HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-10-04, Page 5A
Men's Wear at Crowder's.
Hudson. Bay Coats.
Men's Leather Coats, corduroy
lined, reversible, pockets ei-
ther side, sizes 38 to 46 chest,
Price - - • $7.75
Hudson Bay Smocks
Men's Waterproof Smocks,
black, double-breaeted, 6/zee
36 to 46 chest. Price - $3.75
Hudson Bay Mackinaws
Men's Mackinaw Smocks and
Pants, just the thing for cool
weather; all sizes.
Smocks -
Pauta -
- $5.75
- 3,75
Men's Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, 34 to 46 chest; .50 and
Men's Union and All. wool Shirts and Drawers,all sizes; .50 and
Men's All wool Red Shirts and Drawers, all sizes; - .75 to
Penman Underwear, guaran-eed unshrinkable, sizes
34 to 46 chest ; prices -•- 1.25 to •
Ellis Spring Needle Shirts and Drawers, in 2.piece snits
or combination, all wool, sizes 34 to 48 chest; prices 1.00 to
Hoye' Wool and Fleece Lined Underwear, all sizes. 6
Men's Oa-digau ,rackets - • 1.0 to
Men's Pea Jackets.
Men's black and gray frieze Pea Jackets,
double breasted, large storm collar; 36
to 46 chest. Prices 4.50 to 7.50
.75 :Fownes' English Gloves
.75 Fownes' Eaglish Gloves, unlined dog -
1.25 skin, all sizes. - 1.00 and 1.25
Pawnee' Lined English Kid Gloves for
men, all sizes. $1, 1.25 and 1.50
2.75 Fownes' Fur Lined English Mocha
Gloves, all sizes. • - 2.75
1.75 Fownes' Far Wrist Mocha and Kid
Gloves, wool lined, all sizes ; prices
- 1.25, 1.50 and 1.75
Workingmen's Big Shirts
Men's heavy wool or union Top
Shirts, all sizes; .50 to 1.50
Men's Black Sateen Top Shirts in
plain or ribbed weave, sizes 1232
to I8eieok; prices .50 to 1.25
Boots, Shoes and
We have a large stock of Men's
Boots, Shoes and Robbers in all
sizes, at prices that cannot be beat
in Huron County.
Trunks and Valises at right prices.
75 empty Packing Boxes for sale.
, Men's Hudson Bay Kumfort Mitts and
Gloves, wool lined; - .50.
Men's Hnd3on Bay Buckekia Gloves and
Mitts, all sizes, lined or unlined.
Prices - - 1.50 to 2.00
Men's all -wool Mitts and Gloves,
- .40 to .75
?77,e R. H. CROWDER CO.
What Wideawake Times Correspondents Communicate— Other
Items Clipped From Our Exchanges.
Report of S. S. No, 11, Ttirnberry for
:September. Names in order of merit:
Jr. IV—Mary Currie, Roy Notterfield,
Lizzie Lockridge, Ethel Ransom.
Sr III—Eva Linklater, Maggie Reid,
Eddie Lookridge, Edna Finley.
Jr III—Willie Styles, Ruby Forsyth,
Aggie Finnan, Casburn Austin, Grace
Sr II—Frank Lockridge, Wilbert Mow-
bray, Alfred Lockridge, Willie Srigley,
'Dan Mowbray.
Jr II—Susan Welsh, Miunie Saunders,
Alvin Groves, Beatrice Johnston, Susie
Sr Pt II—Jessie Carrie, Sammy Styles,
•Itoss Forsyth.
Jr Pt II—Alvin Reid, Myrtle Lock-.
Sr Pt I—Milton Groves,Stanley Baker,
Francis Lockridge, Rose Weeks, Aggie
tOray, Daisy Ashby, Leonard Adams,
Willie Austin.
