HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-09-13, Page 6THE WING11,AX TIES SEPTEMBER 1S, 1006,
Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Discovery of silver on tee farm of Yr. anti Mrs Robert Acheson, of the
Mir McKniff in Haliburton bet; ceased 13th concession, Gvelerieb Tp were last
ranch excitement in the neighborhood. week visiting the Toronto Exhibition,
Many people say they are "all nerves," and from there go to Hamilton to visit
easily startled or upset, easily worried !their son-ifJatt:, Mr. D. Calbick. Al-
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and , though over 65 years in this country,
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such'this is said to be Mr. Achesen's first visit
people require. They restore perfect;
itarrnony of the nerve centres and give
neve naive force to shattered nervous
to Toronto.
Rhenatatism is not itcurable. Stub-
born; Yt s! Bnt Dr. Shoop's Rhe: matin
Remedy will if faithfully used drive it
Samples of milk from Toronto aualyz- , cut of the system. It's the biooa that's
ea et 0 t t v a were more than tall adult- ; at fault. Poisonous els-gals like sand
erated or doubtfal, pet into the joints and muscles. Dr
The Teeswater•Wa'kerton stage bas Sheep's Rheumatic Remedy prevents
changed hands. Riebard Harrison is the this. It drives Rheumatism from the
blood sod then Rheumatism dies. We
preseat owner and be is siso driver for i reeommtnd and sell it at Walley's Drug
The fellow whostops his paper because
hbeet mes efffeded at some item that
the present.
rurOver Sixty Yeats,
An old and Well-Tried•Feuaedy-mfrs', does not suit hie fancy, always imagines
'W inslow's Soothing Syrep has been used : be is getting even with the publisher,
for over sixty Stara by i:sai:ic•ns of moth-„ but he is never and it only bappens cc -
era for their clece sn while teething. i eaa£r isll for there are only a few
with perfect success. It soothes the: 5y
Chili', softens the gates, allays all pain, i people in any community who imagine
cures wind colic, and is the best remedy y a paper should contain nothing but what
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. they approve.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Teventy.fiye cents a bottle. Its
valve is inea:eulatle. Be sere you ask STIlITENIT ATTACKED,
for Mrs Winslow's Seething Syrup, and Children ars often attacked soddenly
take no other kind. by paieful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Merlins,
Faurtcen Dwakhobors incarrrr.ta3 in Cholera Infantnm, etc. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
the jail at Wilinip?g ams lately refuse and sure cure whish should always be
tic portal e of feel. `oerishment has kept in the hoose.
to be fcr;.•ed threw:g l their teeth by s ien-
titrc means. A man approached a stand upon which
some questionable•Iooking fowls were
CASCO 1+, y offered for sale. "What will you sell
1 : them for:" be a -ked of a shrewt3, gray -
For Infants and Children. bearded farmer. "1 eel' them for pro
The Kind You Have Always Bought fits," answered that individual. "Is
that so?" answered the customer in
Bears the
/ _ r•/ t/l ' feigned surprise. "I am glad to know
Signature of
they are prophets. I took them for pat-
riarchs.' az)
Mr Red'k McKenzie of the and coni Ct E3 T C) t X
of Culross delivered a four year old Bears tfie I t X'd Yu lima MAW Bae
horse in Paisley for the handsome 1 Er -atm 2 «d', c{
prise of $300. He goes to the Boston i of
market. The home of 0. Hoare, Clinton, was
the scene of a very pretty wedding on
SPRING MEDICII` i, 1 Wednesday, Sept. 5th. The occasion
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood $ being the marriage of his nice, Miss
Bitters bas no equal. It tones up the i Armanella Sophia Tindall, to Arthur J.
system and removes all impurities from I
the blood, and takes away that tired,' Bowbrick, Baptist minister, of Glen
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. 9 Ewen, Saskatchewan. The ceremony
I was performed on the lawn beneath an
Mr Robert Hutchison, customs officer evergreen arch, by the Rev. F. Swann,
of Holmesville, in the presence of about
at Listowel, is now enjoying his second 1• 60 friends and relatives,
crop of green peas from the grounds this
summer. After the first crop was used
be dug np the land and planted a second
about Ave weeks ago, and the product
has matured nicely.
