HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-10-04, Page 8Barain
There in be other sa'es going an in town at present. But, remember, we
have a sale going on all the time in our store. There is not a depart-
ment but what you eau get bargains in, For instance ;
We are selling Clothing at half the regular price
We are selling a lot of Dress Goads at 1-3 regular price
We have a lot of cut prices in the Staple Depaitment
In the Grocery Department this week we will give you
21 lbs best Granulated Sugar for $1 00
25e size Magic Baking Powder for 17c; 100 size for.08
7 bars Surprise Soap for -25
Best grade 40e Coffee, for, per lb .83
Lamp Glasses at cost prices, eto., eto.
Give us a call this week, before buying elsewhere.
Trade taken as cash,
All goods marked in plain figures.
Carey. Dry Goods Co.
--The Tines and Weekly Globe to
January lst, 1908 for $1.65.
—Listowel hockey club has been re-
organized fox the coming season.
—Howick fall fair will be held at
Fcrkwich on Saturday of this week.
—The regular meeting of Wingham
L. 0. L. No. 794 will be held on Friday
—Mr. D. McKinlay was the judge on
roots and vegetables at Teeswater fall
fair on Wednesday.
—The Mason block is being much im-
proved this week in giving the building
a fresh coat of paint.
—Mr, W. P. Grierson was a judge at
the Ripley fair last week and at the
Lucknow fair this week.
—If yon are looking for the latest and
best in furniture go to S. Graoey's. Read
his new advt, in this issue.
—This week Teeswator fall fair will
be held on Wednesday and Thursday
and Brussels on Thursday and friday.
—Miss L. Homnth, soloist, assisted at
the entertainment in connection with
the Westfield Methodist church on Mon-
day evening.
--Mr. Angus McDonald has bought
back his hotel business in Lucknow from
edr. Thos. l teens and is agathin posses-
sion this week. e
— -We are pleased to see Postmaster
Fisher able to be around town again.
His numerous friends hope to see him
continue to improve in health.
—Mr. R. A. Hutchison has purchased
the Alex. Ritchie residents' property on
Centre street. Mr. Hutchison has se-
cured a very desirable property.
—Mr. Wm. Gannett bas torn down
the frame office building nest to his
show room on Josephine street and is
preparing to erect a new office.
--The work on the new High School
building is being pushed along rapidly,
The workmen are naw busy at the
plastering and other interior work.
—The total output of coal tri the
United States during 1905 amounted to
392,818,341 short tons, which had a value
at the mines of 8470,756,963. Thin is a
large inorease over previous years,
--Me. Chat. Bolton, father of Mra.
Crowder, who was injured in London
last week oontinnea in a very serious
condition. Mra. Crowder left ori Tues•
day for Lindon to Spend a few days with
School Books
Scribblers, Copy Book!, in neat
Pens, Penails, Slates,
School Bags, leather and canvas,
all sized.
Look out ter Stationery Window
an Saturday.
—Monogram Note Paper
—Series Leven
—Dutch Fabric,
Holland Linen
.-.-Irish Poplin
—Shamrock Linen
and at binds of English and fore1g i,
station d*. S+ecoure th abeetfoorathe
Wrest est pries, est the ' Big Beak Store.'
Miss K. M, Fisher
SakieI'at'tfii O40per 110.
—Regular monthly meeting of the
Public School Board next Tuesday even-
Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps,
but is beat when used in the Sunlight way.
liny Sunlight Soap and follow directions.
--Messrs. W. H. and Geo. A. Camp-
bell, of the Wingham Town Plot will
hold an auction sale of farm stock and
implements on Saturday, October 13th.
See posters for full particulars, A,
Kelly will be the auotioneer.
—Debbie C., the pacing mare owned
by Mr. T. F. Cain, died at Lucknow last
weak. While driving on the raoe track
at Kalamazoo last week she stumbled
and fell and was seriously injured. She
had lowered her record to 2.15.
