HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-10-25, Page 51114111•11111111 VIIMMINIMINNWHISM111111%
$8.50 Black Overcoats
Here's an overcoat r'ght
on the opening of the season
that'll prove to 21 men just
how much Crowder's cloth-
ing values beat the bet to
be had elsewhere. These
are bright -new Coats, right -
up - to - date, tr mmt d and
made in high-class manner,
Sizes 31 to 44 chest ; on
sale at $6.95.
Men's $14 ant $13
Friday, Saturday and Monday
Just 17 Coate in the lot, and judg-
ing by the selling of previous lots,
these won't be here very long. All
splendidly made and trimmed ; sirs
34 to 40 chest.
$4:50 Boys' Corduroy
School Suits $3,50
10 only Boys' two piece Corduroy
Snits, Norfolk styles, sizes 24 to 23,
regular price $4 50; Friday, Saturday
and Monday $3 50.
Boys' 60c Mole Knickers - - .39
Men's 75c Red Wuol Underwear. :49
Dress Overcgats.
We have a range of patterns and
styles in all the new Overcoats tor
Fall and Winter weir. $L0 to $18.
Boots, Shoes and Valises at Right Prices
It will pay you to see us before buying your Men's F urs.
NewspapersintheUoito'i > tieswithNEWS FRO1\1 NEItJIIBORS arivoulatioroffiftytoahundred thqu-
sled copies make a 4 neat deal of noise
about it; bet when one considers the t
right here in Canada we have a weekly
paper with over 160,000 per week, repro -
senting perhaps 75 000 readers, Cana-
dians have good reason to boast of it.
The paper referred to ie the Family Her-
ald and Weekly Star of Montreal, and
it deserves its success, for it is the great•
est dollar's worth ill Amerioa. very
enterprising farmer in Can - reads it
and few homes. v l nd without
Their premium ture entitled, "A
Tug of War" which Is given free to every
subscriber is so vastly superior to the
ordinary newspaper premiums, that one
wonders how it can be included with
such a paper at so small a figure. No
wonder the Family Herald and Weekly
Star is gaining in circulation.
A Credit To Canada.
What Wideawako Times Correspondents
Items Clipped From
Mr, Robert Sanderson attended Mild-
may, Wingham and Brussels Fail Faire
this year with his fixe flock of Leicester
Sheep and carried oft' 12 firsts, 6 seconds,
and 1 third ; also won the bronze medal
valued at $10 00, special by Ryrie Bros.
n , of Toronto, for the best pen of sheep
breed, at Brussels. There was good
competition in each class at all the Parrs.
This speaks well for Mr. Sanderson as a
sheep raiser; He did not show them at
Howlett Fair on account of the heavy
l.`,8,.14,lYJae III I,II,I n4 ll 1 n, is. Ali: aI1.I11C ill, IM,sI )11, ,bib:1b Ye,a. ilu4udli,itl W.a'S,:= ''L&AA
O•••••••••••••••••••41•••• ••••••••O•••••••••••9•••••'
'�• •
1: ••
;• •
1 S. Gracey has a very fine assortment of new and up -to- •
For the Fall Trade.
date Furniture, in
• If you. want one of the best Spring Beds that is made, try the "HERCULES"
'4°' • SPRING Wo have them, they are the best for the money. You
• cau try them for a mouth, and if not satisfactory return them.
• • We have a few 'pieces of CARPETS and a few FLOOR RUGS
• (Art Squares) to clear out at a pried.
•• Undertaking—As in the past, we
• rs
give our pronipt and peonal
• attention whenever our services
• are required. Any hour—night
• or day.
• Furniture Dealer and Practical Undertaker
Sideboards, Buffets, Bedroom. Suits, •
Parlor and Extension Tables, Couches, e
Mattresses, Spring Beds, etc., etc. 'v
If you want anything in the Furniture lino this fall, before you buy come
ani see what we have. We will be pleased to show our goods. Wo
think we have. something that will be to your liking,
and at very reasonable prices.
Your Paper
and that Best of all Weeklies
And with the Family Herald and Weekly Star will be included tiio most
beautiful picture evergiven tonewspapersP
er readers. It
is a
2.x29 inches
r ill.
r, della b
r two worth til r w
entitled A TUG Ob WAR, It is easily w
The Wsxoriier 'hems will ripply all local news, markets, social happen-
ings, etc., etc., and the Family Herald and Weekly Star will give you a cora•
bination of the greatest weekly niWspapor cover ng every portion of the globe,
a groat family magazine, far surpassing any of the English or American
magazines in interesting family reading, and %vithoat doubt the best farmer's
paper on the continent. NO paper printed in the English language gives its
readers such big value as the Family Herald and Weekly Star. Sample copies
of the heantiful picture may be seen at this dike.
