HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-11-01, Page 5i
COls_l'RIGt1TCD HUM l9WMDC5C3.19Q5
Be careful or you
styles put on you
Duty !
You owe yourself an over-
coat that's right --the over-
coat that's right owes you
proper protection and wear.
But you will not find that
"right kind" of overcoat
everywhere. You'll certain-
ly not find it if you shop at
random - if you patroni..e
most any kind of a clothing
store most anywhere -if you
jump at the first reduced
price advertised --if you rush
into a store and rush out,
buying the first c at shown
you. To procure that "right
kind" of overcoat you must
go to the right store that
confines its advertising to
facts that invites investiga-
tion and comparsion.. ,If
you will consider these
points, we believe that you
will leave your overcoat
money here. We have
nothing old or shopworn to
show you.
Our overcoats range in
price from $6.00 to $18 00
and your money goes back
if the coat goes wrong -
but it won't.
will have one of last season's
BOYS' OVERCOATS. -We aro showing all the season's best in
styles in °yoroo.te for boys°. We have all the natty designs
in short and long lengths, sizes 21 to 33 ohest. Prices $2 75 to $7.50
MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS -We have just received a sprinkling
of new patterns in fall snits which we will clear out at
bargain prices
We have a large stook of Fars now on hand which were bought right,
this season's goods right from the faotory not been laid in store all summer -
good clean stock. ,
Men's Coon Coats, Men's Black Dog Coats,
Men's Black Calf Coats Men's Wallaby Coats,
Splendid choice in Fur Lined Coats at a bargain this week.
The R. H. CROWDER co�
Mr. P. R. Jarvis, who was Mayor of
Stratford for a number of years is dead.
Mr. James Cowan has been awarded
•a contract for 1,000,000 ties, 6,000,000
-feet of logs and 300,000 feet of piling for
•the Canadian Northern Railway.
Building permits to date for the cur-
rent year in Winnipeg smoant to $11,-
Mr. Alexander Warden has resigned
the Treaearership of the Presbyterian
Charoh in Oenede, Western Saotion.
For the Fall Trade.
Undertaking-As in the past, we
;♦ give our prompt and personal
• attention whenever our services
♦ are required. Any ]tour -night
• or day.
S. Gracey has a very fine assortment of new and up-to-
date Furniture, in
Sideboards, Buffets, Bedroom Suits,
Parlor and Extension Tables, Couches,
Mattresses, Spring Beds, etc., etc.
It you want anything in the Furniture line this fall, before you bay come
and see what we have. We will be pleased to show our goods. We
thick we have something that will be to your liking,
and at very reasonable prices.
If you want one of the best Spring Beds that is made, try the "HERCULES"
SPRING. We have them, they are the best for the money. You
can try them for a month, and if not satisfactory return them.
We have a few pieces of CARPJUTS and a few FLOOR RUGS
(Art Squares) to clear out at a prion.
Furniture Dealer and Practical Undertaker
We have a most oomplete and varied line of
Waist Sets,
Gold and Silver Brooches,
A complete line of
Enameled and Sterling Silver
Souvenir Jewelery
1t' "Fine watch and jewelery repairing promptly at-
tended to.
KAISER, the Jeweler
G. W. Turvey disposed of a 100 aere
farm, Nh. Lot 21, Qon. 8, to Joe. H.
Sellers, the price being $4,405, He gets
possession on the first of March. Mr.
Turvey had the farm 14 years, buying it
from John Elliott, of Molesworth, Mr.
Turvey has another farm on the next
line where he resides.
Wallace Eaton has moved into the
house lately vacated by A. E. Brad win,
Reeve Sloan chipped a car of export
oattle to the old Country last week,
Reeve Sloan had Mr. Cantelon's apple
packers of Clinton, packing apples in his
large orchard, where they will have
over 200 barrels.
Wm Brown, a well known (satloon, ar-
rived back from the West where he has
been spending a couple of months vieit-
ng relatives and friends. He showed
The Standard two large potatoes, weigh-
ing 4 lbs. grown on his nephew's farm,
Robt. Brown, at Killarney, Man.
Wlaen That Cold Comes.
