HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-09-20, Page 44. THE WINGHAM TIES, SEPTEMBER 20, 1906
TO ADVERTISERS gentleman Anda scholar. If you fire NEW$ NATES,
of the wife of your bosom and take an„ .....1••••••••Nonce of cage =net be left at this other to yourself, yon may get a term Mr, Henry Carscailen, U. P. 1'„ of
oftaoe not later than Saturday noon. in thepenitentiarj; but if you are a may Ilam#1ton, passed away on Sunday after -
The ooPT for changes must be left of means yon can lent a divorce petition noon.
not Tater than. Monday evening, through the senate and eon can =eke
Casual advertisement* accepted up your _choicest"; soon as your love wanes. Henry R. Watnpole, manufacturing
fict nto0n Wodnesday of each week, There area few of the anomalies that chemist, committed anioide et New
must puzzle the very devil. There is York.
IIZBTABT•.ISHii}l 1e72 no doubt that the law winks at eta in Doha S, Dewar, for 45 yeare connected
Iiieh pleoes and make* good the delin- with the editorial atali of The London
c uenoies by making it hot for plebian Free Preis, died Sunday morning at bia
B. =WOW. Prtarsaens AIAPnornmon
offenders. residence, aged 62 years.
Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Parties and the Press. Specialist, 870 Qaeen'a Avenue, London,
THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1906. (From the London Adv_rtiser.) 8 ssses doo supplied. Eaet of St. Andrew's Ohurah.
G.-----.------- The other tendency noted by Mr.
Mowat, the disappearance of the old. The Dominion government are hold -
NOTES AND COMMENTS. time party organ, and the increasing lug several sales of pure.bred bacon hogs
moderation of the tone of party scuffs- • in Qnebeo this autumn. These sales
Taking a bird's eye view of -Canada, verse!in the press, is not so much to be will do mpoh towards aiding the bacou
lumina watched it for the past seven deplored. The idea of many ardent idea in old Quebec.
years flee slowly from its Rip Van politicians is that a party newspaper ex- The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Mc -
Winkle rest, I am convinced that the ists to lash and stimulate party feeling. Farlene of Glamois, Ont., was the scene
Dominion's day is just dawning and The slashing artiole is no doubt useful • of a pretty wedding, at ten o'clock on
within twenty years there will be mil' in keeping alive the party spirit and the ; Wednesday, September 12, when their
lions of people west of the lakes; that joy of conflict, but these are only excel- daughter, Isabel Christens, was united
Winnipeg will be the second, if not the lent things when parties are divided up- in marriage with Mr. Melville E. Pea-
flrat city in Canada, and that the big on principles. In this country issues cock of Toronto.
question coming before Parliament will "arise from time to time which appeal to An experiment with young pigs at the
be settled out there in the open where moral enthusiasm and justify vigorous
Connecticut experiment station showed
the warm ohinock is blowing, ixt. the polemics, but the questions with whioh ibat they did mule' better on milk with
west. --Cy Warman in the Independent. parties in this country are concerned are 8 1 2 per coat, fat than on milk having
The duty of an elected representative far the moat part of a purely administra• over 5 per cent. The best results were
does not end with the Parliamentary five character, and do not call for a con -
does secured with skim milk. Man
session and campaigns. $e owes it to thieves fortissimo, y good
farmers have raised fine calves on a diet
his constituents to give a frequent ao- A certain amount of party cohesion almost exclusively of skim milk,
count of his stewardship. This is and organization is necessary to the
essential to the sustaining of that public proper working of our system of govern.
interest whioh is the beat safeguard mens, and the party newspaper will al -
against political deterioration. It is es ways have an important function while
sandal that members meet their con- the syst+m endures, but it must have a
stitnents frequently in public discussion, mind and conscience of its' own if it is
and it is the duty of the rank and file to to command the respect of thinking
respond with sustained interest and to people and exert any influence beyond
Eben James of the Union Station, To-
ronto, says that reports from England
are not favorable for big apple prices
this year. The first shipments have
Miss Luau Pc inn RIM, SOLOIST
Who will sing at the Fair Night Concert in
Wingham Opera Rouse, Fr{iday Evening
" Lulu Potter Rioh, soprano soloist, of
Brooklyn, is one of the singers whose
return to America is a pleasure to chron.
idle. After a period of study abroad,
and many triemphs in concert work,
Mise. Rich comes bank unspoiled, This
highly cultivated soloist was an accom-
plished artist before going abroad, where
she studied with Signor and Mme. Ran -
dagger. In England• her church and
oratorio work were greatly admired. She
is familiar with the Hebrew ritual, and
has a notable and extensive repertoire.
