HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-09-20, Page 2AL
and Illtniiina at
Diamond I1
Promptly well at reason-
able prices --we attend to the repair»
ing of Watches and Jewelry of Ali
kinds. A special mailing box in
which to forwent your watch to us
will be sent you free on request
We haveuneeualled facilities, too,
for the de:ignit.g and manufacturing
of special articles in Jewelry, Silver-
ware, Lodge Regalia, insignia, Ste.
We buy old Go:d Jewelry at high-
est prices. -
71? 40.1e17a,e, r, ref.mest.frre of cka o,
our large tl,userated Bata/ogee.
Townio, Ont.
Nottice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements acoepte.. up
to noon Wedneadav of each week.
B. ELLIOTT. ?rowans' Airo Pxornorror
There is a disposition to antagonize
the labor element in the Ontario elec-
tions. Hon. Mr, Hanna began the war
when he entered, as the Provincial Se.
oretary, into the contract for the prison
labor, and upon work with which free
labor cannot profitably compete. This
was in clear defiance of the promise
made by at least one Conservative lead-
er and now a member , of the Govern-
ment, Hon. Mr. Hendrie.—Kingston
Whig. -
Hon. Mr. Borden continues to address
the Conservatives in Nova Scotia, bat
be has as yet failed to announce the
policy of his party, although challenged
to do so. Bat as a matter of fact what
earthly nee world there be in having a
policy wean there are no leaders in the
Conservative party big enough to carry
out astated policy.—GaIt Reformer.
The cause of the decline of the party
spirit is not found in the partial disap.
pearance of the party organ. This
j onrnalistio change is rather the effect
of a revolution in popular sentiment
which the party organ was powerless to
prevent. With the growing intelligence
of the peop'e, and in the absence of any
clear -out line of division between the
old parties, it has been found impossible
to arouse either enthusiasm or anger by
a mere shouting of names- which have
become meaningless. The one time
party organ has discovered this, it has
found that its constituency was slipping
away, and it has almost unconscious-
ly followed the Iead of the people in
coming to view public gnestiona from a
public rather than a party standpoint.•--
T.ae Toronto Weekly Sun.
In the event of the brows being star.
ing and coarse, a bit of mnoilage or ban•
doline applied at night after atnoothing
them into shape will prove effectual,
Gate a difference in the brows can be
aecompliehed by accentuating the upper
line by rubbing the hairs up from the
bottom, or vice versa.
'THIS severe and painful form of -
indigestion arises frorn sluggish
action of the liver in supplying the
bile necessary for good digestion and
the healthful action of the bowels.
The food decays and gives rise to
Colicky pains, Flatulency, Feverish•
tens, Pains in the Limbs, headache,
Loss of Appetite, Gas on the
Stomach, and Irregularity of the
It is absolutely necessary to set
the liver right before anything Iike
cure cart be expected, and the most e
certain means of accomplishing this f
result is the use of Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills.
This great medicine has been
especisllyr successful in the cure of
intestinal indigestion, which cannot
be ruched by stomach tablets or
ordinary dyspepsia cures.
Dr. Chase's Lifter Blies, one pill
>x sloe* Sky cents, tet all delle s, or
ltda ►, Setae & Co.s Torent#
Where are the Children
The Mitchell Advoeate neoralizea. time-
ly and there ilia great deal of solid truth
in what it says Its reoeatka apply to
bods town and cg4ntr7 alike; The pab-
lio /Owel opened ole Tuesday after the
holidays, but the streets did not appear
thronged with the little folk as they used
to be years ago, nor could the merry
chatter of their voices be heard. A severe
Change is prevalent over the country. Is
the younger generation growing less?
We are.inoliued to think title is the case.
and the aunty towns are suffering from
the effects. Tradeaoaen of all classes are
getting amerce and it is almost impossible
to find a lad who wishes to take up ma
ohauieal worlr, The world is changing
or at. least the ansa and the children
Years book whets the married man had a
mach harder path to tread, he generally
reared a large family. The expense was
felt, and as the boys grew up they enter-
ed the shops that they might earn for
themselves. The parents could not afford
to give thein more than a public school
education, and even with that they are
some of the brightest men of to -day,
How is it now? The large families are
household 0
replaced a shod ft o and
by e one, w
three. The father is in a better financial
position and each child is looked upon
as the one only suited for a college edu-
cation and some high profession, tit
this they meet as easier life with better
resalts,bnt will it cantinas so? The coun-
try is becoming overly crowded with pro-
fessional men of all Owes and even ae
this date many of the younger graduates
are finding it difficult to locate. Oa the
other hand tradesmen are scarce, wages
are going up and the time is ahead of as
when the man who is in the shop or fact-
ory will have the easier time of gaining
the worldly needs.
