HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-10-25, Page 3"is good tea" Use a package and you will not be satisfied with any other tea. Prices -2S, 30, 35, 40, sn and 6o cts. per ib. in lead packets T. H. ESTABROOKS. Cir. JOHN. N. O. WINNIPEG. TonONTG. * Weetenceroe see E. eeeeeeee, It is an ill time to boast of your speed when your lusts are Tingling away with Tim. There is more religion in the sport that helps yeu scree your grouch than in the most spiritual imeettug cunt strength- ens it. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • An unearned advantage is a disgrace if there be no unrecompensed service. One of the meanest men on earth is he who talks to Peter about hie gifts to Paul and to Paul about his gifts to Peter. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • I COAL COAL COAL. W. ate sole agents for the oelebrated SCRANTON COAL, which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Oannel and • Domeetio Octal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. ru 1=1 :f LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH 4 44 4 4• : (Drafted or undressed, : Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. • or Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. • • • • JA,McLean • Resident* Phone No. 56, Office, NO. 64. Mill, No. 44. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• .4441•••••••••••••••••••••• IP Op OP ho PICO p • Cooks and Bakes perfectly at the same time There is not ant other range built in which the heat may be regulated so that you can bake in the oven and cook on the top at the same time without spoiling one or the other. But you can do both equally well at the same time on the Pandora, because its heat is not wasted and is at all times under the simplest, most positive control. If you do the cooking of your household you can appreciate exactly what this means. McClaryl Pandora Range Warellsoustur lend Iractoritua London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B.. Hamilton YOUNG & McBURNEY SOLE AGENTS. Mot the GOLD DUST TWINS do your work" stispix WONDERPUL is the work which GOLD DUST accomplishes. All labors look alike to the Gold Dust Twins.They clean floors and doors, Sinks and chinks—go from cellar to attic—and leave ' only brightness behind. Get acquainted with Gold Oust Washing Powder C OtillItt GOMM I Scruhbine Coots, Washing clothes end dishes claming Weed - USES FOR OLD DUST workeek cloth, silverware Ind tinware, elolisielnitetese wedge steaming bath room, pipes,sto.. eM making the It Ed Softie _ .*) *wo* Med* ire THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Montreal, P. 0.-44eicers of FAIRY SOAP. twin pear mak*, bort, watts* Soft ta nanninrieereeeo. iti WINGRAII TINE'S, OCTOBER, 25 11406 'STRANGE FIND IN A CAVE. skeleton and Old Mookse-New Druni• wick Men Discover Trace* of Dwelling Used 200 Years Ago. A. remarkable discovery was made on a recent Sunday afternoon, by Charles E. Stewart and het uncle, I. E, Stew. art, near johnoville, N. I3., about eight Stilles back of the village of Bath, where the brews of a human being were 'round In a bloolraded cave. The Steve - arts, who have long been desirous of inveetigating, went to the cave, and with dynamite the obstruction to the cave was demolished. The men found twelve stone steps leading to a pas, sage seven feet long and two feet wide, this opening into a main room about twelve feet square, where they found the bones of a human being lying on a bunk of stone. No trace of flesh was there and the boues were dry and crumbly, Near the bones was a gold ring on which was inscribed "John Long, Dec. 1779." A few inches away was a silver watch, which bore the date 1740. Under- neath the 'bones were found several traces ot coarse hair, which would in- dicate that the body had lain on a skin, or something of that nature. Underneath the bunk were found three books, two in Latin, the third written in English. One of the Latin books was Sueton- tus' History of Rome, dated 1667, and on the fly leaf were several Latin in- scriptions. Inside was written: "B, A. Strong, Oxford College, May 24, 1676." 'Underneath this appeared the name James Hayward, 1685. The other book was Seneca's Tragedies, and it was marked the date 1659. 