HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-10-18, Page 1VOL. XXXY —NO. 1810,
Giving Up
1 have decided to give up
business in Wingham, and
in order to sell quickly I
offer myentire stock of
Suiting s, Overcoatings,
Pantings, Hats,Caps,Shirts,
Collars, Neckties Under-
wear, etc., etc.,
This is a genuine sale and
the stock must be sold.
Terms of Sale SPOT CASH
—no goads charged.
All accounts must be paid
by October 25th inst.
Shop Furniture will also
be sold, such as, three Large'
Mirrors, Sewing Machines,
Safe, Office Desk, Window
Rack, etc., etc.
2 doors from post omoe.
Young ladies and gentlemen who
are desirous of making a record,
are wanted at the
Wingham Business College
(Affiliated witch Clinton Business
to prepare for Bookkeepers, Sten-
ographera and Telegraphers. Dur-
ing July and August we could only
fill oxa - TENTH of the positions
offered our graduates.
Catalogue free.
GEO. SPOTTON, - 1314110W -
By Margaret E. Sangster,
For the roof and its pleasant abetter,
For the hearth and its warmth and
For the'light in the children's faces,
And the thrill of voioes dear,
For our Father's countless meroiee,
And Hie blessing on our way,
We lift our glad thanksgiving,
And praise Rim night and day.
We are grateful tor His goodness,
For the peace in our happy land,
For harvests vast angathered. •
And health on every hand,
ToGso reigns abo a us
God wh
And si nobleour home, '
We lift our glad thanksgiving
For whatsoe'er may oome.
There is naught by ohanee that happens,
Or life, or death, En will
Is ever o'er our pathway;
His care is o'er ue still.
In the silents secret places
Of the soul we lift today
Am earnest, full thanksgiving,
To God our strength and stay.
Gentlemen, ---We are headquarters
Wingham tor. Stock Foods and
Condition Powders.
International Stock Food •
syr Hess Stock Food
Our Own Condition Powders
-nate better.
Bring your ficin recipes along, slid
they Will be aoonratelyfflled, at right
Walton McKlbboo
rho', I .
Maodr►nald titaialK vets tK
A meeting of th
will be held in th
next Monday even
8 o'clock. Officers
other important b
interested in this
are invited to the
Wingham Carters
Council Chamber
g, commenoing at
to be ele:ted and
sineas. All parties
ipular winter game
Highest price paid for hides and pont-
try at T. Fells' butcher shop.
A party of you
Walkerton to Tees
to attend the Cross]
vival meeting. On
horses ran away aui
Pearl Greenhow wa
injured soev rel t
a e y l
day morning. Othe
rig were badly injur
unaway. •
people drove from
ater on Sunday last
ay and Hunter re -
he way back their
a young girl named
thrown out and
at she died Mon•
occupants of the
Wear Greer's Shoes and RisbberS
"dt:an V
A rare treat is in s
attend the Wingharc
on 'Tuesday evening
Solomon Cleaver, pas
ton Oburob, Toronto
to give Victor H
"dean Va1 jean," un
the Epworth League.
mind, and arrange to
SLAUGHTER SALn.—This sale inolndes.
dress goods, fairs, overcoats and "pea
jackets. Terms cash. G. E. Ki
Mr. and Mrs.
Blnevale road cele
niversary of their'
day evening, when
their friends gathe
spent a very pleas
a happy gathering
thoroughly enjoyai
for their homes at
morning, wishing
well many more ha
lite and the TIMES
the good wishes.
m. Maxwell, of the
rated the tenth an -
witting day on Mon-
a targe number of
ed at their home and
nt evening. It was
nd all plant had a
e time, all Ieaving
early hour in the
r. and Mn. Max-
py years of wedded
n heartily join in
re for those who
Methodist Church
Oot. 30th. Res.
r of the Metropoli-
has been engaged
go'q Masterpiece,
r the auspices of
Keep the date in
Highest prices paid. Ii.
A Busines
The Carey Dry
their stook and bus'
of the Bee Hive a
been in order for
two stores will be
bargains will be
stock is a good one:
a chance to seen
Read the new advt
of this Josue.
The Advis ry Council.