The reeideuce of Mr Dailtou Leonard.
of the Otii eon , east of Foraaich, had a
narrow escupe irout destruction by fire
reoe;r:tly. Miss Leonard lit a lamp,
w high immediately tegait to flare, and
else tried to put it out, but could not do
so. See called ber brc.ther and he pick-
ed the lamp to throw it out and it ex-
ploded. The bed clothes and some othee
things caught are, By breaking the
window and throai;ig theburning aloe
out, he saved the house, but his hapds
are badly burned up to the wrists.
Thiuk of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure if
your noee and throat di -charges -It your
breath is foul er feverish. This snow
White so. thing balm contains 011 of
Eucalyptus, Thyaiol, Menthol, eta, in-
corporated into au imported; creamlike,
velvety petrel,ltnni It soothes, heals,
purifies, controls. Call at.Walley'a drug
store for free trial box.
The Icng.stauding dispute between
Colborue and Goderich townships in
connection with the Holmesville bridge
hill has been settled. Goderieb town-
ship has agreed to reduce its claim
against Colborne from $100 to $75, and
the Cathorne council has voted to pay
the smaller amount The settlement
should be fairly satisfactory to the
people of beth townships, and the dove
of peace may again hover over the sister
Dr. Chase's Oint
ment is a certain
and guaranteed
cureforeach and
every f or m of
itching, bl ceding
and protruding
Piles. Sae testimonials in the press and as
getrourmoneybackifnotsatistied. 60o itand
dealors or En.1LaNsoN, EATBS c Co., Toronto.
On Friday, August 31st, Mr 'Thomas(
Henry passed away at the residence of
his son William, lot 12, con. 8, Ashfield,
at the ripe old age of 83 years and 6
months. Dariug the past six months he
had suffered much, and death came as a
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway
Fine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaation. Price 25
The Prince of Monaco, acknowledged
sto be the greatest libltig Authority on
oceangraphy, hat; decided tta eetabliph
in Petrie tin institution fol* refs bed re-
search, and will endow it with some-
thing like $1,000,000. He has spent a
great deal of money in searching out the
secrets of the sea. His splendid yacht
Princess Alice is fitted up with fine
Iaboraties and photographic rooms.
TKN O*tlki►'ttttCtt T
lldl 'li`iHITL VfifOftl t s
• Cada brain food.
• Igttcites the functions of the liver.
S. Promotes a souna and quiet Bleep.
Jt 1 ishefects the mouth,
• Neutralizes the *urpius Acids oil the
i, iaralyzees hemorrhoidal disturbance%
helps the tieeretiots of the kidneys.
• Preventsyenis
calculate concretions.
a. Obviates indigestion.
es, ii, preventative against diseases of the
1s. Restore* eft nervous energy and re-
vives the statural forces.
rl Si. + Toro -m ..4), MA,
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, infiamation,
gravel, Bright'e disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
James Johnston, of Sanilac Co., Mich.,
a former resident of the Goshen Line,
Stanley, and brother of Mr, G. John-
ston, has had extremely hard luck this
year. About three months ago he lost
his barns by lightning, They were then
replaced by a modern, up-to-date build-
ing, and his crops bad no more than
been safely stored therein, than the new
building was struck by lightning haat
week and destroyed. This is hard luck,
Bears the /}Ike Kind You Have Always Baugil
Last -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
aeadacho, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, pnrging or sickening.
What Doctors Notice and
What they don't
Diseasein the kidneys is ono of the
last ailments for which a elector looks
when treatii:g a Wentitq, This is r. great
Women are very prone to kidney
trouble and in fact ninny physicans at-
tribute a woman's aogaur and i11 health
to a derangetuert of the genital organs,
when it's t`twply plain kidney disease.'
and nntbb'g else.
Many so supposed female complaints
are either kidney or bladder diseases.
Sick kidneys of course make aeseoiate
1 organs tick also.
The result is back pales, bearing down
sensation, utter w enrtnose and beadache.
But Dr. ilumilton's Pills go tight to
the Ep. t.
They put life, into the kidneys that
makes a worn' out woman feel like new.
Iadirectlp the blood and nervous ceu-
tree are resisted by Dr. Hamilton's Pills,
and the result is a proper performance of
the inaction and a painlee• fulfi'ment of
nature's command.
Thns it is that a woman can gain much
happiness and abundant good health by
the regular use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
From her home near Portland, Ont ,
Mrs A. B Coburn writes;
"For two years past I have been sickly
and weal;, My color was dull and sallow
and I felt exhausted and weary-, as if all
my strength were being *eaten np with
some hidden trouble, I heard of Dr.