Willie Styles obtained the highest
standing for the month
M. D. FISHER, Teacher.
A quiet September wedding took place
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Gid -
ley on Thursday, Sept. 20th, when their
second daughter, Effie, was united in
marriage to David Somers, son of Rich-
ard Somers of town. The bride entered
the parlor leaning on the arm of her
father, to the strains of the wedding
march played by Miss Pearl Gidley,
and was attended by Mies Sadie Somers,
sister of the groom, while H. C. Gidley,
brother of the bride, acted as best man.
The service was conducted by Rev. S.
Anderson, The pride's travelling suit
was of blue ladies' cloth with hat to
Mr. James Armour having sold his
farm intends moving to Wingham.
Mise Lurena Campbell is on a three
weeks trip visiting her cousins, Mrs. N.
G. Ainslie, Tilbury and Mrs. Hepinstal,
St. Thomas.
Wesley Farrow, wife and family were
they settled in Wawauoi z, Mrs. Mc -
D :Wald was ninety years old, and had a
paralytic stroke twelva years ago, sante
which time she has been confined to the
hou-e. She bore her sufferings with
great resignation and Christian fortitude.
She is survived by her husband, four
sons and a daughter.
Misses Orma and Lolo Steles have re-
sumed school after having prolonged.
holidays, Mise Orme having an attack of
jaundice and Lola a felon on her finger,
Mies Jessie Livingstone left on the
14th far Dubuc, Seek, where she will
visit her brother, Archie, who is new in
the general store business in that town.
We wish her a pleasant steer..
Last week a stem of a raspberry bush
was picked on the farm of Audrpw
Lamont, 10f;h con. upon which a num-
ber of ripe berries, second crop were
found, This speaks well for the
growth and favorable character for the
Mre. J. Houston and son, of Grand
View, Man., are visitors at ,Tames Hou-
ston's, 16th con. Later Houston, a son
of the host, will be here also. It is 5
years since Mr, Houston went West. He
is foreman for the Northern Lumber Co.
After an illness of eight months Geo.
Arkless Hart, formerly of Grey and Elma
Townships, paid Nature's debt on Satur-
day, September 22nd, at hie home pear
Clinton, passing away at the age of 35
years, 10 months and 17 days, Con-
sumption was the ailment. Mr. Hart
moved to Hallett on July 12th and was
only in bad a week. He was nursed
duriag his illness by hi sister-in-law,
Miss Nellie Shiels, of Grey.
attending the golden wedding of Mrs.
Farrow's father and mother, Mr. and
Mrs. Johnston, of Blyth.
Snccess''ul anniversary services were
held in the Methodist church on Sunday
last. Rev. W. A Smith, of Lncknow
preached three times ou Sunday. On
Monday evening a very successful sacred
concert was held.
Let the Stomach Alone
You can't cure catarrh by dosing the
stomach. The disease is in the throat,
nose and bronchial tubes, Inhale Cat-
arrhozone to the spot where the disease
really is—it clears away foul secretions,
stops discharges at once, purifies and
heals the passages, literally annihilates
every trace of catarrh. Nothing else is
so direct and certain as, Catarrhozone.
Results guaranteed. Two sizes, 25c and
$1.00 at all dealers.
Wm. J. Todd has gone to the Soo.
Miss Craw swas visiting in Goderich
for a week.
Mrs. Alex, Leitch, of Laurium, Mich.,
with her two children, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Robt. McGaire.
McGuire & McDonald had the mis-
fortune to upset their separator when
backing out of John Smith's barn. The
machine was badly damaged, but they
have purchased a
The death occurred on Wednesday
morning, September 19th, of Mrs, Jas.
McDonald, of the 9th concession. She
was the last of a family of six, all of
whom came to Canada in 1844 from the
parish of Kingnssio, Inverness, Scotland,
She married Mr. McDonald in 1850, and
new up-to-date
Free Gifts of Toilet Soaps
The Coupons are the same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps
for which you have to pay out money every week.
for nothing..
