HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-09-20, Page 1THS VOL XIXY.---NO. 1806. Tailor -Made. Clothes $ 1 5. We will make your suit to your exact measures, to your order for fifteen dollars cor- rectly shaped and faultless- ly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fab- ric, staunchly guaranteed. For seventeen, eighteen or twenty dollars we would use a fabric of ~ still higher quality. We make them with care and skill and can guarantee you entire satisfaction. Trousers made to order at $3.50, 3.15. $4, $5, $6. A fineieleotion of Gents' Fur- Dish/rigs always h* stook. M181L. Horvath Tailor and Gants" Furnisher 2 doors from post ofloa. THREE kri TIT/ES'. as many students were enrolled at our opening this year as last year, The cause is, that all our graduates/ receive excellent sit- uations in leading Canadian and American cities, Wingham Business College is a live institution. It does things, Catalogue for the asking. GEO. SPOTTON, - Principal. Talcum Powder ITat weather anther; this a tie- oesaity. We have all the lead- ing rnakeie Large stook of 1., Colgate's Violet Talc just to hand, in hat': Meet, 21tb ettclt. WaIIo� McKihUoa DREACC1S ! . $ECacdonald Block Wxltttsau This 'tore olobee At s p. ua„ et*ery evlining exoept Sattrrdtay'. NGHAM TI WINGHAM, O ARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ..20, 1906. A $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer's Shoe* anti 'Ober* 0. 0. F. to tend Church. The members Court Maitland, Canadian Order ofcrest ra t d e , with. visit• ing members will -trend divine service in the Methodist ';church next Sunday morning, 411 me abers of the Order are invited to attend t its service, Rev. W. G, Howson, paste of the church will preaoh the sermt - Members are re- quested to meetin _`at the Court room in the Gregory back at 10.30 o'clock a, m, sharp, Highest price paid for hides and Poul- try at T. Fells' butoher shop. ExpertJudges. The expert end-eswho will be at Wingham tall fa'e- next week :-A. G. Pettit, Grimsby, 3u light horses; Ed. McClurg, Coldat;eam, heavy horses; Geo. Whitelaw, Guelph, beef cattle and sheep; Wm. T3=rn, Lyndook, dairy cattle and swine; MIes Smith, Hamilton, dairy and provisi- ns; Miss J. P. Tol on, Guelph, fine arts _ndladiee' work. Miss Smith will also i lye demonstration in cooking on the enternoon. of September 28th. WANTED -A bright active boy to de- liver parcels, and learn the Dry Goods business. Apply to D. M. GORDON. One D The TIMES is thi earlier than usual staff wished to be neaday to take pa parade of Indepen annual meeting of Lodge is being het and Oddfellows f ads and the Unit city, It is expeo 0ddfelIows will .on Wednesday. Consult with trouble. At th day, Sept. 20th Wo II The Wingha men's Institut monthly meeti W. S. Linklate day Septee 27th o hoaen for dis and flowers d' "Moat profitab the winter eve moat cordially bring question the difficulties y Earlier week issued one day as ,members of the in Toronto on Wed - t in and age the large ent Oddfellows. The he Sovereign Grand in Toronto this s eek • In all parts of Can - d States are in the d that over 30,000 in the grand parade J. Allan for your Eye. queen's hotel, Thurs. an's Institute. Branch of the Wo - will bold their regular g at the home of Mrs. , Town Plot, on Thum - at 3 p. m. Subjects NAM, "Careof bulbs ing winter," and the e manner of spending ings." All ladies are vited to attendand to for question drawer on t house keeping. Fon SALE --Good Dwelling House and one acre of land, now occupied by rue; For terms and particulars apply to GEo. MCKENZ=E, An All fight Service. A petition is ow being eitoulated among the electr c light mere of the town and it le w ing largely signed, The petition asks t t an all night elec. Incilight service be given in the, town. This is a thing the t wn needs very bad- ly and when the peti ion is presented to the Council the pia er should be gone into thoroughly and if snoh a. service can be made pay, our onncillora should give the people what t ey ask for. Now that the short