HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-09-20, Page 6Kenieis from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Mr. J. A. Donald, barriater, of Et. Mary's, dropped dead. Mrs Mary Bigley Pied et Woodbridge. Sbe was the mother of Ceasie L. Chad- wick. The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a porfeet cough medicine --Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Pride 25 cents. Mrs. 0. M. Bowman laid the corner- stone of the new Methedist church at So utbau►pton. The Postmaster-Geueral will meet a deputation of country postmasters next Ina nth to discuss the question of pay. $!'RING MEDICINE. r As a spring medicines Bnrdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. Thom. is Hiram Lloyd,the Newmarket sawyer, sentenced to eighteen months, :has been released after serving halt his term, eV nee, iS i" CilEt.X.El... Boars the The Kind You Have Always Boughl Signature �` ��i 4�'G�+r4l/e o! . In all 452 persona lost their lives as the result of the big earthquake at San Fran- sisco of April 13, the Ideal health depart - went so stating in a formal report sent to the State Board of Health. 71 DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25c.CATARRH CURE is seat direct to the diseased parts by Improved ]flower, the '- 1 Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanantly cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo. It is estimated that up to the begin- ning of July, 12,000 male immigrants had` been placed on Ontario arms during the present season. Of these about 5000 were placed by the immigration depart- ment of the Ontario Government. For Over Sixty Years. Au old and Weil -Tried -Remedy -Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of moth- ers for their children while teething, with perfeot success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty.five Dente a bottle. Ite value is incalculable. Be sure you ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. At the meeting of the Canadian Em- balmers' Association in Toronto, the largest meeting in its history, Mr. H. B. Beckett, of Godertch, was elected second vice-president, a ohoice that does honor to him, and the town of which he is a citizen and business man. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 144 Harry Goeney by mistake ted his horse a quantity of poultry food, thinking the same to be condition powder for the Animal. The mistake was not noticed until the horse had scratched ap half the garden, and showed signs of want ng to set. Many people say they are "an nerves," easily startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. Milburn's Heart and Norte kills aro just the remedy suck people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve °entree and give new nerve force to shattered nervous sydtems. After little over a week's filberts Mr. Jas, Darling, who for several years has lived with his daughter and eon•in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Forsyth,at Teeswator passed away on. Tues'dai' morning, Sept. 11th. Mr Darling was a pleasant, and by those who knew him, a highly respect- ed old gentleman. He was in religion a Presbyterian. lie was 76 years of age. The remains were taken to Exeter for in. te>:'ment. ��w.�.�'w• els, t. ��wlttw� ri's7tr ��'ii�mr.i till tA�tgial lliptglt/artl � t!!M■ A i.r , n HOZ-45 Y FEHClfw root v s. rhe tin* re, hYalnnretnea ei IYe ox+p fI stat ***to, O. 0N. IMt n ,Them "me* yo* at•...t****, ee4.Het waha alar.. 1ties. _ t4•ete.4MM.$ue free -WWY*areae, »anted. >s� fit11V140 ail: TIDE WJNGITil TIMES SEPTEMBER 20, 1906. U. J. ]teeter, of Mitobell, sold 700 Ma of ripe tomatoes this summer of sixty. five plants, an a'rerage of more than ten pounds a plant. lily. Keeler Iia- picked tomatoes which weighed from one lb. to one and a half pounds saoh. They are o: the Tenderloin and Eriiana varieties. `$U11DTNIY ATTACIt1ID. Children are often attacked suddenly by pabeful and dangerous Colic, Cramps, Diarrboea Dysentery, Cholera Martins, Cholera Infantum, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and sure cnre-whicle should alwaya be kept in the house. What's the matter with Ontario? Nothing whatever. A mine discovered in New Ontario lest week, 80 miles north of Liskeard, will yield about $8,600 of silver to tbs ton. $500 to the ton it a paying quantity and $8,000 is a dandy. Ontario is all right. Piles positively cured with Dr Shoop's Magic Ointment. It's made for piles alone, and it does the a ork to perfection. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles, disappear like magic. Sold at Walley's Drug Store, At the Barley Vale branch of the New Silkstone and Haigh Moor Colliery Com- pany, in Yorkshire, a postcard ordering a ]cad of coals was delivered recently, stamped "December 3, 1893 " It had accidentally become lodged underneath the tin receptacle for letters which fits into the box, explained the postal au- thorities. CJS SntiCa .X �3... Sears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature • of A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. W. J. McBrien of Hullett, on Tuesday, Sept. 11, when his eldest dauglhter, Miss Ella May, was united in marriage to Mr. Thomas E. Mason a pro=perons young farmer of Hullett. The event took place at high noon, Rev. 0. R. Gonne, rector of St. Paul's church, Clinton, being the offi- ciating Clergyman. Rheumatism is not incurable. Stub- born? Yes 1 But Dr. Shoop's Rbetmatio Remedy will if faithfully used drive it out of the system. It's the blood that's at fault. Poisonous crystals like sand get into the joints and muscles. Dr. Shoop's Rheumatiu Remedy prevents this. It drives Rheumatism from the blood and then Rheumatism dies. We recommend and sell it at Walley's Drug Store. What help machinery of the 20th cen- tury is to the farmer. F. L. Green of Greenwood is having a milk machine in. stalled on his Jersey farm in Pinkerton Township. S. Price and Sons of Erin - dale have one at work, and are finding it satisfactory. They strip after the ma- chine is through and one man milks 68 cows in an hour and a half. Mr, Robert Milburn, town line wast, has wild bis farm of 104 acres in Wel- Iles towtchip to Mr. Robt. Bray, from near Walkerton, who takea possession next Merck. The farms is oue of the nicest in the district, with modern inn provemeut, good house, barns etc., and the price palcl, $7000, while cortaiuly a good one, is $1000 less than Mr. Milburn was offered for the place a year ° or two age. The decline in value is uo doubt due to the great development of the West, so many farmers and farmers' sane going out there to take up the Cheaper lands, The laxative effect of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is so agreeable and so natural you can hardly realize Unit it is produced by a medicine. These tablets also ono indigestion. For Bale be all druggists. I am a hired man for a term of months and have been sick in harvest time. My employer wants she to'pay for the man he hired by the day while I was under the dootor's care. As he is stopping my pay while I was idle, and the hired man gets about three times as much cash as I do. and does about as much work again as can, he being far more experieuced then I am, can the boss force me to pay out? Starkville, Oat. Englishman Answer; No. A man cannot be compelled to work if he is ill, nor can he be compelled to pay the wages of the man taking his place unlesa their existed a specific agreement to khat effect. -Star. Pala from a Darn Promptly believed by Chamberlain's Pain Halm. A little cbild of Michael Strauss, of Vernon, Conn , was recently in great pain from a burn on the band, and as cold applicatious only increased the in• flammation, Mr. S rause Dame t0 Mr. James N. Nichols, a local merobant, for something to stop the pain. Mr. Nichols says: "I advised him to nee Chamber. lain's Pain Balm, and the first applica- tion drew out tee inflammation and gave immediate relief. I have used this lini- ment myself and recommend it very often for outs, burns, strains and lanae back, and never known it to disappoint." For sale by all druggists. .7, A pretty wedding took place Wednes- day morning, Sept. lith in Knox (rhurch, Goderich, when Miss Frances Cox, daughter of Wm. William Cox, became the bride of Mr. Alfred Phillips, of Fergus Falls, Minn. The bridal gown was of Brussele net over cream satin, with which was worn the customary veil and orange blossoms. The flower girls, who were Miss Olive Cox and Mies Alma Sturdy, wore bine and pink or- gandie, and carried asters, as did also the page, Master Percy Beatty. Mr. James Thompecn, and Mr. Frank Camp- bell, London, acted as ushers. How's THIS. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- lieve him perfeotly honorable in all bus- iness transactions and flnanoially able to parry out any obli.'ations made by his firm. Welding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0, HalI's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent free. Price 75o. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipat- ion. tear. the 'yhe Kind You Have Always Boeghl Ellen O'Brien, relict of the late John idigaatare �•C�C�; O'Connell, passed away at Saltiord on of Friday, Sept 7th, aged 75 years. The The Hillsburg Beaver speaking of the lady, formerly of a most healthy and outlook in Erin, which is a great potato robust nature, had not enjoyed the best growing township, says: "This year of health for Some Irela A native of however, both yield and quality of pots- Limerick County, reland, and barn toes are seriously threatened. Never within five miles ai the city of the same before did the rot start so early or be. name, and being there married to her o come so virnient. So bad is the emelt late husband, Mr O'Connell emigrated coming from the tops and tubers, that to this country in 1$48, and spent a to dig enough for a meet in some gardens time in the neighborhood of Whitby. is most nauseating,Later, in 1854, he joined Mrs O'Connell and family at Brockport, N. "Y•, State, $can+s Kidney Pitts act on the kid%l mo'ring a couple of years after to Olin• toys, bladder and urinary organs only, ton, then to Holmesville, and in 1860 They cure backaches, weak back, rheum- coming to Goderich, atism, diabetes, congestion, intiamation, gravel, Bright's disease and alt other As a dressing for sores, bruises and diseases arising from wrong action of the burnt Chamberlain's Salve is all that kidneys and bladder can be desired. It is soothing and heal- on Sunday morning, Sept. 0th, the ing in its effect. It allays the path of a burn almost instantly. This salve is also death oecured at Betide of Robert II, a certain cure for chapped hands and Scilly, aged 45 years, Deceased was a -diseased 01 the skin, Price 25 cents, son of the late Henry Scilly And was born For sada by ail druggists. fa McGilIvray township, Middlesex, A. story is told in cast week's papers of With his parents he moved to Kindongh a Brooklyn woman, visiting ire the Old many years ago. About seven years Country, who had never heard of the ago they moved to the James McKinney King. This it equalled by An experience farm on the Durham road. Owing to Mr. Dowding, Manager Molsonyd Bank, 111 health from dropsy Ur. Scilly told off i had a few days Niece while going down Berrie. t hie farm stock and retired to live in the St. Lawrouee. On board wad an :'VAS A V1:111( axo,af, not. Ent cured by 1% hlambeic,lis'et l,olftr, Cholera said Warrisoes X{tmra'ifedy, "When my boy wilt two years old he had very severe attack of bowel com- plaint, but by the use cf Chemberlath's Collo, Cholera and i7isrrhoedt Remedy we bought him out all tight," days Maggie Ilickox, of Midland, Mich, This remedy den be depended upon in the most severe carted. Ewen cholera in- feantont is oared by it, It'oilow the plain printed directions and a Oita id tertafn. For tale by all druggists. In making dastard pie do not beat the eggs more than just enough to bane them mix with the milk; then be Careful not to *eke it tan tenft, Arerican, who honestly believed that the King lived in Canada, personally made the lawe tit this country, and Unit every day the people had to bow down to his minuet presence. Mr. Dowding naturally was amazed at the man's i aorance and told him }j({ Ff , so,only y to be told in retntn that there were plenty of Americans who were equally at ignor. lint tes he. 0lfn#on New:^Ira. Bllious Colic Mitek relief is Afforded by -Chamberlain's Colic, Ctsolevs. and Dietr'a hocet Remedy. It never fatly and ie pleasant and safe teftake: '.fie r ttaek eta bow reed oft by taking sa double dose t> t,fdr' emedy as noon as the first indieatio n rot the disease appears, e, or rfttd b ilrugglsts eve7ywheree,„, r - Sits Against HeaIIh Why the Usefulness o1 All Organs 12 1)estreyed by Costiveness Moet important to health and comfort is proper action of the bowels. By nature thea organs are Intended for the removal of