The Wingham Times, 1906-09-27, Page 66 Kernels from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Port Hope lady teachers were granted I Mr Gray, principal of Clifford publio an increase of pay under threats of a sohool, was unable to discharge his dui. strike. fes on Thursday of last week. It is the • Mr. Harry Cooksbutt, Brantford, was first tae in thirty-one years' teaohing elected Presileot of the Canadian Man• that he was prevented from being M his ufaoturere" Association. post through illness. SIIDDENIY ATTACKED. Children are often attacked suddenly by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Merlins, Clholera Infantum, etc. Dr. Fowler's;The largest whitensh on record was Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt brought in to the fish house here last and sure cure which should always be kept in the house. week, The fish dressed weighed 193 Beare the /'7,1ha Kind You Have Always Bought Signature +*`�l, pounds, girthed two feet, and measured 3 ft. 1 in. in lengtb. As it came out of Mr. Isaac Manning of Smith township the water it would have weighed felly was killed by falling between his horses 130 pounds.-Wierton Canadian. and the animals running away. John French of Harriston, Ont., was impaled on the handle of a pttchfork at Cartwright, Sask., and fatally injured. CASTOR 1A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 14444 The first cargo of 1,500 tons of steel rails for the new Transcontinental Rail- way arrived at Quebec from Sydney, C. B. Mrs. Donald Forsythe of NortheJlare- &tont was shot and serionely wounded by a small boy taking cartridges out of a gun. Thiuk of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cnre if your nose and throat discharges -If your breath is foul or feverish. This snow White soothing balm contains 01I of Eucalyptus, Thymol, Menthol, etc., in- corporated into an imported, creamlike, velvety petrolatum. It soothes, heals, purifies, controls. Call at Walley's drug store for free trial box. A robber stole $3,700 from the Bank of Commerce at Kinistino, Sask., and tried to shoot Mr. Hickman, a clerk, who disturbed him iu•the bank. A son of Mr. William McLellan and his mother of Amabel took a dose of aconite by mistake. The young man is deal and Dire. McLellan is seriously PI L Piles positively cured with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. It's made for piles alone, and it does the e ork to perfection. hobing, painful, protruding or blind piles, disappear like magio. Sold at Walley's Drng Store, John Hullett, who has just died at Kingsley, Mich., at the age of 102 years is survived by an unusually targe numb- er of descendants. His posterity numb- ered 17 children, 50 grandchildren -25 boys and 25 girls -48 great-grandchild- ren, and 15 great -great-grandchildren. Dr. Chase's Dint moot is a certain and guaranteed curoforeach and every form of itching, bleeding a n d protruding piles. See testimonials in the press and ask your neighbors about it. You can use it and getyour money back if not satisfied. sec, at an dealers or ED]MANSON, BATES & Co., Toronto. THE WINWtAM TIMES SEY1'i:i BEI Th ' 1906. A happy event took place on Wednee• Stop That Headache! day, Sept. 10th, at the home of Mr. and t? ii V Mrs. S. T. Jackecn. Ripley, when their eldest dnugbter, Laura Alberta, was. united in marriage to Ur. J. D. MoCroa• tie, druggist, of l3uffelq, N. Y. The eaored ceremony was performed by Rev. F J. Maxwell, of Brantford, assisted by the Rev R. McLeod, of Huron Church. HpW'$ TH13. We offer One Hundred Dol Lara Reward for any vase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cue. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J Cheney for the last 15 yeare, and be- lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus- iness trausaotious and financially able to oarry out any obli ations made by his firm. Walding, Finnan & Marvin. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure istaken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent free. trice 75e. per bottle. Sold by ail Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipat- ion. A happy eyent occurred at the Metho- dist Church parsonage in Hensall on Wednesday. Sept. 12th, the event being the marriage of Mr. Garnet J. Frayne, eldest son of Mr. Frayne of Usborne, to Annie M., only daughter of Mr. Wm. Reid of Exeter North. The nuptial knot Yens tied by Rev. Toll in the presence of of only the immediate relatives of the eontraotilig parties. As a dressing for arras, braises and burns Chamberlain's Salve is all that can be desired. It is soothing and heal- ing in its effect. It alleys the pain of a burn almost iustantly. This salve is also a certain cure for chapped hands and diseases of the skin. Price 25 cents. For sale by all druggists. Anna Mattheacn, relict of the late John McLeod, passed away on Wednes- day Sept, 19th, at the advanced age of 94 years. The deceased was a native of LewisIsland, .adHuron n came to is 43 years ago. She leaves one son Dan. S. MoLeod and cne sister Mrs. McLean, both residing in Ripley. Rheumatism is not incurable. Stub- born? Yes 1 But Dr. Shoop's Rhel:matia Remedy will if faithfully used driae it out of the system. It's the blood that's at fault. Poisonous crystals like sand get into the joints and muscles. Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy prevents this. It drives Rheumatism from the blood and then Rheumatism dies. We recommend and sell it at Walley's Drug Store. The death of David Bell, aged 73 years, occurred on Wednesday the 12th inst., at his residence, 8th Huron, one mile east of Ripley. Deceased was a bache- lor and came to this country from Ire- land with his parents when a lad. For nearly 50 yearn he was a resident of Huron on the farm on which he died. DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT. A quiet wedding took place at the Methodist parsonage, Hensall, on .the 18th at 11 30 o'clock, when Mr. Harley Sanders of Exeter North and Miss L11 - Ilan Kestle of Stephen were united in marriage by Rev. Toll. If alldyspepsia sufferers knewwhatDr. Sheep's Restorative would do for them, Dyspepsia would practically be a disease of the past. Dr. Shoop's Restorative reaches stomach troubles by its direct tonic action upon the inside nerves -the true stomach nerves. Stomach distress or weakness, fullness, bloating, belching, ate. Call for the Restorative. We re- eommend and sell Dr. Shoop's Reator- ctive at Walley'a Drng Store. J. Brindley, of Goderich township brought a load of oats to Goderich the other day, consisting of seventy-eight bags containing 200 bushels. The mar- ket clerk says this is about the biggest byte he has ever weighed. .A. J5t i1' G7 t.A.. ` temp the is Kind You Nave Always Bright gi{natare .�•GC<�F of Mrs. Martin, an old lady of over 93 years, who lives with her son, James, on the 2nd of Minto, fell out of the kitchen door and received a deep gash across her forehead. 1t was a nasty 'mound, but the old lady is recovering. CATARRH C5.117L.StTOWit XA, Bears theThe Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Mr. J. Miller, of Abilene, Ka sus, companied by his wife, has been visit - int; his old friends at Clinton. Over 30 years ago he was a member of Olin - ton Council, and a partner of Mr. Henry Stevens, but he got the western fever, and bought a farm three miles from Abilene. He was back here on a visit 16 years ago. Hie family has grown up, one son farming in the Canadian west, and he has rented his farm and moved into Abilene to spend the rest of his days. aa - SFRIZtG MEDICINE. As a spring medicince Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. The sad death took place at Brandon, Man., on Sept. 13, of Minnie V, Hunkin, wife of Charles Abbott of London, form- erly of Exeter, at the age of 26 years. Deceased was visiting her mother Mrs. James Abbott at Hamiota when she was taken i11 of typhoid fever and erysipelas and removed to the hospital at Brandon where she succumbed. UCAPES A DANGEROUS SURGICAL OPERATIC! 670 Braaewick Ave., Toronto, Can. A•k ol1TblElU.TOR co., termite, Canada. O.atiemen,-1 alit nti..b pleased to certify to lino curative properties of Okygonater.' I that began *slag it for Catarrh in the bead. Baying .sWdad this loathsome dla.age Itben tamed My to a largo P.lypns that existed in my tib nostril, *hack *Le .Aeeaa.fnlly removed by tiul l.oat application .t "Omyg•setar" ti er.by .ant **oh pain, danker And Ampoule 14,4 it been a.lmerad by aarrical posers. 1 tiro weed es.? r.taady M my family (of s) for +ansmber el years. and can btgbly r.c.maa d.it for f.t.t r, aotd. and threat trwli1Al -aa t4la le, NUM Warms 4,'ills invaiu bl.. E meals, Terntail/r, - li. •. 