0411 or sead,our subscription to THE TIMES, Wingham.
Rheumatism Almost Killed Her.
For years Mrs. S. Stahlschmidt .of
Humberstone, Ont., was a martyr to
rheumatism, "I was so stiff and lame I
could scarcely walk" she writes, "An
attack striking my limbs made walking
impossible. Friends and dootors gave
proscriptions but I only got relief from
Ferrozone. I took twelve boxes and
Communicate -- Other
Our Exchanges.
Mrs. A. E. Braclwin and children left
Blyth on Monday morning of last week
for their new home in Toronto.
There was no school on Friday of last
week as the teachers was attending the
convention which will be held at Wing -
ham on Friday and Saturday.
Dr. Sloan, of Alaska, "eon of Reeve
and Mrs. Sloan, arrived home last week
and will spend the winter here. It is 8t
years since the Dr. went out there.
At the School Bard meeting John
Hartley, principal of the Public Seheol,
was appointed to the position of Secre-
tary -Treasurer till the end of the year
owing to the fact that A H. Plnmmeris
leaving for the West shortly.
In Blyth ou Wednesday morning,
Oct 17th, Percy James Insell, the second
son of Win. and Mrs. Mason, diad from
an attack of pneumonia and bronchitis
The young lid was not a arouse boy and
gained from the first. Today I am well, had been sick in bed about two' weeks.
feel ta�tronger, weigh heavier and look the -His age was 0 years, 7 months and 8
picture of health," Whether muscular days•
of inflammatory, chronic or otherwise,
Ferrozone does pure rheumatism and
soiatioa, 50o per box at all dealers.
• One of the very old residents of Tees -
water passed away Monday night, Oct.
15th, in the person of Mrs. Geo. Hender-
son, Being far advanced in years de-
ceased had been in declining health for
more than a year and recently suffered a
stroke of paralysis which was . the im-
mediate cause of death. She died on
the eightieth anniversary of her birth-
day. Thhrtyfive years ago she, with
her husbaud, came to Oaneda from
Hemedale, Scotland. They lived for
some time in Wawanosh near White-
church, then in Ripley and in Goderioh,
moving from there to Teeswater ten
years ago.
Whoa Illness Conies.
Have you near at hand a remedy that.
will alleviate pain, and help till the doe -
tor comes? A wise thing is to have
right in your home a bottle of "Nervi -
line" which gives instant relief, and
prevents disease from spreading. Noth-
ing known for the stomach and bowels
that compares with Nerviline. For
cramps, indigestion, heartburn and head-
ache, it's indispensable. For fifty years
Poison's Nerviline in 25c bottles has been
a family stand-by. Get it to day.
The coroner's jury in connection with
the death of Wm. Ivers, near Nile,
which was recorded in our last issue,
completed their work on Teeeday and
their finding is as -follows: That Wil-
liam Ivers came to his death on the night
of tire 8th of October, opposite lot 6, con.
11, township of Colborne, by a load of
lumber falling upon him, and our opin-
ion is that if the road had been in a pro-
perly protected condition the accident
would not have occurred. Dr. Holmes
was the coroner and the jury consisted
of the following: J. M. Roberts (fore-
man), W. H Wilson, John McLean, A.
B. Pentland, J. R. McNabb, Wm An-
drews, Robert Bell, B. J. Crawfor, JAS.
Hardy, Chas. Elliott, David Henderson.
and T. M. McLean.
I),et Not Tito whole Thing,
Your table is loaded with food—di-
gestible and wholesome, yet yon never
gain strength. What's the trouble?
Look within, and what do yon find? A
lazy liver, stomaoh overloaded with
work—useless work because the bowels
and liver are not sufficiently active.
Relief is quickly applied by Dr. Hamil-
ton's pills. They make weak folks
strong by removing the cause of the
weakness. Digestion improves, con-
stipation leaves, Iiver takes now life,
kidneys wake up, -the whole system is
enlivened by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. No
better medioine for the sick or well, 26c
at all dealers.
