HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-10-04, Page 2111
Heart and Nerve Pills.
Are a specific for AU dteaae.e and dist
orders arising from a ran -down condi-
Ulm of the heart or nerve system, ouch
as Palpitation of the Heart, Nereoae
Prostration, Nervousness, Sleepless -
no. a, Faint and Dizzy.I�ppelte, Brain,
etc. They are eapectally benefteial to
x omen troubled with ffrregntar mar
Price 50 cents per box, or II for *i.25..
AU dealers, or
Tux. T. Mtrannus CO. Lxxrrxn.
Toronto, Ont.
bre ice of changes must be left at alias
office not later than Saturday neon,
The copy for changes must be left
- not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted np
to noon Wednesday of each week.
Names of Those Who Captured the
Tickets for t906.
Heavy Draught -Brood mare and foal,
W. H. Cruickshank 1st and 2nd; spring
foal, Jelan Cole, Ed McQnillin; yearling.
Thos Davidson & San, Adam Robertson;
two-year-old, C. B. Wilkinson, W. H.
Cruiokahank; team, Jas Forster, John
G. McKenzie ; stallion, 3. W. King
Arab Patterson.
• Agricultural- Brood mare and foal,
John Ker, John Elston; spring foal, Geo
Cruickshank, Isaac Wright; yearling,
Isaao Wright, And Mitchell; two-year.
old, William Taylor, Adam Robertson;
team, Wm. Hemming nay, John Ker,
Thos Davidson 8a Son,
General Purpose - Brood mare and
foal, George T. Robertson, Jas Barbour;
apring foal, John Elston 1st and 2nd;
yearling, Sam. BarchflI, Wm Maxwell;
two-year-old, Sam. Burchill, John Mc-
Cracken; team, 0. W. Taylor, James
Roadsters -Brood mare and foal, W.
Forrest 1st and 2nd; spring foal, W.
Forrest lst and 2nd; yearling, Archy
Patterson; two-year-old, W. Hemming -
way, M. McVettie; single driver, Dr.
Agnew, Wm. Hunter; team, Lott &
Carriage ---Brood mare and foal, C. W.
Taylor; spring foaI,: 0, W. Taylor, W.
J. Henderson; 2 -year-old, Arch Camp-
bell; single driver, Geo 0. Hanna, Lott
&- Ki_•g.
Colts aired by Dividend or Adam Bede
(3. W. King's special), Isaac Wright, W
H Cruickshank, John Fyfe, Geo T Rob-
Colts aired by Pride of Morning (Arch
Patterson's special), Geo Cruickshank,
Alex Davidson, Menzies Broa., John
Oolte sired by Francesco or Gallant
Sturdy (J. T. >1&1cPherson's speclal), Jno
Caslick, Jerry Casamore.
Const sired by Maxim (D. /velme's ape-
cial), 0. W. Taylor, W. J. Henderson,
Alex Devidaon.
Bacon hogs (W. F VanStone'a special)
Jas. lfendereee, Jaa, Alton.
of the Kidneys
NO one can afford ttr neglect de-
of the kidneys.
The results are too painful and the
tisk tool great. Some of the symp-
toms are :---Pains in the back and
legs, gradual loss of flesh, deposits
in the urine, headaches, scanty,
dark -colored urine, painful, scalding
sensations when urinating, dropsical
bwelling of ankles and legs, irregu-
larity of the bowels, and gradual
failure of health and strength.
Judged by actual cures made, Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are the
most Satisfactory treatment obtain-
able far kidney disease. Relief h
prompt and cure thorough and last.
hag. inquire about cases in your
own fief 'h14oucbood.
Dr, Chess's ladtsay-lever Pilin, 31ts centra
st bunt, s t all lir $dlritnaori, Rtes
C4Itht T and Mans -
{, rerrLa
Durham, --Cow over 3 year old, R Cor-
ley, David Cook; milking cow under
2 years, R Corley, Robt Harrison; two
year-old heifer, David Cook, R Corley;
cne-year-old /biter, Tilos Davidson iR:
San, J & W Scott; heifer under 7
months, T & W Scott,R Herrisot};
better, over 7 mouths and under 12, D
Cook, R Harrison; bull under 7 months,
Tie 4rwour,R Corley; bnli over 7 months
and nuder 12. J & W, Scott; bull over
1 year old and puler two, Jas Hender-
son; aged bull, Alex Davidson; herd, R
Grades -Milking cow over three
years, John Shiell, Isaac Wright; txiilk-
fug cow under three years, Joh;t Shiell,
Isaac Wright; two-year-old heifer, T &
W Scott, R Harrison; one -year-old
heifer, And Mitchell. John Shiell;
heifer calf calved since last show, And
AditohelI, R Harrison; steer calf calved
since last ehow, J & W Scott, R. Harri-
son one -year-old steer, 0 A Hinton', Jahn
.Shiell; two-year-old steer, 0 A Hinton)
1st and 2nd; fat cow, 0 A Riutoul, R
Jersey --Breeding cow, L H Bosman.
