HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-10-25, Page 1HE VOL XXXV.-NO. 1811. Giving Up Business 11111111111111101.01100 THE SALE LASTS UNTIL OCTOBER 25. have decided to give up business in Wingham, and in order to sell quickly offer my entire stock of Suiting s, Overcoatings, Pantings, Hats, Caps,Shirts, Collars, Neckties Under- wear, etc., etc., AT COST AND BELOW COST This is a genuine sale and thetock must be sold. Terms of Sale SPOT CASH —no goods charged. All accounts must be paid by October 25th inst. Shop Furniture will also be sold, such as, three large Mirrors, Sewing Machines, Safe, Office Desk, Window Rack, etc., etc. M.S.L. Mud 2 door e from post office. HELP WANTED Young ladies and gentlemen who are desirous of making a record, are wanted at the Wingham Business College (Affiliated with Clinton Business College) to prepare for Bookkeepers, Sten- ographers and Telegraphers. Dar- ing July and Augnst'we could only fill ONE - TENTH of the positions offered our graduates. Catalogue free. GEO. SPOTTON, - Prindipal. GENERAL LOC,A.L NEWS, Saturday $ 20 pairs et Lad Toe, Blotter C new geode, regu nrday next for W. J., GREER. n$. )b ola, Patent 9, all sizes, ice, V 00, Sat 50. See window. Wingham'Ri e Association. A meeting of Je members of the Wingham Rifle taoojtion, and all others interestei n the organization.) Will be held tnf 14r Dudley Relines office, to Morrow(Friday) evening, IA 8 o'olot?k, A la4go attendance is re- quested. Highest price paid for bide e and poul- try at T. Fells' butcher shop. Hallelujat- Wedding. A happy eyent to nt place in the Wing - ham Salvation Amy barracks lad night when a hallelujah wedding was held. Lieut -Col. Sharp erformed the Entre- Mony, uniting in ziarriage Mr. Leonard Walton and Miss toile Smith, both of Wingham. A 1 rge manlier of our townspeople were resent. SLAUGHTER Sem—This sale includes dress goods, furs, overcoats and pea jackets. Terms cash. G. E. SING Remarka Mr. W. P. Grier grew in his garde citrons, the Equal weight we think They are of oval and firm, and thei 47 pounds—one 23 • We have no doub cured the red tic bibited at the fal Ie Growth. on, of Patrick street, this year Et couple of f which for size and meld be bard to find. ape, perfectly sound • combined weight is and the other 24 lbs. these would have se - et had they been ex - air. INGHA NVINGHAM. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1O6, Wear Gr. eer's Shoot; and Etzbbers Purchas Last Saturday, Posseesion or te whioh iee tuts pun Denyer. Mr, Pat °lase workman t%fl( dry will be sure of of satisfaction. inucknow Se ftinel Sold. Mr, Zeroes Bryan I now Sentinel to Mr. - d Laundry. who for some time h r, W. G. Paton took Wingham laundry aped from Mr, Geo will engage a Aran . patrons ef the lame getting the very best an gild the lack- je A. meGiegor, el been in °barge Mr. McGregor amen MoGreg- a print- ooess in his new est wishes. Mr. of the Sentinel nd wilt continue here be still has APPLES WANT .—At the evaporator. Highest prices aid. BROWN & IRWIN. Recomrn ded to College, . At the meei4 of the MacLeod Pres- bytery, held at Lethbridge, Ana, Mt, Edgar Eendersoj of this town was nigh- ly commended tor his excellent work as a missionary 4i the Little Baw Smith district and the resbytery recommend. ed him to oolleg WANTED—Will pay the highest prioe for chickens and bees, delivered at Wm Armour & Son's, any day but Saturday. A Build Mr, J. E. Swart in erecting a buil Work was comm week ago on his I now the brick wor building is 41x] 95,000 bricks, the being done in min will be using his li post office buildin ng Record. has made a record Log in quick order. need less than two rge livery barn and is completed. The feet and contains eying of the brick days. Mr. Swarts erg barn „before the is completed. Fon linne.