If there is any thi g like a heavy poll in
the forthcoming e1 diens for members
of the education advisory council,
something Over 6,0 0 votes will be re-
corded. Competiti 'n is keen and the
outlook for a heavy -vote is good in every
branch. There are in all some 8,300
public school teasers in the Prey -
ince. Of these, =,000 hold tempor-
ary certificates, but .he remaining' 5,900
wilt each be entitlettto four votes. No
teacher it allowed tit oast more than one
vote for any condi ..ate. There are 20
candidates for the yAblio Reboot repre-
sentation, includinneone Iady, and they
hail from all parts rZ the province.
Our great $1.50 boys' school shoe bas
brought satisfaction into many a home.
Died froiri Injuries.
Mrs. John MoAil ster, of the 2nd con-
cession of Calross, echo was to severely
burned on Monday - ;vening of last week,
died from the eifeo s of the burning.
The particulars of t .e sad accident are
as follows:—Mr. leAlister and two
datightera Were in
house doing the ere.
they were horrified
ate Woman appear 1
way enveloped in
mediately Went to
One of the glrid by Wrapping a quilt
about her mother heeded in extin-
gulehing the fire, b• ,t not before her
olothing has been aldont entirely oon•
sumed and she had anstadned injuries
that afterWOrds preyed fatal. It ap-
pests that in the oon of her household
dtttiea Mrs. li[oA11ia had lighted a
Imp and dropped a match, which
we* evidently note ngniahed, on the
floor The mato& i is thought ignited
her skirt, which of light material,
land the lamp chi ey being rloniewhat
- divlenittoadjrtt gaged het attaninn
anta the Int nude deiable he/Advent
he yard near the
ing's milking when
see the uhfortnn-
the kitchen door -
Ones. They im-
r assistance
e e porator.
food Oo, have sold
ees t a Mr. England,
d stook -taking has
e past week. The
n as usual and big
iven. The Carey
nd people will have
o excellent values.
in another column
FOR Rana.—Doable stor:
looated; also living r, - I,
Possession given Nov: e • er
to Dr, P MAonoNALD,
"David and
For the evening of 4
in the Wingham Opel
Lodge, No 110,,I.O.O,
the eminent dramati'
Newton Beers, who
monologue his °pope
"David and Jonatbs
ferent oharaoters ar
Mr. Been' entertain
delight all classes.
a most enjoyable e
mission bas been
stria of 25 Dents, t
s upstitirs.
1st. Apply
riday, Nov. 16th,
House, Maitland
have secured
impersonator, Mr.
ill characterize an
ar fraternal play,
.'� Fourteen dif.
impersonated, .and
ent never fails to
his promises to be
ant, and as the ad-
oed at the moderate
re should be a'
o d large
For RENT. --A fur'eh house for
rent for the winter mo . Engnire at
TIMES office.'
Call at R. Johnston's s , • e store and
see his fine dispia • of, fall footwear.
Newer styles and „'r pronounced val-
nes than you oan g at any other store.
Womans' In
The WingbemBran°
Institute will hold their
ly meeting at the horn
Carrie. Rant Wawan
Oct. 25th, ne 3 p. m.
°piston, "The cooking
meats and fowl." Th
at Mrs, C. Gillespie's a
oonveyancel will be in
them to place of meati
f she Womans'
egular month -
0f Mrs, W. J.
h, Thursday,
bjeot for dis•
nd curing of
ladies will meet
2 &e;ock where
kiting to take
More bargains at the ; • : ook" store
Friday end Saturday, " . and 20th Met.
WarrTED—A good boy to learn the
printing burliness. Good chance for a
bright boy. Apply at Tuers OMiioe.
Died in Me itoba.
News was received 1 town this week
of the death at Hartne ,Mn,,aon Wed-
nesday, October 10th, f Jean Stewart,
relict of the late John ickeon, who was
for many years Town reasurer here.
Mre. Dietitian was for m ny years a resi-
dent of Wingham, and ortly after the
death of her husband a went to Hart -
nay, where she lived w h her nephew,
Mr. R. Jackson. Deco sed had been ill
only about two weeks, nd was aged 78
years and 1,0 months. a remains were
interred in Riverside o metery at Hart.
At Hyme 's Altar.
A happy union w s • consummated on
Wednesday mornin at six o'clock, at
St. Paul's Rector , when Rev. T. S.