Leicesters-Aged ram, Purvis Bros,
let and and; ahearliug ram, R J Sander-
son, John Barr; ram lamb, John Barr,
J B Tyerman; aged ewe raised lamb in
1905, R J Sanderson, John Barr; ahead•
Mg ewe, R J Sanderson 1st and 2ad;
ewe lamb, R J Sanderson, John Barr.
Downs -Aged ram, Wm Maxwell, Jae
Alton; sheariing ram, T Davidson &
Son, L H Bosman; ram lamb, Wm Max-
well, L H Bosnian; aged ewe raised
lamb in 1906, Purvis Bros, shearling
ewe, Purvis Bros, L H Bosman; ewe
lamb Wm, Maxwell, L H Bosman.
Fat Sheep --Ewe or wether not exhibi-
ted in any of above sections, 3 B Tyer-
man, John Berri pen of sheep, two ewes
and one ram, R J Sanderson.
PIGS. «' tt
Berkshires --Boar of 1906, Jas Alton
1st and 2nd; boar prior to 1906, Jas
Alton; saw of 1906, Jas Alton; breeding
now, Jaa Alton, Wm Fothergill.
Yorkshires -Boar of 1906, Jae Alton,
T M Hende: son; boar prior to 1906, Jas
Alton; sow of 1906, Jas Alton let
and 2nd; breeding sow, Jas Alton.
Tamwortha-boar of 1906, Jas Hender-
son; sow of 1906, Jas Henderson let and
Brahmaa, Wm Carter, Jas Henderson;
decks, John Haggitt, W. Carter; games,
W. Carter. Jas Henderson; geese, Wm
Carter, John Haggitt; hambnrgs, Wm.
Carter let anti 2nd; Iangahans, Wm.
Carter, John Haggitt; brown leghorne,
Jas. Henderson; white leghornn, D. B.
Anderson, John Hsggitt: minorcas, W
Carter, John Haggitt; orpingtona, Jaa
Henderson, T. M. Henderson; barred
piymouth rocks, 'Tag Henderson, T. M
Henderson; other plymouth rocks, Wm
Carter 1st and 2nd; turkeys, Wm Max-
well, W J Henderson; white wyandottes,
John Haggitt, Jae Henderson; other wy-
andottes, Arch Patterson, Jae Hender-
son; other standard variety, Wm Carter
let and 2nd.
Chickens Ducks, John Haggitt lot
and and; gamea, Jas Henderson fat and
2nd; hamburga, W Carter 1st and 2nd;
langehans, Wm Carter, Jae Henderson;
brown leghornn, Jahn Haggitt, Jas Hen-
derson: white le,lhorna, D B. Anderson,
John Haggitt; minorcas, John Haggitt,
Arch Patterson; orpingtona, Jas Hender-
son 1st and 2nd; barred plymonth rooks,
Sas Henderson, D B Anderson; other
plpmouth rooks, W Carter, S Kernighan:
black or white wyandottes, D B Ander-
son, John Haggitt; other wyandottes,
Wm Carter 1st and 2nd; other standard
variety, John Elder, Wm Carter; four
cockerels for export, am Henderson, W
Aonxcimstra&L IMPLEMENTS
Collection of cutters, baggies, eta.,
John Campbell 1st and 2nd.
Set double harness, Geo. Manners, lot
and 2nd; set single harness, Geo. Man-
ners, 1st and and.
Timothy, Jas. Alton, V. Rettinger;
white beans, S. Kernighan, R R. Sloan;
other beans, R. Scott & San, S. Ilernig-
ban; dent field corn, And. Mitchell, D.