'In the English book was written the names of David Fowles and Michael Carney. Around the books, which were In a good state of preservation, was a large piece of bark on which were meters believed to be plans of other caves. At one end. o! the room and im- mediately underneath the little hole in the roof was an old fireplace. What this signifies the people here do not know, but the Investigation will be continued. Though several persons by the nama of Strong have figured on the rolls of Oxford University, none of them bore the initials "B. A." Moreover, there was no one by the name of Strong at the university in 1676, or within 20 years of that date, according to Alumni Oxonenses, edited by Foster. It might also be pointed out that Oxford "col- lege" proves an alibi, though the term might be used. Praise For "Tom" Tait. If you ever meet a. visitor ffbm Aus- tralia and want hira to say a good thing for Canada and Canadians ask tarn what he thinks of Mr. Thomas Tait, the manager of the Government railways in the State of Victoria. Ho is sure to become enthusiastic at once, unless he is a Laborite, and even then he will admit that Mr. G. R. R. Codlt- burn's eon-in-lawis a first-class ad- ministrator. Mr. George Harris Hays, of Mel- bourne, who passed through Canada en route to England, was most em- phatic In his good opinion of Mr. Tait when he said: "Our railways are in the very best possible condition. We get fine service, we haven't had a block in two years, and, furthermore, the, roads are paying, and all that Is due to the man you sent out from here to run them, Thomas Tait. He has done a great work there, a work which no oth- er man has ever been able to do. He tackled in those railways one of the toughest jobs a man ever ran into. Railways in our country, you know, are owned and worked by the Government. So when Tait came along deputations came to him from all over the coun- try to ask him for reduced rates and all kinds of favors, and the politicians got after him and every one was trying to work him for all he was worth. Why, I tried to do it myself. "I went to see him with a great big deputation, and we told him he was oppressing the poor people and small farmers. All he answered was, am going to make the Victorian railways pay.' And he did make them pay, and furthermore, he is the only man who has ever been able to do it. Before he came along these railways showed an annual deficit of £200,000. "Just think of that, and now they Pay, and on account of this great gain the Government budget shows an increase instead of a deficit for the first time in the history of the coup try. Tait is a great railroad man- ager, and he is now getting the credit for it in Australia from the very people who, when he first came, tried to bowl him down." George Ham's Versatility. Wherever George Ham, the veteran newspaper man, and representative of the Canadian Pacific Railway, goes there is sure to be a trail of stories. Here are a couple of then, the first told by The Nelson Herald: "Whee George Ham, the well-known C, P. R. official, was in Nelson last week; a deputation wetted upon him and urged in eloquent language that the C. P. R. should build an hotel in that city to aceortmodate the tourist trade, George listened patiently to the haran- gue and at its close reniarked: boys, I don't think the d. P. R. can af- ford to put up an hotel here, but,' and he put his hand In his pocket and pull- ed Out an imitation $100,000 bill given to him as an ad for Saskatoon and handed it to the leader Of the deputa- tion, 'I am glad to contribute personale ly this amount towards the scheme: Nothing more was said about the ho- tel." The Vancouver Provittee chronicled the other yarn: "President Roosevelt, according to the statement of Mr. George Kam will make a tour of Canada as soon as his prekent terra has expired, and will visit 'Vancouver. No doubt amid the prese Sure of his other duties he has had time to read out literature and inform him- self of the advantages of this eity a8 0. place for settlement." ABSOLUTE SEURITY, Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Ploughed Up Old tole*. William White ploughed up an old Spittitsit ellyer lcOln of Charles /IL dated 1787, on his farm in the Township of Matilda. The date Cbineldea With that of the first tettlenient of the dis- trict by IL E. toyalista from Mohawk ?Ailey. The coin is In a good state of preServe.tion, about the size of a 60. dent plees and is one of the last deeded by Charles 111. Hue* Sear Signature of $CO Pec.SImile Wrepper Below, Rory nnta11 end as easy ' to Ube ze sugae. CATER0 0 7 N SI SILFF"fin"IAZinoIA:E"; .TT E FO B L SR SS VER FON T0I1P10 1.11/Ell. pi us. TFOONR sea0LNES0TvilPitsTKIIONli. r-A'ro '.0 d FOR THE COMPLEXiOn .S4I3 VC 20th / rlirelrla;VeCet :1U410FerrMAUA:......,, CURE 510K HEADACHE, HEALTH AND BEAUTY. It the hands are rubbed on a stick oe celery after peeling onions the smell will he entirely removed. At the lint intimation of a sore throat try a gargle of one teaspoonful of salt end one of carbonate of soda to half a glass of water. • To make the eyebrows grow: Four ounces of alcohol, two ounces of castor oil, fifteen drops of the oil of bergamot. Apply with a tiny brush night al d mon 4 Gold Cuff Links, $5.