Says she and her Husband Agree
Perfectly. Both Quite Well Again
Mrs. I Hunter, of 111
Raglan Road, Kingston.
Ont., hal written for
publication a statement
of her case as follows:
`•' "I have suffered with
kidney and Iiver trouble
and chronic constipation
for some time. I was
subject to dizziness, bil-
Mae. I. MINTER lana headache, nervous
drowsiness, pain's in the back and side,
and a tired, weary feeling nearly all the
• time.
"I tried most every remedy, was treat-
ed by doctors and druggists with little
or no begefit.
"Finally a friend advised me to try
Dr Leonhardt's Anti Pill, and the re-
sults have been truly Rf'onderfnl.
"My husband has rimed Anti -Pill for
rheumatism and was benefited greatly.
We agree that Anti -Pill is a molt won-
derful medicine and heartily recommend
This is a very strong recommendation.
Anti-PiII is undoubtedly the greatest
of family remedies. All druggists, or
the Wllsan•Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara
Falls, Ont,
Hog Notes.
The thrift and condition of the mother
determine to a great extent what the
pig will be.
Sows thathave a very vicious tempera-
ment should be avoided as breeders.
Wheat middlings is the best single
food for giving shoats for all purposes.
The sow should be bred again only
When her exhausted nature hasenfiioient.
ly overcome the strains put upon it.
If the sow is in the best condition at
farrowing time the difficulty in saving
pigs daring inclement weather is very
much reduced.
When it Domes to making a success of
breeding and feeding swine, teeoretical
knowledge without the practical is in
most cases a fiat failure.
To make an average of 200 lbs. in six
months, the pigs must never be limited
in the amount of proper food.
Good breeding will show out in simi•
Iaritr of form and general appearance,
color, style and form combining to make
up an animal to SII the breeder's ideal.
If a sow does riot attain a good growth
before Winging her f vet litter,the chances
are against her ever reaching the, dear -
abler size for proper strength and 'vigor.
Before farrowing sows are the butter
for an abundance of exercise. and abnn=
dant opportunity should be afforded them
to take it.
.Avoid duet in the beds as well as filth
White dist is injurious, more may be
said agatiist dampness, which is fatal to
A Variety of food often gives a better
retain than the ohendea1 analysis of the
food would indicate, showing that it it;
well to have a practical knowledge
eoopted.with the theoretioal.
Pias should not be Weaned under 8
Weeks old; ten is a better age; end if the
Bowe are bred only once a year, 12 weeks
Will do tetter still.
There is no partioaler adwtantage In
triving for extra litters. Eight or ten
roc tiny sow Will be of better site and
quality than et larger number.
it requires but little trouble to tench
the Week pigs of the litter to dt'klik milk,
Lind feeding tWioe s day till help it so
beep along with 5116 others.
As ft rule it is het safe to try to get
we litters trails the so* in the dile year,
She *hoald hots * rest of nett or silt
recoil,* after farrowing the first litter
before being bred again. f
tw 11 1 C d 11coljg li Laval history aef the early t f7s.
Itegls tt'glil 'Ihe'tTimes" !'ylea
(Wee, !'it;- \V a nn lei tilt*t of
t''rt ut}, a 1 trotter .ith, ea.,li )
L00A1. 10:Wt.
Ar sh • r malt the tiu1z ot the. U id Fri -
low,' tarn ,n %lnuruuptu••nt, held nt UM -
don, d.' iu R, ,brrtsou cif thi-? ti, + u, teal
the ho..or tit t.eiug t•leutr•4 °reed Oat.,
side ,S -t,r
j.t, :t1.•° ,err division o•.uc r ol,o k and
• epreae mitt telephone a,;-ut wilt short-
ly nosy hi., thee trout i'e pre -ens• q•ier-
t re t. ;he lou a o men •d1 a. premises
form-rle oaonpied bi. Win. Mullen, in
tie Taut yt: bit), k -
T A. ilii:, has 11;1 a no.v ,.ttirwcty,
Latina; to the s•'nontl fi 0*, *'r• et.,d iu
h:s btvr'•, tui -ti , Lee heti lila Ira: t p srtian
np stairs nicety fitted np for pap -rly
•unlit it.¢ hie stock of t erpets, boots
tend sh•ees :tud ready wade uluthirg
Abe of 1(0 of tar eit'ze,a took ad•
van. nee of cheap rotes to Tnrouto last
M 'relay and have been tekissg in the
I•s.iustrial Fair
Last F, tdey kL • and Mrs (1- E. Wil.