B. Anderson; Flint file corn,Jaa. Alton,
And, Mitchell; collect on grain in draw,
J. F. Linklater; red felt wheat, V. Bat -
ringer; white fall wheat, P. Gibbons,
D. B. Anderson; spring wheat, V. Het-
tinger, Jae. Henderson; small white
peas, 0. W. Taylor, R. Scott & Son;
other peas, Jas. Ii'enderaon; white nate,
Jas. Ht`ndergon, *Ise. Alton; black oats,
Jas. Henderson, V. Rettinger; 6 -rowed
barley, Wm. Taylor, 0. W. Taylor.
Blood ;,beets, Jas. Henderson, J, B.
Tyermati; other beats, Jas Henderson,
D. B. Anderson; field carrots, And
Mitchell, Jas. Alton; table carrots, Jas
Henderson, W. J. Henderson; mangoid
Jas Hendereol� C. W. Tay1arc,
intermediate mangold
wurtsei, Jar'
Henderson, 0. W. Taylor; Parsnipes Joel
Henderson, 3. B. 'Tyerrat►n; winter
radishes, D. B. Anderirson,L. W. Ilrtnson;
sugar mangold, And )ditohelI,Wnl Mex.
well; sugar beets for factory nue, Jilts 1
Henderson, W. 3. Henderson; awide
tarnips, J. S. Tyerroan, Sax Henderson;
other tatxtr tr, 3m 0eademoil,i', M. Hen.
densest; rem type' t)0401$011-, T. IiC. Sec.
T. M. Ilenderaou Int and gad; lung
white,'. M, Hendersgp, Jas Henderson;
round white, T. U. Henderson, Jas
Henderson; collection potrtoes, T. M.
Senders: n; yellow anions, Jas ileuder-
on,C,B Wilkinson; white onions, Jas
Henderson; other anions, Jas Flender-
son; tomatoes, Jae Henderson; white
celery, Jas. Henderson; other celery,
Jas Henderson, T. M. 'Henderson;
winningstead oabbage, Jas Hender.
son, T. M. Henderson; winter cab-
bage, V. R ttiuger; pickling cab•
bage, Jas Henderson; citron, Jas Hen-
derson, Jas. AIton; cauliflower, T. M.
Henderson, Jas Henderson; cucumbers,
V. Rettinger, U. W. Taylor; sweet corn,
J. B. Tyerman, Jas Henderson; musk
mellona, T. at. Heudersen, Jas Bender -
sou; pumpkin, Woe Taylor, 0, W. Tay-
lor; sunflowers, Jas Henderson, Jas
Alton; squash, Jas Henderson lat and
and; water melons,Jas Henderson, D. B.
Anderson; collection of garden produce,
V. Rettinger, Jas. Henderson.
Alexander, L H Bosman, Jas Header.
eon; baldwin, P Gibbons, C W Taylor;
ban devils, 0 W Taylor, Arch Campbell;
bienheim,, Fowler Broa, 0 W Taylor;
Canada red, V Rettinger, Arch Campbell;
colvert, W J Currie, C W Taylor; falls -
water, R. R Sloan, V Rettinger; king,
Fowler Bros, T M Henderson; loweli,
Jas Hen.lereon, D B Anderson; maiden's
blush, Jas Henderson, D B Anderson;
mann, V Rettinger, Jas Alton; northern
spy, 0 W Taylor, Fowler Bros; Ontario,
Wm Maxwell,T M Henderson; greening,
T M Henderson, 1) $ Anderson; pippin,
Fowler Bros, R R Sloan; Roxboro ras-
seU, C W Taylor, J B Tyerman; other
raaaett, P Gibbons, J B Tyerman;
snow, Jas Alton, Arch Campbell; St,
Lawrence, 0 W Taylor, Fowler Bros;
talman sweet, V Rettinger, C W Taylor;
20 oz plppon, 0 B Wilkinson, Geo T
Robertson; wagner, R R Sloan, Jaa
Alton; wallbridge, T M Henderson;
yellow belle fiber, Fowler Bros, W J
Henderson; hyssop orab, Jas Henderson;
trausoendent Drab, Jas Henderson, T M
Het,dersoa; other crab, W J Henderson,
T let Henderson; winter apples, T M
Henderson, R R Sloan; fall pears, R R
Sloan, B D Auderson; winter pears, Jas
Alton, R R Sloan, blue pinnas, W J Hen.
deraun, D BAndereon; ytltow plains, Jae
Henderson; open air white grapes, And
Mitchell, Wm Maxwell; open air red
grapes, Wm Maxwell.