—A furnished house for rent for the winter months, Enguire at Timms office. Hocks Meeting. A meetinifor t e re -organizing of the Wingham bOokeyl olnb will be held in the Council Chun er on Friday evening of this week. A11J parties interested in the game are rennested to attend the meeting. This snort promises to be popular in Wingh m during the coming winter. FOR RENT.—Double store, centrally looated ; also, living rooms upstaire. Possession given November let. Apply to Dr. P MAOnoNALD. A Stro g Team. A team of borse4, whose weight does not exceed 2200 lb ., belong to Mr. Bert Watson, of Morrisj recently drew a load of 150 bushels of 1 e. making 54 tone weight, from the 13dmin lime works to the Belgrave stat n for shiprciont. This heavy load was ifL three 'wagons, which were fastened 1..gather by means of chains. This is eretty good work for a team of the size and weight of those belonging to Mr. Watson, and we would like to hear of tUir equal. Call at R. Joh atone; shoe dare and see hie fine dis ley of fall footwear. , Newer styles an more pronounced val. nee than you oats et at any other store. Headquarters Gentles:nein—We are headquarters in Wingham for Stook Foods and Condition Powders. International Stook Food ,Br, Hess' Stock Food Herhageum AND Our Own Condition Powders —none better. Bring your awn reeipett along, and they will be accuratelyfilled, at right prices. Walton DRUCCIST. Ikfttodenald Meek - WrNettrAtt 4 Weneen—A good boy to 'earn the printing 'mine*. Good chance for a bright boy. Apply at Tiints Office. of the Thameeford St is a son of the Into at or, of this town. Ile i erand should make a bueinees. Me has our Brien heti had eharg for twenty-eight years to reside in Leacknow bttsineae interests. Fon SALE—Good one acre of land, no For termand potion Huron Gov The Huron Con held a very sums on Thanksgiving took place en the ft Wingham club won different scores veer ham 886, Auburn 865, Goderioh Town with four men 1 prize in the club shd John Stalker, of of the legal cleb won bOo yards match nit°4 tilling tionse and Wane,Robt, r Smithseoleb. P Y Andrew Fox, Whi lars apply t(nno Ti y Rifle Match, y Rifle Assooiation tournament here ay, The shooting Its at Zetlend. The the cup and the 101011019$: —Wing. 9, Goderioh town hip 335, and Blyth, . The individual ting was won by th Semi Elliott, spend prize in the the 800 yarns nit won first and In the tyros mann; shards. won first l'nhisechurch, se- -- Molinivntn. and • J. 11. Sperling oond. Curlers Re, rgamze. The Wingham Ca ing Club was re- organized at a ineetin held inthe Doun- oil Oleanther on Monday evening. Of- ficers were elected as follows; —Presi- dent, 0. N. Griffin; Vice President, (Thee Kneobtel; Secretary, Dr. J. R. Macdonald; Treasurer, F. Paterson. Dr .1. It. Macdonald and H. H. Chiebolm Were appointed to represent the club at • tbe annual meeting of the Ontario Curl- ing Ansociatiois. L. W. Hanson, A. Crawford and Dr. J, R. Macdonald were appointed as a committee to arrange club matches and for the urge of the rink. • •"Jeantraljean " A rare treat is se store for thews who attend the Wingnam Methodist Church on Tueaday eve ling, Oct. 30th. Rey. Solomon Cleaver, easter of the Metropoli- tan Murcia, Ton uto, bas been engaged to give Victor Hugo's Masterpiece, "Jean Veljean," -under the auspices of - the Epworth Leteene. Keep the date in mind, and antenna to go. An Up. -date Store. Since taking ho of the grocery busi- ness in U'inghttra Mr, J. H. Ohiistie has made motile imp veinenta whioh will facilitate the ha ling of his large and increasing trade Be has arranged a produce counter where butter, theese, bacon, ham, ete,, are kept. These goode I are of excellent ality and are becom- ing more and m re popular with his Many ottatoMere In fact everything about