HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-10-18, Page 88 THE WINGIIAM TIMES OCTOBER 18, 1906. 4111.11Ay111,! r ~16, /W41,11/% y/, W,+y y1014 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ferguson returned home from Toronto on Saturday even. ing. Tlae many friends of our Town D • M. 'GORDON: O vrwill i pleased ton learn that is verymuch improved in general health, but we are sorrow to learn that he yet 0 „ issft Vssils, ,,.4, 411,1,,1.4.a iriset titAb,q,«7, 44•ti* bah a soreness in his head. GREAT SALE OF � Ready- to - Wear/ Clothing at C This is a great attracti 'n just now. We invite every person to come and inspc ct the goods and see the prices at which they ate now offered. You can save dollars by buying your Fall and Winter Clothing here. We need the room, therefore the clothing will be cleared out at some price. .f 011,4 /talli1 >alals Na li l lalall+lalidialkit ♦ / to i iiallwili De ri. GORDON. MINOR LOCALS. —The Times and Weekly Globe .to January 1st, 1908 for $1.65. —Turnberry Township Council will meet in the Clerk's cffice at Blnevale next Monday. —Contractor Barber is pushing the work of laying the granotitoic walks on Carling Terrace. —Mrs. Gibson, nee Miss Ellie Thynne, of Wroxeter, died at her home in Glen- boro, Man. last week. —Keep the date of the Citizens' Band concert in mind—Friday evening,October 26th. A good program. —The Trustees of S. S. No. 0, East Wawanosh want a teacher for 1007. See advt. in another column. —Wedding invitations and visiting cards printed at the Tinuss office, in the latest style and at lowest prices, Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is beat when used in the Sunlight way. )uy Sunlight Soap and follow direction. 11 —In the competition at Teeswater fall fair, Miss Mabel McDonald won five out of the ten prizes for dancing. Miss Flora McDonald won first for best dress, and Miss Mabel McDonald second. Piper McDonald won first for piping and sec- ond for dress. —The Westminister Guild, of St. Andrew,s Presbyterian church held a very successful social entertainment on liICGEE.—ln Morris, on October 10th, Robert Monday evening. A good program was John McGee, in his 27th year. rendered and refreshments were served. All present had an enjoyable time. Several of these entertainments will be held during the winter months. THANKFUL MOTHER. "I thank you with all my heart for what Baby's Own Tablets have done for my little girl," says Mrs. Antoine Char- etto, Jr, of St. Boniface, Que. "When I began giving her the blets she seemed to be pining away nt after us- ing lees than a box -she w rapidly gain- ing and she is now a fl , fat, healthy little one, and I wr t ou this as the Farmers' Notes discounted. acknowledgement a mother who will never forget what aby's Own Tablets have done for her -child." Letters like this must bring hope and comfort to all mothers who have feeble or sickly ohi.Id- ren. Baby's Own Tablets will cure all the minor ailments and can be given just as safely to a new born baby as to a well grown child. If yon Dannon get D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. these Tablets from your dealer write The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- R Van/tone, Solicitor. villa, Ont., and get them at 25o a box. ' DOMINION BANK BANK OF HAMILTON HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. WINGHAM. Capital paid up, $3,000,000 Capital paid np,;2,500,000.00. Reserve Fund and Reserve Fund, 12,500,000.00. Undivided profits $3,839,000 Total Assets, $30,000,000.00, Total Assets, over 42,000,000 WINGHAM BRANCH. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. S .tVINGB DEPARTMENT—Interest all !wed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to prinoipal 30th June and Blot December eaoh year. itIARRIED 0 nANDALL — RODSRIIs.— At the rectory, Wi ngham, on Wednesday, Oct. 17th, by Rev. T. S. Boyle, Mr. John Franklin Crandall, to After a moat searching examination by the Miss Sophia M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Royal Commission of H. Rodorus, of Wingham. Wednesday, ALLAN.— In Wroxoter, on THE MUTUAL LIFE , 10th suet, at the Moine a the bri de's mother, Miss Sarah Allan to Mr Wendel Bennington, by Rev. Mr. Perrin. - wnIOnT—FINLAY.