HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-10-11, Page 22
Dysentery, Diarrhoea. Cramps, Colic,
PaiinsintheStoznseh,Cholera, Cholera
Morbus, Cholera infanturo, Sea Sick.
tress, Summer Complaint, and all
Fluxes of the Bowels.
Aas been in use for nearly ori years
and has never failed to give relief.
Notice of changes must be left at this
o1 tee not later than Saturday noon,
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to nosy Wednesday of each week.
ESSi'ABL18HED 1872
H. B. ELLIOTT. Pestasuzn lana PaopRisTO
Osp4tal iuvasted ;n Qaeadfi►u tele-
graubs, $7,000,000,
Canada wee the first colony to in-
stitute a penny post.
Canada took the initiative iu the el1-
British Paoieo cable,
Oae huudrod thousand phones are
ia use in Canada; 30u,0001000 messages,
There is one telephone to every sixty
i t population.
Canada has fortentx telephone com-
panies with 214,000mileage wire.
Canada ilea fourteen government
wireless telegraph statioua.-The Win-
eipeg Telegram.
Doctrine .That is Being Preached by neat
People of Wingeaut.
There are all kinds of revivals, reli-
gious, inoral, and temperance, but to-
day the ebief interest seems to be in a
revival for good health, and it teams to
be the Mi•o na doctrine that has the
most adherents in Wingbam. Wipe out
indigestion and stomach troubles by us-
ing Mi-o.na tablets and moat of the
misery and ill bealth would be blotted
out of existence.
Indigestion and stomach weakness
cause headache, back ache, nervousness,
debility, sleeplessness, pains in the side
and limbs, poor appetite and a general
unhealthy state. Take one little Mi•o•na
tablet before each meal for a few days
days and will soon find that lite is ailed
with joy and health, that eating is a
pleasure and food does not cause distress,
and that your digestive organs have be-
come so strengthened that you almost be
credited with the digestion of an os-
A Iarge box of Mi•o•na stomach tab-
lets are sold for 50o, and is sucoessfnl
and reliable in curing indigestion and all
stomach tr ,ables. with the exoeption of
Dancer of the stomach.
For sale by all dealers, The R. T.
Booth Co. Buffalo, N.Y.
The emigrant from Great Britain who
is a failure in Canada, and deserves to
fail, has a ugly trick of vilifying his
adopted country, and now and again his
letters home -almost always intended
to elicit a remittance from sympathetic
relations -find their way into the Lon-
don press. A peculiarly disgrace speci-
men of these libelous epistles recently
appeared in the Daily Mirror, whioh
printed it ander a sensational title. Ac-
cording to the writer, who confessed
that he had found farm work altogether
unpalatable, the Canadian.farmer com-
pels his hired men to eat glandered horse,
drowned calf, baked frogs' lege and
butter, roast skunk, must•rat "baked
with their toes on," and cowhide soup,
We have seen how the farmer lives in
every part of the Dominion, from
"Tenhamat to Nootka on the Island,"
and can assure our readers that these
weird dishes never appear on the menu
of the poorest agriculturist. The writer
is a liar of the flamboyant type, and no-
body who knows that the Canadian
worker's standard of living is higher than
that of the agricultural classes in any
other country in the world will be so
foolish as to believe a word`of his letter,
which was sent to his mother with the
obvious intention of arousing her pity
and so obtaining a check or postal order
-the price of a holiday in some saloon.
Notbing this type of the exported Eng.
Nehmen can say or do would astonish ns,
bat we are amazed that a London jour-
nal of any standing should give it pub-
licity without the name of the author.
Surely this is a striking instance of the
ignorance of Canada and indifference to
Canadian interests deplored by the
Lientenlnt-G overnor of Ontario,
Canada's Postal and
Telegraph Service.
Canada hue 10,87e postoflices; 8,688 at
Pour hundred and nineteen postofiices
were bpened in 1905. n
Letters mailed, 1808, 18,000,000; 1905,
Money orders issued, 1905, $36,000,000
Canada's postal surplus, 1905, $491,•
Canada has 100,000 miles of telegraph
Ind cations
Canada's Rea coast equals bait the
of Paralysis' {earth'8 aireumferenee.
t Canada is 3,500 miies wide, and 1,500
ALL nervous diseases are slow in ±miles from South to North.--Prelsby-
coming on, and for this reason tenant 'Witneta.
the victim often does not realize bis,,,
danger until overtaken by prostra-
tion or paralysis.
