HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-10-11, Page 1THE WINGHAM TI VOL XXXV.--NO, 18.09, Giving Up Business THE SALE LASTS UNTIL OCTOBER 25. 11101111111111111111 1 have decided to give up business in Winghatb, and in order to sell quickly 1 offer my entire stock of Suit ing s, Overcoatings, Pantings, Hats, Caps,Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Under- wear, etc„ etc.; AT COST AND BELOW COST . This is a genuine sale and the stock must be sold. Terms of Sale SPOT CASII —no goods charged. All accounts must be paid by October 25th inst. Shop Furniture will also be sold, such as, three large Mirrors, Sewing Machines, Safe, Office Desk, Window Rack, etc., etc. M.S.L. Homuth 2 doors from post office. v HELP WANTED Young ladies and gentlemen who are desirous of making a record, are wanted at the Wingham Business College (Affiliated with lM nton Business Colto prepare for Bookkeepers, Sten- ographers and Telegraphers. Dur- ing July and August we could only fill ONE - TENTH of the positions offered our graduates. Catalogue free. GEO. SPOTTON, Principal. WNINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1906. $1 A. YEAR IN ADVANCE GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Shootin Matches. We 'understand that the Huron County Rifle Aasoo tion will bold shoot- ing matobeh in W gham on Thanks- giving day. Clubs will be present from different towns of he county. Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butcher shop, Gesell!) Mr. M. W. Hos Pitney Gasoline I in town for some neerite of his cora He has had two F H. Walley's drug tainly give a ver said to' be cheap Lighting. 11, representing the yhting Co. has been ays demonstrating the We lighting system. hts working in Mr. F. store, The lamps car - bright light and are than electric lighting. Any person w thing to board Business College student will kindly leave word at the College o . ice. Timber Out of Flume. This week D workmen remo ber from the o built at the w last summer. F the flume it was condition and ah made a good per epend a little e good job in per this kind. W. H, Green and his ed the timbers and lum- ient flame which was erworks power honee om an examination of ound to be in excellent ws that Mr. Green has aanent job.- It pays to ra money and have a anent improvements of ads Talcum Powder Hot weather makes this a ne- cessity. We have all the lead= ing makes. Large Stook of Co!gate's Violet Talc, just to hand, in handy boxes, 25c cate's. Mckihboo 1'Itlati. fl. DRUGGIST. Macdonald Brook,• WINGRAM This store closes at 9 p, every evening except Saturday. WANTED—A blight active boy to de- liver parcels, and learn the Dry Goods business. Apply to D. M. GORDON. Brussel The people of extra good weather on Thursday and withstanding this very large attend noon. Hon, Wm. Customs, was pre fair. The new b year, is an ideal The fair was a deo way and the ofo be congratulated. tion were in atte Wear Qraer'S Shoes and Rubber" First Snow of th following the sove and acoompanyfng hes day night and Tuesday, SHOW of the season on whioh continued on W two inches having fallen soft variety, however, an remain. The weatherwis of this section predict that we will yet hive few weeks of fine weather this fall. i Barber Bu Mr. R, N. Barre ducting a barberin ham for some year to Mr. Chas. W. S his assistant in the We have not learne purposes doing, M the best wishee of r� iness Sold. , who has been con - business in Wing. this week sold out neon, who bas been op for some time. what Mr. Barrett {. Swanson will have umerous friends. Our great $1.50 boys' school shoe has brought satisfaction into many a home, W. J. GREER. Fall Fair. ussels did not have for their fall fair on riday last, but not- rawback there was a co on Friday after- atte:son, Minister of ent and opened the ilding, erected thie e for fair purposes, led success in every s and directors are to Many from this sec- SLAUGHTER ea Work at The work of ma changes at the Wsi� ing are being Carrie The new cement f in the basement an completed their w system will be in should not be ver ing will be ready SLAUGHTER SALE.