the waste partioles of matter woicb eeenpanlate iu the syatetn. Retain these wastes and yon poison the blood, ruin digestion, briug oa ner- vonsnese and anaemia. Habitnxl costtveuese is best overcome by Dr. ffsuhritou's Pills, which establish regularity that is exactly consistent with nature. Not a drastic purgative -not even a pain or weenier) of gripe, because Dr. kIawtitou's Pills vegetable and free frotu irritating wineral substances found in so rattily widely advertised remedies. Iu every case Dr Rewiltou's Pills do care and bring sure relief from head- ache, billiousuess and other mauitesta- tious of constipation. Jas. Mt:Ounuell of Walkerton writes; "Sicca I was comparatively a young man I have not enjoyed real goodhealtb. "My appetite was good and strength kept ap, yet I knew something was wrong - +'Frequently I took bilionsattacka and violent headaches. My stomach was disordered, skiu was murky, ander my eyes were heavy dark rings. "Last winter I read through the "Pol. son's almanac and decided any trouble was constipation. I used Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills, and can hardly tell the help they have been, I ant now as fresh, strong and web as a boy." Just try the wonderful magic of Dr. Hamilton's Pills Sold by all dealers, 25o per .box, or five boxes for $1.00. By mail from N. C. Polson & Co„ Hartford, Oonu., U. S, A , or Kings on, Ont. If alabaster ornaments are merely grimy, washing with soap and water will olean them; if. however, they are stained, wash them first and then spread over them a mixture of whiting and water, made into a stiff paste, wash this off after a few hours, when the stains will probably have disappeared. Think of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure if your nose and throat discharges -If your breath is foul or feverish. This snow White so_thing betel contains Oil of Eucalyptus, Thymol, Menthol, etc., in- corporated into an imported, creamlike, velvety petrolatum. It soothes, heals, purifies, controls. Call at Walley's drug store for free trial box. To c]ean marble take two parts of common soda, one part of finely powder- ed salt. Sift the mixture through a fine sieve and mix it with water, then rub it well over the marble, and the stains will be removed Rub the marble over with salt and water, then wash off and wipe dry. If all dyspepsia sufferers knew what Dr, Shoop's Restorative would do for them, Dyspepsia would practically be a disease of the past. Dr. Shoop's Restorative reaches stomach troubles by its direct tonic action upon the inside nerves -the true stomach nerves. Stomach distress or weakness, fullness, bloating, belching, ato. Call for the Restorative. We re- eommend and se]l Dr. Shoop's Restor- ctive at Walley's Drug Store, When the cream sours, there is a way of disposing of 11 in making biscuits or griddle cakes, and which is far less trouble. Put in a cream jar, filling it only about one-third full, and shake it until it comes to butter, an operation which takes some ten minutes of steady work, and which results in a delioious fresh butter for supper. Crippled by Kidney Disease. "1 was troubled for years with kidney disease and Lir. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills have entirely cured me. When I began the nee of these pills I could only walk from nay bed to a chair. Now I can go to the field and work like any other man." --Mr. W. It. Mosher, South Augusta, Grenville County, Ont. This statement is certified to by Rev E. H. Emett, Baptist minister of Brookville, Ont. James McKinnon, youngest son of the late Damn McKinnon of Queen Hill, Bear Paieley, Iasi week mat with an au- oident that three hours later proved fatal. With hie brother Dan, the de. ceased was operating their threshing outfit at the Archer •farm, 13th con. He bad been oiling punks on the top of the separator and in stepping off the front his foot struck the elevator spout and he slipped into the month of the machine. In a trice one leg was drawn into the cylinder up to the hip, the belt flew off the main pulley and the maobine stop. ped at once. The foot was cleanly savored at the ankle, almost the whole leg torn to shreds and marks made on the lower part of the back by the cy- linder teeth. Drs. Black and Gage am- putated the limb and dressed the wounds, bet death ensued from the shook. 