Loss of interest in life, sleepless-
ness, irritability, failure of memory, Love never (gads astray.
inability to concentrate the mind, He has no force with men who heti no
muscular weakness, indigestion, faith in Then.
headache, twitching of the nerves, A kind heart Heber has to wait long
feelings of depression and despond- for a chance to get btiayt.
ency are among the symptoms which He never climb* to heaven who it nn -
tell of an exhausted nervous systeM willing to come down to oath.and the approach of paralysis. The greetneeif of the soni shows itself
Dr. Chase's Nerve ? read stops the in the service of the lite.
'Wasting process by which the nerve .eau cannel heal the world's tortoni
calls are being destroyed, and by • by tr stung is eine lightly.
forming new, rich blood -and treat-
permanently restores new e force restorespositively
theinery us k mlght and The host
to bend to the needy. to how Wore the AI -
system. ' Honestly hi the heat policy when you
Dr. Chitee's Nerve Ix ood,15O cents *beet to figure on the premium,
a box, et all dealers, or ladsnansoit, IIt's so Anal' airier to talk t tanners
Bate% & Co., Toronto. iiiatls Oast it is to laaaoifeit ocurtetsy.
The Kiss.
Sagacious or simple
Youth ever will find
Love's lure in a dimple
By Cupid designed;
In rose -cheek or chin it
Is set to ensnare -
A. kiss! Yon are in it,
And prisoner there!
Sententious or stupid,
A favorite wile
Of clever young Cupid
Is found in,a smile;
In rose -tips the raptures
Of lovers await -
A kine! Cupid captures
You there at Love's gate!
Sedate or satiric,
For either Love knows
The trick of a lyric
To lighten life's prose;
Ia rose -rhymes the tender
Love's secrets hold fast --
A kiss! Now surrender-
, Love has you at last!
�►- - - - - ! - Irl- TOWN DIRECTORS,
Friday, October 8th, 1886.)
Loom, mews.
It is with pleasure we are enabled to
announce that kir Wtnnelliott has effect-
ed a setisfaotory settlement with his
creditors, and yesterday the popular
corner store was reopened for business.
On Friday last a portion of the sur-
veying staff of the Canadian Pacific
Railway arrived in town, and at mice
set to work to survey the route of the
proposed Axteesie l Ir;' n. Glenaanan
siding to Wingham .. It is expected the
trains will be t•auniog ittto Wiugham by
the new y, ar,
Last Thursday evening a horrible
aooident occurred on the farm of Adam
Darling, a short dietetic.. from Belmore,
whereby a young man ttumed Alex.
II in, a cants of A. W Webster, of
this town lost bis life in falling into a
threshing machine... , The vonng man
was terribly mangled, nip head and both
aims being taken cc rnpletely off, and
death must have been instantaneous.
Fred Koratann too possession of the
No distinction is made as to the kind
of Piles that Dr. Leonhardt's Hem Raid
The names Internal, External, Bleed-
ing, Blind, Itching, Suppurating, etc.,
are simply names of the different stages
through which every case will pass it rt
continues tong enough.
Piles are caused by congestion or stag
nation of blood in the lower bowel, and it
takes an Internet remedy to remove the
Dr. Leonhardt's Hem.Roid is a tablet
taken internally.
It is a permanent cure and no case of
Piles has ever been found it failed to
cure. Money hack if it does.
A guarantee with every package.
Price $1,00 at any druggist'e or the Wil-
son -Pyle Co., Limited, Niagara Fans,
One of the Queerest Trials In British
History is RecaUell d.
The charge of counterfeiting coin
preferred against a gens of men in
the Midlands recalls one of the strang-
est trials in the history of Britain's le-
gaI system.
A French refugee named Jacques du
Moulin was accused of uttering coun-
terfeit coin under very curious circum-
stances. His habits was to buy of the
customs authorities goods which had
been smuggled, then resell at a hand-
some profit. Alter the deal had been
effected he would return to his custom-
er, produce bad coins and declare that
the buyer had uttered them.
This happened following a deal with
a•anerchant of repute, who not only de-
nied the charge, but declared that Du
Moulin was himself a coiner.
The Francium -an brought an action
far defamation, and the defendiint call-
ed many witnesses to prove what had
been the practice of the suspect.