days ar almost with us and when a morning erviee of the elec- tric light it given, i would not be a great deal of additio al expense to give the all night service. Let the queetion be gone into and if i can be shown that it will pay the tdw the electric light tigers should receie the service When they are willing to Eay for it. • Partnership, Dissolution Messrs Jno. & Jet , Id, Kerr annonnee in our advertising e`.lttmns thle week that the firth it distolein partnership, 10 take effect On the 1st of otobbr. Mr Jas H. Kerr is retiring an intends going to the Canadiett West• a spent stone twenty yearia in the Webb d has for eon* time had a deaite 10 rot n. lir. Kerr hat made an excellent itioen and the Trams, With his nnineroat friends, ie Torry 10 hest of his leavin the town, He will be much missed i St, Paul's ehurbh, Where he has been teethe Worker and for sante time has n One of the ollttroh Wardens: In oar vertising columna it greet disiolntfon a is annonnoed, whenbig heroine be given in dry goodie, Cleating, ta, boots and shoos, etc, This sale Will be on item the let to the 1$th Of (foto r, More Ro m Needed, Property, Iran fens, The Grand Trun authorities find that Ure Help. has sold h residence on the new freight she in Wingham is not Alfred St., oppositaithe town park, to Iargo enough to Al the demand for Fred W. Stricken: Mr .1004 Mrs G, P. room for storing fr:' g'ht And workmen Wells intend leaving shot ly for Florida, commenced work o • Mondry to enlarge where in future they will live with their the shed by buildin _ an addition of 60 apes, and have this week old their pro - feet to the present shed. This should perty in Lower Winghem to T. A. give plenty of room Calhoun. These trausfe were made through the agency of J. . Chisholm, real estate and insurance gent. Miss Little, mil ner, has removed to nun & Co's. the store next to The Fal Milhpery, The milliners of °gingham this week announce in our 4dvertieing columns that they will be eady on and after• Tuesday next to s v the latest style s in falland winter inexy. This year the usual openings evil not be held, but the milliners will be "leased to have the ladies of this recti .n call and inspect their stook. Warren -Will p for chickens and h, Armour & Son's, at t} highest price delivered at Wm day but Saturday. Sidewalk Building. In an advt. in thi issue the Municipal Council of Wingha advertises that con- crete sidewalks wil be built on Carling Terrace, Tenders f r the work will be received up to the 2 at of S:ptember by D. Bell, Chairman f the Street Com- mittee. Coutraoto will note that date for receiving tendo s is charged from Sept. 28th to the 21 You will find. our furniture store the beet place to deal for high•clasa goods at most reasonable prices. Watecen $nos & Surma, furniture dealers and under- takers. Municipal Electro Date. At the recent Meeting the Onteno Municipal Association a r solution waa adopted asking. the Gave ment to fix the last Monday in Nov bar as the day for municipal nomina,ions and the first Monday in Decembe as election day. In favor of the preaosed ohmage it la urged that the holide V season is not a suitably time for for t choosing of municipal representativ a. At that time of the year the min of the people are preoccupied with of er things and are not in coneition for t e consideration of the serious questicese of municipal affairs, The change to stn earlier date might be an improvement, and i w that the proposal has been de tritely brought to the front by the Municipal Associa- tion it will probably en�pge the atten- tion of the. Legislature aft the next ses• sion, J TAKE Noeson,--We have again opened Box WANTED -A boy, with a good the Gregory grain storehonee, and are education will be given a good chance to prepared to take in ri kinds of grain, at p learn the printing business. Apply at the highest market price. once at the TIMES office. SEArORT$ bdzi.LnNc Co.. Putting In Mr. P. W. Tansle elephones. , the local agent of the Bell Telephone Co., this week re- ceived instructions o plane