—At the home of •the Assurance Co. of Canada bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Finlay,15th it was found that, duringthe post 16 years con., Howick, Miss Margaret J., to Alexander . Wright, by the Rev. Mr. Radford. 1000 RECAPITULATION ! ! ! (1890- ) (1) The amount of insurance in force in- GARNI6B — SELLERS.— On Oct. 3rd, by G. creased from 813,710,800 to 844,197,054; Baker, Mr. Martin E. Garnsss, son of Mr. F. (2) The Assets—all first-clans—have grown Garniss, to Miss Lizzie, daughter of Mr. H. from;1.711,686 to;9,296,092; Sellers, all of Morris. (3) The Cash Income increased from 8489.- DIED 489:DIED 858o 81,956,610; (4)And the administrative expenses were very low; the death losses very favorable; Yonge & Gerrard Ste„ Toronto. there were no syndicate participations by of- ficers; no bank or trust stocks on the books; Hence best results to Policy -holders, who alone participate in the profits, ANnERFON.—In Blyth on Oct. 5th, Helen Davinia McTavish, beloved wife of J. A. Anderson, aged 50 years, 5 months and 13 days. MoriATT.—In Brussels, on Oct. 7th, Abi Wharton, relict os the late David Moffatt, of Turnberry, aged 70 years trod 4 days, —D. M. Gordon announces a Bale of ready-to-wear clothing. Read what he says in an advt. in another column. —A load of young people from this town attended the Crossely and Hunter revival meeting at Teeswater on Tuesday evening. —All the windows have been put in the new High School building and the work on the the exterior, is pretty well completed. —If the Town cf Owen Sound does not succeed in its fight to have its local option by-law restored, a new by-law will be submitted to the people next January. —The TIMES can supply yon with any newspaper or magazine. Leave your subscriptions at this office, and be saved the trouble of letter -writing and remit- ting money. —The delightful summer weather of the past few days has been much appre- ciated after the cold snap. Farmers are making good use of the fine weather in lifting their root crop. —The petition presented to the Lis- towel Council, asking that the question of local option be submitted to the peo- ple was not sufficiently signed and the vote will not be taken at the January election. —Mr. J. E. Swarts is making lively Work of the building of his new livery barn, Last Saturday the cement founda- tion, were not completed and it is ex- pected that the brick work will be com- pleted this week. ANNUAL Cash Bargain Days et the "Big Book " Store on Friday and Saturday OCT, 19 and 20 Best bargains ever offered in fine lines of Chinaware, Baltic ware, Fancy Goode, Stationery, Books, Babies, Hymn Books, Window Shades and Wall Paper. 1'or particulars see bills. iss Kir M. Fishe sose..o 40 t3ooper '& Do. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresoleno with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico- ^ice. Your druggist or from us, 10c in stamps. Cnssntno, Mum Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4ox —Tea was early recognized by the English (the greatest tea drinkers amongstWestern peoples)as anefficient aid to fancy and literary invention, and its capac.ty for maintaining serenity of spirits and temper is also admitted, but the article mast be the best of its kind, an d to get the best you have to purchase it iu the sealed lead packets of the "Salads" Tea Co. PERSONAL. We shall be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. Mrs. J. J. Cunningham is visiting her brother at Port Credit. MODoxAtn.—In Ripley,on Tuesday, Oct. 9th. Elizabeth McDonal, sister of John 8. McDonald, aged 78 years. Ivxns.—Killed at Nile, on Monday, October 8th, William Ivers, of West Wawanosh, aged 42 years, 0 months and 9 days. LYNN.—In Howick, on Oct. 0th, Alex. M. Lynn, aged 19 years and 10 days. DlcxsoN.—At Hartney, Man., on October 10th, Jean Stewart, relict of the late John Dickson, formerly Treasurer of Wingham, aged 78 years and 10 months. TEACHER W14NTED. For S.8. No. 9, East WaCvanosh. Professional preferred.; male or fe ale. Minimum salary 845000. Duties commence January 3rd. Ap- plications (personal preferred) stating qualifi- cations, etc., received up to November loth. JOHN ELLIOTT, Sec'y-Treae, Box 182, Wingham, Ont. Mrs. and Mise Reid, of Windsor are visiting with Miss Dallas. Rev. G. S. Paul, of Winnipeg, is stop- ping with his sister, Mrs. C. Gillespie. Rev. E, R. Fitch, is this week attend- ing the Baptist convention at Peterboro. Mrs. McLean, of Mobile, Ala., was visiting with Wingham friends for a few days.. Mr. Sean of Owen Sound was visiting Wingham friends for a few days last week. Miss Pander has returned home after a few weeks visit with friends in London and Windsor. Mrs. H. B. Elliott was visiting for a few days at the home of her brother in Lawrence Station. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glasgow, of St. Thomas, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. A. Taylor. Miss Laura M. Currie of East Wawa - nosh is visiting her uncle, Mr. William Taylor, at Teeswater. Mrs. D. M. Gordon and Miss Gordon are spending the Thanksgiving holidays with friends in Toronto. Mrs. F. H. Walley, accompanied by her little daughter, Dorothy, is visiting her parents in Brantford. Mr. Thos. H. Taylor, sr. returned home on Saturday from the West, where he had spent the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. James McBride, of Vic- toria, B.C., are visiting at the home of Mr, J. J. Moffat, B line, Turnberry. Mrs. Jas. Henderson and daughter, and Mrs. Chas. Martin were visiting last week with relatives and friends in Ham- ilton and Caledonia. Mr. and Mrs, G. A. Stswart, of Strath- roy, accompanied by their son, Master Blair Athol, spent a few days with their niece, Mrs. C. Gillespie. Miss I Jean O'Hara, graduate nurse of New York City, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Paul, at the latter's sister•in-law's, Mrs. C. Gillespie, Spence and Miss Spence, of Brant. Mr. ape ape , ford are visiting with relatives and friends in Wingharn and vicinity. Mr, Spence first visited Wingham some fotty years ago, when the town was a forest. Rey, T. 5, Boyle, who hue been in. disposed for a few days, has quite re- covered. Mr. and Mrs. Boyle leave this week on a short holiday' trip to Detroit and other pointe. Executors' Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 38 of chapter 129, R. S. 0. 1897, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of John James Elliott, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, veterinary sur- geon, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-sixth day of August, A. D. 1906, are required to send by post pre- paid to the undersigned solicitor for the executors of the said deceased, on or be- fore the first day of November, 1906, their Christian names and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, with full par- ticulars of their claims and- statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, And take notice that after the said first day of November, 1906, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to WINGHAM, ONT, the claims of which they shall then have AAAAAAAAAMNIMAAAAAAAAAAAA notice; and the said executors will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose claims they had not notice at the time of such distribution. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P.O., Solicitor for the Executors. Dated this 9th day of October, A. D. 1906. President— HoN. Wikr. C}IBsoN. Vum-President and General Manager —J. Tr1RNBIILL. Assistant Gen. Manager—H. M. WATsoN DIRECTORS John ?rooter. Chas. C.Dalton, Hon J. B.Hendrie, Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A. Barge. Inspector—B. Wlllaon. SAVINGS BANS:, Interest allowed on deposits of 81.00 and up- wards, and added to principal on 81st May and 30th November each year. Speofal Deposit. also received at current rates of interest. C. P. SMITE, Agent, DIC traN8ON it HOL M.EA, Solicitors. 'NOW OPEN FALL ',GERM IN THE Central Business College TORONTO, ONT. Enter -any time. Twenty teachers, One hundred and twenty Typewriting Machines. Unexcelled facilities for assisting graduates to positions. Write for new Calendar. W. H. SHAW, Principal, ANNER COS AGENT WINGHAEN3 M. W V yywvvv 1 The People's } Grocery. It's an everyday study with us, how and where to bny. Progres- siveness Pro res- sivenesa in the full sense of the term is cue of our watchwords. The leading feature is, however, FRESH GOODS with straightforwardness in every deal. c c` COOKED HAM If yon want something to tempt the appetite, just try our Cooked % Hams; they're the best that mon- ey can buy. Others like i' ; so will you. FOR BREAKFAST.