A criminal indictment was then laid
against Du Moulin, his effects were
searched, and among 'them were found
many false coins and the whole appar-
atus for counterfeit coining.
He was found guilty and sentenced
to death.
The date of the execution drew near,
and the man's doom seemed sealed.
Then a miracle happened.
A man named Williams, a seal -en-
graver, was killed in the street, sed kis
death brought his wife to the verge. of
the grave. Assured ,that she could
not recover, she confessed that her bus -
band had been one of a gang of coiners
and that Du Moulin had been their in-
nocent victim.
In Du Moutin's employ was a footman
who belonged to the gang and had been
in the habit of extracting front the
desk of his master good coins and sub-
stituting false.
It was these latter which the French-
' man had charged his customers With
palming off upon him.
Stith, there remained the. damning
evidence as to the coining apparatus tt-
• self in the possession of •the doomed
. nrnn. Title was explained by the tact
' that the footman. obtain duell-
cate keys to his master's desk, had,
when Du Moulin was arrested, feared
that he himself Wee.14 be implicated.
and, to fasten the guilt upon bis ru S -
ter, placed the entire paraphernalia in
the latter's drawer.
Happily; tate whole plot Vete revealed
in time to save an innocent matins
life. --$ketch.
How targe is Canada.
Canada is larger than the United States
by 250,000 square miles.
Canada contains one-third of the area
of the British Empire.
Canada extends over twenty degrees
of latitude -from Rome to the North
Canada is as large ate thirty United
Canada is as large at eighteen Ger-
manys, twenty Spain,,twenty-three
Catiada is larger than Australia and
twice the size of British India.
Canada has a boundary line of 3,000
miles between it and the United States.
Sentence Sermons.
Local history of the catty 80*.
Items rola The""TIntes" tyles
Central tenet on Monday, and is now
Fully installed as landlord.
The first snow of the season fell itt
Wiugham. last Friday evening.
The Cline fort allowing the three per
cent. discount ort taxes expired last Fri•
day and the town treasurer reports hay-
ing reoeived soul's $2,800 up to that date.,
W. A. McCieisout, carriage manufac-
turer has made an assignment to Mayor
Misleads for nun benefit of his creditors.
Mulholland -In Winghrint, on the 26th
ult., the wife of J, E. Mulhollind,paint,
er; a daughter.
Doublodee-In.Wingham, on the 26th
ult. * the wife of Wan. Doubledee; a
Rock -In Winghaw, on the 28th alt„
the wife of Rev. G. C. Rook, Baptist
minister; a son.
Inglis -In Wingham, on the 5th inst.,
Sidney Winfred, infant son of Jas. W,
Inglis, aged 5 weeks and 2 days,
Bad Attack of %a Grippe.
"A year ago I had a bad attack of la
grippe and alt the doctor's prescriptions
proved of no avail. I was told to try Dr.
Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine
and found it a great blessing as it thor-
oughly cured me. I told my doctor
that I intended to recommend it to -all
my friends." -Mrs. R. Hatton, 12
CIaremont St , Toronto, Oat.
Beers the Ihe Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature fik*%I. �'t n
.. Aum .,,.,y.,..,.,,:< ........ .
'THE 15 -jewelled Ryric 1
Bros. Movement of this I
$25 watch may be had in
either c':.lscd or open face 14k.
gold case.
It carries a full guarantee as
to i:s accuracy ia dale -keeping.
Precisely the same excellent
movement in 25 -year gold filled
case will be sent postpaid for 3
tl,�p yrs a postal tarsi and tae tail(
sendronfrre of eluur'e our large illus.
traced catalogue.
0,1 .ose ''''Ittleeesieneesien om"" -'"art
RArrlsr Qwinoet--Sabbath services at
11 a in and 7 p m. Sunday Sohool at
4;80 p u?•, General prayer Meeting
on Wednesday evenings, Rev, E. R.
.(?itch, B.A., pastor. B'X P U. meets..
Monday eveainge 8 pen. Abner Closings
S.S. Superintendent.
Marsonxsr onu>toa-Sabbath servloes
at 11 a an and 7 put, Sunday School at
2:30 p m. Epworth League every Mon-
day evening. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. W.