Brown bread, John Carrie, W. J.
Henderson, E W Orvie; white bread, W.
S Lluktater, Fowler Broa, John Currie;
plain bans, Fowler Bros , John Carrie;
tea biscuit, J. B. Tyerman, Geo T Rob-
ertson; jelly cake, E W O.vis, J F Link -
later; Trait cake, E W Orvis; J F Link-
Iater; apple pie, Robe M txwell,
Jas Henderson; pumpkin pie, Jas
Henderson, Robt Maxwell; other pie,
E W Orvis, Robt Maxwell; doughnuts,
Robt Maxwell, 1st and 2nD; oatmeat
cookies, J F Linklater, E W Orvis; oat
cake, E W Orvis; Jas Henderson; short
bread, E W Orvis, J F LinkIater: jelly,
Jas Henderson, E W Orvie; maple syrup,
D B Anderson, Jas Alton; maple sugar,
Jas Alton; honey in comb, W J Hender-
son, Jas Henderson: honey extracted,
Jas Henderson, W J Henderson; home
made wine, Mrs H Bugg, W J Hender-t
stn; tomato oatsup,Jas Henderson, Robt
Maxwell; sweet pickles, J F Linklater,
, as Henderson; vegetable pickles, T M
Henderson, V Rettinger; fruit pickles,
V Rettinger, E W Orvis; mixed pickles,
V Rettinger, J F Linklater; hen's eggs,
0 B Wilkinson, Alex Davidson; crock of
batter, Theop Fitment 5 Rerninghan,
Colin Eadie; butter in lb prints, Prank
Anderson, W. J. Henderson, W J
Currie; ornamental butter, E W Orvis.
011 painting -Animals, Mias Agnew,
Mrs anima; fruits or flowers, Mra Han,
son, lairs L Constable; landscape, Miss
Agnew, Mrs Duffield, other aabjeate,
Mrs Hanson, Mrs Daffield; on glass, Mrs
Duffield, Miss Agnew; on plaques, Mra
Hanson, Mrs Duffield; on silk, Mrs Han-
son, Mfas Agnew; collection of oil paint -
begs, Mrs Hanson, Mrs H Bugg. Water
color--Landaaape, Mrs Conata le, Mrs
21. Bugg; other subject, Mrs Hanson.
Mrs Duffield; colleotion, Mra Hanson,
Drawing -Pen and ink sketch, Mra Han-
son. Mrs Duffield; pencil, Mrs Hanson,
Chin h Painting --cups and saucers, Mrs
Hanson, Mrs Rele; plates, Mrs Hanson,
Mra H Sngt; vase, Mrs Constable, Mrs
Bugg; other, Mrs. Hanson, Airs Sete;
collection, Mrs Hanson, Mrs Oonetable.
Cnt Flowers --Asters, Jae Henderson;
Gladioli. Jaa Henderson; Zinnia*, Jae
Henderson; Marigolds, Jas Henderson;
Baskets of annuals, Sea Henderson.
Plants in bloom -White Geranium, Mrs
Hanson; single geranium, Mrs Hanson;
Begonia, Mrs Hanson; collection of
foliage planta, Mrs 1301so11.
Applique, Mary Stuart; fancy apron,
Mrs Hele, Robt Maxwell; kitchen apron,
ilobt Maxwell In and nd 2nd; braiding,
Mary Stuart; batton boles, Mrs Hanson,
Mrs Maxwell; smoking eap, Mre Dat.
Bold; case for gloves, etc, Mrs. Daffield,
Mr* H Bugg; centre Niece, Met Max.
rfibli, Mrs Bele, 'highly recommended,
Miss Mary Stuart; crocheted eoanter•
pane, Mary Stout; knitted Oonnterpane,
Mrs gale, Ming' Stout; nottion or silk
moolte :tag, Mrs Hatsson, Mrs Duffield;
wool oreokrtLa, lCisrt Agnew,Mrs DO..
Nothing to rear,
Mothers need have no hesitancy in
eontinuing to give Ohataberlain•s Cough
Remedy to their little ones, as it con-
tains absolutely nothing injurious. ibis
remedy is only perfectly safe to
give small children, but is a medicine of
great worth and merit. It has a world
wide reputation for its MOS of cough,,.
colds and croup and can always be re-
lied upon. For sale by all druggists.