This year W. IT. McCracken, the well-
known prize winner of Brussels, attend-
ed seven fall fairs and captured 231 ,
The King's Birthday, Nov. 9th, will
be celebrated by the L.O L., of Brussels,
by a social gathering in their Lodge'
room, Thomas street. A short program
of addresses will be given. Dr. Chis-
holm, M. P,, for East Heron, has been
In a desire to avoid lawsuit aw t th e Dir• 1
eotors of the Grey l3ranoh Agricultural
Society proffered, through their solicitor, 1
the sans of $250 00 to Mrs. Wrn, Wilkin. I
son, of Morris, in settlement of the suit;
for damages she entered. This was done
of course without prejudi^,a, The offer
WAS not accepted, $300.00 and costa
was stated as tiro only condition on
which settlement could be made. The i
writs ask for $1,000 from both Grey
Branch Society and Beet hiding Society.
Glad Reasons for Its Success,
The majority of catarrh remedies are
useless. But one that does euro is
"Oatarrhozone." It clears the head of
all muoous disoherge. Patrid matter in
the uostrils, phlegm in the throat, and
disease germs are completely swept
away. The cause of the disease is de-
stroyed, it's results are destroyed, and
the system so thoroughly cleansed of
catarrhal poison that mire is permanent.
All types of catarrh, throat and bron-
chial trouble: colds and coughs aro more
certainly cured by Catarrhozne than
any thing else. Two sizes, 250 and $1.00
at all dealers.
Minutes of council meeting held in the
Clerk's office, Blnevale, on Monday,
October 22nd. Members of council all
present. The reeve in the ohair.
The minutes of last meeting were read
and adopted on motion of Messrs. Mof-
fatt and McMichael.
The R3evo reported having let a jab
of repairing culvert on 4th line to John
Kirton at $2.50, also let a job of repairing
throe culverts on B line to James C.
Anderson at $7 00 also let a job of re•
pairing culvert on 5th side line to James
Hooper jr. nt $t 00. Work all done and
recommend payment.
Rutherford —McMichael, that the Clerk
be instructed to write to the Township
Eogiueer asking him to come hero this
week if possible ou account of quick-
sand obstructing work on 12th conces-
sion Drain. Carried.
Tne follow'ng accounts were passed
and cheques on Bank of H,emilton is-
sued :—J.11n Mosgrovo, selecting jurors,
$3.00; John S. McTavish, selecting
jurors, $3 00; John Burgess, selecting
jurors, $6 00; Daff & Stewart, drain 12th
con , $100.00; Ii, B. Elliott, advg $1.50;
James Hooper jr., culvert, $1 00; John
Kirton, culvert. $2 50; James) C. Ander-
son, culvert $7 00; Wm, McGill, repair-
ing Eidie's bridge, $8 60; Wm H. Man•
dell, Turnberry share grave ling, $11.00;
Wm Edwards, repairing culvert [lo -
wink boundary, $7 50; Pater Moffatt,
gravelling Morris boundary, $30 00; Jas.
Peacock, gravel for job Morris bound-
ary, $4 20; Joseph Breckenridge, gravel
and gravelling Morris beandary, $34 37;
John McEwen, underbrushiog B line,
$5.00; Jcseph Higgins, 70 yds gravel j
$4 47; Robt. Johnston, 81 yds gravel,
$4.50; Mrs. Holm a, 267 yds grave}, $16;
A Common Trouble Among Growing
Boys—A New Blood Supyly is
Needed—Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills Actually Make New
There are thousands of yoang when
just approaching manhood who have no
energy, who tire out at the least exer-
tion, and who feel by the time they
have done their day's work as thofigh
the day was a week long. In some of
these cases their is a further sign of
warning in the pimples and disfiguring
ernpticns which break out on the face.
These aro oertain signs that the blood is
out of order, and nnloss it is promptly
enriohed, a complete breakdown, or per-
haps consumption may be the result. All
these young men should t .ko Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. These pills actually
make rich, red blood, clear the skiu of
pimples and eruptions, and bring health,
strength and energy. Hero is a bit of
proof. Adolphe Roland, St. J smo,
e, who
roed to abau-
My appetite
nal violent head -
o suffer from indi-
ing so rapidly that I
began to fear consumption was fasten-
ing itself upon me. Oar family dootor
treated mo, but I did not gain under his
care, i was in 5 very t3l.coursged stele
when a friend from Montreal Came to
see me. He strongly advised me to try
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I did so and
inside of three weeks I began to feel
bettor, my appetite began to iin_provo
and I seemed to have a feeling of new
courage. I continued the pills until I
had taken ten boxes and I am now en-
joyiag the best of health I ever had.