Read circular in every package, or write us for Premium List.
A gift is of little value if it consists of something you have no use for.
In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something you need and use
every day.
Lehrer frothers Limited,' x'oronto, Canada :60
Doublet] up, with Cramps
Stomach feels like an inferual machine
and you want relief mighty quick.
Nothing does the work half as soon as
Poison's Nerviline. Why it kills the
pain instantly. If your bottle is empty
get another today. Nerviline keeps the
doctor bill small because it cures little
ills before they grow big. Nothing for
indigestion, heartburn and cramps like
Poison's Nerviline. Large bottle for
25 cents.
Next meeting of Township Council
will be held on Monday, October 15th.
Rev. W. H. Crewel, native Indian
Missionary preached in Ebenezer church
last Sunday afternoon.
Herb. Manning, 5th line, who had his
leg broken some weeks ago, is getting
along very nicely.
A heavy draft filly has been sold by
James Shurrie, 4th line, to Alex. Mc-
Lanchlin, of the same line, for the tidy
sum of $100.
The Voters' List Court for the Town-
ship of Morris will be held at Blyth on
Tuesday, October 9th, at I1 o'clock a.m.
There are some 35 or 40 ,appeals, it ie
Treasurer T. S. Brandon was away to
Montreal and other points of interest for
a well deserved holiday. He was accom-
panied by Rev. W. J. Brandon, of Port
Colborge. '
Sunday, October '7th will be anniver-
sary day at Ebenezer Methodist church,
Bluevale circuit. Rev. A. C. Tiffin, of
Trowbridge, an excellent preacher, will
occupy the pulpit at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Special music will be provided. A
thank offering will be taken at these
When you go to a drug store
and ask for Scott's Emulsion
you know what you want; the
man knows you ought to have
it. Don't be surprised, though,
If you are offered something
else. Wines, cordials, extracts,
etc., of cod liver oil are plenti-
ful lout don't imagine you are
getting cod liver oil when you
take them. Every year for thirty
years we've been increasing
the sales of Scott's Emulsion.
Why? Because it has always
been better than any substitute
for it.
Send for free sample
SCOTT & SOWN E, Chemists
Toronto, Ont.
ISOs, and $1.00. All druggists
of the bridal chorus were distinctly ,
heard and after the ceremony Mendel-
sohn's wedding march was played. The
music was rendered by Mies Houghton,
of Wingham, The bride's going away
Are You Building a House,
Barn or Fence ?
We can save yon money on your Hardware, faints,
Oils, Glazes and Wire. See our goods and get our
prices. It will pay you.
Bishop & Bali.
We have a most complete and varied line of
Waist Sets,
Gold and Silver Brooches,
A. complete line of
Enameled and Sterling Silver
Souvenir Jewelery
kyarr ins watch and jowelery repairing promptly at-
tended to.
KAISER, the Jeweler
snit was of blue venetian with hat to vv wYvvvVVVYWvWYvvw vsd
match. The groom's gift to the bride c
was an amethyst brooch and to each of ` OUR BEST COMBINATION
the flower girls, a gold ring studded with lJ y V 17 .L dJ M .Il.•�a $ .8. ,��1
small. pearls and rubies. A large collec-
tion of valuable presents born evidence
of the esteem of many friends. After
dejeuner, which was served to about C
eighty guests in the dining room, several I
snap shots were taken of the bridal
party and also of the parents of both
parties together and in separate groups,
Among the guests from a distance were
Mrs. T. G. Turnbull, Kamoka; Miss
Ethel Turnbull, [Galt; Mr. and Mrs. R.
D. Cameron, Lncknow; Mr. and Mrs.
Rutherford and Mr. and Mrs, Durnin,
St. Helene and Mr. H H. McKagne,
Mon Rule by Force, women by Charm
And yet because they live less strenu-
ously, women neglect the early evidences
of failing vigor. The wise woman will
not permit her charms to bo robbed by
i11 -health. When she feels appetite
failing, nerves getting on edge, color
fading, she takes Ferrozone. How it
• sh rpens the appetite! How quickly
rich blood is available to restore color
to the cheeks, buoyancy to the step.
