HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-11-01, Page 3IIIIIMINIMINMEMIMMEmmismitsmisimo 1)o you know you can buy Red Rose Tea at the same pri,e as other teas? Then, why not? "is good tea" Prices -25, 3o, 35, 4o, 5o and 60 cts. per ib. in lead packets T. H. ESTABROOKS, BT, JOHN, N. B. WiNN$P O. TORONTO. • WELLINGTON WT., E. Silver does not often regnfre polishing with powder if it is rubbed up with a cloth every day after washing Prepar- ed chalk IS ol,u of the bebt thing' for cleaning it. CIothes may bo boiled In a rusty boiler without harm if first plaood in a bag. Stove polish applied with turpentine makes a brighter polish and cue apt to lent longer, •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••,a•••••••••••,•••••.4 • • • • �CAL1 • • • : We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, Is which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and s Z Domestio Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. • • • Wecarry a LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH • • • 2 full stook of • • ,Dressed or vnEtressedli • •Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. • i • g" Highest Price paid for all kinds of Lugs. "I 4 • •• JiA • • Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44. i► •••••••••••••••••••a•••••• ••••4••••••••••••••••00004 • The Pandora Thermometer The thermometer on the Pandora range oven means precisely in ac- curacy to the cook what the square and compass mean to the draftsman. Without the square and compass the draftsman would have to work en- tirely by guess, just as you do without an ac- curate and reliable thermometer on your oven. The Pandora thermometer reduces cooking to an exact science. You know precisely how much heat you,have and what it will do in a given time. It is one of the small things which makes the Pandora so much different and better than common ranges McCtayk Pan.or Range .11110 .ca w. i.Irlla.uS.JJ.{4.1 Warehouses anal Factories s 1 London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B., Hamilton YOUNG- & McBURNEY • SOLE AGENTS. "Let the GOLD DUST TWINS de your work" 0 SIMPLY WONDERFUL is the Work which GOLD DUST accomplishes. All labors look alike to the t3rold bust Twins. + They clean floors and doors, sinks and chinks—go from cellar to attic --and leave only brightness behind. Get acquainted with Go/d Oust washing Powder O'T'HER amour., ubbb r actors, washinit elothet end dishes, thett,tfiir wood-- USES ood-USES FOR Work. oil doth, silverware and tinware polishing belles work( COLD DUST 111 alea0sinZ bath room, l,ipes.etee, and making the fiMtt tett snag. Mode by THE w it. FXIR13ANtt: COMPANY, Montrea), P. O. -410,r' of N'AIllY' i0XP. 001,13 DUST makes bard wafer *aftIA, THE WINGIIAM MMES, NOVEMBER 1 t'.rlw HiNTS FOR THE HOUSEWIFE k fit' f 1111' Sherbet need instead of baking powder for making Mad eria or Beed cake will give them a delieiens flavor. TO clean the ripe of the scullery bink add a teaspoonful of powdered ammonia to two tablespoonfuls of soda, and poor over it a gallon of boiling water. This will dissolve any grease in the sink. A carpet sweeper cannot; do efficient work unless its brash be kept clean, Be- ing ant of sight, this is scmetimes ne- glected, It should, however, frequent- ly be itself brushed with a whisk broom and also cleaned with water. Lace that premises not to bear aA ne- ceeeaxy washing can be based on some thin material and than cleaned with better chances of emcees, HARMFUL STOMACH DCSM No Need of it When Hyomei Ie Used to Cure Catarrh. Physicians and scientists agree that the less medicine one swallows the bet- ter. It is iu keeping with this idea that Hyomei is recommended by leading physicians throughout this and other catarrhal sections, When this treatment is used in catarr- hal troupes, there is no stomach dosing, for the medicine is taken in with the air you breathe, and goes right to the spot where the catarrhal germs are present, healing the inflamed and irritated muc- ous membrane, killing the disease germs and entering the blood with oxygen, driving all catarrhal germs from the spa tem. Do not try to cure catarrh- of the head by putting medicine into your stomach, this ie neither a scientific nor common- sense treatment. Breathe the healing balsams of Hyomoi and in a few days you wi.l notice relief, and its continued use will result in a complete and lasting OUTS. •The complete Hyomei outfit costs but $1.00, extra bottles, it needed, 50 ciente. We