a telephone in the G, T. R. pas ager station. Thie will be agreat cony ence to our towns- people as they ha not been able to reach the paeseng, -station by 'phone since the new eta on hast been in use. Drayman W. G. ray is having a tele- phone planed in his residence. Fon SALE -A good brick hone, on east side of Centre street, next immediately north of Presbyterian manse: ' Apply to R. Vanetone, Wingham, if yen lime not been participating in the great barglans now being given at D M GounoN's, you are missing an nn - usual opportunity of saving money. Gambling at Fal Fairs_, A large number of re este are being received by the departnlentof agricul- ture g ture from parties who, would like to op- erate games of -chance o one kind and another atthe.. fall'exhi ions. These people seem anxious to fid what games are against the law an what ones are permissable. It is stat by Supt. H B. Cowan that according to the new act governing agricultural a reties that no mention is made of knife r cane stands, but all forme of drawing umbers from envelopes, games which have been very popular at many exhibit ens lately, are McMaster B nd Meetings. against the law. The-:epartment in - The meetings in .le Opera Rouse will tends to be very strict t$ss year in prose. close on Friday nig 1. It is hoped that opting violations of th act relating to all who can will av a themselves of the games of chance at e hihitions. It is privilege of these last few nights. felt that sufficient war ing has been giv During the three :eke the McMaster en these characters d ring the past two Band has been here much blessing has years to have taught hem a lesson, and been enjoyed. Th •young men have therefore any parties' arrested this year proven themselves . riatian gentlemen. will be proseonted se ;:rely. They seek by wor a and song to per- suade men to the le , her life. The sing- ing of Mr. William on is of a very high order. Come and y• a will find a hearty welcome. Miss Little has r neat to Hanna & 0• stook a full and corn ery. moved to the store 's., and has now in .late line of millin- Miss Little, milline the store one door s. Co's , and is now rea with a fall stock of th in beadwear. The la call. , has removed to th of Hanna & y for fall trade, newest creations es are invited to Wingham's - • II Fair. Thursday and Friths of next week are the days of the „ ingham fall fair Put Out of usiness. and with good weathe the fair should A statement showi ' g how all the agri• this year be better anmore largely at. cultural societies in entario are affected tended than in past ears, The diree- by the new Agrioult •. al Aot, and infor• tore have went to co derable expense` oration with regarthereto, is being in securing a first -3 : ss attraction in Gent out to the vari. us societies by H. Victor's Venetian l3 nd. This band B. Cowan, anperinte dentof agriculture. gave splendid setisf ctitan at Louden, Instead of fixed gra, to being made 10 where it played for he week at the the societies, as for..,. rly, the grants are Western'h+air. Thia and is eompcsed now to be in propoti ion to the amounts of musicians, nearly 11 0f Whom • are expended by the sac :ties for agrionitur• excellent soloists on their respective al purposes. The m jority of the soda- instruments, Victor : ud his Band have ties will receive inc eased grantee but a repertoire of four nndred and fifty some will find a , g falling off. In classical and popula iteleotions. The one instance, an a:. ioultural so,iety'a band wilt render a c • • ice program in grant will drop fro $660 to $285, and in frout of the grand et nd op the fair another the grant w 11 be $243 instead of ground on the afterno • of Friday, Sept. 8447 as formerly. tis anticipated that 28th. In the evening hey will give a the new Set will e eat about 100 sooie- concert in the Opera , use and will be ties so serionslyethet they may dense to aaateted by Miss Lu s. Potter Rich, a exist. The new ao . will help the Tarte popelsr soloist. The . an of hall for the berry Agricultural 3ocfety of Wingham, evening