Hawiltou's Pills and deoided to use them.
The change in a few days was surprising.
They regulated my kidneys and bowels
and cured ail my suffering; to day I am
perfectly well."
You can rely on Dr. Hamilton's Pills
with implicit confidence; tbeir effect is
wonderful. Sold by all dealers, Prioe
25c per box, five boxes for $1 00, or by
mail froth N. 0. Poison & Co , Kingston,
Ont , and Hartford, Conn , U. 8 A.
While Ed Beck was working along the
dock front at Goderieb, he noticed a
commotion in the harbor and seeing it
was caused by a fish, he got into a boat
and rowed to the spot, where ho found
a 4•pound pike making circles. He soon
found that the pike could not dive, so
rowed up and gathered the fish in. It
was then seen that a large rock bass was
fixed in the pike's throat and it being
there had caused the pike's trouble.
The bass was a large one, too large
to swallow, but when it was in the
month its bask fin prevented it being
forced out, and for once a pike found a
fish it could not swallow.
On Thursday morning, August 39th,
the call of the Master came to Leat
Snyder at bis home on the 2nd con, of
Howick and he paeaed•p.aoefully Bore
to bis reward. 1leceagetl had been ill
for (several weeks with typhoid fever and
despite the most careful attention of
two skilled nurses and the attending
physician it did its fatal work. He was
born in Hawick and held in high esteem
by all who had the pleasure of his
HOW'S Tins.
We offer Oae Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be-
lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus-
iness transactions and financially able to
carry out any alienations made by hie
firm. Welding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Onre is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi-
monials sent free. Price 75o. per bottle.
Sold by alt Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipat-
When Blaine was a young lawyer,
and oases were few, he was asked to
defend a poverty-stricken man accused of
stealing a watch. He pl.aded with all
the ardor at his command, drawing so
pathetic a picture with such convincing
energy that at the close of his argument
the court was in tzars, and even the
tramp wept. The jury deliberated but
a few minutes, and returned the ver-
dict, "Not guilty," Then the tramp
drew himself up, tears streaming down
his face as he Iooked at his lawyer and
said: "Sir, I never heard so grand a
plea. I have no money to reward you,
but (drawing a package from the depths
of his ragged clothes) here's that watch,
take it and welcome."
lint Cured by Chamberlain'. Colie,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Isomedy.
"When my boy was two years old he
had a very severe attack of bowel com-
plaint, but by the use et Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
we bought him out all right," says
Maggie Ilickox, of Midland, Mich, Tine
remedy can be depended upon in the
most severe cases. Even cholera in•
fantnur is cured by it. 'Follow the plain
printed directions and a cute is Certain.
1ror sale by all drnggiate.
Pain from a liurn Promptly Believed by
.Chamberlaln'e rata -Balm.
A little child of Michael Strauss, of
Vernon, Conn., was recently in great
pain from a burn on the hand, and as
sold applications only increased the in-
tiammation, Mr. S.ranss came to Mr.
James N. Nichola, a local merchant, for
something to stop the pain, Mr, Nichols
titeT'a: " Y "`r teal:e..,I to rise Chamber-
lain's Pain Balm, and the first applica-
tion dreW out tie inflammation and gave
immediate relief. I have treed this lini-
ment myself and recommend it very
often for cuts, burns, strains and lame
back, and never known it to disappoint,"
For sale by an druggists.
Ba Cheerful.
Slug a merry song as you go along!
It is better to laugh than ory.
When a frowning fate kueoks at the
if you smile he may pays you by.
The burden too heavy, utay lighten
If we stop to admire the road;
The feet so weary, uow strength may
If we try to forget our load.
Lot our minds go straying in fancy's
Let our lips bunt an old-time tune:
Let our hearts beat steadily, love, love,
- love.
And the gloaming will turn to moon.
The san will shine ou a new-born earth,
And our pulses wilt leap and thrill;
The weight and the care will be lost
When Mind has been wed to Will,
-Laura Kelsey Clendeuing, in Otocin•
nati Commercial Tribune.
If mothers would make short -sleeved,
loose flannel waists for children to wear
under the first spring dresses, many colds
e are also use-
prevented e
might be p e sated The
on cool days in summer and in the
fall before it Is cold enough for winter
Piles positively cured with Dr. Shoop's
Magic Ointment, It's made for piles
alone, and it does the v ork to perfection.