G. EI moon, pastor. W. B. Towler,
ltLD., 8. S. Superintendent,
PRds>1YTBRoAx Qatutokr-Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev.
i). Perrie, pastor, L. Harold, S S. Su-
bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sun-
day School at 2:80p m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev.
T. S Beyes, M. A., B:'D., Reotor and
S. 8, Saperintendent. John Taylor and
Fd Nash, assistant Superintendents.
Sal vsrrox Army -Service at 7 and 11
a in and 8 and 8 p m, on Sunday, and
every evening during the week nt 8
o'clock at the batraokp..
POST Onion --.In settaedonald Block.
Office hours from 8`;a ra to 6:80 p m,
Peter Fisher, postmaster.
PUBLIC LlnaxanY-Library and tree
reading room in the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:80 o'clock, and every evening front 7
to 9:30 o'clock, Mies Mand Robertson,
j'��jl, Rpl Am Latta
.,, Ont.
tt; k,,.
The bit Terence
All depends on the tuition you receive in a college
whether you will make a success of business life. If your
teacher allows you to depend on other students and
look in the back of the book for answers, your course
will be a failure. There are no answers given in OUR
books --we teach yon to stand alone. Von need no sup-
port, so that when you start life in earnest
you have that confidence in yourself so
essential to a business span. We have the
reputation of giving a thorough and effi-
cient training in both bur Business and
Shorthand departpients,
Booklet free. School term : Sept. -till June,
inclusive. Students may enter at any time,
forest City Business College ••
1. W. WESTERVEL7'. V. M. 0. A. 014144.•Priftipal. LONDON-.
atilorioyMC'osio rb►� e> tat '° ��hr
25 Cents
Tows Oorrnon,--Tltos. Bell, Mayor;
S. Bennett, David Bell, Thos. Forbes,
Geo. C. Hanna, D, E. McDonald and
Wat. Nicholson, Coanoillors; J. B. Fer-
guson, Olerk and Treasurer; Anson
Dnlmage, Assessor. i Board meets first
Monday evening in each month at 8
PUBLIC SogooL BOARD. -A. E Lloyd
(chairman), J.D. Long, J. J. Homnth, T.
Hall, 11. Kerr, Wm. Moore, Alex. Ross,
0. N. Griffin. .. Secretary, John F.
Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson,
Meetings second Tuesday eveningin each
(chairman) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. P.
Macdonald, John Wilson, Y.S., J. A.
Morton, C. P. Smith, W. F. VauStone.
Dudley Holmes, secretary. A, Casette,
treasurer. Board meets second Monday
evening in ascii month.
lor, B.A., principal ; J. G. Workman,
B. A. mathematical •
master ; Miss F.
B. Retcheson, B.A., teacher of English
and Moderns.
Miss Reynolds, Miss°arquharson, MieKiss s
'Allison, Miss Cummings, and Miss
(chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg-
ory, John Wilson, V.S., J. B. Ferguson,
Secretary; Dr. J. 11. Macdonald,
Medioai Health Officer.
Rs;CABLIeuEA 1878
Tile Times Office, Beaver Block
Tsaxs or Ousaoat [osa--t1.0O per snnnm
advance 21.501f not so paid. No paper diem-
tinned.till sll arrears are paid, exoept et the
option of the publisher.
A vin rtslrro RATns. -* Legal and other
easualadeertisementsi0operNon riellinefor
first insertion, So per line for each subsequent
Advertisements in local columns are charged
10 etc, per line for first insertion, and 5 cents
per line for each suboequent insertion.
Advertisements of Strayed, Parma for Sale
or to Rent, and etmilar, 51.00 for first three
weeks, and 25 °mate for •soh subsequent in.
u�lfr xntiffvriiuor rates for oadeem
for specified periods :,--," -
eraom, 1 rn. 6 ao, 8 no, lstr.
OneQolamn.,..,-.,,.#74,00 540.00 222.50 2800
Half (olumn....,., 40.00 25.00 16.00 0.00
QuarterColmmn.-,.., 20.00 12.50 7.50 8.00
One Inch 6,00 8.00 2.00 1.25
Advertisements without aneoldo directions
will be inserted till forbid and charged accord.
ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid
for in advent*.