do not want anyone's money unless Hyomei gives relief and euro, and we absolutely agree that money will be re- funded unless the remedy gives satisfac- tion.. All druggists should be able to supply you with Hyomei or we will send it by mail on reoeipt of price, and every pack. age is sold with the distinct understand• ing that it costs nothing unless it cures. Write us to -day for a symptom blank, which we will send you free, together with treatise on Catarrh and how to cure it, When you fill in and return to us the symptom blink, our consulting phy- sician will give your case the best care and attention, and write you a letter of advice without charge. The R T. Booth Company, Buffalo, N. Y. It's a profitless task trying to lay up other people's treasures in heaven. He who seeks out the suffering never needs to worry as to whether he is walking with the Saviour. A man never spends his money more foolishly than when he gives the Lord a dime looking to get back a dollar. The Youth's Companion in 1907. The Youth's Companion announces amens the attractions of its 52 issues in 1907 Two HUNDRED practical papers, serviceable to young people who have their way to make in the world, helpful in their insistence on worthy ideals in every relation of life, useful in the h Ime–particularly the regular aeries, "Till the Doctor Comes." Two HUNDRED AND FIF7<Y capital stories-•humoroue stories, char- acter stories, stories of life on the farm, in the great cities, on the sea, in the wilderness. Among them will be five Companion favorites: Hamlin, Garland, Adeline Knapp. Ralph Barbour, Grace Richmond and Holman F. Day. There will be a series, also, based upon inci- dents in American history, illustrative of life and times in America from the first colonial planting to the close of the Civil War. ONE THOUSAND' short notes giving concisely, clearly and aoourately the important news of the times in public affairs, and in the fields of science and industry. THREE:HUNDRED ooutrtbutors giving assurance that every need and every tette among Companion readers will be satisfied. Governor Folk of Missouri, Edward Everett Hale, Mar- garet Deland, Col. T. W. Higginson, Commander Eva tooth of the Salvation Army, Gen. A. W. Greely and Ion Per- diohris are among them. Two THOUSAND one -minute stories, anecdotes, bits of humor–sketches which take not more than a minute to read. They are al. ways new, always well told, and in great quest by preachers and after-dinn- er speakers. A fall Announcement of the new volume will be sent with sample eopic s of the paper to any address on request. The new subscriber for 1907 who sends $1,75 for the new volume, at onee will receive free all the remaining issues for 1900, including the Double Holiday, also The Cotnpanion's Four•Leaf Hang- ing Calendar for 1907, lithographed in twelve colors and gold. Subscribers who get new subscriptions Will resolve $IG,200.00 in cash and many other special awards, Send for infer, math'n. TIft 1YOUTII'S COMPANION, 144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mabe, nests rite The Kind You We Aiways Bought $igaatue ����il�7J' /•�����I�' t SECURITY. Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pillet. Muth Saar Signature of Fee Fac-Simtte Wrapper Below.. Very small •gid as easy $o tale Os sines, 1 TE rail II . iN£ . Ion t]IPtI'.EE mi I rn ' roi3 £cI111iila g,t , v Fen 'NEM MVO. llAi ''ran MS SALLOW SHIA.I Mil VIE CPi a LEXIOS p illy UILVite NU�TIV.VGy�°ItATUR s. 2S maw Tegotzbls.�Syre o.k>�'vvcG GUag SICK HEADACHE. Glass globes break very readily when the screws holding them are screwed on too tight. When very heavy material are to be washed such as hangings, table covers, heavy wash dresses and canvas, it' is frequently a great saving of time, energy and of the materials th mseives to scrub them with a brush rather than rubbing them on the board. It avoids the con- stant lifting and dipping which is a strain. Cut Glass t $52- 0 NLY - as _'o— ONLY-as Main:facturers is it possib:o for us to offer our special eight -inch Cut Glass Bowl at $5.00, packed at our risk and car- riage paid to your doer. It is of clearest crystal glass, deeply and brilliantly cut in " hob -nail" star design. Our il!x. sxatcd catalogue will tell you cr' other remark- able price -savings in highest quality cut glass. 