How is it to be cured? This method
is simplicity itself. Rub the chest and
throat well with Nerviline, use it as
a gargle and take some in hot water be -
for retiring along with one of Dr.
Hamilton's Pills. Next morning finds
you refreshed, free from oold and bright
as a dollar. These household remedies
are wonderfully successful, and certain-
ly won't fail in your case, For sale at
all dealers,
Mr. McBride is visiting friends in the
• Mrs. Wm. Hawke has returned from
the West where she has been visiting'
for the past three months,
Thanksgiving services were conduct
ed by Rev. W. J, West, M. A. in Eadies'
Presbyterian Chnroh on the afternoon of
Thanksgiving day. A collection in the
neighborhood of forty dollars was taken
tip for missions.
The young people of the Eadies'
Church intend giving a sacred concert
and box social on Thursday evening, 1st
November, when an excellent program
of music, singing and recitations will be
rendered by the Blnevale Presbyterian
Church choir and others. Everybody
is welcome.
A Boston schoolboy was tall,
weak and sickly.
His arms were soft and flabby.
He didn't have a strong muscle in his
entire body.
The physician who had attended
the family for thirty years prescribed
Scott's Emulsion.
To feel that boy's arm you
would think he was apprenticed to a
ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c. AND $1.00.
A Case In Nest Arlahat.
Mrs. A, P. Ferguson, a well known
Cape Bretoner has oared asthma by"Ca-
tarrhozone." Her statement is convinc-
ing: "Although I was troubled for _
years it was only recently I tried Catarr-
hozone. When an attack started I got
out my inhaler and invariably got quick
relief. Feeling satisfied Catarrhozone
would cure, I continued the treatment
till one bottle was finished. I didn't usl,
more because I was oared and the asthma
has never returned." Catarrhozone is
sure death to asthma and bronchitis
Try it and be convinced. Two sizes, 25
cents and $1 at all dealers.
Thomas Pybus is visiting friends on
the 16th con. He is from Souris, Man ,
and was at one time a resident. He
is a welcome visitor.
We are sorry to hear of the illness of
of the little son of Walter Pennington,
14th con , but hope a change for the
better will soon ensue. The trouble is
of a paralysis diaraoter.
Dr, W. E. Bryans, of Toronto, spent a
conp'e of days Iately under the parental
roof, before going to Parry Sound die-
triot, where he will practice until the
Geo. A. Laing, has been home on a
visit, at Ethel, from Sohlvervtlle, Wis-
consin, where he has been for the past
17 years. He is a successful butter mak-
er and hes done well in Wisconsin. The
country evidently agrees with him as he
tips the„scale at 190 pounds. Besides
visiting his parents and his sisters,
Mrs. W. Hoy and Mrs. J. N. Lamont, of
Grey, he called on friends in Tnrnberry.
He loaves for the West this week after a
three weeks' holiday here. His many
old friends wish him prosperity.
Pity The Busy Office Mau.
Ile feels half dead, a sense of nausea,
headache and nerve strain. He is on the
verge of breakdown through overwork
and lack of exercise. These difficulties
are best overcome by Dr. Hamilton's
Pills, which make the bowels active,
stimulate kidneys and liver and thereby
free the system of impurities.
To revitalize and stimulate your whole
being, to shake off lethargy and tiredness,
nothing compares with Dr. Hamilton's
Pills which do make good look, good
spirits, good health. Sold every-
verywhere in 250 boxes.
Mrs, Banton of Bervie is visiting her
sister, Mrs. J. D. King.
Mrs. Robert King, of Goderioh, is vis;
iting friends in the village.
Mr. Jamieson and daughter, of God-
erieh have become residents of the vill-
age, also Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thomas.
Union Thanksgiving R-rvices were i
held in the Methodibt Church on the
morning of Thanksgiving day when Rev
W. J. West, M. A., of the Presbyterian
Ohnrch gave a very instrnottve and
helpful discourse.
The annual meeting of the Bible
44,:;1 t+:co. oh hold .iI :Ywo iE,.,,.edn,rrJ,o Li,, .1. ,.1 iii i. MIagla i
Heating or Cooking SiovesWOOD OR CO IL'
We can save yqn from $2 00 to $5 00 on a stove. We need your money
and will give you good value. Bargains in Second -Hand Stoves.