Better try Ferrozone. You'll feel like
a new being, wish new vigor and ability
to confront life's difficulties You are
sure to bless the day you comtnenced
Ferrczrne. Sold everywhere in 50 cent
The Council met on September 24th,
parsu,nt to aSjournment, Members all
present. Minutes of last meeting read
and passed.
The Treasurer reported crsh on band
at date, $247.47.
Debentures were passed and signed
services instead of the usual tea meeting for payment of the following accounts:
on Monday evening. Thos. Nicholson, Anburn, 25 yds gravel,
The Pioneer says: Last year the Morrie ° TO td div No. 8, ${.75; John Redmond,
112 yds gravel, diva Nos. 18, 19 and 20,
$7 84; Jas. Tunney, 28 yds gravel, div
No. 20, $1.96; Wm. ,McLarty, 8 yards
gravel, div No. 20, 56c; Joshua J. Walsh,
109 yds gravel, divs Nos. 24 and 36,
$7.63; Do„ do., material and putting in
tile on eastesa boundary, $15 08; David
Cook, 50 yds gravel, div No. 30, $3 50;
township, speaking at Bluevale, John -
Wm. Linklater, 43 yds gravel div No.
ston's, Ebenezer and Jackson's, and as a
result a good start has been made on the
petitions, and committees have been
selected for each polling sub -division. It
is expectei that petitions will be pre•
sented to the Council at their October
Are You Losing Look- .,r Strength?
Township Council refused to submit
Local Option to a vote, and naturally
the temperance people were indigent,
and decided to bring on the campaign
this year, if possible. Mr, A. T. Cooper,
of Clinton, representing the Deminion
Alliance, offered his services, and for
several days has been campaigning the
Once you wore robust, bright and
happy. To -day yon are dull, worried,
failing in vitality and appe,rance. Just
when you should be at your best you're
played out and need a cleansing, bracing
tonic. Your blood will soon redden,
your vivacious spirit will soon return,
you'll be yourself again if you regulate
the system w th Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
A. truly wonderful medicine, It searches
out di ease, positively drives away head-
ache, weariness and lack of vital force.
Give yourself a chance. Use Dr. Hamil-
ton'a Pills and w.,tch the result, Sold
everywhere i'i 25c boxes,
,4 a—r-
58, $3; Charles Campbell, 20 yds gravel,
div No 74, $1.40; Jeremiah Parks, 62
• yds gravel div No 18, $4.34; Henry Ed-
wards, 28 yds gravel, div No 22, $1 96;
David Clow, 26 yds gravel, div No 64,
$1 82; Geo. Daley, 45 yds gravel div No
46, $3.15; Jas. Martin, sr., putting in
and repairing culverts on western boun-
dary, $14; Geo, Fitzpatrick, gravelling
and fixing culverts, con 10411.50; Henry
Armstrons, two days statute labor per
David Rameay in 1905, $1.50; James
Young, putting iii culvert,end of sideline
39 and 40, con 10, p 75; James Tanney,
putting in culvert and outlet att lots 33
and -34, cons 4 and 5, $5 75; Wm. Bir -
keit, gravelling at lots 42, con 3, $16.74;
Tho marriage of Miss Bertha Jane
McKagne and Mr. Albert Edward
Homuth, took place at the residence of
the bride's parents, Turnberry, at high
noon, on Wednesday, 26th tilt. They
were married under an arch of ever-
greens on the law, the Rev. D. Perris,
Wingham, officiating. The bride was
given away by her father and wore a
lovely dress of cream eolienno with
white veil and carried a ehoeter bouquet
of while carnations. 'She teas attended
by her two little neioes, Miss Minnie
Porter and Mies Lizzie MoKaguo, dress-
ed in fluffy white frokies, carrying a
dainty basket of sweet peas and chis-:•
I anthemums. From the parlor the strains
Established 1S70
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics
Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a
remedy to cure diseise of the breathing organs
than to take the remedy into the stomach'!