1(e send vfiw, rrIvee : tier of charge our la Age i';t,stratedcatalogue. *WT.kkk . r R'1 !'t lit4Latta iiPaci, Ont. A flat paint brush is a handy house hold utensil for cleaning out troublesome corners. When too worn for this pur- pose it is more convenient than anything else for applying stove polish ; especially in the ornamented parts of a stove. For bruised furniture wet the part with warm water, doable a piece of brown paper five or six times, soak it in warns water and lay it on the place; ars ply on that a warm but not hot flatiron till the water is evaporated. If the bruise be not. gone repeat the process After two or three applications the dent or bruise will be raised to the surface. A Baker's Triumph The Mooney Baker cannot produce anything better than Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas The very best of flour, butter and cream --the most modern plant, the very best baker in Canada. A biscuit superior to any other you have ever tasted. Say "Maoneyi's" to your grocer. ..err-. Witty Lorito Are $Mehr Collett, No bird Is so easily netted as the lark; he generally starts freta the ground just before the lower edge of the net touches him and invariably mounts perpendicularly. This char- acteristic propensity to aseend at once. may he observed by any person who "treads up" a lark In a field and aatls* factorily illustrated by releasing, at the same moment, a newly raptured lark and a sparrow from a cage or hat within the precincts of a room, While the sparrow will fly off horizozltailY• dash himself against the window and, lie almost stunned from the shock, the lark will almost always mount up- ward to the ceiling and flutter there for a time In vain efforts to reach the shy before he attempts any other mode of exit; but this habit is fatal to him In the netting season, He would generally be able to escape, as indeed the bunting or clod bird, the sparrow and the linnet constantly do, by flying straight forward; but ascending, as he does, directly from the ground the mo- ment his wings have toucjied the upper part of the net It Is suffered to. drop suddenly, and his capture Is rendered inevitable.–London Standard. An Iitcidene of Life In New York. The street beggar with pockets lined with money is a fairly familiar figure of city Life, but one of the free dis- pensaries reports an instance of an attempt to get free medicine on the plea of poverty that deserves a place in the catalogue of good stories of graft. A middle aged woman ap- peared the other day and got a pre- scription, after which sire took her place in the line of persons waiting to have their medicine made up by the apothecary. This particular woman, it should be said, had given satisfac- tory answers to all the questions put to her designed to show whether she was a proper subject for charity. Sud- denly there was a cry: "I'm robbed! I'm robbed!" The victim was this woman, who so tar forgot her previous professions as to assert that her pocket had been picked and that the thief had got away with $00. Then she lost the opportunity to get free medicine, thus adding, in her view, insult to injury.- Acute njury: Acute Laryngitis. George Washington died of a disease that was then called a quinsy, but which is now known as acute laryngi- tis. His physicians treated laim ac- cording to their best light and knowl- edge, but such treatment now would be little short of criminal. An eminent authority says that if medical men had kuowu as much then as they do now the distinguished patient would proba- bly have been cured in a week. As it was, he slowly strangled to death by the closing of his throat. At the pres- ent time physicians treat a case of this kind by tracheotomy–that is, by mak- ing an opening into the windpipe, through which the patient may breathe. They also diagnose a case by using the laryngoscope, which enables them to look into the throat and see exactly what the trouble is. Hairs of Caterpillars. Several kinds of hairy caterpillars are • known to have a poisonous effect on the human skin, notably the caterpil- lar of the processionary moth, so called because the caterpillars marsh In pro- cession after their food. The scientist Reaumur found that this caterpillar's hairs caused him considerable suffer- ing in the hands for some days and that when be rubbed his eyes his eye- Iids, too, were inflamed. Even ap- proaching too near the nests of these caterpillars has caused painful swell- ings on the necks of certain persons from the caterpillar hairs floated by the winds. 3 LOVERS ERS OF GOOD TE.A USE CEYLON TEA 'Because of its DELICIOUS FLAVOR. LEAD PAcxaTS ONLY 25o, SQo, 40o, 50a and GOO Per th. NEVER SOI,,D IN BULK. &V ALT, GnooERS', A.