711o]S NION. 41111.10.4.00. OXYGENATOR A OM Mlifit allied they 1 4 OXYGENATOR O'R Foolish to Sutter When a Slinple Remedy Will Prevent and Cure, Ever stop to think what caused your headaches? Yrohubly not, Then look to the bowels and sicmaph, and you'll find plenty of tensa• Cttanees are yoa'11 find ceustipation, ltv r is eluugieh,stomach overburdened s ith halt digested food. No wonder you are dell, tired, restless day and night. You DO, d the cleansing inflaenee of Dr. Hamilton's P1115 which ewe your 000ditioe in short order ,Being compost•d of natural vegetable remedies Dr, Ilamilton's Pills possess great power, yet are Moral( se. They aid all oraana oonneoted with storuaab, liver, and bowels. In coasequeuce fooa is properly digested, the blood is pure and nourishing, the body is kept strong and resists disease. Headaches never cotne 10 thofe who use Dr. Hamilt"u's Pitts. Bud this fact is vouched for by the Assietaut Manager of the Poultry Success Mapaz no, of Springfield, 0., Mr J H Callander, who writes: "No better meli'teiue than Dr. Hamilton's Pills We use them re- gularly and )thaw of marvelous cures that resisted everything else. They cleanse the whole system, act es a tonic on the blood, enliven digestion, h-lp the stomach, and make you feel strong and well. For headaohea, indigestion, and stomach disorders, I am confident that the one prescription is Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Yon can rely on Dr. Hamilton's Pills with implicit confidenoe; their effeet is wonderful. Sold by all dealers. Price 25c per box. five boxes for $1.0O3 or by mail from N. 0. Polson & Co , King. ston, Out., and Hartford, Conn , U 5 A. THE LADLES' FAVORITE. Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfeot cough medicine -Dr. 'Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction, Price 25 oents. i Mr. Sant. Appleby, a well know reel - dent of Hallett, met with a abooking death on Saturday earning, Sept. 15th, being kille and ground to Once by a construction train nu the London, Huron & Bruce Reulroad. lie had, been in Winton during the day, and went to Loudesboro by the evening train. He was seen to get off the train and start down the track southward to his home. fie had appeirently got pear tate bridge and stepped oft the traok to avoid the train, as there were footprints on one side, but evidently did not get clear, and was et:uok by the ooeistructiou train go- ing north, and literally cut to pieces, the remains being found scattered along the track for 75 yards, and the clothing completely stripped from the body, It was not uncommon for him to be away 'ram home over night, Ito his absence did not cause uneasiness, Sunday morn- itoredr. W. Leo was drawn to the track by the furious baring of his doge, and when he went over to see the cause, he was horrified at the sight that met his. gaze. It was impoesible to recognize the features, and the neighbors, who had in the meantime gathered, while think- ing It was Mr. Appleby, could not be su;e, and had to summon the wife of the &ceased to identify the romaine, whioh she did only by the olothes. The late Alexander Muir, of "The Maple Leaf" Canada's national anthem, was interested all his life in the divorce laws, whioh were too often, ho claimed unfair to women. Mr. Muir freqaently declared that men, not their wives, were in nine cases out of ten responsible for unhappy marriages. "The trouble with too many husbands," he once said "is that they treat their wives as a Toronto man used to do. This man, sitting in his drawing -room on a coolish evening, cried out fiercely ; "Shut that door, con. founded it 1 What's the matter with you, anyway? Do you want to freeze me!" The cook appeared calmly in the open doorway. Do you know who you are speaking to, she sh air?" said in a stern voioe. The man, taken back, stammer- ed. "Oh, excuse me. I thought it was my wife. Many a young woman who deserves a good man for a life companion has jump- ed in at a tender age and married a Willie, and gone through life embarras- sed the reat of her days. Willie is all right as an ice cream boy and as a slot, machine, with which to get chewing gum and bon bons, but when it comes to measuring up in after years with the men who do things, and whose wives make up the budget of satisfied ones, he is down and out before the race starts. Girls, if you must marry, and you must if yon would be happy, be sure and marry a man, or at least what is going to be a man. Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. 'They cure backaches, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder It was announced that Mr. Blackali, of Hensall, late of Clinton, had sold out his hotel to Mr. Fitzpatrick, of London. This was cbrrect, but Mr, Fitzpatrick backed out and bought the Grip House at Seaforth. On Saturday last Mr, Blaokall sold out to John Bice, of Lu - can. He takes possession on the 1st of October, when the effects will be valued by Mr. Paisley. - s Mr. Robert Shea died in Seaforth, early Friday morning, Sept 14th, in his 81st year, of old age. The late Robert Shea was born in the County of Lanark, Ontario, and when a young man moved to the township of Stanley, whore he purchased a farm and resided for a num- ber of years. He was twice married, his first wife being a Miss McCabe of Wawanosh, who died and left one son Alphonso Shea now living in Saskatche- wan. About 24 years ago he married Mies Sareenan who survives him. Ten years ago Mr. Shea moved to Seaforth where he has since continued to live until his death. For Over Sixty Tears. An old and Well•Tried-Remedy--Mrs Winelow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions o!moth- ere for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind collo, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea, It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twentyfive cent* a bottle. Its value hi incalculable. Be sure you sok for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. WAa A VERY SICK BOY. But Cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, "When my boy was two years old he had a very severe attack of bowel t om- plaint, but by the use ct Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy we bought him out all right," says Maggie Hickox, of Midland, Mich. This remedy can be depended upon in the moat severe cases. Even cholera in- fantum is cured by it. Follow the plain printed directions and a cure is certain. For sale by all druggists. The laxative effect of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is so agreeable end so natural yon can hardly realize that it is produced by a medicine. These tablets also cure indigestion. For sale by all druggists. Pain from A Burn Promptly Rellev.d fry Chamberlain's Pant halm. A little child of Michael Strauss, of Vernon, Conn , was recently In great pain from a burn on the hand, and as cold applications only increased the in- flemmatiott; Mr S rauss carne to Mr. James N Nichols, a local merchant, for something to stop the pain Mr. Nichols says: "I advised Hint to u e Chamber- lain'a Paiu Balm, and the first applica- tion drew out t • e inflammation and gave immediate relief. I leave used this lini- ment myself and recommend it very often for cuts burns, stratus and lame back, and nev'�r known it to disappoint." For sale by all druggists. Pat was invited to a wedding. He ar- rived at the honse faultlessly attired in full evening dress, a huge white chrys- anthemum adorning his button -hole. He was shown upstairs to the gentle- men's dressing -room. The guests as- sembled below were suddenly startled by hearing a great commotion above. Rushing into the hall to ascertain the cause they were somewhat startled to behold Pat come tumbling down head first, completely dishevelled. Upon the amazed host exclaiming: "Why, Pat, what is the matter?" Pat answered: "Shure and I whet upstairs, and whin I wint inter the room I seed a swell young dandy wid a white carnation in his buttonhole and kid gloves on his hands, an' sex to 'm, 'Who's you?' 'Shur,' sez he, 'an I'm the best man,' and begone, he is." On Sunday, Sept 16th, 1906, Margaret it , widow of the late James Strachan, of Leebnrn, and mother of the late D. K. Strachan, of Goderich, passed away in her 90th year, after along and pain- ful illness. The deceased was long a resident of Colborne, having, with her husband, moved to that township in 1807, after a three years residence in Goderich town. In 1880 Mr, and Mrd. Strachan moved to Saltford, whore the hu*band died in 1897, and there she lis'• ed till some flue menthe ago, when she moved to her grandson's residence, where death celled her. The lath Mrs, Strachan was born in