Mary Stuart, gra Hanson; 'Drape, Mrs
HeIe, Mra Duffield; drawn work, Elms
Duffield, Mre Hanson; child's fanny
drese, Mary Stuart, Mrs Duffield; eyelet
embroidery, Mary Stuart, Kra Duffield ;
jewel embroidery, Mra. Bele, Mra. H
Bugg; Mt Melliok embroidery, Mrs H
Bugg, Mrs Hele; roman embroidery,
Mra Duffield; cotton or linen embroid-
eryDlre Hanson, Miss Agnew; silk or
satin embroidery,Mrs Hele,Mary Stuart;
dressmaking embroidery, Mrs Sanson,
Mary Stun; etohing, Mrs Hale, Mrs J 3
Tyerman; fancy work novelty, Mrs Duf-
fteld,Mra Hele;fasoinator, Mrs Duffield;
five o'olok tea, drawn cloth, J F Lint •
later, Mrs H Bugg; embroidery five o's
clock cloth tea Mrs Duffield; lace five o'-
olook teacloth, Mra Hele, Mre. Duffield;
footstool, awry Stuart; woollen giovee,
Mrs Dttffeld; collection of handkerchiefs,
Mary Stuart, Mrs Duffield; head rest,
MraHann, Mrs $Bngg, fancy knit,..
ting, MaryStnars, Mrs Hele; battenbarg•
lace, Mrs Duffield, Mrs Hanson; brazi
lion Iace, Mrs Hanson Mrs Hele; duch-
ess lace, Mrs Hele, Mre Duffield; honi-
ton lace, Mrs Hanson, Mre Duffield ;
Tenerlffe lace, Mrs Duffield, J F Liak-
later; laundry bag, Mrs Daffiald; hook-
ed mat, 1J W Orvis 1st and 2ad; wool
mat, litre Hannon, Mary Stuart; fanoy
table mat, Mrs. Hole, Mary Stuart;
man's woollen mitts, Mrs Hele • Frank
Anderson; women's woollen mitts, Mrs
Hes° Mrs Duffield; netting, • Mrs Hele,
Mrs Duffield; outlaw wort. Mary
Stuart, J F Linklater; fanoy panel, Mrs
Daffield, Mrs Hanson; frame photo,
Mary Stuart, Mrs Duffield; drawn
pillow shams, Jas Henderson, Mrs Dat -
field; embroidery pillow shams, Mary
Stuart, Mrs Duffield; other pillow
shams, Mrs Ude, Mrs Duffield; pin
Cushion, Mrs Hanson, Mrs Duffield;
Iady's handbag, Mrs Hanson, Mrs Dat-
field; Pyrography (leather), Mrs HeIe,
Mrs Hanson; Pyrography (wood) Mrs
Hele, Mrs. Hanson; crazy quilt, Mra
Hele, Mary Stewart; crocheted quilt,
Mrs Duffield; knitted quilt, Mrs W $
Grew, Mrs Daffield; patched quilt, Mrs
W H Green, E W Orvis; pieced quilt,
airs Hetet John Carrie; silk quilt, J F
Linklater; fire screen, Mrs - Duffield,
lady's silk shawl, Mra Duffield, Mut
Hanson; lady's wool shawl, Mrs Duf.
field, Sire Hanson; man's fine shirt, Mrs
Hele, embroidered shirt waist, WE Et -
son, Mary Stuart; shopping bags, Mrs
Hele, Kra Daffield; slippers, Mrs Hele,
Mrs Duffield; ,slumber ,robe, Mrs Dat -
field; slamberrug, Mrs Hele, Mrs H
Bugg, embroidered sofa pillow, Mies
Agnew, J F Linklater; needle work
sofa pillow, Mrs Duffield, Jae Hender-
son; painted sofa pillow, Mrs, Hanson,
Mies Agnew; other sofa pillow, Mrs
Hanson, Mrs Bugg; man's woollen
sox, Mary Stuart, J Linklater; wo-
man's woollen atackings, Mary Stewart ;
tatting, Mrs Deieid, Mrs Hele ;
tea cosy, Mary Stuart, . Bits D'uf.