—This Bale includes dress goods, furs, overcoats and pea jackets. Terms cash. G. E. KING TAKE NOTICE.— the Gregory grain prepared to take i the highest marker SEA Ve have again opened storehouse, and are all kinds of grain, at price. ORTIX MILLING CO, For a Place ,n the Council. Mr. A. H. Meirove, Principal of Wingham PnblioS heel is candidate � for a position on t] of Education for 0 under the Now Musgrove was for School No. 3, Cul vices gave every long term in Wing his knowledge of his ability and pleased to see tha tial friends who in his favor, and in endorsing hi man for a positi� water News. a Advisory Conncil tario, to be elected duoation Act. Mr. ve years teacher in oss, where his ser- tisfaotion, and hie am speaks well for educational matters, ndgment. We are he has many infinen- o not hesitate to speak e have no hesitation as an eminently fit n on the Board.—Tees- e Hospital ing the repairs and ham Hospi'al bnild- along satisfactorily. ors have been built the carpenters have rk, The new heating called at once and it long before the build )r use. WANTED—Will pay the highest price for chickens and hens, delivered at Wm Armonr & Son's, any day but Saturday. Died at Southampton Mrs. S. E. Kent, formerly of 'Ping• ham, died at her h one in Southampton on Wednesday eve ring of last week. The many friends in Wingham were very sorry to hear of her death and the news came as a rprise as few were aware of her sea ons illness. The be- reaved parents w 11 have the sympathy of friends here in heir affliction. PARLOR SUITE FOR Sant—Anelegant eecohd-handed walnut parlor suite in first class condition, consisting of maven pieces. For sale at a bargain. Apply to R, Van,tone, A buying opportunity that may not occur again for years. To make room for other lines we have decided to clean out our immense stook of ready-to-wear clothing at coat. Come and get some fall and winter clothing at less than manufacturers wholesale price. D. M. ' GoutDON. Fon SALE ---We hale for sale a few pure bred Oxfo .d Down lambs, both sexes. Also a fe. good Brown Leghorn Cockrels, bred frara Bright's strain. MACE -"EN BROS., Bluevale. Season eleotrio storm r rain on Mon- oatne the firet i u sday night, edday, about It was of the will not likely D. M. GORDON is now offering the most complete and up-to-date stook of imported Ladies Coats ; if you wish to have the beat and moat stylish garments go to D. M. GORDON'S. Retail Merchants A The regular monthly r Retail Merchants Associe on Tuesday evening and ly attended. Matters of merchants were disoussei eociation promised to ha- a many inter- esting meetings dnrina the fall and winter months. At th - close of the meeting President Crow ler entertained the members to light ref eshments, sociation. eating of the ion was held as very large- iterest to the and the as - Died ;n Toronto. The many frie ids of the young lady and of the famil; will be sorry to learn of the death of the home of her Geo. A. Newton,. day morning. T lady left Wiigha few years ago to winter she zontr she was not able young lady was large cirole of f deeply eympath- parents and silt ism Cora Newton, at arents, Mr. and Mrs. n Toronto on Tues - e deceaased young wile her parents a eside in Toronto. Last oted a heavy cold and o rid herself of it. The eld in high esteem by a lends here, who will ie with -'the bereaved rs in their affliction. Fox SaLx—Good Dwelling House and ono acre of land, now occupied by me; For terms and particulars apply to GED. MCKENZIE. New Count Councils Act. The now act for he election of county tonnoils will be i force at the January mnnfoipal electio Under it a reeve will be Blotted fo the town council and of the ootinty con oil as well. In mnni- oipalities having 1000 names on the voters' lists two r eves will be elected, and 2000 names o the Iist calls for three reeves, 5000 nam s or, more balls for four reeves. In t wnshipe and villages the number of 1 *1 oonnoillors to be elected will be re toed by the