Lanarkshire, Soot - For some year Mr, Wm. Birnie, of land, married theta and carne to Goder• Goderich h be 1 i tthe ieh, With her family, in 1804, has been cutvain growth of peaches, and this year has about B0 treed, 30 of which are yielding. They are all of the seeding Variety, and the fruit is all of great proportions and excellent flavor. Seven wimples aver- aged ower four ounoed each, one of them measuring 8I x 0 inches. Mr. tirnie surely understands pretty well the oul- i[Rte • taririrbtr turn of peaohedluoo , for eitch eeding Stimimord year he breaks the record. g Bilious Colic @xiek relief is afforded by Chsnsberiain'e Colic, Cholera And Diarrhoea Itenledy. It never fails and is pleasant and safe tis take. The attack not be warded off by tatting a�hhdouble dose or that'reinedy As none as ioreaall611 d ation r druggists overywherreappears. ta=�1010100 rs� rr .. ru'l 4 1LLON IAaE-STAY FENCE: POItt2 e. The nlltan hence•sTAY Fence Is to - ymir stock whattnn,rance is to your fe,nll . 11 i1 rutMta then and u0nn ,anis coat of 'veterinary,. _ tlu1trukd Cataluguu free-.11ve agents wanted. CCULmire Ike Our Ali II JULt lrte FLTICL CO., Lineman. {IF •. antra a Nor err Nur A A He Could Not Officiate. Chatham the other day had an ex- perience which, while quite a mon occurrence in England, is most un- usual in Ontario. A Methodist minis- ter was asked to officiate at the fun- eral of one of his congregation. The Planet tells the sequel thus: ''The short service was conducted in the city at the home of the deceased, according to iChurch,and the Method st the rites of the procession proceeded to an English Church in the country, where the ser- vice was to be continued and conclud- ed. The burying ground was situated Just adjoining this English church. Up- on arriving at the church in question the Methodist minister was informed that he would not be allowed to preach a sermon from a text in the church, and, as a result, he was just allowed to give an informal talk and was not allowed to occupy the pupit." Vied on Gen. Brock's Horses. MADE IN CANADA BY A CANADIAN COMPANY. 1../ltuotometoo .ffffl6, v. WIFT (LENT URE DURABLE AND LiGHT- RUNNiNG. ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAME MeTteal6"sllla�s�. THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING 00.. COMPANY orricr0 : MONTREAL, P. 9. LIMITCD, TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. ill.. AGENTS WANTID RVZRYWHERE. AGENT DAVID BELL, WINGHAM, ONT. •••c.e••SStit.•••••••••••••• •&••••••s•SSH•••••••S•SSC • ICLUBBING • • RATES� • • • •• FOR 1906 " 07. s i • The TIM• ES will receive subscriptions a t th e rates below 0 for any or all of the following publications : Times to January 1st, 1907 Times and Daily Globe Times and Daily Mail and Empire Times and Daily World Times and Toronto Daily News.. Times and Toronto Daily Star Times and Daily Advertiser Times and Toronto Saturday Night Times and Weekly Globe . . Times and Weekly Mail and Empire Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and book " Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide ' 1.90 1.65 1.50 1.80 1.60 1,80 1.85 1.30 2.35 Joshua Culp of St. Catharines has in + his possession a curiosity which he prizes very highly. It consists of a pair of blacksmith's tongs, which were made in the year 1811, and were used in shoe- ing the horses of Gen, Sir Isaac Brodie and his staff, preparatory for the battle of Queenston Heights. When put along side of a pair of tongs of the present day they are so different that their air of antiquity is enhanced. The metal' is much worn. They are 18 inches long ,and weigh about four pounds, Mr. Culp says he wouldn't part with the tongs for a good deal, because of their his- toric worth. They were made and used by His great-grandfather, whose name was also Joshua Culp. Highest Kite Ascension. A string of six kites sent up from the German aeronautical observatory at Lindenberg recently attained 'an elevation of 21,096 feet, of almost ex- actly four miles, says the New York Sun. This is the highest elevation yet reached :by kiteflying, and it,illustrates remarkable progress during the last two or three years in this method of investigating the conditions in the up- per air. . ,.......t » t�dsatlM,lfAiiliil Judge Holt gave judgment at Gode• rich, on a very important case arising out of the Ditches and