Meld ; toilet mate, MrsDuffield ;
tray clots, Jas Henderson; embroidered
tray cloth, Mrs. Duffield; ladies' under-
wear, V. Rettinger. Mary Stuart; whisk
holier, Mrs Duffield; fancy workbag,
Mrs Duffield, Mrs Hanson ; homespun
yarn, 5 Keraighan, Frank Anderson;
collection ladies' work, Mrs Duffield, Mrs
Hanson, Mrs Hele.
Pewit drawing, Mary Carrie.
First book, Myrtle Lookeridge, Cbris-
tine Robertson ; Second book, Frank
Loekeridge ; Third book, Wm, Stiles,
Edna Scandrett.
Alike on the farm and in the
town these four ityria articles come
clearer to being neeeSsifiea than
luxuries :
THEAMOMETE.RS-=E?m• full and
reliable line ranges in price front
50e. to $2.50.
FIt:LD GLASSES -Our high-power
" ltyrie Special," with 12 Lenses
in Aluminum Mountings will be
delivered to you for $12.50•
charges prepaid.
$AROMETfi tS--"these may be had
et from $5.110 to $50.00, Our
Barometer Book is yours for the
ones --$1.00 to $3.50.
lb'roos rot. a "instal Lard and ter :,'i a
srnd•y you b IM. a
P Cila ` .:
.i� 7 Oar 7RNC%'
# Yr.,
leafed catalogue.
BAPTIST CltlraoR-.•Sdbbatll services at
11 a m and 7 .p m, . Sunday School at
2:80 p n.. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Her, E. R.
Fitch, B.A., pastor. 13 Y P U. meets
Monday evenings 8 p.m. Abner Ousens
5.5, Superintendent.
METHODIST 011111104 -Sabbath services
at 11 a. m and 7 p m, Sunday School at
2:30 p m. Epworth I.,eague every Mon-
day evening. General prayer Meeting
an Wednesday evenings. Rev. W.
G. E1. waon, pastor. W. B. Towler,
5!..D., S. S. Suporiutendent.
PR',*sBXTnRIA.N CRtlROH-Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
D. Perri°, pastor. L. Harold, 5 S.Sn-
Sr'. PAHL's C$URCIr, EPISCOP4.L -fab•
bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sun-
day School at 2:30p m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening, Rev.
T. 8 Bayle, bi. A., B. 1?., Rector and
S. S. Superintendent. John Taylor and
Ed Naah, assistant Superintendents.
SALTATION ARMY -.Service at 7 and i1
a m and 3 and 8 p to ou Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'clock at the barraoka.
Office hours from 8 a
Ma tto6 :80 p ro
Peter Fisher, postmaster.
PUBLIC LIBRARY ---Library and free
reading room in -the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:30 o'olook, and every evening from 7
to 9:30 o'clock, lima Mand Robertson,
Town COUNCIL --Thos. Bell, Mayor;
S. Bonnett, David Bell, Thos. Forbes,
Geo. 0. Henna, D. E. McDonald and
Wm. Nicholson, Ooabcillors; J. B. Fer-
guson, Clerk and 'Treasurer; Anson
Dutmage, Assessor, Board meets first
Monday evening in each month at 8
(chairman), J.D. Long. J. J. Homnth, T.
Hill, EL Kerr, Wm. Moore, Alex. Ross,
O. N. Griffin. Secretary, John. F.
Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson,
Meeth.ings second Tuesday eveningin eaoh
HIGHSoaoot.Boene.-Dr.A. J. Irwin,
(obairman) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr, P.
Macdonald, John Wilson, Y.S.,
Morton, C. P. Smith, W. F. VanStone,
Hadley Holmes, secretary. A. Cosmos,
treasurer. Board meets second Monday
evening in each mouth.
lor, B. A , principal ; J. G. Workman,
B. A., mathematical master ; Miss F.
3, Retoheson, B A., ,teacher of English
and Moderns,
Musgrove, Principal, Mise Brock,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Miss
BaAxn oa' HBALTR--Thos. Bell,
(chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Grog-
ory, John Wilson, V.S., J. B. Ferguson,
Secretary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald,
Medical Health Officer.
such ase teachers wanted,n usiiness chanes,
any kind of as addvt articles
at the or or
other city papers, may be left at the Tomas
office. This work will receive prompt attention
and will *aye people the trouble of remitting
for and forwarding 8dvertisehtenta. Lowest
rates will be quoted an eppheation. Leave
or send your next work of this kind to the
TINES OFFICE. Winjliant.