liam4, Miss 11 true an E. L Dtckiuson.
repress:dine the Wingbetu I, Lao 'Lennie
Otuh, were in Goderie:h and had a match
wi•b the rluh there, bat the home team
preyed to s rong for theta and they
had to packet a defeat
The pu'pit in the Id thodte; church
wet occupied last Sunday mornine and
evening by R. v N Burwash, of 13 -1 -
grave, R v. Mr, McDowall btaing absent
atre•ndiug conference, Rev. Wtn.Olufi,
of Bt•ussele, a fiiciated in Se. P.tul's
church nu Sund•sy morning and evening,
the rector, Rev. R, N. McOosh, taking
his p nee iu Bru#sels, where he delivered
a spectral s-rutun to the Foresters in the
Mr J nuings, chief engineer of the
C e. R., arrived in town on Wednesday
to look over the ground for the proposed
extension of the line into Wingttaln.
Oo Monday morning Thos, jobb, ire
of the 9th oon. Tnrnberrif, aocompanied
by one of hie sons, went to Toronto to
consult an oculist relative to one of his
eyes. While atookiag wheat in the bar.
vest field a short time ago Dir. Jobb had
the wisfortnne to have his eye punc-
tured in two places by a piece of
Postmaster Fisher has been notified by`
the P. U. department that Wiugham is
included le, the list of planes from:which
peroals, not exceeding three pounds in
weight, may be forwarded to the United
Kingdom, in accordance with recent
arrangement therefor,
Ohms Schmidt has • disposed of the
-central hotel building, together with all
the furniture with all the furniture and
fixtures, to Fred. Korman, the price paid
being in the neighborhood of $4,000. Mr.
Korman takes poseeseion 00 Ooteber 181.
A horse belonging to John Hatcher
kicked the bucket the other day.
Thee. Farrow. M. P., has rented his
farm of 200 acres to a Dor. Yoe, from
West Durham, for $550 per year. • Mr.
Yoe is a good Reformer, you can tell
that by the country be comes from.
The Foresters' hall has been treated'to
fine coat of paint, which greatly im-
proves its appearance. John Farrow ap-
plied the brush. It wouldn't hurt our
school house to get a liok ot the same
Alex. Kay., the miller, who has been
laid up since before the 24th of May, is
getting little better. Hie place in the
mill hay been taken by Uherles-Herbert,
who is welt -known in Wingham, he
having been head miller in the Lower
Wiugham mill some yaars ago.
. FOR...
Diarrhoea, Dysentery,
Colic, Stomach Cramps, Choletira
Morbus, Cholera Infantum,
Summer Complaint,
and all Looseness of the Bowels in
Children or Adults.
Extract of
Wild Strawberry.
is an instantaneous cure. It has been
used in thousands of homes for sixty
years, and has never failed to give
satisfaction. Every home should
have a bottle so as to be ready in
case of emergency.
MRS. GEOIGE N. HARVEY, Roseneath, Ont., writes:
"I can recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry as the best medicine I have ever used for
Diarrhtea and all summer complaints. I always keep
it in the house and praise it highly. to all my friends."
The New Method Treatment of Dr..
K. & K. has restored thousands of weak,
diseased nien to robust manhood. 14o
matter how many doctor have failed to .
cure you, give otr treatment a. fair trial
and you will never regret it. We guar. ,
antee all cases we accept for treatment.
Not n dollar need be paid unless cured
for you can pny after you are cured.
Drs, K. & T , established 25 years.
We treat Varicocele, Nervous bebit-
sty, Stricture, Bland Diseases, Kidney
Bladder and Urinary Diseases. If un-
able to call, write for Question Blank for
Hume Treatment. Consultation Free.
DRSI. KENNI U � N14D theta Shelby Streets
25 Cents
BAKST Os04o13—Sabbath services at
11 a tee and 7 p m,. Sunday School at
2;80��_p m. (general prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. E. R.