concert is now open at Walton In doing way with the riding fairs, the Meltibbon's drug ttor , Other attrac fairs are all put o an equal footing, tions for Friday aftern on Will bea road Take one riding fa in Huron. During horse race, fast walki tg team,ladled' the past three years the average amount hitching race, potkto ra e, egg race three- expended tot agrlo Iters was $600 pet legged race, girl,' rape. ,Get full partibu. year and a grant of $506 per year Was Iarsof thebe special feat tree inadet.inan reedited front the G vernment. Under Other column of this ire . The Secretary the new arraugemen that /society Will has Already receired s umber of entries receive a greet of p tibly $215, is de- end Watild alk all irate ing exbibitorato bcease of $291. Dari g the past three make their en ries as rly possible yenta the Wingham fa fair hat expend- and avoid delay and onfnaion on the ed an average of $505 r year, receiving ishow days. Let the p ogle of this see.. an average grant of $ 28. tinder the tion make thio y'ear's fir the•beet in the new ad the grant will robabiy 1*$151, history ot this town. his can be done Men inbreaee of $53. In nron county the if all will tint their three tiding fairs will oeive deereaeed wheel and matte an et gante while every tow /ship fair Will re• the days tiro Thnr*di naive an increase #n i tilt. next week. CHURL NOTES. The Methodist voted down the znoti to the Church courts. neral Conference to admit women At St. Paul's oho •h next Sunday morning the Rector w 1 preach an "The Protestantism of the i urea," Rev. T. S. Boyle, 11 preach at the Harvest Home Sery ccs in Trinity church at Blyth on Su day next. The annual Harvest hanksgiving sex- ricea in connection ith St. Paul's church will be held on ! ctobar 5th and and 7th, Rev. D. Perrie will re -organize the Bible class in eon•setion with, St. Andrew's Preabyteria church, on Sun- day afternoon, Ootobe 7th, Rev. T. S. Boyle reached Harvest Home Sermons in Se forth last Sunday, The colleotion Cher: almost reached $500. Rev. 0. W. is enders took the aerviaes here. The anneal Conve tion of the Wing - ham District Epwor h League will be held in the Method' :• eburolx, Gordo, on October 9th and let • , A good program dealing with Sunda School and League topics will be discus: ed. The regular meet" . gs will be resumed in the Baptist char.+. next Lord's Day. The morning snbje • will be of special interest to those wh• have recently given themselves to Chri; . The evening sub- ject will be "The $ promo Virtue of the Christian Life." The Rev. W. G. E3owson, of the Meth- odist Church, will occupy his own pulpit next Sunday. In like morning, he will deliver the annualiaddress to the Onnad- ian Foresters of th s town and neighbor. hood. At 7 p. m. his subject will be, "Dr. Jekyl and r. Hyde; or, Myself and My other Sel ." All welcotne. Rev. Dr. W., T. McMullen, one of the moat prominent inieters of the Presby- terian denomina 'on in Ontario and pastor of Knox 0 arch, Woodstock, has announced to his ession and the Board of Trustees that he intends resigning within a short tim . Rev. Dr. McMullen has been for over forty-six years pastor of Knox Church, nd has been closely connected with a religious matters in the Dominion der ng that time. He is an ex -Moderator of the General As- sembly. Fifty y ars ago, the first week in November, D McMullen entered the ministry. Night classes ire being form in the Wingham Bas'iness C !lege. Special Penmanship C se. 0 ce pen every night from 7 to . Cal f. particulars. GE . SPo r N, Principal, Fon SALE- haN a for sale a few pure bred Oxford Down lambs, . both sexes. Also a few good Brown Leghorn Cockrels, bred from Bright's strain. MaoEwne Jews., Blnevale, • TWELVE PERiONS KILLED. C. P. 1t. Limited E- press Crashes in- to Harvesters Eaccursion Train, One ot the most frightful accidents in the history of the 0. P. R. occurred at 7.80 Wednesday mo jug of last week at Azilda, seven tulles west of Sodbury, resulting in the dent t of 12 persona and the injuring of ;t6 others. The