Earmarxal> l472
The Times °Mee, Beaver Sleek
TERtts or Sn aotarrioN--$1.c0 per annum to
advance 81.50 if not so paid. No paper discon-
tinued till all arrears are petd, except at the
option of the publisher.
Anvxa.lsINtr RATNa. - Legal and other
casual advertisemente10oper Noaparielline for
first Insertion, 40 per ltne for eaoli subsequent
Advertisements in local columns are oharged
10 eta. per line for Arlt jnsertion, and 4 cents
per line for each eubeegnent insertion.
Advertisements of Strayed, Ferree for Sale
or to Rent and similar, ;1.00 for first three
week, and 25 cents for each subsequent fn•
uoseefogsetioesrbetoatee rhe iron f following
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OneCoimmn.,,.......870.00 $40.00 422.50 4800
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Advertisements without a eoifio directions
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efoh an
exnsie assortment of l is
sr pr rat-
ing, affording facilities not equalled in the
county forturningout first ohms work. Large
terpe ree, Randa Bills .tog cute
df the all
et styles of
choice fancy type for the finer classes of print
H. B. ELLIOTT, and Publisher
KENNEDY, 111,11.0. bi..P. S. O.
Member of the British Medical Associa-
tion, Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special
attention peidto diseases of Women and Child;,
ren. Chloe hours. --1 to 4 p. W.; 7 to 0 p. m.
Centre Street
Physician, Surgeon, etc.
Drag Storree, light calls anoswereect atatthe oboe
L. R. C. P. (Lon&)
(Moe, with Dr. Chisholm.
rate of int restand t..oNo Company funds
oo hargeat d wort-
gages, town and farm property ought and
sold. Moe. Beaver Bleak w ha
Windham, Ont.
Molar To Lour.
Omen: : Meyer BIook, Winghant.
'Windham. Ont
ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. 8., L, D.13.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post OMoe, Wingham.
-117 VY . J. PRICE, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D. S.
(Successor to Dr. Holloway)
Will continue the practice�in the office lately
occuupi d by J r. Holloway, in the Beaver
ALLY. SELL'Y, Winglum, Ont.
oonductedoet reeasonaable rates 1 Orders left at
the Tonna office will reoeive prompt attention.
eyxiviiah to dispose of, stook
ouuld adver-
tise the same for sale in the Tans. Our large
oiroulation tells and it will be strange indeed if
you do not get a customer. Weoan't guarantee
thatyon will sell because you may ask more
for te article or stook than itis worth. Send
your advertisement to the Trains and try this
plan of disposing of your stook and other
TIuntea LEAVE Volt
London 640 a.m.... 8.80p.m.
TOrotto &Fast 10.40son .. 6.43 alai.... 2.40p.m.
Eineardine.,11.15 a.m... 2.08 pin.... 9.16p.tn,
Rincardine ....8.40 °tan -10.40 LEI.... .. 2.40 p.m.
London 11.10 a m .. 7.96 p.m.
Pelntorston 9.85 a.m
Toronto & East 2.08 p.m.,., 9.15 p.m.
L. HAROLD, Agent, *Ingham.
TorOnto Skid Haat 6.58 eau,. .. 8,94 liter,
Teeewater . 1.25 p.m. -10.51 pari,
*water.., , e acme... 8.01 pen.
eeonto and Bast ., 1.17pp.m..,.10.43 pan,
.8, H, BREMER. Agettt,Wiaahana,
TRADE Malta*
Copvttfawra dic..
Attrone et+udtnq it ekltah and 400114166 mai
cottony aeeertion oar optuKm tree *nether of
Invention is probablyph,at5nlable. Con'mnnt.,
bean stricter Mmnflantlal. Handbook On Patent.
sat free. amen healer for aecurins pstent.
for taken tomtit Munn a, co. want
. igt4tai notion, Without ob A In the
Mint B
i t41 rC
A Home For tht owls Which Ha
Much to Recommend It.