Watercourses Aot, In 1901 a large drain, known to the "Datere Award :Grain," eras con• rtruCted through the northern portion of Ilay township. Certain of the property owners were not in (aver of it from the *tart, and although they paid their share for the original work, they neg. lected to keep their portioft itt repair, consequently the Engineer left the work of repair, and the cost was Collected by the townehip, with the taxes. Font ratepayers, Mesa!, Cochrane, Robert, Fee and Stege paid theirs under protest, end sued the corporation far the return of the money, claiming want of proper notice and other irregularities. The bvidenee was taken at Zurich, but the argument of counsel ifs* held at (lode• rion, when the attotion was decided in fever of the township, with the oak. G. Z )3lair, of Goderich, acted for the plaintiffs, and 3. G. fltanbnry, o1 Exeter, for the township. MILBURN'S Heart and Nerve Pills. Are a specific for all heart and nervi troubles. here are some of the symp- toms. Any one of them should be a warning for you to ,attend to it im- mediately. Don't delay. Serious break- down of the system may follow, if you do: Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Dizzi- ness, Palpitation of the Heart, Shortness of Breath, Rush of Blood to the Head, Smothering and Sinking Spells, Faint and Weak Spells Spasm or Pain through the Heart; Cold, Clammy. Hands and Peet. There msyr be litany minor symp- toms of heart and nerve trouble, but these are the chief ones. Milburn's )heart and Nerve Pills will dispel alt these symptoms from elle system. Price 60 Cents per box, or 3 for $1.25. 'WEAK SPELLS CURED. *fxr. L. Dorey, Hanford, N,S., writes or as follows :--" 1 was troubled with •'dinzinese, weak spells and fluttering of the heart. 1 proeurett a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, Ind they did Mi so much good that 1 got two more boxes, and efterlinishing theist 1 wascompletllyr .tare& 1 must say that x cannot resort~ stead them too highly,. $ .25 4.50 4.50 3.10 2.30 2.30 2.35 2.35 1.65 1.70 1.75 Times and Weekly Witness Times and Montreal Weekly Herald Times and London Free Press (weekly) Times and London Advertiser (weekly) Times and Toronto Weekly Sun Times and World Wide Times and Northern Messenger.... Times and Farmer& Advocate ... We specially recommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. Times and Farming World Times and Presbyterian Times and Westminster Times and Presbyterian and Westminster Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) Times and Youths' Companion Times and 'Canadian Magazine (monthly) ... Times and Sabbath Reading, New York Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto) Times and Michigan Farmer Times and Woman's Home Companion Times and Canadian Woman (monthly) London Times and American Sheep Breeder Times and Country Gentleman Times and Delineator Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine Times and Green's Fruit Grower Times and Good Housekeeping , Times and Modern Women ...- Times and McCall's Magazine Tinges and Pearson's Magazine Times arrd AzSerican Illustrated Magazine Times and American Boy Magazine Times and What to Eat Times. and Bookkeeper .......... Times and Recreation . Times an, Cosmopolitan Times and'Ladies' Home Journal Times and Saturday Evening Post Times and Success Times atd Housekeeper Times and Pilgrim Times and Poultry Keeper • Times and Hoard's Dairyman Times and McClure's Magazine Times and Mnnsey's Magazine Timed and Rttral N'owvv Yorker Timed and Vick's Magazine .. Times and American Gardening.... .. . .. . . Time and Health Culture Times and Ram's Horn Times and Four Track News • Times and Breeders' Gazette Times and Practical Farmer 1.38 2:25 2.25 3.25 1.90 2.75 2.90 1.45 1,85 1.65 1.75 1.15 1.90 .2.10 1.95 1.75 1.35 1.80 1.45 1.45 1.70 1.90 1.65 1.60 1.65 1.75 1.65 2.15 2.45 1.80 1.50 1.60 1.40 1.90 1.90 2,00 2.00 1,40 2,25 1.85 2,45 1,90 2.25 1.85 40. When premiums are given with any of above papers, ettbeoribera Will secure such premiums when ordering through us, same as if ordered direct from pnblishere. Thede low rates meant a considerable saving to subscribers, and are STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE, Send remittances bye postal note, pest (Mee or express money order, riddredsing TiletS OPPICI , WINGFHAM, ONTARIO. .