number of reeve" to be oh len, but this 1Pedno- tion does not appl to towns, iio that the toWn oounoi in Ingham for 1907 will consist of Maar, eeve and six ooun• pills, eight mem instead of maven, as at prevent. Death o James Collins, After an line a extending over several months, Mr. Ja • es Collins passed away on Monday eve ing at his residence on Victoria street Deceased had been suffering from cancer and had been gradually sinki>og for a long time. He had long been a resident of Wingham, being engaged in the house -painting business. He vets a genial good-hearted man and had a dirge number of friends. His wife predeo, ago and he is moi Mrs. W. Irwin, McBride, of Str John Collins, of took place on 'S the Wingham c Going Out o Business. Mr. M. S. L, Hone th, who has con- ducted a gents' fnrni hing and clothing business in Wingha for some yeare, has decided to go out f business in a few weeks, and in th meantime is offer- ing his entire stook at cuttings, over - coatings, panttngs, a3 lines of gents' furnishing, etc., eta,, : it greatly reduced prices. We have not learned what Mr. Homuth intends doin, but he has a host of friends here who w 11 wish him a large measure of success in whatever he may undertake. We have women's robbers in all shapes to fit the styles of the new shoes. W. J. GREER. - Morris Pion Mr, William James the pioneer residents o died suddenly at hie line, near Bluevale, on in hie 73rd year, Deaee his usual health and Tuesday evening, shortl ill and passed away b the cauda of death bein Mr. Johnston was on pioneers and was very by a large circle of frie takes place on Sunday Bluevale oemetery, se Johnston's church at er Dead ohuaton, one of Morrie township orae on the lat uesday evening, ed had been in e his supper on after becoming ;fore midnight, an epileptic fit, o1 the aterdy .ighly respected de. The funeral afternoon to the Tice to be held in o'clock. 6� Councillor McDonal Appointed. The deadlock in th . Town Council over the appointment o an inspector on the new sidewalks now being construct- ' ed was broken at a spee,ial meeting :of the Council on Tuesl'ay evening, at which there were pre ant Mayor Bell, and Councillors Forbes, Bell and Mo - Donald. The two nam,s mentioned in connection with the ap ointment at the regular meeting last we k were Mr. F. Paterson and Councillo D. E. McDon- ald, and at the speotydl meeting the alderman was given the; position. The office commands a salary of $2.00 per day .while the cement isieing laid. ased him some years ived by two daughters, f town and Mrs. Rcbt. ford and one son, Mr. tratford. The funeral ednesday afternoon to eters,. Dr. Ovens,. Oculist, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mc- Kibbon'a drug store, Tuesday, Nov. 6 h, Hours 2 p. in. to 8 p. m. Glasses prop- erly fitted. Yon will find our furniture Store the best place to deal for high-olaes goods at most reaiionable"pricem. WALKER BRos &Boan•oN, 1n;nitt re dealers and under- takers. - Thirty -Nin Candidates. The . full list f candidates far the Advisory Council of Education for On- tario has been al thirty-nine candid pal Musgrove of t candidates soekin Severe lectrical Storm One of the wo st electrical storms of this season pass d over Wingham on Monday night. The lightning was very close and vivid a id a large quantity of rain fell. With .he high wind blowing at the time con iderable damage was done. The els -stria light wires in Wingham were Lown about and some of the lamps ere burned out, The storm was so se re about 9 30 that the eledtric lights re put out and the plant olosed do n. The wind carried away some of th heavy roofing paper from the top of t e Union factory. It is reported that t o or three barns were burned in this d triot, but the only one we have hear of definitely IS the burning of the lar a barn on the farm of o miles thin side of rete Will be very heavy he threshers had been Mr. Jos, Lovell, Wroxeter. The to Mr. Lovell. at his place all c ay Monday and luokily the machine ba . been pulled oat of the barn in the eve.lhg to