on having Dr. Shoops's. Let the
Law be your protection. We cheerfully
recommend and sell it. Walley's drug
The custom of -drinking tea was prao•
tically unknown among natives up to
twelve years ago. Government servants
werethefirst to be taken up, and it is at
present in somewhat of this class. Grad-
ually its use extended to village land-
lords, and even to the mere well -to do
cultivators and village officers, especial-
ly within the last three years, the ex-
ample of railway irrigation employes
having materially assisted its introduc-
tion. Some cultivating castes have a
special liking for it and drink it even
three or four times a des. -India World.
As a spring medicine Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Duncan Graham, carpenter, who bas
been lingeriug to the Guelph General
Hospital for nearly two weeks from in-
juries to hie apise by fulling from a
building, is dead .
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Siok
headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
The badly d000mpo:ad body of Dun-
can McPhee, farmer, res. ding near Ale-
feldt, Ont., who has beenmissing from
home for two weeke, has been found in
a bash near tl.ft;tn
Beare the
of The Kind You Have Always Boughs
The township of Colborne is in a pe-
culiar predicament regarding its Grater -
id: and Guelph Railway debentures. A
bonus of $61,000 was granted thereto,
under a by-law passed by the electors,
and debentures wore issued according-
ly. When these were offered for sale it
was die:overed that in some way, the
words "eaoh and every year" had been
aocidently omitted from the by-law, and
no one would buy the debentures, not
even private iutlividnals to whom they
were personally offered. How to rectify
the matter is the problem, and until this
is done the debentures are valveless.
Someone suggests the submission of an-
other by-law, but it is doubtful if it
could be carried,
Piles quickly anti positively cured
with Dc. Shoop's Magic Ointment. It's
made for P les alone -stud it does the
work surely and wi. h satisfactiop. Itch-
ing, painful, protruding or blend piles
disappear like magic by its use. Large
Nickel Capped jars, 50 cents. Sold and
reoonlmended by Walley 'is drug store.
Mr, John Shobrook, of the gravel road
north of Clinton, passed away on Thurs-
day evening, Oct. 18, after a lingering
illness of many months, in which he
was a great sufferer, from cancer of the
bowels. He was born in Burington
parish, near Barnstable, Devonshire,
England, nod came to this country in the
year 1853. He stayed in Ohiuguaconsy
the first year, the next year coming to
Hallett with his parents, when the conn -
try was a perfect wilderness, After
staying in Hallett one winter ho wont to
Georgetown, where he remained for
three years, after which he returned to
Hallett, where he remained until his
death. He and his brother Thomas
ohopped the first fallow on the John Lee
farm, just east of Londesboro,
Disorders of Digestion.
"We have kept Dr. Chore's Kidney
Liver Pills in the house as a family
medicine for years and find them the
most satisfactory of any remedy we can
set. I can personally recommend them
to anyone suffering from kidney and liv-
er derangements and stomach troubles."
Mrs James W Belyea, Belyea's Cove,
Queens Co., N B.
There are thirty insane people in
-every ten thousand of the popalation of
Canada The total number of lunatics
in the ass Tums of the Dominion is 16,495.
According to national origin, the per-
centage of insane in Canadian Asylums
is, English 7, Irish 6, Scotch 4, French
9, German 1, other nations 2. The cool
temper of the Germaus is in this table
strikingly contrasted with the irritability
of the French, as a cause of insanity.
Ontario furnishes fully more than its
proportion of crazy people, The figures
for the several Provinces are, Ontario
6,416; Quebec, 3,671; Nova Scotia 539;
New Bruuswiok 716; Manitoba 638;
British Columbia 406; Prince Edward
Island 253. -
Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, infiamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
dtseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
An event of more than passing interest
was the banquet given at the Colborne
Honest, Goderieh, to Major Joseph Beck,
by his friends in Goderieh, Major Jos.
eph Beck comes by his military rank by
long and faithful service in the 33rd
Enron Regiment in the position of
quarter -master, from which he retired
not long ago. He was for twelve years
a member of Colborne township council,
wag Reeve of the game, and in 1801 be-
came warden of the county of Huron.
In 1898 he was a candidate for parlia-
mentary honors, twice, in fact, Mr. Gar-
•rovte's opponent in West Enron. For a
short time he has been living in Toronto,
where he is engaged in the civil service,
and the banquet was an expression of re-
gret from friends of'lloth parties at his
departure from the community for a
more extended period. A number of
toasts were made, and an interesting
feature wag the presentation to Major
Beck of a handsome gold -headed cane
and a purse of gold.
When sewing buttons ou to a garment
of heavy material where they will have
to bear some strain, lay a pin across the
button so that the threads go over the
pin. When you have filled the holes
draw out the pin, pull the button tight,
and wind the thread round unci round to
form a stem to sustain the pulling.
The proper use of onions is one of the
most salient features of good cooking -
So many people so thoroughly dislike
any evid nee of them and yet would con.
eider any savory dish prepared without
them -very tasteless. The onions should
be quartered under water, and then
squeezed, the juice alone being used.
This will impart the flavor without leave
ing visible particles.
There are three periods of a woman's life
when she is in need of the heart strength-
ening, nerve toning, blood enriching
action of
The first of these is when the young girl
is entering the portals of womanhood. At
this time she is very often pale, weak and
nervous, and unless her health is built up
and her system strengthened she may fall
it prey to consumption or bo a weak woman
for life.
The second period is motherhood. Tho
drain on the system is great and the ex-
hausted nerve force and depleted blood
require replenishing. Milbnrn's Heart and
Nerve Pills supply the elements needed to
do this.
The third period is "chane of life" end
this is tiro period when alto is most liable
to heart and nerve troubles.
A tremendous change is taking place in
the system, and it is at this time many
chrome diseases manifest thameelves.
Fortify the heart and nerve system by the
'use of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and
thus tide over this dangerous period. Mrs.
James King, Cornwall, Ont., writes : 'r1
have boon troubled very much with heart
trouble -the cause being to a great extent
duo to "change of life." I have Bonn taking
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for aopte
time, and mean to continuo doing eo, for I
can truthfully say they aro the best remedy
I have ever used for building up the system.
"you are at liberty to nee this Statement
for the benefit of other sufferers."
Price tib cents per box, three boxes for
$1.25, all dealers, or The T. Milburn Co.,
Lialtoda Toronto, Ont.
- TO
Fewer Working Parts
than any other
First Class Machine.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••0•••••
• 0
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