Fitch, B.A., pastor. B.Y,P,U. meets
Monday evenings 8 p.m, Abner 000e118
13, 8. Snperiutendeut,
METHODIST Onun0$--.Sabbath services
at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sunday School at
2;80 p m. Epworth League every Mon-
day evening. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday eventvga. Rev. W.
G. Howson, pastor. W. 13, Towler,
M.D., S. 8, Superintendent,
Passav'rERtsx autneoet :Sabbath ser.
vices at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday
School at 2:30 p m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
D. Petrie, pastor. L. Baroid, 8 S. Su-
ST, PAUL'S Cavaou, EresaopAL—Sab-
bath aervieea at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sun-
day School at 2;80p na. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev.
T. S. Boyle, M. A., B, D., Reotor and
8, 8. Superintendent. John Taylor and
Ed Nash, assistant Superintendents.
SALVATION Antsy --.Service at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and B p m on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'olook at the barracks,
• Pose Orrioz—In Macdonald Bleck.
Office hours from S a m to 6;80 p m.
Peter Fisher, postmaster.
PUBLIC• imssAay_Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:80 o'clock, and every evening from 7
to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Mand Robertson,
Towle Covxozr, Thos. Bell, Mayor;
S. Bennett, David Beil, Thos. Forbes,
Geo. O. Hanna, D. E. McDonald and
Wm. Nicholson, Councillors; J. B. Fer-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Anson
Dutmage, Assessor. Board meets first
Monday evening in eaoh month at 8
PUBLIC SO$oor, BOARD. --A. E. Lloyd
(chairman), J.D. Long, J. J. Homuth, T.
Hall, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, AIex. Ross,
C. N. Griffin. Secretary, John F.
Groves; Treasurer, 3, B.. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday eveningin eaoh
(chairman) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. P.
Macdonald, John Wilson, V.S., J. A.
Morton, C. P. Smith, W. F. VanStone,
Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Cosene,
treasurer, Board meets second Monday
evening in each month.
lot, B.A,, principal ; J. G. Workman,
B. A., mathematical master ; Miss F.
B. Ketcheson, B.A., teacher of English
and Moderns,
PuBLIO Souoor, TBACHuR$.—A. H.
Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brook,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss,
Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Mise
BOARD or HEALTH—Thos. Bell,
(chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg-
ory, John Wilson, V.S., J. B. Ferguson,
Secretary; Dr, J. R. Macdonald,
Medioal Health Officer,
Orders for the insertion of advertisements
such as teachers wanted, ' business chances
any kind of wanted,
of the'T fact
other city' papers, maybe left at the Tiaras
office. This work will receive prompt attention
and will save peeple the trouble of remitting
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest
rates will be quoted on application. Leave
or send your neat work of this kind to the
TI1!fl331 OL'fIfCE, Wingham.
Will pad` for the Times from
now until Janparst 1st, 1.907.
Send it to distant foetas.
•-4 r -•
The Thies Office, Beaver Block
'Ye'1NGHA,Itl, OPTT..R10,
Tlanrtte Or SvDs0nirTloN--$1.00 per annum in
tinptl;543 irereard.aeooatthtinnedilall if
are paid, except e•
option ot the publisher..
ADvaenTaaneo RAass. -- Legal and ether
casual advertiaementa100per Nouparielline for
drat insertion, 13e per line for eaoh sabsegaent
,advertisements in loon oolusuna are charged
10 chi. per line for drat insertion, and 6 cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Advertisements of Strs7ed, 8'arma for Sale
or to Rent and similar, $1.00 for first three
weeks, and 26 conte for smolt subsequent ie.
aertiou. i,
oratsnfoRhylne►3advrsahtsortesert ioettiemen
for epeolfied periods:— :a
8lraoa. 1 ntt, a no. 8 Mo. lain.
One0oimmn ...,..,..,570.00 840.00 822.50 18 00
Half elolunan 40.00 25,00 16.00 8,00
QuarterOoltenu20.00 12,50 7.60 000
One Inch 000 8.00 2.00 1.25
Advertisements withonf,specific directions
will be lnaerted till forbid 'mid oharged accord-
ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid
for in advance.
TRU Jolt DRPARTIIANT is stoked with an
extensive assortment of all regaiettee for print-
ing, affording facilities not equalled in the
oountyfor turnin out first class work. Large
t ee
ad a turning
� r0 lfl
pP pr to Data for anetylea of Post -
end Bine, eta., and the latest styles of
choice fanoy type for the ibier pleases of print
Probrletor and Publisher
P BENNRDY, M, D.O. M..P. S. O.