third section, No. 1, westb Bund, had,orders to meet second section, bio. 2, eastbound,at Aziida. The westbo nd train was made up of colonist coaoht i, eoutaining har- vester exenrsionists, and was banking into the siding to all w the eastbound express to pass, when uddenly the east- bound express came round the curve and crashed into the b rveaters train, the baggage coach of the atter telescoping the first baggage car. The dead and injur were all taken out of the first car Y the harvesters train, no one being in red in the other oars or on the eaetbo nd express. The• engineer of the east ound train states the brakes refused to •ork, The crews escaped by jumping, ,. The cause of the a ident is g mystery. The trains had order to cross at Azilda. The special was to ake the aiding and was slowing up abD t 75 yards from the switch when the li lied came crashing into them. Success in Selling Beal Estate Engineer Thurl , of the Limited, says that the air b akee of his train re- fused to work, ant: that he could not control the train. The dead are as 1 llowa:- Rev. J. J. Noble,(Barrie. Henry Herman, law Hamburg, W. J. and Thom its Paddicombe, New Hamburg. Percy Baker, St` ner.',... Dr, Milen, Red eer, Alberta. O Louis Pfaff, Ne Hamburg. Viola and Olive chitties Monkton. Samuel Iiingeto , Frankfora. Frank Blackwel Toronto, One not yet ids tified, Postmaster Fis er was on the east bound train, ratter ing home after spend• ing several wee in the WW,... His numerous friends ere were pleased to hear that he was n t seriously hurt. He had an experience at he never again wishes to have re Bated. In relating Ms experience to a r ,porter of a Toronto paper he said : - • "When I got out, crowds from both trains stood around. A coach, which ntaiued the dead and wounded, was buried beneath a trunk oar, which eceded the nnfor- tanate car, and theme that followed it. The cocoa was a cot;iplete wreck, being strewn with the deijria of the other oars. Within it were the dead and dying. "The work of resne was slaw, hor- ribly slow -two yours. Wingham Sept, 27.28 "The dead were ;;laid on the grass, Goderich Sept. 2.9.27-28 while the wounded, were being attended. Blyth Sept, 18.19 Everything was qu et and orderly, and, Listowel . • • , 18-19 Sept. 25.26 Drowns �in Ore an. Hatriston ",.- g owing to the abaen.e of relatives. there Sept 27.28 were no scenes. I ' was about two hours Kincardine Sept. 24.25 Mr, R. Veneto e, barrister, received Nuidmay. Sept. 24.26 the sad intetligeno on Tuesday of the before the last pas anger was removed 'Palmerston Sept. 20-21 drowning of his brother Mr. Walter from the wrecked ar•" Ripley Sept. 26.26 Mr. Fisher said their was a doctor S"atorth .. , , Sept. 19 20 Vanstone, which nutted at Hunting- i! Walkerton ton, Oregon. No artionlars as to how present who had of had very mush i Zurich.,., , -•' Sept 19.20 the affair happene are to hand. Mr, experience in the line. When a man ; Lncknaw , , , , .... , , , , , , Oct. 2. 3 Vanatone former resided in Wingham, was taken from he wreck, suffering Teeswater,,„, „ Ool, 3. 4 bat went to the est some Bi'nsi'elg . . yearn ago. agony, the dodo tried his leg to see Bacfisld . Oct.O 4" 36 He wag about 88 ears of age, and nn- if it was broken, Duni,aanon � 10 Married. Oct 6 g !M Oct91011 ONLY = 3 6 niore bottles of MA =ZOO to sell at 85c. per bottle. The price will soon le- $1 per bottle, so it will pay you to get a bottle now. This is the great Indian Blood Medicine on the market. Sold only at Walley's Drug Store Phone leo, Successor to McCall IC Co depends on bringing sellers and buy- ers together at the proper time The following het is a sample of the many cheap and desirable properties for sale : 134000 -Business, including dry goods, groceries and general btorfkeeping stook Bnildiog le story weir! hriek with dwelling and stables Profits last year dhow over $1.000, and good living, $2500-2• story frame house; excellent condition; Centre St. $2100 -2 story frame house; heti,eto., stable worth $500; Minnie S. $1300 -New brick cottage, Josephine