thresh some grain in a stack and n this way the machine Was sated. - nounced. There are tea in all and Prinoi- is town is one of the election to represent the Public Schoo' teachers of the pro- vince. He has eeceived encouraging letters from all marts of the province from friends offering assistance in his election, We hop to see Mr. Muagrove elected to a position lee is so well quali. fled to fill. The Seaforth Expositor speaks in very higl, terms of our towns• man as follows: 'i'Mr. Musgrove is a gentleman who hale made the teaching profession his life'ai work, and who has been a success in its ane is both by train- ing and general ni ntal equipment well qualified to do god service in almost any department of our educational system." The Horse Industry. It was oflioially an . onnced on Mon- day that the experts appointed by the Ontario Government to investigate and report upon the hor:': industry of the Province were to beg n work on Tuesday. The province hadbe.n divided into dis- tricts, Huron con. y No. 3 and H. G Reed, V. S., of Geo getown and Thomas) Graham, of Clarem'nt are the Commis- sioners appointed f gathering the in- formation - in this .ounty. They will hold a public meeti g at Clinton on the evening of October Sth and spend from 9th to 11th t•f Octoer in South Huron district, from the 1 ' th to 15th in East Huron district and rom 18 to 17th igthe West Huron distri t. THANKSGIVINGYOWL—Turkeys No. 1, dry picked and u idra n f 6. Chickens, dnoks and gees wa t Fowl to be delivered Octobe 15t nd 16th. G. E. KING. DRESBMAYING Miss Annie Mundell will open dress king rooms np•stairs in the Beaver bloc on Tuesday, Oct. 16th. Miss Mundell h taken a full course at the Gemetioal arment School at To- ronto and guars itees satisfaction to the ladies who fano- her with their patron- age. Bargains! Bar Saturday at the ' bills left at your ..•o 01 0 House of The home) of re county council m posed of matters home. The prop one who lived me other at Londesbor> of under the recent such property in county. Applioatio have three inmates r stitution for epelepti In view of the passinpl regarding houses of refuge the commit- tee wi•l recommend to the county coun- cil that the present co inty bylaw in this matter be amended to conform with the new act. Baker Ba liff, of Clinton, was awarded the cont act for supplying bread, at $2.94 a hun red weiglit. i RV BOG SCOOL BOARD. The regular m Wingham Public on Tuesday eveni Chairman Lloyd, Griffin, Moore, Kerr and Ross. The following ccounts were ordered to be paid: J. T Currie, wood, .$6; A. Patterson, work at wood, 60o.; 0. N. Griffin, supplies, c; K, M. Fisher, sup- plies, $5 60. Applications w.:e received from Miss pthly meeting of the lohool Board was held g, there being present ud Trustees Homuth, Matheson, Miss hereon, Bliss W and Miss Brook, the teaching staff. ere were all re -en increase in salary Brook to be equal by the other teach Mr. Musgrove oipal at the same a The hour for the the afternoon was 1,30, thus giving al riday and ok" Store. See fuge Matters. age committee of the last week and dis- elating to the county ty of two inmates-- Seaforth and the '—is to be disposed legislation placing e control of the has been made to moved to the in s at Woodstock. of the new act The ebb inquest. The inquest in the case of James Jobb, who was kiIle nt C. P. R. crossing, Josephine Stree was continued last Wednesday env ning in the Counoil Chamber, the eloroner, Dr. Kennedy, presiding. The fallowing witnesses were calledand gave eaidence: Chief of Police Vannorman, 007 doctor Walker, Engi- neer Johnston, .nd the fireman, the brAkesman and b.