—A cup of Christie's delicious Coffee, with a piece of our selected Smoked Ham or Bacon, will make the best of breakfasts. We please others; let us try and please you. - 1. Henry Christie f Groeer and China Merchant Executors' Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given pursuant to sec 38 of chap. 129, R. 8. 0., 1807, that ali creditors and others having claims against the estate of Alex- ander Mitchell, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, gentlelnan, deceased, who died on or about the ninth day of July, 1892, are required to Bend by post prepaid to the undersigned Solicitor for the executors of the said deceased, on or before the first day of November, 1900,their Christian names and sur- names, addresses and descriptions with full particulars of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. And take notice that after the said 1st day of November, 1900, the Executora will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims otwhiok they shall then have notice, and the said executors will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose claims they had not notice at the time of such distribution. R. VANSTONE Wingham PP. O , Solicitor for the Executors. Dated this 9th day of October A. D., 1900. PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his property at Glenannan in Turnberry Township, con - lathing five and a half acres. On the property M a good brick house, good frame barn, stabl and blacksmith shop. This would make a good home for a retired farmer. Get full par- ticulars on the promisee or address • DAVID DUNKIN, Glenannan, Ont. FARM FOR SALE. Lots 4 and G, Concession 17, Howick Town- ship, containing 200 acres, more or lees, helong- ing to the estate of the late John Ritchie. There are about 166 acres cleared end balance in swamp and wood land. Rhe farm in under. drained and fenced throughout. There are on wrek hon remises e two o storyb 1 t se with the p stony folmdation, brick kitchen and steno woodshed, cement cistern, furnace, etc. There is rage s -good frame barn with stone founda- tion gnu erw.Lrli { underneath; It;. ,e driving 1:11,_.1' shed, pi,tand hen haloes. A ...,,.... Well W7t11 plenty of water forced to house and stable by old ft. windmill on born. Windmill also used for chopping, Th(" farm is 9ctlt8xt fiTy miler! north of Oorrle a e 4hr'6e an 8 hRif ;;,j1cw east of the village AT Belfnbrl±. -MMe to school, etc. Any one desiring a fi st•elass farm in a rood locality at a reasonable pride vr,xrld do wdi to investigate. Apply on the promises for fall particntars. THOMAS, RITCHIE. Belntore 1'. 0, LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED At once for Wingham and surround- ing districts. • High -Class Specialties in Fruit and Ornamental Stock grown and for sale by Canada's Greatest Nurseries A permanent situation for the right party. Liberal inducements. Pay weekly. Handsome free outfit. Write for terms and catalogue, and send 250 in stamps for, our Pocket Magnifying Glass, or 30c for our Hand Metal Hook Saw. STONE & WELLINGTON Fonthill Nurseries (over 800 urea) TOED\TO, ONTARIO. The Leading Ccmmercial School CENTRAL WNW STRATFORD. ONT. SEALED TENDERS a. dressed to the under. signed, and enders .. "Tender for Comple- tion of Goderich Break w ter," will be received at this office until So rday,October 20, 1906, inclusively, for the oinpleion of Break• water at Goderieh, Hu on County, Ontario, according to a plan nod B eeifleatnons to be seen at the Offices of J. . Sing, Esq Resident Engineer, Contedernti, Life Building, To- ronto, Ont., H. J. Lam , Esq. Resident En- gineer, London, Ont., n ap ideation to the Postmaster at Godcric 1, an at nt the Depart- ment of Public Works, t Uwe, Tenders will no be c noidered unless made on the printed form s. plied, and signed with the actual signatures , tenderers. An accepted ehequ on a chartered bank, pa able to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public W •rks for six thousand hundred dollars must accent - ponyeve hu $6 0.001 corn• pony each tender. • cheque will be forfeited if the party tenderin •- . Celine the contract or fail to complete the rk contracted for, an „" ,tie retnrned in ca a of non-neceptance of tender. The D°ertrnent d s n bluff lt$Kil to Ao. bept