Tn8 Jon Meani s:aNn fe stocked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites for print-
ing, affording facilities not equalled in the
county for turning out first olaes'work. Large
type and appropriate ants for all styles of Post-
ers, Hand Bine, to., and the latest styles of
choice fancy type for the finer elapses of print
H. B. ELLIOTT, and Pabfisher
.such as tfor
oehere insertion
busiiness advertisements
mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact
anykind of an advt. In any of the Toronto or
other city papers, may be left at the Trams
office. This work willreeeive promptattention
and will save people the trouble of remitting
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest
rates will be quoted on application. Leave
or send your next work of this kind to the
pay forte Times from
now until January' 1st, W"?}
Send it to distant friends, Ti MES
T P nlssxviviaux, et. l),o. M..P. S. O.
eit Associa-
tion. Member
BMedeUls *in aMeddicinMedical 8p e°Ooia1
attention paidtto diseases of Womon•andaltild;
ren. Oftioe houre-•1 t0 4 P. Vit. ; 7 to 9 P. m.
Centre Street
Wingham, Ontario.
Physician, Surgeon, etc.
Office-gsodonald Block, over W.MoKibbon's
Drag Store. Night calls answered at the office.
L. R. 0. P. (Lund.)
Office, With Dr. Chisholm.
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No oommiesion charged mort-
gages, town and farm property bought and
sold. Moe, Beaver B1oolcW Mi •
Wiugham, Ont.
Orrice: Meyer Block, Wingham.
ARTHUR .1. IRWIN, D. D. 8., L. D. S.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College ()Mental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Wingham.
W. r. PE/CE, B. S. A. L. D. S., D. D. S.
(Successor to Dr. HoIlowav)
Will continue the practice in the office lately
occupied by Dr. nolioway, in the Beaver
Block, Wingham,
ALEX, IigLt.Y, Wingham, Ont,
For the County of Huron. ,sales of all kinds
emanated et reasonabie rates. Orders left at
the Tiaras office will receive prompt attention.
"Naturalizing" Them In the Grass and
Setting In Shrubbery -'-Depth
• to $et Bulbs.
Pleasing effects can be produced by
naturalizing bulbs In the gratis, When
snaklpg plautetions of this Triad ib .
main object should be to get as natural
an effect as possible. Care should be
talten not to plant the bulbs in straight;
lines, curves or circles. As most of the
common bulbs are so cheap now, they
ought to be planted in large masses,
o. "
iet�taoof stook they Wish odapeehold
the same for sale in the Tsxns. Our large
circulation tells and it while Grangqe indeed if
you do nor get a customer. We can't guarantee
that you will sell because you may ask more
for tate article or stook than it is worth: Send
your -advertisement to the Tame and try this
apbn of disposing of year atock And other
Tnanss LNAvm ion
London - t 6.40 a.m.... 8.30p.m
Toronto &Bast10,40a.m,8.43 Lt,rn..., 2.40pam
Kincardine-11.15ism-.2.08 pen.... 9.15p.m.
ARKIv.s aAOfd
Kincardine ..,.4.40 a.m1o.40 a.xn.... 2.40 p.m
London 11.10 a.m.... 7.86 p.m
Palmerston ,. 9.85 a.m.
Toronto Bc (last 2.08 p.m.... 9.15 p.m
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham,
ettemet /dating real
Toronto and Bast 8.55 a.m.... 8.84 p.Yn
Teeswater 1.26 p.m.. -10.51 p,Yn
Annlvli irhox
awater8.45 a.m..... 5.16 p.m
Teoot►tL 8 BBtiMitli, AB nt,Wibgbere pre
. ■Aria v i _IN
r'r�t''ui t11,Z5n'yr t m■
/fA`I`,la` (1'""AILLitf►,ec :�y mJin■
the aim being to obtain color in such
quantity as to prove effective when
seen from a distance.
When planting bulbs in the grass
they ought to be put in places where
the grass is not to be cut until the
foliage of the plants has completed itt;
season's work. Some of the best hinds
for naturalizing in the grass are Nar-
cissus poeticus, Poeticus arnatus,
Poeticus poetrum, Narcissus princeps
and single Narcissus von Sion, crocuses
in different colors. Scilla sibirica,
snowdrops and Tulipa sylvestris,
For planting in among shrubbery
and along the outer edges of shrub-
bery borders and also in the herb*,
ceous borders many bulbs are hardy
and reliable.
Many of 'the lilies grow exceedingly
welt when planted among rhododen-
drons. Superbum and canadense are
very effective when grown this way.