'tolling, painful, protruding or blind.
piles, disappear like magic. Sold at
Walley's Drug Store,
The human system demands large
quantities of water, and if one has a dis-
like for drinking much water ripe juioy
fruits should be eaten, Plenty of oxer-
rise out of doors will make one thurety,
so that good, cold water will be craved,
and atter all, there is nothing that takes
its place.
The laxative effect of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets is so agreeable
and ifo natural you can hardly realize
that it is produced by it medicine. These
tablets also cure indigestion. For
sale b3
all druggists.
It is with feelings of sorrow we this
week report the death of a lady well
known to the people of Fordwich com-
munity -Mrs. Thos. McLaughlin. The
deceased has been ailing from consump-
ton and passed away at her home in
Fordwich on Monday morning, Sept 3rd.
She was a daughter of Mr. Robt. Hooey
of Oharlton, Nipisaing district but for
many years a resident of Fordwioh and
Howick. Her girlhood days were spent
on her father's farm on the. 9th con.,
near Orange Hill. They lived for a few
years on a farm south of Corrie and
afterwards retired to Fordwich, where
she was married to Mr. Thoa. McLaugh-
lin on Dec. 21, 1892. Since leaving
Fordwich, deceased had resided in Grand
Valley and New Ontario, returning to
Fordwich about a year and a half ago,
Wise or other wise we know not. But
when Bruce was laid out 3800 acres of
of land were reserved in St. Edmunds
township fie a hunting ground for the
Indians. This was in addition to the
Cape Croker reserve, which was conn
sidered farming lands. A month ago
the timber on the St. Edmunds lands
was offered for sale by the government
by tender, and on Saturday the Kutner
Lumber Co. received notice from Ottawa
that their offer of something over $3000
had been accepted. The prize is a rich
one as there ie a lot of pine on the range,
'which le about six,, miles square. Tek.
ing off the timber will not injure the
An exchange staters the fact that you premises as a game reserve for the na-
can read the proof of a newapaperarticle tires-Wiarton Canadian.
three er four times and repeatedly pass
over the same error without geeing it.
All newspaper men will tell you so.
tut just as soon as the preen is started
and tho paper is printed in its complete
' shape there stands the error In front of
you to big that you can't see anything
else It is a strange fact and is probab-
1 lir the reason why it is ao Cher to edit a
itttrrpaper after it in plated.
Bilious Colic
Quick relief is afforded by
Cbarnberlaln'e Colic, Cholera
and Diarelioea Remedy.
Tt never farts and le pleasant and sato
to take.
The nitwit may Iwo tearil d r tf by taidnpr
a double down r,f lid.; tomcat/ as sxs,a ns
the fir nrli,•:it I'm r,f the iii.. i.+.• uppttry,
tier ett dsupttstrarerytvltere,
As a dressing for sores, bruises and
burns Chamberlain's Salve is all that
can bo desired. Ib is aoothing and heal-
ing in its effect, It allays the pain of a
burn almost instantly. This salve is also
a certain cure for chapped hands and
diseases of the skin. Price 25 cents,
For sale by all druggists,
No Race Suicide There.
A stout little woman on an East
Washington street oar looked around
anxiously for seats for the children who
were with her, Two of the calor girls
bad babies in their arms. People on the
car did not know whether it watt an
orphans' home picnic or a Sunday
school convention.
"Beg pardon, lady," said the oon-
duotor, "but you have given me only
eight tickets,"
"Didn't know you charged for babies
in arms," said the little woman, as she
kept her eye on all members of her
. y
"But there are nine without them,"
said the coudaeter apologetically. Per-
haps he really thought the woman had
only eight tieke.s.
"Stand up, children," commanded the
litt.e woman. She was imperious in her
command, and immediately after her
order to stand they all arose to their
Counting them'ona by one, she pre-
eantly came to a little boy of about
eight years, and, pointing her finger at
him, she said:
"Sammy, I thought yon stayed et
home with the rest of the children.--
Indianapolis Star.
If all dyspepsia sufferers knew wbatDr.
Shoop's Restorative would do for them,
Dyspepsia would practically be a disease.
of the past. Dr. Shoop's Restorative
reaches stomach troubles by its direct
tonic aotion npon the inside nerves -the
true atomach nerves. Stomach distress
or weakness, fellness, bloating, belching,
ato, Call for the Restorative. We re-
eommend and sell Dr. Shoop's Rester -
et ive
ester-etive at Welley's Drug Store.