-5-91 Beginning at $4 Diamond Hall has a vast array of solid gold CufF Links—made by the store's own skilled gold- smiths. Notable value is found in our $5.50 pair of 14k. Gold, dumb bell shape, suitable for monogram; and our Cat- alogue pages show many others. Articles are sent post free, of course. Dro,* us *wild card and we win send you free of charge 014r large traied catalogue. "4' t lat 701.010, Ont. For hands' that are rough and aensia tive nothing better can :be found than two ounces of listerille combined with .1yoerine. he surface will soon be- come smooth and less sensitive. An excellent health tele of bright yes and a clear skin is to take the juice of a lemon in a gists of weter. with a dash of salt :added. This acts directly on the liver, which bas more to do with good looks than the moat of us imagine. Food Value Mooney's Perfeon Cream Sodas are crisp squares of wholesome nourishment. They are the food that builds strength and muscle. are as. easily digested by the chad !MCA invabd AS by the uny workman. They tofu* /LL th food properties of filet tiien wheat flout, in a form that dertghts the appetite. Always fresh and crisp in the rhOittnutlittotrackaget. At ail "ono in 1 eked $ 1444'4 Inegabileanu sad noanenoto. The Old Republican putt, roof:tad br Thomas lettersets, had its moot vigorous life during the twentyoug years while Jefferson, Madison and )(Korea were in the White Ilona% Dup. tug these years; it Completely kited Its opponent, the old Federalist party, which was the predecessor ot the present Republican party. john Quincy Adams, the sixth president of the United Stateta who had a leaning to Federalism, was elected by the house of representatives (none of the candidates having a majority of the electoral vote) as a national Republi- can, and when Jackson came In tour years later it was as a Democratic Republican. It was during bis time that the latter half of the name was dropped, and the party of Jefferson took the name of the Democratic party', It was not until 1854 that tbe present Republican party assumed the name which the party' of Jefferson and Jaelt- son bad dropped a quarter of a cen- tury before.—St. Louis Republican, To Corleiltete the Gods, Just at night, if you happen to be within the gates of Canton, you will witness one of the little performances that are supposed to deceive the prowl- ing spirits of tbe night bent upon evil intent, the while conciliating them should they penetrate the deception. Each little and, big shop possesses a miniature Areplace built into the side of the entrance. Prayers printed on rice paper form the fuel with which to offer 'up Incense to the "bogy man," who is supposed to make the nocturnal visits. Beholding the smoke, he is sup- posed to assume that no one lives with - In, and therefore passes by; but should he catch on and stop to investigate he finds that the prayer papers on the al- tar bear inscriptions attributing to him such virtues and magnanimity that his wrath is appeased and he turns from his evil intent. — Edwin Wildman in Chautauquan. Dome -,-One Dimeint "How big a dose do I need?" asked the customer of the old fashioned drug- gist "Oh, I guess a heaping dimeful will be about right," was the reply. "A. dinieful?" echoed the customer. "You Inean a dime's worth, don't you?" "No, I don't," said the druggist. "A dime's worth would be two ounces, and you'd never survive such a quan- tity as that. I mean for you to take a dime and pile on It as much of this powder as will stick. Then you have the proper dose. Measuring medicine on a dime is a method as old as United States currency and almost as reliable. There are certain powders that can be measured more accurately that way than any other, and among us old timers who baye been used to meeting enaergeacies daneful' Is a common direction," Different Meanings. Some words in our language have several meanings, each different from the others, so that it Is not always pos- sible to know at first just what thougbt the speaker wishes to express. There is the word "humanitarian," for In- stance. If you will turn to your Web- ster you will find that it means, first, one who denies the divinity of Christ and believes him to bave been merely human; second, one who limits the sphere of duties to human relations and airections to the exclusion of the religious or spiritual; third, one who is actively concerned in promoting the welfare of his kind, a philanthropist The third sense Is the one In which the word is now most frequently used, and Webster marks this definition as "re- cent." The Size of Canada. Canada is larger than the 'United States by a quarter