The Wingham Times, 1906-10-04, Page 6G
must of necessity be lasting in
order to successfully weather
the storms of business life.
young men and young women
to take minor positions which
eventually lead to positions
of responsibility and trust. The
foundation is secure. Our
students go up, not down. We
are unable to supply the demand
for our students. Why? Be-
cause business men recognize
the superior training they
Write for our business and
shorthand booklet ; it's free.
School term : September till
June, inclusive.
Forest City
Business College.
1. W. WESTERVELT Y.N.C.A, Bldg.,
Principal. London.
Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Dr. J. L. Turnbull has dee ided to leave
Listowel and bee sold out his praotice to
Dr. Moore.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
N. R McKinnon has sold the Arling-
ton hotel, Listowel, to Henry Bramni of
Fergus, who takes ariessession Nov. let.
Price, about $15,000.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
Washington rules that mince meat, as
far as inspection laws go, is not a meat.
Well, what is it -a building material or
s dangerous explosive ?
Ce E3..lSei'C:s .X ...
Bears the�,,,�The Kind You Have A
lways Bought
of (i��� _
It is said that the lady teachers in the
Walkerton Public School are dissatisfied
with the amount of salary they are re-
adying, and are considering the advisa-
lenity of going on strike.
is Sent direct to the diseased
parts y the Improved BIower,
r'nl Heels the ulcers, cleats the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanantly cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffaie.
At the R. 0, Church Teeswater, on
Tuesday meriting, September 25'b, the
itEVerend Father Corc• ran performed
the ceremony that made 141r. Duncan
Bine and Miss Emma, youngest daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Keip, hus-
band and wife. After the ceremony
the bridal party repaired to the home of
the bride's parents on Clarinda St.,
where a splendid dinner was served. In
the evening there was a grand supper
and a dance that was lamely attended
and for whica the O'ttally Bros. fur-
nished music. _ N
.ixe at eembinatlon Of the active tene-Wes df
she meet 'alusblc vada remedies or thin
Oleos atttldieorderee the I.iyer,Stnrhach and
Melt li#sadMeb .1s/wadies, lifettote-
i sisie s lelotol e• sena lU.
Tia value of a mutter(' poultice for
coughs and sore throats was welt known
to our grandmothers; and the remedy is
still used successfully in ninny house -
SUi)DEfifl AxTAt' 11).
Children are often attacked suddenly
by painful and dangerous Collo, Creams,
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cltolera Iufantunt, etc, Dr, Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
AO sure cure which should always ire
zept in the house.
The woman rho appears taller in pro-
pertion etbeu bitting down than when
standing has a good chance to live long,
If the body is twig in proportiou to the
limbs the heart, lungs and diger+sive or -
galas are ldrge.
Pib'a quickly and positively cured
with Dr. Shope Magic Ointment. It's
made far Piles alone --end it does the
we rk eurely and with satisfaction.
Itching, painful, protruding or blind
piles ditat pt ar like magio by its use.
Large, Ntckel Capped glass jars, 50
scuts. Sold and recommended at
Walley's drug store,
For a dangerous wound made by a
rusty nail or a jagged knife the best
remedy is to apply pork rind. It should
be changed often fcr several days wbsa
the poison will be entirely drawn out
and there will be no inflammation,
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
One of the oldest residents of Bruce
County died near Formosa, recently, in
the person of Mrs, John Alt, aged 98
1F]', teetist, Ittoyie
ur. latenesi�h�, *''tleste �y
ilateSirbe .
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billiousneaa, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
There are few houses that aro not fa-
miliar with some of the numerous uses
of turpentine, and as the odor is clean
and wholesome it has the advantage
over the many remedies whose odors are
Proper Medicine
For The Wood
Privy' Amity That aired reeling; Nakao
FUM Peel Bruck.