—Mr. Geo. H. Mooney of the Ripley
Express, Dominion Government Im.
migration Agent for Bruce county re-
turned home on Saturday with `a party
of farm laborers, which will be distri-
buted among the farmers of Bruce
--Last Thursday Mrs. Geo. Sowier,
of Belgrave left at the TIKES office two
tomatoes that tipped the scales at 2 lbs.
2 oza. They were of the Ponder Rose
variety and Mrs. Sowier said she had
this year picked iarger tomatoes than
those left at this office.
—Mrs. James R. Wood and family
intend leaving shortly for Calgary,
where they will join Mr. Wood and
have this week sold their property on
Charles street to Mr. John (Monkey. The
transfer was made through the agency
of J. IS, Ohieholm, real estate and insur-
ance agent.
A simple and effective remedy for
They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene
with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico-
-loe. Your druggist or trom us, •10o in stamps.
emuna, 3tn.Iss Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. got
—In the Divisional Court at Toronto
E. L. Dickigson, for defendant in the
action of Fieuty vs. Orr, appealed from
the judgment of the junior judge of
this county in an action in the County
Court, said judgment being in favor of
the plaintiff for $153 damages. Judg-
ment was reserved.
iw 77471 1,r.
• iv.,
We shall be glad to haviPtutreibutions to.
this coluapu from tiny of our resters. 11 you
have visitors or purpose going awky yoarself,
drop i aaudiellua, orsend ua a note to :bat
Mita Lizzie Spotton, of Gerrie was
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Spotton
laet week,.
Mrs, W. A. baihpbell, of Tououto is
visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Thos. Gregory.
Mies Mirty Wilson of London spent
last week visiting her cousins Mr. and
Mrs, J. A. Kelly.
Harry Brown of town has commenced
the study of Telegraphy in the Wingham
Busiuees College.
Miss Blanche EagIeson, of the TIMES
staff is spending a few holidays at her
home in Dresden.
Dr, and We. Towler left Toronto lost
week for Fresno, Cali. where they will
spend the winter months.
Mr. John Fisher, of Preston was visit.
mg for a few days with his parents,
Postmaster and Mra. Fisher.
Miss White of Toronto arrived in town
Monday to study Shorthand and Type-
writing in the Wingham Business Col-
Mr. John McQnaig, Lucknow, arrived
in town Monday to take a course in the
Commerical Department of the Wing.'
ham Business College.
Mr. roe Mason, of Drayton, a former
we.i-known resident of Wingham was
calling on old friends in town for a few
Mrs. Robt. Davidson 'and little son
Frank, of Calumet, Mich., visited her
brothers-in-law, Jno., Wm. and Isaac
Davidson in town.
Mr, C. W. Conway, who has been for
some time ledger keeper in the Domin-
ion Bank has been transferred to the
branch at Madoc and leaves this week
for that place. Mr. Conway, has made a
large circle of friends here who are sorry
to hear of his departure.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Watt left Mon-
day morning for Mia, Mich. where Mr.
Watt has secured a lucrative position as
manager of a large general store busi-
ness. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Watt, while regretting their removal
from town, will wish them all prosperity
in their new home.
--Its untiring devotion to the interests
of the farmer is the secret of the popu.
larity of The Weekly Sun. Any far-
mer who will carefully examine its con-
tents will nnderatand this. When re-
newing your aubsoripLions for the com-
ing year see that The Farmers' Sun is
on your list, for you ought to be a reader
of The Sun—it is truly the farmers'
business paper.
Dora.—In Howick, on September 25th, the
wife of Wm. Mr. Doig; a son.
Hw.T.—In Howick, on Sept.14th, the wife of
Mr, A. A. Holt; a son
BAST.—In Howick. on Sept. 15th, the wife of
Mr, Angus Bast; a son.
Aunxrn.—At Carman, Dian., on September
16th, the wife of Mr. Jos. Arden ; a son,
B:ohtuTn—McKeotre—At the home of the
bride's parents, on September 26111, by Rev. D.