^^ MAAAAAAANS"4 ONAAAAA" VVVYVVVVVVVYYVVVVYWVVVVVY Lehigh Valley Coal Come with the crowd and leave your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free tram dirt and clinkers It has no equal. T. 7 _ I31J EZ► ` . A M allA A^MNMM/ AAA� ifvussal M1/ba+VWrY7h►VVV ValaNSOW/ A i l SINFUL HABITS iN YOUTH- RESULT NERVOUS, WEAK, DISEASED MEN. THE HE RESULT of ignoranw and folly in youth, overexertion of mind and body induced by lust and exposure are constantly wrecking the ltves and future happiness of tbousande of promising young men. Some fade and wither at an early age, at the blossom of manhood, while others are forced to drag out a weary, fruitless and melancholy existence. Others reach matri- mony but find no solace or comfort there. The victims are found in all stations of life–the farm the office, the workshop, the pulpit, tit* trades and the professions. Nervous Debility and Seminal Weakness are guaranteed cured by our Now Method Treatment or No A Pay. You ran no risk 25 years is Detroit. Bank security. t CURED WHEN ALL ELSE FAILED. Ns acmes load without written meant. -. "I ant 33 years of age and married. when young 1 led a gay j life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble for me. I became weak and nervous. My kidneys became affected and I • • feared Bright's Disease. Married Life was unsatisfactory and my home unhappy. I tried everything–ail failed till I took treatment from Drs. Kennedy & Ifergan. Their New Method built me up mentally, physically and sexually. I feel and act like » man In every respect. They treated me six years ago. They are honest, -- skilful and responsible financially, so why patronize Quacks and Fakirs when you . can be cured by reliable doctors: –w. A. Belton. CURES GUARANI/ED OR NO PAY. Consullalloa Free --books Free--Ouesllon Biala Free for Dame ireelmeBl, Drs.148 Shelby Street, Kennedy ta Kersan, Detroit, Mich. ••••••••••••••••a••••••ooe oesoo aoso •t►stoosootosoameo • • • • • • • • • An Advertisement in • • THE TIMES • • • Brings Good Results ••• • Are Pie Enters hypocrites'. Why do people who eat pie in secret and in the open, people who when they order pie east about them furtive glances and people who do not care who sees them engaged on pie one and all talk and behave as if the consump- tion of pie constituted an unpardonable sin whenever the subject is broached? Why in polite circles composed of those whose ancestors were brought up on pie, even pie for bredkfast, is pie hailed with mirthful tittering? Be Gentle With Bitter People. How often we come across people In life so disagreeable and bitter, reject- ing all overtures of kindness ave make toward them, that we feel quite dis- heartened. And yet If we only knew their life's history how much we should perhaps find to - forgive and pity, so let us keep on with our good work Instil we have thawed the icicles of their hearts with the warmth of our own. A Special Case. "If Mr. Winslow calls tonight, mamma, what shall I say?" "Say whatever your heart tells you to say, my dear." "But this isn't one of those- cases, mamma, There is nothing to Mr. Win- slow etdept his money.". Convince$. Mr. Spongely (slightly related} --Splen- did! Magnificent! ' Do you know, Uncle Ell, I believe I shall never get tired of seeing the sun set behind that hills Mete E]] --That's what me an' mother's beginnin' to think. A Coimnton Mistake, Many a man has become possessed of the Idea that he is a humorist merely because other people think he is funny. L know no manner of speaking 80 offensite as that of giving praieo itxd cloeh s,: it With -an excepttott.•-•Steele, • • 6 9 • • ra 0' 0 4 h 4 0 0 • A • • S • • • • • • • • • w 0 The Wirgham Times reaches the homes of most of the people of Wingham and surrounding country. It keeps its subscribers posted cn all the news of the day—local, political and foreign. If you have anything to sell, or Want anything, advertise in The Times. Rates on aop)ication. We Think Printing That's our business. We are constantly on the lookout for new ideas, and these are here awaiting your accept- • ance. It's no trouble for us to give you • information—to write or call—it will place you under no obligation, and perhaps we may suggest something you can profit by. Prices right. Quality ever the talisman. 0 • s r 1 • • • • • The Willgftani Times WINCHAit, ONTARIO. 40. 0N0tlmllN+41.4.t 4010.410141 M •; • • • • 8 • i 0 s • • • 0 •• • • • • • 1 •