Boyle joined in the oly bonds of wed-
lock Mr. John F. Crandall and Miss
Sophia M., daughte of Mr. and Mrs. F.
H. Roderus, of thi town. The newly -
wedded couple lel on the 6.40 G. T. R.
train for a short honeymoon trip to
TiIlsonburg and of • er places. On their
return they will to a up their residence
in town, and will have the heartiest
wishes of•a large c ole of friends for a
happy and prosp roes journey over
life's sea together.
Taken Oyer Ontario Bank.
The Bank of M. treat has taken over
the Ontario Bank assuming all liabili-
ties, the latter ins r tution being in diffi-
culty owing to irr elarities in the man-
agement. Mr. G... McGill, the general
manager of the enteric) Bank, has re-
signed. Mr. Ge • R. R. Ooekbern, the
president, admits ,i. at Mr. McGill's spec-
ulations extende• over several years.
The deficit will b boat $1,250,000. The
public need have ao fear about the worth
of Ontario Bank 1 ills, It is understood
that the Bank of Montreal has under-
taken to guaranty 3 the Ontario Bank's
circulation. Bests this, all the Cana-
dian banks are ompelled by law to
maintain with th . Dominion Govern-
ment at Ottawa a par percentage of se-
curity against thei note circulation.
WANTED --Will p .y the highest price
for chickens and b. • s, delivered at Wm
Armour & Son's, an day but Saturday.
Death of Rob
Mr. Robt, John M
and Mre. James Mo e
of Morris panned ow
night of lest Week in
menthe ago this yon
attack of ptieutnonia
Ivry poor health for
few dad's prior to hie
heavy cold whit& br
trouble. He Was an
man, highly respect
and the bereaved p
misters will boo th
friends- in their ells
tin Saturday after
cemetery Was target
vices being condo
Petrie and T. S. Bo
Canadian il'oteaterl
Britons attended and
. J. McGee.
Gee, son of Mr.
0, of the let line
y on Wednesday
is 27th year, Some
man had a severe
which left him in
a long time. A
death he took a
right on the old
Industrione young
d in the community
tents, brother and
sympathy of many
•tion. The tnneral
oon to "Win haat
attended, the ter•
ted by Bey*. D.
le. Membersofihe
d ,trans, Young
rooted 'ser-
vice wants reed over the grate.
Highest prices for goo
at the Wingham eyapor
s r • nd apples,
We have women's rubbers in all
shapes to at the styles of the new shoes.
Thanksgiving se
Audrey; 'a Presb
(1`hureday) inoroi
Sam JOIN'S, t
druppe d dead
railway train nea
Rev, W. G. fi
vorsary sermons
of the Methodist
W:•ekly Examinations,
vice was la, Id in St. Results of the
erten church, this
noted evangelist,
onday nioruing, in a
Little Rook, T, nu.
wson preached anni-
o tbe Fordwich circuit
•hunt: ou Sunday last.
Mr, John that ye of Blyth, will con.
dict the services 'n St. Pante. Church
on Saads next. Mr Hartley are t
d a
very favorable i, pression during a for-
mer visit to St. aura, and the members
of the congregat on will undoubtedly be
pleased to heari-im again,
On October '7th, fifty years ago,
Bishop Orouin we consecrated the first
Bishop of the I»,oese of Huron. This
is, therefore, the Jubilee Year, and the
event will be fitt ngly celebrated in all
the churches of t Diocese. Particulars
as to the date, Pau., of the celebration at
St. Paul's will b ; given later.
The Rev. W C-. Howson, pastor of the
Methodist chum . will occupy his own
pulpit next Sund .y, Subjects: 11 a m.,
"A beautiful the ne; but rarely mention-
ed in the pulpit 7 p. m.: An address
on, "Looking on -the bright side of lite."
People who feel -half sick, or depressed
in spirits, will fid this address full of
inspiration and • plif t. Young people
specially invited..
Teachers M -sting.
The regular annna • meeting of the
East Huron Teachers' Association will
be held in the Wingha n Public School
on Friday and Satarda7 of this week.
The first session on Frid y a m. A pro-
gram will be rendered riday evening.
David J. Goggin, M. A. of Toronto will
gine an address and lac talent, assisted
by Norman Mnroli of : inton, will for-
nieh evocal and inet ental mueio.