'With money in his pocket,
And with bread and meat to do,
A good cox: is the kitchen
.And the evening chorea all through;
A merry fireside ringing
• With the shouts of childish glee,
To everyone is sure to come that tired, The farmer's just as happy
exhausted feeling. As this wand will let hint be
When the blood to weak, thin and de-
bilitated, oironlation is slow, and in can. t3ia oorn•oribe are a -bulging
at aeence the syetern is congttted with - With the pressure of the Dorn,
poisons' and waetee that should be driven The whole place over Liming
off. With the products of the farm.
The sensible person sots on the teach. Hie neighbors small prosperous
ings.of experience and cleanses his aye- And happy, too, you see,
regi with a course of Dr. Hamilton's I say, he's just as happy
7?t11s ural Butternut. Aa they ever get to be.
of Mandrake
No medicine ,an be more certain to
quiekIy euro. Couvenietlt to take, just Witb plenty schools and churches,
nue pill at bedtime; safe. because entire- And sootety and superftne,
ly vegetabi,; unfailing because proved With pretty lads and lasses
by tbousauds tbat Dr. Iiauliltan's Pills Which no city outshine;
set you up in a few dais,With all the late convenience
From Chebeque Pt., N. S . comes the Wbieh genius can devise,
following from Ml's. W A Reynold: "A Why shouldn't be be happy
year ago my health t egan to fall, I lost In this very paradise!
appetite, became nervous and sleepless.
Sty weight ran down, I became thin, Ha'e a telephone connection
hollow-cbeeked, and had black rings - With, the world at his command,
under my ayes. I really felt as if the And up-to-date inventions
charm of life bad lett me and when For the tilling of his land.
springtime arrived I was in the "Blues." Free rural mail delivery
I read of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and got Right by hie very door,
five boxes et once. Sweet music in his parlor
"Within a month any appetite and And n carpet on his floor.
Dolor were good. I gained strength and
felt like a new woanan. New life and The rarest and most costly
vigor returned, and my friends scarcely Are the paintings on his walls,
knew me. A medicine that will do this His library overflowing.
should be in every home." With the choicest books of all.
Goad health means much to you. Suc• The best of periodicals
cess and happiness depend upon is. The Are seen upon his stand.
maintenance and source of health is Oh, what a grand sweet privilege
found in Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25c per To be a countryman
box, or five boxes for $1 00, at all dealers -J. R Pritchett, in Atlanta Journal.
or by mail from N 0. Polson and Co.,
Hartford, Conn., U. S. A. and Kiugeton,
Dreaded insomnia.
"I was afflicted with nervousness and
deeded insomnia, so that I never knew
for three years what a full hour's steep
• was. Heart pains and headaches almost
drove me wild. I had spells of weak.
nese and cramps in stomach and limbs
Finally Dr. Chase's Nerve Food was
brought to me and eight boxes cured nee.
-sir. Jas. Wesly Weaver, a veteran of
the Fenian Raid, Port Dalhousie, Ont.
The death of Michael Sohiestel, a
former resident of ithe 5th con. Outran,
occurred at Ambleside on Tuesday of
last week, at the age of 79 years The
funeral took place on Friday to the
Formosa Cemetery.
C7 .f3 SI ri' CI, Wt. Y AL.
Bears the Tita Kind YouHaveAlways Bugtl
Signature / f `,�GC ad'
of (,it
After a long illness extending. over a
year, Mr, George Sperling died at his
home early Tuesday morning, Sept. 25th,
aged G4 years and 8 months. His illness
was the result of an attack of Ia grippe
over a year ago, which left him in poor
heath and since then he had not been
able to work, The late Mr. Spading
was a quiet and industrious citizen and
very highly esteemed by all who knew
him. The deceased was -born at Trafal-
gar, Toronto township, and came to Sea -
forth about 44 years ago, where he has
since continued to reside. He was also
a member of the Methodist ohuroh and
also of the Orange and Royal Templar
Bilious Colic
Another way to wash delicately color-
ed cambrice and mauling is to boil two
quarts of wheat bran an hour in soft
water; 1st cool, strain, and then use in
place of soap. Wash as usual and rinse
twice in cold water.
Quick relief is afforded by
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy.
It never fails and is pleasant and sate
to take.