Perrie, Mr. ,Albert Edward 55on+xth to Miss
Bertha Jane, daughter of Mr. Robt. MoKegue,
both of Turnberry.
Boamna—Grneey.—At the residence of the
bride's parents. on Sept. 201h, by Rev. Mr.
Anderson, Mr. David Somera to Miss Effie,
second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Gidley,
all of Blyth.
There are thousands of mothers
throughout Canada who have no hese
indica in saying that the good health en-
joyed by their little tamale entirely due
to the judicious use of Baby's Own
Tablets. And there are many mothers
who do not hesitate to say that at criti-
cal period! the Tebiete have ag d a baby
life. Mrs. Wm, Fortin, St. aneviewe,
Que., says: "I feel sure that Baby's
Own Tablet! Meed baby's life,
When 1 first bega> ng them to him
he was as badly stipated that the
bowels could only a moved by injection,
and h uff r
e a e ed terribly. After the fits:
day I Saw a marked Ohange, and in leas
than a week the trouble waA entirely
removed, and he has duce enjoyed the
best of health." You can get Baby's
Own Tablets from your druggist or by
mail at 26 create a box from The Dr.
. Williams' Mediate Co., Erockeille, Ont.
Rev. John Learoy, retired Methodist
minister, died at Byron.
11. Itirkpatrick of Centreville commit-
ted suicide by shooting himself throtigh
the heart.
Stratford's population, according to
the assessment returns is 18,209. The
went Is $6,028, 700,
Weer Ooohrene, Alberta,twa renohera,
lsdward tole end 11. B. Hewitt, were
stabbed era death by *gang of drunken
VAtrsToleE—At Huntington, Oregon, on Sep-
tember 9th, 'Walter Vanstone, formerly of
Wingham, in his $811s year.
GA eresT—In Kinloss, on September 20th,
William Garbutt, aged 80 years.
D. vrs—In Blyth, on September 20rd, William
Jrmes, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Davis
MAeflN.--In Gerrie. on September 24th,
Arthur Martin, aged 42 years, 8 months and 16
The undersigned offers for sale his property
at Glenannan in Turnberry Township, con-
taining five atria halt acres. On the property
is a good brick house, good frame barn, stable
and blacksmith shop. This would make a
good home for a retired farmer. Get full par-
ticulars on the premises or address
Gienannan, Ont.
Lots 4 and 5, Concession 17, Howick Town-
ship, eonteining 200 acres, more or bete, belong -
fug to the estate of the late John Ritchie, There
are about 104 acres cleared and balance in
swamp and wood land. The farm is under -
drained and fenced throughout. There are on
the premises a two story brick house with
stone foundation, brick kitchen and atone
woodshed, cement cistern, furnace, etc. There
is also a good frame barn with stens founda-
tion and stabling underneath; large driving
shed, pig and hen 'tenses. A drilled well with
plenty of water forced to house and stable by
s 10 ft. windmill on barn. Windmill also need
for chopping. This farm is located five miles
north of Gerrie and three and a half miles east
of the village of Belmere. Close to school, etc.
Any one desiring a firtt•clsss farm inn ood
looaitty at s reasonable price would do Wen to
investigate. Apply on the premises for full
particulars. Vti:0MAS RITCHIE,
Befmore P, O.
Real Estate Vice
The following are A few of the many
farm properties on my " For Sale " lists
at the prevent time, . Kindly look this
list over and if you see anything you
think would suit on, call and get full
par tient are.
I have also a muoh larger list, which
you oan see At the same time.
33 ACRES—Joins the Town of Wing,
barn; new briak bowie, good out-
buildings; a fine stook farm.
40 ACRES— a wile from Wingham;
brick house, bank barn, 2 wires of
orchard, Terms easy.
57 ACRES -1e miles from Wingham;
brink bouse, bank barn, la acres of
orchard, good fences, spring creek.
$1,000 mash, balance at 5X.
50 ACRES— Adjoining Blnevale. In
firat•olasa state of cultivation; fine
buildings; 4 acres fall wheat and 23
acres fall plowing.