Member of the Brinell Medical Assooia.
time Gold Medellin'. in Medicine. Special
attention paid`rto diseases of Women andOltild,
ren. Offioe hours -.1 to 4p. in.; 7 to 9 p. an.
Centre Street
Physician, Surgeon, eto, t,,
Office—Macdonald Right oalls answered atotheo�oe
L. IL 0. P. (Loud,)
Qmce, with Dr. Chisholm.
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest, No commission charged more
gages, town and farm property bought and
sold. Office, Beaver $look, Wingham,
Wingham, Ont.
Ors'IcE: Meyer Block. Wingham,
Wingham. Ont
ARTHUR a. IRWIN, D. D. s., L. D. S.
DentaloColl getandaLloentlnthe eot theyRoyyal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Wingham.
W, J. PRICE, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D. S.
(SuccessortoDr. Holloway)
Woocupled continue
Holloway,, the theCOBeaver
Block, Wingham,
ALEX. Nttrr,Y, Wingham; Ont.
For the County of Huron. .dales of all kinds
conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at
the TIMES office will receive prompt attention.
articles thed y wish to dispose of,live stook or should ad err
tine the same for suis in the Tains. Our large
eir0ulation`tells and it will bestrange indeed if
Yon do hotet aoustomer. We can't guarantee
that you will sell bedause you may ask more
for the article or stook than it is worth. Send -
your advertisement to the Timms and try this
Plan of dlspoaing of your stook and Other
`=� Titare- rnsAwk rot
London8.40 a.m.... 8.80p.m,
Toronto &E`ast 10.40 a.m.. 8.48 a.xii.... 2.40p.m.
Kincardine -11.15 a.m.., 2.08 p•m.... 9.15p.m. -
Kincardine ., ..8.40 a.in...10.40 a.rh.,.. 2.40 p.m. -
London 11.10 a.m..... 7.85 p.m,
Palmerston 9.85 rein.
Toronto & Baat 2.0s p.m.... 9.15 p.m.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
Mates tkAVR leen
Toronto and East.....,6.68 a m.... 8.84 p,m,
Teeewatei .L25 p m....10.6I p.m.
awater..., Annivm ram
11 45'onto and Suet ., ,...1.171a1rr.m.,,.10.458 p.m.
Toa .7. H. SEEDIER,- Agent,Wittehain, p.m.
Orsumet -
Coeetttattrs AC.
entte,tiiy ettceo ertetti ten ten free whetiteriaat
tions ecitypeomtfadonntuttifendbookortIntent.
sent free. ('(deet fl,(enry for seenrinft ppatents.
Patents taken through Mann 1c CO,T8001,41
epseellei tante, without charge, in t58
'Moffitt rkane
tAbonlrr TShMet,tfteerh*Wekiin
: Ttrweiritgtt�
getleerailla ,lCiabxlt.rwwwr. ttit'.l
Ratepayers' Money Squandered Whole.
gale -4$61) For Newspapers --Cambria
• Handkerchiefs far Paupers' Noses.
That Pappers aro more luxurlanaly
housed than thousands of the middle
Glass, that the ratepayers' money 1*
wasted on such items tie £142 a year.
for newspapers for the workhouse; to
short, that the guardians have fostered
pauperism by making it too attractive••
was alleged at the London Local Gov-
ernment Board enquiry regarding the
poor -law administration in Poples
At the opening of the enquiry Mfr
3. S. Davy, -chief inspector of the
Local Government *tiara. sald the
Municipal Alliance -- re'presented blr
Mr. Robb—had requested to be beard.,
Fostering Pauperism,
Mr. Robb said it was ieit that The
guardians were pursuing a policy
which was fraught with most disas-
trous consequences to the district.
'there was disquiet caused bit the
abnormal increase in pauperism, 1st
that district, both outdoor and indoor.
Between 1885 anti 1885 there was an
increase of 1,153 Indoor paupers, or
75 per cent., arld an increase in cost of
£16,171, or 80 per cent. From 1805 tot
4906 there was an increase of 1,024 In-
door paupers, or 33 per cent„ and au
increase in the cost of £ 82,504. or 86
per cent.