•Folldwing is the progra for Friday and
Saturday sessions: Ope ing exercises;
appointing committees• President's ad-
dress, David Robb, B A. ; Our Poets,
John T. Strachan; Re ing, David J.
Goggin, M. A.; The w Conroe in
Geometry, J, G. Work n, B. A.; Our
Object as Teachers, Miss ary Padfield;
Public School Science, J A. Taylor, B.
A.; Definiteness, Aconr y and Simple.
city in Teaching, W. R. Lough ; Tres.
surer's report; election o - officers. The
Friday evening meeting rill be held in
the Opera House, at 8 o -look, and the
publio are cordially invi ed.
Men's fine new shoes for fat d early
winter wear. We are ho ng a wide
variety of the best goo sr offered in
Wingham,at R JOHNsT '8 SHOE STORE.
second•handed walnut parlor suite in
first class condition, consisting of seven
pieces. For sale at a bargain. Apply
to. R. Vanstone.
W. C. T,•LJ. C• my Convention.
The ninth annu 1 convention of tbe
Huron county W. 5 T. U. was held in
Hensel! on Monde and Tuesday of last
week. The prese ce of the Provincial
president, Mrs. M Kee,_of Earrie, who
is in herself a host made the convention
especially interesti.g and helpful. The
delegates were e •-•enraged by the fact
that the anperinte dents of departments
are reporting thei work wore success-
ful than ever be re. Officers for the
coming year are as follows: President,
Mrs. E. P. Paul'., Goderieh; vice pre-
eident, Mist lit • rray, Henaall; corres-
ponding secret , Miss Elle Rennie,
Goderioh; reoo ding seoretary, Mrs.
Hooper, Exeter; treasurer, DI1s.lioiland,
Goderioh. The • ecision- as to the next
plaoo of meetin was left with the exe-
cutive. As to t e plan of work it eves
recommended t : t temperance in San-
day schools be ade a speoiatty; that
the oottnty Uniopledge its members to
loyally support t' a missionary fund and
further the inter: = t in the work among
lumbermen, and hat each 'Union adopt
r putting the o
the dotterb
t re
ny 1? g
Dial orgin, "WI)' e Ribbon Tidingt," on
a substantial ba . s,
Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon
Eye, Ear, Mad and Throat will be at Mo -
Kibbe*** drug store, Tuesday, Not. 6 h.
Hours 2 p. M. to 8 p. M. Glasses prop-
erly fitted.
W111 open tiresome
the Beaver block
Mina Mundell bat
the Getnetioal Goa
ronto and gtln$nt
ladisa *lab favor b
in Annie Mundeli
ng teems tip -stairs in
Tuesday, Cot,161b.
ken a fall aourrse t
ent School at To»
s iatlifaotion to the
'With their patron.
Rev. G P. Gra am, of Toronto, was
inducted as past 'r of the Presbyterian
Churches at Wh' echuroh and Langside
on Tuesday after oon of this week. Mr.
Graham was for me years pastor of the
church at 'Union ille. On bis new charge
he receives a sa ary of $900, with free
manse and four eeks' holidays. These
a ,ngregations ar in a flourishing condi-
tion, and we w eh Mr. Graham every
success in his n field of labor,
The presence t St. Paul's chnroh on
Sunday last of large and influential
deputation from- • no of the leading par-
ishes in the Dios;se of Huron caused
considerable con '• ernation among the
membersa of the A , neap congregation,
and gave rise to ru ., ors that the popular
Rector of St. Panl'samight bo called to
another field of labgr. The work of the
church bas prosper+
tion of the present
hoped that no ch int
P. M. 00
d under the dine -
Rector, and it is
is contemplated.
A Convention of iron County post-
masters assembled the Town Hall,
Clinton, on Tnesd y, the 9th inet.
Whilst the meeting as not largely at-
tended, the discussi ns wero profitable,
the interest well en==-tained, and many
items of business di posed of. Mr. D P.