the lowest or an t i sr. By. DepartMent of �O witttewa, ittheoo t not be (3ELINAf4, Sectetary, bit Weir V 1406 nRthement e Departmeent, *1I ittiy f This schcol is recognized to be one of the best Commercial Schools in America. You can safely judge a school by the applications it receives. This term we received applications from firms in six large American cit- ies and from far more towns and cities of Canada, including Saskatoon, Sask., on the west, and Charlotte- town, P E I., on the east. Our reputation means mush for our graduates. Write for our Catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. WINGHAM Hour Mills Bread made from our flour took let prize at Wingham Fall Fair. fThis proves that our Flour is the best that can be bought. You can not all take 1st prize, but yon can all have good bread by using our Flour. Bring your wheat for gristing, it is cheaper than buying Flour. Take your choice of Five Lilies, Prairie Rose, or Star. PRICE L 1T Five Lilies flour, .A•bl, $$2.10 to $2.40 Prairie Rose " " 2.00 to 2.25 Star - " " 1.90 to 2 15 Cream Pastry Flour 1.80 to 2.05 Low grade Flour,ton 26.00 to 27.00 Bran, per ton - 16.00 to 18.00 Shorts, " - - 20.00 to 22.00 Screenings - 18.00 to 20.00 Chop - - - 20.00 to 28.00 Winter Wheat, bus. .67 to .70 Goose " " .60 to .62 Manitoba " " .75 to .85 ' Goods delivered promptly to all parts of the town. HOWSON, HARVEY & BROCKLEBANKS imaji���1�1ITa1T>•, SINGLE FARE FOR HUNTERS Going Oct. 9th to Nov. 6th To all points in Temagami, points Mattawa to Port Arthur, to Sault Ste Marie and Port Arthur via N. N. Co., to Georgian Bay and Lake Superior points via N. N. Co. (to points on N, N. Co. extra charge will be made for meals and berths returning), to cer- tain Quebec points. Going d Oct. 25th to Nov. 6th. To Penetang, Midland, Lakefleld, all points Severn to North Bay, Argyle to Coboconk, Lindsay to Halibnrton. All points Madawaska to Depot Har. hor, .M1 points on Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Maganetewen River. Return Limit, Dec.e 8,1 06 SINGLE r'ARE FOR TIiANKSGIVIN�t DAY 3oing 64. .1' iii aha f th, returning nntil Monday, Det. Md. Between all stations4n Canada, aloe to Eetreit and Port Huron, 1!Ilch., Statpension Bridge and Buffalo, N.Y, t+'or tiokets and full information oa11 on L. llarold, Depot Agent. J. D. MCDoitA D, District Pasetinger Agent, -t, TOro1►6o. THE CAI,TADIAN BANK. OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund,34,500,000 HEAD QFFICE, TORONTO BLE, WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Manager BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND IN THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED FARMERS' BANKING Every facility afforded Farmers for their- banking business. Sales Notes cashed or taken for collection. BANKING BY MAIL.—Deposits may be made or withdra'tvn by. mail. Out-of-town accounts receive every attention. WINGIIAMI (ONT.) BRANCH - A. E. SMITH, MANAGER,. PI(1Ufl' 7,11 flIOIISAU DOLLARS.111- G iganti�Sale .Opening up all in the rough— no- thing trimmed but the prices, and they certainly are. Having purchased the Carey stock, to which has been added eight thousand dollars worth of brand new goods, we purpose putting on the greatest Money -Saving Sale for the people ever held in the Town of Wingham. Nothing reserved. Everything included in this Gigantic Sale. This Is a Chance of a Lifetime. This is a chance of a lifetime to secure your present and future requirements in all kinds of General Dr/ Goods, Men's Furnish- ings and Groceries. We Mention a Few Only of the Many Lines :- Dress Goods, Silks, Prints, Waistings, Flannellettes, Wrappetettes, Shirtings, Sheet- ings, Towellings, Table Linens, Flannellette Blankets, Wool Blankets, White Bed Spreads, Comforters, Lace Curtains, Carpet, Linoleum, Ladies' and Children's Hosiery, Gloves, Belts, Corsets, Fancy Collars, Handkerchiefs, Furs, Jackets, Wool Shawls,- Raincoats, Underwear of all kinds, Men's Furnishings, Overcoats and Clothing'. Groceries also figure in this sale. More Particulars. More particulars in our next adv. Watch for it, and in the meantime come in and see what's doing. You'll save lots of money by attending THIS SALE. Watch for the Doors to Open. THE BEE HIVE CO. IN THE CAREY STOTE Opposite Brunswick Hotel - WINGHAM. 1