-ggageman on the C.P. R. train, Mr. Jot= J. Moffat and Dr. J. E. Tainlyn. The witnesses were exam- ined by County C own Attorney Seager, of Goderich, and Mr. Dudley Holmes, representing the 0. P. R. The jury brought in the fell swing verdiot: 1 That the death of Jame Job.) was caused by er train at the owes - Viet on the night of er, 1906, about the 2 That we attach in crow as all the pear td have bean ly recommend that r llagrhan be placed singe on 'Rater and s we believe these the 0, P. R. passe ing on ,Tosephine the 28th of Septe hour of 10 55 o'aloc no blame to the tri warning signals s given. $ We Boron a system of gates at the 0. P. R. or Joseplilne streets creasing" ars damp eynoids, Miss Fergu- son, Miss Cummings or re-engagement on On motion the teach- ,ged at the statutory the salary of Mise o the highest received TS. e re-engaged as prin- lary as last year. opening of school in anged from 1.15 to hour and a half for noon, instead of au hoar and a quarter as heretofore. The principal's re 'ort showed the fol- lowing attendance Ifor the month of September:— - Dept Boys Gi_-ls Total 1 22 2 50 2 22 2' 44 3 25 2 46 4 13 3 47 5 19 2 48 6 27 2 54 7 48 8'l 71 360 Harvest dome. Dean Farthing's r minence in the Churol congregation to St. Pa night in spite of the i clement weather. as Pe. 103: 1, on characteristically Deeded to a die• iples of worship. ship is the test of For sincere wor- st have a lofty con th anch his whole in praise to God. utation and pro attracted a large l's church Friday ns. Dr. Farthing's text which he preached able sermon. He pi onssion of the priu The sincerity of wo the Church's vitality ship the ohri tian m caption of God. W b log will respond Prayer and petitiin are worship but praise is its higbee form. In pr ise tbo soul sinks humb . before God. The spirit, the will, t e intellect, the emo- tions and imagination bow in adoration of His greatnessiand holiness. Sincerity demands that t ' o lite In business or in politica be in c nformity with the pro- fession. Than sgiving, for which we have each ab ndant cause, must be prominent. T e discourse quite bore out the Dean' reputation as a preacher. His fine cboi a language, forceful but well chosen, 1 s earnestness and direct; nese, his oratciaal ability and good pro - Bence created a deep impression. Revs. Rhodes, Hart ey,Sanders and Lang -Ford alao took part; in the service. On Sunday the Reotor w s assisted by the Rev, W. J. Doherty, A., who preached two exoellent Ha est sermons. St. Paul ire aiming at t 8 reputation of having always the be t at those special Services. The Harvest pper on Monday evening, tinder the a apices of the Women's Guild was li ewise highly .snocepsful, An excellent env was provided, and a good program e was given later on. The proceeds ere satisfactorily large. The organist a d choir won ranch praise for the music ndered on these several oocaaton". Th oolleotions were about $50 more than other year*. 166 19 PERS NAL. Ave 46 40 43 44 45 45 61 324 We shall be glad to re contributions to this column from any • our readers. If you have visitors or purpose •oing away yourself. drop in and tell us, or se. d ua a note to that effect. Miss Ella Cornyn i; 'visiting with her friends in Hamilton. Mr. Cbristler, of S•' George was visit- ing with Mr. A M. 0 rr last week. Mr. Harry Scott, • Toronto was call- ing on old friends in town last week. Mr. Wm. Cornyn is spending a few weeks with old fri;nds in Ottawa and vicinity, Mr. James Langl:y, of Port Huron was visiting with o . Wingham friends for a few (Lps. Mr. and Mrs. :ames Paul, of Fort William are visit' . g with the former's sister, Mrs. C. Gil :spie. Mrs. J. J. Moff and little son,Harold are visiting with er parents and friends in Hamilton and icinity. FARMERS This ie the season of the year when it pays you to feed Stock Foods and CONDITION POW- DERS to your stook. We carry a full line of tha best goods at lowest prices, Full line of veterinary remedies always on hand. Onr prices are low. We solicit your trade, at Walley's Drub Store PHONE 100. WINGHAMf, ONT. Mrs, Chas. Gree Katherine Greer, visiting at the ho Mr. Robert Bro' in town on Monda1 and typewriting in neva College. Miss Jennie Ri home after a visit wood She was ac her friend, Miss W Meters, John Ri Routledge returne West on Saturday several weeks at an Mrs. Ritz and have been visiti Mr, Jas Ooobranee left this mornin Dryden, 11 Mrs. Jno. '2. Ls) Mrs. Joseph Higg turned home on h' onday