Bishop & Ball.
Inuictas Shoes
For Men
In the newest shapes, made from the best
materials, perfect fitting, and guaranteed to give
the best of satisfaction in every particular.
Also very fine lines of Ladies', Misses' and
• Children's Shoes.
Robbers, Overshoes, Robber Boots, etc ,
a great variety to chocse from, at very moderate
�. Johnston
Society took place in the Presbyterian
Church on Sabbath evening, 14th Oat.
The speakers were Rev. Mr. Baker and
Rev. Mr. West, both of whom gave very
suitable addresses.
The thank offering meeting of the
Missionary Society was held on Sabbath
morning in the Presbyterian Church.
Mr. West, the pastor, preached an ex-
cellent disaotvse from the words, "1
have not concealed the words of the
Holy one.' A good offering Was made by
the friends of the society.
A tiardcase Overcome.
No longer necessary to suffer from
muscular rheumatism. Every case own
be cured. Ferrozone is unfailing as
proved by Davit Jahneton of Ormond,
Ont. "My wife wasadreadfnl suffer-
er" he writes 'Tor two years she could
scarcely do any work. Her knuckles and
joints swelled, causing tortue. To get
up or down stairs was impossible. She
took box after box of Ferrozoue and
rubbed the sore places with Nerviline.
Improvement started and eh ' mended
fast. To day she is quite oared and we
thane Ferrozone for her rec very." No
remedy more popular with .l 'ctors than
Ferrozone; it does cure, 50 . per box at
all dealers.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the Manse at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday
Oct, 10th, when Mr. John McRae and
Miss Jennie S. McKay, both of Culross,
were united is v edlock. The Rev. Mr.
Established 1879
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cresolene Is a boon to Asthmatics
hoes it not seem more effective to breathe in n
remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs
than to take the remedy into the stomach?
It cures because the air rendered strongly anti.
septic is carried over the diseased surface with
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat.
stent. It is invaluable to mothers with small
°° e
tendency find Immediate est
relief from coughs or in. t.�
(lamed conditions of the •
Sold by druggists.
Send postal for booklet.
Litman, Mttx_s Co.,
Limited, Agents, Mont.
real, Canada. goq
Tait officiated, and there were pres en
the necessary witnesses only. Mr. and
Mrs. McRae are making their home on
the 3rd concession of Culross.
The home of Dr. and Mrs. Geo. S.
Fowler, Brownlee St , was the scene of
qaiet wedding oa Tuesday, the 23rd of
O,;tober. At 12 o'clock D.,011 on that
date his sister, Miss Helen Fowler, bo-
oame tl19 kife Of Mr Charles cetera'
of Columbus, Kansas. The }rev. Donald
Tait officiated in the presence of a few
invited gueste. The bride, who wore a
gown of grey silk, was given away by
her brother, Dr. Fowler. There were
no attendants. After dejeuner Mr. and
Mrs Paterson left for their home in
Columbus the bride taking with her a
number of nine presents, tokens of re -
regard from friends here.
Mr, Thos. Kew is re -opening his har-
ness shop here and Mr. S. Marshall, who
is a practical may will have charge.
Repairing of all kinds will be promptly
A happy event took place at the home
of Mr. H. D. Henderson on Wednesday
of last week, when his daughter Miss
Jean, was united in wedlock with Dr.
Jemieson. The TIMES extends hearty
Mr. John Gordon, formerly of near
Langside, is home after spending a good
summer in the Hanley, Sask. country.
He says that the farm land boom is still
in full awn :g in that part of the prov-
ince. Land that a year ago sold at
$8 to $10 per acre is now held at $t8 to
$20, and sales of raw prairie are now
actually being made at these figures.
We last week recorded the death of
of Mr. George Henderson at Teeswater,
who formerly resided near here. At the
same time we mentioned the serious ill•
nets of her aged partner in life. He
died on Thursday, Oct. 18th in his 79th I
year. Both from a natural wearing out
of the the constitution. A doable funer-
al took place when they were laid side
by side in the Teeswater cemetry. The
religious services were conducted by
Revs. Wilson and Crossley. The ol
couple came to this country thirty-five
years ago from Helmsdale, Scotland and
had lived in Teetwater for ten years
They were the parents of two sot's and
four daughters, all of whom survive.