What Boys Cost.
Candles treated in this way will not
melt and run down while burning: Make
a think lather of soap and water. Take
oris candle at a time and cover with the
think foam. Wipe off what you can with
the moist hand and lay away to dry, 4
Marking linen is most conveniently e.
effected by using a small stiff brush and Z.
a small copper plate with perforations
corresponding to the letters required.
This stencil plate is Laid upon the linen g.
and indelible ink is rolled into the out- '4'
ont spaces with the brush.
Croup Absolutely Cured
"There is no remedy in my opinion -
that can act more promptly than Dr. q.
Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen-
tine, It cured my son of croup, absolute-
ly, in one night, We gave him a dose •
when be was black in the face with d•
choking. It gave him instant relief and 'l'
cure." -Mr Wm McGee, 49 Wright Ave., .'1.,
Toronto, Ont. • ' .1.
Once a week the whole inside of the
refrigerator, from the ice chamber down, j
should be thoroughly cleansed with a
strong solution of warm sodawater, then
wiped dry with a clean cloth.The drain ,i:
pipe should also come in for special no-
tice while the oleaning is in progress.
Some one has figured out that the av-
erage boy wha is dependent upon hie
parents for a livelihood until he reachesar
the age of 21 yen, costa them $4,000.
Upon this basis of calculation a family
for instance, of six boys, will represent
the outlay of $24,000 by the time they
leave their home roost, 'The question
naturally arises, "does it pay to raise
boys, and ° are there no other °rope that
would be more profitable? If a boy
turns out to be a cigarette fiend with a
laugh that would make the wild mann
toted donkey feel perfectly at home in
hie society, and with an untrammeled
and unconquerable desire to avoid work,
it is aafo to say the parents might have
invested to better advantage. But if the
boy gr0Wa up with the lesion well lean-
ed that Wealth and emcees grow only on
bushed by the sweat of the brow, the
parents need not begrudge whatever
they 'lave spent on hint, for he will be a
donrce of inoreasieg joy and pride 'to
their hearth when they grow old and
their halide tremble and their legs
wabble and their steps ate slow and
faltering, They will then have two mins s to lean on.-Ex.
+C:7 .d4, sia env 5t
Bears tie The Kind You Nora AlisoBought
attire 1:
Does Your
Digest Well?
When the food is imperfectly digested
the full benefit is not derived from it by
the body and the purpose of eating is de.
featecl; no matter how good the food or
how'earefully adapted to the wants of the
Tim body it may be. '. Ththe dyspeptic often
haeomes thin, weak and debilitated, energy
is tanking, brightness, anap and vim are
lost, and in their place come dullness, lost
appetite, depression and langour. It takes
no great knowledge to know when one bat+
indigestion, some of the following romp-;
,ems generally exist, viz.: constipation, ,
sour stomach, variable appetite, headache, 4.
heartburn, gas in the stomach, etc. •L'
The great point is to cure it, to get back -1.
bounding health and vigor.
000000•O*0000O000•a00000 0000000000000000090000000Ct
N -G
is constantly e#%cting cures of dyspepeiss
because ib acts in a natural yet affective
way upon all. tilts organs involved in the
proeess of digestion, reproving all clogging
impurities and making easy the work of
digestion and assimilation.
Mr. It. G. Ilarvey, Arneliasburg, Ont..,
Writes : "I have been troubled with dye.
pepsin for several years and after using
throe bottles of burdock Maxi Sitters
was ,:ompletely eared. I eannot pram!
11.13.11. enough for what it has done for
me. I have not had sign of dyspepsia
1)a not aeeept a enbstitute for B.D.S.
There is nothing "lust as fool"
FOR 1906 - 07
The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below
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Times to January 1st, 1907 a .25
Times and Daily Globe 4.50
Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50
Times and Daily World 3.10
Times and Toronto Daily News.. 2.30
Times and Toronto Daily Star 2.30
Times and Daily Advertiser 2,35
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Times and Weekly Mail and Empire.... .. 1.70
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Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and
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Times and American Sheep Breeder 1.904:4
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Times and Delineator 1.95. t.
Times and Beaton Cooking School Magazine1.75
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Times and Success 1.80
Times atd I-ionsekeeper 1.50
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Times and 'ick'sMagazine 1.40 .1.}
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