Mr. Robb (continuing) ; "I maintain
that the guardians are fostering pats-
' perism and making it unduly attrao-
"People are attracted to Poplar in
order that they may enjoy the comfort
and luxuries in Poplar Workhouse,
which cannot be got in any other in-
stitution." •
Best of Everything,
Mr. Robb went on to point out that
one tender was for 2,700 pounds of but-
ter, 850 dozen best eggs, Cadbury's
best cot ,a, best onions, best turnips.
French cabbages, Lazenby's pickles.
best Demerara sugar, castor sugar, sul-
tanas, Lea and . Perrin's sauce, and
Mazawattee tea.
"Perhaps," said Mr. Robb, "I shall be
told with regard to that tea that It was
for the officers. If that is true, I say.
the guardiaps :have no right to pro-
vide such luxuries for the officers. Be-
sides, I am told by some of the officers;
that they don't get these luxuries."
Mr. Crooks (for the guardians)—
They don't.
Mr. Robb—Then I shill want to know.
and I know Mr. Crooks will want to
know, where they go to,
Continuing, Mr, Robb said that the
guardians had ordered the best Eng-
lish beef to be supplied, together with
best pork, mutton, and ;lest beef suet.
Later he found lace curtains, best
white counterpanes, damask table lin-
en, thirty-six dozen Irish cambric
pocket. handkerchiefs,
Visiting Cards, Too.
-Mr. Crooks—Nice little 'handkerchiefs
for the noses, with the King and Queen
in the oorner and a view of St. Paul's
in the middle. Look how they would
have used their cuffs. There is no
doubt this wanted enquiring into. (Louts
Mr. Robb—And eighteen dozen dam-
ask table napkins, and 100 yards art
serge for draping. What was it all;
He spoke seriously and invited an
explanation. Then in the printing and
stationery section he was bound to say
he was astonished. The paper had to
be 'antique parchment, double thick
cream wove, with 2,500 ivory -visiting
cards. All this went .to substantiate
the charge of wasteful and extravagant
"Bring Me My Papers."
Proceeding, Mr. Robb said labor was
paid for to the extent of , orer £ 30 by
the guardians, when hundreds of able-
bodied men were in till- house lit to do
the work.
Further, £ 112 had been spent in a
year on newspapers, Mr. Medley, the
master, had for his own use 18 daily
and weekly newspapers, and the assist-
ant master enjoyed the luxury of 12.
twith the same monthly magazines as
the master.
Even the , cook had "Sketchy Bits,"
"People," and "N•ews of the World."
Next Mr. Robb condemned the -system
of providing refreshments c or the
guardians, and alleged that the :Beale
Included meat and poached eggs,
in addition, he alleged that the of8-
oers had had meals to which they were
not entitled,.. that brandy and lemonade
had been served, and also alleged that
officers had kept various members of
their family in the workhouse At the
public cast.
',The enquiry was adjourned.
An Ancient Captain:
Tho columns of The London Times
recently contained the announceineht of
the death at Longford, Tasmania, of
Capt. Edwa. d Dumaresque, in his 104th
year. This officer, whose life was so
extraordinarily prolonged, was invalid --
ad out of the Bombay army in 1827;,
atter less than xvine years' service, His
domination as a cadet by Z. 33, Taylor.,
fL direeter of the East 'India Co., was
dated Dec, 15, 1818; on the 30111 of the
name month he was appointed a ietia
tenant in the 8th Bombay Itegiarent,
alt the age of sixteen years .and six
months. He was promoted captain
September, 1826, and on April 25, 1827,
Was retired On a Lord Clive's fund:
pennon, which he drew for seventy-nine
Years. less only a few days. The etre-
tined cause of death of this invalid of
1827, On April 25, 1008, was ' w eaknesrt
due to old age."
Greenland's Glory.
The largest mass of lee in the 'world
Is probably the one which fills up hear"
ly the whole of the interior of Green-
land, where it has acetlntnlatcd diets -1
before the dawn of history. It Is be'
lieved now to form a Welt about 600,-
000 square miles and a half in thick-
ness. According to these statistics, the
lump of ice is larger in volume thart
he whole body of water In the Medi-
terranean, and there is enough of it its
cover the whole of the united King-
dom of Great Britain anfl Ireland With
a layer about seven miles thick.
Ptehiettoric Canoe,
An ancient canoe, %Measuring 27 feet
In length by 3,feet. In width, has bfen
found itt a bog at 'rreboo, near Iced;
hills, County Cavan. It WRs hollowed
out of * trunk of o*tk, end eotltaiastl .d
rudder anal spaces for oars, • .