the store is fresh and up-to.date, and the public en rely on fair dealing and Courteous treatment at this store. Series of Concerts. A. committee 6 oitizets is trying to arreoe seriesd highoaless concertg tel be given in the Jpers hone during the towing Menton, If the oarernitto meets With the !moot* that fis antiotpated the etineette Will bei tll enured feet. lists are now being 4oninted With a view of ascertaining if thi OoMinato! *nibs war- ranted inffloIentt ItilMort to go on With the etterprite. Should inoceet attend their efforts it 4 the intention te hand the surplus O'rer o the Winghatta hOopi- tal fond. Highest prima at the Wingham Crawto The bowling over, and the c lot of prizes bei Mr. A. M. Ora in winning the Taylor, of The Mr. L. Kennedy a pipe, given by E. Nash and C. play off for the for good sound apples, evaporator. BROWN & IRWIN. d Won Stove. eason is now practically npetition for the second g completed this week. ford was the lucky man tove given by Mr. F. 3. Western Foundry 0o, on the second prize of r. Oravvford. Messrs . VanStone are to yet hied and fourth prises. Flowers for everyon , Chrysan- themums, Carnation-, et in full bloom, Ferns, Asparagus an 3 egonas in splen- did condition. Cora and see. Graham, the Florists, Frances street. Board of Tr The regular meeti Board of Trade will day evening in the Now that the long these meetings sho attended. There ar can be very profitabl of Trade meetings. large attendance of day evening as matt will be up for discuss de Meeting. g of the Wientheen be held next Tues. Oouncil Chamber. evenings are here d be more largely many niattera that • discussed at Board There should be a embers next Tues. ra of much interest You will find our furniture store the beet place to deal for high-olass goods at most reasonable prices. Was= Enos &BUTTON, furniture dealers and under- takers. DittssmAxmor—Mis Annie Mundell will open dressmaking rooms up.stairs in the Beaver block on T tesday, Oet. 16th. Miss Mundell bee Minis a full course at the Gemetioal Garrae it Shoot at To- ronto and guarantees atisfaotion to the ladies who %eve her s nth their patron- age. Runaway At idents. There Were two bad r navetsy accidents in Wingham on Sett* ay last, Abbot oon, Mrs. Jas. h was driving r the G.T.E. became fright- rs. Bone Was had three of otherwise in- ions for Some • the home of nt. one. We • Mrs. Bone is 15 be expected, her bajnriee, ht toll, of horse in front of en the animal n away, Lnek- not seriously ooeed to ker four o'clock in the afte Elone, of afit Wawano on Josephine street, n crossing, when the hors °zed at an engine. thrown from the rig and her ribs broken and wa jured. She was uncoils time and Was removed t her brOther-irelalf• are pleated to learn th now doing as WWI 550-0 considering the nature Abont ten o'clock at ni Belgrave Was bending a Milne & roll store, * became frightenel and tly the young lady Was injured and wail able to hem). Unveiling C Camp National, No. the World will next Si monument in the W which has been erect Of their late Sov. J. members of the Ord Oddfellows' hall at then proceed to the c the Wingham Citi Council Commander of Loma will -be pre ectbe ceremony* t expected that membe be present from List and Clinton. emony. 39, Woodmen of day unveil the gleam cemetery to the memory J. Elliott. The will meet at the o'clock p. m , an metery, headed by ens Band. little odgins, ex M ant and take Or rge e cernetvy. It is of the Ode: el, Godericn and Died in urnberry. Obarlotte joinsigm, .beloved wife of Mr John Nichol, ailed at her home in Thurnberry, on %needs& morning last, aged 39 years au4 days. Mrs. Nichol had been in poor elealth for some time and lasI year 10 mpany with her hus- band took a trip the old land in a hope of receiving bene t to her health. For some months she Welted better health. She was a daugh r of Mr, Wm. John- etou, of Turnberr and had resided in the township all er life and was very much respected y a large circle of friends who will ear of her death with regret. The be eavod husband will have the heartfelt sympathy of many Mends. The fa eral will take place this (Thursday) a ternoon for the Wing. ham cemetery. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 870 Queen's A.veune, I endon, 3rd door East of St. Andrew's tniurch, Guy Brothe The Elmira, New Goy Bros. made tit at the Opera Hous presented a show 1. the average. The large. The progra ing, and the artists every turn. The fi a novelty, and the mostly of solo wor this company carr the formost of th specialty perform standard. They House, Monday ni of hall at MoKibb s Minstrels ork, Herald ersys :— annual app.serance last evening, and was greatly ;Move Owd was unt..nally me was also eleas- were applandel at et was soraethine of rogra mine cons& t The singers evhien are probably among stage to -day. The ce was also up to the ppear at the Opera ht, Ootober 29. Plan ns drug Store. Men's fine neve soes for fall and early winter wear. W: are showing a wide variety of the be goods ever offered he Winghartnat R. HNSTON's SHOE SToRg. Richard Armstrong Dead. After an illnen of severel naonths, the last few weeks o 'which he endured in- tense suffering, • r. Richard Armstrong passed away at s home on Josephine street on Saturday afternoon last in his 62nd year. Dec; • sed had been suffering from cancet fo some time and last spring undetwe an operation in St. Joseph's hospit in London, but this only brought be ...entry relief. The de- ceased was ban ear Carlisle, England and in early life e emigrated to Canada • and bettied 10 Lo • o, where he remained a few yearn th going to London townsbip, where e engaged in farming. Nearly thirty yea a ago he came to WS section and Weld d 10 Turnberry and some fifteen y ars ago moved into Wingham Be was a man of many good parts and as highly respected by a large circle o friends. Bis death makes the first • eak in hie family. He is sttrvived by is widow and s family of four sons an four danghters, viz:— Mre. T. U. 0'11 ggin, London; Mrs. P. Morrison, Glen to; Mrt David Weir, Oman; Mrs m %instate, ot Tarn. berry; Idonel, Ohti and A-tiatar Arm- strong, of the E iny River District, and Retry Armstro , of Turnberry, all Of whom will have the sympathy of wetly friends in their affliction. The funeral took PAO on Monday afternoon to Winghara eon ery, the services being ootanoteti by • Y. Wm. Lowe, of Lon. don, Who wee • p tepuAttlly for thaoo ostion. PARLOR. SUITEFolt SALE—An elegant second -handed walnut parlor suite in first class condition, consisting of seven pieces. For emit; at a bargain. Apply to R. Vanntone. $1 A TEAR IN ADVANCE moeee,ee.....noe•eeree,,eh WELL-KNONN PEOPLE REV. T. b. BYLtt Rector of $t. Paul Church. The Rev. Temple St maga Boyle is a graduate of Toronto niversity (Trin- ity College), where entered with quadruple scholarships n 1894, graduat- ing B. A. with cling° 1 honors, and as 'University prizeman i 1898. He took his M. A. in 1900. El entered the Dio- cesan College, Montr 1 in 1898, gradu- ating there as gold m ldallist in 1900. He was Bancroft prize n: n (post graduate) 1902. He compleCd the Provincial Synod Examined°. for B. D, and the degree was confer ed on hire by both his oolleges, Seete ben 1903. Mr. Boyle was ordained deacon at Trinitytide 1900, .5 priestee in Advent of the same year,' y Arohbisbop Bond. After an he:iamb,. cy of one year at N. Clarendon, he wa appointed Setior As. sistanb of Ottri Church Cathedral, Montreal, where e remaiued nearly five years, resigning o become Rector of St. Wingha • He is an en husiaatio Brotherhood men, and for fo ir years