In her interesting press notices emphasis
is laid upon her ' flexible, sympathetic,
rich, true voice,' and the fact that ' she
sings without the least effort,' " -- New
York Sunday Press.
gone forward and returns are not setts- " wINWFADi 3IABILET IMPORT'S
factory. He says this is due to the fact i Wingham, September 13th, 1906
that the British Isles have enough fall , Flour per 100 lbs.... 2 25 to 2 75
freely express their views, whether in keeping the converted in the faith. it frail of their own to tide them through' Fall Wheat 0 76 to 0 76
approval or dissent.—Toronto Globe. can best serve its party by playing the and that Canadian fruit does not arrive Oats, 0 82 to 0 84
role of a candid friend. Professional in good enough condition to compete. f):arleyeas ......... fol
0 6 425 tto 0 o 0 6545
It is simply astounding the amount of
time, expense and trouble that is politicians may chafe at this doctrine, -_-Buckwheat 0 55 to 0 55
and at the gring independence the Butter ...... .......... • • 0 20 to 0 20
required for the collection of legal finale- owepenene ofEggs per ioz 0 17 to 0 17
cial obligations. A. man may owe only press, but they have its full permission Very Liberal Offer. Wooper cord 2 50 to 8 00
25 cents, yet it will cost fifteen cents . to make more use of the public platform, Daring this fall and coming winter Hay , per ton6 00 to 7 00
worth of time, and a Frush volume of instead of looking to the newspapers to we are anxious to largely increase the Potatoes, per bushel new0 50 to 0 50
choice profanity to accomplish the cal- do all their fighting and defend their circulation of the TIMES and in order • Tallow per ib .... .... 0 05 to 0 06
lection of that trivial amount. People ovary action. that we may do so we have decided to , Dried Apples per ib 0 05 to 0 06
who are proud to see their names down send the TIaens to new subscribers to 1st , Live Hoge, per owt 6 30 to 6 80
in the church report of yearly donations FACTS. of January, 1908 for $L We can also'
for s goodly sum do not scruple to 'send the TIMES and Weekly Globe to .
shrink everyday collections, and cuss Old Iime plaster from wallamakees one new subscribers to January 1st, 1908for 010 HENS WANTED
the long-suffering bill collector for an of the finest fertiiizars for hay crops, $1.65. This is a veryliberal offer, iv -
abominable nuisance and an impertinent The largest cask used by the Admiral- Ing over fifteen months for the regular
PRIOIJS for live Old Hens, also
Spring Chickens, Ducks, and
all kinds of Poultry.
Mention this paper.
Lard 0 15 to 0 15
pirate because he calls and presses the ty is a "leager" and holds 164 gallons. annual subset iption fee. If already a
payment of his employer's claims. The The oldest trees in the world are Afri- subscriber, tell your neighbor about this
offer or send the Turns to a relative or
world is lacking in a sense of moral can baohabs. Oue is estimated to be
obligation. There are people in this city 5,700 years old. friend.
who haves reputation for, and pride Belgium grants a patent for a term of
themselves upon it, never paying for twenty years; England for only fourteen Silo Notes
anything if they can get out of it.—
"Onlooker" in St. Thomas Times. years. The best dairy counties have the most
Canada Poultry & Produce Co
Only three British millionaires' estates Limited
Sympathy for the people of Chili will were assessed for death duty in 1904. STRATk ORD, ONT.
be increased by the courageous manner This - below t
in whioh they have faced the recent
Twenty years ago the silo was almost
terrible earthquake disaster. The ground A bad of new hay should weigh 19
had not ceased shaking under them ere cwt. 321bs. ; a load of old, from which
they were at work, clearing the debris, the moisture is gone, 18 cwt.
rescuingthe dead, protecting property British exports and imports from and
from plunderers, distributing.food to the to India are now practically equal, being
destitute, and preparing to rebuild their each about 37 millions a year,
chattered homes. The admirable spirit France agenda two millions a year
they hare displayed under the most ap- more on her army and navy than does
palling of visitations has raised them Germany. Her expense for defence are
greatly in the estimations of the outside nearly forty -fire million a year.
world. This increased respect will have
a good effect on the material prospects
of a people whose courage and self -re- Ke We Tah Ke Zhig, the Indian Med-
liance have been so signally demoastrat- wine Man, has opened up an office in the
gnu Y Meyer Block, Wingham, where he has a
ed. They will not suffer in comparison full stock of herbal preparations. Al -
with the people of San Francisco under ready those who have used his remedies
like circumstances. Chili has always Winghatnhand ! v cinity have people
been in the van of South American opportunity of securing the Genuine
countries as a progressive and well -or• Indian; Remedies. He will be in his
dered republic, somewhat aggressive, it , ones daily, Consultation free of
may be on her neighbors, but remark- charge.
ably free from shotgun politics.