last after spend- ing three weeks siting friends at Bad Axe, Mich. and daughter, Mise of Port Huron are of H. B. Elliott. vn, of Blyth arrived to study shorthand the Wingham Bug - Success in Selling Real Estate depends on bringing sellers and buy- ers together at the proper time The following list ie a sample of the many cheap and desirable properties for sale : $4000—Business, including dry goods, groceries and general storekeeping stock. Building 14 story solid brick with dwelling and stables. Profits last year show over $1,000, and good living. $2500 -2 -story frame house; excellent condition; Centre St. $2100-2 story frame house; bath,etc., stable worth $500; Minnie St. $1300—blew brick cottage, Josephine street. $1300 -2 -story frame house; stable; Leopold St. $1100-1i story frame house, 8 rooms, stable; Frances St. $1000-1i story new brick bowie, 7 rooms; corner lot; Charles St. $5000-100 acres, Turnberry township, hank barn, frame house; li miles • from Wingham. $3500-59 acres ; brick house; bank barn; 134 miles from Wingham. $3500-42i acres; brick house; bank barn; % mile from Wingham. Wroxeter Village Property. $1300-1i story brick house, an excel- lent home for a retired farmer. Call and get full particulars. Agent for Western Lands. J. H. CHISHOLI'1, Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent. Vanetoxe block, Wingham. tour has returned with friends at At ompanied home by teen, binson and James home from the �vening. They spent d near Saskatoon. is Dot Cochrane, who 'with their father, and other relatives, for their home at fuer and her mother, us, of Turnberry, re - The "Dissolution of Par fership Sale" at the "Big Store" -• 'II .: continued for two weeks longer (. P .tober 2D. ). Great Slaughter of Prit'. in Dress Goods, Fars, Clothing, Carpets, &c, JNo. da JAs H. Knell. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East of St. Andrew's Church, —Messrs. W. H. and Geo. A. Camp- bell, of the Wing am Town Piot will hold an auction a le of farm stook and implements on S •nrday, October 13th. See posters for full partionlars. A. Kelly will be the nctioneer. ' The Nova Scotii apple crop this sea- son will, in gnan;ity, be about the same as last year, why 325,000 barrels were exported to foren markets. Lieut. -Col. J. A. McGillivray has re- signed as Snpreale Secretary of the In. dependent Ord ` of Foresters, and Mr. R. Mathison hi been appointed to the office. Hunters' Excursions. The finest and most extensive hunting grounds in Canada are sftunted on the lines of the Canadian Paolfio Railway. In Northern and Western Ontario are many hunts of moose and deer, while smaller game abound everywhere once one reaches the real hunting lands. The C P.R. is selling return tickets to all game regions at one-way fare, a reduc- tion that sportsmen everywhere are not slow to take advantage of. Tickets are good going from Oct. 9 to Nev. 6 to all stations of the main line between Mat - taws and Port Arthur, and oleo on the branches between Mattowa, Temiskam' ing and Kipawa—the last named a not- able spot for moose. Then from Oct. 25 to Noy. 6 tickets will be on sale to sta- tions between Sudbury and the Soo, Havelock and Sharbot Lake, and on the Lindsay-Bobbaygeon branch. Remem- ber, all tickets at single fare, good to stopover anywhere, with a final return limit of Deo. 8, Every sportsman should send a postal oard for oopies of "Fiehing and Shooting" and "Sport' man's May," both mailed free upon re. quest. Address, 0. B. Foster, n.P,A., 4.P,R , Toronto, Winnipeg ha enjoyed the first snow- fall of the seas n. THE LEADING SHOE STORE Rubbers Every Man, Woman, Boy and Girl should have Rubbers to fit the r shoes. We have alt the shapes that aro CORB,,ECT for the present style of shoes, This is the Robber season, and we are ready for all comers. You can't buy a poor rubber here— we have none. Men's Robbers • 75c Women's Robbers • 00c Boys' Robbers • 65c Girls' Robbers • 45e Youths' Robbers - 155c Children's Robbers 40e oriammor See ns for 'Trunks and Valise*. W. J. Greer TIME iSllOEL