The poultry house herewith illustrate
ed was built by Fred. D. SillowaY of
Springfield, 111„ and described la
American Poultry Journal. Mr. Slllo-
way says:
The house is 9 by 12 feet, inside
measurement, which allows ample
space for one pen, giving plenty of
room for a seratohing door. The rear
wall to the north is left without any
openings, and against this the roost,
dropping board and nests are placed.
insuring necessary warmth and look oe
draft, at the same time allowing a cite
culation of fresh air from the open
front. The floor le of nitslencl ashes,
which, to any idea, besidesbeing infi-
n&nitely cheaper, are far better than con-
crete, The roof, although gable Style,
could be mods&ed to ,suit any condir
tions. In fact, this type of building
could be enlarged or altered to suit the
desires of the builder and still the re•
sults would be uniformly good.
The proportion "of mixing the mate-
rial for the wall is one part cement,
one part sand and two parts gravel,
all thoroughly mixed and deluged with
water. The slushier the consistency
when put in the wall the less moisture
there will be later on, as this flooding
destroys the absorbing quality of the
cement when dried.
It is necessary to form molds for the
walls of the house by fixing boards
horizontally against uprights, which
loo« wear
P otr*ea,,, eue.n. ao+asion.eui,
, 1
must be thoroughly braced, so that
they will not yield to the pressure out*
ward as the material settles. The stan-
dards are set In pairs around the build-
ing where the walls are to stand, frons
ex to eight feet apart and so wide that
the inner space shall form the thickness
of the walls. Into the molds thus form.
ed Is thrown the Concrete material. In
a short time the walls will be as hard
as Solid rock.
This poultry house has been in use
now for one year, during the fall and
winter as a brooder house and in the
•early spring as a'breeding pen, and 1
believe it has had a fair test in all sorts
of weather. As far as the dampness 1
feared is concerned, I will say that I
have had no cause to complain-- front
such a source, as I am sure that no
more moisture exists within its walls
than could be found in a tar papered
wooden house. In fact, the floor is dry
and dusty at all times and is an ideal
dusting and scratching floor for fowls
in winter.
The permanency of this building and
the fact that the walls are rat, lice and
germ proof make it very desirables
aside from. the cheapness of construe.
tion, which, on a farm where sand and
gravel are abundant, is reduced to a
minimum. The only necessary ex.
pease is for concrete and for the lum-
ber for the roof.
Shy Drinkers.
Water should be before horses at all
tunes when indoors, and at least no
meal should- ever be offered and no
night lights turned out until every
animal has had his chance at as many
brimming buckets as he will take. The
shy drinker may be tempted by many
artifices, like mixing a little molasses
or salt or oatmeal or' flaxseed jelly or
bran, etc., with the water and constant.
Iy varying the flavor. Many shy drink-
ers, like,shy feeders, who are generally
nervous, take all nourishment best at
night, when it is dark and quiet, and
morning finds the empty manger and
bucket, which it bad seemed by der
almost nauseated them. -Outing Maga.
Undulating Lands For Horses.
English experts are advocates of that
• theory that undulating lands are decide
edly best as grazing grounds for young
horses. Apart from the question of the
soil, which is in itself, of course, an
important matter in the production off
nutritious grasses, It is argued that un-
dulating fields are necessary for fail
and pror muscle t, h
perfect horsepeor one pleasingdevelopmenin forTmo
needs symmetrical development at all
muscles, and the English experts are
advocates of the theory that this level•
opment is not attained on IeveI pas-
tures; lienee their favor for undulating
pastures far the best development of
all cla8se0 of horses, Exchange.
A Good Lice Killer.
Kerosene all two gallons, Crude ear'-
bolin acid one quart, bisulphide of eat*
bon eight ounces, oll of mustard one
ounce. Spray well once a week for;
three weeks in succession if house 1*
badly infected. If not, once a month
during the summer, once in awn
months in winter. A Country friend
slsts title Is the best ever, says a writer
In Poultry Suceesa. Of course cleat-
lines will do most good by preventing
lice multiplying.
Second Growth Clover.
The second growth glover for hall'
Should be eut when in full red bloom,
with but few brown heads, and cured
in the Cock, says L. W. Lighty is Na-
tional Stockman. It should never be
sun dried, as that readers the litter
loandst better
isstorpartsing. so brittle that mush Is
'rake Care of Manure.
''thousands of tons of fertilizer eras
wasted annually by trying to grow
new barns irons manure thrown
against barns built in the ordinary
way, 'I':teltme. Ill
waivabie.`-ke,Americreanof AgricultanururisItt.