An exchange says that men are not, Big Sermons In Small Spaces
Silos are as common as barns now.
Putting up silage is like panning A 1
pasture feed for winter use.
The silo is becoming popular and more
commen every day.
Put the ground right to work. again.
It can furnish fall feed at Iast.
Twelve dollars a ton for hay is strong
evideuce that you ought to build a silo.
Silage is more economically harvested
stored and fed than any other roughage'
Use a low wagon to draw the corn to
the machine. Green corn is bard to
load onto a high rack.
Silage -fed cows winter better, give
more milk and do better when put on
pasture than others.
If the silage moulds and decays on the
top do not begin to worry. This seals
up the rest ani keeps all that is ander
it in prime condition.
sent to jail for stealing but for not steal - Life grows as love is given. Pack the silage well at the sides. The
middle will settle of its own weight,
ung enough. Yon will get a year in His loss is greatest who refuses all but the contact with the sides of the
prison if you steal a bicycle, but if you + loss. silo keeps it from settling around the
steal a railway franchise you may get ,,, The hardest fortune of all is to find the outer edge.
knighted. If yon don't move when an a fortane easily.
officious constable takes it into his head You Cannot attain eminence by climb-
that your are endangering your health , an the fence.
by standing on the street corner, you 1 Temptation seldom wastes any time
will probably get a tine of a dollar and
costs, or languish for thirty days in !°0 a full heart.
jail; but if you are an alderman or a Present achievement often is the foe
member of Parliament you can call of full possibility.
people names and still be thought a It's easy to think yon are serious when
you are aoured.
Charity becbmes bribery as soon as
- you use it as a bait.
e ctA little practise of religion curse a lot
of philosophy about it.
'Faith is not faith until it gets into
H . I your fingers and your feet.
The largest moral muscles are not
- those that move the tongue.
r'""' it takes more than a heroin resolution
There are four verses. Verse I. ' to resolve one into a herb.
Ayer's Hair Vigor stops falling The strength of the vertebra does not
hair. Verse 2. Ayers Hair depend on the starch in the eollar.
_Vigor makes the hair grow.. w
The roan who tear' don reputations
= Verse 3. Ayers Hair ''Vigor always gets most of the dirt himself.
cures dandruff. Verse 4. ; Amen tides not esteblish the tender.
Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the -apex of his heart by the toftne0e of his
scalp healthy, and keeps it so. - t head.
Per`aigtenf MITtars.
The Cow brat gives a pailful and a
Half twice d dey when she first freab-
ena may not be the most profitable
OW in the herd. Another that gives
only three-fourths of a pailful is pus-
slbly makingore money, Tl profit•
ableiless of tire milker depend0 Upon
three things—the quality of the milk,
the persisteae of its fiore d the
amount. The second point is ifegitent
ly overl000ted. Every cow should hai'e
some time each year for a rest be-
tween the ;inking periods. The cost
that Is never dried up will hot last
'as long at the one which takes a rest
of trona four to sit weeks. We ad-
mire the persistent milker, blit she
must be handled carefully by a capa-
ble dairyman. Otherwise elle will be
milked tip to the last day, thus sap-
ping her vitality and abusing her abil-
lty.---Klmbali's Dairy Petmer.
Rearrest Calvre.
Yn the first place too much emphasis
cannot be laid on the practise of et
dairy farmer always, ae fat ub pots-
eiblebreeding and rearing hie own
The triviaof herley is that it would Ilelfers, pdyiflg the gteatest attention
It is a regular hair -food; this.
is the real secret of its won-
derful success.
Thu best kind of a tertisbbuist--
"gold for over rtxtir bears.'.
°,6.isi ilmt ro rieyl anti'
ers rat ildOltAt.
to selecting calves from the best butter
mike Boma men do their t in a producing cotes. The pr
ak h ' h kin 11 odne i,eneso
offer again. of :t herd tan be greetiq,1mproyed in a ,
i nvironnisnt may determine Cheese- few' years by this practice and there 10
I ter, but it depends on you to determine less rink of introduclhg dJsel.se, says tit
environment. AnieriCeti 11 V& �avriter. 2'o flit
Dissolution of Partners ) Sale
AT ....