100 ACRES -4 miles, from Wingham.
Good frame buildings, fences in
good repair, an excellent property,
will be sold cheap, $1,800 cash, bal-
ance 5%.
200 ACRES -7. miles from Wingham.
First-ohms'buildiugs; 50 acres un -
culled beech and maple bush, worth
half the price of farm. Easy terms,
cheap farm, and roust be sold.
123 ACRES -5 miles from Wingham.
Bank barn, two-story brick house
worth half the price of farm; good
fences, spring creek, 7 sores hard.
wood bush; soil clay loam; a desir-
able property.
100 ACRES -3e tulles from Wingham.
Good frame buildings, lei acres of .
orohard; fine locality. $1,800 down,
balance 5%.
100 AORES-12 miles from Wingham
and 7 from Blyth. 85 acres cleared,
balance beech and maple bush; said
to be one of the finest farms ' . East
Wawanoah. Good bnildin ; terms
easy. .
150 ACRES -10 miles fr..e Wingham
and 3 from Belgrav:, Good frame
house, bank • : rn, o. 1 fences, two
acres orchsr• 11 be sold cheap.
150 ACRES--2les from Wingham.
120 acres cleared, an excellent bank
barn, frame home, No, 1 fences,
nicely a (;Hated. $1,500 down, bal.
anoe at 4,14%.
100 ACRES -9 miles from Wingham
and 3 from Whitechurch, 90 acres
cleared, balance' hardwood bush;
new frame house, bank barn, good
fences; $1,600 down, balance 5%.
150 ACRES -2e miles from Wingham.
New brink house, bank barn; in a
good state of cultivation ; spring
creek. Terms easy. A chance for
some ot19.
100 ACRES --14 miles from Wingham.
New bank barn, frame house, 14
asses orchard, two spring creeks,
No. 1 fences. $1,500 down, balance
at 5%.
100 ACRES -3 miles from Wingham,
on Lucknow road. Bank barn,frame
house; 70 aortas cleared, the balance
black ash swamp. Beautiful loca-
tion; terms easy.
100 ACRES -8 miles from Wingham
and 3 from Belgrave. 9 acres good
bush ; spring creek, good fences.
Any reasonable offer accepted.
100 ACRES -2 miles from Blyth, half
mile from school. Good bank barn,
frame house, No. 1 soil; a bargain
if sold inside of two months.
100 ACRES -3% miles from Wingham.
Erick house, bank barn; all cleared,
70 acres seeded down; No. 1 fences,
$1,200 down, balance 5%.
100 ACRES -3X miles from. Wingham.
58 acres cleared, balance hardwood
bash; spring creek, bank barn, silo,
-good frame house; a fine stock farm.
• Terms easy,
100 ACRES -9 miles from Wingham
and 6 from Brussels. First - class
buildings and fenoes,plenty of water,
No. 1 soil. Will be sold cheap.
100 ACRLS-2 miles from Wingham,
all cleared, not a foot of waste land,
all in pasture; an excellent grass
106 ACRES --21 miles from Wingham,
near Zetland. All cleared, good
barn and frame house. Terms easy.
100 ACRES ---Adjoining Gerrie, First
class buildings; no better farmer's
home in Canada; no waste land, No,
1 soil; will he sold cheap. Termer
BUSINESS —I n o l n d i n g Dry
Goods, Groceries and general store-
keeping steels. Profits Last year
'how over $1,000, and good living.
Ithteksvaith Shop and Dutei-
nesn--Five miles from Wingham.
With or without property. Snap
fora good man.
SALE) TDNDERS addressed to the under-
signed, and endorsed "Tender for empire
tion of Goderieh Breakwater," will be received
at this office until Saturday. October 20,
1000, inolusivelj, for the eompletien of Break-
water at Goderich, Huron county, tario,
according tea pian and apec38catiobi9hs to be
seen at the Omees of J. G. Sing, Resident
Engineer, Confederation Li Be 'ding, Te-
rmite. Oat., 11. d tub, Resident En-
gineer, London, On , ouraupiination ter the
Pottna'ter at C3 ric)r; and at the Depart-
ment of Pnbiie We k
on he printteeldl Perm aulorbptieed,' d eign'ccl with
tke aetnal signatures of tenderers.