It cures because the air rendered strongly anti.
septic is carried over the diseased surface with
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat-
ment. It is invaluable to mothers with small
Those of a consumptive � es e
tendency find immediate lr��i1�5�
relief from coughs or in-
flamed conditions of tate
Sold by druggists.
Send postal for Imelda.
L,ts„tNG, hl,t.rs Co.,
L;m:oed, Agents, Mont -
road., Canada. se?
Your Paper
and that Best of all Weeklies
And with the Family Herald and Weekly Star will be included the most >
beautiful piotnre ever given to newspaper readers. It is a gravure 22x29 inches >
1. entitled "A TUG OF WAR " It is easily worth a two dollar bill.
The WINGii,tu TIDMES will supply all local news. markets, social happen-
1Inge, eto , etc„ and the Family Herald and Weekly Star will give you a com-
• bination of the gr atest weekly newspaper cover ng every portion of the globe,
• a great family magazine, far surpassing any of the English or American
magazines in interesting family reading, and without doubt the beet farmer's
5 paper on the continent. No paper printed in the English language gives its
readers such big value as the Family Herald and Weekly Star. Sample copies
• of the beautiful picture may be seen at this office.
Call or send your subscription to•
THE TIMES, �PI inghani.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••a4••••
For the Fall Trade.
S. Gracey has a very fine assorts
.'nt of new and up-to-
date Furnit e, in
Sideboards, B ff'e,s, Bedroom Suits,
Parlor and Ex sion Tables, Couches,
Mattresses, Spring Beds, etc., etc.
If you want anything in the Furniture line this fall, before you bay come
and see what we have. We will be pleased to show our goode. We
think we have something that will be to your liking,
and at very reasonable prices.
If you want one of the best Spring Beds that is, made, try the "HERCULES"
SPRING We have them, they are the best for the money. You
can try them for a month, and if not satisfactory return them.
We have a few pieces of CARPETS and a few FLOOR RUGS
(Art Squares) to clear out at a price.
Undertaking—As ir, the past, we
give our prompt and personal
attention whenever our services
are required. Any hour—night
or day.
Furniture Dealer and Practical Undertaker
S. U RA C E Y.
John Cook, repairing culvert at lots 34,
cons 4 and 5, $1; Wm. Snell, digging
ditch at lots 33 and 31, con 5, $35 50;
Thos. Kirnock, digging ditch at lots 33
and 31, con 3, $16; John J. Mason, draw-
ing tile, building culvert, a day's work
cleaning out ditch, sideline 36 and 37,
con 5, $5.65; Joseph Stonehouse, draw-
ing plank and repairing bridge, sideline
39 and 40, con 8, $1.50.
By-laws Nos. 11 and 12, 190G, relating
to the Kelly and Elliston ditches or
drains in Morris, affecting a certain
number of property holders in East
'Wawanosh, both read a first time. It
wee Arranged to hold a Conti of Iteyi•
sion over these ditches or drains assess-
ments On Monday, 29th October next at
2 o'clock in the afternoon.
'_ Next regular Council meeting set for
Thutsday, 15th of November.
The pioneers are fast passing away
and this week we chronicle the death of
William G trbntt, of the let concession,
who passed away on Wednesday of last
week, at the age of 80 years. Deceased
was ono of the few remaining pioneers
and was highly reepecttd. The funeral ,
to the Wingham cemetery on Friday
afternoon was largely attended.
Farmers' Poultry
We wait all your Poultry, alive
or dressed, aad will pay the
Your Poultry may be delivered at
WINGII.S.m, buyer wanted.
LCl'KNow, " ' •
BL•YTII, ,t at