The attack may be warded oft by taking
a double dose of this remedy as soon as
the first indication of the disease appears.
Por sale by druggists everywhere.
A quiet but fashionable wedding was
solemnized on Wednesday of Iast week,
at the residence of the bride's mother,
Mts. Andrew Young, Seaforth, when
her youngest daughter, Mies Bessie, was
united in marriage to Mr. Keith Mol an,
third eldest son of M. Y. McLean of the
Seaforth HurortExpoaitor. The Rev. F.
H. Larkin was the officiating clergyman
and performed the ceremony in the pies-
encs of only the immediate friends and
relatives of the bride and groom.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You llaYa Always Bought
Bears the
Signature bf
As a spring medicine° Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling eo prevalent in the spring.
Turpentine and soap will remove ink'
stains from muslin. A few drops added
to the water in which clothes are boiled
will whiten them, It will exterminate
cockroaches if sprinkled in their haunts.
Moths will leave if it is sprinkled
about, as they dislike it.
Preventics, as the name implies, prevent
all Colds •and Grippe when "taken at
the sneeze stage." Preventics are tooth-
some Dandy tablets. Preventive dis-
sipate all colds quickly, and taken early,
when you first feel that a cold is com-
ing, they check and prevent thein. Pre-
venttice are thoroughly safe for child-
ren, and as effectual for adults. Sold
and recommended in 5 cent and 25 cent
boxes at Walley's drug store.
No matter what the nature of your
complexion is, the face should be bathed
every night with warm water, a pure
soap and a correct complexion brush.
Since this cleansing process removes the
patural oil se well as dust and grime, a
simple enolient or skin food should be
applied to keep the skin from becoming
dry and rough.
A quiet weddigg was aolemnized at
rho home of Mr. and Mrs. James Wby-
tock, Gtie con., on Wednesday evening
of last week, when her sister, Miss Alma
M Hemingway; became the wife of Mr.
Robert 3. Elliott, of Kinloss, Rev. Don-
ald Tait p_rformed the ceremony. Mr.
and Mrs. Elliott will make their home
pear Holyrood.
e - Until recently your physioian would
have said the only way to cure catarrh
Wounds, bruises and litmus, would be to have a change of climate,
but now with Hyomei you can parry a
By applying an antiseptic dressing to I. health giving climate in your vest pack -
wounds, bruises, burns and like injuries etalind by breathing it a few minutes
four times a day, cure yourself,
The Hyomei treatment is simple and
easy to use. It destroys all catarrh
germs in the air passages and enriches
and i,urifies the blood with ozone. When
using Hyomei the air you breathe will
seem like that on the mountains, high
above the sea level.
A complete Hyomei outfit costs but
$1.00, extra bpttles, 50a. You run no
riek whatever in taking this reliable
For sale by all dealers. The R. T.
Booth Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Take a IIyoutei Treatment Four Times a
Day and bo Cnred.
Hyomei has performed almost mime.
alone cures and is to- day recognized by
leading members of the medical profes-
sion as the only advertised remedy for
this disease that can be relied upon to do
just what it claims.
before inflammation seta in, they may
be healed without maturation and in
about one-third the time required by the
old treatment. Tbie is the greatest die-
oovery and triumph of modern surgery.
Chamberlain's Pain Balm ante on this
same principle. It is an antiseptic and
when applied to such injuries, causes
them to heal very quickly. It also al-
leys the pain and soreness and prevents
any danger of blood poisoning. Keep a
bottle of Pain Balm in your home and it
will save you time and money, not to
mention the inoonvnience and suffering
such injuries entail. For sale by all
This is the diet that makes for roai.
flees of cheeks: Plenty of milk, eggs,
ripe fruit, green stuffs, Dream and milk
pudding. No amoked or salted meat or
smoked or 'salted fish. Very little tea,
coffee, cake, sugar or sweet stuff. Good
beef or mutton, underdone, at one meal
daily. A meal of bread and butter and tea
is at direct enmity with the effect sought.