was secretary of the Montreal (Diocesan S. S. Anemia. tion. In onurchmaiship, he is a Moderate Evangelical, but trongly devoted to true Anglioan Minot les. He has always shown a broad t erance towards other forms of 0 rieti n thought. Ele is an earnest and :hon tful preacher of great originality teed po er. Mr. Boyle pos eases a clear voice, whioh though not strong, carries well, and has not a li tie magnetism. His clear enunciation olds the attention of bis hearers perfect y. ti The New Post Office. After being in o -twee of erection for over two years, it -ow look, as though the people of this ection will be ming the new post office In the course of a few weeks. Postmatte Fisher has received a diagram showing*the position of the boxes in the new oltoe and is now in a position to rent 3*$s to parties who may require them. he new boxes will rent at $1.50, $2, an $3 per year accord- ing to size and al] a e lock boxes, the old call boxes being dis anted, It would be wen for present ioIders of boxes and those intending to nse a box to leave their order at the 4ist office without de- lay. It is very 4ntortuuate that the new building has Ibeen delayed so long and the moving t Es busy a time will make a lot of ext a work for Postmaster Fisher and his olJHging assistants. Dun ing the fall and vinter months the work at the post offi e is easily doubled and in moving into now office when boxes, tables and othe things will be different, it will tend to reatly increase the al- ready increased ork. Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon EYt • Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mc- Kibboa's drug store, Tetesday, Nov, 6 h. Hours 2 p u. tn t p. m. Glasses prop. erly fitted. Thanksgivi A pretty weddin Street Methodist 0 high noon, on Than Miss Sara Matilda g Wedding. took place in North molt, Goderioh, at sgiving Dan when anis, daughter of AIM YOU USINO Ganadiau Gough Gure ? g<itoeiii'qtre. This is the greatest Cough and Cold Cure on the market, and we guarantee In When you want something good ask for the Three V's Cough Ciu'e and you will be Battened. $OLP ONIX AT Walley's DruA Store PTION14 100. WINGBASI, ONT. Mr. Thomas Harri became the bride of Mr. Will A. Still k, of Denver, Col. The church was b -autifulty decorated with palms, ferns end carnations, and popular interest in the occasion was shown by a large a endance of inter- ested speotators. T e officiating clergy. men, Rev. G. N. H en, B A., pastor of the church, was mai ted by Rev. W. Hamann B.A., B.D, of Toronto, cousin Of the bride, The ride looked very pretty in an ivory ace Costume over taffeta, with veil an orange blossoms The bridesmaid wa her amain, MO IsTellie Freeman Har s, who wore white Paris net, trimmed with nalenoiennes lace and insertion, ad en all -black picture hat, trimm d with tulle and plumes. The bride nd bridesmaid car- ried bouquete of bri 'a and pink roses. Dr. Milfotd Gillies, .A., of Tentweter, Was groomsman, and the ushers were Mr. W. D. Harris, 1Philadelphia, and Mr. W. IL Roberson of Goderieh. 40 incident of the cere ony Was the pre. sentation to the brid on behalf of the trustee board of No th Street Ohorelt, 015 handsome Bible this being the first weddintgiii the new dile°. The groom is a former resident of Whishant, clerk- ing for some time i El. B. Isard & Cons store. . Frauds Henry It on the edge of his er, When it ace' sending bullet thri 5105105 few what yVon, aged 94, sat oteaning a -revel:t- otally didoharked, tit heart. Ile at home In Paris, CHURCB NOTES, The Rey. R. Sm' h Baker, M. A. of Ailse Craig, will oc upy the pulpit of th, Methodist oh ch next Sunday, morning and evenin The aubjeot fo discussion in the Baptist church next Sunday evening is one of special ietere 1 to the citizens of Canada. "Civic Ri hteouenese" is