McKinnon, Blyth, -coupled the ohair,
and Mr. W. T. El gland, of Orediton
East, acted as Seer ary. After full dis-
cussion, and it bein conceded that the
best system of or nization would be
the formation of county associations.
with representativ s from these to at-
tend Provincial m ting, it was decided
to proceed to orga ize nutlet the name
of the "County of Huron Postmasters'
Association." Teas following officers
were elected: D. B. McKinnon, Blyth,
Pres.; ',Ranieri, `Centralia, Vioe-Pres.;
rediton East, Seoy.-
W. T. England,
Treas.; and Mess's. T. Barrow of 13rus•
Beld, l', Fisher of Wingham, E. Christie
of Exeter, and A D. Sutherland of Sea -
forth, with the : ove-named officers, to
-constitute the E.eoutive Committ.
It was decide E that the payment of
the membershi.. fee of the Provinoialaa-
sociation shoal• entttie to membership
in the Oonnty •'ssooiation, it being ex-
pected that a a ... all percentage of these
fees should go t. the County Treasurer to
meet necessarycoalexpenses.
The Prosiden and Me. D. Sproat were
named as deleg tes to the next meeting
of the Provinoi: Association.
Mr. H. E. Pr • Iter of Aurora, Secre-
tary ia1 Association, as
tarry of the Pro ncw
present and gav= an instructive address,
making epeeist eterenoe to the advan-
tages of organs - ation, and disonsaing the
present prospe • is of the postmaster and
the possibilit" 6 of improvement by
intelligent ce•.. • eratien.
was nnani.
1 i � resolutiona
Tho fel awn
Piously adoptee : That we, the mem-
bers of Euro County Postmasters'
Asaooiation de: re to express oar admiral•
tion of and •onfdence in Mr. Tra
Stratton, in hisadtocaoy of our nestle,
and heartily . oniniend the "Poeta!
Correa" to al postmasters, and tinder -
take to use all , ur influence to increase
its circnlatio • : Is was resolved that
the next meet g beheld in Clinton tome
time in Janna y next.
Mrs. luol en ie and Miss Jemima 'Me.
$enzis are h.' a atter a fourteen
months visit w h lrienda in Manitebe,
Sotos Dakota d M ohigsan,
Clarence Black 11 ..,.,.... 98
Grette Keened 98
Mae Williamso„ 98
Willie Simmons .,, 98
Edna Gannett, 97
Tennyson Gian 'lie 97
Ross Maxwell .
Harry Dore , ....... 90
Freda VanSton 96
Lulu DCoLaughli • 95
LizzieG e
ren 93
Oharlie Jame 92
Tillie Paterson .. -• 92
Minnie Sherk ,,..,,,, 90
Hazel Jackson .. , , • . 88
Qhriesy-Rintoal 85
Eva Armour .. 83
Maggie Vannor •; 80
Edgar Pattern,• 79
Simara Bpsonrock Orr 72
Homer Barrett.... ...... 75
Gertie Busk. ...... , 70
Pearl Dunoan ; .. .. , 64
George Moffat , .. .. 56
Elam Armour 47
Arnott Brock , 42
Tom Aitchieon.. 85
Herb Dore .... , , ;, ... no paper
David Guest.,...',.,, "
Mabel McDonald • , , .. "
Lizzie MOKee ........ . 95
Mae Mason 90
Roy Gallagher... ... 85
Maud Fryfogle... 80
Pearl VanStone.. ..,y 80
Ruby Kerr..,. , . ... f 80
Gertie White 80
Clara McKee.... 80•
Mina Currie e5
Mamie.Flood............., 65
Clayton Proctor .,.,60.
Annie Garniss... :60
Belle Robertson.... ' 60
Sadie Davidson 60
Annie Barber ...•.... 60
Maggie MoLean.......:60
Flo Imlay 60
John Mason .. •, .... 60
Jennie Bowman."...... 55
Irene Tannorma ...... 155
Ernest Porter 55
Alvin Hart 50
Viola bard 50
Dell Burwash . 50
Allie Little ... , .. ... 50
Mildred Jewett.: 50
William McLean . 45
Eva Campbell...,,",, 45
Beta Davidson... , ... 40
Russel Maokereie 40
Edna Diamond.. 35
Merle Lamonby . 35
John Holmes.,,. ... 35
Litten Hogg ...... . . ...... 30
Jean Brook 30
Lou Harold 25
Willie Galbraith ... 25
Frank Calhoun .... . 20
Clara Beckett.... 20
Richard Lloyd 20
Stanley Elliott 15
FORX III -1, Sics
Loretta Wellwood .. _100
OIive Cruickshank 100
Fred Homuth , ... 95
GeorgeTees.... .,94
Everett Glenn . • • 90
Fred Scandrett 90
Robena Sheriff ... .....