October 1 st to 131h --- Two Full .Weeks
This is a genuine CLEARING 'SALE—no humbug. The partnership existing
between Jno. Kerr and Jas. H. Kerr has been dissolved, to take effect on
Oct. i, 1906. And consequently the stocmust be reduced one-
half, and it must be done in two w - s. That means
quick selling, but we ! can do it.
Over $16,000.00. of goods now in stock
All Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpets, Boots and Shoes, Plain and Fancy Chinaware,
" Glassware, Smallwares, etc.—nearly all new goods—must be Sold
regardless of cost.
This will certainly be the " Biggest Clearing Sale " ever held in Wingham.
The largest stock of clean, new, up-to-date goods ever offered
to the people of Wingham and vicinity at slaughter prices.
Goods will not be charged (during this sale) at reduced prices.
Butter and Eggs taken as cash. Tub Butter will not be taken unless fresh packed an
fit for table use.
All accounts must be paid by cash or note at once,
John & James H. Kerr.
Terms to suit purchaser.
• •NEWS •
• •
Biltolier Shop••
• •
• T HAVE opened a Butcher Shop •
• 1 in premises two doors north
• of the Chisholm Block, and •
• am fully prepared to supply the We Can suit you in prise, quality,
• IP best of all kinds of style and workmanship.
Fresh and Cured Yeats. •
• Special attention paid to Orders
• in la geq•.uafarmers and others for meat • � • Maxwell
��r ��
• in large aantities. 11 (� i 1
• A share of yoar patronage is •
r respectfully solicited.
••••••N• l.N•N•••NN•• •
viillg1to 1;11fg3;13g%g ;Machinery
Many people say they are "all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
Spring Suit
If you haven't, it's high time you
were thinking about it.
We cordially invite you to take a
look at what we are showing this
spring in the latest
weeds, Serges,
Fane "Pestings,
Trouserings, ete.
the paces of old cows and those *h
It's a good thing for the man r�rho prove unlucky or nnproflttble loan
looks at the ono tna, hilt hoods to re. heifers to the number of one-third Or
member dust On Basi Street the+partes bile fourth et the total htrd
ova ill
aro oo tla+ahesa�rt. r "1t41" 1St" - ... _ f , . - $ )))) 10#$$/)$$
Newspaper bargains. Repairing...
'We want to increase our aubseriptien
ISA, and make the following liberal
offers to new i ilbrcribera :—
The Wingham Tine+ from noir �i K
to January 1st. 1097, for •
'the meet t ata Weekly Globe gn
to 4antinry let, 1907, for,y
The Timta and weekly Bun, et
TGronto, is JAn'y 1 t,1947, for
The Time* ails b'Rmth* Herald Kirk
to Janfatry i.t,1907, tor
Subseribe at onto and sot � full
bene, of thele offerg. Os* millet
itiot,topeor eeeh euboeripttea.
neve taken possession of the Wing.
ham Machine Shop, on Victoria street,
and engaged a Ant -claim mechanic who
is competent to do all kinds of repairing
of hrebhiug En*inea,
4rain Separator*,
ratan Machinery,
l ieye1en, etc.
I will tow be is a politica to attend to
ell work Of this hind on shortest notioe.
,When. your machinery needs repairing
give Rae a call. Setisfactioatguaranteed.
��n���re�������r•���m� TYVVY IIVVVIIPvIMMIVI z ISti
► - 4
EA Summer Goods3
at Reucei Prices
PRINTS—Good variety of English and Canadian
American Prints, fast colors, at 7c per yard.
CHAMBRAYS—Pretty Chambrays, perfectly fast colors,
for dresses, dainty colors, at 12rZC.
Come and see our bargains in
Prints. t
C MERCILDAS--The newest dress goods for summer,
► guaranteed to retain its silky gloss and color after 4
e.washing. 1
MUSLINS---Americaa IVIuslin, fast colors, 5c and bc. i
C SHIRT WAISTS Ladies' White- Lawn and Swiss 3
E-- Shirt Waists, beautifully embroidered and trimmed— 3
just a few odd sizes left, to be sold cheap.
ELADIES' VESTS—All kinds, very cheap.
HOSIERY—Cotton Hosiery at any price.
' EMBROIDERIES ---Something very special ; regular
15c goods for roc ; roc goods for 6c., etc.
SILKOLINES Regular 20c for r5c. Lovely goods for 1
draping purposes.
C UNDERSKIRTS—Black Sateen Underskirts at cost. i
Also, White Cambric Underwear at Cost.
LACE CURTAINS, Dotted Muslins and Colored
Curtain Muslins, Counterpanes, Towels, Plannellette
Sheeting, and many other things to be cleared out
*during July.
Ours the saeriflce—yours the gain.
filet 1iJrtitl.