An accepted chegne nn a chartered bank,
payabla to the order of the Honourable the
Minister of Public Works, for six tliar(eand
fire hrindred dollar* tis 500.001, trio*atter*.
t aem-
iear each tender. noeheklueWill bet forfeited
if the party tendering di -ditto the eentraet nr
Vol to complete the work eontraeted for, and
will be returned In case of nan•aeceptanec of
tenets r.
'.p the lows t nr does Any to .nd ityeii fa vie.
By order.
FRED. Gift.ItlIS.
Department of Pstblie WerkS,
Otters, teptarisber 54.1904.
oaa hswtrnht asene rit the i
trot be paid for it.
Space will not permit me 10 give any
more farms in detail, but I might just
say that if you are interested in buying
land in any part of Canada, call and see
1 have for sale your choke of Wing-
ingham Town tots rand Properties rang-
ing in price front $400 up to $6,000, ant
the Intending purchaser will find it to hit
advantage to look over tins list before
making choice of a house, lot or busi-
ne's stand,
Money to Lean on rook 4eeurity,
-Western Lttds ter este or Igrrelzai*ge.
Atter* meat searching-e;an1inetion by the
Royal Commission of
Assurance Co. of Canada
it was found that, during the peat 16 years
(1) The amount of insurance In tercet in-
creased trine $18,710,900 to 144,107,0041
from $T711 88 tp *flail fi02
-close—have grown
t8) The Cash Income increased :rem $489,-
858 to 51,066,510;
(4)And the administrative expenses were
very low; the death lessee very favorable ;
there were no syndicate participations by of-
ficers; no bank or trust stooks on the 12ooks;
Hence best results to Policy -holders, who
alone participate in the profits.
Biddy's cream
Is a food for Raising Purposes of ex-
ceptionally high value.
Capital paid up, $3,000,000
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $3,839,000
Total Assets; over 42,000,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in panda,
the United States and Europe.
all awed on deposits of 41 And upwards,
and added toprinaipal80th June and 410
December giwh year.
D. T. HEPBURN,'Manager.
B Y,wlcue, Solicitor,
Capita/ paid ap, $2,b00,000,00.
Reserve Fund, $2,500,000.00.
Total Assns, $30,000,000.00.'
Presetent— ilea. Wen Grilses.
Y oe•Preaident and
Geneva Manager —.7.1einztarree,
Assistant Gen. Manager -.R. M. WATSON
John ?rooter, Cherfdy, ureudrle,
G. utRutherford,
8nweetor•-B. Willson,
DP -
ward's, anallowed
edded t° i principal on %1st belay Val
90th Noveanber each year,
Special Deposits also received at current•
rates of interest.
0. P. SMITH) Agent)
Dec &ra mer& EQX 6111118, Solicitors.
Gooked Meats OF COMMERCE
Seleoted Boiled Ham, Sliced Corn
Beef, Smoked Ham, Bacon, etc.
Sliced like a wafer.
When you want Bisouits or Candies,
always see that you get the best.
I Teas and Coffees a specialty I
3. . 011IS1OLM,
Rem Estate I0lre Inauranoe, and
Lain Agent,
Orrtelr- t petsii'* ifs Itnatane Moak, next to
J. Henry Christie
Grocer and Crockery Merchant,
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000
'R. E. WALKER, Genera:Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. GeneMenagent
A general Banking business transacted. Accounts may be opened and conducted by;
mail with all branches of this Bank.
Deposita of $1 and upwards received,. and interest allowed at:
current rates. The depositor is subject to no delay what-
ever in the withdrawal- of the 'whole or any
portion of the deposit
Your Footwear Needs
Central Business College,
Enter any time. Twenty teaohere.