My cure surprised many of my friends.
who began to regard me as incurable,
and I strongly advise other young men
who aro weak to follow my example
and give Dr. Wildains' Pink Pills a fair
There is no mystery about the cures
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make. These
pills actually make rioh, red blood,
which braces and strengthens every or-
gan and every nerve in the body. That
is v; by these pipe cure all common ail-
ments like anaemia, rheumatism, indi-
gestiou, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance,
headaches and backaches and the spec-
ial ailments of women and growing girls.
You eau get these pills from any dealer
in nhedioiue or from The Dr. Williams'
Mediciue Co., Brockville, Ont., at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2 50
Que., is a young man of 19 y
says: "For more than a ye
from general weakness, a
grow so weak that I was
don my work as clei
failed me, I had ooas
aches, and I beg
gestiou. I was +
We are sorry to hear that Rev. Robt.
Maunders, of Theodore, N W.T., has
been i11 with fever, bat pleased to report
that lie is now on r. fair way to complete
Albert L Oole, 6th line, Morris, who
took up a course on mechanical drawing
with mathematics from the Internation-
al Correspondence School, Scranton,
Penn , left for Newark, New Jerse•-,
last weak where he has taken a position
as mechanical draftsman with the
Weston Electrical Co , of that place.
Dr. F. Lambie and bride, of Midland,
Miolh., were visiting with the family of
James Duncan and other old friends for
a few days last weak. Dr. Limbic has
taken acation on the staff
Angus McKiuuon, gravelling, $68 92; M P a to of the
Ontario Veterinary Oollege, To
Wilson, inspecting gravel, $9; Peter which
which he is an honor graduate and
McLeren, part salary, $50 medalist. We wish Dr. and Mrs.
Moved by Mr. Kelly, see 's led by Mr. Lambie a happy and prosperous life.
Moffatt, that thia meshes, 10 now ad•
jonrn to meet in the 0.t k's office, Wo are sorry to hear that Hugh Black,
Bluevale, ou Monday, November 19th, son of Donald Black, of Algoma, former -
at 10 o'clock a, m,—Caerisd, ly of Morris, died at Battleford, Sask.,
Jones Bt rcxr ss, Clerk, on October 3rd. Typhoid fever was the
cause. He was 23 years of age and had
intended to locate there as he had taken
up land. Deceased was a fine young
man whose demise will b3 sincerely
regretted, Interment was made at
Winnipeg. Mr. Black was a nephew to
Black brothers of this township.
Tho Council mat acoordiug to adj earn-
ment on October 15th, Members all
present and Reeve in the chair. Minutes
of hist .meeting read and confirmed.
John Hooper requested that sideline
between lots 4 and 5, con 3 be cleaned
and put in a proper state of repair. Cann-
cillor Campbell was instruoted to attend
to the matter.
ofRevision u Ellis n
The Court o 0
drain bylaw was opened but 05 r10
appeals were entered the by-law was
finally passed.
A petition was presented, sinned by
Thos. Bielby and 116 others as.ieg that
a local option by-law be snbtnitted to the
electors at the municipal election t) be'
held in January next.
OMnpbell---McCutcheon•—That as sent
petltiou did not centein the signature of
the required e5 per cent. of the munici.
.Esfablisk,xl rS79
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cresoleno is a boort to As£htllatics
teat it not seem more o,r
ecuv' to breathe in a
remedy • to cure disease of the bre..thing tr gyre~
eltaa to take the remedy into dr a stomach
it tures because the air rendered strongly anti-
septic is carried over the diseased surface stub
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat-
ment. It is invaluable to mothers with small
'nose ofaconsumptive—
S e
tendency find immediate to 50
relief from c_,uglrs or in. G� 100'
flamed conditions of the
Sold by druggists.
Send postal forboakiet.
Lttnotts.;, MMMer,ts Co„
Lirir:lyd, Agents, Mont-
real', Canada. 3o7
That hacking cough continues
Because your system is exhausted and
your powers of resistance weakened.
Take Socitt%r ,Emulsion,
It builds up and strengthens your entire system.
▪ It contains Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites so
• prepared that it is easy to take and easy to digest.
Heating or Cooking Stoves
We can save you from $2.00 to $.5 00 on a stove. We need your mosey
and will give you good valve. Bargains in Second -Hand Stoves.
Bishop & Ball.
kitaressissaaaeurssiassageasatasiaseranansaimasaassastesessidwaseasersail IILi 1, I,.ilt6u, hi le, S.vsii..Ai
Wa have a most oomplete and varied liu3 or
Waist Sats,
Cold a'iI Silvar 13r3j31333,
A complete line of
Enain 1ya aacl Sber1ing Silver
Soaventir Jewelery
esz"Fi 13 witch wad j ser io:y rep.h,irine promptly at-
tended to.