the topic. Come preen d to hear straight truths. The Rev. W. G. wson, received last week a call to preac anniversary ser - m and deliver b-cture, in New Liskeard, in the Te iskanaing conetry, about 400 miles Nort eine. He has re- eeived many similar calls during the past few months, bn none so distant as • thia one. The regular mouth 'y meeting of the • Society of St, Ohurch will be afternocee, cora. Miss Goodfellow, y will deliver en a of the oongregas Woman's Missionar Andrew's Presbyteri held this (Thursda menoing at 2 o'clock a returned iniasiona address. All the lad tion are invited. The anniversary s; vices in connection with St. Andrew's n esbyterian Church will be held an Snn • ;y, November 4th. Rev. R. G. 11.1oBeth,lof Paris will be the preacher at these 60 vices. Mr. McBeth is one of the best p :action of the Pres- byterian Church i Canute, and has been pastor of dm °hes at Vaneouver and Winnipeg. The ematial mite auspices of the San of the Methodiet lecture remit of th giving evening, and Successful eve was given, in Whi did themiedvea as those who ha fair. Rev. Mr, duties of °halm served and the about Vii. element under the Epworth League hutch, held in the Ohurch on Thank -- s 0 very enjoyable A varied program la those taking part oh credit, as well charge of the at, 0196011 performed the Itefreehmente were roceeds amowided to Property Owners Will find it distinctly to their advantage to make use their agent; based on quick returns and Kithirao. tory dealing. The followiog list are a few of the many properties for sale: $500—Frame cottage, 5 rooms, Fran. cis St. $T50 —Frame cottage, good repair, rents for vs per yeer, excellent location, Patrick St $800—Briolc block, Victoria St, $1000-1,44 story frame house, conven- ient, Patrick St, $1.100-1i story frame house, fine cellar, 4 bed rooms, stable, property in erst•olass repair. Frances St. $1250-1;4' story frame house, furnace, nice location, rents $8 50 per month, $1300-2 story frame house, splendid cellar, steble worth $800, fruit trees, rents for $102 per year. $1350-2 story frame cottage, 9 rooms, Minnie St. 51800 —Blacksmith shop and business, including 2 story brick residence, acre of land, 5 miles from Wing - ham. $2000-134 story frame house, 10 rooms, furnace, bath; two 1-5 acre lots, Minnie 81. $2500—Business stand, d welling above , rents equal 10% clear, Josephine St. Farm to mit 120 acres, one mile from Wingham on Belgale road. If you want anything at any time in Real Estate, come direct to head- quarters. Money to loan on farm aeonrity. J. H. cllisHoLri, Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent. Vanatmie block, Wingbam, Brantford w II rote oti the loeal optiori by-law in, Jan Wne! Clever Ont hare decided to abolish the o of Oorontionioner of Itrolgratiori udon, filled 'Until re- anti,lay Mr. T. BPremien. The ratepayers by-law to loan $I. Machine & Tool Thirty million b been received by t at Western points 868.800. At Sammerbur was robbed by a which was to be u wheat. Hespeler carried the 000 to the Etespeler• nepany. she's of wheat have e 0 P.R. and 0 N.R. during the present Sask., Mr Barbour eak-thief of $31,000 ed in payment for THE LEADING SHOE STORE ..1414L 11,11111`), 19SON. 1 8. 12. Any Woman's foot Inside a pair of our new and Splendid $3.00 Shoes will bo handsomely and artistically dressed. She can pay more money for Shoes, to be sure, nut she surely CAN'T GET better fitting, better looking or more durable Shoed. This Shoe price is a popular one with no, and we rifitn to have tlio bed ;am Woman's koloe the moo (1. can buy. Patent kld, Patent Calf. Colt Skin. Vici. etc., ate. Narrow toes or mediurn width. Preach. et Cuban heels Lace or Button. EVery size and width. Pull stock of Trunks and Valises. W. J. Cireer T1U611.0.160. • '1 1 i 1 1