The new Pure Food and Dxng Law
will mark it on the Iabel of every Cough
Care containing Opium, Chloroform, or
any other stnpifying or poisonous drug.
But it passes Dr, Shoop's Cough Cure as
made for 20 years, entirely free. Dr.
Shoop all along has bitterly opposed the
use of all opiates or narcotics. Dr.
Shoop's Cough Cure is absolutely safe
even for the yonngeet babe --and it cares
it does not simply suppress -Get a safe
and reliable Gough Cure, by simply in-
sisting on having Dr, Shoop'°. L't the
law be your protection. We cheerfully
recommend rand sell it at Walley's Drug
Deaf -netts Cannot be cure&
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is tensed by an inflamed con-
dition of the raucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube is
inflamed you have a rambling sound or
imperfect heating, and when it is en-
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for-
ever; nine oaaett out of ten are paused
by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in-
flamed condition of the mucous. sur-
We will give One hundred Dollars for
any oaths of Deafness (caused by Catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Halla Catarrh
Cure. Send for oiroulara free. 11'. J.
OmarneY & C6., Toted°, Q.
Sold by Druggists, 75o,
Take 1eU's Family Pills for tonati-
Nature probably backed the camel up
to win the animal raga.
Another of the very early settlers of
Cuirass passed away On Sunday, 22nd
inst., in the person of Mrr, Alexander
¥ciottyre, of the 3rd concession, fls.
ceased had suffered a slate decline for
more than a year but only about three
weeks ago did her tondition become
serious, Since then she has then in a
iid'int Donations cOnditiotr, and sinking
more rapidly. She was aged 66 hears
and 6 menthe. She leaves a tawny of
three softs and two daughters -John in
1'ensylvania, Thomas, David and Minnie
on the oldyyiio'nieetead, and Mrii.
OMe of OulroeL.
:IiI11110LtDft.4rRit ..k*.„,,wwi cisel
mai) •aa'iE.a, nag.
rem 1. 'mums* en.,, uuRolt.bTAY Fence 1, ra.dt
KWON('AIMnt earl stoat NIr.. And coitr6 M
,Katat-tit thtr.u''rtr et neem, ltinx.nd ex.
,AMctevt. IRe.trMeet eMrdeit.e 0N-• 11re ►Rduta
About the dearest thing on earth, is
a cheap man.
In washing cotton dresses the color
may be set by dissolving three gills of
salt in four quarts of hot water. Let
the material°stay in the water until cold.
In this way the colors will not fade.
These garments should be ironed on the
wrong side; this will do much toward
restoring their freshness. ties nothing
that will impart a gloss, as that is to be
When the tip of a dog's nose is cold
and moist, that dog is not sick, A
feverish dry nose means sickness with a
dog. And 50 with the human lips. Dry
cracked and colorless lips mean feverish-
ness, and are as well ill appearing. To
have beautiful, pink, velvet-like lips, ap-
p1y at beatime a coating of Dr. Shoop's
Green Salve. It will soften and heal
any akin ailment. Get a free, trial box
at our atone, and be convinced. Large
nickel capped glass jars, 25 ciente.
Few people can Consume milk largely
without a growing distaste. But one
can take it in other ways. Thus one
may eat butter liberally, There 15 na
mare nutrient fat used at table. Then
there is cheese, which le very rich in
proteid material. Cream may be need
as an addition to many articles of food.
Lastly is skim milk, which, so far from
being valueless, oilers more value for its
price than does any other food in com-
mon Ilea.
(5 -
has been closely allied
with the development
Of Sewing Machines
In Canada for more
than One Third of a
Century, because we
have a Machine which
bears investigation and
stands any test.
COMPANY ornate; MONTREAL, P. 9. um
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, .1
fret, drbr MAY Years.