One hundred and twenty Typewriting
Machines. Unexcelled facilities for
assisting graduates to positions.
Write for new Calendar. -
W. H. SHAW, Principal,
Yonge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto.
-. With the fall weather Doming on, you will need new footwear that will
keep your feet dry and comfortable. We have anticipated your ueeds
and hove now in stook a large selection Of the beat that money can
bay, in
Men's Fine and Coarse Boots and Shoes
Ladies' Fine and Coarse Shoes
School Shoes and finer ones for the Boys and Gins
These we are selling at very reasonable prices. •Satisfaction guaranteed.
A first-class repairer has been engaged to do all kinds of repairing, and
we will sew free of charge all rips in shoes bought at this store.
• • 4'
Macdonald Block, Wingham. SHOE DEA.LRIL.
Hour Mills
Bread made from our flour took
tat prize at Wingham Fall Fair.
This proves that our Flour is the
best that oan be bought. Yon can
not all take 1st prize, but you can
all have good bread by using our
Flour. Bring your wheat for
griating, it is cheaper than buying
Flour. Take your choice of Five
Lilies, Prairie Rose, or Star.
Five Lilies flour, a bi, $2.10 to $2.40
Prairie Rose " " 2.00 to 2.25
Star - " " 1.90 to 2.15
Cream Pastry Flour 1,80 to 2.05
Low grade Flour,ton 26.00 to 27.00
Bran, per ton - 16.00 to 18.00
Shorts, iT • • 20.00 to 22,00
Screenings - 18.00 to 20.00
(hop - - 20.00 to 28.00
Winter Wheat, bus. .67 to .70
Goose " " .60 to .62
Manitoba " " .75 to .85
Goods delivered promptly to all
parts of the town,
Goin Oct. 9th t
Going a Nov 6th
To alt points fn Temagami on T. &
N. O. Ry.
To points Mattawa tp Port Arthur,
To Saut Ste,Marie
and Part Arthur
via Northern Nay. CO.
To Georgian Bay and Lake Superior
points vie N. Iii, Co.
TO points in Quelieo.
Going Oct. 251h to Nov. 6th.
Penetang, Midland, Lakefieid, alt
i to
to Haub rttoone
All points Madawaska; to Depot gar.
All points on Muskoka Lakes, Lake
Of Bay', Meganetewan River.
All ' is sts,o ti morning
until uoi .9111
For ttokeh and fell infertnittien
oat on L. Ilarold,. Ilepot Anent. J.
I). *Mourn, i3ietriot Pawie;nger
Agent, Toronto.
New Dress Goods
Shipments -this week complete the stock of Fall and
Winter Dress Goods at The Bee Hive, and we are safe in.
saying that never have we had such a showing of the most.
fashionable and up-to-date new weaves and pretty combination
of coloring as Canadian and Foreign manufacturers have this
season produced. The new, both in plain cloths and in tweeds,
are here to select from, You can easily make a choice of a
nice dress at any price from 250 up to $2.00 per yard, Re-
member low price don't count unless the goods are backed up.
with excellence in style, quality and weave. This is where
This Store always takes first place.
There's a beauty connected with our • new Fall and
W inter Shirtwaists which distinctly identifies them from the
multitude of conventional types shown everywhere. We pride
ourselves in having for our customers ---exclusive styles—
worked out according to our ideas of correctdess. We show'
an immense assortment made of' Silk, Poplin, Lustre,
Mercerized Sateen and Fancy Cotton Valours.rs. The Silk and
Poplin Waists are made with dainty trimmings of lace and
beautifully embroidered in silk. The Lustre, Valour and Sateen
Waists are nicely trimmed in rows of tucks. All the latest
colorings to select 'from. Prices range from 50c up to $4.00
Splendid vain await you, men's and boys' clothing,
men's furnishing, ttapie dry goods and grooeries
IVVtgerevrefrIVITTrf'I'I''f''i►ir'9 eitY i1''ryr/V*Tti''hM'i'il►'1''effe'rer M' .'
_ rl
Your Printing
The Times Office