street, $1300 -2 -story frame house; stable; Leopold St. $1100-1�, story frame house, 8 rooms, stable; Frances St. $1000-i i story new brink bouse, 7 rooms; corner lot; Charles St. $ISOOO--100 acres, Turnberry township, bank barn, frame house; It miles from Wingbam, $31500-59 acres ; brick house; bank barn; 1?4 miles from Wingbam. $35OA-42e acres; brick house; bank barn; r mile from Wingbam. , Wroxeter Village Property. $1300-1 j story brick bouse, an excel- lent home for a retired farmer. Call and get full particulars. Agent for Western Lands, J. H. CHISHOLi`f, Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent. Winstone block, Wingham. FALL FAIR DATES. bending it up and , • , down frequently; This caused great Fordwich ., suffering. Mr.'Fisher said to the nncey .. • doctor, "Why dont you leave the man Dr. Ovens, Ldon, Surgeon Eye, alone and send him to the hospital Ear, Nose andThroat wiII be at Mc - where he will get Groper treatment?" ilibbon s drug -store, Tuesday, Oet. 2nd. Hours 2 p, m, to 8 p. m, Glasses prop Mr. Fisher said before he retired the d to the porter that hove at the other end erly fitted. dight before he sa D. M. GORDON ie now offering, the he would like his p most oomplete and up-to-date stock of of the berth, but tl a official said he had imported Ladies Coats ; if you wish to orders to always hve the head facing have the beet and most stylish garments go to D. M, (onno 's. the engine, to wh h Mr. Fisher said: THE GOI$DEN FARM. The dairying i developing strati are coming to Last year we in butter by 2,914, in value of $i, niers are jubil' plica of cheese do not realize w gregate, Thou Country about 11 as the prerions brought a mo, $4,126,697. We year ended Stine ralue of $24.800, map, woman and • farms and fields fi l d a mikes, With 25 nearly seven millio twelve millions for mitlionb for wheat Shoulder to the fottr chief arctic!: ibit. Itenierebei' $l;cotion and export and li'riday of dines las great at minerals from all "1 should think yone would much rather, Light on hi feet than on his begs." All the passenger on Tuesday of lase tercet of Canada are - wrecked train th every year, and we Rintoul, of 'East e more of our batter. Falconer and ,e teased our exports of Were i 21 pounds, an increase killed,in Nonethecar 3,009. While the far• were sedately it over the increased Rintout Who r is year, they perhaps at it means in the ag- t we sent to the Old o same bulk of cheese ar, the enhanced price .y return greater by out cheese during the 0, 1006, to the large 8, about $4 for every • ild in tianade. Our out greatest gold imillidns for cheese, e for butter, meetly aeon, and rifer thirty we' have in these r 1' nitnral ro Of aitrri4 p 9a faun nearly three nr total etport of r rich mines. a who left Wingham - week were on the nd Messrs Chas, J. Wawanosh and Geo, ou Crowe, of Culross whish the people were the Wingham party injured, except Mr. nrned home on Friday. He was laying i hie birth and had his head and back itljuted. He felt that he could not prbc ed on his trip..: Dir. Rintonl says it as a terrible sight and one that he witlPnever forget. i[. . P.iittORSnxnlPoR SALE --An elegant aecond•handed Walnut patine suite in drat class condition, consisting of oven pieces. Per saleat u bin' , Apply y to Vanatone. .1. J'. Allan, Optii to the lste T. P. 8 Qaeen'b hotei, Thi red t0 ex a anp i n pared for ell cryo: Allen is a gradual Rochester O tical tees her work. S an of Elora,inbcessor lith, will be at the rddlay Sept. 20th, pre. eyes and reae bl f Of refraction.M of f New York and lolieges and gueran- OIranitkrs. THE LEADING SHOE STORE Ittlen's Shoos The new comers for bail and Win. ter wear await a call front you, You'll like them• -you oau't help it. Wee ,have a Shoe 10 fit your mind's eye, as well as your feet and your purs We've the beat $910 Shoe made. We're the heli x300 Shoe made. W 've the best $3.50 Shoe made, We're the belt 4000 Shoe made. Beet of leathers and beet of shot. making. All sizes and widths. See ns for - Trunks and 'Valises. ..J. Greer