An old and Weil-Tried.Retnedy-Mrs
Winsiow's Soothing Syrup has been used
for over sixty years by mitlians of moth.
ers for their chiltilten while teething,
with perfect .access. It soothes the
°hill softens the gnats, allaysall
Dares wind colic, and is the beet remedy
for diarrhoea, it is pleasant to the taste,
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. TWentyfi*e Dents a bottle. Its
vMne is incalculable. Es sore yon auk
for Mrs Winsla+;v'a Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
Stomach Cramps
and all
Summer Complaints
Don't experiment with new *snit
untried remedies, but procure that
which has stood the test of timer
Dr. Fowler's has stood the test for do
years, and has never failed to give satin.
faction. It is rapid, reliable and effectual
In its action and does not leave the bowels
Constipated. REFtrsa ALI: SUBSTITUTES,
triers. Baosson Lusty Aylmer, Que., 'tritest "I
have used Dr. Fowler's kxtreet of Wild Streiriwrrr
for Diarrhrea for several }ears pout and T find it I.
the only medicine 'skids kings talk( Si a*.iarl,a
At once for Wingham and surround.
Ing districts.
Righ•Olass Specialties in Prnit and
Ornamental Stook grown and for sale by
Canada's Greatest
A permanent situation for the right
party. Liberal inducements, Pay
weekly. Handsome fres anttt. Write
for tetmatr and catalogue and semi. 25o
itt ,stamps for our Pocket litegnifying
Giese, or 80o for our Rand Metal Hack
ask Fanthill Nurseries
Poets and students of astronomy have (over 800 acres)
faraway look. Tottolr ct,, O rt` .1t
FOR 1906 - 07.
The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below
for any or all of the following publications :
Times to January 1st, 1907. , $ .25
Times and Daily Globe 4.50
Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50
Times and Daily World 8.10
Times and Toronto Daily News.. 2.30
Times and Toronto Daily Star 2.30
Times and Daily Advertiser 2.35
Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2.35
Times and Weekly Globe . .. , . 1.65
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1.70
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.75
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and
book " Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide 1.90
Times and Weekly Witness 1.65
Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1.50
Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1.80
Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1.60
Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1.80, .
s Times and World Wide 1.85
Times and Northern Messenger. 1,30
Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35
We specially recommend our readers tosubsoribe
to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine.
Times and Farming World 1.35
Times and Presbyterian... 2.25
Times and Westminster 2.25
Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25
Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) 1.90
Times and Youths' Companion 2.75 .
Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2,90
Times and Sabbath Reading, New York 1.45
Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)1,85
Times and Michigan Farmer 1.65
Times and Woman's Home Companion .. 1.75
Times and Canadian Woman (montbly) London 1.15
Times and American Sheep Breeder 1.90
Times and Country Gentleman .. 2.10
Times and Delineator 1.95
Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine 1.75
Times and Green's Fruit Grower 1.35
Times and Good Housekeeping 1.80
Times and Modern Women 1.45
Times and McCall's Magazine 1,45
Times and Pearson's Magazine 1.70
Times and American Illustrated Magazine 1.90
Times and American Boy Magazine 1.65
Times and What to Eat . 1.60
t Times and Bookkeeper ...... . • 1.65
Times and teereation 1.15
Times and Cosmopolitan 1.65
Times and LadiesHome Journal 2.1'5
Times and Saturday Evening Post ... 2,45
Times and Success ......... 1.80
a. Times and housekeeper 1,50
Times and Pilgrim 1.60
Times and Poultry Beeper 1.40
Times and Hoard's Dairyman .. 1.90
Times and MttClare's Magazine1.90
Times and Munsey's Magazine 2.00
G Times and Rural New Yorker...... 2.00
Times and Viek's Magazine .............. 1.40
Times and American Gardening ..... 2.2585
Times and Health Culture .. 1.
Tiniest and Ram's Born ...•.....•.... 2,45
Times and Four Track News 1.9 2,250
Times and Breeders' Gazette
Times and Practical Farmer `' 1.85
When premium are given with any of above papers, anbaorib.ers will
seonre stloh premiums When ordering threregh ns, same as if ordered diredt
horn publishers. .
These low rates mean a considerable attiring to anbteribere, atld are
STRICTLY CASE IN ADVANCE. Send remittancea by postal tete, post
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