of a million square miles. Canada contains one-third of the area of the British empire. Canada extends over 20 degrees of latitude— from Rome to north pole. Canada is as large as thirty 'United Kingdoms, eighteen Germanys, thirty-three Italys. Canada is larger than Australasia and twice the size of British India. Canada has a boundary line of 3,000 miles be- tween it and the United States. Cana- da's seacoast equals half the earth's circumference. Canada is 3,500 miles wide and 1,400 from north to south. Impure Candy. Beware of Impure candy. Sugar in candy quickly ferments after eating, and if too much is eaten serious trou- bles often result. Pure sugar dissolves quickly in water and leaves a cleat liquid, affordiug an easy way of test- ing its purity. Drop a small piece of candy in a glass, and over it pour boil- ing water. Let it stand twenty-four hours. It there is any foreign sub- stance in the candy a sediment will be found in the bottom of the glass. - After. Ile (five years after)—All WS gush about love Is extremely foolish. Wher- ever did this Stupid book come froni? I. must say the person who selected it Showed a very insipid taste. She (quietly)—It's the book you gave mo during our honeymoon, john. We read, it eleven times the Aret Week we had Mutual bleignst. "Look here," complained the victim, "yell said the house WaS only live min- utes' walk from the station. To say the least, I'm disappointed In yob." "No more than I'm disappointed you," retorted the agent. "1 thought you were a good fast walker.". ITS SUPERIORITY Over japan Tea is so pronounced that tea oritics have nothing but prase for it on a teapot infusion. 11 CEYLON GREEN TEA Every leaf is uncolored, undoctored and of virgin purity. LEAD PACKETS osLy arm, 30o, 40s, .60a and 60o per lb, AT ALL ;argot/ns'. eviAWAAAAAAAAAAWAAAAAAA VvVVYVVVYVVYVVVVYYVWVVVW, 1 Lehigh Valley Coal 1 Come with the crowd and leave your order ? for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from ) dirt and clinkers It has no equal. 1E3 ti ...L-1\1- s -.......ruanektetneuelotruiwunnetek efervervararveeererovweeseueeowletvvved BLOOD DISEASE CURED. If you ever contracted any Blood or Private Disease, you are never safe until the virus or poison has been eradicated iron the system. Doo't be satisfied with a "patch up" by sante faintly doctor. Our New Method in Guaranteed to Cure or No Pay, 10,,.N0 Names Used without Written consent. Cored When all Else Failed "Could I live my early life over, this testimonial would not be necessary, though I was no more sinful than thoueands .f other youngmen. Early indiscretions, later exces."1, exposure to contaigoua diseases all helped to break down my system. When I commenced to realize my condition I was almost frantic. Doctor after doctor treated mebut only gave me relief—not a cure. Hot Springs helped me, but did not cure me. The symptoms :away' returned. Mercury and Potash drove the poison into my /system \ instead of dtivitor it out. 1 Mess the day your New method T e•\ e. Treatment was recommended to me. I investigated who yon kwere test, and finding you had over 25 years' experience and re- sponsible financially. I gave you my Game nuder a guarantee. You cored me permanently, and in six years there has not been a sore, pain, ulcer or any other syreptem of the blood disease.e 26 Years In Detroit, 250,000 Cured. We treat and cure Varlcocele, weed Poison, Nervous Debility. cSirlictLuErTt, -. e Impotency, Secret Drains, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Csmultatisa Free Question Ohre for Home Treatment sod Book Fro,. DRS. KENNEDY A. KERGAN 1 14E BRELET ETREE'T. DETROIT, MICR. - - - *••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11••••••••••••••••••••••••• • a a • • a a a a a a a • • • • a a • • 0 • • 0 0 • • • a • • 0 O • • • • * • • • • • • so • An Advertisement in THE TIMES Brings Good Results The Wingham Times reaches the homes of most of the people of Wingham and surrounding country. It keeps its subscribers posted on all the news of the day—local, political and foreign. If you have anything to sell, or want. anything, advertise in The Times. Rates on application. We Think Printing That's our business. We are constantly on the lookout for new ideas, and these are here awaiting your accept- ance. It's no trouble for us to give you intormation—to write or call—it will place you under no obligation, and perhaps we may suggest something you can profit by. Prices right. Quality ever the talisman. The Wingham Times WINGIIAM, ONTARIO. Art and lonalneas, Sumner tomrder—it is so pictur- esque to watch the cows cockle home. learmer—Thete's more money In it Mina they key on tin railroad iradt. gogglogg041ThegogigOgggegoO4 1 1 1