'rlti; LADIES' �'(yltlTl;. Lara -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They care Constipation, Sick Etetuiache, Billiondneed, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. An excellent mean' of preserving the golden color in hair is to ahsmpoc the hair with eggs, adding the blots of three lemons and one teaspoonful Of ante of tartar to the iirat rinsing Water. Rub several egge all through the hair and shampoo and rivet, then use several niers eggs. At the )100011d shampooing the eggs will foam up like !soap, 7.'hey d0 not sot that way at first bet>auts there is still s inggeation of oil in the hair. Which? [Baltimore Americaol My ideal wife is slender, tall, grave -eyed and sweetly tender. Brown hair, sweetly par ed over brew of Madonua face; Lips of serious curve, whose smiling gentle is, hitt never willing, Bind whose every wovemeut shows a meek and modest matron grace. No ideal is pretty Polly, pert and plump; petite and jolly, B1aok eyes just with mischief anappiog curls a tumble round her head; Saucy mouth, now pont, now laughter, diwptes dancing men's hearts atter With their apriug o1 earelees, happy youth within her airy tread. My ideal isfriend, adviser, thanehtful of my thought, yet wiser, Wowaolyand loviug, yet with heart amd steady head coublued, wisdom has no charms for Polly, full of winsome girlish folly, Just a thing to pet and oberieh, just a witolt one's sense to blind. Whioh shall choose I? The ideal or the breathing human real? Shall my reason or my impulse choose companion of nay life? Let my brain use all its Draft, or -Hark! that peal of merry aughter? Hang ideate! I'll be lucky to get Polly for a wife! ONLY A POOR MILLIONAIRE. (St, Louie Globe -Democrat.) The millionaire sat iu his chair, And madly tore his store. bought hair, And groaned in bitter Main. Ah, woe was his! You known it is An awful thing this Croesua biz - And swig this sad refrain: "I am only a poor millionaire; No friends have 1; The people all bate me, the papers be- rate me, I have but a million -they say it's a billion, And that all my wealth has a taint; That I am inhuman and don't known what's due men, I know 1 am not -and it ain't! "If I don't own an auto oar They say that I am short; I trot out a wagon,' they say I'm a dragon And run over people for sport. If my money in bank I keep I'm a • 'crank A miser, a gold.hoarding poor, But if I inveat it, they say, or suggest it. That I am oppressing the poor, "11 I attempt to give away My wealth I'm Pluto's minion. My gift they desartbe as attempting to bribe Tbrongh charity public opinion. My wealth's a disgrace, and I have no place On earth, and 1 can't get in heaven, For -it's no use to try -through the needle, its eye, The camel cannot be driven." MADE IN CANADA Jik E3Y A CANADIAN. COMPANY.' 1 REPUTATION /� FOUNDED ON • 11 MERIT AS WELL AS AGE.' ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAME THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING 00. •oMPANY ornate: MONTREAL, P. Q. t tarry b, TORONTO, LIONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, eT. JOHN, N. B. •AGENTS WANTED RVERYM/HERR. l s AGENT DAVID BELL, WINGHAM, ONT. f •••••••••••••••••••••••N• •iA••••r0•••••••••••N••00 • • • r • cLuBEEtr,•,.,„.,,„.„„:t- • •• • RATES • i • • • • • • • • • • • X The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below X FOR 1906 - 07 tr } -4. for any or all of the following publications : Times to January 1st, '1907 $ .25 .l. Times and Daily Globe 4.50 + Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50 4.Times and Daily World ............ 3.10 4. Times and Toronto Daily News,. 2.30 Times and Toronto Daily Star 2,30 Times and Daily • Advertiser 2.35 Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2.35 + Times and Weekly Globe . 1.65 4-'44 .1+-41I Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1.70 4 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.75 .1,. + Times and Family Herald and Weeklp Star, and a - 't• book " Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide 1.90 4 ' Times and Weekly Witness .... , 1,65 +Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1,50; Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1,80 q. Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1.60 Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1,80 4. Times and World Wide 185 +. .l. Times and Northerh Messenger. 1. ,30 1:. Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35 We specially recommend our readers tosubsoribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine.` Times and Farming World 1.35, + Times and Presbyterian 2.25 e Times and Westminster 2,25 Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3,25. .� 4- Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto ... 1.90 + Times and Youths' Companion 2,75 Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2,90 Times and Sabbath Reading, New York 1.45 Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)1,85 Times and Michigan Farmer 1.65 Times and Wolnan's Home Companion . , 1,75 Times and Canadian Woman (monthly) London .. 1.15 Times and American Sheep Breeder .. 1.90 Times and Country Gentleman 2.10 Titres and Delineator 1,95 • Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine 1.75 Times and Green's Fruit Grower 1.35 Tinges and Good Housekeeping . .. 1.80 Times and Modern Women 1,45 Times and McCall's Magazine 1.45 Times and Pearsen's Magazine 1.70 Times and American Illustrated Magazine1.90 Times and American l3oy Magazine 1.65 Times and What to Eat 1.60 Times and Bookkeeper 1.65 ; -1 Times and Recreation .1..75 Times and Cosmopolitan 165 se Times and Ladies' Home Journal 2.15 Times and Saturday Evening Post 2.45 , Times and Success 1.80 Times std Housekeeper 1,50 Times and Pilgrim 1.60 Times and Poultry Keeper ... 1.40 Times and Hoard's Dairyman ..., 1.90 Times and 1vtoClure'a Magazine .... 1.90 Times and Munse's Magazine 2.00 Times and Rural �N'ew Yorker .... 2.00 Timer and 'Vick's Magazine 1.40 Times and American Gardening . 2. Times and Dealtll Culture .... .... 1.8525 Times and ilan1's Horn 2.45 Times and Ain' 'Prank News 1.90 Times and Breeders' aazette , ..... ,..... „ , , , . , , 2.25 Timet and Practical Farmer 1.85 When premiums are given with any of above papers, atrbsoribere will etenre etch premiums when Ordering through no, same as if ordered direct from publfsberb, Tirete .low rates mean a considerable saying to subscribers, and are STRIoTLY CASH 'IN A»VAltOE, Send' remittanoeea by portal :tote, Twat efflee or express money' order, addrbddiitg TIMES O1 XC , W11tGI#AM, ONTARIO. 11104111.066111001011041.1011114641101161 Grained. 10 Pound., "I was all run down and could not do my own work. Everything I ate made me sick. In nursing others I had seen the good results of Dr. Chase's Nerve lt'ood and resolved to try it. As a result o1 this treatment I have gained ten lbs, do my own work atone and feel like an , entirely different person" -Mrs. H. A Loynes, nurse, Philipsburg, Que. A Cantaloupes will turn milk if left near each other. It is a waste of time to try to make thin hands plump. Slender hands are considered more beautiful, anyway, even if the knuckles are well developed. The forearm can be developed by anoint- ing with^a fattening preparation, such ba B combination of equal parts of lano- lin and cocoa butter, IF WOMI3N ONLY KNEW Thousands of woman suferrnntold,miser. ies every day with aching baoks that really hive no business to ache, A woman's back wasn't made to aclre. Under ordinary conditions it ought to be strong and ready to help her bear the burdens of life. It is hard to 40 housework With an lall- ing back. Hours of misery at leisure Or at work. If Women only knew the cense. iaakeche comes trona sick kidneys, and what a lot of trouble tick kidneys cause in the world, But they can't help it. If more work la put on there than they can stand it's ani to be wondered that they get out of cedes:, Backache is sitnply their cry for help, IDOAN' KIDNEY PILLS will help you. neer. helping licit, OW*. worked kidneyi-e t ever the world - tasking them strong, healthy end slger tare. Mrs. 1'. Ryae, Douglas, Ont., writers tgl' r WOW fire menthe I was troubled with Ions bask end Was unable to move withcait helep. I tried all kinds of platers rid Iinlosente but they were no use, At lest 1 heard tell bf I)oan's Kidney ''ills and altar I had used three -quart** o1 tees hart my back was as strong end well at tote.* I"riee Se tants per het or three box* far *LS, all assists or The Dead ltkitlesyr Pili Den Toronto, Ont. +++444.114$11:114+++++++++++++ 44 .t., 2 .41