Stella Nethery . 87
Gertie Cruicksha k 86 87
Annie McBurney 87
Adam Pnlei t 87
Edna Anderson.
Jessie Wilson 85
Adam Iebister ,... 83
Mary Scott... ... 80
Chester Copelan ...... 79
Clarence Wiiso ' 78
Robert MOBurn 77
George Elliott 77
Lilian Doyen77
Blythe MoLang lin, ... 70
John Jackson. • . ... 65
Edna Iebister .. 65
William Breen. 64
Bessie Marsales. 64
Maggie Anders° ,.,.. 64
Olive Leishman. 63
Mary Sheriff... f 63
Jennie Padfield..'� .. -
Jean Bone . • 61
Flo Vannorman . ..........60
Edith Peddle.... 5'9
Bessie Lovell 58
Mabel Dobson ... 57
Annie McEwen.,'... 56
Susie Scott . ......... 51
Fred. Corley ....... ....... 50
E. Musgrove .,•r. ......... 47
Herbie Dobson . . ;'... 45
Roland Hough.. ' ... 45
Gertie Deleon
James Argo ... 31
Marjorie Gordon 90
"Viola Davidson. ,,.. 83
.. 7G
William Hisaox, ..., .,..
Thomas Wilson. '75
Pearl McPherson;....., ... 73
Ernest Wiley,73
Gettie Troy.... 54
Robert Bryans.. _ .... , ... , 48
it comes a
desire forpaa
to read more during the long even-,
If your eyesight is not perfect,
it will pay you to consult ns now.
We cure weak, tired eyes, and
give satisfaction to all.
Free examination any time, at
Drub, Store
Success in Selling Heal Estate
depende on bringing sellers and buy-
ers together at the proper time
The following list is a sample of the
many oheap and desirable propertied for
$4000—Business, including dry goods,
groceries and general storekeeping
stook. Building 1 story solid brick
with dweiling and stables. Profits
_last year show over $1,000, and good
$2500-2•story frame house; excellent
condition; Centre St.
21OO 2 story frame house; bath
stable worth $500; Minnie St,
$1300—New brick cottage, Josephine
$1300-2.story frame bonne; stable;
Leopold St.
$1100-1} story frame house, 8 rooms,
stable; Frances St.
' $1000-14 story new brick house, 7
rooms; comer lot; Charles St.
$5000-100 acres, Turnberry township,
bank barn, frame house; 1 miles
from Wingham.
$3600-69 acres ; brick bonso; bank
barn; 1% miles from Wiugbam.
$3500-42i acres; brick house; bank
barn; j mile from Wingham,
Wroxeter Village Property.
$1300-14 story brick boase, an excel-
lent home for a retired farmer.
It is estimated that thousand tone of
grapes were ruined b • frost in Niagara
The body of W. E.
whodisappeared on
found in the bay at
At Walkerton Jte
the obatge of ob
protonst preferre
dersosa by Mien
• Call and get full particulars.
Agent for Western Lands.
tewart of Ottawa,
October Gth, was
go Barrett dismissed-
ing *1,400,yy by �f}alIo
against fl. I. Ilene
Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent.
Vasastox. block, Wingham.
Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London,
3rd door East of St. Andrew's Ohuroh,
Fon SALE—Good Dwelling House and
one acre of land, now occupied by me;
For terms and particulars apply to Geo.
Yon will find our furniture store the
beet place to deal for high -alas, goods at
moat reasonable prices. WALitxn Biros
& BUTTON, furniture dealers and under.
Turkey, Plum Pttddinr and Pumpkin
Pis are well enough for Thanksgiving
Dinner, but they won't keepyour feet
Warm or dry during the col weather
that will be dealt out to us Loin now
until the Soringtime comes again.
Our lints of R+,ndaome,Strliah and
Durable Shoes for .Men, W omen and
Children will dries fret in a way 10
make their attendance an honor to
We're reedy to attend to your *ants
in il'ooterear, and the tax oonaidsr
light When you loos at your feat after
we're through with than.
W. J.Greer
TIRE $floElt.