Cut = Price Sale
Twenty Thousand Dollars
Worth of New Goods
to Choose From.
Move Quick - We Can Save You Money. -- Come in
the morning if possible.
A lot of Mill Ends to clear. Regular
value 10c and 12ao. Your choice
per yard - .07
Your choice of the best Crams Prints
only - - - .10
Children's Coats to clear
Hose ....
10 dozen Seamless Ribbed Cashmere
Hose, worth 35o. nn sale at .25
A line of
Men's Heavy Wool Shirts and Draw-
ers, worth 65c, sale price .50
Ladies' New Silk Collars, just in.
regular 350, your choice .25
Dress Goods
Pretty Plaids, double wi I h, regu'ar
35c goods on sale for - .25
5 dez, Children's Black Ribeed Cash-
mere Hose, all woo , good value
at 20c, our cut price • .15
Union Carpet, worth 341e,
- 1$
36 inch
Men's Heavy Mole Overalls, while
they last, only - .75
Table Linen
Extra Heavy Wide Table Linen, 50c
quality for - - t.0
Lace Curtains
12 pairs Fine .Lace Ourtains, 3} yds
long, good value at $t 00, sale
price -- .75
Heavy Japan Matting, 1 yard wide,
fritder NQ9, 'f9r - •1+
- Ribbons
All colors in Wide Silk Neck Ribber..
250 quality for - - .20
20o quali y for - - .15
10 pieces new Plaids, all fast colors,
nice quilt liniugs, sale prioe .05
Gray or White Flannellette Blankets,
your choice - - - .7.5
Golf Jackets
Lanier' Golf Jackets, pure wool, in
white, black, navy and cardinal;
cheap at $2 25, they go at 81.69
20 pieces Wide Flannellette, new pat-
terns, fast colore, worth 7o and
8o, for - .O5
Mon's Heavy Black Overcoats, new
style, well made, regular vait.e
$8 00, on sale at - $6.50
Boys' Suits, sizsa 33, 34. 35, regular
five dollar value, on sale .$3.75
Dress Goods.
A line of Fancy Flake Dress Goods
to clear, regular 51 00, for .50
Baking Powder
1 -pound tins of Art Baking Powder,
withgraniteware premium worth
500 to 60c; your choice for .41
No. 1 Uncolored Japan Tett, good
baying at 25o, our prioe '- .20
Ladies' Black Cleth L.Lcleets, lined,
regular six and seven dollar value
for - - 85.00
Extra heavy Linen Towelling, worth
10c, for - - •.0$
Men's heavy Wool Socks, regular 25c
value for - . 20
A lot of Men's ytlk Ties, new pat-
terns, worts 25o, on s;t'e at ,19
R gular Dollar Table Napkins, nice
Size, for - .75
Numerous other lines at cut prices we haven't room to
quote here. Come and see ; it will pay you.
No tickets punched or coupons given during Sale.
H E Isard AI Co.,
ss1111.erg/..i,��.•.......E1.;ritsi.wdc..A.c a.k('i''d:.';TG ia, ur;e•�••--
wovvvvvvwwvvvvvvvvvvyvvv Iftn.inn,^n tnonnevvAn,nn,nAnn+'w"
Your Paper
and that B .st of all Weeklies
B 0 T H
And with the Family Herald and Weekly Star 'rill be included the most
beautiful picture (-v.a given to uewspaner readers It is a gray are 22x29 inched
entitled "A. TUG OF WAR " It is easily worth a two d lilts- 1111.
The Weisman Tratgs will snnply all lanai news. markete, social happen-
Ings, etc , oto., and the Family Herald and Weekly Star will give you a com-
bination of the gr atest weekly m10 epteper cover ng every portion of the globe, :
a great family magazine, far en:TeeKintr env of the Englieh or Amt+risen
magazines in interesting fatuity reading, and without doubt the best farmer's
paper on the continent. No palter printed in the English language gives its
readers such big valne as the leamtily herald and Weekly Star. Sample copies
of the beautiful picture may .e seen at this office.
Call or send your subscription to ' THE TIMES, Wingham.