The scillas are charming little bulbs
for early spring, and Scilla ca npanu-
lata and 4ts varieties which flower In
May make pleasing effects.
Bulbs have a great faculty of ad-
justing themselves to the conditions -1n
which they find themselves; hence
their popularity. But, all the same,
they give the best returns when given
the best opportunities to work In peace
and comfort, One thing that makes
the bulb easy to handle is that it is,
so to speak, fully grown before the
gardener gets it, and sole object he
has is to put out the young flower
and generally to sacrifice the bulb its
Self. Tulips, adapt themselves to al-
most any reasonable depth of plant-
ing and flourish above ground just an
well, whether deep or shallow. Hya-
cinths do not, however, and planted
too deeply will develop small, stunted
leaves. The crocus is easy, too, but has
a tendency to work up nearer to the
surface in succeeding years owing is
its method of reproduetipn, and at Iast
it reverses the process and sends ole$
"droppers," which descend and maks
the new bulb web below the surface.
Scillas do the same thing after a time.
very much to the surprise of the area
teur, who misses their presence for a
season. Reference may be made to
the accompanying diab.•am, prepared
by an authority in floral matters for
the depth to plant the various bulbs.
Generally a good rule is to plant as
deeply below the surface as the bulb
itself Is deep. But that is not an abse.
lute rule,
tom* MARK*
• DeltICN1t
Anycae sending aAkeich and description may
meaty Wertein ernMenemfres *he".,h r Ile
llo eiatrial,�eonfdented. iaandbcoleorn patters
sent free. oldest agency for tweeting patents.
CronwtghBunn k
e at.
*Mei want
hat unln tha
A baRt atyuratiettett'I 6kly.
,„,„0„,,, �ny tr7encttth° kennel.ta
';`1 r neater, el. Boer by,tii
Iii 2 ti
Q�c�-'d� ttixMfitYsyr iy
Building Suggestions. -
It is not the kind of a. house we -
build, but the way we build it. A
house 10'by 12 will give us 120 square
feet of floor space. Do not put twenty-
five light Brahmas in that house and
expect good results, for if you do you
will be disappointed. however, you
could put twenty Rocks or Wydndattea
in that pen or twenty-five Leghorns or
any of the smaller varieties.
If you have a flock of birds number-,
ing over 100, divide them into lots of
not more than twenty-five, then you
can watch then better, took after thele
and pick out the drones.
In building- this fall try to arrange
the size of your houses so as not„to
waste much lumber. A good house is
one seven. and one-half few high be
front and four and one-half in the rear.
This will take a. twelve foot board, and
all that is lost is the sawdust. The
greater economy we use In the business
the larger the profits area
Provide at least six square feet of
room in each pen per bird and at Ieast
100 square feet per bird in the yards.
Build your houses damp, proof, but
have plentyof sunlight and provide for'
the Circulation of air. Avoid direct•
drafts on the birds.
lI the ground upon which your house
is built is low, provide board floors,
although earth floors are better if they
can be bad dry. -N. A. Icing in Ameri-
can Poultry Advocate.
Soft.Shelled Eggs.
Farm Poultry has some good sugges-
tions in a recent issue about eggs. Inc
regard to sort shells it says the hens
get either insulUoient shell forming mat
terial'or the egg organs are deranged.
We incline to the latter opinion. In
one case we know positively same hens
do not lay at all. Careful Watch of a
doubtful hen some years ago proved It.
When killed she showed some incipient
eggs, but otherwise was a mass of fat,
The only noticeable thing about her
was her alternate e7teltenieitt and slog
glshness and a deep posterior. --•Poultry,,
An Example Worth Copying,
The East iiuron Farmers' Institute
bas set an example to other institute
throughout the. Province when it de -
tided to offer prizes again for the best
essay written by a farmer, the stab-
jest to be 'The best system of °fila
vatiolt in connection with Mixed fann-
ing to clean up and Maintain the
cleanliness of our tunas."
The Checkrein.
Use the checkrein with o. little can' -
mon tense. If used properly it will
hold the head on the level and pre-
vent tore shoulders, as the calcar
presses an the whole shoulder when
the head le on the level. The natural
level wih some horses is higher that'
with others.
ewer Than the Banks.
3'arnes l ough'ran, of Carvaie, County
Tyrone, Ireland, 'found an old purse
containing ninety novereigne in the teat
of an old chair which he was .nandlfl&