KAISER, she Jeweler
.our F.otwedr
With the fall weather coining on, you will need new footwear that will
kelp your feet riry and carafe:table. We b ye anticipated yoc•r needs
and hive now in stock a large seleetien of the best that money eau
bay, in
;en's Fine anti Coarse Boots anti Shoes
Ladies' Fine anis Coarse Shoes
School Shoes and filler ones for the Boys ant, Girls
'(hese we are Selling at very reasenal.it' micas, Catisraction gr,ar ^teed.
A first class repairer rets been cu aged to do all }nude of rr peirirr, and
we will sow free of charge all rips in shot's bought at this store.
.® OIIN$ O
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
SHOE 031~1:.1 LER.
v i 119,VVPTYTtf17VvV'i YTirliva
ur Printing
lines Offic
pal electors, the Council take no a ti In.
Yonilt•-T:hetthe Council pro-
ceed to ask for tenders for the construe
Iron of the. proposed K •l:y area:. -
Kelly —Moen toheon —The Reeve an:1
Treasurer were instraetei to borrow
$250 to meet current exponsas.
Accounts were (trdered to ba pairs as
follows: Thos. Bielby, tile culvert, 83;
John Colcloagh, gravel, $2.22; William
Wells, tile culvert, $4,70; D. McDouel.l,
tile culvert. $'t,75; A. Button, repairing
culvert, $3; P. McCall, repairing cul-
$2 50; Wni Gray, cutting under-
brush, $10 75; W. M. Cornell, material
and work ou bridge,: 3 50; A. MacEwen,
gravel, $3 15; D Sommerville, gravel,
$2 58; M. Healey, cleaning drain, $3;
John Snit, gravel, $11 10; Trnst;ee of I
sunshine Church, damage to cemetery,
$6; McKinnon Bros, grev.11ing on west
benndnry, $17,20; S. V.lnnorui.tu, in-
specting, $10 50; Win Souch, inspecting
gravel, $l 12; Jams Kearney, drain';
tile nal patting in Culver , $7 25; J tm.es •
Kearney, digging
en +Lett award
drain, $71 .i); James I(esrn: y, filling in
culvert, $i; Reeve, Clerk and Assessor,
selecting jurors, each 51; W, J Kona,
gravel and puttiug in three rile armee,
$0; Young and Martin, repairing Su": -
shine bridge, $3; Jas Bowman, digging
award drain, $;70; R. B. Alcock, digging
d -itch and drawing tile, $45 e0; .Tes31h
Youill, drawing gravel, $4; Win. Ciat2>, ,
lees re Kelly drain by-laws, $30, John 1
Shortreed, repairing bridge, 82.
On motion of Campbell and Mc-
Cutcheon,the Council adjourned to meet
again on the 19th of November next.
W. Cagan, Cleric.
Clinton B. Wray, the former teller of
the t'aion Trust Compvthy of Pittsburg,
who was arrested in Toronto last An -
gust and taken back to the tinates, w:ts
on Sitnr.lar sentenced to eight years i:1
the Allegheny penitentiary. The charge
was the enit;'v.• int* of. ;Os set £121,00).
010 of baby's gosal a eve i:ieitn+ that
your c`tild is thr:vi,t,; a:i l 'r'll. Baby's;
Own Tablets: brines al, e; ):a l dans hitt)
your chill . •r • Ii
ones well, and keep thee ell. Mr9.
Jos. Fer:.ise=1 ', a aI•at4. (.1}h•a .
MVP: --• "Sines. aa. i ala b'yt'e Olt -1
Baby's Own Tab a wide is ;s b :tea 1.1
e•plen+tliI Bels t:h is ;;rowing plumper
A t.c 1
sacra nv nrid hxa autifu roar
cheeks " Th un t t:..ats euCtl iihtllht s
ti3:h, gels', 0 •I,eri+eti : r-:,h:p" foveae,
teesbase trn•hhlt•c. said "all tee miner not.
inmate of little= ones. 'r eey .,o nos !sato c
tiin tine pbc i. 1J of tee p ds s )1r s r.i atl"a
e.n:i,l in all regain ':Y v1' ?team ss" 1
mast liquid ;:reperesasne. The 'l'a!,.
Lan can ad given with alnsolatoostorj' t 1
eel })abet jestlawn, bn, as Melt etc the eat
of tvlvaneed years. Sold by all meds s-
ine dealers or sent by mail at 2,5 t°I:lt,s .t
h .:; by writingThe Dr. Williauls Me.lr•
cine CO., ltroekville, Ont. N